
File file.str
Author unknown
Since unknown
No information available.


Lines of code 265
Module number 1 (0% documented)
Constructor number 5 (0% documented)
Overlay number 0
Strategy number 29 (72% documented)
Rule number 0
DynamicRule number 0

Constructor summary

F_OK(ATerm ) n/a file.str
Pipe(ATerm , ATerm ) n/a file.str
R_OK(ATerm ) n/a file.str
W_OK(ATerm ) n/a file.str
X_OK(ATerm ) n/a file.str

Strategy summary

access n/a file.str
chdir Change current working directory file.str
close Closing a file file.str
creat Opening a file file.str
dup Duplicating a file descriptor file.str
dup2 n/a file.str
fdopen The fdopen function associates a stream with the existing file descriptor, fd file.str
filemode n/a file.str
fileno The function fileno examines the argument stream and returns its integer descriptor file.str
getcwd Returns the current working directory file.str
isatty Succeeds if file descriptor refers to a terminal device file.str
isblk n/a file.str
ischr n/a file.str
isdir Succeeds when applied to a File which is a directory file.str
isfifo n/a file.str
islnk n/a file.str
isreg n/a file.str
issock n/a file.str
link-file link-file creats a hard link from file 'new' to file 'old' file.str
mkdir(ATerm mode) Create directory file.str
mkdir n/a file.str
modification-time Returns the modification time of a file in sections since epoch file.str
open n/a file.str
pipe Pipe creates a pair Pipe(fd1, fd2) of file descriptors, pointing to a pipe inode, and places them in the array pointed to by filedes file.str
readdir The readdir() function returns a pointer to a dirent structure representing the next directory entry in the directory stream pointed to by dir file.str
rmdir Remove empty directory file.str
STDERR_FILENO n/a file.str
STDIN_FILENO n/a file.str
STDOUT_FILENO n/a file.str

Strategy details

ATerm chdir
File file.str
Author unknown
Since unknown

Change current working directory.

type String -> String

ATerm close
File file.str
Author unknown
Since unknown

Closing a file

Deallocates a file descriptor

ATerm creat
File file.str
Author unknown
Since unknown

Opening a file

ATerm dup
File file.str
Author unknown
Since unknown

Duplicating a file descriptor

ATerm fdopen
File file.str
Author unknown
Since unknown

The fdopen function associates a stream with the existing file descriptor, fd.

The mode of the stream ("r", "r+", "w", "w+", "a", "a+") must be compatible with the mode of the file descriptor. The file position

type (FileDescr, String) -> Stream

ATerm fileno
File file.str
Author unknown
Since unknown

The function fileno examines the argument stream and returns its integer descriptor

type Stream -> FileDescr

ATerm getcwd
File file.str
Author unknown
Since unknown

Returns the current working directory.

ATerm isatty
File file.str
Author unknown
Since unknown

Succeeds if file descriptor refers to a terminal device.

ATerm isblk
File file.str
Author unknown
Since unknown

No information available.

type File -> FileMode

ATerm ischr
File file.str
Author unknown
Since unknown

No information available.

type File -> FileMode

ATerm isdir
File file.str
Author unknown
Since unknown

Succeeds when applied to a File which is a directory.

Idiom: <file-exists ; filemode ; isdir> "/etc"

type File -> FileMode

ATerm isfifo
File file.str
Author unknown
Since unknown

No information available.

type File -> FileMode

ATerm islnk
File file.str
Author unknown
Since unknown

No information available.

type File -> FileMode

ATerm isreg
File file.str
Author unknown
Since unknown

No information available.

type File -> FileMode

ATerm issock
File file.str
Author unknown
Since unknown

No information available.

type File -> FileMode

ATerm link-file
File file.str
Author unknown
Since unknown

link-file creats a hard link from file 'new' to file 'old'.

ATerm mkdir(ATerm mode)
File file.str
Author unknown
Since unknown

Create directory

type String -> Int

ATerm modification-time
File file.str
Author unknown
Since unknown

Returns the modification time of a file in sections sinceepoch.

type String -> Int

ATerm pipe
File file.str
Author unknown
Since unknown

Pipe creates a pair Pipe(fd1, fd2) of file descriptors, pointingto a pipe inode, and places them in the array pointed to by filedes.fd1 is for reading, fd2 is for writing.

type _ -> Pipe

ATerm readdir
File file.str
Author unknown
Since unknown

The readdir() function returns a pointer to a direntstructure representing the next directory entry in thedirectory stream pointed to by dir. It returns NULL onreaching the end-of-file or if an error occurred.

ATerm rmdir
File file.str
Author unknown
Since unknown

Remove empty directory

type String -> Int