Complete index (API)

[ A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z ]

Complete index

Abstract n/a Modifiers.sdf
abstract-multi-output(Strategy s, Strategy write-to-file, Strategy write-to-stream) n/a multi-options.str
AbstractMethodDec n/a AbstractMethodDeclarations.sdf
AbstractMethodDec n/a AbstractMethodDeclarations.sdf
AbstractMethodMod n/a AbstractMethodDeclarations.sdf
AbstractMethodMod n/a AbstractMethodDeclarations.sdf
AccessControl 6 AccessControl.str
ActualTypeArg n/a ParameterizedTypes.sdf
ActualTypeArg n/a ParameterizedTypes.sdf
ActualTypeArgs(ATerm ) n/a Attributes.str
add-declared-member-type(ATerm class) n/a class.str
add-java-lang-imports Adds the java Imports.str
add-subpackage(ATerm name) Creates a new subpackage in the current package package.str
add-toplevel-class(ATerm class) n/a package.str
adhoc-widening-reference-conversions(ATerm to) The direct supertypes of the null type are all reference types other than the null type itself WideningReference.str
all-consnil(Strategy s) Force Cons/Nil behaviour for list traversals list.str
AmbName n/a Main.sdf
AmbName n/a Main.sdf
Anno n/a Annotations.sdf
Anno n/a Annotations.sdf
Anno n/a Annotations.sdf
AnnoDec n/a AnnotationTypes.sdf
AnnoDecHead n/a AnnotationTypes.sdf
AnnoElemDec n/a AnnotationTypes.sdf
AnnoElemDec n/a AnnotationTypes.sdf
AnnoElemDec n/a AnnotationTypes.sdf
AnnoElemDec n/a AnnotationTypes.sdf
AnnoElemDec n/a AnnotationTypes.sdf
AnnoElemDec n/a AnnotationTypes.sdf
AnnoElemDec n/a AnnotationTypes.sdf
annotate-start-line-column n/a components.str
Anonymous(ATerm ) n/a Form.str
apply-capture-conversion n/a CaptureConversion.str
apply-capture-conversion n/a CaptureConversion.str
apply-capture-conversion-helper(ATerm tn) n/a CaptureConversion.str
apply-to-body-decs-of-typedec(Strategy s) n/a jtree.str
apply-to-body-decs-of-typedec(Strategy s) n/a jtree.str
apply-to-constructor-decs-of-typedec(Strategy s) n/a jtree.str
apply-to-constructors-of-classtree(Strategy s) n/a bytecode-class.str
apply-to-field-decs-of-typedec(Strategy s) n/a jtree.str
apply-to-fields-of-classtree(Strategy s) n/a bytecode-class.str
apply-to-member-type-decs-of-typedec(Strategy s) n/a jtree.str
apply-to-method-decs-of-typedec(Strategy s) n/a jtree.str
apply-to-methods-of-classtree(Strategy s) n/a bytecode-class.str
apply-to-reference(Strategy s) n/a reference-ast.str
array-class n/a array-class.str
ArrayAccess n/a Priorities.sdf
ArrayAccess n/a ArrayAccess.sdf
ArrayAccess n/a ArrayAccess.sdf
ArrayBaseType n/a ArrayCreation.sdf
ArrayBaseType n/a ArrayCreation.sdf
ArrayBaseType n/a ArrayCreation.sdf
ArrayClasses(ATerm ) n/a array-class.str
ArrayCreationExpr n/a ArrayCreation.sdf
ArrayCreationExpr n/a ArrayCreation.sdf
ArrayInit n/a ArrayInitializers.sdf
ArrayInit n/a ArrayInitializers.sdf
ArraySubscript n/a ArrayAccess.sdf
ArrayType n/a ReferenceTypes.sdf
assignment-conversion(ATerm to) n/a AssignmentConversion.str
AssignmentConversion 5 AssignmentConversion.str
AssignmentConversion(ATerm ) n/a AssignmentConversion.str
Asterisk n/a Comments.sdf
Attributes Attributes of the source AST Attributes.str
binary-numeric-promotion-of-types 5 NumericPromotions.str
BinaryExponent n/a FloatingPointLiterals.sdf
Block n/a Blocks.sdf
BlockCommentChars n/a Comments.sdf
BlockStm n/a Blocks.sdf
BlockStm n/a Blocks.sdf
BlockStm n/a Blocks.sdf
Body n/a Body.str
Bool n/a BooleanLiterals.sdf
Bool n/a BooleanLiterals.sdf
BoolLiteral n/a BooleanLiterals.sdf
BootObservableClasses(ATerm ) n/a option.str
Boxing 5 Boxing.str
boxing-conversion n/a Boxing.str
boxing-conversion-of-type n/a Boxing.str
boxing-conversion-of-type n/a Boxing.str
boxing-conversion-of-type n/a Boxing.str
boxing-conversion-of-type n/a Boxing.str
boxing-conversion-of-type n/a Boxing.str
boxing-conversion-of-type n/a Boxing.str
boxing-conversion-of-type n/a Boxing.str
boxing-conversion-of-type n/a Boxing.str
BoxingConversion(ATerm , ATerm ) n/a Boxing.str
Bridge Access to Java bytecode by conversion to ATerms Bridge.str
Bytecode n/a Bytecode.str
bytecode-class Bytecode Class bytecode-class.str
bytecode-class-qualify-type-variable(ATerm class) n/a Bytecode.str
bytecode-constructor Bytecode Constructor bytecode-constructor.str
bytecode-constructor-as-method(Strategy s) Hack to reuse bytecode method code bytecode-constructor.str
bytecode-field Bytecode Field bytecode-field.str
bytecode-method Bytecode Method bytecode-method.str
bytecode-method-qualify-type-variable(ATerm method) n/a Bytecode.str
bytecode-type-to-source-type Converts a bytecode type to a source type util.str
bytecode-type-to-source-type n/a util.str
bytecode-type-to-source-type n/a util.str
bytecode-type-to-source-type n/a util.str
bytecode-type-to-source-type n/a util.str
Canonical 6 Canonical.str
capture-conversion Applies capture conversion if necessary CaptureConversion.str
capture-declare-bounds(ATerm upper-bound, ATerm lower-bound) n/a CaptureConversion.str
capture-declare-lower-bound(ATerm lower-bound) n/a CaptureConversion.str
capture-declare-upper-bound(ATerm upper-bound) n/a CaptureConversion.str
capture-set-open-wildcard-bounds(ATerm class, ATerm capturedargs) n/a CaptureConversion.str
capture-wildcard n/a CaptureConversion.str
CaptureConversion 5 CaptureConversion.str
CapturedWildcard(ATerm ) n/a Extensions.str
car n/a wannabe-lisp.str
CarriageReturn n/a LineTerminators.sdf
CastingConversion 5 CastingConversion.str
CatchClause n/a Statements.sdf
cdr n/a wannabe-lisp.str
CharContent n/a CharacterLiterals.sdf
CharContent n/a CharacterLiterals.sdf
CharContent n/a CharacterLiterals.sdf
CharLiteral n/a CharacterLiterals.sdf
Check n/a Check.str
check-ambnames Reports an error if the compilation unit still contains ambiguous constructs Check.str
check-parameterized-types-of-conversion Checks if the chain of types involved in this conversion is ok UncheckedConversion.str
check-qualifiers Report an error if there are unqualified names left Check.str
Class(ATerm , ATerm , ATerm ) Constructor for exported classes classpath.str
class Abstract class that represents a Java Class class.str
Class(ATerm ) n/a classes.str
Class-of-ClassEntry n/a option.str
ClassBody n/a ClassDeclarations.sdf
ClassBodyDec n/a ClassDeclarations.sdf
ClassBodyDec n/a ClassDeclarations.sdf
ClassBodyDec n/a ClassDeclarations.sdf
ClassBodyDec n/a ClassDeclarations.sdf
ClassDec n/a ClassDeclarations.sdf
ClassDec n/a ClassDeclarations.sdf
ClassDecHead n/a ClassDeclarations.sdf
classes Support for classes classes.str
classes_get-class Gets the class for a given name classes.str
classes_get-class-field(ATerm name) n/a classes.str
classes_get-fieldtbl n/a classes.str
classes_get-instance-field(ATerm name) n/a classes.str
classes_get-instance-field(Strategy ifnot, ATerm name) n/a classes.str
classes_instanceof(ATerm name) n/a classes.str
classes_new-instance Creates a new class instance classes.str
classes_set-instance-field(ATerm name, ATerm value) n/a classes.str
ClassFile(ATerm ) Constructor for the location of a bytecode classpath.str
ClassLiteral n/a Primary.sdf
ClassLiteral n/a Primary.sdf
ClassMemberDec n/a ClassDeclarations.sdf
ClassMemberDec n/a ClassDeclarations.sdf
ClassMemberDec n/a ClassDeclarations.sdf
ClassMemberDec n/a ClassDeclarations.sdf
ClassMemberDec n/a ClassDeclarations.sdf
ClassMembers n/a ClassMembers.str
ClassMod n/a ClassDeclarations.sdf
ClassMod n/a ClassDeclarations.sdf
ClassMod n/a ClassDeclarations.sdf
ClassMod n/a ClassDeclarations.sdf
ClassMod n/a ClassDeclarations.sdf
ClassMod n/a ClassDeclarations.sdf
ClassMod n/a ClassDeclarations.sdf
ClassOrInterfaceType n/a ClassOrInterfaceType.str
ClassOrInterfaceType n/a ReferenceTypes.sdf
classpath Serialized Dryad repositories classpath.str
classtree-to-reference-ast(ATerm this) n/a bytecode-class.str
ClassType n/a ReferenceTypes.sdf
Comment n/a Comments.sdf
Comment n/a Comments.sdf
Comment n/a Comments.sdf
Comment n/a Comments.sdf
CommentPart n/a Comments.sdf
CommentPart n/a Comments.sdf
CommentPart n/a Comments.sdf
CommentPart n/a Comments.sdf
CommentPart n/a Comments.sdf
common n/a common.str
compilation-unit Compilation Unit (Source) compilation-unit.str
CompilationUnit n/a CompilationUnits.sdf
compile-time-declaration-attr n/a Attributes.str
CompileTimeDeclaration(ATerm ) n/a Attributes.str
component-type-to-array-type(ATerm dims) Given dimensions, constructs an array type from a component type Sanity.str
components n/a components.str
ComponentTypeField(ATerm ) n/a array-class.str
CondMid n/a BinaryOperators.sdf
consider(ATerm u) n/a ConstraintReduction.str
ConstantDec n/a ConstantDeclarations.sdf
ConstantMod n/a ConstantDeclarations.sdf
ConstantMod n/a ConstantDeclarations.sdf
ConstantMod n/a ConstantDeclarations.sdf
Constraint(ATerm , ATerm , ATerm ) n/a Constraints.str
ConstraintReduction 15 ConstraintReduction.str
Constraints 15 Constraints.str
ConstrBody n/a ConstructorDeclarations.sdf
ConstrDec n/a ConstructorDeclarations.sdf
ConstrHead n/a ConstructorDeclarations.sdf
ConstrInv n/a ConstructorDeclarations.sdf
ConstrInv n/a ConstructorDeclarations.sdf
ConstrInv n/a ConstructorDeclarations.sdf
ConstrMod n/a ConstructorDeclarations.sdf
ConstrMod n/a ConstructorDeclarations.sdf
ConstrMod n/a ConstructorDeclarations.sdf
construct-long-switch n/a switch-options.str
constructor Abstract Java constructor constructor.str
ConstructorName(ATerm ) n/a Extensions.str
ConstructorName(ATerm , ATerm ) n/a Attributes.str
ContextuallyAmbName 6 ContextuallyAmbName.str
conversion n/a NumericPromotions.str
Conversions(ATerm ) n/a Attributes.str
create-class n/a package.str
create-member(ATerm next) n/a util.str
create-output-list n/a multi-options.str
create-package-in(ATerm pkg) n/a classpath.str
Create-PackageName-PackageName(ATerm pkgname) n/a MeaningOfPackageOrTypeName.str
debug Utility strategies for debugging and inspecting the Dryad model debug.str
DeciFloatDigits n/a FloatingPointLiterals.sdf
DeciFloatDigits n/a FloatingPointLiterals.sdf
DeciFloatDigits n/a FloatingPointLiterals.sdf
DeciFloatExponentPart n/a FloatingPointLiterals.sdf
DeciFloatLiteral n/a FloatingPointLiterals.sdf
DeciFloatLiteral n/a FloatingPointLiterals.sdf
DeciFloatNumeral n/a FloatingPointLiterals.sdf
DeciLiteral n/a IntegerLiterals.sdf
DeciNumeral n/a IntegerLiterals.sdf
DeciNumeral n/a IntegerLiterals.sdf
Declaration(ATerm ) n/a Attributes.str
declaration-attr n/a Attributes.str
declare-class-members(Strategy cont) Declares class members ClassMembers.str
declare-field-var-helper n/a LocalVariables.str
declare-formal-parameters(Strategy cont) Declares formal parameters of a method declaration FormalParameters.str
declare-formal-parameters(Strategy cont) Declares formal parameters of a constructor declaration FormalParameters.str
declare-formal-parameters(Strategy cont) Declares formal catch parameters FormalParameters.str
declare-formal-type-parameters(Strategy cont) n/a FormalTypeParameters.str
declare-imported-fields(Strategy cont) Declare imported static fields Imports.str
declare-imported-types(Strategy cont) The scope of a type imported by a type import declaration is all the class and interface type declarations in the compilation unit in which the import declaration appears Imports.str
declare-local-vardec-helper(Strategy rec) n/a LocalVariables.str
declare-local-variables(Strategy rec) Declares a local variable LocalVariables.str
declare-local-variables(Strategy rec) Declares local variable of a for loop LocalVariables.str
declare-local-variables(Strategy rec) n/a LocalVariables.str
declare-on-demand n/a Imports.str
declare-param-helper n/a LocalVariables.str
declare-single n/a Imports.str
declare-single-type n/a Imports.str
declare-type(Strategy cont) n/a This.str
declare-type-helper n/a Imports.str
declare-type-param-helper(ATerm qualifier) n/a FormalTypeParameters.str
declare-types-of-pkgdec n/a Imports.str
declare-var-helper n/a LocalVariables.str
declaring-class-attr n/a Attributes.str
DeclaringClass(ATerm ) n/a Attributes.str
default-access-member-is-accessible-from(ATerm from) Default access is allowed in the same package AccessControl.str
default-dryad-attributes-of(Strategy rec) Default strategy for producing the attributes of an expression Main.str
DefaultAccess(ATerm ) n/a Extensions.str
DefaultVal n/a AnnotationTypes.sdf
define-bytecode-class(ATerm location) Defines the classpath.str
define-bytecode-class-file n/a classpath.str
define-compilation-unit Registers all classes of a source compilation unit in the Dryad repository repository.str
define-jar-entries Defines the classes in the specified jar file in the Dryad repository classpath.str
define-source-files Register the classes defined in a list of source files in the Dryad repository repository.str
destroy-repository n/a repository.str
desugar-signature n/a Bridge.str
DesugarSignature n/a Bridge.str
DesugarSignature n/a Bridge.str
DesugarSignature n/a Bridge.str
DesugarSignature n/a Bridge.str
DesugarSignature n/a Bridge.str
DesugarSignature n/a Bridge.str
DesugarSignature n/a Bridge.str
DesugarSignature n/a Bridge.str
DesugarSignature n/a Bridge.str
determine-actual-formal-parameter-types(ATerm type, ATerm invocation) Determines S1 StepSignature.str
determine-actual-type-arguments(ATerm type, ATerm invocation) Determines U1 StepSignature.str
determine-ASU(ATerm type, ATerm invocation) n/a StepSignature.str
determine-method-signature(ATerm type, ATerm class, ATerm fromclass) n/a StepSignature.str
determine-result-type(ATerm invtype, ATerm attrs) n/a StepSignature.str
digit-plus(Strategy c) n/a Form.str
digit-star(Strategy c) n/a Form.str
Dim n/a ArrayCreation.sdf
Dim n/a FieldDeclarations.sdf
DimExpr n/a ArrayCreation.sdf
dir-topdown(Strategy s) Apply a strategy recursively to all files in a directory hierarchy loader.str
direct-supertypes Returns the direct supertypes of a type Subtyping.str
direct-supertypes n/a Subtyping.str
direct-supertypes n/a Subtyping.str
direct-supertypes n/a Subtyping.str
direct-supertypes n/a Subtyping.str
direct-supertypes n/a Subtyping.str
direct-supertypes n/a Subtyping.str
direct-supertypes n/a Subtyping.str
direct-supertypes Case: Class, raw or unparameterized Subtyping.str
direct-supertypes Case: Interface, raw or unparameterized Subtyping.str
direct-supertypes Case: Class, parameterized Subtyping.str
direct-supertypes Case: Interface, parameterized Subtyping.str
direct-supertypes n/a Subtyping.str
direct-supertypes n/a Subtyping.str
direct-supertypes n/a Subtyping.str
direct-supertypes-of-class-helper(ATerm type) n/a Subtyping.str
direct-supertypes-of-interface-helper(ATerm type) n/a Subtyping.str
do n/a package.str
do-dryad-aterm2class n/a components.str
do-dryad-simplify n/a components.str
do-it n/a sunit.str
dryad Main module of the Dryad Library dryad.str
dryad-attribute(Strategy rec) Attach attributes to a term Main.str
dryad-attributes-of(Strategy rec) n/a LocalVarDec.str
dryad-collect-errors n/a Main.str
dryad-errors Collect all type checker errors and report them using dryad-simple-error-report Main.str
dryad-fetch-error Innermost type error in expression Main.str
dryad-fetch-error n/a Main.str
dryad-fetch-error Foreach assignment without conversion Main.str
dryad-front n/a components.str
dryad-if-innermost-error(Strategy ifthen) Apply 'ifthen' if this is an innermost error Main.str
dryad-if-innermost-error(Strategy ifthen, Strategy ifelse) Apply 'ifthen' if this is an innermost error Main.str
dryad-maybe-reclassify(Strategy s) n/a Main.str
dryad-reclassify Reclassify header of a compilation unit Main.str
dryad-reclassify-all-class-declarations Reclasisfy this class declaration and Header.str
dryad-reclassify-bodies Reclassification of type declaration bodies Body.str
dryad-reclassify-bodies-helper n/a Body.str
dryad-reclassify-header n/a Header.str
dryad-reclassify-header-class-declaration (1) Reclassify enclosing class (2) Construct environment based on context (3) Reclassify the extends clause (4) Reclassify the superclass and superinterfaces (5) Reclassify this class Header.str
dryad-reclassify-header-env(Strategy s) Constructs the environment for reclassifying a class header Header.str
dryad-reclassify-type n/a ClassOrInterfaceType.str
dryad-reclassify-type n/a ClassOrInterfaceType.str
dryad-reclassify-type n/a ClassOrInterfaceType.str
dryad-reclassify-type n/a ClassOrInterfaceType.str
dryad-reclassify-type n/a ClassOrInterfaceType.str
dryad-reclassify-type n/a ClassOrInterfaceType.str
dryad-reclassify-type n/a ClassOrInterfaceType.str
dryad-simple-error-report n/a Main.str
dryad-simplify-sanity n/a Sanity.str
dryad-simplify-sanity-rules n/a Sanity.str
dryad-tc-declare-field-dec(Strategy rec) Util for dryad-tc-declare-fields Main.str
dryad-tc-declare-fields(Strategy continue) Declare the type of class fields for a class body Main.str
dryad-tc-declare-local-vardec(Strategy rec) Util for dryad-tc-declare-local-variables Main.str
dryad-tc-declare-local-variables(Strategy rec) Handle local vardec statement by declaring the type of the variables it declares for the tail of the list of statements in which it occurs Main.str
dryad-tc-declare-local-variables(Strategy rec) Define the type of a local variable declared in for loop Main.str
dryad-tc-declare-param n/a Main.str
dryad-tc-declare-params(Strategy continue) n/a Main.str
dryad-tc-declare-params(Strategy continue) n/a Main.str
dryad-tc-declare-params(Strategy continue) n/a Main.str
dryad-tc-declare-this-class(Strategy continue) n/a Main.str
dryad-tc-declare-var(ATerm type) Declare the type of a variable in dynamic rule 'TypeOf' Main.str
dryad-tc-explicit-type-arguments-method Return a list of explicit actual type arguments specified in the invocation StepSearch.str
dryad-tc-explicit-type-arguments-method n/a StepSearch.str
dryad-tc-explicit-type-arguments-method n/a StepSearch.str
dryad-tc-explicit-type-arguments-method n/a StepSearch.str
dryad-tc-explicit-type-arguments-method n/a StepSearch.str
dryad-tc-explicit-type-arguments-method n/a StepSearch.str
dryad-tc-explicit-type-arguments-method n/a StepSearch.str
dryad-tc-explicit-type-arguments-method n/a StepSearch.str
dryad-tc-explicit-type-arguments-method n/a StepSearch.str
dryad-tc-explicit-type-arguments-method n/a StepSearch.str
dryad-tc-explicit-type-arguments-method n/a StepSearch.str
dryad-tc-explicit-type-arguments-method n/a StepSearch.str
dryad-tc-explicit-type-arguments-method n/a StepSearch.str
dryad-tc-foreach(Strategy rec) Define the type of and conversions for a local variable declared in an enhanced for loop ForStatement.str
dryad-tc-foreach-add-conversion(Strategy rec) The foreach is defined as a desugaring over the regular for; do on-the-fly desugaring to determine the required conversion ForStatement.str
dryad-tc-name-of-method Returns the name of the method to be invoked StepSearch.str
dryad-tc-name-of-method n/a StepSearch.str
dryad-tc-name-of-method n/a StepSearch.str
dryad-tc-name-of-method n/a StepSearch.str
dryad-tc-name-of-method n/a StepSearch.str
dryad-tc-name-of-method n/a StepSearch.str
dryad-tc-name-of-method n/a StepSearch.str
dryad-tc-name-of-method n/a StepSearch.str
dryad-tc-name-of-method n/a StepSearch.str
dryad-tc-name-of-method n/a StepSearch.str
dryad-tc-search-class-of-method Returns the type on which the invocation is to be performed StepSearch.str
dryad-tc-search-class-of-method n/a StepSearch.str
dryad-tc-search-class-of-method n/a StepSearch.str
dryad-tc-search-class-of-method n/a StepSearch.str
dryad-tc-search-class-of-method n/a StepSearch.str
dryad-tc-search-class-of-method n/a StepSearch.str
dryad-tc-search-class-of-method n/a StepSearch.str
dryad-tc-search-class-of-method n/a StepSearch.str
dryad-tc-search-class-of-method n/a StepSearch.str
dryad-tc-search-class-of-method n/a StepSearch.str
dryad-type-checker Annotate type information on a Java compilation unit or fragment of code Main.str
dryad-type-checker(Strategy extension) n/a Main.str
dryad-type-of(Strategy rec) n/a Main.str
dryad-type-of-num-bin-op Generic implementation for determining the type of a numeric binary operator (*, /, %, +, -) Main.str
dryad-undo-reclassify-ambnames Undo the reclassification of a compilation unit Undo.str
DryadError(ATerm , ATerm ) n/a Main.str
DryadSimplify-BracketsInDeclarator n/a Sanity.str
DryadSimplify-BracketsInDeclarator n/a Sanity.str
DryadSimplify-MultipleConstantDeclarator n/a Sanity.str
DryadSimplify-MultipleFieldDeclarator n/a Sanity.str
DryadWarning(ATerm , ATerm ) n/a Main.str
dump-classes(ATerm pfx) Print structural information about a Class Object to stdout, each line prefixed by pfx debug.str
dump-fields(ATerm pfx) Prints all fields of a class, preceeded by a string prefix debug.str
dump-methods(ATerm pfx) Prints all methods of a class, preceeded by a string prefix debug.str
dump-name(ATerm pfx) Prints the name of a package, class, method or field to screen, preceeded by a string prefix debug.str
dump-packages(ATerm pfx) Print structural information about a Package Object to stdout, each line prefixed by pfx debug.str
ElemVal n/a Annotations.sdf
ElemVal n/a Annotations.sdf
ElemVal n/a Annotations.sdf
ElemVal n/a Annotations.sdf
ElemVal n/a Annotations.sdf
ElemValPair n/a Annotations.sdf
EndOfFile n/a LineTerminators.sdf
EnumBody n/a EnumDeclarations.sdf
EnumBody n/a EnumDeclarations.sdf
EnumBodyDecs n/a EnumDeclarations.sdf
EnumConst n/a EnumDeclarations.sdf
EnumConstArgs n/a EnumDeclarations.sdf
EnumDec n/a EnumDeclarations.sdf
EnumDecHead n/a EnumDeclarations.sdf
EOLCommentChars n/a Comments.sdf
Equal(ATerm ) U = V Constraints.str
Erasure 4 Erasure.str
EscapeSeq n/a EscapeSequences.sdf
EscapeSeq n/a EscapeSequences.sdf
EscChar n/a Comments.sdf
EscEscChar n/a Comments.sdf
eval-config-switch n/a switch-options.str
ExceptionType n/a MethodDeclarations.sdf
export-class n/a classpath.str
export-package n/a classpath.str
export-repository Exports the current Dryad repository by constructing an ATerm that represents its content classpath.str
Expr n/a UnaryOperators.sdf
Expr n/a UnaryOperators.sdf
Expr n/a UnaryOperators.sdf
Expr n/a UnaryOperators.sdf
Expr n/a UnaryOperators.sdf
Expr n/a UnaryOperators.sdf
Expr n/a UnaryOperators.sdf
Expr n/a UnaryOperators.sdf
Expr n/a Priorities.sdf
Expr n/a Priorities.sdf
Expr n/a Priorities.sdf
Expr n/a Priorities.sdf
Expr n/a Priorities.sdf
Expr n/a Priorities.sdf
Expr n/a Priorities.sdf
Expr n/a Priorities.sdf
Expr n/a Priorities.sdf
Expr n/a Priorities.sdf
Expr n/a Priorities.sdf
Expr n/a Priorities.sdf
Expr n/a Priorities.sdf
Expr n/a Priorities.sdf
Expr n/a Priorities.sdf
Expr n/a Priorities.sdf
Expr n/a Priorities.sdf
Expr n/a Priorities.sdf
Expr n/a Priorities.sdf
Expr n/a Priorities.sdf
Expr n/a Priorities.sdf
Expr n/a Priorities.sdf
Expr n/a Priorities.sdf
Expr n/a Priorities.sdf
Expr n/a Priorities.sdf
Expr n/a Priorities.sdf
Expr n/a Priorities.sdf
Expr n/a Priorities.sdf
Expr n/a Priorities.sdf
Expr n/a Priorities.sdf
Expr n/a Priorities.sdf
Expr n/a Priorities.sdf
Expr n/a Priorities.sdf
Expr n/a Priorities.sdf
Expr n/a Priorities.sdf
Expr n/a Priorities.sdf
Expr n/a Priorities.sdf
Expr n/a Priorities.sdf
Expr n/a Priorities.sdf
Expr n/a Priorities.sdf
Expr n/a Priorities.sdf
Expr n/a Priorities.sdf
Expr n/a Priorities.sdf
Expr n/a Priorities.sdf
Expr n/a Priorities.sdf
Expr n/a Priorities.sdf
Expr n/a Priorities.sdf
Expr n/a Priorities.sdf
Expr n/a Priorities.sdf
Expr n/a Priorities.sdf
Expr n/a Priorities.sdf
Expr n/a Priorities.sdf
Expr n/a Priorities.sdf
Expr n/a Priorities.sdf
Expr n/a Priorities.sdf
Expr n/a Priorities.sdf
Expr n/a Priorities.sdf
Expr n/a Primary.sdf
Expr n/a Primary.sdf
Expr n/a Primary.sdf
Expr n/a Primary.sdf
Expr n/a Postfix.sdf
Expr n/a Postfix.sdf
Expr n/a Postfix.sdf
Expr n/a MethodInvocation.sdf
Expr n/a MethodInvocation.sdf
Expr n/a FieldAccess.sdf
Expr n/a ClassInstanceCreation.sdf
Expr n/a ClassInstanceCreation.sdf
Expr n/a BinaryOperators.sdf
Expr n/a BinaryOperators.sdf
Expr n/a BinaryOperators.sdf
Expr n/a BinaryOperators.sdf
Expr n/a BinaryOperators.sdf
Expr n/a BinaryOperators.sdf
Expr n/a BinaryOperators.sdf
Expr n/a BinaryOperators.sdf
Expr n/a BinaryOperators.sdf
Expr n/a BinaryOperators.sdf
Expr n/a BinaryOperators.sdf
Expr n/a BinaryOperators.sdf
Expr n/a BinaryOperators.sdf
Expr n/a BinaryOperators.sdf
Expr n/a BinaryOperators.sdf
Expr n/a BinaryOperators.sdf
Expr n/a BinaryOperators.sdf
Expr n/a BinaryOperators.sdf
Expr n/a BinaryOperators.sdf
Expr n/a BinaryOperators.sdf
Expr n/a BinaryOperators.sdf
Expr n/a AssignmentOperators.sdf
Expr n/a AssignmentOperators.sdf
Expr n/a AssignmentOperators.sdf
Expr n/a AssignmentOperators.sdf
Expr n/a AssignmentOperators.sdf
Expr n/a AssignmentOperators.sdf
Expr n/a AssignmentOperators.sdf
Expr n/a AssignmentOperators.sdf
Expr n/a AssignmentOperators.sdf
Expr n/a AssignmentOperators.sdf
Expr n/a AssignmentOperators.sdf
Expr n/a AssignmentOperators.sdf
Expr n/a ArrayCreation.sdf
Expr n/a ArrayAccess.sdf
ExprName n/a Main.sdf
ExprName n/a Main.sdf
ExtendsInterfaces n/a InterfaceDeclarations.sdf
Extensions Extensions of the Java AST introduced by Dryad to make the meaning of constructs more clear Extensions.str
fail-s(Strategy s) n/a Main.str
fetchcdr(Strategy s) n/a wannabe-lisp.str
fgetchars-line n/a classpath.str
fgetchars-lines(Strategy postlinehook, Strategy at-last) n/a classpath.str
fgetchars-until(Strategy pred) fails if there is an immediate EOF classpath.str
Field(ATerm ) n/a Extensions.str
field Abstract Java field field.str
FieldAccess n/a Priorities.sdf
FieldAccess n/a FieldAccess.sdf
FieldAccess n/a FieldAccess.sdf
FieldAccess n/a FieldAccess.sdf
FieldAccess n/a FieldAccess.sdf
FieldDec n/a FieldDeclarations.sdf
FieldMod n/a FieldDeclarations.sdf
FieldMod n/a FieldDeclarations.sdf
FieldMod n/a FieldDeclarations.sdf
FieldMod n/a FieldDeclarations.sdf
FieldMod n/a FieldDeclarations.sdf
FieldMod n/a FieldDeclarations.sdf
FieldMod n/a FieldDeclarations.sdf
FILE(ATerm ) n/a multi-options.str
fill-package(ATerm pkg) n/a classpath.str
filter-zip(Strategy s, ATerm ys) n/a list.str
Final n/a Modifiers.sdf
FloatLiteral n/a FloatingPointLiterals.sdf
FloatLiteral n/a FloatingPointLiterals.sdf
FloatType n/a PrimitiveTypes.sdf
FloatType n/a PrimitiveTypes.sdf
foldl(Strategy s, ATerm as) n/a list.str
Form 13 Form.str
FormalParam n/a MethodDeclarations.sdf
FormalParam n/a MethodDeclarations.sdf
FormalParameters n/a FormalParameters.str
FormalTypeParameters Declare formal type parameters FormalTypeParameters.str
ForStatement 14 ForStatement.str
Fresh(ATerm ) n/a Extensions.str
FreshTypeVarLowerBound n/a CaptureConversion.str
FreshTypeVarUpperBound Returns the list of upperbounds of a fresh type variable CaptureConversion.str
fully-qualified-name n/a array-class.str
fully-qualified-name n/a array-class.str
GenericSignature(ATerm ) n/a bytecode-method.str
get-access n/a source-method.str
get-access n/a source-field.str
get-access n/a source-constructor.str
get-access n/a source-class.str
get-access Returns the access of this method method.str
get-access n/a bytecode-method.str
get-access n/a bytecode-field.str
get-access n/a bytecode-constructor.str
get-access n/a bytecode-class.str
get-access-flags n/a bytecode-method.str
get-access-flags Returns the access flags of a field bytecode-field.str
get-access-flags n/a bytecode-class.str
get-access-of-default-constructor n/a source-class.str
get-arguments-of-invocation Returns the list of arguments of a method invocation StepSignature.str
get-arity Returns the arity (number of arguments) of this method source-method.str
get-arity Returns the arity (number of arguments) of this constructor source-constructor.str
get-arity Returns the arity (number of arguments) of this method bytecode-method.str
get-arity Returns the arity (number of arguments) of this constructor bytecode-constructor.str
get-array-class Returns the array class for the given component type array-class.str
get-array-class-hashtable Returns the hashtable of array classes array-class.str
get-ast n/a source-method.str
get-ast n/a source-field.str
get-ast n/a source-constructor.str
get-ast Returns the AST of this source class source-class.str
get-ast Returns the AST of this compilation unit compilation-unit.str
get-ast n/a bytecode-method.str
get-ast n/a bytecode-field.str
get-ast n/a bytecode-constructor.str
get-attributes Returns the attributes of this bytecode method bytecode-method.str
get-attributes Returns the attributes of this bytecode field bytecode-field.str
get-attributes Returns the attributes of this bytecode class bytecode-class.str
get-body-decs-of-typedec n/a jtree.str
get-body-decs-of-typedec n/a jtree.str
get-canonical-name Returns the canonical name of this package package.str
get-canonical-name Return name that uniquely identifiers a method method.str
get-canonical-name Return name that uniquely identifiers a constructor constructor.str
get-canonical-name Returns the canonical name of this class class.str
get-canonical-name n/a array-class.str
get-compilation-unit n/a source-class.str
get-component-type Returns the component type of this array class array-class.str
get-constructor-decs-of-typedec n/a jtree.str
get-constructors Returns all constructors of this class, including superclasses class.str
get-declared-constructor-list Returns a list of the constructors declared in this class class.str
get-declared-constructors Returns a list of the constructors declared in this class class.str
get-declared-exception-types Returns a list of exceptions declared to be thrown by this method source-method.str
get-declared-exception-types Returns a list of exceptions declared to be thrown by this method source-constructor.str
get-declared-exception-types Returns a list of exceptions declared to be thrown by this method bytecode-method.str
get-declared-exception-types Returns a list of exceptions declared to be thrown by this method bytecode-constructor.str
get-declared-field(ATerm name) Returns the field 'name', which must be declared in this class class.str
get-declared-field-table Private class.str
get-declared-fields n/a class.str
get-declared-member-type(ATerm name) Returns the type 'name', which must be declared in this class class.str
get-declared-member-type-table Private class.str
get-declared-member-types Returns all the member types declared in this class class.str
get-declared-method-table Returns a hashtable of the methods declared in this class class.str
get-declared-methods Returns a list of the methods declared in this class class.str
get-declared-methods(ATerm name) Returns the methods 'name', which must be declared in this class class.str
get-declaring-class n/a member.str
get-default-constructor n/a source-class.str
get-element-type Returns the element type of this array class array-class.str
get-enclosing-class n/a class.str
get-field(ATerm name) Returns the field for the given name class.str
get-field-decs-of-typedec n/a jtree.str
get-field-decs-of-typedec n/a jtree.str
get-fields Returns all fields of this class, including those inherited from superclasses and superinterfaces class.str
get-fields(ATerm name) Returns all the visible fields with the given name class.str
get-foreach-rhs-value n/a ForStatement.str
get-foreach-rhs-value n/a ForStatement.str
get-formal-parameter-types Returns the formal parameters types of a method as source types source-method.str
get-formal-parameter-types Returns the formal parameters types of a method as source types source-constructor.str
get-formal-parameter-types(ATerm inclass) n/a method.str
get-formal-parameter-types(ATerm intype) n/a method.str
get-formal-parameter-types Returns the formal parameters types of a method as source types, considering the generic signature if it is available bytecode-method.str
get-formal-parameter-types Returns the formal parameters types of a method as source types bytecode-constructor.str
get-formal-parameter-types-in-class(ATerm inclass) Returns the formal parameter types of this method if this method is invoked as a member of the given class method.str
get-formal-parameter-types-in-class(ATerm inclass) n/a constructor.str
get-formal-parameter-types-in-type(ATerm intype) Returns the formal parameter types of this method if this method is invoked as a member of the given type method.str
get-formal-parameter-types-in-type(ATerm intype) Returns the formal parameter types of this constructor if this constructor is invoked as a member of the given type constructor.str
get-formal-type-parameter(ATerm name) Returns the type parameter of the given name, or fails if this class thus have a type parameter with this name method.str
get-formal-type-parameter(ATerm name) Returns the type parameter of the given name, or fails if this class thus have a type parameter with this name class.str
get-formal-type-parameters n/a source-method.str
get-formal-type-parameters Returns the list of formal type parameters declared by this constructor source-constructor.str
get-formal-type-parameters n/a source-class.str
get-formal-type-parameters Abstract method method.str
get-formal-type-parameters Abstract method class.str
get-formal-type-parameters Returns the list of formal parameter types of this method bytecode-method.str
get-formal-type-parameters Returns the list of formal type parameters declared by this constructor bytecode-constructor.str
get-formal-type-parameters n/a bytecode-class.str
get-fully-qualified-name Returns the full qualified name of this package package.str
get-fully-qualified-name Returns the canonical name of this class, which is a fully qualified name class.str
get-inherited-fields Returns all fields of this class that are inherited from superclasses and superinterfaces class.str
get-inherited-fields(ATerm name) Returns all fields of this class that are inherited from superclasses and superinterfaces class.str
get-inherited-member-types Returns all member types of this class that are inherited from superclasses and superinterfaces class.str
get-inherited-member-types(ATerm name) Returns all member types of this class with the given name that are inherited from superclasses and superinterfaces class.str
get-inherited-methods Returns all methods of this class that are inherited from superclasses and superinterfaces class.str
get-inherited-methods(ATerm name) Returns all methods of this class with this name that are inherited from superclasses and superinterfaces class.str
get-jvm(ATerm classpath) n/a Bridge.str
get-location n/a bytecode-class.str
get-member-type(ATerm name) Returns the member type of this class with this name class.str
get-member-type-decs-of-typedec n/a jtree.str
get-member-type-in-class-helper(Strategy declaredgetter, Strategy resultgetter, Strategy typegetter, ATerm inclass) OMG! method.str
get-member-type-in-type-helper(Strategy getter, ATerm intype) n/a method.str
get-member-types Returns all member types of this class class.str
get-member-types(ATerm name) Returns the member types of this class with this name class.str
get-methods Returns all member methods of this class class.str
get-methods(ATerm name) Returns all member methods of this class with this name class.str
get-modifiers n/a source-method.str
get-modifiers Returns the modifiers of a field source-field.str
get-modifiers Returns the modifiers of a source constructor source-constructor.str
get-modifiers n/a source-class.str
get-name Returns the MethodName of this method method.str
get-name Returns the name of this field field.str
get-name Returns the ConstructorName of this method constructor.str
get-name Returns the canonical name of this class class.str
get-name-of-typedec Returns the name of a type declaration jtree.str
get-name-of-typedec n/a jtree.str
get-observable-classes n/a option.str
get-or-add-subpackage(ATerm name) Ensures that a subpackage exists in the current package package.str
get-or-add-subsubpackage(ATerm names) Ensures that a subpackage exists in the current package package.str
get-package n/a source-class.str
get-package Returns the package of this compilation unit compilation-unit.str
get-package n/a bytecode-class.str
get-package-name-of-compilation-unit n/a jtree.str
get-package-name-of-compilation-unit n/a jtree.str
get-package-of-compilation-unit Returns the package of a compilation unit jtree.str
get-parent-package Returns the parent package package.str
get-reference-ast n/a source-method.str
get-reference-ast n/a source-field.str
get-reference-ast n/a source-constructor.str
get-reference-ast Returns the Reference AST of this source class source-class.str
get-reference-ast Returns the Reference AST from this compilation unit compilation-unit.str
get-reference-ast n/a bytecode-method.str
get-reference-ast n/a bytecode-field.str
get-reference-ast n/a bytecode-constructor.str
get-reference-ast Returns the Reference AST of this source class bytecode-class.str
get-return-type n/a source-method.str
get-return-type(ATerm inclass) n/a method.str
get-return-type(ATerm intype) n/a method.str
get-return-type Returns the return type of this method, considering the generic signature if it is available bytecode-method.str
get-return-type-in-class(ATerm inclass) Returns the return type of this method if this method is invoked as a member of the given class method.str
get-return-type-in-type(ATerm intype) Returns the return type of this method if this method is invoked as a member of the given type method.str
get-root-package Returns the root package repository.str
get-signature Returns the generic signature of this method bytecode-method.str
get-signature Returns the generic signature of this field bytecode-field.str
get-signature Returns the generic signature of this class bytecode-class.str
get-signature-parse-table n/a Bridge.str
get-simple-name Returns the simple name of this method source-method.str
get-simple-name Returns the simple name of this package package.str
get-simple-name Returns the simple name of this field field.str
get-simple-name Returns the simple name of this class class.str
get-simple-name n/a bytecode-method.str
get-subpackage(ATerm name) Returns the subpackage of the specified name package.str
get-subpackages Returns all subpackages package.str
get-subsubpackage(ATerm names) Returns the direct or indirect subpackage of the given name package.str
get-superclass Returns the super class of this class class.str
get-superclass(ATerm intype) Superclass of a parameterized types class.str
get-superclass(ATerm intype) Superclass of a raw type class.str
get-superclass(ATerm intype) Superclass of a unparameterized type class.str
get-superclass-as-type n/a source-class.str
get-superclass-as-type Returns the super class of this class as a type class.str
get-superclass-as-type Returns the super class of this class as a type bytecode-class.str
get-superclass-as-type Returns the superclass of this array class array-class.str
get-superclass-of-typedec Returns the superclass of a type declaration jtree.str
get-superclass-type n/a class.str
get-superinterfaces Returns the direct super interfaces class.str
get-superinterfaces(ATerm intype) n/a class.str
get-superinterfaces(ATerm intype) Superclass of a raw type class.str
get-superinterfaces(ATerm intype) Superclass of a unparameterized type class.str
get-superinterfaces-as-type n/a source-class.str
get-superinterfaces-as-type Returns the interfaces implemented by this class as types class.str
get-superinterfaces-as-type Returns the interfaces implemented by this class as types bytecode-class.str
get-superinterfaces-as-type Returns the interfaces implemented by this array class array-class.str
get-superinterfaces-of-typedec Returns the superinterfaces of a type declaration jtree.str
get-superinterfaces-of-typedec n/a jtree.str
get-top-level-class n/a AccessControl.str
get-toplevel-class(ATerm name) n/a package.str
get-toplevel-classes n/a package.str
get-toplevel-classtable n/a package.str
get-type n/a source-field.str
get-type Returns the type of a field bytecode-field.str
get-type-declarations n/a compilation-unit.str
get-type-of-field(ATerm x) n/a jtree.str
get-type-of-param n/a jtree.str
get-upper-bound n/a Erasure.str
get-upper-bound n/a Erasure.str
get-vardec-of-field(ATerm x) n/a jtree.str
get-vardecid-of-field(ATerm x) n/a jtree.str
GetJVM n/a Bridge.str
has-declared-field(ATerm name) Succeeds if the current class declares a field with this name class.str
has-declared-member-type(ATerm name) Succeeds if the current class declares a class with this name class.str
has-declared-method(ATerm name) Succeeds if the current class declares a method with this name class.str
has-field(ATerm name) Succeeds if the current class has a field with this name class.str
has-formal-type-parameter(ATerm name) Succeeds if this class has a type parameter of the given name method.str
has-formal-type-parameter(ATerm name) Succeeds if this class has a type parameter of the given name class.str
has-inherited-field(ATerm name) Succeeds if the current class inherits a field with this name class.str
has-inherited-member-type(ATerm name) Succeeds if the current class inherits a member type with this name class.str
has-inherited-method(ATerm name) Succeeds if the current class inherits a method with this name class.str
has-member-type(ATerm name) Succeeds if this has a member type with the given name class.str
has-method(ATerm name) Succeeds if this has a member method with the given name class.str
has-subpackage(ATerm name) Succeeds if this package has a subpackage 'name' package.str
has-toplevel-class(ATerm name) Succeeds if this package has a toplevel class of the specified name package.str
HasBeenReclassified n/a Main.str
hash-table Possible extensions of the Stratego Library Hashtable strategies hash-table.str
hashtable-get(Strategy ifnot, ATerm key) n/a hash-table.str
hashtable-push-existing(ATerm key, ATerm value) Avoid the choice operator in hashtable push if we know that we key exists hash-table.str
have-subtype-relation(ATerm t1, ATerm t2) Checks if the two type arguments have a subtype relation Subtyping.str
Header 6 Header.str
helper-reduce-generic-constraint(Strategy s, Strategy rec, ATerm a, ATerm t) Helper used for A << F and A = F ConstraintReduction.str
HexaFloatLiteral n/a FloatingPointLiterals.sdf
HexaFloatNumeral n/a FloatingPointLiterals.sdf
HexaLiteral n/a IntegerLiterals.sdf
HexaNumeral n/a IntegerLiterals.sdf
HexaSignificand n/a FloatingPointLiterals.sdf
HexaSignificand n/a FloatingPointLiterals.sdf
HexaSignificand n/a FloatingPointLiterals.sdf
Id n/a Identifiers.sdf
ID n/a Identifiers.sdf
ID n/a Identifiers.sdf
ID n/a Identifiers.sdf
ID n/a Identifiers.sdf
ID n/a Identifiers.sdf
identify-potentially-applicable-methods(ATerm class, ATerm fromclass) n/a StepSignature.str
identity-conversion(ATerm to) n/a IdentityConversion.str
identity-conversion n/a IdentityConversion.str
IdentityConversion 5 IdentityConversion.str
IdentityConversion(ATerm ) n/a IdentityConversion.str
if-signature(Strategy then, Strategy else) n/a bytecode-method.str
if-switch(Strategy switch, Strategy s) Applies s if the given switch is on switch-options.str
import-observable-classes n/a option.str
import-observable-classes-entry n/a option.str
import-repository Imports a serialized Dryad repository by registering a package, its subpackages and all classes in the Dryad repository classpath.str
ImportDec n/a ImportDeclarations.sdf
ImportDec n/a ImportDeclarations.sdf
ImportDec n/a ImportDeclarations.sdf
ImportDec n/a ImportDeclarations.sdf
Imports Declare import declarations Imports.str
infer-type-arguments(ATerm initial-constraints) Given a list of initial constraints, infers the type arguments for all formal type parameters of the method InferringTypeArguments.str
infer-type-arguments-from-constraints(ATerm tvs) n/a InferringTypeArguments.str
infer-unresolved-type-arguments n/a InferringTypeArguments.str
InferringTypeArguments 15 InferringTypeArguments.str
init-declared-constructor-list Must be implemented by subclasses class.str
init-declared-constructor-list Default implementation (not required to use this) class.str
init-declared-constructor-list Initializes the declared constructors list of the array class array-class.str
init-declared-field-table Abstract strategy class.str
init-declared-field-table Default implementation of init-declared-field-table, which requires the subclass to implement init-get-declared-field-list class.str
init-declared-field-table Initializes the field table of an array class array-class.str
init-declared-member-type-table Initializes the declared member classes table of a source class source-class.str
init-declared-member-type-table Should be overridden by a subclass class.str
init-declared-member-type-table n/a bytecode-class.str
init-declared-method-table Abstract strategy class.str
init-declared-method-table Default implementation class.str
init-declared-method-table Initializes the declared method table of an array class array-class.str
init-get-declared-constructor-list Initializes the declared constructors list of the source class source-class.str
init-get-declared-constructor-list Initializes the declared constructors list of a bytecode class bytecode-class.str
init-get-declared-field-list Initializes the field table of a source class source-class.str
init-get-declared-field-list Abstract strategy class.str
init-get-declared-field-list Initializes the field table of a bytecode class bytecode-class.str
init-get-declared-method-list Initializes the declared method table of a source class source-class.str
init-get-declared-method-list n/a class.str
init-get-declared-method-list Initializes the declared method table of a bytecode class bytecode-class.str
init-root-package Initializes the root package object repository.str
init-toplevel-bytecode-classes n/a package.str
Instance(ATerm , ATerm ) n/a classes.str
InstanceInit n/a InstanceInitializers.sdf
instanceof-JavaArrayClass Succeeds if the current term is an instance of a Java array class array-class.str
instanceof-JavaBytecodeClass Succeeds if this is a BytecodeClass Object bytecode-class.str
instanceof-JavaBytecodeConstructor Succeeds if the current term is an instance of Java bytecode constructor bytecode-constructor.str
instanceof-JavaBytecodeField Succeeds if the current term is an instance of Java bytecode method bytecode-field.str
instanceof-JavaBytecodeMethod Succeeds if the current term is an instance of Java bytecode method bytecode-method.str
instanceof-JavaClass Succeeds if the current term is an instance of a Java class source-class.str
instanceof-JavaClass Checks if current term is an instance of JavaClass class.str
instanceof-JavaClass A BytecodeClass Object is a Class Object bytecode-class.str
instanceof-JavaClass Succeeds if the current term is an instance of a Java class array-class.str
instanceof-JavaCompilationUnit Succeeds if the current term is an instance of Java compilation unit compilation-unit.str
instanceof-JavaConstructor Succeeds if the current term is an instance of a Java constructor source-constructor.str
instanceof-JavaConstructor Succeeds if the current term is an instance of a Java constructor constructor.str
instanceof-JavaConstructor Succeeds if the current term is an instance of a Java constructor bytecode-constructor.str
instanceof-JavaField Succeeds if the current term is an instance of a Java field source-field.str
instanceof-JavaField Succeeds if the current term is an instance of a field field.str
instanceof-JavaField Succeeds if the current term is an instance of a Java field bytecode-field.str
instanceof-JavaMember Every Java method is a Java member method.str
instanceof-JavaMember Succeeds if the current term is a member member.str
instanceof-JavaMember Every Java field is a Java member field.str
instanceof-JavaMember Every Java constructor is a Java member constructor.str
instanceof-JavaMember Succeeds if the current term is an instance of a Java member class.str
instanceof-JavaMethod Succeeds if the current term is an instance of a Java method source-method.str
instanceof-JavaMethod Checks if current term is an instance of JavaClass method.str
instanceof-JavaMethod Succeeds if the current term is an instance of a Java method bytecode-method.str
instanceof-JavaPackage n/a package.str
instanceof-JavaSourceClass Succeeds if the current term is an instance of Java source class source-class.str
instanceof-JavaSourceConstructor Succeeds if the current term is an instance of Java source constructor source-constructor.str
instanceof-JavaSourceField Succeeds if the current term is an instance of Java source field source-field.str
instanceof-JavaSourceMethod Succeeds if the current term is an instance of Java source method source-method.str
InterfaceDec n/a InterfaceDeclarations.sdf
InterfaceDec n/a InterfaceDeclarations.sdf
InterfaceDecHead n/a InterfaceDeclarations.sdf
InterfaceMemberDec n/a InterfaceDeclarations.sdf
InterfaceMemberDec n/a InterfaceDeclarations.sdf
InterfaceMemberDec n/a InterfaceDeclarations.sdf
InterfaceMemberDec n/a InterfaceDeclarations.sdf
InterfaceMemberDec n/a InterfaceDeclarations.sdf
InterfaceMod n/a InterfaceDeclarations.sdf
InterfaceMod n/a InterfaceDeclarations.sdf
InterfaceMod n/a InterfaceDeclarations.sdf
InterfaceMod n/a InterfaceDeclarations.sdf
InterfaceMod n/a InterfaceDeclarations.sdf
InterfaceMod n/a InterfaceDeclarations.sdf
Interfaces n/a ClassDeclarations.sdf
InterfaceType n/a ReferenceTypes.sdf
IntersectionType(ATerm ) n/a Extensions.str
IntLiteral n/a IntegerLiterals.sdf
IntLiteral n/a IntegerLiterals.sdf
IntLiteral n/a IntegerLiterals.sdf
IntType n/a PrimitiveTypes.sdf
IntType n/a PrimitiveTypes.sdf
IntType n/a PrimitiveTypes.sdf
IntType n/a PrimitiveTypes.sdf
IntType n/a PrimitiveTypes.sdf
involves-typevar n/a ConstraintReduction.str
is-accessible-from(ATerm from) A package is always accessible AccessControl.str
is-accessible-from(ATerm from) Public top level classes are accessible AccessControl.str
is-accessible-from(ATerm from) Top level classes with default access are only accessible in the same package AccessControl.str
is-accessible-from(ATerm from) Array class is accessible if its element type is accessible AccessControl.str
is-accessible-from(ATerm from) n/a AccessControl.str
is-accessible-from(ATerm to, ATerm from) n/a AccessControl.str
is-accessible-from(ATerm from) n/a AccessControl.str
is-ambiguous-construct Succeeds if the current term is in any way ambiguous Check.str
is-anonymous-class n/a class.str
is-applicable-method-by-method-invocation-conversion(ATerm type, ATerm invocation) n/a StepSignature.str
is-applicable-method-by-method-invocation-conversion(ATerm A, ATerm S, ATerm U) n/a StepSignature.str
is-applicable-method-by-subtyping(ATerm type, ATerm invocation) Succeeds if this method is applicable by subtyping StepSignature.str
is-applicable-method-by-subtyping(ATerm A, ATerm S, ATerm U) n/a StepSignature.str
is-applicable-variable-arity-method n/a StepSignature.str
is-array-class Succeeds if this class represents an array class array-class.str
is-assignment-convertable(ATerm to) Checks if the current type is assignment convertable to type to AssignmentConversion.str
is-casting-convertable(ATerm to) Primitive type CastingConversion.str
is-casting-convertable(ATerm to) Reference Type CastingConversion.str
is-casting-convertable(ATerm to) Null can be cast to any reference type CastingConversion.str
is-chosen-method-appropiate n/a StepAppropriate.str
is-class-init-method n/a jtree.str
is-class-init-method Succeeds if this is a class initialization method (static initializer) util.str
is-convertible-to-boolean-type n/a Unboxing.str
is-convertible-to-boolean-type n/a Unboxing.str
is-convertible-to-integral-type n/a Unboxing.str
is-convertible-to-integral-type n/a Unboxing.str
is-convertible-to-numeric-type n/a Unboxing.str
is-convertible-to-numeric-type n/a Unboxing.str
is-digit n/a Form.str
is-fixed-arity-constructor Succeeds if this constructor does not take a variable number of arguments constructor.str
is-fixed-arity-method Succeeds if this method does not take a variable number of arguments method.str
is-float-literal Succeeds if this is a float literal (ends with f or F) jtree.str
is-floating-point-literal Succeeds if this is a float or double literal jtree.str
is-floating-point-type n/a Primitive.str
is-generic Succeeds if this is a generic method (i method.str
is-generic Succeeds if this is a generic class (i class.str
is-identity-convertable(ATerm to) Succeeds if the type is convertable to the argument type by identity conversion IdentityConversion.str
is-instance-init-method Succeeds if this is an instance initialization method (constructor) jtree.str
is-instance-init-method Succeeds if this is an instance initialization method (constructor) util.str
is-integer-literal Succeeds if this is an integer literal (Long or Int) jtree.str
is-integer-literal n/a jtree.str
is-integer-literal n/a jtree.str
is-integral-type n/a Primitive.str
is-interface Succeeds if this class is an interface source-class.str
is-interface Succeeds if this class is an interface bytecode-class.str
is-interface Succeeds if this class is an interface array-class.str
is-local-class n/a class.str
is-long-literal Succeeds if this is a long literal jtree.str
is-member-type Succeeds if this class is a member of an enclosing class class.str
is-method-invocation-convertable(ATerm to) Checks if the current type is method invocation convertable to type 'to' MethodInvocationConversion.str
is-more-specific(ATerm m2) Succeeds if m1 is more specific than m2 StepSignature.str
is-narrowing-primitive-convertable(ATerm t) n/a NarrowingPrimitive.str
is-narrowing-primitive-convertable(ATerm t) n/a NarrowingPrimitive.str
is-narrowing-primitive-convertable(ATerm t) n/a NarrowingPrimitive.str
is-narrowing-primitive-convertable(ATerm t) n/a NarrowingPrimitive.str
is-narrowing-primitive-convertable(ATerm t) n/a NarrowingPrimitive.str
is-narrowing-primitive-convertable(ATerm t) n/a NarrowingPrimitive.str
is-narrowing-reference-convertable(ATerm t) n/a NarrowingReference.str
is-narrowing-reference-convertable(ATerm to) n/a NarrowingReference.str
is-narrowing-reference-convertable(ATerm to) n/a NarrowingReference.str
is-narrowing-reference-convertable(ATerm to) n/a NarrowingReference.str
is-narrowing-reference-convertable(ATerm to) n/a NarrowingReference.str
is-narrowing-reference-convertable(ATerm to) n/a NarrowingReference.str
is-narrowing-reference-convertable(ATerm to) n/a NarrowingReference.str
is-nested-class Succeeds if this is a nested class class.str
is-not-inherited(ATerm inclass) Private methods are not inherited class.str
is-not-inherited(ATerm inclass) Hidden fields are not inherited class.str
is-not-inherited(ATerm inclass) Hidden member types are not inherited class.str
is-not-inherited(ATerm inclass) Members with default access are not inherited into classes defined in a different package class.str
is-numeric-type n/a Primitive.str
is-package-observable Checks if the specified PackageName exists as a package in the repository repository.str
is-parameterized-type n/a Parameterized.str
is-parameterized-type n/a Parameterized.str
is-primitive-type n/a Primitive.str
is-private n/a member.str
is-proper-subtype(ATerm type) n/a Subtyping.str
is-proper-supertype(ATerm of) Checks if the current term is a proper supertype of the specified type Subtyping.str
is-protected n/a member.str
is-public n/a member.str
is-raw-type n/a Raw.str
is-raw-type n/a Raw.str
is-raw-type n/a Raw.str
is-reference-type n/a Reference.str
is-reifiable-type Refers to a non-generic type declaration Reifiable.str
is-reifiable-type Parameterized type in which all type arguments are unbounded wildcards Reifiable.str
is-reifiable-type n/a Reifiable.str
is-reifiable-type n/a Reifiable.str
is-reifiable-type Raw type Reifiable.str
is-reifiable-type Array type whose component type is reifiable Reifiable.str
is-root-package Succeeds if this is the root package package.str
is-static Succeeds if a method is static source-method.str
is-static Succeeds if a field is static source-field.str
is-static Succeeds if the class is a static (inner) class source-class.str
is-static Succeeds if a method is static bytecode-method.str
is-static Succeeds if a field is static bytecode-field.str
is-strictly-more-specific(ATerm m2) Succeeds if m1 is strictly more specific than m2 StepSignature.str
is-subclass(ATerm class) Succeeds if this class is subclass of the given class class.str
is-subpackage(ATerm name) Alias of has-subpackage package.str
is-subsubpackage(ATerm names) n/a package.str
is-subtype(ATerm type) Checks if the current term is a subtype of the specified type Subtyping.str
is-subtype(ATerm type) The special Null type is a subtype of every type Subtyping.str
is-top-level-class Succeeds if this is a top level class class.str
is-type-expression n/a Lub.str
is-type-name n/a Main.str
is-unqualified-name n/a Check.str
is-variable-arity-constructor Succeeds if this constructor takes a variable number of arguments source-constructor.str
is-variable-arity-constructor Succeeds if this constructor takes a variable number of arguments bytecode-constructor.str
is-variable-arity-method Succeeds if this method takes a variable number of arguments source-method.str
is-variable-arity-method Succeeds if this method takes a variable number of arguments bytecode-method.str
is-variable-arity-param Succeeds if this FormalParam has a variable arity source-method.str
is-widening-primitive-convertable(ATerm to) Checks if the type (current term) is convertable to type t by a widening primitive conversion WideningPrimitive.str
is-widening-reference-convertable(ATerm t) Checks if the current type is convertable to t by a widening conversion WideningReference.str
IsBeingReclassified n/a Main.str
iset-remove-all(Strategy s) Removes all elements from set that satisfy s Lub.str
Jar(ATerm , ATerm ) Constructor for the location of a class file in a jar classpath.str
Java-15 n/a Java-15.sdf
JavaArrayClass(ATerm ) n/a array-class.str
JavaBytecodeClass(ATerm ) Identifier for BytecodeClass Objects bytecode-class.str
JavaBytecodeConstructor(ATerm ) n/a bytecode-constructor.str
JavaBytecodeField(ATerm ) n/a bytecode-field.str
JavaBytecodeMethod(ATerm ) n/a bytecode-method.str
JavaCompilationUnit(ATerm ) n/a compilation-unit.str
JavaCompilationUnit-15 n/a JavaCompilationUnit-15.sdf
JavaLangTypeName(ATerm s) n/a jtree-overlays.str
JavaPackage(ATerm ) Identifier for the class Package package.str
JavaSourceClass(ATerm ) n/a source-class.str
JavaSourceConstructor(ATerm ) n/a source-constructor.str
JavaSourceField(ATerm ) n/a source-field.str
JavaSourceMethod(ATerm ) n/a source-method.str
jtree Utils for Java Abstract Syntax Trees jtree.str
jtree-overlays n/a jtree-overlays.str
Keyword n/a Keywords.sdf
Keyword n/a Keywords.sdf
Keyword n/a Keywords.sdf
Keyword n/a Keywords.sdf
Keyword n/a Keywords.sdf
Keyword n/a Keywords.sdf
Keyword n/a Keywords.sdf
Keyword n/a Keywords.sdf
Keyword n/a Keywords.sdf
Keyword n/a Keywords.sdf
Keyword n/a Keywords.sdf
Keyword n/a Keywords.sdf
Keyword n/a Keywords.sdf
Keyword n/a Keywords.sdf
Keyword n/a Keywords.sdf
Keyword n/a Keywords.sdf
Keyword n/a Keywords.sdf
Keyword n/a Keywords.sdf
Keyword n/a Keywords.sdf
Keyword n/a Keywords.sdf
Keyword n/a Keywords.sdf
Keyword n/a Keywords.sdf
Keyword n/a Keywords.sdf
Keyword n/a Keywords.sdf
Keyword n/a Keywords.sdf
Keyword n/a Keywords.sdf
Keyword n/a Keywords.sdf
Keyword n/a Keywords.sdf
Keyword n/a Keywords.sdf
Keyword n/a Keywords.sdf
Keyword n/a Keywords.sdf
Keyword n/a Keywords.sdf
Keyword n/a Keywords.sdf
Keyword n/a Keywords.sdf
Keyword n/a Keywords.sdf
Keyword n/a Keywords.sdf
Keyword n/a Keywords.sdf
Keyword n/a Keywords.sdf
Keyword n/a Keywords.sdf
Keyword n/a Keywords.sdf
Keyword n/a Keywords.sdf
Keyword n/a Keywords.sdf
Keyword n/a Keywords.sdf
Keyword n/a Keywords.sdf
Keyword n/a Keywords.sdf
Keyword n/a Keywords.sdf
Keyword n/a Keywords.sdf
Keyword n/a Keywords.sdf
Keyword n/a Keywords.sdf
Keyword n/a Keywords.sdf
Kinds 5 Kinds.str
languages/java-15/arrays/ArrayInitializers n/a ArrayInitializers.sdf
languages/java-15/arrays/Main n/a Main.sdf
languages/java-15/classes/ClassDeclarations n/a ClassDeclarations.sdf
languages/java-15/classes/ConstructorDeclarations n/a ConstructorDeclarations.sdf
languages/java-15/classes/EnumDeclarations n/a EnumDeclarations.sdf
languages/java-15/classes/FieldDeclarations n/a FieldDeclarations.sdf
languages/java-15/classes/InstanceInitializers n/a InstanceInitializers.sdf
languages/java-15/classes/Main n/a Main.sdf
languages/java-15/classes/MethodDeclarations n/a MethodDeclarations.sdf
languages/java-15/classes/StaticInitializers n/a StaticInitializers.sdf
languages/java-15/expressions/ArrayAccess n/a ArrayAccess.sdf
languages/java-15/expressions/ArrayCreation n/a ArrayCreation.sdf
languages/java-15/expressions/AssignmentOperators n/a AssignmentOperators.sdf
languages/java-15/expressions/BinaryOperators n/a BinaryOperators.sdf
languages/java-15/expressions/ClassInstanceCreation n/a ClassInstanceCreation.sdf
languages/java-15/expressions/FieldAccess n/a FieldAccess.sdf
languages/java-15/expressions/Main n/a Main.sdf
languages/java-15/expressions/MethodInvocation n/a MethodInvocation.sdf
languages/java-15/expressions/Postfix n/a Postfix.sdf
languages/java-15/expressions/Primary n/a Primary.sdf
languages/java-15/expressions/Priorities n/a Priorities.sdf
languages/java-15/expressions/Restrictions n/a Restrictions.sdf
languages/java-15/expressions/UnaryOperators n/a UnaryOperators.sdf
languages/java-15/interfaces/AbstractMethodDeclarations n/a AbstractMethodDeclarations.sdf
languages/java-15/interfaces/Annotations n/a Annotations.sdf
languages/java-15/interfaces/AnnotationTypes n/a AnnotationTypes.sdf
languages/java-15/interfaces/ConstantDeclarations n/a ConstantDeclarations.sdf
languages/java-15/interfaces/InterfaceDeclarations n/a InterfaceDeclarations.sdf
languages/java-15/interfaces/Main n/a Main.sdf
languages/java-15/JavaMix n/a JavaMix.sdf
languages/java-15/lexical/Comments n/a Comments.sdf
languages/java-15/lexical/Identifiers n/a Identifiers.sdf
languages/java-15/lexical/Keywords n/a Keywords.sdf
languages/java-15/lexical/LineTerminators n/a LineTerminators.sdf
languages/java-15/lexical/literals/BooleanLiterals n/a BooleanLiterals.sdf
languages/java-15/lexical/literals/CharacterLiterals n/a CharacterLiterals.sdf
languages/java-15/lexical/literals/EscapeSequences n/a EscapeSequences.sdf
languages/java-15/lexical/literals/FloatingPointLiterals n/a FloatingPointLiterals.sdf
languages/java-15/lexical/literals/IntegerLiterals n/a IntegerLiterals.sdf
languages/java-15/lexical/literals/Main n/a Main.sdf
languages/java-15/lexical/literals/NullLiteral n/a NullLiteral.sdf
languages/java-15/lexical/literals/StringLiterals n/a StringLiterals.sdf
languages/java-15/lexical/Main n/a Main.sdf
languages/java-15/lexical/Modifiers n/a Modifiers.sdf
languages/java-15/lexical/UnicodeEscapes n/a UnicodeEscapes.sdf
languages/java-15/lexical/WhiteSpace n/a WhiteSpace.sdf
languages/java-15/Main n/a Main.sdf
languages/java-15/names/Main n/a Main.sdf
languages/java-15/packages/CompilationUnits n/a CompilationUnits.sdf
languages/java-15/packages/ImportDeclarations n/a ImportDeclarations.sdf
languages/java-15/packages/Main n/a Main.sdf
languages/java-15/packages/PackageDeclarations n/a PackageDeclarations.sdf
languages/java-15/packages/TypeDeclarations n/a TypeDeclarations.sdf
languages/java-15/statements/Blocks n/a Blocks.sdf
languages/java-15/statements/LocalVariableDeclarations n/a LocalVariableDeclarations.sdf
languages/java-15/statements/Main n/a Main.sdf
languages/java-15/statements/Statements n/a Statements.sdf
languages/java-15/types/Main n/a Main.sdf
languages/java-15/types/ParameterizedTypes n/a ParameterizedTypes.sdf
languages/java-15/types/PrimitiveTypes n/a PrimitiveTypes.sdf
languages/java-15/types/ReferenceTypes n/a ReferenceTypes.sdf
languages/java-15/types/TypeVariables n/a TypeVariables.sdf
languages/java/JavaMix n/a JavaMix.sdf
LastOcta n/a EscapeSequences.sdf
LeftRightConvertible(ATerm ) Type U is convertible to type V by method invocation conversion Constraints.str
LHS n/a AssignmentOperators.sdf
LHS n/a AssignmentOperators.sdf
LHS n/a AssignmentOperators.sdf
LineTerminator n/a LineTerminators.sdf
LineTerminator n/a LineTerminators.sdf
LineTerminator n/a LineTerminators.sdf
LineTerminator n/a LineTerminators.sdf
list n/a list.str
Literal n/a Primary.sdf
Literal n/a Primary.sdf
Literal n/a Primary.sdf
Literal n/a Primary.sdf
Literal n/a Primary.sdf
Literal n/a Primary.sdf
Literal n/a Primary.sdf
load-all-class-files Load all loader.str
load-all-source-files Load all loader.str
load-all-x-files(ATerm ext) n/a loader.str
loader Utility strategies for navigating and loading classfiles from directory hierarchies loader.str
Local(ATerm ) n/a Form.str
local-or-anonymous n/a Form.str
LocalVarDec 14 LocalVarDec.str
LocalVarDec n/a LocalVariableDeclarations.sdf
LocalVarDecStm n/a LocalVariableDeclarations.sdf
LocalVariables Declare local variables LocalVariables.str
log n/a log.str
log-lookup-class Looks up the class object for the given TypeName or Type and logs an error if is not available repository.str
log-lookup-package Looks up the package object and logs an error if is not available repository.str
log-timed(Strategy s, ATerm msg, ATerm level) n/a log.str
lookup-class Looks up the class object for the given TypeName repository.str
lookup-class Looks up the class object for the given TypeName repository.str
lookup-class Looks up the class object for the given class type repository.str
lookup-class Looks up the class object for the given interface type repository.str
lookup-class Looks up the class object for the given array type repository.str
lookup-constructor Lookup a constructor by its canonical name repository.str
lookup-method Lookup a method by its canonical name repository.str
lookup-or-add-package Looks up or adds the package object for a given PackageName repository.str
lookup-or-add-package Looks up or adds the package object for a given list of strings repository.str
lookup-package Looks up the package object for a given PackageName repository.str
lookup-package Looks up the package object for a given list of strings repository.str
lookup-type-parameter n/a repository.str
lookup-type-parameter n/a repository.str
LookupTypeVar n/a method.str
LookupTypeVar n/a Parameterized.str
Loose(ATerm ) n/a option.str
loose-option n/a option.str
Lub 15 Lub.str
lub n/a Lub.str
lub-Candidate(ATerm supertypes) n/a Lub.str
lub-CandidateInvocation(ATerm supertypes) n/a Lub.str
lub-Inv(ATerm supertypes) n/a Lub.str
lub-lci n/a Lub.str
lub-lci n/a Lub.str
lub-lci n/a Lub.str
lub-lci n/a Lub.str
lub-lcta n/a Lub.str
lub-lcta n/a Lub.str
lub-MEC n/a Lub.str
lub-ST-EST(ATerm st, ATerm est) Returns the set of (erased) super types (ST and EST) Lub.str
lub-ST-MEC n/a Lub.str
Main Main strategy of the Dryad type checker Main.str
Main 6 Main.str
Main Names Main.str
Main Types Main.str
Main Report the errors of a Java CompilationUnit Main.str
mapcan(Strategy f) n/a wannabe-lisp.str
mapcar(Strategy s) n/a wannabe-lisp.str
mapcdr(Strategy s) n/a wannabe-lisp.str
maybe-exit n/a option.str
maybe-exit(ATerm msg) n/a option.str
maybe-unchecked-conversion(ATerm to) n/a UncheckedConversion.str
MeaningOfExpressionNames 6 MeaningOfExpressionNames.str
MeaningOfPackageOrTypeName 6 MeaningOfPackageOrTypeName.str
member Abstract class for Java members (field, constructor, method) member.str
member n/a Form.str
Member(ATerm ) n/a Form.str
method Abstract Java Method method.str
method-invocation-conversion(ATerm to) Construct the method invocation from the current type to type 'to' MethodInvocationConversion.str
MethodBody n/a MethodDeclarations.sdf
MethodBody n/a MethodDeclarations.sdf
MethodDec n/a MethodDeclarations.sdf
MethodDecHead n/a MethodDeclarations.sdf
MethodDecHead n/a MethodDeclarations.sdf
MethodInvocationConversion 5 MethodInvocationConversion.str
MethodInvocationConversion(ATerm ) n/a MethodInvocationConversion.str
MethodMod n/a MethodDeclarations.sdf
MethodMod n/a MethodDeclarations.sdf
MethodMod n/a MethodDeclarations.sdf
MethodMod n/a MethodDeclarations.sdf
MethodMod n/a MethodDeclarations.sdf
MethodMod n/a MethodDeclarations.sdf
MethodMod n/a MethodDeclarations.sdf
MethodMod n/a MethodDeclarations.sdf
MethodMod n/a MethodDeclarations.sdf
MethodName(ATerm , ATerm , ATerm , ATerm ) n/a Attributes.str
MethodName n/a Main.sdf
MethodName n/a Main.sdf
MethodSpec n/a Priorities.sdf
MethodSpec n/a MethodInvocation.sdf
MethodSpec n/a MethodInvocation.sdf
MethodSpec n/a MethodInvocation.sdf
MethodSpec n/a MethodInvocation.sdf
MethodSpec n/a MethodInvocation.sdf
MethodSpec n/a MethodInvocation.sdf
Modifier n/a Modifiers.sdf
Modifier n/a Modifiers.sdf
Modifier n/a Modifiers.sdf
Modifier n/a Modifiers.sdf
Modifier n/a Modifiers.sdf
Modifier n/a Modifiers.sdf
Modifier n/a Modifiers.sdf
Modifier n/a Modifiers.sdf
Modifier n/a Modifiers.sdf
Modifier n/a Modifiers.sdf
Modifier n/a Modifiers.sdf
multi-input(Strategy s) n/a multi-options.str
multi-input-option n/a multi-options.str
multi-io(Strategy s) n/a multi-options.str
multi-io-options n/a multi-options.str
multi-io-wrap(Strategy s) Wraps a strategy into a command-line tool that allows a list of inputs and outputs multi-options.str
multi-io-wrap(Strategy extra-opts, Strategy s) n/a multi-options.str
multi-io-wrap(Strategy extra-opts, Strategy usage, Strategy about, Strategy s) n/a multi-options.str
multi-options Support for implementing and invoking tools that have multiple inputs and outputs multi-options.str
multi-options Support for implementing tools that have multiple inputs and outputs multi-options.str
multi-output(Strategy s) n/a multi-options.str
multi-output-option n/a multi-options.str
MultiArgOption(Strategy is-flag, Strategy handle-value, Strategy usage) Handles a command-line option that allows multiple values multi-options.str
MultiArgOption(Strategy is-flag, Strategy label, Strategy usage) n/a multi-options.str
must-be-capture-converted n/a CaptureConversion.str
name-of-field n/a source-class.str
NamedEscape n/a EscapeSequences.sdf
NarrowingPrimitive 5 NarrowingPrimitive.str
NarrowingReference 5 NarrowingReference.str
Native n/a Modifiers.sdf
new-array-class(ATerm component-type) Constructs a new array class array-class.str
new-bytecode-class(ATerm simple-name) Construct a new bytecode class object bytecode-class.str
new-bytecode-constructor(ATerm bytecode) Constructs a new bytecode constructor bytecode-constructor.str
new-bytecode-field(ATerm bytecode) Constructs a new bytecode field bytecode-field.str
new-bytecode-method(ATerm bytecode) Constructs a new bytecode method bytecode-method.str
new-compilation-unit Constructs a new compilation unit compilation-unit.str
new-package(ATerm opt-parentpkg, ATerm simple-name) Creates a new package package.str
new-source-class(ATerm simple-name) Constructs a new source class source-class.str
new-source-constructor(ATerm ast) Constructs a new source constructor source-constructor.str
new-source-field(ATerm simple-name, ATerm ast) Constructs a new source field source-field.str
new-source-method(ATerm ast) Constructs a new source method source-method.str
next(ATerm dim) n/a jtree.str
next(ATerm dim) n/a Sanity.str
next n/a WideningReference.str
norm-switch-arg n/a switch-options.str
NullLiteral n/a NullLiteral.sdf
NumericPromotions 5 NumericPromotions.str
NumType n/a PrimitiveTypes.sdf
NumType n/a PrimitiveTypes.sdf
observable-classes-option n/a option.str
observable-sources-wrap(Strategy s) Register input sources option.str
ObservableClasses(ATerm ) n/a option.str
observables-wrap(Strategy s) n/a option.str
OctaEscape n/a EscapeSequences.sdf
OctaEscape n/a EscapeSequences.sdf
OctaEscape n/a EscapeSequences.sdf
OctaEscape n/a EscapeSequences.sdf
OctaLiteral n/a IntegerLiterals.sdf
OctaNumeral n/a IntegerLiterals.sdf
one-consnil(Strategy s) One that traverses lists as cons/nil list.str
OpenWildcard(ATerm , ATerm , ATerm ) n/a CaptureConversion.str
opt-attr-U(Strategy cont) Adds an attribute ActualTypeArgs if there are any StepSignature.str
option Options for Dryad components option.str
option(ATerm t) n/a NumericPromotions.str
option1 n/a NumericPromotions.str
option2 n/a NumericPromotions.str
option3 n/a NumericPromotions.str
optional-widening-primitive-conversion(ATerm to) n/a AssignmentConversion.str
optional-widening-reference-conversion(ATerm to) n/a AssignmentConversion.str
output-format-option n/a multi-options.str
pack-compilation-unit Dirty hack jtree.str
package Class that represents a Java Package package.str
Package(ATerm , ATerm , ATerm ) Constructor for exported packages classpath.str
PackageDec n/a PackageDeclarations.sdf
PackageName n/a Main.sdf
PackageOrTypeName n/a Main.sdf
PackageOrTypeName n/a Main.sdf
Parameterized 4 Parameterized.str
parse-binary-name Parses the binary name of a class file to a list of parts the describe the meaning of the name Form.str
parse-binary-name Parses the binary name of a class file to a list of parts the describe the meaning of the name Form.str
parse-class-pathname n/a classpath.str
parse-class-signature n/a Bridge.str
parse-field-signature n/a Bridge.str
parse-java n/a components.str
parse-method-signature n/a Bridge.str
parse-signature(ATerm tbl) n/a Bridge.str
parse-signatures n/a Bridge.str
ParseTable n/a Bridge.str
pass-loose n/a option.str
pass-observable-classes n/a option.str
pass-observable-classes(Strategy cont) n/a option.str
Primitive 4 Primitive.str
PrimType n/a PrimitiveTypes.sdf
PrimType n/a PrimitiveTypes.sdf
Private n/a Modifiers.sdf
private-classpath-get-or-add-member-type(ATerm name, ATerm declaring-class) n/a classpath.str
private-classpath-get-or-add-toplevel-class(ATerm name, ATerm pkg) n/a classpath.str
private-classpath-handle-member-type(ATerm declaring-class) n/a classpath.str
private-classpath-handle-toplevel-class(ATerm pkg) n/a classpath.str
private-define-jar-entry(ATerm jar) Private util for define-jar-entries classpath.str
private-get-fully-qualified-name(ATerm acc) Private helper package.str
private-member-is-accessible-from(ATerm from) Private access is allowed in the same top level class AccessControl.str
project-literal n/a jtree.str
proper-supertypes Returns all (not just the direct) proper supertypes of the given Type Subtyping.str
Protected n/a Modifiers.sdf
protected-member-is-accessible-from-same-package(ATerm from) Protected members are accessible if the access occurs within this package AccessControl.str
protected-member-is-accessible-from-subclass(ATerm from) Protected members are accessible if access is correct according to 6 AccessControl.str
protected-member-is-qualified-accessible-from-subclass(ATerm to, ATerm from) n/a AccessControl.str
protected-member-is-qualified-accessible-from-subclass(ATerm to, ATerm from) Protected members are accessible if access is correct according to 6 AccessControl.str
Public n/a Modifiers.sdf
public-member-is-accessible(ATerm from) Public members are accessible (if the declaring class is accessible) AccessControl.str
QualifySimpleInScopeTypeName n/a Imports.str
QualifySimpleInScopeTypeName n/a FormalTypeParameters.str
Raw n/a Raw.str
read-class-file n/a Bridge.str
read-class-file n/a Bridge.str
read-class-file-disasm n/a Bridge.str
read-reference-ast-from-location n/a bytecode-class.str
reclassify-class-signature n/a Bytecode.str
Reclassify-DecHead(Strategy rec) n/a Header.str
Reclassify-DecHead(Strategy rec) n/a Header.str
reclassify-field-signature n/a Bytecode.str
reclassify-has-field(ATerm y) n/a ContextuallyAmbName.str
reclassify-lookup-class n/a ContextuallyAmbName.str
reclassify-lookup-class n/a ContextuallyAmbName.str
reclassify-lookup-class n/a ContextuallyAmbName.str
reclassify-method-signature n/a Bytecode.str
Reclassify-QualifiedAmbName(Strategy rec) Ambiguous name is a qualified name ContextuallyAmbName.str
Reclassify-QualifiedExprName(Strategy rec) If an expression is of the form Q MeaningOfExpressionNames.str
Reclassify-QualifiedPackageOrTypeName(Strategy rec) n/a MeaningOfPackageOrTypeName.str
Reclassify-SimpleAmbName(Strategy rec) Ambiguous name is simple name ContextuallyAmbName.str
Reclassify-SimpleExprName(Strategy rec) Expression name consists of a single Identifier MeaningOfExpressionNames.str
Reclassify-SimplePackageOrTypeName(Strategy rec) n/a MeaningOfPackageOrTypeName.str
ReclassifyAs-ExprName-ExprName n/a ContextuallyAmbName.str
ReclassifyAs-Field-Field n/a ContextuallyAmbName.str
ReclassifyAs-Field-Field n/a ContextuallyAmbName.str
ReclassifyAs-PackageName The scope of the declaration of an observable top level package is all observable compilation units MeaningOfPackageOrTypeName.str
ReclassifyAs-PackageName n/a ContextuallyAmbName.str
ReclassifyAs-PackageName-PackageName n/a MeaningOfPackageOrTypeName.str
ReclassifyAs-PackageName-PackageName n/a ContextuallyAmbName.str
ReclassifyAs-PackageName-TypeName n/a MeaningOfPackageOrTypeName.str
ReclassifyAs-PackageName-TypeName n/a ContextuallyAmbName.str
ReclassifyAs-TypeName-ExprName n/a ContextuallyAmbName.str
ReclassifyAs-TypeName-TypeName n/a MeaningOfPackageOrTypeName.str
ReclassifyAs-TypeName-TypeName n/a ContextuallyAmbName.str
ReclassifySimpleByImportInScopeField n/a Imports.str
ReclassifySimpleInScopeTypeName n/a Imports.str
ReclassifySimpleInScopeTypeName n/a Imports.str
ReclassifySimpleInScopeTypeName n/a FormalTypeParameters.str
ReclassifySimpleInScopeTypeName n/a FormalTypeParameters.str
ReclassifySimpleInScopeVar n/a LocalVariables.str
ReclassifySimpleInScopeVar Hides a possibly defined reclassify rule for fields LocalVariables.str
ReclassifySimpleInScopeVar n/a LocalVariables.str
ReclassifySimpleInScopeVar Hides a possibly defined reclassify rule for fields LocalVariables.str
ReclassifySimpleInScopeVar n/a LocalVariables.str
ReclassifySimpleInScopeVar n/a LocalVariables.str
reduce-constraint(ATerm typevars) Inference of type arguments begins with a set of initial constraints of the form A << F, A = F, or A >> F, where A is a type of an actual parameter, and F is a type of a formal parameter ConstraintReduction.str
reduce-equal-array-constraint(Strategy rec, ATerm t) If F = U[] where the type U involves Tj, then if A is an array type V[], or a type variable with an upper bound that is an array type V[], where V is a reference type, this algorithm is applied recursively to the constraint V = U ConstraintReduction.str
reduce-equal-generic-constraint(Strategy rec, ATerm t) If F has the form G< ConstraintReduction.str
reduce-equal-generic-constraint(Strategy rec, ATerm t) n/a ConstraintReduction.str
reduce-equal-simple-constraint(Strategy rec, ATerm t) If F is Tj, then the constraint Tj = A is implied ConstraintReduction.str
reduce-left-right-array-constraint(Strategy rec, ATerm t) If F = U[] ConstraintReduction.str
reduce-left-right-generic-constraint(Strategy rec, ATerm t) If F has the form G< ConstraintReduction.str
reduce-left-right-generic-constraint(Strategy rec, ATerm t) n/a ConstraintReduction.str
reduce-left-right-prim-constraint(Strategy rec, ATerm t) If A is primitive type ConstraintReduction.str
reduce-left-right-simple-constraint(Strategy rec, ATerm t) If F is Tj ConstraintReduction.str
reduce-real-constraint(Strategy rec, ATerm t) n/a ConstraintReduction.str
reduce-real-constraint(Strategy rec, ATerm t) n/a ConstraintReduction.str
reduce-real-constraint(Strategy rec, ATerm t) n/a ConstraintReduction.str
Reference 4 Reference.str
reference-ast Support for working with reference ASTs reference-ast.str
RefType n/a ReferenceTypes.sdf
RefType n/a ReferenceTypes.sdf
RefTypeBoolean n/a jtree-overlays.str
RefTypeByte n/a jtree-overlays.str
RefTypeCharacter n/a jtree-overlays.str
RefTypeDouble n/a jtree-overlays.str
RefTypeFloat n/a jtree-overlays.str
RefTypeInteger n/a jtree-overlays.str
RefTypeLong n/a jtree-overlays.str
RefTypeShort n/a jtree-overlays.str
RefTypeString n/a jtree-overlays.str
register-java-file(ATerm ext) n/a loader.str
Reifiable 4 Reifiable.str
report-parse-error n/a components.str
report-reading-class n/a bytecode-class.str
repository Looking up package and class objects in the repository repository.str
resolve-constraints(ATerm typevars) Result list can contain duplicates, even with different values for illegal invocations InferringTypeArguments.str
resolve-implied-equality-constraint(ATerm constraints, ATerm results) From Tj = U, where U is not a type variable InferringTypeArguments.str
resolve-implied-equality-constraint(ATerm constraints, ATerm results) Form Tj = Tj InferringTypeArguments.str
resolve-implied-equality-constraint(ATerm constraints, ATerm results) Form Tj = Tk, where k != j InferringTypeArguments.str
resolve-implied-equality-constraints(ATerm results) n/a InferringTypeArguments.str
resolve-supertype-constaints(ATerm typevars, ATerm results) n/a InferringTypeArguments.str
resolve-supertype-constaints(ATerm typevar) n/a InferringTypeArguments.str
result-of-conversion Returns the result type of this conversion UncheckedConversion.str
result-of-conversion Returns the result type of this conversion WideningReference.str
result-of-conversion Returns the result type of this conversion WideningPrimitive.str
result-of-conversion Returns the result type of this conversion Unboxing.str
result-of-conversion Returns the result type of this method invocation conversion MethodInvocationConversion.str
result-of-conversion Returns the result type of this IdentityConversion IdentityConversion.str
result-of-conversion Returns the result type of this conversion Boxing.str
result-of-conversion Returns the result type of this assignment conversion AssignmentConversion.str
ResultType n/a MethodDeclarations.sdf
ResultType n/a MethodDeclarations.sdf
RightLeftConvertible(ATerm ) Type V is convertible to type U by method invocation conversion Constraints.str
RootPackage(ATerm ) n/a repository.str
Sanity Simplify insane features of Java Sanity.str
say-line n/a sunit.str
scope-TypeOf(Strategy s) n/a Main.str
select-applicable-methods(ATerm type, ATerm invocation) Might return an empty list StepSignature.str
select-maximally-specific-methods n/a StepSignature.str
set-ast(ATerm ast) Initializes the RefAST of this SourceClass from the given AST source-class.str
set-ast(ATerm ast) Initializes the Reference AST of this CompilationUnit from the given AST compilation-unit.str
set-ast(ATerm ast) n/a bytecode-class.str
set-compilation-unit(ATerm cu) n/a source-class.str
set-declaring-class(ATerm class) n/a member.str
set-location(ATerm loc) n/a bytecode-class.str
set-package(ATerm pkg) n/a bytecode-class.str
set-reference-ast(ATerm refast) n/a source-method.str
set-reference-ast(ATerm refast) n/a source-field.str
set-reference-ast(ATerm refast) n/a source-constructor.str
set-reference-ast(ATerm ref-ast) n/a source-class.str
set-reference-ast(ATerm ref-ast) n/a compilation-unit.str
set-reference-ast(ATerm refast) n/a bytecode-method.str
set-reference-ast(ATerm refast) n/a bytecode-field.str
set-reference-ast(ATerm refast) n/a bytecode-constructor.str
set-reference-ast(ATerm ref-ast) n/a bytecode-class.str
set-toplevel-bytecode-classes(ATerm data) n/a package.str
set-TypeOf(ATerm name, ATerm value) n/a Main.str
SignedInteger n/a FloatingPointLiterals.sdf
single-output-to-file n/a multi-options.str
single-output-to-stream n/a multi-options.str
SingleChar n/a CharacterLiterals.sdf
skip-it n/a sunit.str
Source(ATerm ) Constructor for the location of source files classpath.str
source-class Source Class source-class.str
source-constructor Source Constructor source-constructor.str
source-field Source Field source-field.str
source-method Source Method source-method.str
split-last2 n/a classpath.str
splitter n/a multi-options.str
StartLineColumn(ATerm , ATerm ) n/a components.str
Static n/a Modifiers.sdf
StaticInit n/a StaticInitializers.sdf
StepAppropriate 15 StepAppropriate.str
StepSearch 15 StepSearch.str
StepSignature 15 StepSignature.str
Stm n/a Statements.sdf
Stm n/a Statements.sdf
Stm n/a Statements.sdf
Stm n/a Statements.sdf
Stm n/a Statements.sdf
Stm n/a Statements.sdf
Stm n/a Statements.sdf
Stm n/a Statements.sdf
Stm n/a Statements.sdf
Stm n/a Statements.sdf
Stm n/a Statements.sdf
Stm n/a Statements.sdf
Stm n/a Statements.sdf
Stm n/a Statements.sdf
Stm n/a Statements.sdf
Stm n/a Statements.sdf
Stm n/a Statements.sdf
Stm n/a Statements.sdf
Stm n/a Statements.sdf
Stm n/a Statements.sdf
Stm n/a Statements.sdf
StrictFP n/a Modifiers.sdf
StringChars n/a StringLiterals.sdf
StringLiteral n/a StringLiterals.sdf
StringPart n/a StringLiterals.sdf
StringPart n/a StringLiterals.sdf
StringPart n/a StringLiterals.sdf
strip-dimensions-from-vardec n/a Sanity.str
strip-dimensions-from-vardec n/a Sanity.str
sub-expressions Returns the sub-expressions of an expression Main.str
Subtyping 4 Subtyping.str
sunit n/a sunit.str
Super n/a ClassDeclarations.sdf
SuperType(ATerm ) Type U is a super type of type V Constraints.str
supertypes Returns all (not just the direct) proper supertypes of the given Type Subtyping.str
switch-options n/a switch-options.str
SwitchBlock n/a Statements.sdf
SwitchGroup n/a Statements.sdf
SwitchLabel n/a Statements.sdf
SwitchLabel n/a Statements.sdf
SwitchOption(ATerm switch, ATerm default, ATerm description) n/a switch-options.str
Synchronized n/a Modifiers.sdf
temp-file n/a temp-file.str
test-last-char(Strategy s) s is applied to the last character of the string jtree.str
test-only-option n/a sunit.str
testsuite-section(Strategy tests, ATerm msg) n/a sunit.str
This Declare this class This.str
ThisClass n/a Main.str
ThisType n/a Main.str
threader(ATerm c) n/a InferringTypeArguments.str
Throws n/a MethodDeclarations.sdf
to-ref n/a compilation-unit.str
topdown-consnil(Strategy s) n/a list.str
toplevel n/a Form.str
TopLevel(ATerm ) n/a Form.str
Transient n/a Modifiers.sdf
Type(ATerm ) n/a Attributes.str
Type n/a Main.sdf
Type n/a Main.sdf
type-add-dimensions-from-id(ATerm vardecid) n/a jtree.str
type-add-dimensions-from-id(ATerm vardecid) n/a jtree.str
type-args-unbounded-wildcards n/a Reifiable.str
type-attr n/a Attributes.str
type-erasure n/a Erasure.str
type-erasure-array-type(Strategy rec) n/a Erasure.str
type-erasure-nested-type(Strategy rec) n/a Erasure.str
type-erasure-parameterized-type(Strategy rec) n/a Erasure.str
type-erasure-parameterized-type(Strategy rec) n/a Erasure.str
type-erasure-type-variable(Strategy rec) n/a Erasure.str
type-name-to-type n/a util.str
type-param-to-type-variable(ATerm method) n/a InferringTypeArguments.str
TypeArgs n/a ParameterizedTypes.sdf
TypeBound n/a TypeVariables.sdf
TypeCharacter There are no overlays for the other primitives, since the reference types of these primitives have the same name as their primitive counterparts, which is confusing jtree-overlays.str
TypeClass(ATerm c) n/a jtree-overlays.str
TypeCloneable n/a jtree-overlays.str
TypeDec n/a TypeDeclarations.sdf
TypeDec n/a TypeDeclarations.sdf
TypeDec n/a TypeDeclarations.sdf
TypeDecSpec n/a ReferenceTypes.sdf
TypeDecSpec n/a ReferenceTypes.sdf
TypeException n/a jtree-overlays.str
TypeInteger n/a jtree-overlays.str
TypeIterable n/a jtree-overlays.str
TypeName n/a Main.sdf
TypeName n/a Main.sdf
typename-of-type n/a UncheckedConversion.str
typename-of-type n/a UncheckedConversion.str
TypeNameClass n/a jtree-overlays.str
TypeNameObject n/a jtree-overlays.str
TypeNameString n/a jtree-overlays.str
TypeObject n/a jtree-overlays.str
TypeOf n/a Main.str
TypeOf n/a Main.str
TypeOf n/a Main.str
TypeParam n/a TypeVariables.sdf
TypeParams n/a TypeVariables.sdf
types-of-conversion Returns the types involved in this unchecked conversion UncheckedConversion.str
types-of-conversion Returns the types involved in this widening reference conversion WideningReference.str
types-of-conversion Returns the types involved in this widening primitive conversion WideningPrimitive.str
types-of-conversion Returns the types involved in this conversion Unboxing.str
types-of-conversion Returns the types involved in this method invocation conversion MethodInvocationConversion.str
types-of-conversion Returns the types involved in this IdentityConversion IdentityConversion.str
types-of-conversion Returns the types involved in this conversion Boxing.str
types-of-conversion Returns the types involved in this assignment conversion AssignmentConversion.str
TypeSerializable n/a jtree-overlays.str
TypeString n/a jtree-overlays.str
TypeString n/a jtree-overlays.str
TypeVar(ATerm , ATerm ) n/a Extensions.str
TypeVar(ATerm , ATerm , ATerm ) n/a Extensions.str
TypeVar n/a ReferenceTypes.sdf
TypeVarId n/a TypeVariables.sdf
TypeVoid n/a jtree-overlays.str
unary-numeric-promotion-of-type 5 NumericPromotions.str
Unboxing 5 Unboxing.str
unboxing-conversion n/a Unboxing.str
unboxing-conversion-of-type n/a Unboxing.str
unboxing-conversion-of-type n/a Unboxing.str
unboxing-conversion-of-type n/a Unboxing.str
unboxing-conversion-of-type n/a Unboxing.str
unboxing-conversion-of-type n/a Unboxing.str
unboxing-conversion-of-type n/a Unboxing.str
unboxing-conversion-of-type n/a Unboxing.str
unboxing-conversion-of-type n/a Unboxing.str
UnboxingConversion(ATerm , ATerm ) n/a Unboxing.str
UncheckedConversion 5 UncheckedConversion.str
UncheckedConversion(ATerm , ATerm ) n/a UncheckedConversion.str
Undo Undo the reclassification and qualification Undo.str
UnicodeEscape n/a UnicodeEscapes.sdf
UnicodeEscape n/a Comments.sdf
unpack-compilation-unit Dirty hack jtree.str
util Utils for Java Bytecode util.str
VarDec n/a FieldDeclarations.sdf
VarDec n/a FieldDeclarations.sdf
VarDecId n/a FieldDeclarations.sdf
VarDecId n/a FieldDeclarations.sdf
VarInit n/a FieldDeclarations.sdf
VarInit n/a FieldDeclarations.sdf
VarMod n/a MethodDeclarations.sdf
verbosity-scope(Strategy s, ATerm level) n/a common.str
Volatile n/a Modifiers.sdf
wannabe-lisp n/a wannabe-lisp.str
was-unchecked-conversion-necessary n/a StepSignature.str
widening-primitive-conversion(ATerm to) Fails if there is no widening primitive conversion WideningPrimitive.str
widening-primitive-conversions n/a WideningPrimitive.str
widening-primitive-conversions n/a WideningPrimitive.str
widening-primitive-conversions n/a WideningPrimitive.str
widening-primitive-conversions n/a WideningPrimitive.str
widening-primitive-conversions n/a WideningPrimitive.str
widening-primitive-conversions n/a WideningPrimitive.str
widening-reference-conversions n/a WideningReference.str
widening-reference-conversions(ATerm to) n/a WideningReference.str
widening-reference-conversions(ATerm to) n/a WideningReference.str
WideningPrimitive 5 WideningPrimitive.str
WideningPrimitiveConversion(ATerm , ATerm ) n/a WideningPrimitive.str
WideningReference 5 WideningReference.str
WideningReferenceConversion(ATerm ) First element of the list is the type being converted to WideningReference.str
WildcardBound n/a ParameterizedTypes.sdf
WildcardBound n/a ParameterizedTypes.sdf
work-around-EBlock(Strategy rec) n/a Body.str
write-class-file Serializes a Java class file to a file Bridge.str
write-class-file(ATerm path) Serializes a Java class file to a file Bridge.str
xtc-copy-to-stream(ATerm stream) n/a multi-options.str
xtc-multi-input(Strategy s) n/a multi-options.str
xtc-multi-io(Strategy s) n/a multi-options.str
xtc-multi-io-wrap(Strategy s) Wraps a strategy into a command-line tool that allows a list of inputs and outputs multi-options.str
xtc-multi-io-wrap(Strategy extra-opts, Strategy s) n/a multi-options.str
xtc-multi-io-wrap(Strategy extra-opts, Strategy usage, Strategy about, Strategy s) n/a multi-options.str
xtc-multi-output(Strategy s) n/a multi-options.str
xtc-multi-transform(ATerm tool) Transform a list of files with an external process multi-options.str
xtc-multi-transform(ATerm tool, ATerm args) n/a multi-options.str
xtc-multi-transform(ATerm tool, ATerm args) n/a multi-options.str
xtc-new-ffd n/a temp-file.str
xtc-new-ffd n/a list.str