 * Conc to Cons
 * SDF2 lists are composed by means of a binary concatenation
 * operator (\verb|A+ A+ -> A+|) that we translated to
 * \verb|Conc| above. In abstract syntax trees we want to
 * represent lists by \verb|Cons/Nil| structures. The following
 * rules achieve this transformation.
 * Note: these strategies are not used in the main implode-asfix.
module stratego/asfix/implode/conc

  CTC0 : Snoc(x, y) -> Conc(x, Ins(y))
  CTC0 : [x | y] -> Conc(Ins(x), y)

  CTC1 : Conc(Conc(x, y), z) -> Conc(x, Conc(y, z))

  CTC1 : Conc( Conc( a, b, c ), d, e) ->
         Conc( a, b, Conc( c, d, e ) )
  CTC2 : Conc( x, y, z ) -> <concat>[x,[y],z]

  CTC1 : Conc([], x) -> x
  CTC1 : Conc(x, []) -> x

  CTC2 : Conc(Ins(x), []) -> [x]
  CTC2 : Conc(Ins(x), Ins(y)) -> [x, y]
  CTC2 : Conc(Ins(x), [y | z]) -> [x, y | z]

  CTC3 : Ins(x) -> [x]

  CTC4 : Conc([x | y], z) -> Conc(Ins(x), Conc(y, z))

    Ins  : a -> List(a)
    Conc : List(a) * List(a) -> List(a)
    Conc : List(a) * List(a) * List(a) -> List(a)

     * @todo Where is this Snoc coming from?
    Snoc : List(a) * a -> List(a)


  conc-to-cons = 
    rec x(repeat(CTC0 + CTC1 + Conc(CTC0, id)); 
          (Conc(id, x) <+ all(x)); 
          try(CTC2; Cons(x, id) + CTC3))