Table of Contents
Now let's see how we can actually transform terms using Stratego programs. In the rest of this chapter we will first look at the structure of Stratego programs, and how to compile and run them. In the next chapters we will then see how to define transformations.
The simplest program you can write in Stratego is the following
module identity imports list-cons strategies main = id
It features the following elements:
Each Stratego file is a module, which has the
same name as the file it is stored in without the .str
A module may import other modules in order to
use the definitions in those modules.
A module may contain one or more strategies
that introduce new strategy definitions. It will become clear later
what strategies and strategy definitions are.
Each Stratego program has one main definition,
which indicates the strategy to be executed on invocation of the
In the example, the body of this program's main definition is the
identity strategy id
Now let's see what this program means. To find that out, we first
need to compile it, which we do using the Stratego compiler
as follows:
strc -i identity.str
[ strc | info ] Compiling 'identity.str'
[ strc | info ] Front-end succeeded : [user/system] = [0.59s/0.56s]
[ strc | info ] Back-end succeeded : [user/system] = [0.46s/0.16s]
[ strc | info ] C compilation succeeded : [user/system] = [0.28s/0.23s]
[ strc | info ] Compilation succeeded : [user/system] = [1.35s/0.95s]
The -i
option of strc
indicates the
module to compile. The compiler also reads all imported modules, in
this case the list-cons.str
module that is part of the
Stratego library and that strc
magically knows how to
find. The compiler prints some information about what it is doing,
i.e., the stages of compilation that it goes through and the times
for those stages. You can turn this off using the argument
--verbose 0
. However, since the compiler is not very
fast, it may be satisfying to see something going on.
The result of compilation is an executable named
after the name of the main module of the
program. Just to satisfy our curiosity we inspect the file system
to see what the compiler has done:
ls -l identity*
-rwxrwxr-x 1 7182 Sep 7 14:54 identity*
-rw------- 1 1362 Sep 7 14:54 identity.c
-rw-rw-r-- 1 200 Sep 7 14:54 identity.dep
-rw-rw-r-- 1 2472 Sep 7 14:54 identity.o
-rw-rw-r-- 1 57 Sep 7 13:03 identity.str
Here we see that in addition to the executable the compiler has
produced a couple of other files. First of all the
file gives away the fact that the compiler
first translates a Stratego program to C and then uses the C
compiler to compile to machine code. The identity.o
file is the result of compiling the generated C program. Finally,
the contents of the identity.dep
file will look
somewhat like this:
identity: \ /usr/local/share/stratego-lib/collection/list/cons.rtree \ /usr/local/share/stratego-lib/list-cons.rtree \ ./identity.str
It is a rule in the Make language that declares the dependencies of
the identity
program. You can include this file in a
to automate its compilation. For example, the
following Makefile
automates the compilation of the
include identity.dep identity : identity.str strc -i identity.str
Just invoke make
on the command-line whenever you
change something in the program.
Ok, we were digressing a bit. Let's turn back to finding out what
the identity
program does. When we execute the program
with some arbitrary arguments on the command-line, this is what
./identity foo bar
The program writes to stdout
the list of command-line
arguments as a list of strings in the ATerm format.
So what we have learned is that a Stratego program applies its
main strategy to the list of command-line arguments, and writes
the resulting term to stdout
. Since the strategy in
the identity
program is the identity transformation
it just writes the original command-line arguments (as a term).
That was instructive, but not very useful. We are not interested
in transforming lists of strings, but rather programs represented
as terms. So we want to read a term from a file, transform it, and
write it to another file. Let's open the bag of tricks. The
program improves the previous program:
module identity-io imports libstrategolib strategies main = io-wrap(id)
The program looks similar to the previous one, but there are a
couple of differences. First, instead of importing module
, this module imports
, which is the interface to the
separately compiled Stratego library. This library provides a host
of useful strategies that are needed in implementing program
transformations. Part IV gives an
overview of the Stratego library, and we will every now and then
use some useful strategies from the library before we get there.
Right now we are interested in the io-wrap
used above. It implements a wrapper strategy that takes care of
input and output for our program. To compile the program we need
to link it with the stratego-lib
library using the
strc -i identity-io.str -la stratego-lib
What the relation is between libstrategolib
will become clear later; knowing that it
is needed to compile programs using libstrategolib
for now.
If we run the compiled identity-io
program with its
option we see the standard interface supported
by the io-wrap
./identity-io --help
-i f|--input f Read input from f
-o f|--output f Write output to f
-b Write binary output
-S|--silent Silent execution (same as --verbose 0)
--verbose i Verbosity level i (default 1)
( i as a number or as a verbosity descriptor:
emergency, alert, critical, error,
warning, notice, info, debug, vomit )
-k i | --keep i Keep intermediates (default 0)
--statistics i Print statistics (default 0 = none)
-h|-?|--help Display usage information
--about Display information about this program
--version Same as --about
The most relevant options are the -i
option for the
input file and the -o
option for the output file. For
instance, if we have some file foo-bar.trm
an ATerm we can apply the program to it:
echo "Foo(Bar())" > foo-bar.trm$
./identity-io -i foo-bar.trm -o foo-bar2.trm$
cat foo-bar2.trm Foo(Bar)
If we leave out the -i
and/or -o
input is read from stdin
and output is written to
. Thus, we can also invoke the program in a
echo "Foo(Bar())" | ./identity-io
Now it might seem that the identity-io
program just
copies its input file to the output file. In fact, the
does not just accept any input. If we try
to apply the program to a text file that is not an ATerm, it
protests and fails:
echo "+ foo bar" | ./identity-io
readFromTextFile: parse error at line 0, col 0
not a valid term
./identity: rewriting failed
So we have written a program to check if a file represents an ATerm.
A Stratego program based on io-wrap
defines a
transformation from terms to terms. Such transformations can be
combined into more complex transformations, by creating a chain of
tool invocations.
For example, if we have a Stratego program trafo-a
applying some undefined transformation-a
to the input
term of the program
module trafo-a imports libstrategolib strategies main = io-wrap(transformation-a) transformation-a = ...
and we have another similar program trafo-b
applying a
module tool-b imports libstrategolib strategies main = io-wrap(transformation-b) transformation-b = ...
then we can combine the transformations to transform an
file to an output
file using a Unix
pipe, as in
tool-a -i input | tool-b -o output
or using an intermediate
tool-a -i input -o intermediate$
tool-b -i intermediate -o output
We have just learned how to write, compile, and execute Stratego programs. This is the normal mode for development of transformation systems with Stratego. Indeed, we usually do not invoke the compiler from the command-line `by hand', but have an automated build system based on (auto)make to build all programs in a project at once. For learning to use the language this can be rather laborious, however. Therefore, we have also developed the Stratego Shell, an interactive interpreter for the Stratego language. The shell allows you to type in transformation strategies on the command-line and directly seeing their effect on the current term. While this does not scale to developing large programs, it can be instructive to experiment while learning the language. In the following chapters we will use the stratego-shell to illustrate various features of the language.
Here is a short session with the Stratego Shell that shows the basics of using it:
:show ()stratego>
!Foo(Bar()) Foo(Bar)stratego>
id Foo(Bar)stratego>
fail command failedstratego>
:show Foo(Bar)stratego>
:quit Foo(Bar)$
The shell is invoked by calling the command
on the regular command-line. The
prompt then indicates that you have entered
the Stratego Shell. After the prompt you can enter strategies or
special shell commands.
Strategies are the statements and functions of the Stratego
language. A strategy transforms a term into a new term, or
fails. The term to which a strategy is applied, is called the
current term. In the Stratego Shell you can see
the current term with :show. In the session above
we see that the current term is the empty tuple if you have just
started the Stratego Shell.
At the prompt of the shell you can enter strategies. If the strategy
succeeds, then the shell will show the transformed term, which is
now the new current term.
For example, in the session above the strategy
replaces the current term with the term
, which is echoed directly after applying the
strategy. The next strategy that is applied is the identity strategy
that we saw before. Here it becomes clear that it
just returns the term to which it is applied.
Thus, we have the following general scheme of applying a strategy to
the current term:
current term
strategy expression
transformed current
Strategies can also fail. For example, the application of the
strategy always fails. In the case of failure, the
shell will print a message and leave the current term untouched:
current term
strategy expression
command failedstratego>
:showcurrent term
Finally, you can leave the shell using the :quit command.
The Stratego Shell has a number of non-strategy commands to operate
the shell configuration. Theses commands are recognizable by the
prefix. The :help
command tells you
what commands are available in the shell:
:help Rewriting strategy rewrite the current subject term with strategy Defining Strategies id = strategy define a strategy (doesn't change the current subject term) id : rule define a rule (doesn't change the current subject term) import modname import strategy definitions from 'modname' (file system or xtc) :undef id delete defintions of all strategies 'id'/(s,t) :undef id(s,t) delete defintion of strategy 'id'/(s,t) :reset delete all term bindings, all strategies, reset syntax. Debugging :show show the current subject term :autoshow on|off show the current subject term after each rewrite :binding id show term binding of id :bindings show all term bindings :showdef id show defintions of all strategies 'id'/(s,t) :showdef id(s,t) show defintion of strategy 'id'/(s,t) :showast id(s,t) show ast of defintion of strategy 'id'/(s,t) Concrete Syntax :syntax defname set the syntax to the sdf definition in 'defname'. XTC :xtc import pathname Misc :include file execute command in the script of `file` :verbose int set the verbosity level (0-9) :clear clear the screen :exit exit the Stratego Shell :quit same as :exit :q same as :exit :about information about the Stratego Shell :help show this help information stratego>
Let's summarize what we have learned so far about Stratego programming.
First, a Stratego program is divided into
modules, which reside in files with extension
and have the following general form:
module mod0 imports libstrategolib mod1 mod2 signature sorts A B C constructors Foo : A -> B Bar : A strategies main = io-wrap(foo) foo = id
Modules can import other modules and can define signatures for
declaring the structure of terms and can define strategies, which we
not really know much about yet.
However, the io-wrap
strategy can be used to handle the
input and output of a Stratego program. This strategy is defined in
the libstrategolib
module, which provides an interface to the
Stratego Library.
The main module of a Stratego program should have a
strategy that defines the entry point of the
Next, a Stratego program is compiled to an executable program using
the Stratego Compiler strc
strc -i mod0 -la stratego-lib
The resulting executable applies the main
strategy to
command-line arguments turned into a list-of-strings term.
The io-wrap
strategy interprets these command-line
arguments to handle input and output using standard command-line
Finally, the Stratego Shell can be used to invoke strategies interactively.
id ()stratego>
Next up: transforming terms with rewrite rules.