%% Module containing the expression used in both PHP4 ans PHP5
%% @author Eric Bouwers
module languages/php/common/Expressions

  sorts Expr Bool Null ObjectCVar ObjectFunctionCall ConstantVariable Variable
  context-free syntax
  %% A lot of things are expressions. Some non terminals from the language_parser are
  %% left out because they did not add anything
    FunctionCall           -> Expr
    CommonScalar           -> Expr
    ConstantVariable       -> Expr
    Variable               -> Expr  %% CVar is element of ObjectCVar

  sorts MagicConstant
  lexical syntax
  %% Pre defined magic constants
    "__LINE__"                             -> MagicConstant
    "__FILE__"                             -> MagicConstant
    "__CLASS__"                            -> MagicConstant
    "__FUNCTION__"                         -> MagicConstant

  sorts LNumber DNumber ConstantEncapsedString CommonScalar StaticScalar CommonScalarType
  context-free syntax
  %% All common scalar from language parser
    LNumber 				   -> CommonScalarType {cons("LNumber")}
    DNumber 				   -> CommonScalarType {cons("DNumber")}
    ConstantEncapsedString 	           -> CommonScalarType {cons("ConstantEncapsedString")}
    MagicConstant                          -> CommonScalarType {cons("MagicConstant")}
    Bool                                   -> CommonScalarType
    Null                                   -> CommonScalarType
   %% All CommonScalars can be positive and negative. The rejection of for example a
   %% negative array happens after parsing. So we allow all of them to be wrapped in a 
   %% plus or a minus.
   %% We do want to avoid this, we much rather have a positive or negative expression.
    "-" CommonScalarType                   -> CommonScalar {cons("Negative"),avoid}
    "+" CommonScalarType                   -> CommonScalar {cons("Positive"),avoid}
        CommonScalarType                   -> CommonScalar

  %% All static scalar from language parser
    CommonScalar              -> StaticScalar {prefer}
    ConstantVariable          -> StaticScalar 
    Array                     -> StaticScalar

  sorts String FunctionCall CVar CallParam FunctionName FullyQualifiedClassName
  context-free syntax
  %% Normal function call and function calls on static objects
     FunctionName       "(" {CallParam ","}* ")"     -> FunctionCall {cons("FunctionCall")}
     CVar               "(" {CallParam ","}* ")"     -> FunctionCall {cons("FunctionCall")}

     FullyQualifiedClassName "::" FunctionName "(" {CallParam ","}* ")" -> FunctionCall {cons("StaticFunctionCall")}
     FullyQualifiedClassName "::" CVar         "(" {CallParam ","}* ")" -> FunctionCall {cons("StaticFunctionCall")}

     String         -> FunctionName {cons("FunctionName")}

  %% The following names are not allowed as a function name. This is because
  %% they are parsed in a different manner. 
  %% This is not the same set as KeyWord because a function such as true() can
  %% be defined.
     'isset'        -> FunctionName {reject}
     'empty'        -> FunctionName {reject}
     'eval'         -> FunctionName {reject}
     'exit'         -> FunctionName {reject}
     'array'        -> FunctionName {reject}
     'print'        -> FunctionName {reject}
     'include'      -> FunctionName {reject}
     'include_once' -> FunctionName {reject}
     'require'      -> FunctionName {reject}
     'require_once' -> FunctionName {reject}
     'declare'      -> FunctionName {reject}
     'echo'         -> FunctionName {reject}
     'global'       -> FunctionName {reject}                                                                          
     'if'           -> FunctionName {reject}
     'else'         -> FunctionName {reject}
     'while'        -> FunctionName {reject}
     'elseif'       -> FunctionName {reject}
     'break'        -> FunctionName {reject}
     'return'       -> FunctionName {reject}
     'continue'     -> FunctionName {reject}
     'static'       -> FunctionName {reject}
     'unset'        -> FunctionName {reject}
     'die'          -> FunctionName {reject}

  %%Some more involved Expressions
  %%Operator expressions are in Operators.sdf
  sorts AssignmentListElem List
  context-free syntax
    'list' "(" AssignmentListElem? ")"        -> List {cons("List"),prefer} %% To prevent Ambiguity
    'list' "(" {AssignmentListElem? ","}+ ")" -> List {cons("List")}

    List "=" Expr -> Expr {cons("ListAssign")}

    List       -> AssignmentListElem
    ObjectCVar -> AssignmentListElem

   %% Some variabels can be explicitly assigned as a reference.
  sorts New
  context-free syntax
    ObjectCVar "=" "&" ObjectCVar         -> Expr{cons("ReferenceAssign")}
    ObjectCVar "=" "&" FunctionCall       -> Expr{cons("ReferenceAssign")}
    ObjectCVar "=" "&" New                -> Expr{cons("ReferenceAssign")}
    ObjectCVar "=" "&" ObjectFunctionCall -> Expr{cons("ReferenceAssign")}

   %% Exit expression
  context-free syntax
    'exit'              -> Expr {cons("Exit"), prefer}
    'exit' "(" ")"      -> Expr {cons("Exit"), prefer}
    'exit' "(" Expr ")" -> Expr {cons("Exit"), prefer}

    'die'              -> Expr {cons("Die"), prefer}
    'die' "(" ")"      -> Expr {cons("Die"), prefer}
    'die' "(" Expr ")" -> Expr {cons("Die"), prefer}

  sorts ArrayPair Array ArrayValue ArrayKey
  context-free syntax
  %% Array syntax
    Array -> Expr

    %% Array with pairs
    'array' "(" {ArrayPair ","}* ")"     -> Array {cons("Array")}
    'array' "(" {ArrayPair ","}+ "," ")" -> Array {cons("Array")} %% Strange, but correct syntax
                                                                  %% We avoid a new constructor
    %% Which are key-values pairs with an optional key
    ArrayKey? ArrayValue -> ArrayPair {cons("Pair")}

    Expr "=>" -> ArrayKey {cons("Key")}

    Expr           -> ArrayValue {cons("Value")}
    "&" ObjectCVar -> ArrayValue {cons("RefValue")}

   %% The print command
  context-free syntax
    'print' Expr  -> Expr {cons("Print"), prefer}

  sorts InternalFunction
  context-free syntax
  %% Special functions that are performed internally
  'isset' "(" {ObjectCVar ","}+  ")" -> InternalFunction {cons("Isset")}
  'empty' "(" ObjectCVar         ")" -> InternalFunction {cons("Empty")}
  'eval'  "(" Expr ")"         -> InternalFunction {cons("Eval")}
  'include' Expr               -> InternalFunction {cons("Include")}
  'include_once' Expr          -> InternalFunction {cons("IncludeOnce")}
  'require' Expr               -> InternalFunction {cons("Require")}
  'require_once' Expr          -> InternalFunction {cons("RequireOnce")}

  lexical restrictions
  %% Make sure that require_once and include_once are not broken into pieces
    'require' -/- [\_]
    'include' -/- [\_]

%%Calling from the commandline can be specified in the same manner as
%%DoubleQuotedStrings are parsed. This means that we have to extend the
%%syntax of doubleQuoted strings and add some more rules to it.

  sorts CommandPart Escape HexaCharacter OctaCharacter EscapeVariable BracedVariable DollarCharLit CurlyBracketLit SlashCharLit
    "`" CommandPart* "`"  -> <Expr-CF> {cons("ShellCommand")}

    CommandPart+ CommandPart+ -> CommandPart+ {avoid}

    <CommandLit-LEX>   -> CommandPart {cons("Literal")}  
     EEscape           -> CommandPart
     Escape            -> CommandPart
     HexaCharacter     -> CommandPart
     OctaCharacter     -> CommandPart
     EscapeVariable    -> CommandPart
     BracedVariable    -> CommandPart         

  sorts EEscape ESlashCharLit CommandLit
  lexical syntax
     (~[\`\\\$\{] | ESlashCharLit | DollarCharLit | CurlyBracketLit)+ -> CommandLit
     SlashCharLit             -> ESlashCharLit

  lexical restrictions
    CommandLit      -/- ~[\\\$\{\`]   
    ESlashCharLit   -/- [\`]

    "\\" [\`] -> EEscape {cons("Escape")}