Complete index (API)

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Complete index

add-array-entry(ATerm key, ATerm value) Representation of an array types.str
add-array-entry(Strategy valid-put, ATerm key, ATerm value) n/a types.str
add-array-entry(ATerm value) Adds an entry to the ArrayId with only a value types.str
add-array-entry(Strategy valid-put, ATerm value) n/a types.str
add-array-entry-reference(ATerm key, ATerm value-identifier) n/a types.str
add-array-entry-reference(ATerm value-identifier) n/a types.str
add-array-pairs-to-array(Strategy main, Strategy get, Strategy valid-put, Strategy valid-remove, ATerm aid) Adds a array pair to a given ArrayObject expressions.str
add-array-pairs-to-array(Strategy main, Strategy get, Strategy valid-put, Strategy valid-remove, ATerm aid) n/a expressions.str
add-array-pairs-to-array(Strategy main, Strategy get, Strategy valid-put, Strategy valid-remove, ATerm aid) Adds a array pair to a given Array expressions.str
add-array-pairs-to-array(Strategy main, Strategy get, Strategy valid-put, Strategy valid-remove, ATerm aid) n/a expressions.str
add-class(ATerm class) n/a environment.str
add-current-dir Adds the current directory in front of a path if the path is relative currentdir.str
add-dir(Strategy get-dir, ATerm path) Add a directory to a path path.str
add-function(ATerm function) n/a environment.str
add-function(ATerm function) n/a class.str
add-inclusion-file(ATerm ast, ATerm iid) Adds a AST of an included file to the environment environment.str
add-inclusion-filename(ATerm path, ATerm iid) Adds a file-name to the files that are included environment.str
add-inclusion-id(ATerm iid) Adds an inclusion id to a term inclusionid.str
add-inclusion-status Add included status to a filepath inclusionid.str
add-interface(ATerm interface) n/a php5-environment.str
add-php-constant-rule n/a variables.str
add-php-constant-rule(Strategy put-valid) n/a variables.str
add-php-simple-value(ATerm val) n/a types.str
add-php-variable-identifier-rule n/a variables.str
add-php-variable-rule n/a variables.str
add-php-variable-rule(Strategy valid-put) n/a variables.str
add-php4-function-objects(ATerm this) n/a class.str
add-php5-function-objects(ATerm this) n/a class.str
add-working-dir Adds the working directory in front of a path if the path is relative workingdir.str
all-casings n/a utilities.str
altsyntax n/a altsyntax.str
amb(ATerm ) n/a main.str
array-access-on-array(Strategy main, Strategy get, Strategy set, Strategy valid-get) Special case for the GLOBALS array variables.str
array-access-on-other n/a variables.str
array-access-on-string n/a variables.str
asc-to-norm n/a helpers.str
asc-to-norm n/a helpers.str
asc-to-norm n/a helpers.str
asc-to-norm n/a helpers.str
asc-to-norm n/a helpers.str
asc-to-norm n/a helpers.str
asc-to-norm n/a helpers.str
asc-to-norm n/a helpers.str
asc-to-norm n/a helpers.str
asc-to-norm n/a helpers.str
asc-to-norm n/a helpers.str
asc-to-norm n/a helpers.str
asc-to-norm n/a helpers.str
asc-to-norm n/a helpers.str
asc-to-norm n/a helpers.str
asc-to-norm n/a helpers.str
asc-to-norm n/a helpers.str
asc-to-norm n/a helpers.str
asc-to-norm n/a helpers.str
asc-to-norm n/a helpers.str
asc-to-norm n/a helpers.str
asc-to-norm n/a helpers.str
asc-to-norm n/a helpers.str
asc-to-norm n/a helpers.str
asc-to-norm n/a helpers.str
asc-to-norm n/a helpers.str
asc-to-norm n/a helpers.str
asc-to-norm n/a helpers.str
asc-to-norm n/a helpers.str
asc-to-norm n/a helpers.str
assign-operator-const-prop(Strategy main, Strategy get, Strategy set, Strategy valid-get, Strategy valid-put, Strategy valid-remove) Assignment operators http://www operators.str
assign-operator-const-prop(Strategy main, Strategy get, Strategy set, Strategy valid-get, Strategy valid-put, Strategy valid-remove) A reference assign assigns the RHS as a reference to the LHS operators.str
assign-operator-const-prop(Strategy main, Strategy get, Strategy set, Strategy valid-get, Strategy valid-put, Strategy valid-remove) n/a operators.str
assign-operator-const-prop(Strategy main, Strategy get, Strategy set, Strategy valid-get, Strategy valid-put, Strategy valid-remove) n/a operators.str
assign-to-array(Strategy main, Strategy set, Strategy get, Strategy valid-put, Strategy valid-remove) Assigning to an array is special when the array is the globals-array operators.str
assign-to-array(Strategy main, Strategy set, Strategy get, Strategy valid-put, Strategy valid-remove) n/a operators.str
assign-to-variable(Strategy get, Strategy set, Strategy valid-get, Strategy valid-put, Strategy valid-remove) Assignment to a variable is special if the RHS is an array operators.str
block-structure n/a helpers.str
block-structure n/a helpers.str
block-structure n/a helpers.str
CharSplitExit n/a path.str
CharSplitInit(ATerm chr) n/a path.str
CharSplitNext n/a path.str
check-heredoc Checks whether the HereDoc start-tag is equal to the end-tag postprocess.str
Class(ATerm ) n/a classes.str
class n/a class.str
class n/a class.str
class n/a class.str
classes Support for classes classes.str
classes_get-class Gets the class for a given name classes.str
classes_get-class-field(ATerm name) n/a classes.str
classes_get-fieldtbl Returns the field table of the class classes.str
classes_get-instance-field(ATerm name) n/a classes.str
classes_get-instance-field(Strategy ifnot, ATerm name) n/a classes.str
classes_instanceof(ATerm name) n/a classes.str
classes_new-instance Creates a new class instance classes.str
classes_set-instance-field(ATerm name, ATerm value) n/a classes.str
clean-php-environment n/a main.str
collect-all-skip-classes(Strategy s) n/a main.str
collect-php4-classes(ATerm env) n/a main.str
collect-php4-functions(ATerm env) n/a main.str
collect-php5-classes(ATerm env) n/a main.str
collect-php5-functions(ATerm env) n/a main.str
collect-php5-interfaces(ATerm env) n/a main.str
comma n/a helpers.str
Comment(ATerm ) n/a main.str
content-to-list Transforms the content of a DoubleQuoted string into a list postprocess.str
content-to-list n/a postprocess.str
content-to-list n/a postprocess.str
content-to-list n/a postprocess.str
content-to-list n/a postprocess.str
content-to-list n/a postprocess.str
copy-php-array Returns a cope of the array types.str
copy-php-array(Strategy valid-get, Strategy valid-put) n/a types.str
copy-php-array(Strategy valid-get, Strategy valid-put, ATerm newarray) n/a types.str
copy-php-array-value(Strategy valid-get, Strategy valid-put, ATerm from, ATerm to) Copies one entry from an array to an other types.str
current-working-dir n/a stratego-lib-hackery.str
currentdir Module containing the strategies to handle the administration of the current directory currentdir.str
DefIncluded(ATerm ) n/a inclusionid.str
document-const-prop(Strategy main) TemplateDocument main.str
document-const-prop(Strategy main) Full Document main.str
document-const-prop(Strategy main) Document without end-tag main.str
doubleQuotedStringLiterals n/a doubleQuotedStringLiterals.str
dr-symbolic-lookup(Strategy aux, ATerm rs) Utility ruleset.str
dr-symbolic-merge-rulesets(Strategy merge, Strategy call, Strategy aux, Strategy redef, ATerm rs1, ATerm R) Merges dynamic rule-sets ruleset.str
else-to-box n/a statements.str
else-to-box n/a statements.str
environment n/a environment.str
esc-to-string n/a helpers.str
esc-to-string n/a doubleQuotedStringLiterals.str
esc-to-string n/a doubleQuotedStringLiterals.str
esc-to-string n/a doubleQuotedStringLiterals.str
esc-to-string n/a doubleQuotedStringLiterals.str
esc-to-string n/a doubleQuotedStringLiterals.str
esc-to-string n/a doubleQuotedStringLiterals.str
esc-to-string n/a doubleQuotedStringLiterals.str
esc-to-string n/a doubleQuotedStringLiterals.str
esc-to-string n/a doubleQuotedStringLiterals.str
esc-to-string n/a doubleQuotedStringLiterals.str
esc-to-string n/a doubleQuotedStringLiterals.str
esc-to-string n/a doubleQuotedStringLiterals.str
esc-to-string n/a doubleQuotedStringLiterals.str
esc-to-string n/a doubleQuotedStringLiterals.str
eval-asc-char n/a literals.str
eval-asc-char n/a literals.str
eval-asc-char n/a literals.str
eval-asc-char n/a literals.str
eval-asc-char n/a literals.str
eval-asc-char n/a literals.str
eval-asc-char n/a literals.str
eval-asc-char n/a literals.str
eval-asc-char n/a literals.str
eval-asc-char n/a literals.str
eval-asc-char n/a literals.str
eval-asc-char n/a literals.str
eval-asc-char n/a literals.str
eval-asc-char n/a literals.str
eval-asc-char n/a literals.str
eval-asc-char n/a literals.str
eval-asc-char n/a literals.str
eval-asc-char n/a literals.str
eval-part(Strategy main) n/a literals.str
eval-part(Strategy main) n/a literals.str
eval-part(Strategy main) n/a literals.str
eval-part(Strategy main) n/a literals.str
eval-part(Strategy main) n/a literals.str
eval-part(Strategy main) n/a literals.str
eval-part(Strategy main) n/a literals.str
eval-part(Strategy main) n/a literals.str
eval-php-cases(Strategy s, Strategy sunit, Strategy rule-union, ATerm unit) n/a statements.str
eval-php-list-expression(Strategy valid-get, Strategy valid-put) Evaluates a tuple of a List(vars) and a given Array Id expressions.str
eval-php-lit-or-echo(Strategy main) n/a main.str
EvalInclusionStatus n/a inclusionid.str
EvalInclusionStatus n/a inclusionid.str
EvalPHPArray n/a types.str
EvalPHPArray n/a types.str
EvalPHPConstant n/a variables.str
EvalPHPIsRefEntry n/a types.str
EvalPHPIsRefEntry n/a types.str
EvalPHPNextIndex n/a types.str
EvalPHPValId n/a variables.str
EvalPHPValId n/a variables.str
EvalPHPVar n/a variables.str
EvalPHPVar n/a variables.str
expression-const-prop(Strategy main, Strategy get, Strategy set, Strategy valid-get, Strategy valid-put, Strategy valid-remove) Print-construct expressions.str
expression-const-prop(Strategy main, Strategy get, Strategy set, Strategy valid-get, Strategy valid-put, Strategy valid-remove) Exit, should actually terminate the program and stop the analysis expressions.str
expression-const-prop(Strategy main, Strategy get, Strategy set, Strategy valid-get, Strategy valid-put, Strategy valid-remove) Echo, does not have a value-type expressions.str
expression-const-prop(Strategy main, Strategy get, Strategy set, Strategy valid-get, Strategy valid-put, Strategy valid-remove) Eval, either value of a 'return' in the code or False expressions.str
expression-const-prop(Strategy main, Strategy get, Strategy set, Strategy valid-get, Strategy valid-put, Strategy valid-remove) n/a expressions.str
expression-const-prop(Strategy main, Strategy get, Strategy set, Strategy valid-get, Strategy valid-put, Strategy valid-remove) Creation of an array expressions.str
expression-const-prop(Strategy main, Strategy get, Strategy set, Strategy valid-get, Strategy valid-put, Strategy valid-remove) n/a expressions.str
expressions Constant propogation for common expressions expressions.str
expressions n/a expressions.str
expressions n/a expressions.str
extract-float-part Extracts the start of a string that can be interperted as an float typejuggling.str
extract-integer-part Extracts the start of a string that can be interperted as an integer typejuggling.str
extract-php-value-identifier-kind(Strategy main, Strategy valid-remove) n/a expressions.str
files Common file strategies for PHP files.str
fill-and-include n/a files.str
fill-php-environment(ATerm doc) n/a main.str
fill-php4-environment(ATerm env, ATerm doc) n/a main.str
fill-php5-environment(ATerm env, ATerm doc) n/a main.str
find-file-in-current-directory(ATerm filename) Main strategy currentdir.str
find-file-in-directory(Strategy add-prefix, ATerm filename) we do not use the defined 'find-in-path' because we always want to work with the full path to a file path.str
find-file-in-working-directory(ATerm filename) Main strategy workingdir.str
find-php-file Takes a filename and searches for this filename in the same way that PHP looks for the files to include main.str
fix-and-length n/a postprocess.str
fix-conc n/a postprocess.str
fix-heredoc Fixes the ambigious HereDoc when multiple HereDocs occur in a program postprocess.str
format-location-string(ATerm message) Formats a given string with information about the current term location.str
function n/a function.str
function n/a function.str
function n/a function.str
generic-aritmetic-operator(Strategy s) n/a operators.str
generic-aritmetic-operator(Strategy s, Strategy transform) n/a operators.str
generic-arrayaccess-value Generic array-acces for botht the special case for GLOBALS and the normal case variables.str
generic-arrayaccess-value(Strategy valid-get) n/a variables.str
generic-assign-to-array(Strategy main, Strategy get, Strategy valid-put, Strategy valid-remove) Generic action for assigning a value to an array operators.str
generic-cast-operator(Strategy s) n/a operators.str
generic-comparison-operator(Strategy s, Strategy comp) Generic comparison operator operators.str
generic-equal-operator Shortcut for generic-comparison-operator(id,equal) operators.str
generic-equal-operator(Strategy s) Shortcut for generic-comparison-operator(s,equal) operators.str
generic-get-php-array-value Generic type to Array typejuggling.str
generic-logical-op(Strategy s1, Strategy s2, ATerm val1, ATerm val2) n/a operators.str
generic-procedural-topdown(Strategy s1, Strategy s2) Generic version of prodecural topdown simple.str
generic-procedural-topdown(Strategy s1, Strategy s2) n/a simple.str
generic-reference-assign-to-array(Strategy main, Strategy get, Strategy valid-put, Strategy valid-remove) n/a operators.str
generic-wrapper(Strategy main, Strategy get, Strategy set, ATerm expr) Generic functionality for the wrapper wrappers.str
get-abstract-functions Returns the list of abstract functions in this class class.str
get-acces-level Returns the acces level of the function Only usefull if the function is within a class because otherwise the strategy will always return Public function.str
get-all-inclusion-ids Get all Id's of the included AST's environment.str
get-array-entry(ATerm key) Retrieve an entry from the array types.str
get-array-entry(Strategy valid-get, ATerm key) n/a types.str
get-array-keys Returns a list with all keys of the array types.str
get-array-keys(Strategy valid-get) n/a types.str
get-array-values Returns a list with all values of the array types.str
get-array-values(Strategy valid-get) n/a types.str
get-ast Returns the AST of the function interface.str
get-ast Returns the AST of the function class.str
get-ast Returns the AST of the function function.str
get-base-part Constructs the base-part of the parse table to find based on the version to parse tables.str
get-body Returns the body of the function function.str
get-body Returns the body of the function function.str
get-body(Strategy s) Returns the body of the function function.str
get-class(ATerm name) n/a environment.str
get-class-constants Returns the class constants of this class class.str
get-class-constructor Returns the function object of the constructor of this class class.str
get-class-constructor Returns the function object of the constructor of this class class.str
get-class-name n/a class.str
get-class-parent Returns the parent of a class object (if any) class.str
get-classes Returns all classes environment.str
get-current-php-file Section to store current file being processed main.str
get-end-column n/a location.str
get-end-line n/a location.str
get-extends Returns the name of the class it extends (if any) class.str
get-extends Returns the name of the class it extends (if any) class.str
get-extends(Strategy s) Returns the name of the class it extends (if any) class.str
get-extends-name n/a class.str
get-filename n/a location.str
get-function(ATerm name) n/a environment.str
get-function(ATerm name) n/a class.str
get-function-body n/a function.str
get-function-name n/a function.str
get-function-names Returns the names of the functions in the interface interface.str
get-function-params(ATerm name) Returns the parameters of the given function in this interface interface.str
get-functions Returns all functions environment.str
get-functions Returns all functions class.str
get-implemented-interfaces Returns the list of names of the interfaces this class implements class.str
get-inclusion-file(ATerm iid) Gets a AST of an included file from the environment environment.str
get-inclusion-id Gets an inclusion id from a term inclusionid.str
get-inclusion-status n/a inclusionid.str
get-input-path Get's the input path of the current tool options.str
get-instance-variables Returns the instance-variables of this class class.str
get-instance-variables Returns the instance-variables of this class class.str
get-instance-variables(Strategy s) Returns the instance-variables of this class class.str
get-interface(ATerm name) n/a php5-environment.str
get-interfaces n/a php5-environment.str
get-length n/a location.str
get-main-ast Returns the main AST environment.str
get-name Returns the name of the class class.str
get-name Returns the name of the function function.str
get-name Returns the name of the interface interface.str
get-name Returns the name of the class class.str
get-name Returns the name of the function function.str
get-name(Strategy s) Returns the name of the class class.str
get-name(Strategy s) Returns the name of the function function.str
get-new-php-array-id Generates an unique PHPArray(name) id that can be used to keep track of an array types.str
get-next-array-indice Get the array indice that should be given to a new entry without a key types.str
get-offset n/a location.str
get-param-count Returns the number of parameters of the function function.str
get-param-count Returns the number of parameters of the function function.str
get-param-count(Strategy s) Returns the number of parameters of the function function.str
get-params Returns the parameters of the function function.str
get-params Returns the parameters of the function function.str
get-params(Strategy s) Returns the parameters of the function function.str
get-parse-table(ATerm symbol) Will find tha parse table that is needed in order to parse the given start-symbol tables.str
get-path-separator Takes an _absolute_ path and determines the path separator path.str
get-php-array-value Converting to PHPArray see: http://www typejuggling.str
get-php-array-value n/a typejuggling.str
get-php-array-value n/a typejuggling.str
get-php-array-value n/a typejuggling.str
get-php-array-value n/a typejuggling.str
get-php-array-value n/a typejuggling.str
get-php-boolean-value Converting to PHPBoolean typejuggling.str
get-php-boolean-value n/a typejuggling.str
get-php-boolean-value n/a typejuggling.str
get-php-boolean-value n/a typejuggling.str
get-php-boolean-value n/a typejuggling.str
get-php-boolean-value n/a typejuggling.str
get-php-current-directory Retrieves the current directory for the process currentdir.str
get-php-direcory(ATerm dir) Retrieves a path from the configuration table path.str
get-php-environment n/a main.str
get-php-float-value Converting to PHPFloat typejuggling.str
get-php-float-value n/a typejuggling.str
get-php-float-value n/a typejuggling.str
get-php-float-value n/a typejuggling.str
get-php-float-value n/a typejuggling.str
get-php-float-value n/a typejuggling.str
get-php-float-value n/a typejuggling.str
get-php-float-value n/a typejuggling.str
get-php-include-path Returns the current include path options.str
get-php-integer-value Converting to PHPInteger typejuggling.str
get-php-integer-value n/a typejuggling.str
get-php-integer-value n/a typejuggling.str
get-php-integer-value n/a typejuggling.str
get-php-integer-value n/a typejuggling.str
get-php-integer-value n/a typejuggling.str
get-php-integer-value n/a typejuggling.str
get-php-integer-value n/a typejuggling.str
get-php-number-value Introduction of pseudo-type number typejuggling.str
get-php-raw-value Extracts the raw value of a PHPPrimitive types.str
get-php-raw-value n/a types.str
get-php-raw-value n/a types.str
get-php-raw-value n/a types.str
get-php-raw-value n/a types.str
get-php-simple-value Extracts the PHPSimple-value of the annotations of a term types.str
get-php-string-value Converting to PHPString typejuggling.str
get-php-string-value n/a typejuggling.str
get-php-string-value n/a typejuggling.str
get-php-string-value n/a typejuggling.str
get-php-string-value n/a typejuggling.str
get-php-string-value n/a typejuggling.str
get-php-string-value n/a typejuggling.str
get-php-value-identifier Makes a new identifier that is unique for each variable variables.str
get-php-value-identifier-pair n/a variables.str
get-php-value-identifier-pair(Strategy valid-get) n/a variables.str
get-php-working-directory Retrieves the working directory for the process workingdir.str
get-php4-class-name n/a class.str
get-php4-environment n/a main.str
get-php4-extends-name n/a class.str
get-php4-function-body n/a function.str
get-php4-function-name n/a function.str
get-php5-class-name n/a class.str
get-php5-environment n/a main.str
get-php5-extends-name n/a class.str
get-php5-function-body n/a function.str
get-php5-function-name n/a function.str
get-raw-area-in-file For internal purposes only location.str
get-raw-posinfo n/a location.str
get-reference-ast n/a interface.str
get-reference-ast n/a class.str
get-reference-ast n/a function.str
get-simple-array-value n/a types.str
get-simple-boolean-value n/a types.str
get-simple-float-value n/a types.str
get-simple-integer-value n/a types.str
get-simple-raw-array-value n/a types.str
get-simple-raw-boolean-value n/a types.str
get-simple-raw-float-value n/a types.str
get-simple-raw-integer-value n/a types.str
get-simple-raw-string-value Extracts the simple raw string value of a term types.str
get-simple-raw-value n/a types.str
get-simple-raw-value(Strategy s) Get the simple value of a term types.str
get-simple-string-value Extracts the simple string value of a term types.str
get-simple-value(Strategy s) Get the simple value of a term types.str
get-specific-child(ATerm pos) n/a location.str
get-start-column n/a location.str
get-start-line Several getter-methods location.str
get-start-symbol n/a options.str
get-table-extension(ATerm symbol) Constructs the extensions based on the start-symbol to parse tables.str
get-upper-and-lowercase n/a utilities.str
get-upper-and-lowercase n/a utilities.str
has-php-array-value n/a types.str
has-php-boolean-value n/a types.str
has-php-float-value n/a types.str
has-php-integer-value n/a types.str
has-php-null-value n/a types.str
has-php-simple-value Checks wheter or not a term has a php simple value types.str
has-php-string-value Answers the question: Does this term has a value of this type? Succeeds if it does types.str
has-position-info Checks for position info annotations location.str
hashtable-get(Strategy ifnot, ATerm key) n/a classes.str
hashtable-push-existing(ATerm key, ATerm value) Avoid the choice operator in hashtable push if we know that the key exists classes.str
have-same-php-value Checks wheter both values of a tuple have the same value type types.str
hbox n/a helpers.str
helpers n/a helpers.str
heredocLiterals n/a heredocLiterals.str
implements-interfaces Checks whether this class implements interfaces class.str
include-and-require-files n/a main.str
include-file-complex n/a options.str
include-file-complex-option n/a options.str
include-file-options Strategy combining several include-file options options.str
include-file-simple n/a options.str
include-file-simple-option n/a options.str
include-files-complex Complex inclusion of files files.str
include-files-simple Simple inclusion of files files.str
include-path-option n/a options.str
include-php-file(Strategy s) Real inclusion of a filename and a strategy that must be applied to the included and parsed file main.str
inclusion-combine-unit Merge rules for InclusionStatus inclusionid.str
inclusion-combine-unit n/a inclusionid.str
inclusion-combine-unit n/a inclusionid.str
inclusion-combine-unit n/a inclusionid.str
inclusion-combine-unit n/a inclusionid.str
inclusion-const-prop(Strategy main, Strategy get, Strategy set, Strategy rule-union) Evaluates an inclusion of an file if the expression given to the include-function can be evaluated expressions.str
inclusion-const-prop(Strategy main, Strategy get, Strategy set, Strategy rule-union) n/a expressions.str
inclusionid Module containing the signature and utility-strategies for inclusion-id's inclusionid.str
Inclusionid(ATerm , ATerm ) n/a inclusionid.str
InclusionMode n/a expressions.str
InclusionMode n/a inclusionid.str
Inclusionstatus(ATerm ) n/a inclusionid.str
increase-highest-array-index(ATerm amount) Increases the highest index value of this array with the given amount types.str
init-php-environment(ATerm doc) n/a main.str
init-php4-environment(ATerm doc) n/a main.str
init-php5-environment(ATerm doc) n/a main.str
Instance(ATerm , ATerm ) n/a classes.str
instanceof-PHP4Class n/a class.str
instanceof-PHP4Environment n/a php4-environment.str
instanceof-PHP4Function n/a function.str
instanceof-PHP5Class n/a class.str
instanceof-PHP5Environment n/a php5-environment.str
instanceof-PHP5Function n/a function.str
instanceof-PHP5Interface n/a interface.str
instanceof-PHPClass Succeeds if the current term is an instance of PHP Class class.str
instanceof-PHPClass Succeeds if the current term is an instance of PHP Class class.str
instanceof-PHPClass Succeeds if the current term is an instance of PHP class Since this is an abstract class there are no instances class.str
instanceof-PHPEnvironment n/a php5-environment.str
instanceof-PHPEnvironment n/a php4-environment.str
instanceof-PHPEnvironment Succeeds if the current term is an instance of PHP Environment environment.str
instanceof-PHPFunction Succeeds if the current term is an instance of PHP function function.str
instanceof-PHPFunction Succeeds if the current term is an instance of PHP function function.str
instanceof-PHPFunction Succeeds if the current term is an instance of PHP function Since this is an abstract class there are no instances function.str
instanceof-PHPInterface Succeeds if the current term is an instance of PHP function interface.str
interface n/a interface.str
is-file-included(ATerm path) Checks wheter or not the given path is already included by this environment environment.str
is-file-maybe-included(ATerm path) Checks wheter or not the given path is maybe included by this environment environment.str
is-globals-array n/a variables.str
is-php-relative Determine wheter or not a path is relative path.str
isClassDecl Different match functions for different constructors simple.str
isFunctionDecl n/a simple.str
isInterfaceDecl n/a simple.str
isOldFunctionDecl n/a simple.str
isRequireOrInclude n/a simple.str
lib-main Module for PP to be imported within php-front lib-main.str
list-to-args n/a helpers.str
list-to-args n/a helpers.str
list-to-args n/a helpers.str
lit-of-esc-to-string n/a helpers.str
lit-of-esc-to-string n/a helpers.str
lit-or-echo n/a helpers.str
lit-or-echo n/a helpers.str
lit-or-echo n/a helpers.str
lit-to-string n/a helpers.str
literal-const-prop(Strategy main) Extracting integer literals.str
literal-const-prop(Strategy main) n/a literals.str
literal-const-prop(Strategy main) n/a literals.str
literal-const-prop(Strategy main) Extracting float literals.str
literal-const-prop(Strategy main) Extracting boolean literals.str
literal-const-prop(Strategy main) n/a literals.str
literal-const-prop(Strategy main) Extracting null literals.str
literal-const-prop(Strategy main) Extracting string value literals.str
literals Module for the common literals to analyse the constant propogation literals.str
location Strategies to handle the location of terms location.str
main n/a main.str
main strategy main file main.str
main Main module for constant-propogation main.str
main Evaluation of complete PHP documents main.str
main Evaluation strategy for PHP main.str
main n/a main.str
main reflect main file main.str
main n/a main.str
main reflect/files main-file main.str
main n/a main.str
main n/a main.str
main n/a main.str
main n/a main.str
main-analyse-const-prop Main analysis for the constant propogation main.str
main-constant-propogation n/a main.str
make-list Utility function to transform a (possible transformed) postprocess.str
make-list n/a postprocess.str
make-list n/a postprocess.str
make-list n/a postprocess.str
map-type-to-php-array-key(Strategy main, Strategy valid-remove, ATerm aid) Extracts the type of an expression and maps this to an array-key expressions.str
match-abstract-function-decls n/a class.str
match-class-decl n/a main.str
match-function-decl n/a main.str
match-instance-variable n/a class.str
match-php4-class-decl n/a main.str
match-php4-function-decl n/a main.str
match-php4-instance-variable n/a class.str
match-php5-class-decl n/a main.str
match-php5-function-decl n/a main.str
match-php5-instance-variable n/a class.str
match-php5-interfaces-decl n/a main.str
maybe-inclusion-wrap(Strategy s) Runs a strategy while the InclusionMode is maybe inclusionid.str
maybe-wrap-in-list n/a postprocess.str
MaybeIncluded(ATerm ) n/a inclusionid.str
merge-rules-for-include-state n/a ruleset.str
must-preserve-comments n/a options.str
must-preserve-positions n/a options.str
new-inclusion-id Generates an unique id for inclusion inclusionid.str
new-php4-class(ATerm ast) Constructs a new Class class.str
new-php4-environment n/a php4-environment.str
new-php4-function(ATerm ast) Constructs a new function function.str
new-php5-class(ATerm ast) Constructs a new Class class.str
new-php5-environment n/a php5-environment.str
new-php5-function(ATerm ast) Constructs a new function function.str
new-php5-interface(ATerm ast) Constructs a new interface interface.str
no-inclusion-const-prop(Strategy main, ATerm name) Evaluates a "no-inclusion" expressions.str
normalize-path Normalizes an _absolute_ path to the normalized path path.str
NotIncluded(ATerm ) n/a inclusionid.str
numberLiterals n/a numberLiterals.str
once-filter-this-and-before(Strategy s) This strategy filters 2 elements from a list of the second element satisfies a given strategy path.str
once-filter-this-and-before(Strategy s) n/a path.str
operator-const-prop(Strategy main) n/a operators.str
operator-const-prop(Strategy main) n/a operators.str
operator-const-prop(Strategy main) n/a operators.str
operator-const-prop(Strategy main) n/a operators.str
operator-const-prop(Strategy main) n/a operators.str
operator-const-prop(Strategy main) n/a operators.str
operator-const-prop(Strategy main) Arithmetic Operators see: http://www operators.str
operator-const-prop(Strategy main) n/a operators.str
operator-const-prop(Strategy main) n/a operators.str
operator-const-prop(Strategy main) n/a operators.str
operator-const-prop(Strategy main) n/a operators.str
operator-const-prop(Strategy main) n/a operators.str
operator-const-prop(Strategy main) Exceptions add div: - Dividing by zero results in false - When an int is divided by an int the result is a int, unless the value is not a fraction operators.str
operator-const-prop(Strategy main) Comparison Operators see: http://www operators.str
operator-const-prop(Strategy main) n/a operators.str
operator-const-prop(Strategy main) n/a operators.str
operator-const-prop(Strategy main) n/a operators.str
operator-const-prop(Strategy main) n/a operators.str
operator-const-prop(Strategy main) n/a operators.str
operator-const-prop(Strategy main) n/a operators.str
operator-const-prop(Strategy main) n/a operators.str
operator-const-prop(Strategy main) Logical operators http://www operators.str
operator-const-prop(Strategy main) n/a operators.str
operator-const-prop(Strategy main) n/a operators.str
operator-const-prop(Strategy main) n/a operators.str
operator-const-prop(Strategy main) n/a operators.str
operator-const-prop(Strategy main) n/a operators.str
operator-const-prop(Strategy main) String operators http://www operators.str
operator-const-prop(Strategy main) Increment / Decrement operators http://www operators.str
operator-const-prop(Strategy main) Section for null operators.str
operator-const-prop(Strategy main) n/a operators.str
operator-const-prop(Strategy main) Section for integers operators.str
operator-const-prop(Strategy main) n/a operators.str
operator-const-prop(Strategy main) n/a operators.str
operator-const-prop(Strategy main) n/a operators.str
operator-const-prop(Strategy main) Section for Strings operators.str
operator-const-prop(Strategy main) n/a operators.str
operator-const-prop(Strategy main) n/a operators.str
operator-const-prop(Strategy main) n/a operators.str
operators Holds the rules to evaluate the operators of PHP operators.str
operators n/a operators.str
options Module containing the options for parsing PHP sources options.str
output Produces output for an evaluated PHP-document output.str
output-from-lit-or-echo n/a output.str
output-from-lit-or-echo n/a output.str
output-from-statement n/a output.str
output-from-statement n/a output.str
output-from-statement n/a output.str
OverrideParseTable n/a tables.str
OverrideParseTable n/a tables.str
param-match n/a function.str
parse-php n/a main.str
parse-php(ATerm symbol) n/a main.str
parse-php-options Strategy combining the several parse-options options.str
parse-php-stream n/a main.str
parse-php-stream(ATerm path) n/a main.str
parse-php-stream(ATerm symbol, ATerm path) n/a main.str
parse-php-string n/a main.str
parse-php-string(ATerm symbol) n/a main.str
parse-php4 n/a main.str
parse-php4-stream n/a main.str
parse-php4-string n/a main.str
parse-php4-string(ATerm symbol) n/a main.str
parse-php5 n/a main.str
parse-php5-stream n/a main.str
parse-php5-string n/a main.str
parse-php5-string(ATerm symbol) n/a main.str
path Module containing strategies to handle the paths in PHP path.str
path-to-list Parses a path to a list of directories path.str
php-choose-version(Strategy s4, Strategy s5) Choice between two strategies based on the current PHP version options.str
php-clean-current-directory Resets the current directory and removes all the old current directories currentdir.str
php-clean-working-directory Resets the working directory workingdir.str
php-collect-inclusion(Strategy s) Collects all the terms that succeed a given strategy simple.str
php-collect-inclusion(Strategy s) n/a simple.str
php-combine-incremented-char-lists Combining char-lists that are incremented operators.str
php-combine-incremented-char-lists n/a operators.str
php-combine-incremented-char-lists n/a operators.str
php-combine-incremented-char-lists n/a operators.str
php-combine-incremented-char-lists n/a operators.str
php-constant-get-value n/a variables.str
php-constant-get-value(Strategy get-valid) n/a variables.str
php-constant-put-value(ATerm ident, ATerm val) n/a variables.str
php-decrement-char Make sure that we stay in the right range operators.str
php-decrement-char n/a operators.str
php-decrement-char n/a operators.str
php-decrement-string-value Decrementation of a string operators.str
php-decrement-string-value n/a operators.str
php-directory-config-name(ATerm dir) Wrapes a directory within "php-" and "-directory" path.str
php-evaluate-case(Strategy main) Evaluates a case statement statements.str
php-evaluate-elseif(Strategy main) n/a statements.str
php-front php-front main file php-front.str
php-front-find-table n/a php-front-tables.str
php-front-pp Module for importing the pretty-print strategies php-front-pp.str
php-front-tables n/a php-front-tables.str
php-generic-always-include(Strategy main) Always includes a file with a given filename expressions.str
php-generic-include-strategy(Strategy main) n/a expressions.str
php-generic-once-include(Strategy main, Strategy rule-union) n/a expressions.str
php-get-evaluated-string n/a output.str
php-get-evaluated-string n/a output.str
php-get-function-name Retrieves the functionname special.str
php-get-param-value Retrieves the actual value of a parameter special.str
php-get-raw-variable-name Extracts the name of a variable variables.str
php-handle-function-call Handles a function call within PHP special.str
php-handle-library-function Handles the library function chdir special.str
php-handle-library-function n/a special.str
php-handle-library-function n/a special.str
php-increment-char n/a operators.str
php-increment-char n/a operators.str
php-increment-char n/a operators.str
php-increment-string-value Incrementing a string operators.str
php-intersect-const-prop(Strategy s) Performs an intersect operations on the dynamic rule-sets used for evaluation ruleset.str
php-open-parse-table Opens the right parse table for parsing PHP sources tables.str
php-open-parse-table(Strategy finder) Uses the given strategy to find the parse that should be opened tables.str
php-print-simple-evaluated n/a main.str
php-remove-all-eval-dynamic-rules n/a types.str
php-remove-all-eval-dynamic-rules(ATerm valid-name) n/a types.str
php-to-box n/a main.str
php-to-box n/a main.str
php-to-box n/a main.str
php-to-box Alternative syntaxes need special treatment, the statements are captured in a list that is to be shown altsyntax.str
php-to-box n/a altsyntax.str
php-to-box n/a altsyntax.str
php-to-box n/a altsyntax.str
php-to-box n/a altsyntax.str
php-to-box n/a altsyntax.str
php-to-box n/a altsyntax.str
php-to-box n/a altsyntax.str
php-to-box n/a variableLiterals.str
php-to-box n/a variableLiterals.str
php-to-box n/a variableLiterals.str
php-to-box n/a variableLiterals.str
php-to-box n/a variableLiterals.str
php-to-box n/a variableLiterals.str
php-to-box n/a variableLiterals.str
php-to-box n/a variableLiterals.str
php-to-box n/a variableLiterals.str
php-to-box n/a variableLiterals.str
php-to-box n/a variableLiterals.str
php-to-box n/a variableLiterals.str
php-to-box n/a variableLiterals.str
php-to-box n/a heredocLiterals.str
php-to-box n/a heredocLiterals.str
php-to-box n/a numberLiterals.str
php-to-box n/a numberLiterals.str
php-to-box n/a numberLiterals.str
php-to-box n/a doubleQuotedStringLiterals.str
php-to-box n/a singleQuotedStringLiterals.str
php-to-box n/a main.str
php-to-box n/a main.str
php-to-box n/a main.str
php-to-box n/a expressions.str
php-to-box n/a expressions.str
php-to-box n/a expressions.str
php-to-box n/a expressions.str
php-to-box n/a expressions.str
php-to-box n/a expressions.str
php-to-box n/a expressions.str
php-to-box n/a expressions.str
php-to-box n/a expressions.str
php-to-box n/a expressions.str
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php-to-box n/a expressions.str
php-to-box n/a expressions.str
php-to-box n/a expressions.str
php-to-box n/a expressions.str
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php-to-box n/a statements.str
php-to-box n/a statements.str
php-to-box n/a statements.str
php-to-box n/a statements.str
php-to-box n/a statements.str
php-to-box n/a statements.str
php-to-box n/a statements.str
php-to-box n/a statements.str
php-to-box n/a statements.str
php-to-box n/a statements.str
php-to-box n/a statements.str
php-to-box n/a statements.str
php-to-box n/a statements.str
php-union-const-prop(Strategy s1, Strategy s2) Performs a union of the dynamic rulesets used for evaluation ruleset.str
php-val-id-add-rule(ATerm key, ATerm val) n/a variables.str
php-val-id-get-rule n/a variables.str
php-val-id-remove-rule(ATerm key) n/a variables.str
php-variable-value Get's the real value of an variable variables.str
php-variable-value(Strategy s) n/a variables.str
php4-environment n/a php4-environment.str
php4-param-match n/a function.str
php4-parenthesize n/a lib-main.str
php4-to-abox n/a lib-main.str
php4-to-box n/a statements.str
php4-to-box n/a statements.str
php4-to-box n/a statements.str
php4-to-box n/a statements.str
PHP4Class(ATerm ) n/a class.str
PHP4Environment(ATerm ) n/a php4-environment.str
PHP4Function(ATerm ) n/a function.str
php5-environment n/a php5-environment.str
php5-param-match n/a function.str
php5-parenthesize n/a lib-main.str
php5-to-abox The external interface to pretty-printing strategies lib-main.str
php5-to-box n/a expressions.str
php5-to-box n/a expressions.str
php5-to-box n/a expressions.str
php5-to-box n/a expressions.str
php5-to-box n/a statements.str
php5-to-box n/a statements.str
php5-to-box n/a statements.str
php5-to-box n/a statements.str
php5-to-box n/a statements.str
php5-to-box n/a statements.str
php5-to-box n/a statements.str
php5-to-box n/a statements.str
php5-to-box n/a statements.str
php5-to-box n/a statements.str
php5-to-box n/a statements.str
php5-to-box n/a statements.str
php5-to-box n/a statements.str
php5-to-box n/a statements.str
php5-to-box n/a statements.str
php5-to-box n/a statements.str
php5-to-box n/a statements.str
php5-to-box n/a statements.str
php5-to-box n/a statements.str
php5-to-box n/a statements.str
php5-to-box n/a statements.str
php5-to-box n/a statements.str
php5-to-box n/a statements.str
php5-to-box n/a statements.str
php5-to-box n/a statements.str
php5-to-box n/a statements.str
php5-to-box n/a statements.str
php5-to-box n/a statements.str
php5-to-box n/a statements.str
php5-to-box n/a statements.str
php5-to-box n/a statements.str
php5-to-box n/a statements.str
php5-to-box n/a statements.str
php5-to-box n/a statements.str
php5-to-box n/a statements.str
PHP5Class(ATerm ) n/a class.str
PHP5Environment(ATerm ) n/a php5-environment.str
PHP5Function(ATerm ) n/a function.str
PHP5Interface(ATerm ) n/a interface.str
PHPArray(ATerm ) n/a types.str
PHPBoolean(ATerm ) n/a types.str
PHPBoolean(ATerm ) n/a types.str
PHPFloat(ATerm ) n/a types.str
PHPInteger(ATerm ) n/a types.str
PhpMemoParseTable n/a tables.str
PHPNull(ATerm ) n/a types.str
PHPObject(ATerm , ATerm ) n/a types.str
PHPSimpleValue(ATerm ) n/a types.str
PHPString(ATerm ) n/a types.str
PHPSuperGlobalValue Rules that rewrite the value of a superglobal to an array-type variables.str
PHPSuperGlobalValue n/a variables.str
PHPSuperGlobalValue n/a variables.str
PHPSuperGlobalValue n/a variables.str
PHPSuperGlobalValue n/a variables.str
PHPSuperGlobalValue n/a variables.str
PHPSuperGlobalValue n/a variables.str
PHPSuperGlobalValue n/a variables.str
PHPSuperGlobalValue n/a variables.str
plug-main-analyse-const-prop(Strategy main, Strategy get, Strategy set, Strategy valid-get, Strategy valid-put, Strategy valid-remove, Strategy valid-name, Strategy literal, Strategy operators, Strategy rule-union, Strategy rule-intersect) Pluggable analysis for contant propgation main.str
point n/a helpers.str
post-process-structures Rewrites all the structures of DQ- and HereDoc strings to lists postprocess.str
postprocess Module containing the strategies used to post-process a parsed PHP-source postprocess.str
pp-comments(Strategy pprules) n/a main.str
pp-php-to-abox(Strategy parenthesize, Strategy pprules) n/a lib-main.str
pp-php-to-string Placed here because the real rules for pretty-printing are moved out lib-main.str
pp-php4-to-abox n/a lib-main.str
pp-php4-to-string n/a lib-main.str
pp-php5-to-abox n/a lib-main.str
pp-php5-to-string n/a lib-main.str
preserve-comments-option n/a options.str
preserve-positions-option n/a options.str
prev-php-current-directory Resets the current directory to the directory before the current directory currentdir.str
print-comments(Strategy pprules) n/a lib-main.str
print-included-file(Strategy s, ATerm env, ATerm post-fix) n/a files.str
print-included-files(Strategy s, ATerm post-fix) Printing of included files files.str
print-included-files-option n/a options.str
procedural-occurrences(Strategy s) Counting occurences of everything Const that is in the given strategy, without going into function- or class- or interface-definitions simple.str
procedural-occurrences(Strategy s) n/a simple.str
procedural-occurrences-worker(Strategy s) n/a simple.str
procedural-occurrences-worker(Strategy s) n/a simple.str
procedural-topdown(Strategy s) Topdown without going into class- or function-declerations simple.str
procedural-topdown-with-inclusion(Strategy s) Topdown with going into inclusion simple.str
procedural-topdown-with-inclusion(Strategy s) n/a simple.str
procedural-topdown-with-inclusion-worker(Strategy s) n/a simple.str
process-include(Strategy s) The real inclusion main.str
process-include(Strategy s) n/a main.str
process-include-and-require-files(Strategy s) Process and inclusion of files main.str
process-include-and-require-files(Strategy s) n/a main.str
process-include-and-require-files(Strategy s) n/a main.str
process-include-and-require-files(Strategy s) n/a main.str
process-include-and-require-files(Strategy s) Two special functions that we need to handle main.str
process-inclusion(Strategy s) Processes the inclusion of a filename main.str
process-parse-php-options Processes the options for PHP options.str
process-php-stream(Strategy s) n/a main.str
redefine-inclusion-status n/a inclusionid.str
release-options n/a options.str
remove-all-array-entries Removes all entries from an array types.str
remove-all-array-entries(Strategy valid-remove) n/a types.str
remove-array-entry(ATerm key) Removes an entry from the array types.str
remove-array-entry(Strategy valid-remove, ATerm key) n/a types.str
remove-php-simple-value Removes an PHPSimpleValue annotation from a term types.str
remove-php-variable-rule Removes the rule that maps a variable to a value variables.str
remove-php-variable-rule(Strategy valid-remove) n/a variables.str
remove-rules-from-ruleset(ATerm name) n/a types.str
repeat-until-fixpoint(Strategy s) Repeats an application of a strategy until the strategy has no effect anymore path.str
results-in-zero-value Passes if the given php-simple-value will result in a value of 0 operators.str
ruleset Module containing the strategies to merge rulesets ruleset.str
save-php-current-directory Saves the current directory currentdir.str
separate-by-comma n/a helpers.str
set-current-php-file Sets the name of the file currently being processed main.str
set-include-file-complex n/a options.str
set-include-file-simple n/a options.str
set-main-ast(ATerm ast) Sets the main AST-file environment.str
set-next-array-indice(ATerm next) Sets the next array indice that should be given to a new entry without a key types.str
set-php-current-directory(ATerm path) Sets the current directory for the process currentdir.str
set-php-direcory(ATerm dir, ATerm path) Saves a path to the configuration table path.str
set-php-environment(ATerm environment) n/a main.str
set-php-include-path Sets the include path of the current process options.str
set-php-working-directory(ATerm path) Sets the working directory for the process workingdir.str
set-php4-environment(ATerm env) n/a main.str
set-php5-environment(ATerm env) n/a main.str
set-preserve-comments n/a options.str
set-preserve-positions n/a options.str
set-print-included-files n/a options.str
set-reference-ast(ATerm refast) n/a interface.str
set-reference-ast(ATerm refast) n/a class.str
set-reference-ast(ATerm refast) n/a function.str
set-release-option n/a options.str
set-start-symbol n/a options.str
should-print-included-files n/a options.str
simple Simple common strategies for PHP simple.str
singleQuotedStringLiterals n/a singleQuotedStringLiterals.str
skip-class n/a main.str
skip-class n/a main.str
special Module with rules to handle the special construct for the constant propogation special.str
special-const-prop(Strategy main) FunctionCall-construct special.str
split-at-bang Splits a string at every backslash path.str
split-at-char(ATerm chr) Splits a string at every occurence of a given character path.str
statement-const-prop(Strategy main, Strategy rule-union, Strategy rule-intersect) Echo, map evaluation over all expressions in list statements.str
statement-const-prop(Strategy main, Strategy rule-union, Strategy rule-intersect) The Declare-construct statements.str
statement-const-prop(Strategy main, Strategy rule-union, Strategy rule-intersect) If-statement without else or else-if statements.str
statement-const-prop(Strategy main, Strategy rule-union, Strategy rule-intersect) n/a statements.str
statement-const-prop(Strategy main, Strategy rule-union, Strategy rule-intersect) If-statement with else or else-if statements.str
statement-const-prop(Strategy main, Strategy rule-union, Strategy rule-intersect) n/a statements.str
statement-const-prop(Strategy main, Strategy rule-union, Strategy rule-intersect) If-statement with else and no else-ifs statements.str
statement-const-prop(Strategy main, Strategy rule-union, Strategy rule-intersect) If-statement with else and else-ifs statements.str
statement-const-prop(Strategy main, Strategy rule-union, Strategy rule-intersect) n/a statements.str
statement-const-prop(Strategy main, Strategy rule-union, Strategy rule-intersect) n/a statements.str
statement-const-prop(Strategy main, Strategy rule-union, Strategy rule-intersect) n/a statements.str
statement-const-prop(Strategy main, Strategy rule-union, Strategy rule-intersect) Evaluates a while statements.str
statement-const-prop(Strategy main, Strategy rule-union, Strategy rule-intersect) n/a statements.str
statement-const-prop(Strategy main, Strategy rule-union, Strategy rule-intersect) Evaluates a dowhile statements.str
statement-const-prop(Strategy main, Strategy rule-union, Strategy rule-intersect) Evaluates a for statements.str
statement-const-prop(Strategy main, Strategy rule-union, Strategy rule-intersect) n/a statements.str
statement-const-prop(Strategy main, Strategy rule-union, Strategy rule-intersect) Evaluates a foreach statements.str
statement-const-prop(Strategy main, Strategy rule-union, Strategy rule-intersect) n/a statements.str
statement-const-prop(Strategy main, Strategy rule-union, Strategy rule-intersect) n/a statements.str
statements Evaluation of statements in PHP statements.str
statements n/a statements.str
statements n/a statements.str
statements n/a statements.str
stratego-lib-hackery n/a stratego-lib-hackery.str
string-case-gt Case sensitive equivalent of string-gt operators.str
string-case-lt Case sensitive equivalent of string-lt operators.str
symbol-option n/a options.str
tables Module containing information and strategies to find/open the parse-table to use tables.str
tags n/a tags.str
take-decimal-part Returns the elements of a list of Chars the correspond to a " typejuggling.str
take-exponent-part Returns the elements of a list of Chars the correspond to a "e" and a sequence of numbers typejuggling.str
take-exponent-part Returns the elements of a list of Chars the correspond to a "E" and a sequence of numbers typejuggling.str
take-float-part Takes a list of Chars and extracts the part that can be interpreted as a float typejuggling.str
take-float-part n/a typejuggling.str
take-float-part n/a typejuggling.str
take-negative-part(Strategy s) Matches on the "-" and a givens strategy typejuggling.str
take-positive-part(Strategy s) Matches on the "+" and a givens strategy typejuggling.str
tmp-file-exists n/a stratego-lib-hackery.str
tmp-find-in-path(Strategy strict, ATerm path) n/a stratego-lib-hackery.str
topdown-with-inclusion(Strategy s) Topdown with going into inclusion simple.str
topdown-with-inclusion(Strategy s) n/a simple.str
try-take-pos-take-neg(Strategy s) Tries to match element of a list given a strategy typejuggling.str
tup-min n/a postprocess.str
typejuggling Strategies that do type juggling typejuggling.str
types Holds the decleration of the constructors and several useful strategies for PHP-types types.str
using-php4(Strategy s) Forces a strategy to be evaluated under the assumption of PHP version 4 tables.str
using-php5(Strategy s) Forces a strategy to be evaluated under the assumption of PHP version 5 tables.str
utilities Module containing utility strategies for the analysis utilities.str
variable-const-prop(Strategy main, Strategy set, Strategy get, Strategy get-valid) Variable-construct variables.str
variable-const-prop(Strategy main, Strategy set, Strategy get, Strategy get-valid) ConstantVariable-construct variables.str
variable-const-prop(Strategy main, Strategy set, Strategy get, Strategy get-valid) n/a variables.str
variable-const-prop(Strategy main, Strategy set, Strategy get, Strategy get-valid) n/a variables.str
variable-const-prop(Strategy main, Strategy set, Strategy get, Strategy get-valid, Strategy array-value, Strategy string-value, Strategy other-value) n/a variables.str
variableLiterals n/a variableLiterals.str
variables Constant propogation for variables in PHP variables.str
workingdir Module containing the strategies to handle the administration of the working directory workingdir.str
wrapper-const-prop(Strategy main, Strategy get, Strategy set) Wrapper constructors are: - Expr - InternalFunction - Param - Some wrappers.str
wrapper-const-prop(Strategy main, Strategy get, Strategy set) n/a wrappers.str
wrapper-const-prop(Strategy main, Strategy get, Strategy set) n/a wrappers.str
wrapper-const-prop(Strategy main, Strategy get, Strategy set) n/a wrappers.str
wrapper-const-prop(Strategy main, Strategy get, Strategy set) n/a wrappers.str
wrapper-const-prop(Strategy main, Strategy get, Strategy set) n/a wrappers.str
wrapper-const-prop(Strategy main, Strategy get, Strategy set) n/a wrappers.str
wrapper-const-prop(Strategy main, Strategy get, Strategy set) n/a wrappers.str
wrapper-const-prop(Strategy main, Strategy get, Strategy set) n/a wrappers.str
wrapper-const-prop(Strategy main, Strategy get, Strategy set) n/a wrappers.str
wrapper-const-prop(Strategy main, Strategy get, Strategy set) n/a wrappers.str
wrapper-const-prop(Strategy main, Strategy get, Strategy set) n/a wrappers.str
wrapper-const-prop(Strategy main, Strategy get, Strategy set) n/a wrappers.str
wrapper-const-prop(Strategy main, Strategy get, Strategy set) n/a wrappers.str
wrapper-const-prop(Strategy main, Strategy get, Strategy set) n/a wrappers.str
wrapper-const-prop(Strategy main, Strategy get, Strategy set) n/a wrappers.str
wrapper-const-prop(Strategy main, Strategy get, Strategy set) n/a wrappers.str
wrapper-const-prop(Strategy main, Strategy get, Strategy set) n/a wrappers.str
wrapper-const-prop(Strategy main, Strategy get, Strategy set) n/a wrappers.str
wrapper-const-prop(Strategy main, Strategy get, Strategy set) n/a wrappers.str
wrapper-const-prop(Strategy main, Strategy get, Strategy set) A block is essence just list, just map the main strategy wrappers.str
wrappers Module for the so called 'wrapper' constructs wrappers.str
ZipAndAssignLists n/a utilities.str
ZipAndAssignLists(Strategy valid-get, Strategy valid-put) Takes two lists, the first should contain either: - None - Some(List(_)) - Some(Variable(_)) The second should contain values utilities.str
ZipAndAssignLists(Strategy valid-get, Strategy valid-put) n/a utilities.str
ZipAndAssignLists(Strategy valid-get, Strategy valid-put) n/a utilities.str
ZipAndAssignLists(Strategy valid-get, Strategy valid-put) n/a utilities.str
ZipAndAssignLists(Strategy valid-get, Strategy valid-put) n/a utilities.str
ZipAndAssignLists(Strategy valid-get, Strategy valid-put) n/a utilities.str