 * This module defines a collection of generic one-pass traversals over
 * lists.
 * The primitive term traversal operators of Strateg -- all, some, one --
 * can be combined with the other control operators in a wide variety
 * of ways to define full term traversals.
module strategy/traversal/list

	Term traversals can be categorized into classes according to
	how much of the term they traverse and to which parts
	of the term they modify.


	The most general class of traversals visits every node
	of a term and applies a transformation to it. The following
	operators define traversals that apply a strategy \verb|s|
	to all nodes of a term.


  all-l(s) = ?[_|_] < [s | s] + all(s)

  topdown-l(s) = 
    rec x(s; all-l(x))

  bottomup-l(s) = 
    rec x(all-l(x); s)

  downup-l(s) = 
    rec x(s; all-l(x); s)

  downup-l(s1, s2) = 
    rec x(s1; all-l(x); s2)

  downup2-l(s1, s2) = 
    rec x(s1; all-l(x); s2)

	The traversals above go through all constructors. If it
	is not necessary to traverse the entire tree, the following
	versions of the traversals can be used. They are parameterized
	with a strategy operator \verb|stop| that 


  topdownS-l(s, stop: (a -> a) * a -> a) = 
    rec x(s; (stop(x) <+ all-l(x)))

  bottomupS-l(s, stop: (a -> a) * a -> a) = 
    rec x((stop(x) <+ all-l(x)); s)

  downupS-l(s, stop: (a -> a) * a -> a) = 
    rec x(s; (stop(x) <+ all-l(x)); s)

  downupS-l(s1, s2, stop: (a -> a) * a -> a) = 
    rec x(s1; (stop(x) <+ all-l(x)); s2)


	A variation on bottomup is a traversal that also provides the
	original term as well as the term in which the direct subterms
	have been transformed. (also known as a paramorphism?)


  bottomup-para-l(s) = 
    rec x(!(<id>, <all-l(x)>); s)



	Find all topmost applications of \verb|s|;


  alltd-l(s) = 
    rec x(s <+ all-l(x))

  alldownup2-l(s1, s2) = 
    rec x((s1 <+ all-l(x)); s2)

  alltd-fold-l(s1, s2) = 
    rec x(s1 <+ all-l(x); s2)