module system/posix/file-abstractions


   * Return the absolute path of a pathname.
   * @type  String -> String
   * @since 0.9.4
  abspath =
    < id
    + <concat-strings> [<getcwd> (), "/", <id>]

  file-newer =
    (modification-time, modification-time); gt


  Read      = R_OK()
  Write     = W_OK()
  Execute   = X_OK()
  Existence = F_OK()


   * @type  String -> String
  file-exists =
    <access> (<id>, [F_OK()])

   * @type  String -> String
  can-read-file =
    <access> (<id>, [R_OK()])

  is-readable = can-read-file

   * @type  String -> String
  can-write-file =
    <access> (<id>, [W_OK()])

  is-writable = can-write-file

   * @type  String -> String
  can-execute-file =
    <access> (<id>, [X_OK()])

  is-executable = can-execute-file

   * @type String -> String
   * @inc  create?
  can-create-file =
    where(dirname; can-write-file)

 * find files in paths
 * @todo Create a file-exists based on fopen to make this code portable?

   * Finds a file in a list of directories (a path).
   * <find-path(strict|path)> f looks for a file with name f in the list of
   * directories path. If the file is not found the behaviour depends on the
   * strategy strict, if it succeeds a fatal-error is flagged, otherwise the
   * strategy just fails.
   * Example (when run in strategoxt root):
   *   <find-in-path(id|["ssl/spec","ssl/tests"])> "file.str" => "ssl/spec/file.str"

  find-in-path(strict|path) = 
    ; ( file-exists
      <+ <fetch-elem(<concat-strings; file-exists> [<id>,"/",file])> path
      <+ if strict then <fatal-error> ["no such file: ", file] else fail end

   * Finds a file in a list of directories (a path).
   * Differs from find-in-path/(0,0) in that it exits with fatal-error if file is
   * not found.
   * @param should build a list of paths in which the search is performed.

  find-in-path(|path) =

   * Finds a file in a list of directories (a path)
   * @obsolete.
   * This strategy operates on a tuple (f, [d*]) where f is the name of the file
   * to be found, and d* are the directories to search in. The full path of the
   * first match is the output term.
   * Example (when run in strategoxt root):
   *   <find-in-path> ("file.str", ["ssl/spec", "ssl/tests"]) => "ssl/spec/file.str"

  find-in-path =
    ?(file, path); <find-in-path(fail|path)> file

   * @obsolete

  find-in-path(mkpath) =

   * Finds one file with a specific file extension in a list of directories.
   * This strategy operates on a tuple (f, [d*]). The one file that will be
   * searched for is determined by the basename of f and the requested file
   * extension.
   * Example:
   *   <find-file(!"rtree")> ("file.str", ["."])
   * searches for file.rtree in the current dir.
   * @param should build the file extension as a string.

  find-file(|ext, path) =
    ; find-in-path(fail|path)

  find-file(|ext) =
    ?(file, path)
    ; <find-file(|ext, path)> file

   * @obsolete
  find-file(ext) =

   * Finds one file with a specific file extension in a list of directories.
   * Differs from find-file/(1,0) in that it exits with fatal error if file is
   * not found.
   * @param should build a list of paths in which the search is performed.
   * @param should build the file extension as a string.
  find-file(mkpath, ext) =
    ; find-in-path(|<mkpath>)

 * Obsolete strategies

   * Creates a fresh file in the current directory.
   * @obsolete  use new-temp-file or XTC temporary files
  new-file =
    obsolete(!"new-file; use new-temp-file or XTC temporary files")
    ; rec x(<conc-strings> (<new>(), ".tmp"); try(file-exists; x))