module system/posix/time

  /* The times() function stores the current process times in a quadruple 
     (user time, system time, user time of children, system time of children)
     See man 2 times for more information */
  times = 

  ticks-to-seconds = 
    ?t; prim("SSL_TicksToSeconds", t)

  diff-times :
    ((a1, b1, c1, d1), (a2, b2, c2, d2)) -> 
    (<subt>(a1, a2), <subt>(b1, b2), <subt>(c1, c2), <subt>(d1, d2))

  add-times :
    ((a1, b1, c1, d1), (a2, b2, c2, d2)) -> 
    (<add>(a1, a2), <add>(b1, b2), <add>(c1, c2), <add>(d1, d2))

  times-to-seconds :
    (a, b, c, d) -> 
    (<ticks-to-seconds> a, <ticks-to-seconds> b, <ticks-to-seconds> c, <ticks-to-seconds> d)

  user-time :
    (a, b, c, d) -> a

  system-time :
    (a, b, c, d) -> b

  cuser-time :
    (a, b, c, d) -> c

  csystem-time :
    (a, b, c, d) -> d

  self-children-user-time :
    (a, b, c, d) -> <add>(a, c)

  self-children-sys-time :
    (a, b, c, d) -> <add>(b, d)

  * Total run-time so far.
  run-time =
    times; crush(!0, add); ticks-to-seconds

   * Outputs the name of the program and the run time in seconds to
   * stderr.
  report-run-time = 
    if <geq>(<get-config> "--statistics", 1) then
      <fprintnl> (stderr(), [<whoami> (), " (", <run-time>, " secs)"])

  profile(s) =
    where(times => start)
    ; s
    ; !(<id>, <<diff-times> (<times>, start); crush(!0, add)>)

  profile(msg, s) =
    where(times => start)
    ; s
    ; where(
         ; <fprint> (stderr(), [<msg>
                             , " user ", <self-children-user-time; ticks-to-seconds>
                             , " system ", <self-children-sys-time; ticks-to-seconds>
			     , "\n"])> (<times>, start)

  profile'(msg, s) =
    where(times => start)
    ; s
    ; where(
	!(<times>, start)
        ; diff-times
        ; ![" user ",    <self-children-user-time; ticks-to-seconds>
           , " system ", <self-children-sys-time;  ticks-to-seconds>]
        ; msg