
File interface.str
Author unknown
Since unknown
No information available.


Lines of code 87
Module number 1 (0% documented)
Constructor number 1 (0% documented)
Overlay number 0
Strategy number 9 (66% documented)
Rule number 0
DynamicRule number 0

Constructor summary

PHP5Interface(ATerm ) n/a interface.str

Strategy summary

get-ast Returns the AST of the function interface.str
get-function-names Returns the names of the functions in the interface interface.str
get-function-params(ATerm name) Returns the parameters of the given function in this interface interface.str
get-name Returns the name of the interface interface.str
get-reference-ast n/a interface.str
instanceof-PHP5Interface n/a interface.str
instanceof-PHPInterface Succeeds if the current term is an instance of PHP function interface.str
new-php5-interface(ATerm ast) Constructs a new interface interface.str
set-reference-ast(ATerm refast) n/a interface.str

Strategy details

ATerm get-ast
File interface.str
Author unknown
Since unknown

Returns the AST of the function.

type Function Object -> AST

ATerm get-function-names
File interface.str
Author unknown
Since unknown

Returns the names of the functions in the interface

type Interface Object -> List(String)

ATerm get-function-params(ATerm name)
File interface.str
Author unknown
Since unknown

Returns the parameters of the given function in this interface.

type String -> List(Param)

ATerm get-name
File interface.str
Author unknown
Since unknown

Returns the name of the interface

type Interface Object -> String

ATerm instanceof-PHPInterface
File interface.str
Author unknown
Since unknown

Succeeds if the current term is an instance of PHP function

ATerm new-php5-interface(ATerm ast)
File interface.str
Author unknown
Since unknown

Constructs a new interface.

type _ -> Function Object