 * This module contains strategies for handling bags.
 * A bag is a set of elements where each element has an occurence number. Adding
 * an element to a bag which already exists, will increase the occurence number
 * for that element by one.
 * In the current implementation, bags are represented as lists of 
 * (element,occurrence) tuples. Adding a new element is done using bag-insert.
module collection/list/bag
imports collection/list/common

   * Inserts a new element into a bag. The element must be on the form
   * a (element, occurrence) tuple, where occurrence is an integer. The
   * bag may be empty.
   * Example: <bag-insert> (('a', 1), []) => [('a',1)]
   * @type (elem, occur) * List(a) -> List(a)
  bag-insert :
    ((x,j), l) -> 
    <fetch(\ (y,i) -> (y, <add>(i,j)) where <eq>(y,x) \ ) <+ ![(x,j)|l]> l

   * Takes the union of two bags. 
   * Example: <bag-union> ([('a',2), ('b',1)], [('a',1)]) => [('b',1),('a',3)]
   * @type List(a) * List(a) -> List(a)
  bag-union : 
    (l1, l2) -> <foldr(!l2, bag-insert)> l1

   * Inserts a new element into a bag. The element must be on the form
   * a (element, occurrence) tuple, where occurrence is an integer. The
   * bag may be empty.  The strategy parameter is used to check elements
   * for equality.
   * @param  Used to test equality on elements.
   * @type   (elem, occurrence) * List(a) -> List(a)
  bag-insert(equ) : 
    ((x,j), l) -> 
    <fetch(\ (y,i) -> (<equ>(x,y), <add>(i,j)) \ ) <+ ![(x,j)|l]> l
   * Takes the union of two bags. The strategy parameter is used
   * to check elements for equality.
   * @param  Used to test equality on elements.
   * @type   List(a) * List(a) -> List(a)
  bag-union(equ) : 
    (l1, l2) -> <foldr(!l2, bag-insert(equ))> l1