module system/posix-xsi/file

 * Generate a new, not existing file name.

   * Safe, mkstemp based, creation of temporary file
   * @type _ -> (String, FileDescr)
  new-temp-file =
      <conc-strings> (<temp-dir>, "/StrategoXT")
    ; mkstemp

   * Safe, mkdtemp based, creation of temporary directory
   * @type  _ -> String
  new-temp-dir =
      <conc-strings> (<temp-dir>, "/StrategoXT")
    ; mkdtemp


  temp-dir =
    <getenv> "TMPDIR"
    <+ P_tmpdir

  P_tmpdir =

   * Creates a unique temporary file
   * returns a fd if succesful, fails on error
   * @type String -> String * Int
  mkstemp =
    <conc-strings> (<id>, "XXXXXX") => template
    ; prim("SSL_mkstemp", template)
    <+ <perror; fail> "SSL/mkstemp"
   * Creates a unique temporary directory
   * returns a fd if succesful, fails on error
   * @type String -> String
  mkdtemp =
    <conc-strings> (<id>, "XXXXXX") => template
    ; prim("SSL_mkdtemp", template)
    <+ <perror; fail> "SSL/mkdtemp"


  * rename renames a file, moving it between directories if required.
  * Any  other  hard links to the file (as created using link(2)) are unaffected.
  * If newpath already exists it will be atomically replaced (subject to  a
  * few  conditions ~ see ERRORS below), so that there is no point at which
  * another process attempting to access newpath will find it missing.
  * If newpath exists but the operation fails for some reason rename  guarantees 
  * to leave an instance of newpath in place.
  * From 0.9.4 this implementation copies the file if the primitive rename 
  * fails because of an XDEV error.
  rename-file =
      ?(oldname, newname)
    ; (  prim("SSL_rename", oldname, newname)
      <+ ( get-last-error => ErrorNumber(<EXDEV> ())
         < <copy-file> (oldname, newname)
           ; <remove-file> oldname
         + fail

  * Copy a file using memory mapped I/O. 
  * If newname is a directory the file is copied to a file in the directory
  * with the same base name as the old file.
  copy-file =
    ?(oldname, newname)
    ; where(
        if <file-exists; filemode; isdir> newname then
          <concat-strings>[newname, "/", <base-filename> oldname]
        else !newname end => newname'
    ; prim("SSL_copy", oldname, newname')

  fdcopy =
    ?(fdin, fdout); prim("SSL_fdcopy", fdin, fdout)