 * Utility strategies for debugging and inspecting the
 * Dryad model.
 * @author Karl Trygve Kalleberg <karltk@cs.uu.nl>
module dryad/util/debug

	 * Prints the name of a package, class, method or field to screen,
	 * preceeded by a string prefix.
	 * @param pfx - the string to prepend before printing
	 * @type Class Object | Method Object | Package Object | Field Object -> same
	dump-name(|pfx) =
		where(get-simple-name => x	; <concat-strings; debug> [ pfx, x ])

	 * Prints all methods of a class, preceeded by a string prefix.
	 * @param pfx - the string to be prepended before printing
	 * @type Class Object -> Class Object
	dump-methods(|pfx) =
		where(get-methods ; map(dump-name(|pfx)))

	 * Prints all fields of a class, preceeded by a string prefix.
	 * @param pfx - the string to be prepended before printing
	 * @type Class Object -> Class Object
	dump-fields(|pfx) = 
		where(get-fields ; map(dump-name(|pfx)))

	 * Print structural information about a Class Object to stdout,
	 * each line prefixed by pfx.
	 * @param pfx - the string to be prepended before printing
	 * @type Class Object -> Class Object
	dump-classes(|pfx) = 
		where(<concat-strings> [ pfx, " * "] => cpfx)
		; where(<concat-strings> [ pfx, "  - "] => mpfx)
		; where(
			; map(dump-name(|cpfx) ; dump-fields(|mpfx) ; dump-methods(|mpfx))
	 * Print structural information about a Package Object to stdout,
	 * each line prefixed by pfx.
	 * @param pfx - the string to be prepended before printing
	 * @type Package Object -> Package Object
	dump-packages(|pfx) =
		; get-subpackages
		; map(try(dump-name(|pfx)) ; try(dump-classes(|pfx)) ; dump-packages(|<concat-strings> [ " ", pfx ]))