
File tables.str
Author Eric Bouwers
Since unknown

Module containing information and strategies to find/open the parse-table to use.


Lines of code 77
Module number 1 (100% documented)
Constructor number 0
Overlay number 0
Strategy number 7 (100% documented)
Rule number 0
DynamicRule number 3 (0% documented)

Strategy summary

get-base-part Constructs the base-part of the parse table to find based on the version to parse tables.str
get-parse-table(ATerm symbol) Will find tha parse table that is needed in order to parse the given start-symbol tables.str
get-table-extension(ATerm symbol) Constructs the extensions based on the start-symbol to parse tables.str
php-open-parse-table Opens the right parse table for parsing PHP sources tables.str
php-open-parse-table(Strategy finder) Uses the given strategy to find the parse that should be opened tables.str
using-php4(Strategy s) Forces a strategy to be evaluated under the assumption of PHP version 4 tables.str
using-php5(Strategy s) Forces a strategy to be evaluated under the assumption of PHP version 5 tables.str

Strategy details

ATerm get-base-part
File tables.str
Author unknown
Since unknown

Constructs the base-part of the parse table to findbased on the version to parse.

type _ -> String

ATerm get-parse-table(ATerm symbol)
File tables.str
Author unknown
Since unknown
ATerm symbol String The symbol to parse

Will find tha parse table that is needed in order toparse the given start-symbol.

type _ -> String

ATerm get-table-extension(ATerm symbol)
File tables.str
Author unknown
Since unknown

Constructs the extensions based on the start-symbol to parse. The extension will be nothing or 'Test'.

strategy _ -> String

ATerm php-open-parse-table
File tables.str
Author unknown
Since unknown

Opens the right parse table for parsing PHP sources.

ATerm php-open-parse-table(Strategy finder)
File tables.str
Author unknown
Since unknown

Uses the given strategy to find the parse that should be opened. Will memorize the parse table that it opens.

type String -> OpenParseTable

ATerm using-php4(Strategy s)
File tables.str
Author unknown
Since unknown

Forces a strategy to be evaluated under the assumption of PHP version 4.

ATerm using-php5(Strategy s)
File tables.str
Author unknown
Since unknown

Forces a strategy to be evaluated under the assumption of PHP version 5.