 * Utility strategies for navigating and loading classfiles from
 * directory hierarchies.
 * @author Karl Trygve Kalleberg <karltk@cs.uu.nl>
module dryad/util/loader


	 * Apply a strategy recursively to all files in a directory hierarchy.
	 * The initial input is the filename of the root directory to start 
	 * traversing. 
	 * The result is a collection of the result of s, in hierarchical lists,
	 * matching the directory hierarchy.
	 * @type String -> List(List(...))
	dir-topdown(s) =
		; readdir 
		; filter(not(?".") ; not(?".."))
		; map({ x, y: ( x -> <concat-strings> [ base, "/", x ])}) => files
		; <filter({ x: ?x ; filemode ; not(isdir) ; !x })
			; filter(s)> files => r
		; <filter({ x: ?x ; filemode ; isdir ; !x })
			; map(dir-topdown(s))> files => r'
		; <concat> [ r, r' ]

	 * Load all .java files found in a directory hierarchy into the Dryad
	 * repository.
	 * Input is the base directory to start from.
	 * @type String -> _
	load-all-source-files = 

	 * Load all .class files found in a directory hierarchy into the Dryad
	 * repository.
	 * Input is the base directory to start from.
	 * @type String -> _
	load-all-class-files = 
/* hidden */	

	load-all-x-files(|ext) =
		dir-topdown({x: ?x ; is-substring(!ext) ; !x})
		; flatten-list
		; map(\ x -> FILE(x) \)
		; map(debug ; xtc-transform(!"parse-java", pass-verbose))
    	; map(read-from; define-compilation-unit)
	register-java-file(|ext) =
		; is-substring(!ext)
		; <define-source-files> [ FILE(x) ]