module util/config/keep
imports util/config/common

  * Sets the 'keep' level.
  * E.g. <set-keep>4 sets the keep level to 4.
  set-keep = 
    <set-config> ("--keep", <id>)

  * Give the current 'keep' level. Default is 0.
  get-keep = 
    <get-config> "--keep" <+ !0

  * Builds command-line parameter for 'keep' levels for calling XT tools.
  * E.g. xtc-transform(!"abox2text", pass-keep ) passes the 'keep' level
  * to abox2text.
  pass-keep = 
    !["--keep", <subt; int-to-string>(<get-config <+ !1> "--keep", 1)]

 * Apply the supplied strategy if the 'keep' level is set to a value greater
 * than or equal to the number given in the strategy name.
 * E.g. if-keep5(debug) calls the debug strategy if 'keep' level is > 5.
 * @param strategy to be applied

  if-keep(s|t) =
    if <geq> (<get-keep> (), t) then
  if-keep1(s) = if-keep(s|1)
  if-keep2(s) = if-keep(s|2)
  if-keep3(s) = if-keep(s|3)
  if-keep4(s) = if-keep(s|4) 
  if-keep5(s) = if-keep(s|5) 
  if-keep6(s) = if-keep(s|6) 
  if-keep7(s) = if-keep(s|7)

 * Apply the supplied strategy if the 'keep' level is set to a value lesser
 * than or equal to the number given in the strategy name.
 * E.g. if-less-keep3(s) calls the s strategy if 'keep' level is < 3.
 * @param strategy to be applied

  * @obsolete
  if-less-keep1(s|t) = if-less-keep(s|t)

  if-less-keep(s|t) = 
    if <leq> (<get-keep> (), t) then

  if-less-keep1(s) = if-keep(s|1)
  if-less-keep2(s) = if-keep(s|2)
  if-less-keep3(s) = if-keep(s|3) 
  if-less-keep4(s) = if-keep(s|4) 
  if-less-keep5(s) = if-keep(s|5) 
  if-less-keep6(s) = if-keep(s|6) 
  if-less-keep7(s) = if-keep(s|7)