
File CaptureConversion.str
Author Martin Bravenboer
Since unknown

5.1.10: Capture Conversion

First, I wanted to store the upper and lower bound of fresh type variablesin the qualifier of TypeVar. However, these bounds can refer to the typevariables themselves, which can be recursive. To workaround this, the boundsare now stored in dynamic rules. Unfortunately, the bounds are now not partof the ATerm after serialization. Maybe there should be a representationfor declaring these fresh type variables.


Lines of code 108
Module number 1 (100% documented)
Constructor number 1 (0% documented)
Overlay number 0
Strategy number 7 (42% documented)
Rule number 3 (0% documented)
DynamicRule number 2 (50% documented)

Constructor summary

OpenWildcard(ATerm , ATerm , ATerm ) n/a CaptureConversion.str

Strategy summary

apply-capture-conversion-helper(ATerm tn) n/a CaptureConversion.str
capture-conversion Applies capture conversion if necessary CaptureConversion.str
capture-declare-bounds(ATerm upper-bound, ATerm lower-bound) n/a CaptureConversion.str
capture-declare-lower-bound(ATerm lower-bound) n/a CaptureConversion.str
capture-declare-upper-bound(ATerm upper-bound) n/a CaptureConversion.str
capture-set-open-wildcard-bounds(ATerm class, ATerm capturedargs) n/a CaptureConversion.str
must-be-capture-converted n/a CaptureConversion.str

Rule summary

apply-capture-conversion n/a CaptureConversion.str
apply-capture-conversion n/a CaptureConversion.str
capture-wildcard n/a CaptureConversion.str

Strategy details

ATerm apply-capture-conversion-helper(ATerm tn)
File CaptureConversion.str
Author unknown
Since unknown
ATerm tn TypeName

No information available.

type List(ActualTypeArg) -> List(ActualTypeArg)

ATerm capture-conversion
File CaptureConversion.str
Author unknown
Since unknown

Applies capture conversion if necessary.

type Type -> Type

ATerm capture-set-open-wildcard-bounds(ATerm class, ATerm capturedargs)
File CaptureConversion.str
Author unknown
Since unknown
ATerm class Class Object
ATerm capturedargs List(ActualTypeArgument)

No information available.

type OpenWildcard -> OpenWildcard