
File file.str
Author unknown
Since unknown

Portable file operations.


Lines of code 265
Module number 1 (0% documented)
Constructor number 5 (0% documented)
Overlay number 0
Strategy number 29 (72% documented)
Rule number 0
DynamicRule number 0

Constructor summary

Path(ATerm ) n/a file.str
stderr(ATerm ) n/a file.str
stdin(ATerm ) n/a file.str
stdout(ATerm ) n/a file.str
Stream(ATerm ) n/a file.str

Strategy summary

base-filename Strips the directory from a pathname file.str
dirname Returns directory portion of pathname in a POSIX compatible way file.str
fclose Dissociates the named stream from its underlying file or set of functions file.str
fflush n/a file.str
fgetc fgetc() reads the next character from the stream and returns the ASCII code of the character as an Int file.str
fopen Opens the file whose name is the string pointed to by pathname and returns a Stream associated with this file file.str
fputc Writes a Char to a Stream file.str
fputs n/a file.str
get-extension Get extension from filename file.str
guarantee-extension(ATerm ext) Drops the current extension and replaces it with the specified extension file.str
has-extension(ATerm ext) Checks if the file extension is ext file.str
is-abspath Succeeds if the input pathname is an absolute path file.str
is-relpath Succeeds if the input pathname is a relative path file.str
open-stream Opens a Stream associated to a FileLoc file.str
puts Writes a String to stdout with a trailing newline and returns stdout file.str
remove-extension Remove an extension from a file name file.str
stderr-stream n/a file.str
stdin-stream Returns the Stream for stdin, stdout and stderr file.str
stdio-stream n/a file.str
stdio-stream n/a file.str
stdio-stream n/a file.str
stdout-stream n/a file.str
test-extension(Strategy ext) Tests if the file extension (everything after the file.str
tmpnam n/a file.str

Rule summary

add-extension Adds an extension (second argument) to a path (first argument) file.str

Strategy details

ATerm base-filename
File file.str
Author unknown
Since unknown

Strips the directory from a pathname.

type String -> String

ATerm dirname
File file.str
Author unknown
Since unknown

Returns directory portion of pathname in a POSIX compatible way.

type String -> String

ATerm fclose
File file.str
Author unknown
Since unknown

Dissociates the named stream from its underlying file or set of functions.If the stream was being used for output, any buffered data is written first, using fflush(3).

type Stream -> ()

ATerm fgetc
File file.str
Author unknown
Since unknown

fgetc() reads the next character from the stream and returns the ASCII code of the character as an Int. Fails on end of file or error.

type Stream -> Char

ATerm fopen
File file.str
Author unknown
Since unknown

Opens the file whose name is the string pointed to by pathname and returns a Stream associated with this file.For documentation on the mode string, see the man page offopen.

fails if the file couldn't be opened.

type String * String -> Stream

ATerm fputc
File file.str
Author unknown
Since unknown

Writes a Char to a Stream

type (Char, Stream) -> Stream

ATerm get-extension
File file.str
Author unknown
Since unknown

Get extension from filename

type String -> String

ATerm guarantee-extension(ATerm ext)
File file.str
Author unknown
Since 0.15

Drops the current extension and replaces it with the specified extension.

type String -> String

ATerm has-extension(ATerm ext)
File file.str
Author unknown
Since 0.15
ATerm ext The required extension (without . )

Checks if the file extension is ext.

type String -> String

ATerm is-abspath
File file.str
Author unknown
Since 0.9.4

Succeeds if the input pathname is an absolute path.

A pathname is absolute if it starts with a /.

type String -> String

ATerm is-relpath
File file.str
Author unknown
Since 0.9.4

Succeeds if the input pathname is a relative path.

A pathname is relative if it does not start with a /.

type String -> String

ATerm open-stream
File file.str
Author unknown
Since unknown

Opens a Stream associated to a FileLoc

type (FileLoc, String) -> Stream

ATerm puts
File file.str
Author unknown
Since unknown

Writes a String to stdout with a trailing newline and returns stdout.

type String -> Stream

ATerm remove-extension
File file.str
Author unknown
Since unknown

Remove an extension from a file name.Returns the input if the file does not have an extension.

type String -> String

ATerm stdin-stream
File file.str
Author unknown
Since unknown

Returns the Stream for stdin, stdout and stderr

type _ -> Stream

ATerm stdio-stream
File file.str
Author unknown
Since unknown

No information available.

type FileLoc -> Stream

ATerm test-extension(Strategy ext)
File file.str
Author unknown
Since 0.15
Strategy ext Test for the file extension. Is applied to the plain file extension (without the .)

Tests if the file extension (everything after the . satisfies ext.


Rule details

ATerm add-extension
File file.str
Author unknown
Since unknown

Adds an extension (second argument) to a path (first argument).

type (String, String) -> String