 * This module contains strategies for filtering and partitioning
 * lists.
module collection/list/filter

   * Returns all elements in a list that satisfy s, as a list.
   * @param s  a -> b
   * @type     List(a) -> List(b)
   * @inc test1
  filter(s) = 
    [] + [s | filter(s)] <+ ?[_ | <filter(s)> ]

  filter(s, tail) = 
    ?[]; tail
    <+ [s | filter(s, tail)]
    <+ ?[_ | <filter(s, tail)> ]


   * Returns all elements in a list that satisfy s, as a list.
   * @param s  a -> b
   * @type     List(a) -> List(b)
  retain-all(s) =
   * Removes all elements from a list that satisfy s
   * @param s  a -> b
   * @type     List(a) -> List(a)
  remove-all(s) =


   * Returns all elements in a list that satisfy s, as a list.
   * Traverses the list in reverse order.
   * @param s a -> b
   * @type  List(a) -> List(b)
  reverse-filter(s) = 
    [] + [id | reverse-filter(s)]; ([s | id] <+ ?[_  | <id>])
  reverse-filter(s, tail) = 
    ?[]; tail
    + ?[x | xs]
      ; <reverse-filter(s, tail)> xs
      ; try(![<s> x | <id>])

  /** @internal */
  filter-gen(pred, cont : (term -> term) * term -> term) =
    rec x([] + (pred; cont(x)) <+ Tl; x)

  /** @internal */
  filter-option-args(flag) =
	let skip(s) = at-tail(s)
	 in filter-gen([flag | id]; Tl, skip)

  /** @internal */
  filter-options(flag) = 
	let skip(s) = at-tail(at-tail(s))
     in filter-gen([flag | id], skip)

  /** @internal */
  list-some-filter(s) =
    rec x([s| id]; [id| filter(s)] <+ [id| x]; Tl)

  * Partitions a list into a tuple of two lists.
  * The argument s is applied to all elements of the list. The
  * results of the succesful applications are returned in the first
  * list. The terms to which s cannot be applied are returned in the
  * second list.
  * @param s   a -> b
  * @type      List(a) -> (List(b), List(a)) 
  * @inc test2
  partition(s) =
    partition(s, id)

  * Partitions a list into a tuple of two lists.
  * @param s1   a -> b
  * @param s2   a -> c
  * @type      List(a) -> (List(b), List(c))
  partition(s1, s2) = rec part(
    \ [] -> ([],[]) \
    + ({[s1 => x | id]; ?[_|<part>]; !([x | <Fst>], <Snd>)} <+
       {[s2 => x | id]; ?[_|<part>]; !(<Fst>, [x | <Snd>])})

  /** @internal */
  partition'(s) = rec part(
    \ [] -> ([],[]) \
    + \ [z | zs] -> <!([<s> z | xs], ys) <+ !(xs, [z | ys])>
        where <part> zs => (xs, ys) \