%% Singlequoted literals are defined in the same way as Doublequoted literals.
%% See DoubleQuotedStringLiterals for more details. The difference is that
%% Singlequoted strings have only one escape, the '.
%% The Non-terminals have a similar name, but prefixed with 'S' to avoid nameclashes
%% with the Non-terminals for DoubleQuoted strings.
%% @author Eric Bouwers
module languages/php/common/literals/SingleQuotedStringLiterals

  sorts SingleQuotedPart ConstantEncapsedString
  %% A singlequoted string is a list of parts.
    "'" SingleQuotedPart* "'"  -> <ConstantEncapsedString-CF> {cons("SingleQuoted")}

  %% Only literals and the escape are allowed
     <SingleQuotedLit-LEX>  -> SingleQuotedPart {cons("Literal")}
     SEscape                -> SingleQuotedPart

  sorts SSlashCharLit SingleQuotedLit
  lexical syntax
  %% Slash seperatly defined to be able to define follow-restriction
     (~[\'\\] | SSlashCharLit)+ -> SingleQuotedLit
     "\\"                       -> SSlashCharLit

  lexical restrictions
  %% This makes sure that the longest literal is chosen, and that the 
  %% escapes are not parsed as literals
    SSlashCharLit   -/- [\'\\]
    SingleQuotedLit -/- ~[\'\\]
    SingleQuotedLit -/- [\\] . ~[\'\\]

  sorts SEscape
  %% There are two escapes, either the slash or the '
    "\\" [\'\\] -> SEscape {cons("Escape")}