Table of Contents
In this chapter we introduce strategies for working with numbers. The Stratego runtime provides two kinds of numbers: real numbers and integers. They are both terms, but cannot be used interchangeably. The library strategies described in this chapter also maintain the distinction between real numbers and integers, but many may also be applied to strings which contain numbers.
Stratego does not have the normal mathematical syntax for
arithmetic operators, such as +
, -
and *
. These operators are used for
other purposes. Instead, the library provides the operators
as the strategies, namely add
, subt
and mul
. Further, there is
convenience strategy for integer increment, inc
and decrement, dec
While the Stratego language operates exclusively on terms, there
are different kinds of primitive terms. The runtime maintains a
distinction between real numbers and integer numbers. The library
mirrors this distinction by providing a family of strategies for
arithmetic operations. Arithmetic strategies which work on real
numbers end in an
, e.g. addr
, and strategies working on
integers end in an i
, e.g. subti
. For
each arithmetic operator, there is also a type-promoting variant,
e.g. mul
, which will type-promote from integer to real,
when necessary. Finally, there are convenience strategies for
working on strings containing numbers. For each arithmetic operation,
there is a string variant, e.g divS
The full set of arithmetic operations in Stratego:
add, addr, addi, addS div, divr, divi, divS mul, mulr, muli, mulS subt, subtr, subti, subtS
Using these strategies is straightforward.
<addr> (1.5, 1.5) 3.000000000000000e+00stratego>
<subti> (5, 2) 3stratego>
<mul> (1.5, 2) 3.000000000000000e+00stratego>
<inc> 2 3
As we can see, the mul
operator can be applied to a
pair which consists of different terms (real and integer). In
this case, type promotion from integer to real happens
Working on Strings.
The string variants, e.g. addS
and divS
work on strings containing integers. The result in strings
containing integers.
<addS> ("40", "2") "42"stratego>
<divS> ("9", "3") "3"
The strategies found in the library for comparing two numbers correspond
to the usual mathematical operators for less-than (lt
less-than-equal (leq
), equal (eq
greater-than (gt
), greather-than-equal (geq
As with the arithmetic strategies, each of these operators comes in
an integer variant, suffixed with i
, a real variant
(suffixed by r
), a string variant (suffixed by
) and a type promoting variant without suffix. The
full matrix of comparison functions thus looks like:
lt, ltr, lti, ltS gt, gtr, gti, gtS leq, leqr, leqi, leqS geq, geqr, geqi, geqS
A few examples:
<lt> (1.0, 2) (1.000000000000000e+00,2)stratego>
<ltS> ("1", "2") ("1", "2")stratego>
<geqS> ("2", "2") ("2","2")stratego>
<gtr> (0.9, 1.0) command failed
The maximum and minimum of a two-element tuple of numbers can be
found with the max
and min
respectively. These do not distinguish between real and integers.
However, they do distinguish between numbers and strings;
and minS
are applicable to strings.
<max> (0.9, 1.0) 1.0stratego>
<min> (99, 22) 22stratego>
<minS> ("99", "22") "22"
Some other properties of numbers, such as whether a number
is even, negative or positive, can be be tested with the strategies
, neg
and pos
, respectively.
The modulus (remainder) of dividing an integer by another is
provided by the mod
strategy. gcd
the greatest common divisor of two numbers. Both mod
and gcd
work on a two-element tuple of integers. The
strategy can be used to find the binary logarithm
of a number. It will only succeed if the provided number is an
integer and that number has an integer binary logarithm.
<mod> (412,123) 43stratego>
<gcd> (412,123) 1stratego>
<log2> 16 4
The library provides a strategy for generating random numbers, called
. The algorithm powering this random generator
requires an initial "seed" to be provided. This seed is just a
first random number. You can pick any integer you want, but it's
advisable to pick a different seed on each program execution. A popular
choice (though not actually random) is the number of seconds since epoch,
provided by time
. The seed is initialized by the
strategy. The following code shows the
normal idiom for getting a random number in Stratego:
time ; set-random-seed []stratego>
next-random 1543988747
The random number generator needs only be initialized with a seed once for every program invocation.
In this chapter, we saw that Stratego is different from many other
languages in that it does not provide the normal arithmetic operators.
We saw that instead, strategies such as add
are used to add and multiply numbers. We also saw
which strategies to use for comparing numbers and generating random
The module term/integer
contains strategies for
working with numbers. Refer to the
library reference documentation
for more information.