 * Various iteration strategies.
module strategy/iteration
imports strategy/conditional

   * Repeatedly apply s until it fails.
  repeat(s) =
    try(s; repeat(s))

   * Repeatedly apply s until it fails and terminate with application of c.
  repeat(s, c) =
    (s; repeat(s, c)) <+ c

   * Repeatedly apply s (at least once) and terminate with application of c.
  repeat1(s, c) = 
    s; (repeat1(s, c) <+ c)

   * Repeatedly apply s (at least once).
  repeat1(s) = 
    repeat1(s, id)

   * Repeatedly apply s until c succeeds.
  repeat-until(s, c) = 
    s; (c <+ repeat-until(s, c))

   * Applies s repeatedly exactly n times. If s fails at some point during
   * the n applications, the entire strategy fails. The result of the
   * strategy is that of the nth application of s.
  repeat(s | n) =
    if <eq>(n, 0)
      s; repeat(s|<dec>n)

   * While c succeeds apply s.
  while(c, s) = 
    try(c; s; while(c, s))

   * While c does not succeed apply s.
  while-not(c, s) = 
    c <+ (s; while-not(c, s))

   * Apply s at least once and then repeat while c succeeds.
  do-while(s, c) =
    s; while(c, s)

   * Repeat application of s after initialization with i 
   * while c fails.
  for(i, c, s) = 
    i; while-not(c, s)

   * Apply s for each integer from low to up (inclusive).
  for(s : Int * a -> a | low, up) =
    if <leq>(low, up) then
      ; for(s | <inc>low, up)