Chapter 5. Typechecking (*)

Table of Contents

5.1. Typechecking
5.2. Example

Work in Progress

This chapter is work in progress. Not all parts have been finished yet. The latest revision of this manual may contain more material. Refer to the online version.

propagation of variable types and type annotation of expressions and statements

5.1. Typechecking

Figure 5.1. file: til/tc/til-typecheck.str

module til-typecheck
imports liblib til-typecheck-stats

  io-til-typecheck =
  typecheck-program =

Figure 5.2. file: til/tc/til-typecheck-exp.str

module til-typecheck-exp
imports TIL

  typecheck-exp(typecheck-var) = 
      typecheck-var <+ TypecheckAdd <+ TypecheckMul <+ TypecheckSub <+ TypecheckDiv <+ TypecheckMod
      <+ TypecheckLeq <+ TypecheckGeq <+ TypecheckLt <+ TypecheckGt <+ TypecheckEqu <+ TypecheckNeq
      <+ TypecheckOr <+ TypecheckAnd
      <+ TypecheckInt <+ TypecheckString <+ TypecheckBool


  typeof :
    e{t*} -> t
    where <fetch-elem(is-type)> t* => t
  is-type = 
  TypecheckInt :
    Int(i) -> Int(i){TypeName("int")}

  TypecheckString :
    String(x) -> String(x){TypeName("string")}

  TypecheckBool :
    True() -> True(){TypeName("bool")}
  TypecheckBool :
    False() -> False(){TypeName("bool")}
  TypecheckAdd :
    Add(e1, e2) -> Add(e1, e2){TypeName("string")}
    where <typeof> e1 => TypeName("string")
        ; <typeof> e2 => TypeName("string")

  TypecheckAdd :
    Add(e1, e2) -> Add(e1, e2){TypeName("int")}
    where <typeof> e1 => TypeName("int")
        ; <typeof> e2 => TypeName("int")

  TypecheckMul :
    Mul(e1, e2) -> Mul(e1, e2){TypeName("int")}
    where <typeof> e1 => TypeName("int")
        ; <typeof> e2 => TypeName("int")

  TypecheckSub :
    Sub(e1, e2) -> Sub(e1, e2){TypeName("int")}
    where <typeof> e1 => TypeName("int")
        ; <typeof> e2 => TypeName("int")

  TypecheckDiv :
    Div(e1, e2) -> Div(e1, e2){TypeName("int")}
    where <typeof> e1 => TypeName("int")
        ; <typeof> e2 => TypeName("int")
  TypecheckMod :
    Mod(e1, e2) -> Mod(e1, e2){TypeName("int")}
    where <typeof> e1 => TypeName("int")
        ; <typeof> e2 => TypeName("int")

  TypecheckLt :
    Lt(e1, e2) -> Lt(e1, e2){TypeName("bool")}
    where <typeof> e1 => TypeName("int")
        ; <typeof> e2 => TypeName("int")

  TypecheckGt :
    Gt(e1, e2) -> Gt(e1, e2){TypeName("bool")}
    where <typeof> e1 => TypeName("int")
        ; <typeof> e2 => TypeName("int")
  TypecheckLeq :
    Leq(e1, e2) -> Leq(e1, e2){TypeName("bool")}
    where <typeof> e1 => TypeName("int")
        ; <typeof> e2 => TypeName("int")
  TypecheckGeq :
    Geq(e1, e2) -> Geq(e1, e2){TypeName("bool")}
    where <typeof> e1 => TypeName("int")
        ; <typeof> e2 => TypeName("int")
  TypecheckEqu :
    Equ(e1, e2) -> Equ(e1, e2){TypeName("bool")}
    where <typeof> e1 => TypeName("int")
        ; <typeof> e2 => TypeName("int")
  TypecheckNeq :
    Neq(e1, e2) -> Neq(e1, e2){TypeName("bool")}
    where <typeof> e1 => TypeName("int")
        ; <typeof> e2 => TypeName("int")
  TypecheckAnd :
    And(e1, e2) -> And(e1, e2){TypeName("bool")}
    where <typeof> e1 => TypeName("bool")
        ; <typeof> e2 => TypeName("bool")
  TypecheckOr :
    Or(e1, e2) -> Or(e1, e2){TypeName("bool")}
    where <typeof> e1 => TypeName("bool")
        ; <typeof> e2 => TypeName("bool")


Figure 5.3. file: til/tc/til-typecheck-stats.str

module til-typecheck-stats
imports til-typecheck-var

  typecheck-block = 

  typecheck-stats = 
    {| TypeOf : map(typecheck-stat) |}

  typecheck-stat = 
    <+ typecheck-declaration
    <+ Assign(id, typecheck-exp)
       ; try(TypecheckAssign)
    <+ IfElse(typecheck-exp, typecheck-stats, typecheck-stats)
       ; TypecheckIf
    <+ IfThen(typecheck-exp, typecheck-stats)
       ; TypecheckIf
    <+ While(typecheck-exp, typecheck-stats)
       ; TypecheckWhile
    <+ ProcCall(id, map(typecheck-exp))
       ; typecheck-proccall
    <+ For(id, typecheck-exp, typecheck-exp, typecheck-stats)
       ; TypecheckFor
    <+ debug(!"unknown statement: ")
       ; <exit> 1

  TypecheckIf :
    IfElse(e, st1*, st2*) -> IfElse(e, st1*, st2*){TypeName("void")}
    where <typeof> e => TypeName("bool")
  TypecheckIf :
    IfThen(e, st*) -> IfThen(e, st*){TypeName("void")}
    where <typeof> e => TypeName("bool")

  TypecheckWhile : 
    While(e, st*) -> While(e, st*){TypeName("void")}
    where <typeof> e => TypeName("bool")

  TypecheckFor : 
    For(x, e1, e2, st*) -> For(x, e1, e2, st*){TypeName("void")}
    where <TypeOf> x => TypeName("int")
        ; <typeof> e1 => TypeName("int")
        ; <typeof> e2 => TypeName("int")

Figure 5.4. file: til/tc/til-typecheck-var.str

module til-typecheck-var
imports til-typecheck-exp

  typecheck-declaration = 
    ; rules( TypeOf+x : x -> TypeName("int") )

  typecheck-declaration = 
    ?DeclarationTyped(x, t)
    ; rules( TypeOf+x : x -> t )
  TypecheckVar :
    Var(x) -> Var(x){t}
    where <TypeOf> x => t

  TypecheckAssign :
    Assign(x, e) -> Assign(x, e){TypeName("void")}
    where <typeof> e => t
    	; <TypeOf> x => t
strategies // expressions with variables and calls

  typecheck-exp = 
    typecheck-exp(TypecheckVar <+ typecheck-funcall)
  typecheck-funcall = 
    TypecheckRead <+ TypecheckS2I <+ TypecheckI2S <+ TypecheckB2S
  typecheck-proccall =
strategies // built-in functions
  TypecheckS2I :
    FunCall("string2int", [e]) -> FunCall("string2int", [e]){TypeName("int")}
    where <typeof> e => TypeName("string")
  TypecheckI2S :
    FunCall("int2string", [e]) -> FunCall("int2string", [e]){TypeName("string")}
    where <typeof> e => TypeName("int")
  TypecheckB2S :
    FunCall("bool2string", [e]) -> FunCall("bool2string", [e]){TypeName("string")}
    where <typeof> e => TypeName("bool")
  TypecheckRead :
    FunCall("read", []) -> FunCall("read", []){TypeName("string")}
  TypecheckRead :
    FunCall("readint", []) -> FunCall("readint", []){TypeName("int")}

strategies // built-in procedures

  TypecheckWrite :
    ProcCall("write", [e]) -> ProcCall("write", [e]){TypeName("void")}
    where <typeof> e => TypeName("string")

  TypecheckWrite :
    ProcCall("writeint", [e]) -> ProcCall("writeint", [e]){TypeName("void")}
    where <typeof> e => TypeName("int")


5.2. Example

Figure 5.5. file: til/xmpl/typecheck-test1

# typecheck test1.til after parsing 
../tc/til-typecheck -i test1.atil | pp-aterm >

Table 5.1. files: til/xmpl/test1.til, til/xmpl/

// TIL program computing the factorial

var n;
n := readint();
var x;
var fact;
fact := 1;
for x := 1 to n do
  fact := x * fact;
write("factorial of ");
write(" is ");
  [ Declaration("n")
  , Assign("n", FunCall("readint", []){TypeName("int")}){TypeName("void")}
  , Declaration("x")
  , Declaration("fact")
  , Assign("fact", Int("1"){TypeName("int")}){TypeName("void")}
  , For(
    , Int("1"){TypeName("int")}
    , Var("n"){TypeName("int")}
    , [Assign("fact", Mul(Var("x"){TypeName("int")}, Var("fact"){TypeName("int")}){TypeName("int")}){TypeName("void")}]
  , ProcCall("write", [String("\"factorial of \""){TypeName("string")}]){TypeName("void")}
  , ProcCall("writeint", [Var("n"){TypeName("int")}]){TypeName("void")}
  , ProcCall("write", [String("\" is \""){TypeName("string")}]){TypeName("void")}
  , ProcCall("writeint", [Var("fact"){TypeName("int")}]){TypeName("void")}
  , ProcCall("write", [String("\"\\n\""){TypeName("string")}]){TypeName("void")}