 * This module contains strategies for operating on strings.
 * In Stratego, strings are primitive terms, separate from characters
 * and character lists. It is recommended that all strings contain only
 * ISO-8859-1 (Latin1) characters.
 * @author Eelco Visser <visser@acm.org>
 * @author Karl Trygve Kalleberg <karltk@strategoxt.org>
module term/string

 * Primitives

   * Generates a unique new string of the form 'c_d',
   * where c is one char and d is a positive integer.
  new = prim("SSL_new")

   * Generates a unique new string with user-defined prefix
   * the form 'sd', where s is a string and d is a positive integer.
   * The produced string is *always* unique across a program run.
   * The prefix comes in front of an increasing number, which is
   * separately maintained and started at 0 for each prefix.
   * Examples (results are shown in comment)
   *     <newname; debug> "a"        // produces "a0"
   *   ; <newname; debug> "a"        // produces "a1"
   *   ; <newname; debug> "a"        // produces "a2"
   *   ; <newname; debug> "b"        // produces "b0"
   *   ; <newname; debug> "b"        // produces "b1"
   *   ; <newname; debug> "b_2"      // produces "b_20"
   *   ; <newname; debug> "b_2"      // produces "b_21"
   *   ; <newname; debug> "b_a"      // produces "b_a0"
   *   ; <newname; debug> "b_a"      // produces "b_a1"
   *   ; <newname; debug> "a_"       // produces "a_0"
   *   ; <newname; debug> "a_1"      // produces "a_10"
  newname = ?prefix; prim("SSL_newname", prefix)

   * Predicate that checks if the supplied term is a string.
   * @type String -> String
  is-string	 = ?x; prim("SSL_is_string", x)

   * Predicate that checks if the supplied term is a printable character.
   * @type Char -> Char
  is-char = is-int ; is-ascii

   * Implodes a list of chars to a string.
   * @type List(Char) -> String
  implode-string = ?x; prim("SSL_implode_string", x)

   * Explodes a String to a list of chars.
   * @type String -> List(Char)
  explode-string = ?x; prim("SSL_explode_string", x)   

   * Wraps a strategy on a list of chars in a strategy on a string.
   * @param List(Char) -> List(Char)
   * @type  String -> String
  string-as-chars(s) =
    ; s
    ; implode-string

   * Concats a tuple of two Strings.
   * @type String * String -> String
  conc-strings =
     ?(_,_)   ; strcat 
  <+ ?""#(xs) ; <concat-strings>xs

   * Concats a tuple of two Strings.
   * @warning  doesn't accept tuples with more than two string.
   * @type     String * String -> String
   * @inc      strcat-1
   * @inc      strcat-2
   * @inc      strcat-3
   * @inc      strcat-4
  strcat =
    ?(str1, str2); prim("SSL_strcat", str1, str2)

   * Concats a list of Strings
   * @type List(String) -> String
   * @inc      concat-strings-1
   * @inc      concat-strings-2
   * @inc      concat-strings-3
   * @inc      concat-strings-4
  concat-strings =
    ?strings; prim("SSL_concat_strings", strings)


   * Returns the number of characters in a string.
   * @type String -> Int
  string-length =

   * Returns the number of characters in a string.
   * @type String -> Int
   * @inc      strlen-1
   * @inc      strlen-2
   * @inc      strlen-3
  strlen =
    ?str; prim("SSL_strlen", str)


   * Escapes double quotes, backslash and linefeed to C like escape sequences.
   * @type String -> String
   * @inc  escape-test1
  escape = string-as-chars(escape-chars)

   * Escapes double quotes, backslash and linefeed to C like escape sequences.
   * @type List(Char) -> List(Char)
  escape-chars =

  /** @internal */
  escape-chars(s) = 
    rec x(
       (s; [id, id | x])
    <+ [id | x]
    <+ []

   * Unescapes double quotes, backslash, linefeed and tabs.
   * @type String -> String
   * @inc unescape-test1
   * @inc unescape-test2
   * @inc unescape-test3
   * @inc unescape-test4
  unescape = string-as-chars(unescape-chars)

   * Unescapes characters using a specified unescape strategy.
   * @param List(Char) -> List(Char)
   * @type  List(Char) -> List(Char)
  unescape-chars(s) = 
    rec x(
    ; ([id | x] <+ [])

   * Unescapes double quotes, backslash, linefeed and tabs.
   * @type List(Char) -> List(Char)
  unescape-chars = 

   * @type List(Char) -> List(Char)
  Escape =
    + Escape-backslash
    + Escape-linefeed
    + Escape-carriage-return

  /** @internal */
  Escape-double-quote    : ['"'  | cs ] -> ['\', '"'  | cs ]
  /** @internal */
  Escape-single-quote    : ['\'' | cs ] -> ['\', '\'' | cs ]
  /** @internal */
  Escape-backslash       : ['\'  | cs ] -> ['\', '\'  | cs ]
  /** @internal */
  Escape-linefeed        : ['\n' | cs ] -> ['\', 'n'  | cs ]
  /** @internal */
  Escape-carriage-return : ['\r' | cs ] -> ['\', 'r'  | cs ]

   * @type List(Char) -> List(Char)
  UnEscape =
    + UnEscape-backslash
    + UnEscape-linefeed
    + UnEscape-tab
    + UnEscape-carriage-return

  /** @internal */
  UnEscape-double-quote    : ['\', '"'  | cs ] -> ['"'  | cs ]
  /** @internal */
  UnEscape-single-quote    : ['\', '\'' | cs ] -> ['\'' | cs ]
  /** @internal */
  UnEscape-backslash       : ['\', '\'  | cs ] -> ['\'  | cs ]
  /** @internal */
  UnEscape-carriage-return : ['\', 'r'  | cs ] -> ['\r' | cs ]
  /** @internal */
  UnEscape-linefeed        : ['\', 'n'  | cs ] -> ['\n' | cs ]
  /** @internal */
  UnEscape-tab             : ['\', 't'  | cs ] -> ['\t' | cs ]

  /** @internal */
  UnEscape(|c) :
    ['\', c | cs ] -> [c  | cs ]


  /** @internal */
  escape(esc : (List(String) -> List(String)) * List(String) -> List(String) ) = 
    rec x(esc(x) <+ [id | x] <+ []);

   * @inc escape-test2
  cify = escape(Cify)

  /** @internal */
  uncify = escape(UnCify)

  /** @internal */
  UnCify(x) = UnCify1(x) <+ UnCify2(x) <+ UnCify3(x)


  /** @internal */
  Cify(x) : ['\'' | cs] -> ['_', 'p', '_' | <x>cs]

  /** @internal */
  Cify(x) : ['-'  | cs] -> ['_'           | <x>cs]

  /** @internal */
  Cify(x) : ['_'  | cs] -> ['_', '_'      | <x>cs]

  /** @internal */
  Cify(x) : ['"'  | cs] -> ['_', 'q', '_' | <x>cs]

  /** @internal */
  Cify(x) : ['\'  | cs] -> ['_', 'b', '_' | <x>cs]

  /** @internal */
  UnCify1(x) : ['_', 'b', '_' | cs] -> ['\'  | <x>cs]

  /** @internal */
  UnCify1(x) : ['_', 'q', '_' | cs] -> ['"'  | <x>cs]

  /** @internal */
  UnCify1(x) : ['_', 'p', '_' | cs] -> ['\'' | <x>cs]

  /** @internal */
  UnCify2(x) : ['_', '_'      | cs] -> ['_'  | <x>cs]

  /** @internal */
  UnCify3(x) : ['_'           | cs] -> ['-'  | <x>cs]

 * Quoting Literals

   * param  () -> Char
   * @type  String -> String
  quote(c) = string-as-chars(quote-chars(c))

   * param  () -> Char
   * @type  List(Char) -> List(Char)
  quote-chars(c) = <quote-chars> (<c> (), <id>)

   * @type Char * List(Char) -> List(Char)
    (c, chars) -> <conc> ([c | chars], [c])

   * Adds single quotes to the start and end of a list
   * of characters.
   * @type List(Char) -> List(Char)
  single-quote-chars = <quote-chars> ('\'', <id>)

   * Adds double quotes to the start and end of a 
   * list of characters.
   * @type List(Char) -> List(Char)
  double-quote-chars = <quote-chars> ('"' , <id>)

   * @inc single-quote-test
  single-quote = string-as-chars(single-quote-chars)
   * Adds double quotes to the start and end of 
   * a string.
   * @type String -> String
  double-quote = string-as-chars(double-quote-chars)

 * Unquoting

   * Removes the first and last character of a string.
   * The characters must satisfy s.
   * @param Char ->? _ 
   * @type  String -> String
  unquote(s) =

   * Removes the first and last character of a string.
   * The first character must satisfy s1.
   * The last character must satisfy s2.
   * @param  Char ->? _ 
   * @param  Char ->? _ 
   * @type   String -> String
  unquote(s1, s2) =
    string-as-chars(unquote-chars(s1, s2))

   * Removes the first and last character of a list of characters.
   * The characters must satisfy s.
   * @param  Char ->? _ 
   * @type   List(Char) -> List(Char)
  unquote-chars(s) =
    unquote-chars(s, s)

   * Removes the first and last character of a list of characters.
   * The first character must satisfy s1.
   * The last character must satisfy s2.
   * @param  Char ->? _ 
   * @param  Char ->? _ 
   * @type   List(Char) -> List(Char)
  unquote-chars(s1, s2) =
      where(Hd;   s1)
    ; where(last; s2)
    ; Tl
    ; init

   * Removes single quotes from the start and end of a list 
   * of characters. Fails if the list is not properly
   * quoted.
   * @type  List(Char) -> List(Char)
  un-single-quote-chars = unquote-chars(?'\'')

   * Removes double quotes from the start and end of a list 
   * of characters. Fails if the list is not properly
   * quoted.
   * @type  List(Char) -> List(Char)
  un-double-quote-chars = unquote-chars(?'"' )

   * Removes single quotes from the start and end of a string 
   * Fails if the string is not properly quoted.
   * @type  String -> String
  un-single-quote = string-as-chars(un-single-quote-chars)

   * Removes double quotes from the start and end of a string 
   * Fails if the string is not properly quoted.
   * @type  String -> String
  un-double-quote = string-as-chars(un-double-quote-chars)


 /** Predicate that checks if a string is double quoted, i.e. quoted
  * with double quotation marks (").
  * @inc is-double-quote 1
  * @inc is-double-quote 2
  * @inc is-double-quote 3
  * @inc is-double-quote 4
  * @inc is-double-quote 5
  * @inc is-double-quote 6
  * @type   String -> String
  is-double-quoted =

   * Predicate that checks a string is quoted with single quotes.
   * @type  String -> String
  is-single-quoted =

   * Predicate that checks if a character list is double quoted. That
   * is, if the first and last character are both double quotes.
   * @type List(Char) -> List(Char)
  is-double-quoted-chars =

   * Predicate that checks if a character list is single quoted. That is,
   * if the first and last character are both single quotes.
   * @type List(Char) -> List(Char)
  is-single-quoted-chars =

   * Predicate that checks if a string is quoted with the given character.
   * The character c is the quotation character to check for.
   * @param Char
   * @type  String -> String
  is-quoted(|c) =
      ; is-quoted-chars(|c)

   * Predicate that checks if a list of characters is quoted with
   * the character given by the term argument. That is, if the
   * first and last character of the list are both equal to c.
   * @param Char
   * @type List(Char) -> List(Char)
  is-quoted-chars(|c) =
    where(?[c | <last>]; ?c)


   * @obsolete use string-to-int
  string-to-num =
    obsolete(!"string-to-num; use string-to-int")
    ; string-to-int


  * Converts all characters of this string to lower case
  * @type  String -> String
  lower-case = string-as-chars(lower-case-chars)

  * Converts all characters of this string to upper case
  * @inc upper-case-test
  upper-case = string-as-chars(upper-case-chars)

   * Converts a list of characters to lower case.
   * Example: <explode-string ; lower-case-char ; implode-string> "STRATEGO" => "stratego"
   * @type  List(Char) -> List(Char)
  lower-case-chars = map(to-lower)

   * Converts a list of characters to upper case.
   * Example: <explode-string ; upper-case-chars ; implode-string> "stratego" => "STRATEGO"
   * @type  List(Char) -> List(Char)
  upper-case-chars = map(to-upper)


   * Breaks a string into tokens.
   * Given a list of possible delimiters (characters that
   * separate tokens), string-tokenize returns a list of
   * tokens for a given string.
   * @param List of separate characters
   * @type  String -> List(String)
  string-tokenize(|sepchars) =
    string-tokenize({c: ?c; <fetch(?c)> sepchars})

  /** @internal */
  string-tokenize(sep) =
    ; list-tokenize(sep)
    ; map(implode-string)

   * @inc   tokenize-test1
   * @inc   tokenize-test2
   * @inc   tokenize-test3
   * @inc   tokenize-test4
   * @inc   tokenize-test5
   * @type  (List(Char), String) -> List(String)
  string-tokenize =
      ?(sepchars, <id>)
    ; string-tokenize(|sepchars)


  * @param s  () -> Char
  * @type String * Int -> String
  * @inc  padd-with-test
  padd-with(s) =
    <align-right> (<s> (), <Fst>, <Snd>)

   * @type Char * String * Int -> String
  align-right :
    (c, s, n) -> <conc-strings> (add, s)
      where <align-helper(|c, n)> s => add

   * @type Char * String * Int -> String
  align-left :
    (c, s, n) -> <conc-strings> (s, add)
      where <align-helper(|c, n)> s => add

   * @type Char * String * Int -> String
  align-center :
    (c, s, n) -> <concat-strings> [add-before, s, add-after]
      where <string-length> s => l
          ; <subt> (n, l) => whitespace
          ; <   even
              < div2; Dupl
              + dec; div2; Dupl; (inc, id)
            > whitespace => (before, after)
          ; <align-helper(|c, <add> (l, before))> s => add-before
          ; <align-helper(|c, <add> (l, after ))> s => add-after

       * @param c  Char
       * @param n  Int
       * @type String -> String
      align-helper(|c, n) =
        ; <subt> (n, <id>)
        ; if pos then
            <copy-char> (<id>, c)

      div2 = <div> (<id>, 2)


  /** @internal */
  SplitInit : x -> ([], [], x)

  /** @internal */
  SplitExit : 
	(xs, cs, []) -> 
	<reverse> [<reverse; implode-string> cs|xs]

  /** @internal */
  SplitNext : 
	(xs, cs, [32|ys]) -> 
	([<reverse; implode-string> cs | xs], [], ys)

  /** @internal */
  SplitNext : 
	(xs, cs, [y|ys]) -> (xs, [y|cs], ys)
	where <not(eq)> (y, 32)


   * Splits a string at each occurrence of a whitespace. The
   * resulting list of string does not contain any of the
   * whitespaces. Two adjacent whitespaces will result in
   * an empty string in the result.
   * Example: <split-at-space> "foo  bar" => ["foo", "", "bar"]
   * @type String -> List(String)
  split-at-space =
    rec x(SplitExit <+ SplitNext; x)  

  * @inc split-at-dot-test
  split-at-dot =
	; rec r(   \(int,[46|frac]) -> (int,frac)\ 
		<+ \(int,[i|rest])  -> <r>(<at-end(![i])>int,rest)\
		<+ (id,Nil))
	; (implode-string,implode-string)

  // fails if sub isn't in l
  * @inc split-before-test
  split-before = ?(l,sub);
        <explode-string>sub => sub';
        \ x -> ([],x) \;
        rec r( \ x@(_,x') -> x where <left-match>(x',sub') \ <+
               \ (x',[x|xs]) -> <r>(<at-end(![x])>x',xs) \ );

  // results in (l,"") if sub isn't in l
  * @inc split-after-test
  split-after = ?(l,sub);
        <explode-string>sub => sub';
        \ x -> ([],x) \;
        rec r( (id,[]) <+
               \ (x,x') -> (<conc>(x,sub'),<left-match>(x',sub')) \ <+
               \ (x',[x|xs]) -> <r>(<at-end(![x])>x',xs) \ );

   * Succeeds if the string produced by s is a substring
   * of the argument string.
   * @param _ -> String
   * @type String -> _
  is-substring(s) = 
    s;explode-string => sub;

    <rec r({a,xs:
      ?a@[_|xs]; (<left-match>(a,sub) <+ <r>xs)

  // <copy-char> (3, 32) -> "   "
  * @inc copy-char-test
  copy-char = 
    copy; implode-string

   * Sorts a list of strings lexicographically, ignoring case, ascending.
   * @inc string-sort-test-a
   * @inc string-sort-test-b
   * @inc string-sort-test-c
   * @type List(String) -> List(String)
  string-sort = 
    ; qsort(string-lt)
    ; map(implode-string)

   * Sorts a list of strings lexicographically ignoring case, descending.
   * @type List(String) -> List(String)
  string-sort-desc = 
    ; qsort(string-gt)
    ; map(implode-string)


   * Compares two strings or lists of characters lexicographically and succeeds if
   * the first one is larger than the second, ignoring case.
   * @type  (List(Char), List(Char)) -> 1
   * @type  (String, String)         -> 1
  string-gt = 
    try((explode-string, explode-string));
    strcasecmp; ?1

   * Compares two strings or lists of characters lexicographically and succeeds if
   * the first one is smaller than the second, ignoring case.
   * @type  (List(Char), List(Char)) -> 1
   * @type  (String, String)         -> 1
  string-lt =
    try((explode-string, explode-string));
    strcasecmp; ?-1

   * Succeeds if the first String starts with the second String.
   * If the strategy succeeds, the current term is left untouched.
   * Example: <string-starts-with(|"foo")> "foobar"
   * @type  String -> String
  string-starts-with(|start) =
    where(<left-match> (<explode-string>, <explode-string> start))

   * Succeeds if the first String ends with the second String.
   * If the strategy succeeds, the current term is left untouched.
   * Example: <string-ends-with(|"bar")> "foobar"
   * @type  String -> String
  string-ends-with(|end) =
    where(<right-match> (<explode-string>, <explode-string> end))

   * Succeeds if the first list of terms starts with the second list of terms.
   * Returns the suffix of the first list that is not matched.
   * @type  (List(a), List(a)) -> List(a)
  left-match =
      rec r(
         \ ([l|ls],[l|rs]) -> <r> (ls,rs) \
      <+ (id,[])
    ; Fst

   * Succeeds if the first list of terms ends with the second list of terms.
   * Returns the prefix of the first list that is not matched.
   * @type  (List(a), List(a)) -> List(a)
  right-match = 
      (reverse, reverse)
    ; left-match
    ; reverse
  * @inc strcmp
  strcmp = rec r(
       \([x|xs],[x|ys]) -> <r>(xs,ys)\
	  <+ \([],[]) -> 0\
	  <+ \([x|_],[y|_]) -> -1 where <lt>(x,y)\
	  <+ \([],[_|_]) -> -1\
      // these last two cases are handled faster by just !1
      //	<+ \([_|_],[]) -> 1\
      //	<+ \([x|_],[y|_]) -> 1\
	  <+ !1

   * Compares the n first characters of two character lists, n
   * is given by the last argument. If the two lists are identical,
   * the integer 0 is returned, otherwise the integer 1 is returned.
   * @type List(Char) * List(Char) * Int -> Int
  strncmp = rec r
	(  \(_,_,0) -> 0\
	<+ \([x|xs],[x|ys],i) -> <r>(xs,ys,<subt>(i,1))\
	<+ \([],[],_) -> 0\
	<+ \([x|_],[y|_],_) -> -1 where <lt>(x,y)\
	<+ \([],[_|_],_) -> -1\
	<+ !1

   * Compares two lists of characters lexicographically, ignoring case.
   * Returns:
   *   -1 if first is smaller than the second.
   *   0  if the strings are equal.
   *   1  if the first is larger than the second.
   * @type (List(Char), List(Char)) -> -1, 0,1 or -1.
  strcasecmp = rec r
	(  \([x|xs],[y|ys]) -> <r>(xs,ys) where <case-char(eq)>(x,y)\
	<+ \([],[]) -> 0\
	<+ \([x|_],[y|_]) -> -1 where <case-char(lt)>(x,y)\
	<+ \([],[_|_]) -> -1\
	<+ !1


   * Splits a string into a list of tokens, including the empty ones.
   * This strategy differs from string-tokenize in that it produces an empty ""
   * token when two separator chars are encountered, or after a final separator.
   * Example:
   *  <string-tokenize-keep-empty(|['\n'])> "fu\n\nbar\n" => ["fu","","bar",""]
   * @param The list of characters that may separate two tokens.
   * @type sepChars [char]
   * @type    string -> [string]
   * @since 0.9.5
  string-tokenize-keep-empty(|sepChars) =
    ; rec x( ( split-fetch(<elem> (<id>, sepChars))
             ; \ (tchars, cs) -> [tchars|<x> cs] \ )
          <+ ![<id>])
    ; map(implode-string)

   * Splits a string into a list of tokens, keeping the separating elements as
   * 1-char-strings within the results list, *and* also keeping the empty
   * "" tokens.
   * Example:
   *  <string-tokenize-keep-all(|['\n'])> "fu\n\nbar\n" => ["fu","\n","","\n","bar","\n",""]
   * @param The list of characters that may separate two tokens.
   * @type sepChars [char]
   * @type    string -> [string]
   * @since 0.9.5
  string-tokenize-keep-all(|sepChars) =
    ; rec x( ( split-fetch-keep(where(<elem> (<id>, sepChars)))
             ; \ (tchars, s, cs) -> [tchars|[[s]|<x> cs]] \ )
          <+ ![<id>])
    ; map(implode-string)

   * Gets all newline(\n, \r\n or \r)-separated lines in a string.
   * If the string is ended by a newline, the last element of the returned list
   * is the empty string.
   * @type string -> [string]
   * @since 0.9.4
  get-lines =
    ; let split-at-newlines = {tl: 
               (['\n'       | tl] -> [])
            <+ (['\r', '\n' | tl] -> [])
            <+ (['\r'       | tl] -> [])
            ; ![<id> | <split-at-newlines> tl]
            <+ ![<id>]
       in split-at-newlines
    ; map(implode-string)

   * Applies a strategy to all lines in a string.
   * Lines are expected to be separated by a single '\n'.
   * The last line may be ended by a newline, or not. In the former case, the
   * last line in the resulting string will also be ended by a newline,
   * otherwise not.
   * Initial or intermediate newlines are preserved.
   * The strategy is applied to each line (even the empty ones), *excluding*
   * the newline character. The newline is appended again after application of s
   * @param The strategy that should be applied to each line.
   * @type s string -> string
   * @type   string -> string
   * @since 0.9.4
  all-lines(s) =
  ; string-tokenize-keep-empty(|['\n'])
  ; at-last( \ [""] -> [] \  // Do not run s on a final empty line.
           < where(!["\n"] => laststring) // ... but remember that the second last line was delimited by a newline
           + where(![] => laststring))    // ... or not.
  ; map(s)
  ; <separate-by> ("\n", <id>)
  ; <conc> (<id>, laststring) // Restore the final newline, if there was one.
  ; concat-strings

   * Makes one newline-separated string out of a list of strings.
   * @since 0.9.4
  lines =
  ; <conc> (<id>, ["\n"])
  ; concat-strings

   * Indents every line in a string with spaces.
   * @param The number of spaces to be put in front of every line.
   * @type n int
   * @type string -> string
   * @since 0.9.4
  indent-text(|n) =
    where(<copy-char> (n, ' ') => prefix)
  ; prefix-lines(|prefix)

   * Prefixes all lines in a string with a string.
   * @param The prefix.
   * @type p string
   * @type   string -> string
   * @since 0.9.4
  prefix-lines(|p) =
    all-lines(<conc-strings> (p, <id>))


   * Trims leading characters from a string. The characters to 
   * to trim are given by the strategy argument.
   * Removes from the left-hand side all characters matched by
   * strategy s.
   * Example:  <ltrim-chars(?' ')> "   fred  " => "fred  "
   * @param should match all characters to be removed
   * @type String -> String
   * @since 0.9.5
  ltrim-chars(s) = string-as-chars(ltrim(s))

   * Trims trailing characters from a string.
   * Removes from the right-hand side all characters matched by
   * strategy s.
   * Example: <rtrim-chars(?' ')> "   fred  " => "   fred"
   * @param should match on all characters to be removed
   * @type String -> String
   * @since 0.9.5
  rtrim-chars(s) = string-as-chars(rtrim(s))

   * Trims leading and trailing characters from a string. The
   * characters to trim is given by the strategy argument.
   * Removes from both ends all characters matched by strategy
   * s.
   * Example:  <trim-chars(?' ')>  "   fred  " => "fred"
   * @param should match all characters to be removed
   * @type String -> String
   * @since 0.9.5
  trim-chars(s)  = string-as-chars(trim(s))

   * Succeeds if the character is whitespace.
   * Whitespace is a space (32), or a tab (9)
   * @type Char -> Char
   * @since 0.9.5
  is-whitespace = test('\t' + ' ')

   * Trims all trailing whitespace in a (single-line) string.
   * @type String -> String
   * @since 0.9.5
  trim-trailing-whitespace =

   * Trims all leading whitespace in a (single-line) string.
   * @type String -> String
   * @since 0.9.5
  trim-leading-whitespace =

   * Trims all trailing and leading whitespace in a (single-line) string.
   * @type String -> String
   * @since 0.9.5
  trim-whitespace =


   * Some shuffling strategies
   * @internal
  shuffle-forced =
      where(length; <gt> (<id>, 1))
    ; where(at-suffix(?[x,y|xs]; where(not(<eq> (x, y)))))
    ; rec x({orig: ?orig; shuffle; (where(<eq> (orig, <id>)) < x + id)})
    <+ id

  /** @internal */
  shuffle =
    ; map(!(<next-random> (), <id>))
    ; sort-list(SortL((Fst, Fst); gt))
    ; map(Snd)

  /** @internal */
  shuffle-word-mids =
      string-tokenize-keep-all(|[' ', '.', ','])
    ; map(shuffle-word-mid)
    ; concat-strings

  /** @internal */
  shuffle-word-mid =
   ; (where(strlen; <lt> (<id>, 3))
   <+ explode-string
   ; ?[i|cs]
   ; <reverse> cs
   ; ?[l|mid]
   ; where(<shuffle-forced; reverse> mid => shuffledmid)
   ; <concat; implode-string> [[i],shuffledmid, [l]])


   * @inc is-alphanum-test
  is-alphanum = is-num + is-alpha
   * Succeeds if the character is part of the lowercase or
   * uppercase alphabet.
   * @type Char -> Char
  is-alpha = is-upper + is-lower

   * Succeeds if applied to a character that is a hexidecimal
   * digit, i.e. either of the characters in the range '0'-'9'
   * or 'A'-'F' or 'a'-'f'.
   * @type Char -> Char
  is-hexnum =
    ; (
      + where(<leq-leq> ('a', <id>, 'f'))
      + where(<leq-leq> ('A', <id>, 'F'))

   * @inc is-num-test
   * @inc is-not-num-test
  is-num =
    where(<leq-leq> ('0', <id>, '9'))

   * Succeeds if this character is upper-case.
   * @type Char -> Char
  is-upper =
    where(<leq-leq> ('A', <id>, 'Z'))

   * Succeeds if this character is lower-case.
   * @type Char -> Char
  is-lower =
    where(<leq-leq> ('a', <id>, 'z'))

   * Succeeds if this string only contains printable ASCII characters.
   * The letters 32 through 126, in total 96 characters, are defined
   * as printable.
   * @type Char -> Char
  is-ascii =
    where(<leq-leq> ( 32, <id>, 127))

   * Applies a strategy to the upper-case variants of two characters.
   * This is useful for doing case-insenstive operations.
   * @param (Char, Char) -> a
   * @type  (Char, Char) -> a
  case-char(s) = (to-upper, to-upper); s

   * Ensures that a character is upper-case.
   * This strategy returns the input character if this
   * character is already upper-case.
   * @type Char -> Char
  to-upper =
    is-lower < <subt> (<id>, 32) + id

   * Ensures that a character is lower-case.
   * This strategy returns the input character if this
   * character is already lower-case.
   * @type Char -> Char
  to-lower = is-upper < <add>  (<id>, 32) + id

   * Replaces one substring with another in a string.
   * Example: <string-replace(|"foo", "bar")> "foobarfoo" gives "barbarbar"
   * @param old - the old substring which is to be excised
   * @param new - the new subtring which is to be inserted
   * @type String -> String
   * @author Karl Trygve Kalleberg <karltk@stratego.org>
  string-replace(|old, new) =
      !([], <explode-string>, <explode-string> old)
    ; internal-string-replace(|<explode-string> old, <explode-string ; reverse> new)
    ; reverse
    ; implode-string
  /** @internal */
  internal-string-replace(|old, new) =
    ?(pre, [ hd | tl ], cur)
    ; (
        !cur => [hd | ctl]
        ; !(pre, tl, ctl)
        ; internal-string-replace-found(|old, new)
        ; internal-string-replace(|old, new)
          !([ hd | pre ], tl, cur)
        ; internal-string-replace(|old, new)

  /** @internal */
  internal-string-replace(|old, new):
    (pre, [], _) -> pre
  /** @internal */
  internal-string-replace-found(|old, new) =
    ?(pre, [ hd | tl ], cur)
    ; !cur => [ hd | ctl ]
    ; !(pre, tl, ctl)
    ; internal-string-replace-found(|old, new)

  /** @internal */
  internal-string-replace-found(|old, new):
    (pre, rest, []) -> (<conc> (new, pre), rest, old)