module php/pp/common/literals/variableLiterals

// Access to arrays and strings as arrays
  php-to-box :
    ArrayAccess (b1, b2) -> H([SOpt(HS(), "0")], [ b1 | [ S("[") | [ b2 | [ S("]") ] ] ] ])
H hs=0 [ b1 "[" b2 "]"]
// Access to arrays and strings as arrays php-to-box : StringAccess (b1, b2) -> H([SOpt(HS(), "0")], [ b1 | [ S("{") | [ b2 | [ S("}") ] ] ] ])
H hs=0 [ b1 "{" b2 "}"]
rules // Simple and Braced Variables php-to-box : Variable(b) -> H([SOpt(HS(), "0")], [ S("$") | [ b ] ])
H hs=0 ["$" b]
php-to-box : Simple(s) -> H([], [ S(s) ])
H [ s ]
php-to-box : Braced(b) -> H([SOpt(HS(), "0")], [ S("{") | [ b | [ S("}") ] ] ])
H hs=0 ["{" b "}"]
rules // Constants php-to-box : ConstantVariable(s) -> H([], [ S(s) ])
H [ s ]
rules // Special variables within objects php-to-box : IndirectReference(b) -> H([SOpt(HS(), "0")], [ S("$") | [ b ] ])
H hs=0 ["$" b]
php-to-box : ObjectAccess(b1,b2) -> H([SOpt(HS(), "0")], [ b1 | [ S("->") | [ b2 ] ] ])
H hs=0 [ b1 "->" b2 ]
php-to-box : ObjectProperty(b) -> b php-to-box : FunctionCall(var,function,exprs) -> H([SOpt(HS(), "0")], [ var | [ S("->") | [ function | [ args ] ] ] ])
box |[ H hs= 0 [~var "->" ~function ~args] ]|
where <list-to-args> exprs => args rules // Special bool, null php-to-box : True() -> H([], [ S("true") ])
H [ "true" ]
php-to-box : False() -> H([], [ S("false") ])
H [ "false" ]
php-to-box : Null() -> H([], [ S("null") ])
H [ "null" ]