
File WideningReference.str
Author Martin Bravenboer <martin@cs.uu.nl>
Since unknown

5.1.5: Windening Reference Conversions


Lines of code 91
Module number 1 (100% documented)
Constructor number 1 (100% documented)
Overlay number 0
Strategy number 6 (83% documented)
Rule number 1 (100% documented)
DynamicRule number 0

Constructor summary

WideningReferenceConversion(ATerm ) First element of the list is the type being converted to WideningReference.str

Strategy summary

is-widening-reference-convertable(ATerm t) Checks if the current type is convertable to t by a widening conversion WideningReference.str
result-of-conversion Returns the result type of this conversion WideningReference.str
types-of-conversion Returns the types involved in this widening reference conversion WideningReference.str
widening-reference-conversions n/a WideningReference.str
widening-reference-conversions(ATerm to) n/a WideningReference.str
widening-reference-conversions(ATerm to) n/a WideningReference.str

Rule summary

adhoc-widening-reference-conversions(ATerm to) The direct supertypes of the null type are all reference types other than the null type itself WideningReference.str

Constructor details

WideningReferenceConversion(ATerm )
File WideningReference.str
Author unknown
Since unknown

First element of the list is the type being converted to.


Strategy details

ATerm is-widening-reference-convertable(ATerm t)
File WideningReference.str
Author unknown
Since unknown
ATerm t t Type

Checks if the current type is convertable to t by a wideningconversion.

todo Is check for reference type necessary?
type Type -> Type

ATerm result-of-conversion
File WideningReference.str
Author unknown
Since unknown

Returns the result type of this conversion.

type Conversion -> Type

ATerm types-of-conversion
File WideningReference.str
Author unknown
Since unknown

Returns the types involved in this widening reference conversion.

type WideningReferenceConversion -> List(Type)

ATerm widening-reference-conversions
File WideningReference.str
Author unknown
Since unknown

No information available.

todo Cannot list all the supertypes of Null.
type Type -> List(WideningReferenceConversion)

ATerm widening-reference-conversions(ATerm to)
File WideningReference.str
Author unknown
Since unknown

No information available.

type Type -> List(WideningConversions)


Rule details

ATerm adhoc-widening-reference-conversions(ATerm to)
File WideningReference.str
Author unknown
Since unknown

The direct supertypes of the null type are all reference types other than the null type itself.Thus, a widening reference conversion exists from Null to every reference type.