module system/posix/file

 * Standard file descriptors

  // Standard input, equal to <fileno> stdin
  // Standard output, equal to <fileno> stdout
  // Standard error output, equal to <fileno> stderr

 * Terminal I/O

   * Succeeds if file descriptor refers to a terminal device.
  isatty =
    ?filedes; prim("SSL_isatty", filedes) => 1

 * These  functions  return  information  about the specified
 * file.  You do not need any access rights to  the  file  to
 * get  this  information  but  you need search rights to all
 * directories named in the path leading to the file.

   * Returns the modification time of a file in sections since
   * epoch.
   * @type String -> Int 
  modification-time =
    ?file; prim("SSL_modification_time", file)

 * File operations

  * link-file creats a hard link from file 'new' to file 'old'.
  link-file =
    ?(old, new); prim("SSL_link", old, new)

 * Directories

  * The  readdir()  function  returns  a  pointer  to a dirent
  * structure representing the next  directory  entry  in  the
  * directory  stream  pointed  to by dir.  It returns NULL on
  * reaching the end-of-file or if an error occurred. 
  readdir = 
    ?dir; prim("SSL_readdir", dir)

   * Returns the current working directory.
  getcwd =

   * Change current working directory.
   * @type String -> String
  chdir =
    ?pathname; prim("SSL_chdir", pathname) => 0
    <+ <conc-strings; perror; fail> ("SSL/chdir: Cannot change current working directory to ", <id>)

   * Create directory
   * @type String -> Int
  mkdir(|mode) =
      ?pathname; prim("SSL_mkdir", pathname, mode) => 0
      <+ <conc-strings; perror; fail> ("SSL/mkdir: Cannot create directory ", <id>)

  mkdir =
    mkdir(|[Read(), Write(), Execute()])

   * Remove empty directory
   * @type String -> Int
  rmdir =
    ?pathname; prim("SSL_rmdir", pathname) => 0
    <+ <conc-strings; perror; fail> ("SSL/rmdir: Cannot delete directory ", <id>)

 * Primitive file operations

   * Opening a file
  // create a file and return a file descriptor
  creat =
    ?pathname; prim("SSL_creat", pathname)

  // open a file and return a file descriptor
  open =
    ?pathname; prim("SSL_open", pathname)

   * Closing a file
   * Deallocates a file descriptor   
  close =
    ?fd; prim("SSL_close", fd)
   * Duplicating a file descriptor
  dup =
    ?fd; prim("SSL_dup", fd)

  dup2 =
    ?(fd1, fd2); prim("SSL_dup2", fd1, fd2)

   * checks the accessibility of the specified file wrt to the
   * specified permissions. Fails if the access is not allowed,
   * returns the path otherwise.
   * @type (String, List(AccessPermission)) -> String
   * @inc access
  access =
    ?(path, permissions); prim("SSL_access", path, permissions)

    F_OK: AccessPermission
    R_OK: AccessPermission
    W_OK: AccessPermission
    X_OK: AccessPermission
 * Connecting high and low level file operations
   * The fdopen function associates a stream with the existing file 
   * descriptor, fd.
   * The mode of the stream ("r", "r+", "w", "w+",  "a", "a+") must be 
   * compatible with the mode of the file descriptor.  The file position 
   * @type (FileDescr, String) -> Stream
  fdopen = 
    ?(fd, mode); prim("SSL_fdopen", fd, mode); !Stream(<id>)

   * The function fileno examines the argument stream and returns its 
   * integer descriptor
   * @type Stream -> FileDescr
   * @inc fileno
  fileno = 
    ?Stream(stream); prim("SSL_fileno", stream)

   * Mode of a file
   * @type String -> FileMode
  filemode =
    ?pathname; prim("SSL_filemode", pathname); ?(<id>, 0)
    <+ <conc-strings; perror; fail> ("SSL/filemode: Cannot get filemode from ", <id>)

   * @type File -> FileMode
  isreg =
    ?mode; prim("SSL_S_ISREG", mode)
   * Succeeds when applied to a File which is a directory.
   * Idiom: <file-exists ; filemode ; isdir> "/etc"
   * @type File -> FileMode
  isdir =
    ?mode; prim("SSL_S_ISDIR", mode)

   * @type File -> FileMode
  ischr =
    ?mode; prim("SSL_S_ISCHR", mode)

   * @type File -> FileMode
  isblk =
    ?mode; prim("SSL_S_ISBLK", mode)

   * @type File -> FileMode
  isfifo =
    ?mode; prim("SSL_S_ISFIFO", mode)

   * @type File -> FileMode
  islnk =
    ?mode; prim("SSL_S_ISLNK", mode) 

   * @type File -> FileMode
  issock =
    ?mode; prim("SSL_S_ISSOCK", mode) 

 * Pipes (and FIFOs)
   * Pipe creates a pair Pipe(fd1, fd2) of file descriptors, pointing
   * to a pipe inode, and places them in the array pointed to by filedes.
   * fd1 is for reading, fd2 is for writing.
   * @type _ -> Pipe
  pipe =
    Pipe       : Int * Int -> Pipe