 * This module contains strategies for operating on hashtables.
 * It is important to note that hashtables do not have value semantics;
 * all operations on hashtables will modify the existing hashtable.
 * Therefore, when you pass a hashtable to a strategy, it will modify
 * the hashtable by side-effect.
 * Hash tables support constant time storing and retrieving of 
 * values associated with keys. This module wraps the hashtable
 * facility provided by the ATerm library.
 * @author Eelco Visser <visser@acm.org>
 * @author Martin Bravenboer <martin.bravenboer@gmail.com>
 * @author Karl Trygve Kalleberg <karltk@strategoxt.org> - some documentation
module collection/hash-table/common 


     * Represents a reference to a hashtable.
    Hashtable : ImplDep -> Hashtable

 * Hashtable construction and deconstruction

   * Create a new hashtable with default size and load.
   * @type _ -> HashTable(K, V)
  new-hashtable =

   * Create a new hashtable with specified size and load.
   * @param initial_size - the initial capacity of the hashtable
   * @param max_load - the load percentage at which the hashtable is expanded
   * @type _ -> HashTable(K, V)
  new-hashtable(|initial_size, max_load) =
    prim("SSL_hashtable_create", initial_size, max_load); !Hashtable(<id>)

   * Destroys and deallocates memory consumed by an existing hashtable.
   * @type HashTable(K, V) -> HashTable(K, V)
  hashtable-destroy =
    ?Hashtable(tbl); prim("SSL_hashtable_destroy", tbl); !Hashtable(<id>)

   * Clears the contents of an existing hashtable.
   * @type HashTable(K, V) -> HashTable(K, V)
  hashtable-clear =
    ?Hashtable(tbl); prim("SSL_hashtable_reset", tbl); !Hashtable(<id>)

 * Hashtable operations

   * Puts a new key, value pair into the hash table. If the key is
   * already bound to a value, the old value will be replaced.
   * @param key - any term can be used as a key
   * @param value - any term can be used as a value
   * @type HashTable(K, V) -> HashTable(K, V)
  hashtable-put(|key, value) =
    ?Hashtable(tbl); prim("SSL_hashtable_put", tbl, key, value); !Hashtable(<id>)

   * Gets the value for a key. If the key does not exist, this strategy
   * fails.
   * @param key
   * @type HashTable(K, V) -> V
  hashtable-get(|key) =
    ?Hashtable(tbl); prim("SSL_hashtable_get", tbl, key)

   * Removes a key (with its associated value) from the hashtable. This
   * strategy will succeed even if the key does not exist.
   * @type HashTable(K, V) -> HashTable(K, V)
  hashtable-remove(|key) =
    ?Hashtable(tbl); prim("SSL_hashtable_remove", tbl, key); !Hashtable(<id>)
   * Get a list containing all keys of a hashtable.
   * @type HashTable(K, V) -> List(K)
  hashtable-keys =
    ?Hashtable(tbl); prim("SSL_hashtable_keys", tbl)

   * Get a list containing all values of a hashtable
   * @type HashTable(K, V) -> List(V)
  hashtable-values =
    ; hashtable-keys
    ; map({k: ?k; <hashtable-get(|k)> htbl})

   * Apply an iterative fold left (starting with first element) over
   * the keys of a hash table; useful for applying an operation to each
   * key without constructing a list of keys.
   * @param (k, v) * a -> a
   * @param a
   * @type HashTable(k, v) -> a
  hashtable-fold(s : k * v * a -> a | t) = 
    ; prim("SSL_table_fold", s | t, tbl)

   * Apply an iterative fold left (starting with first element) over
   * the keys of a hash table; useful for applying an operation to each
   * key without constructing a list of keys.
   * @param k * a -> a
   * @param a
   * @type HashTable(k, v) -> a 
  hashtable-fold-keys(s : k * a -> a | t) = 
    ; prim("SSL_table_keys_fold", s | t, tbl)

   * Apply an iterative fold left (starting with first element) over
   * the values of a hash table; useful for applying an operation to each
   * value without constructing a list of values.
   * @param v * a -> a
   * @param a
   * @type (v * a -> a) * a * HashTable(k, v) -> a 
  hashtable-fold-values(s : v * a -> a | t) = 
    ; prim("SSL_table_values_fold", s | t, tbl)

 * Hashtable bulk operations

   * Get the contents of a hashtable as a list of key-value tuples.
   * @type HashTable(k,v) -> List((k,v), ...)
  hashtable-getlist =
    ; let insert(|k, v) = ![(k, v) | <id>]
       in hashtable-fold(insert | [])

   * Put a list of key,value tuples into a hashtable.
   * @param kv         List(Tuple(K, V), ...)
   * @type HashTable(K, V) -> HashTable(K, V)
  hashtable-putlist(|kv*) =
    ; where(<map(\ (key, value) -> <hashtable-put(|key, value)> htbl \)> kv*)

  hashtable-putlist(f : ATerm * ATerm * Hashtable -> Hashtable|kv*) = 
    ; where(<map(\ (key, value) -> <f(|key, value)> htbl \)> kv*)

   * Create a new hashtable and initialize it from a key-value pair list.
   * @type List(Tuple(K, V), ...) -> HashTable(K, V)
  hashtable-init = 
  ; new-hashtable(|<length>, 75)
  ; hashtable-putlist(|kv*)

   * Create a new hashtable and copies the entire contents of the current
   * table into the new one.
   * @type HashTable(K, V) -> HashTable(K,V)
  hashtable-copy =
  ; hashtable-init

 * Stack operations (when stored values in hashtables are list-based stacks)

   * Pushes value on top of the stack for key.
   * Current term is the hashtable and remains untouched.
   * @param key        t - the key used for lookup
   * @param value      a - the value to insert
   * @type  HashTable(K, V) -> HashTable(K, V)
  hashtable-push(|key, value) =
    hashtable-put(|key, [value | <hashtable-get(|key) <+ ![]>])

   * Pushes values on top of the stack for key.
   * Current term is the hashtable and remains untouched.
   * @param key        t       - the key used for lookup
   * @param value      List(a) - the values to insert
   * @type  HashTable(K, V) -> HashTable(K, V')
  hashtable-pushlist(|key, value) =
    hashtable-put(|key, <conc>(value, <hashtable-get(|key) <+ ![]>))

   * Pushes union of values and already present values 
   * Current term is the hashtable.
   * @param key        t       - the key used for lookup
   * @param value      List(a) - the values to insert
   * @type  HashTable(K, V) -> HashTable(K, V')
  hashtable-pushunion(|key, value) =
    hashtable-put(|key, <union>(value, <hashtable-get(|key) <+ ![]>))

   * Pops off the top element of the stack for key.
   * Current term is the hashtable and remains untouched.
   * @param key        t       - the key used for lookup
   * @type  HashTable(K, (V, ...)) -> V
  hashtable-pop(|key) =
    hashtable-put(|key, <hashtable-get(|key); Tl>)

   * Gets the top value from the stack for key (the stack remains untouched)
   * Current term is the hashtable, output is the top value.
   * @param key        t       - the key used for lookup
   * @type  HashTable(K, (V, ...)) -> V
  hashtable-peek(|key) =
    hashtable-get(|key); Hd

   * Gets the top value from the stack for key and pops it off the stack.
   * Current term is the hashtable, output is the top value.
   * @param key        t       - the key used for lookup
   * @type  HashTable(K, (V, ...)) -> V
  hashtable-peekpop(|key) =
    where(hashtable-peek(|key) => val)
  ; hashtable-pop(|key)
  ; !val

 * Mnemonic parameter strategies for hashtable-merge.


  symmetric-yes = id
  symmetric-no  = fail
  iterate1-yes  = id
  iterate1-no   = fail
  iterate2-yes  = id
  iterate2-no   = fail
  remove-yes    = id
  remove-no     = fail
  default-no    = fail
  change1-yes   = id
  change1-no    = fail
  change2-yes   = id
  change2-no    = fail


   * Merge two hashtables changing one or both.
   * This a highly generic strategy for merging two hashtables. The algorithm
   * is parameterized with a number of knobs that determine its behaviour.
   * (A little language for table merging!-)
   * @param symm     : apply changes to both tables, if not apply to tbl1.
   * @param iterate1 : iterate over keys of tbl1
   * @param iterate2 : iterate over keys of tbl2
   * @param remove   : remove table entry if undefined in other table
   * @param merge    : operation on pair of values
   * @param default  : default value in case lookup in other table fails
   * @param lookup1  : given a key produce value for left table
   * @param lookup2  : given a key produce value for right table
   * @todo : with a proper partial evaluator for Stratego this strategy can be
   *         used to create appropriately specialized algorithms.
  hashtable-merge(symm, iterate1, iterate2, remove, merge
                 , default, change1, change2, lookup1, lookup2) :
    (tbl1, tbl2) -> tbl1
    where if iterate1 then
            <hashtable-keys> tbl1
            ; filter({key, val1, val2, val3: 
                ; if <lookup2> key => val2 then 
                    <hashtable-get(|key)> tbl1 => val1
                    ; <merge>(val1, val2) => val3
                    ; ior(
                        if <?val1> val3 then 
                          fail // no change to tbl1
                          <hashtable-put(|key, val3)> tbl1; change1
                      , if symm; <?val2> val3 then 
                          fail // no change to tbl2
                          <hashtable-put(|key, val3)> tbl2; change2
                  else if <default> key => val2 then
                    <hashtable-get(|key)> tbl1 => val1
                    ; <merge>(val1, val2) => val3
                    ; ior(
                        if <?val1> val3 then 
                          fail // no change to tbl1
                          <hashtable-put(|key, val3)> tbl1; change1
                      , if symm then 
                          <hashtable-put(|key, val3)> tbl2; change2
                  else // lookup2 failed, no default
                    if remove then 
                      <hashtable-remove(|key)> tbl1;
                      if symm then
                        <hashtable-remove(|key)> tbl2; change2
                      fail // no change to either table            
                  end end
          else ![] end => changes1

        ; if iterate2 then

            <hashtable-keys> tbl2
            ; filter({key, val1, val2, val3: 
                ; if iterate1 then not(<hashtable-get(|key)>tbl1) end
                ; if <lookup1> key => val1 then 
                    <hashtable-get(|key)> tbl2 => val2
                    ; <merge>(val1, val2) => val3
                    ; ior(if <?val1> val3 then 
                            fail // no change to tbl1
                            <hashtable-put(|key, val3)> tbl1; change1
                        ,if symm; <?val2> val3 then 
                           fail // no change to tbl2
                           <hashtable-put(|key, val3)> tbl2; change2
                  else if <default> key => val1 then 
                    <hashtable-get(|key)> tbl2 => val2
                    ; <merge>(val1, val2) => val3
                    ; <hashtable-put(|key, val3)> tbl1
                    ; if symm; <not(?val2)> val3 then 
                        <hashtable-put(|key, val3)> tbl2
                  else // lookup1 failed and no default
                    if remove then 
                      <hashtable-remove(|key)> tbl1;
                      if symm then
                        <hashtable-remove(|key)> tbl2; change2
                      fail // no change to either table            
                  end end

          else ![] end => changes2
          ; (<not([])> changes1 <+ <not([])> changes2)

   * Version without change arguments for backward compatibility
  hashtable-merge(symm, iterate1, iterate2, remove, merge, default, 
                  lookup1, lookup2) =
  hashtable-merge(symm, iterate1, iterate2, remove, merge, default, 
                  change1-yes, change2-yes, lookup1, lookup2)

   * Merge hashtables creating a new one.
  hashtable-merge-func(iterate1, iterate2, remove, merge, default, lookup1, lookup2) : 
    (tbl1, tbl2) -> tbl3
    where <hashtable-copy> tbl1 => tbl3
        ; <hashtable-merge(symmetric-no, iterate1, iterate2, remove, merge, default, lookup1, lookup2)> (tbl3, tbl2)

strategies // intersection merges

   * Intersect hashtables.
   * Changes tbl1; fails if no changes are made
   * Assumes that both hashtables contains lists as values, and intersects
   * the two listvalues for each key.
   * This is a 'pure' intersection: only keys that appear in both tables
   * remain in the input table, rest is removed.
  hashtable-intersect(|tbl2) =
    ; !(tbl1, tbl2)
    ; hashtable-merge(
        \ key -> <hashtable-get(|key)> tbl1 \,
        \ key -> <hashtable-get(|key)> tbl2 \

   * Intersect hashtables with default element.
   * Changes tbl1; fails if no changes are made
   * Assumes that both hashtables contains lists as values, and intersects
   * the two listvalues for each key.
   * Places a dummy value if key does not exist in one of the tables.
  hashtable-intersect-wempty(|tbl2, emptyElt) =
    ; !(tbl1, tbl2)
    ; hashtable-merge(
        \ key -> <hashtable-get(|key)> tbl1 \,
        \ key -> <hashtable-get(|key)> tbl2 \

   * Intersect hashtables symmetrically with default element.
   * Changes tbl1 and tbl2; fails if no changes are made in tbl1
   * Assumes that both hashtables contains lists as values, and intersects
   * the two listvalues for each key.
   * Places a dummy value if key does not exist in one of the tables.

  hashtable-intersect-symm-wempty(|emptyElt) =
    ?(tbl1, tbl2)
    ; hashtable-merge(
        \ key -> <hashtable-get(|key)> tbl1 \,
        \ key -> <hashtable-get(|key)> tbl2 \

   * Intersect hashtables symmetrically with default element.
   * Changes tbl1 and tbl2; fails if no changes are made in tbl1
   * Assumes that both hashtables contains lists as values, and intersects
   * the two listvalues for each key.
   * Places a dummy value if key does not exist in one of the tables.

  hashtable-intersect-symm-wempty-ignore-left(|emptyElt) =
    ?(tbl1, tbl2)
    ; hashtable-merge(
        \ key -> <hashtable-get(|key)> tbl1 \,
        \ key -> <hashtable-get(|key)> tbl2 \

strategies // union merges

   * Union of hashtables
   * Changes tbl1; fails if no changes are made

  hashtable-union(|tbl2) =
    ; !(tbl1, tbl2)
    ; hashtable-merge(
        \ key -> <hashtable-get(|key)> tbl1 \,

  hashtable-union-wempty(|tbl2, emptyElt) =
    ; !(tbl1, tbl2)
    ; hashtable-merge(
        \ key -> <hashtable-get(|key)> tbl1 \,

  hashtable-union-symm-wempty(|emptyElt) =
    ?(tbl1, tbl2)
    ; hashtable-merge(
        \ key -> <hashtable-get(|key)> tbl1 \,
        \ key -> <hashtable-get(|key)> tbl2 \


   * Checks whether two hashtables have equal contents.
   * This strategy uses the basic `eq` to compare the elements.
   * @type Tuple(HashTable(K, V), HashTable(K,V)) -> _
  hashtable-eq = 

   * Checks whether two tables have the same keys, and for each key whether
   * the associated values are the same (order of keys thus doesn't matter)
   * @param test strategy that will compare two elements upon their equality.
   * @inc hashtable-eq
   * @type Tuple(HashTable(K, V), HashTable(K,V)) -> _
  hashtable-eq(eq) = ?(tbl1, tbl2);
    where((hashtable-keys => k*, hashtable-keys); set-eq)
  ; where(<map( \ key -> <eq> (<hashtable-get(|key)> tbl1, <hashtable-get(|key)> tbl2) \ )> k*)

 * Legacy table strategies

   * Retrieves the primitive table-table as a Hashtable
  table-hashtable =
    prim("SSL_table_hashtable"); !Hashtable(<id>)

   * Retrieves a named table by looking it up in the table-table.
  lookup-table(|name) =
  ; (  hashtable-get(|name)
    <+ where(<table-create> name); hashtable-get(|name))

  * Creates a table with a given name, which can be any term.
  table-create = 
  ; where(new-hashtable => htbl)
  ; where(table-hashtable; hashtable-put(|name, htbl))

   * Destroy a table with a given name, which can be any term.
  table-destroy = 
  ; where(table-hashtable
    ; where(lookup-table(|name)
          ; hashtable-destroy)
    ; hashtable-remove(|name)

  * Associate a value with a key in a table. 
  * E.g. <table-put> (t1, key, value) associates value with key in the t1 table.
  table-put = 
  ; lookup-table(|name)
  ; hashtable-put(|key, value)

  * Get the value associated with a key from a table.
  * E.g. <table-get> (t1, key) yields the value associated to key or fails in the t1 table.
  table-get = 
  ; lookup-table(|name)
  ; hashtable-get(|key)

  * Remove association of a key in a table.
  * E.g. <table-remove> (t1, key) removes the entry for key from table t1.
  table-remove = 
  ; lookup-table(|name)
  ; hashtable-remove(|key)

  * Produce a list of keys of a table.
  * E.g. <table-keys>t1 produces the list of keys of table t1.
  table-keys = 
  ; lookup-table(|name)
  ; hashtable-keys

  * Renames a table, i.e. only the entry in the table-table is renamed,
  * the table contents remain untouched.
  table-rename =
    ?(from-name, to-name)
  ; where(lookup-table(|from-name) => htbl)
  ; table-hashtable
  ; hashtable-put(|to-name, htbl)
  ; hashtable-remove(|from-name)
  ; !to-name


  * Get a list of key-value pairs.
  * E.g. <table-getlist>t1 produces the list of (key,value) pairs in the table t1. 
  table-getlist = ?name; 
    table-keys; map(\ x -> (x, <table-get> (name, x))\ )

  * Put a list of key-value pairs in a table.
  * E.g. <table-putlist>(name, list) puts the (key,value) pairs in list into table t1.
  table-putlist = ?(name, list); 
    <map({x,y: ?(x, y); <table-put> (name, x, y)})> list

  table-putlist(s) = ?(name, list); 
    <map({x,y: ?(x, y); <s> (name, x, y)})> list

  table-copy = ?(name1, name2);
    where(<table-putlist>(name2, <table-getlist> name1)) 

        Symbol tables that deal with scoped bindings need to be able
        to store multiple bindings for the same symbol. The following
        table operations can be used to maintain a stack (list)
        of values for each key.


  table-push = ?(dis, key, val);
    where(<table-put>(dis, key, [val | <table-get <+ ![]>(dis, key)]))

  table-pop = ?(dis, key);
    where(<table-put>(dis, key, <table-get; Tl <+ ![]>(dis, key)))

  table-pop-rm = ?(dis, key);
      <table-get>(dis, key) => [_|xs]
      < <table-put>(dis, key, xs)
      + <table-remove>(dis, key)

  table-pop-get = ?(dis, key);
    where( <table-get>(dis, key) => [val | vals]
         ; <table-put>(dis, key, vals)
         ); !val

  table-lookup = ?(dis, key);
    <table-get>(dis, key); Hd

  table-replace = ?(dis, key, value);
    where(<table-get>(dis, key) => [_|values]
         ; <table-put>(dis, key, [value|values])

  table-union = ?(table, key, val);
    where(<table-put> (table, key, <union> (val, <table-get <+ ![]> (table, key))))

  table-diff = ?(table, key, val);
    where(<table-put> (table, key, <diff> (<table-get <+ ![]> (table, key), val)))

  table-append = ?(table, key, val);
    where(<table-put> (table, key, <union> (<table-get <+ ![]> (table, key), val)))