
File environment.str
Author unknown
Since unknown
No information available.


Lines of code 171
Module number 1 (0% documented)
Constructor number 0
Overlay number 0
Strategy number 15 (100% documented)
Rule number 0
DynamicRule number 0

Strategy summary

add-class(ATerm class) n/a environment.str
add-function(ATerm function) n/a environment.str
add-inclusion-file(ATerm ast, ATerm iid) Adds a AST of an included file to the environment environment.str
add-inclusion-filename(ATerm path, ATerm iid) Adds a file-name to the files that are included environment.str
get-all-inclusion-ids Get all Id's of the included AST's environment.str
get-class(ATerm name) n/a environment.str
get-classes Returns all classes environment.str
get-function(ATerm name) n/a environment.str
get-functions Returns all functions environment.str
get-inclusion-file(ATerm iid) Gets a AST of an included file from the environment environment.str
get-main-ast Returns the main AST environment.str
instanceof-PHPEnvironment Succeeds if the current term is an instance of PHP Environment environment.str
is-file-included(ATerm path) Checks wheter or not the given path is already included by this environment environment.str
is-file-maybe-included(ATerm path) Checks wheter or not the given path is maybe included by this environment environment.str
set-main-ast(ATerm ast) Sets the main AST-file environment.str

Strategy details

ATerm add-class(ATerm class)
File environment.str
Author unknown
Since unknown
ATerm class Class Object

No information available.

type Environment Object -> Environment Object

ATerm add-function(ATerm function)
File environment.str
Author unknown
Since unknown
ATerm function Function Object

No information available.

type Environment Object -> Environment Object

ATerm add-inclusion-file(ATerm ast, ATerm iid)
File environment.str
Author unknown
Since unknown
ATerm ast AST
ATerm iid iid The id of the inclusion

Adds a AST of an included file to the environment.The file is stored with the inclusionid. This id should be used to get the AST.

type Environment Object -> Environment Object

ATerm add-inclusion-filename(ATerm path, ATerm iid)
File environment.str
Author unknown
Since unknown
ATerm path path String The pathname to add
ATerm iid iid InclusionId The ID to store

Adds a file-name to the files that are included. This can be used to question the environment which files are already included.

type Environment Object -> Environment Object

ATerm get-all-inclusion-ids
File environment.str
Author unknown
Since unknown

Get all Id's of the included AST's.

type Environment Object -> List((path,desc))

ATerm get-class(ATerm name)
File environment.str
Author unknown
Since unknown
ATerm name Name of the class (String)

No information available.

type Environment Object -> Environment Object

ATerm get-classes
File environment.str
Author unknown
Since unknown

Returns all classes.

type Environment Object -> List(Class Object)

ATerm get-function(ATerm name)
File environment.str
Author unknown
Since unknown
ATerm name Name of the function (String)

No information available.

type Environment Object -> Environment Object

ATerm get-functions
File environment.str
Author unknown
Since unknown

Returns all functions.

type Environment Object -> List(Function Object)

ATerm get-inclusion-file(ATerm iid)
File environment.str
Author unknown
Since unknown
ATerm iid iid The id of the inclusion

Gets a AST of an included file from the environment.

type Environment Object -> AST

ATerm get-main-ast
File environment.str
Author unknown
Since unknown

Returns the main AST. This is the initialfile the environment is created on.

type _ -> Environment Object

ATerm instanceof-PHPEnvironment
File environment.str
Author unknown
Since unknown

Succeeds if the current term is an instance of PHP Environment.This class is iself a abstract class. So it has no instance.subclasses have to implement this.

ATerm is-file-included(ATerm path)
File environment.str
Author unknown
Since unknown
ATerm path String

Checks wheter or not the given path is already included by this environment.

type Environment Object -> Inclusionid

ATerm is-file-maybe-included(ATerm path)
File environment.str
Author unknown
Since unknown
ATerm path String

Checks wheter or not the given path is maybe included by this environment.

type Environment Object -> Inclusionid

ATerm set-main-ast(ATerm ast)
File environment.str
Author unknown
Since unknown
ATerm ast AST

Sets the main AST-file. This should be the initialfile the environment is created on.

type Environment Object -> Environment Object