Complete index (API)

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Complete index

abs n/a integer.str
abspath Return the absolute path of a pathname file-abstractions.str
access n/a file.str
add Adds two numbers (integer or real) integer.str
add-extension Adds an extension (second argument) to a path (first argument) file.str
add-indices Adds indices to the elements of a list index.str
add-inf n/a integer.str
add-inf1 n/a integer.str
add-inf2 n/a integer.str
add-lists Adds together multiple lists of numbers integer.str
add-times n/a time.str
add2(ATerm scpid, ATerm tbl2, ATerm key, ATerm value) n/a dynamic-rules.str
add2(ATerm scpid, ATerm tbl2, ATerm key, ATerm value) n/a dynamic-rules.str
addi Adds two integers integer.str
addr Adds two reals integer.str
address Give the address of a term common.str
address-lt Compare the address of two terms and succeeds if the address of the first is smaller than the address of the second common.str
addS n/a integer.str
Alert(ATerm ) n/a log.str
align-center n/a string.str
align-helper(ATerm c, ATerm n) n/a string.str
align-left n/a string.str
align-right n/a string.str
all-dist(Strategy s) n/a environment.str
all-l(Strategy s) n/a list.str
all-l-dist(Strategy s) n/a list-environment.str
all-lines(Strategy s) Applies a strategy to all lines in a string string.str
alldownup2(Strategy s1, Strategy s2) n/a simple.str
alldownup2-l(Strategy s1, Strategy s2) n/a list.str
AllSignals Table containing all signals signal.str
alltd(Strategy s) n/a simple.str
alltd-fold(Strategy s1, Strategy s2) n/a simple.str
alltd-fold-l(Strategy s1, Strategy s2) n/a list.str
alltd-l(Strategy s) n/a list.str
and(Strategy s1, Strategy s2) and(s1, s2) applies s1 and s2 to the current term and succeeds if both succeed conditional.str
Anno(ATerm , ATerm ) n/a annotation.str
annotation Primitives for getting and setting term annotations annotation.str
apply(ATerm i) n/a index.str
apply-and-check(Strategy name, Strategy s, Strategy in-term, Strategy check) n/a sunit.str
apply-and-check(Strategy s, ATerm name, ATerm in-term, ATerm check) n/a sunit.str
apply-and-fail(Strategy name, Strategy s, Strategy in-term) n/a sunit.str
apply-and-fail(Strategy name, Strategy s, Strategy in-term, Strategy out) n/a sunit.str
apply-and-fail(Strategy s, ATerm name, ATerm in-term) n/a sunit.str
apply-and-fail(Strategy s, ATerm name, ATerm in-term, ATerm out) n/a sunit.str
apply-and-show(Strategy name, Strategy s, Strategy in-term) n/a sunit.str
apply-and-show(Strategy s, ATerm name, ATerm in-term) n/a sunit.str
apply-int-to-str-tuple(Strategy s) n/a integer.str
apply-rm-set(ATerm rmset) n/a dynamic-rules.str
apply-test(Strategy name, Strategy s, Strategy in-term, Strategy out) n/a sunit.str
apply-test(Strategy name, Strategy s, Strategy in-term) n/a sunit.str
apply-test(Strategy s, ATerm name, ATerm in-term, ATerm out) n/a sunit.str
apply-test(Strategy s, ATerm name, ATerm in-term) n/a sunit.str
April(ATerm ) n/a time.str
Arg2Option(Strategy is-flag, Strategy label) n/a parse-options.str
Arg2Option(Strategy is-flag, Strategy label, Strategy s) n/a parse-options.str
Arg2Option(Strategy is-flag, Strategy label, Strategy s) n/a parse-options.str
ArgOption(Strategy is-flag, Strategy label, Strategy s) n/a parse-options.str
ArgOption(Strategy is-flag, Strategy label) n/a parse-options.str
ArgOption(Strategy is-flag, Strategy label, Strategy s) n/a parse-options.str
ArgOption(Strategy is-flag, Strategy handlers, ATerm msg) The handlers argument of this ArgOption variant must be an OptionHandler parse-options.str
ArgOption(Strategy is-flag, Strategy handlers, ATerm msg) Handle a special action, which is specified by a tuple parse-options.str
assert(Strategy ns) n/a scoped-finite-map.str
at-depth(Strategy depth, Strategy s) n/a common.str
at-end(Strategy s) Apply s to the Nil of a list common.str
at-index(Strategy s) Apply s at the specified index The first element has index 0 index.str
at-index(Strategy s, ATerm i) Apply s at the specified index i index.str
at-index-tail(Strategy s, ATerm i) Apply s to the list containing the elements from index i onwards from the original list index.str
at-init(Strategy s1, Strategy s2) Applies s1 to all elements in a list, except the last, where s2 is applied common.str
at-last(Strategy s) Apply s to the last Cons ([_]) of a list common.str
at-suffix(Strategy s) Apply a strategy to some suffix of a list common.str
at-suffix-rev(Strategy s) Apply a strategy to some suffix of a list common.str
at-tail(Strategy s) Apply a strategy to the tail of a list common.str
atan2 n/a real.str
aterm-lib-options Allow all flag starting with -at-* (these are ATerm library flags) options.str
aterm-output-option Option specifications for ATerm output options.str
atmostonce(Strategy s) n/a collect.str
August(ATerm ) n/a time.str
average Returns the average of all integers in a list of integers integer.str
back-split-at(ATerm n) Splits a list in two, with the second part containing the last n elements and and first part containing all elements except the last n common.str
bag This module contains strategies for handling bags bag.str
bag-insert Inserts a new element into a bag bag.str
bag-insert(Strategy equ) Inserts a new element into a bag bag.str
bag-union Takes the union of two bags bag.str
bag-union(Strategy equ) Takes the union of two bags bag.str
base-filename Strips the directory from a pathname file.str
begin-scope(Strategy ns) n/a scoped-finite-map.str
bin-chars-to-int n/a integer.str
bin-string-to-int n/a integer.str
bottomup(Strategy s) n/a simple.str
bottomup-l(Strategy s) n/a list.str
bottomup-para(Strategy s) A variation on bottomup is a traversal that also provides the original term as well as the term in which the direct subterms have been transformed simple.str
bottomup-para-l(Strategy s) n/a list.str
bottomupS(Strategy s, Strategy stop) n/a simple.str
bottomupS-l(Strategy s, Strategy stop) n/a list.str
breadthfirst(Strategy s) n/a simple.str
BreakCS(ATerm , ATerm ) n/a dynamic-rules.str
bu-collect(Strategy s) n/a collect.str
call Call a program with list of string arguments process-abstractions.str
call(Strategy init-child) n/a process-abstractions.str
call(ATerm opt-fdin, ATerm opt-fdout, ATerm opt-fderr) n/a process-abstractions.str
call-noisy Call program with a list of strings arguments and print information to stderr process-abstractions.str
can-create-file n/a file-abstractions.str
can-execute-file n/a file-abstractions.str
can-read-file n/a file-abstractions.str
can-write-file n/a file-abstractions.str
cart(Strategy s) Create the cartesian product of two lists, i zip.str
case-char(Strategy s) Applies a strategy to the upper-case variants of two characters string.str
Catch(ATerm , ATerm ) n/a dynamic-rules.str
catch-annos n/a annotation.str
change1-no n/a common.str
change1-yes n/a common.str
change2-no n/a common.str
change2-yes n/a common.str
ChangeSet(ATerm , ATerm , ATerm ) n/a dynamic-rules.str
char Character based in-/output char.str
char-to-digit n/a integer.str
char-to-digit n/a integer.str
char-to-digit n/a integer.str
chdir Change current working directory file.str
check-for-failures Internal: fails if there was a failure sunit.str
checksum Give checksum of a term common.str
cify n/a string.str
clock n/a time.str
clock-to-seconds n/a time.str
close Closing a file file.str
close-filter-pipe(Strategy s) n/a pipe-abstractions.str
close-pipe n/a pipe-abstractions.str
coll(Strategy s) n/a environment.str
collect Collecting subterms collect.str
collect(Strategy s) Synonym of collect-om collect.str
collect(Strategy s, Strategy skip) n/a collect.str
collect-all(Strategy s) collect all subterms for which s succeeds collect.str
collect-all(Strategy s, Strategy un) collect all subterms with user-defined union operator collect.str
collect-all(Strategy s, Strategy un, Strategy reduce) collect all subterms with user-defined union operator and a skip argument collect.str
collect-exc(Strategy base, Strategy special) n/a collect.str
collect-om(Strategy s) collect outermost subterms for which s succeeds collect.str
collect-om(Strategy s, Strategy op) collect outermost subterms with user-defined union operator collect.str
collect-om(Strategy s, Strategy un, Strategy skip) collect outermost subterms with user-defined union operator and a skip argument collect.str
collect-one(Strategy s) collect a single, outermost value from a tree collect.str
collect-split(Strategy f, Strategy g) Produces pair of a reduced term and a list of extracted subterms collect.str
collect-split(Strategy splitter) n/a collect.str
collect-split'(Strategy splitter) n/a collect.str
CollectSplit(Strategy s, Strategy splitter) Helper of collect-split collect.str
CollectSplit(Strategy s, Strategy f, Strategy g) Helper of collect-split collect.str
common Get and set values in the configuration table common.str
common Some primitives for the manipulation of terms common.str
common This module contains basic functionality for manipulating lists common.str
common n/a common.str
common n/a common.str
common This module defines generic strategies for packing a set of modules reachable from a root module and for flattening a set of modules into a single program common.str
common-prefix Returns the common prefix of two lists common.str
comp-comp(Strategy s1, Strategy s2) n/a integer.str
ComponentTime(ATerm , ATerm , ATerm ) n/a time.str
conc Concatenates all lists of a tuple common.str
Conc(ATerm , ATerm ) Concatenation of two lists cons.str
conc-strings Concats a tuple of two Strings string.str
concat Concatenates a list of lists into one list common.str
concat-strings Concats a list of Strings string.str
conditional Conditionals conditional.str
cons Lists are represented by means of the constructors Nil and Cons cons.str
Cons(ATerm , ATerm ) Element of a list cons.str
cons Overlay for pairs cons.str
ContinueCS(ATerm , ATerm ) n/a dynamic-rules.str
copy n/a common.str
copy(Strategy s) Makes n copies of a term into a list of duplicates, applying the strategy s to every copy common.str
copy-char n/a string.str
copy-file Alternative to the POSIX+XSI copy-file file.str
copy-file Copy a file using memory mapped I/O file.str
copy-pipe-to-file n/a pipe-abstractions.str
cos n/a real.str
count-bottomup(Strategy s) n/a environment.str
Counter n/a integer.str
creat Opening a file file.str
create-dep-file(Strategy dep-base) n/a modules.str
Critical(ATerm ) n/a log.str
crush(Strategy nul, Strategy sum) n/a common.str
crush(Strategy nul, Strategy sum, Strategy s) n/a common.str
csystem-time n/a time.str
cuser-time n/a time.str
d(Strategy s) n/a environment.str
Date(ATerm , ATerm , ATerm ) n/a time.str
date-format This module offers strategies to format a ComponentTime to a String date-format.str
date-format n/a date-format.str
date-pattern-to-int n/a date-format.str
date-pattern-to-int n/a date-format.str
date-pattern-to-int n/a date-format.str
date-pattern-to-int n/a date-format.str
date-pattern-to-int n/a date-format.str
date-pattern-to-int n/a date-format.str
date-pattern-to-int n/a date-format.str
date-pattern-to-int n/a date-format.str
date-pattern-to-int n/a date-format.str
date-pattern-to-int n/a date-format.str
date-pattern-to-int n/a date-format.str
date-pattern-to-int n/a date-format.str
date-pattern-to-int n/a date-format.str
date-pattern-to-int n/a date-format.str
date-pattern-to-int n/a date-format.str
date-pattern-to-int n/a date-format.str
date-pattern-to-int n/a date-format.str
date-pattern-to-string n/a date-format.str
date-pattern-to-string n/a date-format.str
date-pattern-to-string n/a date-format.str
date-pattern-to-string n/a date-format.str
date-pattern-to-string n/a date-format.str
date-pattern-to-string n/a date-format.str
date-pattern-to-string n/a date-format.str
day-of-week2abbr n/a date-format.str
day-of-week2abbr n/a date-format.str
day-of-week2abbr n/a date-format.str
day-of-week2abbr n/a date-format.str
day-of-week2abbr n/a date-format.str
day-of-week2abbr n/a date-format.str
day-of-week2abbr n/a date-format.str
day-of-week2index n/a time.str
day-of-week2index n/a time.str
day-of-week2index n/a time.str
day-of-week2index n/a time.str
day-of-week2index n/a time.str
day-of-week2index n/a time.str
day-of-week2index n/a time.str
day-of-week2text n/a date-format.str
day-of-week2text n/a date-format.str
day-of-week2text n/a date-format.str
day-of-week2text n/a date-format.str
day-of-week2text n/a date-format.str
day-of-week2text n/a date-format.str
day-of-week2text n/a date-format.str
DayTime(ATerm , ATerm , ATerm ) n/a time.str
dbg(ATerm msg) Logs the specified message as a debug log.str
Debug(ATerm ) n/a log.str
debug Prints the current term to stderr without changing it term.str
debug(Strategy msg) Prints the term produced by applying msg followed by the current term to stderr term.str
debug-area(Strategy s, ATerm msg) n/a log.str
debug-depth n/a term.str
debug-depth(Strategy depth) n/a term.str
debug-depth(Strategy depth, Strategy s) n/a term.str
dec Decrements a number integer.str
dec-chars-to-int n/a integer.str
dec-string-to-int n/a integer.str
December(ATerm ) n/a time.str
default-no n/a common.str
default-system-about Just shows the name of the program parse-options.str
default-system-usage Default system usage that invokes the short-description and long-description hook parse-options.str
default-system-usage(Strategy short, Strategy long) Display usage info containing a short description of the program parse-options.str
diff Computes the difference between two sets set.str
diff(Strategy eq) Computes the difference between two sets set.str
diff n/a unification.str
diff-times n/a time.str
dir Strategies for exploring directories dir.str
dirname Returns directory portion of pathname in a POSIX compatible way file.str
Disambiguate(Strategy paren) n/a parenthesize.str
Disambiguate(Strategy paren) n/a parenthesize.str
DistBinding(Strategy s) n/a rename.str
DistBinding(Strategy s, Strategy boundin) n/a rename.str
div Divides two numbers (integer or real) integer.str
div2 n/a string.str
divi Divides two integers integer.str
divr Divides two reals integer.str
divS n/a integer.str
do-test(Strategy nr, Strategy s) n/a sunit.str
do-test(Strategy s, ATerm nr) n/a sunit.str
do-while(Strategy s, Strategy c) Apply s at least once and then repeat while c succeeds iteration.str
don't-stop(Strategy s) A unit for topdownS, bottomupS and downupS simple.str
double-quote Adds double quotes to the start and end of a string string.str
double-quote-chars Adds double quotes to the start and end of a list of characters string.str
downup(Strategy s) n/a simple.str
downup(Strategy s1, Strategy s2) n/a simple.str
downup-l(Strategy s) n/a list.str
downup-l(Strategy s1, Strategy s2) n/a list.str
downup2(Strategy s1, Strategy s2) n/a simple.str
downup2-l(Strategy s1, Strategy s2) n/a list.str
downupS(Strategy s, Strategy stop) n/a simple.str
downupS(Strategy s1, Strategy s2, Strategy stop) n/a simple.str
downupS-l(Strategy s, Strategy stop) n/a list.str
downupS-l(Strategy s1, Strategy s2, Strategy stop) n/a list.str
dr-add-fail(ATerm scpid, ATerm tbl, ATerm key, ATerm value) n/a dynamic-rules.str
dr-add-rule(ATerm name, ATerm key, ATerm value) n/a dynamic-rules.str
dr-add-rule(ATerm name, ATerm label, ATerm key, ATerm value) n/a dynamic-rules.str
dr-add-rule-vis(ATerm name, ATerm label, ATerm key, ATerm value) n/a dynamic-rules.str
dr-add-scope n/a dynamic-rules.str
dr-add-to-rule-set(ATerm key, ATerm value) n/a dynamic-rules.str
dr-add-to-rule-set(ATerm label, ATerm key, ATerm value) n/a dynamic-rules.str
dr-add-to-rule-set(Strategy add, ATerm label, ATerm key, ATerm value) n/a dynamic-rules.str
dr-add-to-rule-set(Strategy add1, ATerm label, ATerm key, ATerm value) n/a dynamic-rules.str
dr-add-to-rule-set-vis(ATerm label, ATerm key, ATerm value) n/a dynamic-rules.str
dr-add-to-rule-set-vis(Strategy add, Strategy rm, ATerm label, ATerm key, ATerm value) n/a dynamic-rules.str
dr-add-to-rule-set-vis(Strategy add1, Strategy rm1, ATerm label, ATerm key, ATerm value) n/a dynamic-rules.str
dr-all-keys(ATerm name) n/a dynamic-rules.str
dr-all-keys(ATerm removed, ATerm result) Fetch all keys defined in a rule set dynamic-rules.str
dr-all-keys(ATerm removed, ATerm result) n/a dynamic-rules.str
dr-all-keys(ATerm removed, ATerm result) n/a dynamic-rules.str
dr-apply-change(ATerm tbl) commit to ruleset is finding the first ChangeSet (any) *or* the first RuleScope that has the appropriate scopeid (i dynamic-rules.str
dr-apply-removal n/a dynamic-rules.str
dr-begin-scope(ATerm name) n/a dynamic-rules.str
dr-begin-scopes(ATerm names) n/a dynamic-rules.str
dr-break(ATerm rulename) n/a dynamic-rules.str
dr-break(ATerm rulename, ATerm label) n/a dynamic-rules.str
dr-break-bp(ATerm rulename) n/a dynamic-rules.str
dr-build-aggregated-change-set This strategy takes a pair of lists of change sets and rule scopes and returns a change set which contains all the changes from the change sets in the left member of the input pair which refer to rule scopes in the right member of the input pair dynamic-rules.str
dr-build-bp-change-set(ATerm rmset, ATerm tbl, ATerm ruleset) n/a dynamic-rules.str
dr-build-bp-change-set(ATerm rmset, ATerm tbl, ATerm ruleset) n/a dynamic-rules.str
dr-clone-change-set n/a dynamic-rules.str
dr-commit-change-set(ATerm name) n/a dynamic-rules.str
dr-commit-change-set n/a dynamic-rules.str
dr-commit-change-set(Strategy destroy) The strategy destroy indicates whether the change set should also be destroyed after the commmit dynamic-rules.str
dr-commit-labels(ATerm labelset) n/a dynamic-rules.str
dr-commit-to-change-set(ATerm scpid, ATerm key, ATerm value) n/a dynamic-rules.str
dr-commit-to-rule-scope(ATerm scpid, ATerm key, ATerm value) n/a dynamic-rules.str
dr-commit-to-rule-set(ATerm scpid, ATerm key, ATerm value) n/a dynamic-rules.str
dr-complete-catch(Strategy merge, Strategy s, ATerm rulenames) n/a dynamic-rules.str
dr-complete-catch-intersect(Strategy s, ATerm rulenames) n/a dynamic-rules.str
dr-complete-catch-union(Strategy s, ATerm rulenames) n/a dynamic-rules.str
dr-complete-exception-block(Strategy merge, ATerm rulenames) n/a dynamic-rules.str
dr-complete-exception-block-intersect(ATerm rulenames) n/a dynamic-rules.str
dr-complete-exception-block-union(ATerm rulenames) n/a dynamic-rules.str
dr-complete-finally(Strategy merge, Strategy s, ATerm rulenames) n/a dynamic-rules.str
dr-complete-finally-intersect(Strategy s, ATerm rulenames) n/a dynamic-rules.str
dr-complete-finally-union(Strategy s, ATerm rulenames) n/a dynamic-rules.str
dr-continue(ATerm rulename) n/a dynamic-rules.str
dr-continue(ATerm rulename, ATerm label) n/a dynamic-rules.str
dr-debug-rule-set(ATerm name) n/a dynamic-rules.str
dr-debug-rule-set(ATerm name, ATerm msg) n/a dynamic-rules.str
dr-define-ignoreB(ATerm csid, ATerm label) n/a dynamic-rules.str
dr-define-ignoreC(ATerm csid, ATerm label) n/a dynamic-rules.str
dr-define-ignoreT(ATerm csid) n/a dynamic-rules.str
dr-destroy-and-unmark n/a dynamic-rules.str
dr-destroy-change-set n/a dynamic-rules.str
dr-destroy-scope n/a dynamic-rules.str
dr-discard-change-set(ATerm name) n/a dynamic-rules.str
dr-discard-change-set n/a dynamic-rules.str
dr-end-scope(ATerm name) n/a dynamic-rules.str
dr-end-scopes(ATerm names) n/a dynamic-rules.str
dr-eq-rule-sets n/a dynamic-rules.str
dr-fix-and-intersect(Strategy s, ATerm rulenames) n/a dynamic-rules.str
dr-fix-and-intersect(Strategy s, ATerm rulenames, ATerm label) n/a dynamic-rules.str
dr-fix-and-intersect-union(Strategy s, ATerm rulenames1, ATerm rulenames2) Iterate combined union and intersection of two rule-sets dynamic-rules.str
dr-fix-and-merge(Strategy merge, Strategy s, ATerm rulenames) n/a dynamic-rules.str
dr-fix-and-merge(Strategy merge, Strategy s, ATerm rulenames, ATerm label) n/a dynamic-rules.str
dr-fix-and-merge(Strategy merge1, Strategy merge2, Strategy s, ATerm rulenames1, ATerm rulenames2) n/a dynamic-rules.str
dr-fix-and-merge-internal(Strategy merge, Strategy s, ATerm rulenames) n/a dynamic-rules.str
dr-fix-and-union(Strategy s, ATerm rulenames) Iterate union of two rule-sets dynamic-rules.str
dr-fix-and-union(Strategy s, ATerm rulenames, ATerm label) n/a dynamic-rules.str
dr-fix-change-set Fixes references in change set that point to rule scopes that will no longer be part of the merged ruleset dynamic-rules.str
dr-fold-and-intersect(Strategy empty, Strategy hd, Strategy tl, ATerm rulenames) n/a dynamic-rules.str
dr-fold-and-intersect(Strategy empty, Strategy hd, Strategy tl, ATerm rulenames, ATerm rs0) n/a dynamic-rules.str
dr-fork-and-intersect(Strategy s1, Strategy s2, ATerm rulenames) n/a dynamic-rules.str
dr-fork-and-intersect-union(Strategy s1, Strategy s2, ATerm rulenames1, ATerm rulenames2) Fork and combined union and intersection of two rule-sets dynamic-rules.str
dr-fork-and-merge(Strategy merge, Strategy s1, Strategy s2, ATerm rulenames) Fork and merge two rule-sets dynamic-rules.str
dr-fork-and-merge(Strategy merge1, Strategy merge2, Strategy s1, Strategy s2, ATerm rulenames1, ATerm rulenames2) n/a dynamic-rules.str
dr-fork-and-union(Strategy s1, Strategy s2, ATerm rulenames) Fork and union of two rule-sets dynamic-rules.str
dr-friendly-debug-rule-set(ATerm name) n/a dynamic-rules.str
dr-friendly-debug-rule-set(ATerm name, ATerm msg) n/a dynamic-rules.str
dr-friendly-print-rule-set(ATerm name) n/a dynamic-rules.str
dr-friendly-print-rule-set n/a dynamic-rules.str
dr-friendly-print-rule-set-msg(ATerm msg) n/a dynamic-rules.str
dr-friendly-print-rule-set-msg(ATerm msg) n/a dynamic-rules.str
dr-friendly-print-rule-sets(ATerm names) n/a dynamic-rules.str
dr-friendly-print-scope n/a dynamic-rules.str
dr-friendly-print-scope n/a dynamic-rules.str
dr-get-first-scope-label(Strategy s, ATerm name) Get the first scope label for which s succeeds starting with the inner, most recent, scope dynamic-rules.str
dr-get-first-scope-label(Strategy s) Get the first scope label for which s succeeds dynamic-rules.str
dr-get-inner-scope n/a dynamic-rules.str
dr-get-rule-set(ATerm name) n/a dynamic-rules.str
dr-get-scope-labels(ATerm name) Get all scope labels ordered from inner, most recent, to outer, oldest dynamic-rules.str
dr-get-scope-labels n/a dynamic-rules.str
dr-ignore-state(Strategy s, ATerm name) Apply s in a state where the current dynamic rules for name are ignored dynamic-rules.str
dr-ignore-states(Strategy s, ATerm names) Apply s in a state where the current dynamic rules for names are ignored dynamic-rules.str
dr-init-exception-block(Strategy has-finally, ATerm catch-tags, ATerm rulenames) n/a dynamic-rules.str
dr-intersect-rule-sets Intersection of two rule-sets dynamic-rules.str
dr-intersect-rule-sets-symm Symmetric intersection of two rule-sets dynamic-rules.str
dr-intersect-symm(ATerm name) Intersect live rule-set with given rule set changing both dynamic-rules.str
dr-intersect-with(ATerm name) Intersect live rule-set with given rule set changing the live rule set dynamic-rules.str
dr-label(Strategy merge, Strategy s, ATerm rulenames, ATerm label) n/a dynamic-rules.str
dr-label-intersect(Strategy s, ATerm rulenames, ATerm label) n/a dynamic-rules.str
dr-label-scope(ATerm name, ATerm label) n/a dynamic-rules.str
dr-label-scope(ATerm label) n/a dynamic-rules.str
dr-label-union(Strategy s, ATerm rulenames, ATerm label) Label current point in data-flow with <label> to accommodate break's dynamic-rules.str
dr-leave-scope n/a dynamic-rules.str
dr-left-choice(Strategy s1, Strategy s2, ATerm rulenames) Left choice with dynamic rule roll-back in case s1 fails dynamic-rules.str
dr-lookup-all-rules(ATerm name, ATerm key) n/a dynamic-rules.str
dr-lookup-all-rules(ATerm key) Fetch all definitions for key dynamic-rules.str
dr-lookup-all-rules(Strategy look, ATerm key, ATerm removed) n/a dynamic-rules.str
dr-lookup-all-rules(Strategy look1, ATerm key, ATerm removed) n/a dynamic-rules.str
dr-lookup-rule(ATerm name, ATerm key) n/a dynamic-rules.str
dr-lookup-rule(ATerm key) n/a dynamic-rules.str
dr-lookup-rule(Strategy look, ATerm key, ATerm removed) n/a dynamic-rules.str
dr-lookup-rule(Strategy look1, ATerm key, ATerm removed) n/a dynamic-rules.str
dr-lookup-rule-in-scope(ATerm key, ATerm scpid) Version of dr-lookup-rule that looks for definition of a key in a particular scope dynamic-rules.str
dr-lookup-rule-in-scope-cs(ATerm key, ATerm scpid) n/a dynamic-rules.str
dr-lookup-rule-in-scope-rs(ATerm key, ATerm scpid) n/a dynamic-rules.str
dr-lookup-rule-pointer(ATerm name, ATerm key) n/a dynamic-rules.str
dr-lookup-rule-pointer(ATerm key) Fetch the most recent definition for key and return a pointer to the table that defines it dynamic-rules.str
dr-lookup-rule-pointer(Strategy look, ATerm key, ATerm removed) n/a dynamic-rules.str
dr-lookup-rule-pointer(Strategy look1, ATerm key, ATerm removed) n/a dynamic-rules.str
dr-map-and-intersect(Strategy s, ATerm rulenames) fork and intersect over a list dynamic-rules.str
dr-merge-continue-change-sets(Strategy merge, ATerm label) n/a dynamic-rules.str
dr-merge-rule-sets(Strategy merge-rs, Strategy merge-cs) n/a dynamic-rules.str
dr-merge-rule-sets1(Strategy merge-rs, Strategy merge-rec) n/a dynamic-rules.str
dr-merge-rule-sets2(Strategy merge-cs, Strategy merge-rec) n/a dynamic-rules.str
dr-new-change-set n/a dynamic-rules.str
dr-new-rule-set n/a dynamic-rules.str
dr-new-scope n/a dynamic-rules.str
dr-print-rule-set(ATerm name) n/a dynamic-rules.str
dr-print-rule-set n/a dynamic-rules.str
dr-print-rule-set-msg(ATerm msg) n/a dynamic-rules.str
dr-print-rule-sets(ATerm names) n/a dynamic-rules.str
dr-print-scope n/a dynamic-rules.str
dr-print-scope n/a dynamic-rules.str
dr-remove-from-change-set(ATerm scpid, ATerm key) n/a dynamic-rules.str
dr-remove-from-rule-scope(ATerm scpid, ATerm key) n/a dynamic-rules.str
dr-remove-from-rule-set(ATerm scpid, ATerm key) n/a dynamic-rules.str
dr-rm-fail(ATerm scpid, ATerm tbl, ATerm key) n/a dynamic-rules.str
dr-rm-fail(ATerm scpid, ATerm tbl, ATerm key) n/a dynamic-rules.str
dr-rule-sets-hashtable Retrieve the primitive dynamic rules hashtable dynamic-rules.str
dr-save-rule-set n/a dynamic-rules.str
dr-scope(Strategy s, ATerm name) n/a dynamic-rules.str
dr-scopes(Strategy s, ATerm names) n/a dynamic-rules.str
dr-set-fail(ATerm scpid, ATerm tbl, ATerm key, ATerm value) n/a dynamic-rules.str
dr-set-in-rule-set(ATerm key, ATerm value) n/a dynamic-rules.str
dr-set-in-rule-set(ATerm label, ATerm key, ATerm value) set a rule in the scope with specified label dynamic-rules.str
dr-set-in-rule-set(Strategy set, ATerm label, ATerm key, ATerm value) n/a dynamic-rules.str
dr-set-in-rule-set(Strategy set1, ATerm label, ATerm key, ATerm value) n/a dynamic-rules.str
dr-set-in-rule-set-vis(ATerm key, ATerm value) n/a dynamic-rules.str
dr-set-in-rule-set-vis(ATerm label, ATerm key, ATerm value) n/a dynamic-rules.str
dr-set-in-rule-set-vis(Strategy set, Strategy rm, ATerm label, ATerm key, ATerm value) n/a dynamic-rules.str
dr-set-in-rule-set-vis(Strategy set1, Strategy rm1, ATerm label, ATerm key, ATerm value) n/a dynamic-rules.str
dr-set-rule(ATerm name, ATerm key, ATerm value) n/a dynamic-rules.str
dr-set-rule(ATerm name, ATerm label, ATerm key, ATerm value) n/a dynamic-rules.str
dr-set-rule-set(ATerm name) n/a dynamic-rules.str
dr-set-rule-vis(ATerm name, ATerm label, ATerm key, ATerm value) n/a dynamic-rules.str
dr-set-rules-vis(ATerm name, ATerm label, ATerm key, ATerm values) n/a dynamic-rules.str
dr-start-change-set(ATerm name) n/a dynamic-rules.str
dr-start-change-set n/a dynamic-rules.str
dr-switch-rule-set(ATerm name) n/a dynamic-rules.str
dr-throw(Strategy eq-test, ATerm tag, ATerm rulename) n/a dynamic-rules.str
dr-transaction(Strategy s, ATerm rulenames) n/a dynamic-rules.str
dr-undefine-rule(ATerm name, ATerm key) n/a dynamic-rules.str
dr-undefine-rule(ATerm name, ATerm label, ATerm key) n/a dynamic-rules.str
dr-undefine-rule-vis(ATerm name, ATerm label, ATerm key) n/a dynamic-rules.str
dr-union-rule-sets Union of two rule-sets dynamic-rules.str
dr-union-rule-sets-symm n/a dynamic-rules.str
dr-union-symm(ATerm name) Merge live rule-set with give rule set using union changing both dynamic-rules.str
dr-union-with(ATerm name) Merge live rule-set with given rule set using union changing the live rule set dynamic-rules.str
DRCount n/a dynamic-rules.str
DRCount n/a dynamic-rules.str
DRCount n/a dynamic-rules.str
DRCount n/a dynamic-rules.str
DRFriendlyName n/a dynamic-rules.str
DRFriendlyName n/a dynamic-rules.str
drop(ATerm n) Drops the first n elements from a list common.str
drop(Strategy isn) Drops a number of terms from the front of a list common.str
drop-until(Strategy s) Drops elements from the start of a list until s succeeds common.str
drop-while(Strategy s) Drops elements from the start of a list while s succeeds common.str
DR_BREAK n/a dynamic-rules.str
DR_BREAK n/a dynamic-rules.str
DR_BREAK n/a dynamic-rules.str
DR_BREAK n/a dynamic-rules.str
DR_BREAK n/a dynamic-rules.str
DR_BREAK n/a dynamic-rules.str
DR_BREAK n/a dynamic-rules.str
DR_BREAK n/a dynamic-rules.str
DR_EXCEPTION n/a dynamic-rules.str
DR_EXCEPTION n/a dynamic-rules.str
DR_EXCEPTION n/a dynamic-rules.str
DR_EXCEPTION n/a dynamic-rules.str
DR_EXCEPTION n/a dynamic-rules.str
DR_EXCEPTION n/a dynamic-rules.str
DR_EXCEPTION n/a dynamic-rules.str
DR_EXCEPTION n/a dynamic-rules.str
DR_EXCEPTION n/a dynamic-rules.str
dtime n/a time.str
dup Duplicating a file descriptor file.str
dup2 n/a file.str
Dupl(ATerm , ATerm ) n/a time.str
Dupl n/a common.str
dynamic-rules n/a dynamic-rules.str
echo n/a term.str
echo(Strategy msg) n/a term.str
edge(Strategy mkvar) n/a share.str
elem Succeeds if the term is in the list common.str
elem(Strategy eq) Succeeds if the term is in the list, using the given strategy for determining equality common.str
eliminate-common-suffix Eliminates all elements at the end of the two lists that are equal common.str
Emergency(ATerm ) n/a log.str
end-scope(Strategy ns) n/a scoped-finite-map.str
env-alltd(Strategy s) n/a environment.str
env-alltd-l(Strategy s) n/a list-environment.str
env-bottomup(Strategy s) n/a environment.str
env-bottomup-l(Strategy s) n/a list-environment.str
env-oncetd(Strategy s) n/a environment.str
env-topdown(Strategy s) n/a environment.str
env-topdown(Strategy s, Strategy skip) n/a environment.str
env-topdown-l(Strategy s) n/a list-environment.str
env-topdown-l(Strategy s, Strategy skip) n/a list-environment.str
environment Traversals that carry an environment environment.str
epoch2local-time n/a time.str
epoch2utc n/a time.str
epoch2UTC n/a time.str
EpochTime(ATerm ) n/a time.str
eq n/a conditional.str
equal n/a unification.str
equal(Strategy fltr) n/a unification.str
equal(Strategy fltr1, Strategy fltr2) The following equality strategy has an additional filter that can be used for checking equality modulo alpha renaming unification.str
equal Tests whether two terms are equal conditional.str
equal(ATerm x) Tests whether current term is equal to argument term conditional.str
equal(ATerm x, ATerm y) Tests whether two argument terms are equal to each other conditional.str
err(ATerm msg) Logs the specified message as an error log.str
err-msg(ATerm msg) Logs the specified message as an error log.str
Error(ATerm ) n/a log.str
error n/a error.str
error Prints a list of terms to stderr using fprintnl term.str
error Error handling for system strategies error.str
ErrorNumber(ATerm ) n/a error.str
escape Escapes double quotes, backslash and linefeed to C like escape sequences string.str
Escape n/a string.str
escape-chars Escapes double quotes, backslash and linefeed to C like escape sequences string.str
even n/a integer.str
ExceptionCS(ATerm , ATerm ) n/a dynamic-rules.str
EXDEV n/a error.str
exec-filter-pipe(Strategy s) n/a pipe-abstractions.str
Execute n/a file-abstractions.str
execv Replaces the current process image with a new process image process.str
execvp Replaces the current process image with a new process image process.str
Existence n/a file-abstractions.str
exit Abort execution with exit value n process.str
exit-name-space(Strategy ns) n/a scoped-finite-map.str
exited Succeeds if the process of this WaitStatus exited process-abstractions.str
explode-string Explodes a String to a list of chars string.str
explode-term Decompose a term into a constructor name and a list of terms common.str
extend-assert(Strategy ns) n/a scoped-finite-map.str
extend-assert-undefined(Strategy ns) n/a scoped-finite-map.str
extend-config Extends the list of values of the specified key with new values common.str
extend-override-key(Strategy ns) n/a scoped-finite-map.str
extend-override-key-undefined(Strategy ns) n/a scoped-finite-map.str
extend-rewrite(Strategy ns) n/a scoped-finite-map.str
fallback-posix n/a fallback-posix.str
false false is a synonym for id conditional.str
fatal-err(ATerm msg) Logs the specified message as critical and terminates the program with exit code 1 log.str
fatal-err-msg(ATerm msg) Logs the specified message as critical and terminates the program with exit code 1 log.str
fatal-error Prints a list of terms to stderr using fprintnl and exits with code 1 term.str
fclose Dissociates the named stream from its underlying file or set of functions file.str
fdcopy n/a file.str
fdopen The fdopen function associates a stream with the existing file descriptor, fd file.str
February(ATerm ) n/a time.str
fetch(Strategy s) Find first list element for which s succeeds common.str
fetch-elem(Strategy s) Return first list element for which s succeeds common.str
fflush n/a file.str
fgetc fgetc() reads the next character from the stream and returns the ASCII code of the character as an Int file.str
file n/a file.str
file Portable file operations file.str
file This module provides standard fallbacks to important Stratego strategies file.str
file n/a file.str
file-abstractions n/a file-abstractions.str
file-exists n/a file-abstractions.str
file-from-pipe n/a pipe-abstractions.str
file-newer n/a file-abstractions.str
file-to-pipe n/a pipe-abstractions.str
filemode n/a file.str
fileno The function fileno examines the argument stream and returns its integer descriptor file.str
filter This module contains strategies for filtering and partitioning lists filter.str
filter(Strategy s) n/a filter.str
filter(Strategy s, Strategy tail) n/a filter.str
filter-text-file(Strategy more, Strategy done) Filters the contents of a textfile character chunk by character chunk char.str
Finally(ATerm ) n/a dynamic-rules.str
finally(Strategy s, Strategy f) Applies s followed by f whether s failed or not conditional.str
find-file(ATerm ext, ATerm path) Finds one file with a specific file extension in a list of directories file-abstractions.str
find-file(ATerm ext) n/a file-abstractions.str
find-file(Strategy mkpath, Strategy ext) Finds one file with a specific file extension in a list of directories file-abstractions.str
find-in-path(Strategy strict, ATerm path) Finds a file in a list of directories (a path) file-abstractions.str
find-in-path(ATerm path) Finds a file in a list of directories (a path) file-abstractions.str
find-in-path n/a file-abstractions.str
first-last Returns a list with the first and the last element of the input list common.str
fixpoint A collection of strategies that keeps traversing a term until no more applications of some strategy to the nodes can be found fixpoint.str
flatten(Strategy imp, Strategy nameeq, Strategy getcontent) <flatten> (root, mods)| produces a flattened version of the root module common.str
flatten-list Completely flattens a list and its sublists to a single list common.str
flip(Strategy s) n/a common.str
foldl(Strategy s) Left folds a list common.str
foldr(Strategy s1, Strategy s2) Right folds a list common.str
foldr(Strategy s1, Strategy s2, Strategy f) Right folds a list common.str
fopen Opens the file whose name is the string pointed to by pathname and returns a Stream associated with this file file.str
for(Strategy i, Strategy c, Strategy s) Repeat application of s after initialization with i while c fails iteration.str
for(Strategy s, ATerm low, ATerm up) Apply s for each integer from low to up (inclusive) iteration.str
for-each-pair(Strategy s) n/a common.str
fork(Strategy child) Executes "child" in the child process and returns a tuple of the pid of the child process and the current term in the parent process process-abstractions.str
fork(Strategy child, Strategy parent) n/a process-abstractions.str
fork Creates a child process almost equivalent to the parent process process.str
fork-and-wait(Strategy child) n/a process-abstractions.str
fork-rule-sets n/a dynamic-rules.str
forward n/a nested.str
fprint Prints the terms to a stream term.str
fprintnl fprint, followed by a newline term.str
fputc Writes a Char to a Stream file.str
fputs n/a file.str
free-variables n/a free-variables.str
free-vars(Strategy getvars, Strategy boundvars) n/a free-variables.str
free-vars(Strategy getvars, Strategy boundvars, Strategy boundin) n/a free-variables.str
free-vars(Strategy getvars, Strategy boundvars, Strategy boundin, Strategy eq) n/a free-variables.str
free-vars2(Strategy getvars, Strategy boundvars) n/a free-variables.str
free-vars2(Strategy getvars, Strategy boundvars, Strategy boundin) n/a free-variables.str
free-vars2(Strategy getvars, Strategy boundvars, Strategy boundin, Strategy eq) n/a free-variables.str
Friday(ATerm ) n/a time.str
Fst n/a common.str
F_OK(ATerm ) n/a file.str
gcd n/a integer.str
gcd' n/a integer.str
gen-left n/a parenthesize.str
gen-non-assoc n/a parenthesize.str
gen-none n/a parenthesize.str
gen-right n/a parenthesize.str
general-options n/a options.str
generic-chars-to-int n/a integer.str
generic-string-to-int n/a integer.str
GenGreaterThan n/a parenthesize.str
GenLeftAssoc n/a parenthesize.str
GenRightAssoc n/a parenthesize.str
geq n/a integer.str
geqS n/a integer.str
get-annos Alias of get-annotations annotation.str
get-annotations Returns the list of annotations of the current term annotation.str
get-appl-arguments Get the arguments of a term application common.str
get-appl-arguments(Strategy s) Get the arguments of a term application, applying s to the individual arguments common.str
get-arguments Get the arguments of a term common.str
get-config Get the value for the specified key from the config table common.str
get-config-keys(Strategy pred) Get all config keys for which pred succeeds common.str
get-configs(Strategy pred) Get all values of config keys for which 'pred' succeeds common.str
get-constructor Get the constructor of a term common.str
get-counter n/a integer.str
get-errno n/a error.str
get-extension Get extension from filename file.str
get-imports(Strategy imp) n/a common.str
get-index Get index of element in list index.str
get-index0(Strategy s) n/a index.str
get-keep Give the current 'keep' level keep.str
get-last-error n/a error.str
get-lines Gets all newline(\n, \r\n or \r)-separated lines in a string string.str
get-matching-id(Strategy eq-test, ATerm tag, ATerm rulename) n/a dynamic-rules.str
get-matching-id(ATerm catchID, ATerm rulename) n/a dynamic-rules.str
get-pid Return process identifier of current process process.str
get-placeholder Returns the placeholder of an ATerm placeholder placeholder.str
get-random-max Gets the maximum random number that will be returned by the next-random number generator integer.str
get-statistics Give the current 'statistics' level stats.str
getcwd Returns the current working directory file.str
getenv The getenv() function searches the environment list for a string that matches the string pointed to by name dir.str
getfirst(Strategy s) Find first element of a list to which s applies lookup.str
giving-up Prints giving-up to stderr and exits with code 1 term.str
GnExit n/a graph.str
GnInit n/a graph.str
GnInitRoots n/a graph.str
GnNext(Strategy get-node, Strategy out-edges, Strategy add-node) n/a graph.str
GnNextChangeGraph(Strategy get-node, Strategy out-edges, Strategy add-node) n/a graph.str
GnUndefined n/a graph.str
graph(Strategy mkvar) The graph of a term is obtained by turning each node \verb|F(t1, share.str
graph A generic algorithm for mapping a graph to a collection of nodes reachable from a given root node graph.str
graph-nodes(Strategy get-node, Strategy out-edges, Strategy add-node) The strategy 'graph-nodes' is a generic algorithm for mapping a graph to a collection of nodes reachable from a given root node graph.str
graph-nodes-roots(Strategy get-node, Strategy out-edges, Strategy add-node) n/a graph.str
graph-nodes-undef(Strategy get-node, Strategy out-edges, Strategy add-node) n/a graph.str
graph-nodes-undef-chgr(Strategy get-node, Strategy out-edges, Strategy add-node) n/a graph.str
graph-nodes-undef-roots(Strategy get-node, Strategy out-edges, Strategy add-node) n/a graph.str
graph-nodes-undef-roots-chgr(Strategy get-node, Strategy out-edges, Strategy add-node) n/a graph.str
GraphLet(ATerm , ATerm ) n/a share.str
GreaterThan n/a parenthesize.str
gt n/a integer.str
gti n/a integer.str
gtr n/a integer.str
gtS n/a integer.str
guarantee-extension(ATerm ext) Drops the current extension and replaces it with the specified extension file.str
has-annos Succeeds if a term has annotations annotation.str
has-annotation n/a annotation.str
has-extension(ATerm ext) Checks if the file extension is ext file.str
Hashtable(ATerm ) Represents a reference to a hashtable common.str
hashtable-clear Clears the contents of an existing hashtable common.str
hashtable-copy Create a new hashtable and copies the entire contents of the current table into the new one common.str
hashtable-destroy Destroys and deallocates memory consumed by an existing hashtable common.str
hashtable-eq Checks whether two hashtables have equal contents common.str
hashtable-eq(Strategy eq) n/a common.str
hashtable-fold(Strategy s, ATerm t) Apply an iterative fold left (starting with first element) over the keys of a hash table; useful for applying an operation to each key without constructing a list of keys common.str
hashtable-fold-keys(Strategy s, ATerm t) Apply an iterative fold left (starting with first element) over the keys of a hash table; useful for applying an operation to each key without constructing a list of keys common.str
hashtable-fold-values(Strategy s, ATerm t) Apply an iterative fold left (starting with first element) over the values of a hash table; useful for applying an operation to each value without constructing a list of values common.str
hashtable-get(ATerm key) Gets the value for a key common.str
hashtable-getlist Get the contents of a hashtable as a list of key-value tuples common.str
hashtable-init Create a new hashtable and initialize it from a key-value pair list common.str
hashtable-intersect(ATerm tbl2) n/a common.str
hashtable-intersect-symm-wempty(ATerm emptyElt) Intersect hashtables symmetrically with default element common.str
hashtable-intersect-symm-wempty-ignore-left(ATerm emptyElt) Intersect hashtables symmetrically with default element common.str
hashtable-intersect-wempty(ATerm tbl2, ATerm emptyElt) Intersect hashtables with default element common.str
hashtable-keys Get a list containing all keys of a hashtable common.str
hashtable-merge(Strategy symm, Strategy iterate1, Strategy iterate2, Strategy remove, Strategy merge, Strategy default, Strategy change1, Strategy change2, Strategy lookup1, Strategy lookup2) n/a common.str
hashtable-merge(Strategy symm, Strategy iterate1, Strategy iterate2, Strategy remove, Strategy merge, Strategy default, Strategy lookup1, Strategy lookup2) Version without change arguments for backward compatibility common.str
hashtable-merge-func(Strategy iterate1, Strategy iterate2, Strategy remove, Strategy merge, Strategy default, Strategy lookup1, Strategy lookup2) Merge hashtables creating a new one common.str
hashtable-peek(ATerm key) Gets the top value from the stack for key (the stack remains untouched) Current term is the hashtable, output is the top value common.str
hashtable-peekpop(ATerm key) Gets the top value from the stack for key and pops it off the stack common.str
hashtable-pop(ATerm key) Pops off the top element of the stack for key common.str
hashtable-push(ATerm key, ATerm value) Pushes value on top of the stack for key common.str
hashtable-pushlist(ATerm key, ATerm value) Pushes values on top of the stack for key common.str
hashtable-pushunion(ATerm key, ATerm value) Pushes union of values and already present values Current term is the hashtable common.str
hashtable-put(ATerm key, ATerm value) Puts a new key, value pair into the hash table common.str
hashtable-remove(ATerm key) Removes a key (with its associated value) from the hashtable common.str
hashtable-union(ATerm tbl2) n/a common.str
hashtable-union-symm-wempty(ATerm emptyElt) n/a common.str
hashtable-union-wempty(ATerm tbl2, ATerm emptyElt) n/a common.str
hashtable-values Get a list containing all values of a hashtable common.str
hex-chars-to-int n/a integer.str
hex-string-to-int n/a integer.str
home-dir n/a dir.str
if(Strategy c, Strategy b) n/a conditional.str
if(Strategy c, Strategy b1, Strategy b2) n/a conditional.str
if-annotation(Strategy s1, Strategy s2) n/a annotation.str
if-keep(Strategy s, ATerm t) n/a keep.str
if-keep1(Strategy s) n/a keep.str
if-keep2(Strategy s) n/a keep.str
if-keep3(Strategy s) n/a keep.str
if-keep4(Strategy s) n/a keep.str
if-keep5(Strategy s) n/a keep.str
if-keep6(Strategy s) n/a keep.str
if-keep7(Strategy s) n/a keep.str
if-less-keep(Strategy s, ATerm t) n/a keep.str
if-less-keep1(Strategy s) n/a keep.str
if-less-keep2(Strategy s) n/a keep.str
if-less-keep3(Strategy s) n/a keep.str
if-less-keep4(Strategy s) n/a keep.str
if-less-keep5(Strategy s) n/a keep.str
if-less-keep6(Strategy s) n/a keep.str
if-less-keep7(Strategy s) n/a keep.str
if-less-statistics(Strategy s, ATerm t) n/a stats.str
if-less-statistics1(Strategy s) n/a stats.str
if-less-statistics2(Strategy s) n/a stats.str
if-less-statistics3(Strategy s) n/a stats.str
if-less-statistics4(Strategy s) n/a stats.str
if-less-statistics5(Strategy s) n/a stats.str
if-less-statistics6(Strategy s) n/a stats.str
if-less-statistics7(Strategy s) n/a stats.str
if-less-verbose(Strategy s, ATerm t) n/a verbose.str
if-less-verbose1(Strategy s) n/a verbose.str
if-less-verbose2(Strategy s) n/a verbose.str
if-less-verbose3(Strategy s) n/a verbose.str
if-less-verbose4(Strategy s) n/a verbose.str
if-less-verbose5(Strategy s) n/a verbose.str
if-less-verbose6(Strategy s) n/a verbose.str
if-less-verbose7(Strategy s) n/a verbose.str
if-log-severity(Strategy s, ATerm severity) n/a log.str
if-not-silent(Strategy s) n/a options.str
if-statistics(Strategy s, ATerm t) n/a stats.str
if-statistics1(Strategy s) n/a stats.str
if-statistics2(Strategy s) n/a stats.str
if-statistics3(Strategy s) n/a stats.str
if-statistics4(Strategy s) n/a stats.str
if-statistics5(Strategy s) n/a stats.str
if-statistics6(Strategy s) n/a stats.str
if-statistics7(Strategy s) n/a stats.str
if-verbose(Strategy s, ATerm t) n/a verbose.str
if-verbose1(Strategy s) n/a verbose.str
if-verbose2(Strategy s) n/a verbose.str
if-verbose3(Strategy s) n/a verbose.str
if-verbose4(Strategy s) n/a verbose.str
if-verbose5(Strategy s) n/a verbose.str
if-verbose6(Strategy s) n/a verbose.str
if-verbose7(Strategy s) n/a verbose.str
IgnoreB(ATerm ) n/a dynamic-rules.str
IgnoreC(ATerm ) n/a dynamic-rules.str
IgnoreT(ATerm ) n/a dynamic-rules.str
implode-string Implodes a list of chars to a string string.str
inc Increments a number integer.str
indent-text(ATerm n) Indents every line in a string with spaces string.str
index This module contains strategies for working on lists using indexes index.str
index Get the n-th element of a list index.str
index(ATerm i) Get the i-th element of a list index.str
index2day-of-week n/a time.str
index2day-of-week n/a time.str
index2day-of-week n/a time.str
index2day-of-week n/a time.str
index2day-of-week n/a time.str
index2day-of-week n/a time.str
index2day-of-week n/a time.str
index2month n/a time.str
index2month n/a time.str
index2month n/a time.str
index2month n/a time.str
index2month n/a time.str
index2month n/a time.str
index2month n/a time.str
index2month n/a time.str
index2month n/a time.str
index2month n/a time.str
index2month n/a time.str
index2month n/a time.str
indexed Interface to ATerm's IndexedSets indexed.str
IndexedSet(ATerm ) n/a indexed.str
Infinite(ATerm ) n/a integer.str
Info(ATerm ) n/a log.str
init n/a common.str
init-name-space(Strategy ns) n/a scoped-finite-map.str
init-parenthesation-rules n/a parenthesize.str
init-record n/a sunit.str
inline-graph(Strategy always, Strategy mklet) n/a share.str
innermost(Strategy s) n/a fixpoint.str
innermost'(Strategy s) n/a fixpoint.str
innermost-memo(Strategy s) n/a fixpoint.str
innermost-old(Strategy s) n/a fixpoint.str
innermost-tagged(Strategy s) innermost-tagged(s) reduces the subject term by applying s to innermost redices first fixpoint.str
input(Strategy s) Wraps a strategy into a strategy that handles input options options.str
input-option Option specifications for reading input options.str
input-options n/a options.str
input-wrap(Strategy s) n/a options.str
input-wrap(Strategy extra-opts, Strategy s) n/a options.str
insert Insert element in list index.str
insert(ATerm k, ATerm v) n/a common.str
int n/a integer.str
int-add(ATerm y) Adds two integers integer.str
int-dec Decrements an integer integer.str
int-gt(ATerm y) n/a integer.str
int-inc Increments an integer integer.str
int-leq(ATerm y) n/a integer.str
int-lt(ATerm y) n/a integer.str
int-sort n/a integer.str
int-subt(ATerm y) Subtracts two integers integer.str
int-to-string n/a integer.str
integer Integer arithmetic and comparison integer.str
integer This module contains a collection of strategies for working with lists of integers integer.str
io(Strategy s) Wraps a strategy into a strategy that handles io options options.str
io-options Handles all common options for a transformation tool options.str
io-stream(Strategy s) n/a options.str
io-stream-wrap(Strategy s) Wraps a strategy into a strategy that handles input and output options options.str
io-stream-wrap(Strategy extra-opts, Strategy s) n/a options.str
io-stream-wrap(Strategy extra-opts, Strategy usage, Strategy about, Strategy s) n/a options.str
io-wrap(Strategy s) Wraps a strategy into a strategy handling options and io of terms options.str
io-wrap(Strategy extra-opts, Strategy s) n/a options.str
io-wrap(Strategy extra-opts, Strategy usage, Strategy about, Strategy s) n/a options.str
ior(Strategy s1, Strategy s2) ior(s1, s2) implements 'inclusive or', that is, the inclusive choice of s1 and s2 conditional.str
is-abspath Succeeds if the input pathname is an absolute path file.str
is-alpha Succeeds if the character is part of the lowercase or uppercase alphabet string.str
is-alphanum n/a string.str
is-ascii Succeeds if this string only contains printable ASCII characters string.str
is-char Predicate that checks if the supplied term is a printable character string.str
is-double-quoted n/a string.str
is-double-quoted-chars Predicate that checks if a character list is double quoted string.str
is-executable n/a file-abstractions.str
is-hexnum Succeeds if applied to a character that is a hexidecimal digit, i string.str
is-inner-node Succeeds if the current term has at least one direct subterm properties.str
is-int n/a integer.str
is-interval Succeeds if the input term is a list of monotonously increasing integers and the difference between two adjacent integers is always one integer.str
is-interval-from n/a integer.str
is-leaf Succeeds if the current term has no direct subterms properties.str
is-list Succeeds if the input term is a list common.str
is-lower Succeeds if this character is lower-case string.str
is-num n/a string.str
is-placeholder Checks if the current term is a placeholder placeholder.str
is-proper-subterm Succeeds if the first argument (x) is a subterm of the second (y) and x is not y properties.str
is-proper-subterm-set n/a properties.str
is-proper-superterm Succeeds if the first argument (x) is a superterm of the second (y) and x is not y properties.str
is-proper-superterm-set n/a properties.str
is-quoted(ATerm c) Predicate that checks if a string is quoted with the given character string.str
is-quoted-chars(ATerm c) Predicate that checks if a list of characters is quoted with the character given by the term argument string.str
is-readable n/a file-abstractions.str
is-real n/a real.str
is-relpath Succeeds if the input pathname is a relative path file.str
is-single-quoted Predicate that checks a string is quoted with single quotes string.str
is-single-quoted-chars Predicate that checks if a character list is single quoted string.str
is-string Predicate that checks if the supplied term is a string string.str
is-substring(Strategy s) Succeeds if the string produced by s is a substring of the argument string string.str
is-subterm Succeeds if the first argument is a subterm of the second properties.str
is-superterm Succeeds if the first argument (x) is a superterm of the second (y) properties.str
is-tuple n/a common.str
is-upper Succeeds if this character is upper-case string.str
is-whitespace Succeeds if the character is whitespace string.str
is-writable n/a file-abstractions.str
isatty Succeeds if file descriptor refers to a terminal device file.str
isblk n/a file.str
ischr n/a file.str
isdir Succeeds when applied to a File which is a directory file.str
isect Take the intersection of two sets set.str
isect(Strategy eq) Take the intersection of two sets set.str
iset-add(Strategy on_old, ATerm elem) Adds elem to the set indexed.str
iset-add(ATerm elem) Ensures that elem is in the set indexed.str
iset-addlist(ATerm lst) Ensures that all elems in the specified list are in the set indexed.str
iset-clear Removes all elements from the set indexed.str
iset-contains(ATerm elem) Fails if elem is not in the set indexed.str
iset-destroy Releases all memory occupied by the set indexed.str
iset-elements Returns all elements of the set indexed.str
iset-eq(ATerm set2) Checks whether a set has equal contents as another indexed.str
iset-fixpoint(Strategy s) Applies s to the elements of a Set until it no more elements are added to this set indexed.str
iset-get-elem(ATerm index) Gets the element at index in the set indexed.str
iset-get-index(ATerm elem) Gets the index of elem in the set indexed.str
iset-isect(ATerm set2) Intersects a set with another indexed.str
iset-remove(ATerm elem) Removes elem from set indexed.str
iset-subset(ATerm set2) Checks whether one set is a subset of another indexed.str
iset-union(ATerm set2) Unites a set with another indexed.str
isfifo n/a file.str
islnk n/a file.str
isort-list(Strategy s) Sorts a list when given a suitable comparsion strategy s sort.str
isreg n/a file.str
issock n/a file.str
iterate1-no n/a common.str
iterate1-yes n/a common.str
iterate2-no n/a common.str
iterate2-yes n/a common.str
iteration Various iteration strategies iteration.str
January(ATerm ) n/a time.str
join(Strategy s) Creates the cartesian product of two lists and select only those combined elements <s>(x, y) that succeed zip.str
July(ATerm ) n/a time.str
June(ATerm ) n/a time.str
just-date n/a time.str
just-day-time n/a time.str
keep n/a keep.str
keep-option Option specifcation for level of keeping intermediate results options.str
kill Sends the specified signal to the specified process process.str
Label(ATerm ) n/a dynamic-rules.str
last Returns the last element of a list common.str
leaves(Strategy s, Strategy is-leaf, Strategy skip) n/a simple.str
leaves(Strategy s, Strategy is-leaf) n/a simple.str
left-match Succeeds if the first list of terms starts with the second list of terms string.str
LeftAssoc n/a parenthesize.str
length Returns the length of a list common.str
leq n/a integer.str
leq-leq n/a integer.str
leq-lt n/a integer.str
leqS n/a integer.str
libstrategolib Obsolete: import libstratego-lib libstrategolib.str
lines Makes one newline-separated string out of a list of strings string.str
link-file link-file creats a hard link from file 'new' to file 'old' file.str
list(Strategy s) n/a common.str
list This module defines a collection of generic one-pass traversals over lists list.str
list-accum(Strategy s) Reduces a list, applying s successively between the head and tail of the list integer.str
list-combinations Returns a list of combinations by choosing one element from every list, in every possible combination common.str
list-edge(Strategy mkvar) n/a share.str
list-environment Traversals that carry an environment list-environment.str
list-fold(Strategy s, ATerm acc) n/a common.str
list-loop(Strategy s) Iterative loop over a list applying s to each element common.str
list-max Returns the highest integer in a list of integers integer.str
list-min Returns the lowest integer in a list of integers integer.str
list-some(Strategy s) Apply a strategy to some elements in a list common.str
list-tokenize(ATerm sep) Breaks a list into multiple parts (tokens) common.str
list-tokenize(Strategy sep) Breaks a list into multiple parts (tokens) common.str
listbu(Strategy s) Applies a strategy to a list in bottom up order common.str
listbu1(Strategy s) n/a common.str
listdu(Strategy s) n/a common.str
listdu2(Strategy s1, Strategy s2) n/a common.str
listtd(Strategy s) n/a common.str
ListToTuple n/a common.str
LMerge(Strategy s) Merges the first and a particular element of the list, determined by the strategy argument s sort.str
log Strategies for logging log.str
log(ATerm severity, ATerm msg, ATerm term) n/a log.str
log(ATerm severity, ATerm msg) n/a log.str
log-puts n/a log.str
log-src n/a log.str
log-stream n/a log.str
log2 n/a integer.str
long-description(Strategy s) No default short description parse-options.str
look2 n/a dynamic-rules.str
look2 n/a dynamic-rules.str
look2 n/a dynamic-rules.str
lookup n/a lookup.str
lookup Lookup the first value associated with a key in an associative list lookup.str
lookup(Strategy keyeq) Looks up the first value associated with a particular key in an associative list, using keyeq to do key comparisons lookup.str
lookup-table(ATerm name) Retrieves a named table by looking it up in the table-table common.str
lower-case Converts all characters of this string to lower case string.str
lower-case-chars Converts a list of characters to lower case string.str
LSort(Strategy s) Moves a particular element of a list to the front, determined by the strategy argument s sort.str
lt n/a integer.str
lt-inf n/a integer.str
lt-leq n/a integer.str
lt-lt n/a integer.str
ltrim(Strategy s) n/a common.str
ltrim-chars(Strategy s) Trims leading characters from a string string.str
ltS n/a integer.str
lzip(Strategy s) n/a zip.str
lzipFetch(Strategy s) n/a zip.str
make-placeholder Creates a placeholder placeholder.str
make-set Removes duplicate elements from a list set.str
makeConc Concats two elements if both elements are lists common.str
manybu(Strategy s) n/a simple.str
manytd(Strategy s) n/a simple.str
map(Strategy s) Apply a strategy to each element of a list common.str
map-intermediate(ATerm xs) n/a common.str
map-with-index(Strategy s) Apply strategies that require some knowledge of the index of an element to the elements of the list index.str
map-xs(ATerm intermediate, ATerm tail) This is just a foldr, but Stratego does not support specialization of map-xs to an intermediate without introducing tuples, which means that we cannot use a generic fold common.str
mapconcat(Strategy s) Transform the elements of a list into lists (map) and concatenate into a single list (concat) common.str
March(ATerm ) n/a time.str
MatchVar(Strategy isvar) n/a unification.str
matrix-transpose Transposes an n by m matrix common.str
max n/a integer.str
maxS n/a integer.str
May(ATerm ) n/a time.str
maybe(Strategy s) n/a conditional.str
maybe(Strategy s1, Strategy s2) n/a conditional.str
maybe(Strategy s1, Strategy s2) n/a conditional.str
member Succeeds if the first input term is a member of the second common.str
memo The memo operator makes a strategy into a memoizing strategy that looks up the term to be transformed in a memo table and only computes the transformation if the term is not found memo.str
memo(Strategy s) <memo(tbl, s)> t first looks up the term t in the memo table memo.str
Memo n/a memo.str
memo-scope(Strategy s) n/a memo.str
merge-rule-sets(Strategy merge) n/a dynamic-rules.str
min n/a integer.str
minS n/a integer.str
MkCons Makes a Cons out of a tuple with head and tail common.str
mkdir(ATerm mode) Create directory file.str
mkdir n/a file.str
mkdtemp n/a file.str
mkstemp n/a file.str
mkterm Build a term given a constructor name and a list of terms common.str
mod Returns the modulo (remainder after division) of two integers or reals integer.str
modi Returns the modulo (remainder after division) of two integers integer.str
modification-time Returns the modification time of a file in sections since epoch file.str
modr Returns the modulo (remainder after division) of two floats integer.str
modS n/a integer.str
modules CHANGES (by Joost Visser) modules.str
Monday(ATerm ) n/a time.str
month2abbr n/a date-format.str
month2abbr n/a date-format.str
month2abbr n/a date-format.str
month2abbr n/a date-format.str
month2abbr n/a date-format.str
month2abbr n/a date-format.str
month2abbr n/a date-format.str
month2abbr n/a date-format.str
month2abbr n/a date-format.str
month2abbr n/a date-format.str
month2abbr n/a date-format.str
month2abbr n/a date-format.str
month2index n/a time.str
month2index n/a time.str
month2index n/a time.str
month2index n/a time.str
month2index n/a time.str
month2index n/a time.str
month2index n/a time.str
month2index n/a time.str
month2index n/a time.str
month2index n/a time.str
month2index n/a time.str
month2index n/a time.str
month2text n/a date-format.str
month2text n/a date-format.str
month2text n/a date-format.str
month2text n/a date-format.str
month2text n/a date-format.str
month2text n/a date-format.str
month2text n/a date-format.str
month2text n/a date-format.str
month2text n/a date-format.str
month2text n/a date-format.str
month2text n/a date-format.str
month2text n/a date-format.str
mul Multiplies two numbers (integer or real) integer.str
muli Multiplies two integers integer.str
mulr Multiplies two reals integer.str
mulS n/a integer.str
need-help(Strategy u) n/a options.str
neg n/a integer.str
neg-chars-to-int n/a integer.str
nested n/a nested.str
NestedTable(ATerm ) n/a nested.str
nestedtable-get(ATerm keys) n/a nested.str
nestedtable-get(Strategy forward, ATerm keys) n/a nested.str
nestedtable-get-aux(Strategy forward, ATerm tbl) n/a nested.str
nestedtable-get-aux(Strategy forward, ATerm tbl) n/a nested.str
nestedtable-get-aux(Strategy forward, ATerm tbl1) n/a nested.str
nestedtable-put(ATerm keys, ATerm value) n/a nested.str
nestedtable-put(Strategy forward, ATerm keys, ATerm value) n/a nested.str
nestedtable-put(Strategy forward, Strategy changed, ATerm keys, ATerm value) n/a nested.str
nestedtable-put-aux(Strategy forward, Strategy changed, ATerm tbl, ATerm value) n/a nested.str
nestedtable-put-aux(Strategy forward, Strategy changed, ATerm tbl, ATerm value) n/a nested.str
nestedtable-put-aux(Strategy forward, Strategy changed, ATerm tbl1, ATerm value) n/a nested.str
new Generates a unique new string of the form 'c_d', where c is one char and d is a positive integer string.str
new-counter n/a integer.str
new-hashtable Create a new hashtable with default size and load common.str
new-hashtable(ATerm initial_size, ATerm max_load) Create a new hashtable with specified size and load common.str
new-iset Creates a new set with default initial size and maximum load indexed.str
new-iset(ATerm initial_size, ATerm max_load) Creates a new set with specified initial size and maximum load indexed.str
new-temp-dir Safe, mkdtemp based, creation of temporary directory file.str
new-temp-file Safe, mkstemp based, creation of temporary file file.str
newname Generates a unique new string with user-defined prefix the form 'sd', where s is a string and d is a positive integer string.str
NewTable(ATerm ) n/a nested.str
next(ATerm j) n/a index.str
next(ATerm j) n/a index.str
next-counter n/a integer.str
next-random Returns a random number between 0 and get-random-max integer.str
Nil(ATerm ) Empty list cons.str
nmap(Strategy s, ATerm i) Map a strategy over a list where the strategy takes the index as a term argument index.str
node-size n/a common.str
None(ATerm ) n/a option.str
Notice(ATerm ) n/a log.str
notice(ATerm msg) Logs the specified message as a notice log.str
notice-msg(ATerm msg) Logs the specified message as a notice log.str
November(ATerm ) n/a time.str
now-epoch-time n/a time.str
now-local-time n/a time.str
now-UTC n/a time.str
nub Removes duplicate elements from a list set.str
number(Strategy s) n/a common.str
number-from-signal n/a signal.str
number-from-signal n/a signal.str
nzip(Strategy s) n/a zip.str
nzip0(Strategy s) n/a zip.str
obsolete(Strategy msg) Logs an obsolete strategy message with the given message term.str
occurrences(Strategy s) n/a common.str
oct-chars-to-int n/a integer.str
oct-string-to-int n/a integer.str
October(ATerm ) n/a time.str
om-occurrences(Strategy s) n/a common.str
oncebu(Strategy s) n/a simple.str
oncetd(Strategy s) n/a simple.str
oncetd-skip(Strategy s, Strategy skip) n/a simple.str
one-dist(Strategy s) n/a environment.str
open n/a options.str
open n/a file.str
open(Strategy file) n/a term.str
open-stream Opens a Stream associated to a FileLoc file.str
Option(Strategy is-flag, Strategy label, Strategy s) n/a parse-options.str
Option(Strategy is-flag, Strategy label) n/a parse-options.str
Option(Strategy is-flag, Strategy label, Strategy s) Registere usage info, when Option is applied to the term "register-usage-info" parse-options.str
Option(Strategy is-flag, Strategy handlers, ATerm msg) The handlers argument of this ArgOption variant must be an OptionHandler parse-options.str
Option(Strategy is-flag, Strategy handlers, ATerm msg) Handle a special action, which is specified by a tuple parse-options.str
option n/a option.str
option(Strategy s) n/a option.str
option-defined(Strategy s) n/a parse-options.str
option-wrap(Strategy opts, Strategy s) n/a options.str
option-wrap(Strategy opts, Strategy usage, Strategy announce, Strategy s) n/a options.str
option-wrap(Strategy opts, Strategy usage, Strategy about, Strategy announce, Strategy s) Read options, display help, report success or failure, call strategy options.str
OptionCheck(Strategy exit, Strategy checks, ATerm msg) The exit parameter can - be <exit> 1 for immediate failure - be <set-config> "--help" to report the usage and exit parse-options.str
OptionHandler(Strategy user) n/a parse-options.str
OptionHandler(Strategy init, Strategy user, Strategy default) n/a parse-options.str
OptionHandler(Strategy init, Strategy user, Strategy default) n/a parse-options.str
OptionHandler(Strategy init, Strategy user, Strategy default) n/a parse-options.str
OptionHandlerHelper(Strategy is-flag, Strategy handlers) n/a parse-options.str
OptionHandlerHelper(Strategy is-flag, Strategy handlers) n/a parse-options.str
OptionNotCombinedCheck(Strategy is-flag, Strategy other-flags) Checks that this option is not used together with other options parse-options.str
OptionOneCheck(Strategy is-flag) Checks that this option is used exactly once parse-options.str
OptionOneOrMoreCheck(Strategy is-flag) Checks that this option is used one or more times parse-options.str
options This module contains strategies for handling command line options and simple serialization/unserialization of ATerms options.str
OptionZeroOrOneCheck(Strategy is-flag) Checks that this option is specified just once, or not at all parse-options.str
or(Strategy s1, Strategy s2) or(s1, s2) is similar to ior(s1,s2), but the application of the strategies is only tested conditional.str
outermost(Strategy s) n/a fixpoint.str
output(Strategy s) Wraps a strategy into a strategy that handles output options options.str
output-option Option specifications for writing output options.str
output-options n/a options.str
output-wrap(Strategy s) n/a options.str
output-wrap(Strategy extra-opts, Strategy s) n/a options.str
override-key(Strategy ns) n/a scoped-finite-map.str
override-system-about No override of the default system about parse-options.str
override-system-usage No override of the default system usage parse-options.str
pack(Strategy parser, Strategy imp) Packing a module consists of collecting all modules into a single file common.str
pack-modules(Strategy pack) n/a modules.str
pack-modules(Strategy pack, Strategy dep-base) n/a modules.str
pack-options n/a modules.str
PackInit n/a common.str
padd-with(Strategy s) n/a string.str
Pair(ATerm x, ATerm y) Overlay for a pair, converts two terms to a 2-tuple cons.str
pair-term-zip-bu(Strategy leaf, Strategy node) n/a zip.str
parenthesize This module defines a generic strategy for placing parentheses in abstract syntax trees based on priority and associativity declarations parenthesize.str
parenthesize(Strategy paren, Strategy prios) n/a parenthesize.str
parenthesize(Strategy paren) n/a parenthesize.str
parse-options Strategies for handling command-line options parse-options.str
parse-options(Strategy s) Invokes system-usage and system-about on help and about parse-options.str
parse-options(Strategy s, Strategy usage, Strategy about) Parse options parse-options.str
parse-options'(Strategy s) Register all usages of all defined switches; then parse switches as specified by the user parse-options.str
partition(Strategy s) n/a filter.str
partition(Strategy s1, Strategy s2) Partitions a list into a tuple of two lists filter.str
pass-keep Builds command-line parameter for 'keep' levels for calling XT tools keep.str
pass-statistics Builds command-line parameter for 'statistics' levels for calling XT tools stats.str
pass-verbose Builds command-line parameter for verbosity levels for calling XT tools verbose.str
Path(ATerm ) n/a file.str
pattern-match(Strategy isvar) n/a unification.str
perror Print a system error message error.str
pipe Pipe creates a pair Pipe(fd1, fd2) of file descriptors, pointing to a pipe inode, and places them in the array pointed to by filedes file.str
Pipe(ATerm , ATerm ) n/a file.str
pipe-abstractions n/a pipe-abstractions.str
pipe-abstractions n/a pipe-abstractions.str
pipe-sink(Strategy prog, Strategy args) n/a pipe-abstractions.str
pipe-source(Strategy prog, Strategy args) n/a pipe-abstractions.str
placeholder Primitives for ATerm placeholders placeholder.str
pos n/a integer.str
pos-chars-to-int n/a integer.str
post-extend-config Extends the list of values of the specified key with new values common.str
postorder-collect(Strategy s) n/a collect.str
postorder-collect(Strategy s, Strategy acc) n/a collect.str
prefix-lines(ATerm p) Prefixes all lines in a string with a string string.str
preserve-annos(Strategy s) n/a annotation.str
preserve-annotation(Strategy s) Alias of preserve-annos annotation.str
prim-tuple-to-ComponentTime n/a time.str
print-failure n/a sunit.str
print-failure(ATerm msg) n/a sunit.str
print-stacktrace n/a stacktrace.str
printstring n/a term.str
process Run-time process information process.str
process n/a process.str
process-abstractions n/a process-abstractions.str
profile(Strategy s) n/a time.str
profile(Strategy msg, Strategy s) n/a time.str
profile'(Strategy msg, Strategy s) n/a time.str
Program(ATerm ) n/a parse-options.str
properties n/a properties.str
pseudo-innermost3(Strategy s) n/a fixpoint.str
puts Writes a String to stdout with a trailing newline and returns stdout file.str
P_tmpdir n/a file.str
qsort(Strategy swap) Sort a list using the quick-sort algorithm sort.str
quick-sort(Strategy swap) n/a sort.str
quick-sort(Strategy swap, ATerm tail) n/a sort.str
quick-sort(Strategy swap, ATerm tail) n/a sort.str
quote(Strategy c) n/a string.str
quote-chars(Strategy c) n/a string.str
quote-chars n/a string.str
range Generates range of numbers in the form of an integer list integer.str
range Generates a range of numbers in the form of an integer list integer.str
range(ATerm step) Generates a sequence of integers, using a specified step size integer.str
range(ATerm step) Generates a sequence of integers, using a specified step size integer.str
range(Strategy next) Generates a sequence of numbers using a generator strategy integer.str
range(Strategy next) n/a integer.str
Read n/a file-abstractions.str
read-from-prog(Strategy prog, Strategy args) n/a pipe-abstractions.str
read-from-prog'(Strategy prog, Strategy args) n/a pipe-abstractions.str
read-from-stream Reads an ATerm from a Stream term.str
read-from-string Reads an ATerm from a String term.str
read-term-from-pipe n/a pipe-abstractions.str
read-text-file Reads the contents of a textfile char.str
read-text-from-stream Reads all characters until EOF char.str
read-text-line Reads the next line of text in stream char.str
readdir The readdir() function returns a pointer to a dirent structure representing the next directory entry in the directory stream pointed to by dir file.str
ReadFromFile <ReadFromFile> file reads the term in file term.str
real This module contains strategies for operating on real numbers real.str
real n/a real.str
real-to-string n/a real.str
real-to-string(ATerm prec) n/a real.str
record-failure Internal: record a failed test sunit.str
record-success Internal: record a successful test sunit.str
reduce(Strategy s) n/a fixpoint.str
register-usage(Strategy s) Register useage info 's' by storing 's' in the table "usage-table" parse-options.str
remove-all(Strategy s) Removes all elements from a list that satisfy s filter.str
remove-extension Remove an extension from a file name file.str
remove-file Removes a file from a directory dir.str
remove-no n/a common.str
remove-yes n/a common.str
rename Renaming of bound variables is determined by the shape of variables and binding constructs rename.str
rename(Strategy isvar, Strategy bndvars) renaming bound variables assuming that variables are bound in all subterms of a binding construct variable declarations in binding constructs are assumed to have the same shape as variable uses rename.str
rename(Strategy isvar, Strategy bndvars, Strategy boundin) The strategy \verb|rename(isvar, mkvar, bnd)| renames all bound variables in a term to fresh variables; rename.str
rename(Strategy isvar, Strategy bndvars, Strategy boundin, Strategy paste) n/a rename.str
rename-file Alternative to the POSIX+XSI rename-file file.str
rename-file rename renames a file, moving it between directories if required file.str
repeat(Strategy s) Repeatedly apply s until it fails iteration.str
repeat(Strategy s, Strategy c) Repeatedly apply s until it fails and terminate with application of c iteration.str
repeat(Strategy s, ATerm n) Applies s repeatedly exactly n times iteration.str
repeat-until(Strategy s, Strategy c) Repeatedly apply s until c succeeds iteration.str
repeat1(Strategy s, Strategy c) Repeatedly apply s (at least once) and terminate with application of c iteration.str
repeat1(Strategy s) Repeatedly apply s (at least once) iteration.str
report-failure n/a options.str
report-failure(Strategy exit) n/a options.str
report-failure-no-trace Report the failure of this program, without showing a stack trace options.str
report-failure-no-trace(Strategy exit) n/a options.str
report-run-time Outputs the name of the program and the run time in seconds to stderr time.str
report-run-time n/a fallback-posix.str
report-success n/a options.str
report-test Internal: report the number of successes and failures sunit.str
reset-counter n/a integer.str
rest-zip(Strategy s) n/a zip.str
restore(Strategy s, Strategy rest) Apply restoring action 'rest' if s fails, and then fail conditional.str
restore-always(Strategy s, Strategy rest) Apply restoring action 'rest' after s terminates, and preserve success/failure behaviour of s conditional.str
retain-all(Strategy s) Returns all elements in a list that satisfy s, as a list filter.str
reverse Reverses a list common.str
reverse(Strategy s) Reverses a list and applies s to all the elements common.str
reverse-filter(Strategy s) Returns all elements in a list that satisfy s, as a list filter.str
reverse-filter(Strategy s, Strategy tail) n/a filter.str
reverse-map(Strategy s) In reverse order, apply a strategy to each element of a list common.str
rewrite(Strategy ns) n/a scoped-finite-map.str
right-match Succeeds if the first list of terms ends with the second list of terms string.str
RightAssoc n/a parenthesize.str
risky(Strategy s, ATerm msg) n/a log.str
risky(Strategy s, ATerm severity, ATerm msg) n/a log.str
risky(Strategy msg, Strategy s) Tries to apply s and prints msg to stderr if this fails term.str
rm-annotations n/a annotation.str
rm-config Remove the entry of the specified key from the config table common.str
rm2(ATerm scpid, ATerm tbl2, ATerm key) n/a dynamic-rules.str
rm2(ATerm scpid, ATerm tbl2, ATerm key) n/a dynamic-rules.str
rmdir Remove empty directory file.str
RnBinding(Strategy bndvrs) n/a rename.str
RnBinding(Strategy bndvrs, Strategy paste) n/a rename.str
RnVar(Strategy isvar) n/a rename.str
rseq n/a dynamic-rules.str
rtrim(Strategy s) Trim elements from the end of a list common.str
rtrim-chars(Strategy s) Trims trailing characters from a string string.str
RuleScope(ATerm , ATerm ) n/a dynamic-rules.str
run-time Total run-time so far time.str
rzip(Strategy s) n/a zip.str
rzipFetch(Strategy s) n/a zip.str
R_OK(ATerm ) n/a file.str
Saturday(ATerm ) n/a time.str
save(Strategy file) n/a term.str
say(Strategy msg) Prints the term produced by applying msg to stderr term.str
scope(Strategy ns, Strategy s) n/a scoped-finite-map.str
scoped-finite-map n/a scoped-finite-map.str
Scopes(ATerm ) n/a scoped-finite-map.str
self-children-sys-time n/a time.str
self-children-user-time n/a time.str
separate-by Separates the elements of the list by the specified separator common.str
separate-by(Strategy sep) Separates the elements of the list by the specified separator common.str
separate-by(ATerm sep) Separates the elements of the list by the specified separator common.str
September(ATerm ) n/a time.str
set n/a set.str
set-anno n/a annotation.str
set-annos Alias of set-annotations annotation.str
set-annotations Sets the annotations of the given term t to the annotations a annotation.str
set-config Set an entry (key and value) in the config table common.str
set-counter n/a integer.str
set-eq Check equality of two list sets set.str
set-eq(Strategy eq) Check equality of two list sets set.str
set-index Change element in list index.str
set-keep Sets the 'keep' level keep.str
set-log-stream n/a log.str
set-random-seed Sets a seed for the following sequence of next-random calls integer.str
set-statistics Sets the 'statistics' level stats.str
set-verbosity Sets the verbosity level verbose.str
set2(ATerm scpid, ATerm tbl2, ATerm key, ATerm value) n/a dynamic-rules.str
set2(ATerm scpid, ATerm tbl2, ATerm key, ATerm value) n/a dynamic-rules.str
setenv The setenv() function adds the variable name to the environment with the value value, if name does not already exist process.str
setup-filter-pipe n/a pipe-abstractions.str
severity-string n/a log.str
severity-string n/a log.str
severity-string n/a log.str
severity-string n/a log.str
severity-string n/a log.str
severity-string n/a log.str
severity-string n/a log.str
severity-string n/a log.str
severity-string n/a log.str
share The ATerm library preserves maximal sharing of subterms through hash-consing share.str
share(Strategy mkvar, Strategy always, Strategy mklet) The strategy share defined in this module achieves such an explicit sharing for arbitrary terms share.str
short-description(Strategy s) No default long description parse-options.str
shuffle-forced n/a string.str
SIGABRT n/a signal.str
SIGALRM n/a signal.str
SIGBUS n/a signal.str
SIGCHLD n/a signal.str
SIGCONT n/a signal.str
SIGFPE n/a signal.str
SIGHUP n/a signal.str
SIGILL n/a signal.str
SIGINT n/a signal.str
SIGKILL n/a signal.str
signal Information in this module is taken from the GNU core-utils manual, process control section signal.str
Signal(ATerm , ATerm , ATerm ) n/a signal.str
signal-from-number n/a signal.str
signal-to-descr n/a signal.str
signal-to-descr n/a signal.str
signaled Succeeds if the process of this WaitStatus was signaled process-abstractions.str
SIGPIPE n/a signal.str
SIGPOLL n/a signal.str
SIGPROF n/a signal.str
SIGQUIT n/a signal.str
SIGSEGV n/a signal.str
SIGSTOP n/a signal.str
SIGSYS n/a signal.str
SIGTERM n/a signal.str
SIGTRAP n/a signal.str
SIGTSTP n/a signal.str
SIGTTIN n/a signal.str
SIGTTOU n/a signal.str
SIGURG n/a signal.str
SIGUSR1 n/a signal.str
SIGUSR2 n/a signal.str
SIGVTALRM n/a signal.str
SIGXCPU n/a signal.str
SIGXFSZ n/a signal.str
simple This module contains generic one-pass traversals over terms simple.str
sin n/a real.str
single-quote n/a string.str
single-quote-chars Adds single quotes to the start and end of a list of characters string.str
skip(Strategy s) n/a filter.str
skip(Strategy s) n/a filter.str
Snd n/a common.str
Some(ATerm ) n/a option.str
somebu(Strategy s) n/a simple.str
somedownup(Strategy s) n/a simple.str
somespinebu(Strategy s) n/a simple.str
somespinetd(Strategy s) n/a simple.str
sometd(Strategy s) n/a simple.str
sort This module contains strategies for sorting lists sort.str
sort-list(Strategy s) Sorts a list when given a suitable comparsion strategy s sort.str
SortL(Strategy s) Swaps the two first elements in a list if s succeeds on this pair sort.str
spawn-filter-with-prog(Strategy prog, Strategy args) n/a pipe-abstractions.str
spinebu(Strategy s) Apply s along the spine of a term, in bottom up order simple.str
spinebu'(Strategy s) n/a simple.str
spinetd(Strategy s) Apply s along the spine of a term, in top down order simple.str
spinetd'(Strategy s) n/a simple.str
split(Strategy f, Strategy g) n/a common.str
split-after n/a string.str
split-at(Strategy s) n/a common.str
split-at(ATerm n) Splits the list in two sublists, containing elements from 0 to n and from n onwards common.str
split-at-dot n/a string.str
split-at-newlines n/a string.str
split-at-space Splits a string at each occurrence of a whitespace string.str
split-before n/a string.str
split-Cons Splits a Cons into a tuple with head and tail common.str
split-fetch(Strategy s) Splits a list in two parts at the first point where s succeeds common.str
split-fetch-keep(Strategy s) Splits a list in two parts at the point where s succeeds, keeping the element at which s succeeded common.str
split-init-last Splits a list into a tuple of its init list and last element common.str
split-last n/a common.str
split3(Strategy f, Strategy g, Strategy h) n/a common.str
splitmap(Strategy s, ATerm n) Splits a list after n elements and applies strategy s to the first sublist common.str
SplitPos(ATerm , ATerm ) n/a dynamic-rules.str
sqrt n/a real.str
stacktrace n/a stacktrace.str
stacktrace-get-all-frame-names Return a list of all the current stack frame namess stacktrace.str
stacktrace-get-current-frame-index Return the index (depth) of the current stack, including the call to this strategy stacktrace.str
stacktrace-get-current-frame-name Return the name of the currently active stack frame stacktrace.str
statistics-option Option specifcation for level of statistics printing options.str
stats n/a stats.str
stderr(ATerm ) n/a file.str
stderr-stream n/a file.str
STDERR_FILENO n/a file.str
stdin(ATerm ) n/a file.str
stdin-from-pipe n/a pipe-abstractions.str
stdin-stream Returns the Stream for stdin, stdout and stderr file.str
STDIN_FILENO n/a file.str
stdio-stream n/a file.str
stdio-stream n/a file.str
stdio-stream n/a file.str
stdout(ATerm ) n/a file.str
stdout-stream n/a file.str
stdout-to-pipe n/a pipe-abstractions.str
STDOUT_FILENO n/a file.str
step n/a common.str
stopped Succeeds if the process of this WaitStatus was stopped process-abstractions.str
stratego-lib-c99 n/a stratego-lib-c99.str
stratego-lib-generic n/a stratego-lib-generic.str
stratego-lib-posix n/a stratego-lib-posix.str
stratego-lib-posix-xsi n/a stratego-lib-posix-xsi.str
strcasecmp Compares two lists of characters lexicographically, ignoring case string.str
strcat Concats a tuple of two Strings string.str
strcmp n/a string.str
Stream(ATerm ) n/a file.str
strerror Return string describing error code error.str
string This module contains strategies for operating on strings string.str
string-as-chars(Strategy s) Wraps a strategy on a list of chars in a strategy on a string string.str
string-ends-with(ATerm end) Succeeds if the first String ends with the second String string.str
string-gt Compares two strings or lists of characters lexicographically and succeeds if the first one is larger than the second, ignoring case string.str
string-length Returns the number of characters in a string string.str
string-lt Compares two strings or lists of characters lexicographically and succeeds if the first one is smaller than the second, ignoring case string.str
string-replace(ATerm old, ATerm new) n/a string.str
string-sort n/a string.str
string-sort-desc Sorts a list of strings lexicographically ignoring case, descending string.str
string-starts-with(ATerm start) Succeeds if the first String starts with the second String string.str
string-to-int n/a integer.str
string-to-level n/a log.str
string-to-level n/a log.str
string-to-level n/a log.str
string-to-level n/a log.str
string-to-level n/a log.str
string-to-level n/a log.str
string-to-level n/a log.str
string-to-level n/a log.str
string-to-level n/a log.str
string-to-real n/a real.str
string-tokenize(ATerm sepchars) Breaks a string into tokens string.str
string-tokenize n/a string.str
string-tokenize-keep-all(ATerm sepChars) Splits a string into a list of tokens, keeping the separating elements as 1-char-strings within the results list, *and* also keeping the empty "" tokens string.str
string-tokenize-keep-empty(ATerm sepChars) Splits a string into a list of tokens, including the empty ones string.str
strip-annos n/a annotation.str
strlen Returns the number of characters in a string string.str
strncmp Compares the n first characters of two character lists, n is given by the last argument string.str
Structure(ATerm ) n/a dynamic-rules.str
subs-args n/a substitution.str
subset Succeeds if the first set is a strict subset of the second set.str
subset(Strategy eq) Succeeds if the first set is a strict subset of the second set.str
subset-gen(Strategy eq, Strategy rest) n/a set.str
subseteq Succeeds if the first set is a (non-strict) subset of the second set.str
subseteq(Strategy eq) Succeeds if the first set is a (non-strict) subset of the second set.str
substitute(Strategy isvar, Strategy ren) n/a substitution.str
substitute(Strategy isvar) n/a substitution.str
substitute(Strategy isvar, Strategy varshape, Strategy bndvars, Strategy boundin, Strategy paste, Strategy ren) n/a substitution.str
substitute(Strategy isvar, Strategy varshape, Strategy bndvars, Strategy boundin, Strategy paste) n/a substitution.str
substitution n/a substitution.str
SubsVar(Strategy isvar, Strategy mksbs) n/a substitution.str
subt Subtracts two numbers (integer or real) integer.str
subti Subtracts two integers integer.str
subtr Subtracts two reals integer.str
subtS n/a integer.str
sum Returns the sum of all integers in a list of integers integer.str
Sunday(ATerm ) n/a time.str
sunit sunit: Unit Testing Framework sunit.str
sunit-color-plain n/a sunit.str
sunit-color-red n/a sunit.str
sunit-create-input(Strategy s) n/a sunit.str
sunit-create-output(Strategy s) n/a sunit.str
sunit-failure-string n/a sunit.str
Swap n/a common.str
swapper(ATerm a2) n/a sort.str
sym-diff Takes the symmetric difference of two sets set.str
sym-diff(Strategy eq) Takes the symmetric difference of two sets set.str
symmetric-no n/a common.str
symmetric-yes n/a common.str
system-about n/a parse-options.str
system-about-switch Always provide the --about and --version switch parse-options.str
system-time n/a time.str
system-usage n/a parse-options.str
system-usage-switch Always provide --help switch parse-options.str
t(Strategy s) n/a environment.str
table-append n/a common.str
table-copy n/a common.str
table-create Creates a table with a given name, which can be any term common.str
table-destroy Destroy a table with a given name, which can be any term common.str
table-diff n/a common.str
table-get Get the value associated with a key from a table common.str
table-getlist Get a list of key-value pairs common.str
table-hashtable Retrieves the primitive table-table as a Hashtable common.str
table-keys Produce a list of keys of a table common.str
table-lookup n/a common.str
table-pop n/a common.str
table-pop-get n/a common.str
table-pop-rm n/a common.str
table-push n/a common.str
table-put Associate a value with a key in a table common.str
table-putlist Put a list of key-value pairs in a table common.str
table-putlist(Strategy s) n/a common.str
table-remove Remove association of a key in a table common.str
table-rename Renames a table, i common.str
table-replace n/a common.str
table-union n/a common.str
Tables(ATerm ) n/a nested.str
take(Strategy isn) Take the first n elements of a list, given by isn common.str
take(ATerm n) Returns the first n elements of a list, fails if list has fewer than n elements common.str
take-until(Strategy s) Take elements from the start of a list until s succeeds common.str
take-while(Strategy s) Take elements from the start of a list while s succeeds common.str
takemap(Strategy s, ATerm n) Returns the n first elements after s has been applied to them common.str
tcata(Strategy s1, Strategy s2) n/a common.str
tconcat(Strategy s) n/a common.str
tconcat'(Strategy s1, Strategy s2) n/a common.str
temp-dir n/a file.str
term Term input and output term.str
term-address-lt(ATerm t2) Compare the address of two terms and succeeds if the address of the current term is smaller than the address of the argument common.str
term-share-dead n/a share.str
term-share-dont-inline(Strategy mklet) n/a share.str
term-share-inline n/a share.str
term-size n/a common.str
term-zip(Strategy leaf, Strategy node) n/a zip.str
TermTupleZip(Strategy s) n/a zip.str
TermZip(Strategy s) n/a zip.str
test-extension(Strategy ext) Tests if the file extension (everything after the file.str
test-suite(Strategy name, Strategy tests) n/a sunit.str
testing(Strategy nr, Strategy s) n/a sunit.str
tfoldr(Strategy s1, Strategy s2) Fold a tuple from right to left using s2 as the folding strategy common.str
Thd n/a common.str
Third n/a common.str
thread-alltd(Strategy s) n/a environment.str
thread-bottomup(Strategy s) n/a environment.str
thread-map(Strategy s) Applies s to each element in the list, keeping along a separate context term common.str
thread-replacement(Strategy s) n/a environment.str
ThrowCS(ATerm , ATerm ) n/a dynamic-rules.str
Thursday(ATerm ) n/a time.str
ticks-to-seconds n/a time.str
time The primitive \verb|dtime| returns the CPU time in seconds since the last call to \verb|dtime| time.str
time Strategy time returns the time since the Epoch (00:00:00 UTC, January 1, 1970), measured in seconds time.str
time n/a time.str
time n/a time.str
times n/a time.str
times-to-seconds n/a time.str
tindex n/a common.str
tl(Strategy s') n/a dynamic-rules.str
tmap(Strategy s) n/a common.str
tmpnam n/a file.str
to-lower Ensures that a character is lower-case string.str
to-upper Ensures that a character is upper-case string.str
toggle-config Adds an entry to the config table if it does not exist, or removes the entry if it does already exist in the config table common.str
topdown(Strategy s) n/a simple.str
topdown-l(Strategy s) n/a list.str
topdownS(Strategy s, Strategy stop) n/a simple.str
topdownS-l(Strategy s, Strategy stop) n/a list.str
trace(Strategy msg, Strategy s) n/a term.str
trim(Strategy s) Trim elements from both start and end of a list common.str
trim-chars(Strategy s) Trims leading and trailing characters from a string string.str
trim-leading-whitespace Trims all leading whitespace in a (single-line) string string.str
trim-trailing-whitespace Trims all trailing whitespace in a (single-line) string string.str
trim-whitespace Trims all trailing and leading whitespace in a (single-line) string string.str
true n/a conditional.str
try(Strategy s) n/a conditional.str
TryBlock(ATerm , ATerm , ATerm , ATerm ) n/a dynamic-rules.str
Ttl n/a common.str
Tuesday(ATerm ) n/a time.str
tuple-unzip(Strategy s) n/a common.str
tuple-zip(Strategy s) n/a common.str
TupleToList n/a common.str
twicetd(Strategy s) n/a collect.str
tzip(Strategy s) n/a common.str
UfDecompose n/a unification.str
UfIdem n/a unification.str
UfShift n/a unification.str
UfSwap(Strategy isvar) n/a unification.str
UfVar(Strategy isvar) n/a unification.str
un-double-quote Removes double quotes from the start and end of a string Fails if the string is not properly quoted string.str
un-double-quote-chars Removes double quotes from the start and end of a list of characters string.str
un-single-quote Removes single quotes from the start and end of a string Fails if the string is not properly quoted string.str
un-single-quote-chars Removes single quotes from the start and end of a list of characters string.str
Undefined(ATerm ) n/a parse-options.str
UndefinedOption n/a parse-options.str
unescape Unescapes double quotes, backslash, linefeed and tabs string.str
UnEscape n/a string.str
unescape-chars(Strategy s) Unescapes characters using a specified unescape strategy string.str
unescape-chars Unescapes double quotes, backslash, linefeed and tabs string.str
unification Syntactic unification, no variable bindings are taken into account unification.str
unify(Strategy isvar) The strategy unify unifies a list of pairs of terms and creates the most general unifier for them unification.str
union Union: Concatenation of two lists, only those elements in the first list are added that are not already in the second list set.str
union(Strategy eq) n/a set.str
unions Takes the union of a list of sets set.str
unions(Strategy eq) n/a set.str
uniq n/a sort.str
Uniq n/a sort.str
UnknownSignal(ATerm ) n/a signal.str
unpack(Strategy wrapper, Strategy getname, Strategy ext) Unpacking is the reverse of packing, i common.str
unquote(Strategy s) Removes the first and last character of a string string.str
unquote(Strategy s1, Strategy s2) Removes the first and last character of a string string.str
unquote-chars(Strategy s) Removes the first and last character of a list of characters string.str
unquote-chars(Strategy s1, Strategy s2) Removes the first and last character of a list of characters string.str
unzip n/a zip.str
unzip(Strategy s) Splits a list of pairs into two separate lists, applying s to the pair before splitting zip.str
upper-case Converts all characters of this string to upper case string.str
upper-case-chars Converts a list of characters to upper case string.str
upto n/a common.str
user-time n/a time.str
verbose Verbosity management verbose.str
verbose-level n/a log.str
verbose-level n/a log.str
verbose-level n/a log.str
verbose-level n/a log.str
verbose-level n/a log.str
verbose-level n/a log.str
verbose-level n/a log.str
verbose-level n/a log.str
verbose-level n/a log.str
verbose-option Option specifications for verbosity options.str
verbose-to-int n/a options.str
verbosity Give the current verbosity level verbose.str
Vomit(ATerm ) n/a log.str
waitpid n/a process.str
WaitStatus(ATerm , ATerm , ATerm ) Collects the information returned from a wait call process.str
warn(ATerm msg) Logs the specified message as a warning log.str
warn-ifsignaled Prints a warning if the process of this WaitStatus was signaled process-abstractions.str
warn-msg(ATerm msg) Logs the specified message as a warning log.str
Warning(ATerm ) n/a log.str
Wednesday(ATerm ) n/a time.str
while(Strategy c, Strategy s) While c succeeds apply s iteration.str
while-not(Strategy c, Strategy s) While c does not succeed apply s iteration.str
whoami n/a options.str
with This module provides a basic strategy for specifying run-time verified strategies with.str
with(Strategy s, ATerm message) n/a with.str
Write n/a file-abstractions.str
write-in-baf-to-stream n/a term.str
write-in-taf-to-stream n/a term.str
write-in-text-to-stream n/a term.str
write-term-to-text-pipe n/a pipe-abstractions.str
write-to-binary-string Writes an ATerm to a binary string represented as a list of chars term.str
write-to-prog(Strategy prog, Strategy args) n/a pipe-abstractions.str
write-to-prog'(Strategy prog, Strategy args) n/a pipe-abstractions.str
write-to-shared-string Writes an ATerm to a shared string represented as a list of chars term.str
write-to-stream Writes an ATerm to a Stream term.str
write-to-string Writes an ATerm to a String term.str
WriteMod(Strategy getname, Strategy write, Strategy ext) n/a common.str
WriteToBinaryFile <WriteToBinaryFile> (file, term) writes term to file in BAF format term.str
WriteToFile(Strategy writer) <WriteToFile(s)> (file, term) writes term to file with the writer s term.str
WriteToTextFile <WriteToTextFile> (file, term) writes term to file in textual ATerm format term.str
W_OK(ATerm ) n/a file.str
X_OK(ATerm ) n/a file.str
zip n/a zip.str
zip Zipping two lists into a list of pairs is a useful operation in many situations zip.str
zip n/a zip.str
zip(Strategy s) Combines two lists into one by pairing up the elements from both lists, applying s to the pair zip.str
zip(Strategy s, ATerm ys) Combines two lists into one by pairing up the elements from both lists zip.str
zip'(Strategy s) n/a zip.str
zip-skip(Strategy pred, Strategy s) n/a zip.str
zip-tail n/a zip.str
zipFetch(Strategy s) n/a zip.str
zipl(Strategy s) n/a zip.str
zipl-tail-match(Strategy s) n/a zip.str
zipPad(Strategy s, Strategy padding) Combines two lists, which may have different lengths, into one by pairing up the elements from both lists, applying s to the pair zip.str
zipr(Strategy s) n/a zip.str
zipr-tail-match(Strategy s) n/a zip.str