
File simple.str
Author Eelco Visser <>
Since unknown

This module contains generic one-pass traversals over terms.

These traversals have been defined using the primitive term traversaloperators of Stratego, all, some and one, and the control operators oflanguage. This results is a wide variety of resuable term traversals.

Term traversals can be categorized into classes according tohow much of the term they traverse and to which partsof the term they modify. Please read the annotated source codeto see the breakdown.


Lines of code 343
Module number 1 (100% documented)
Constructor number 0
Overlay number 0
Strategy number 31 (12% documented)
Rule number 0
DynamicRule number 0

Strategy summary

alldownup2(Strategy s1, Strategy s2) n/a simple.str
alltd(Strategy s) n/a simple.str
alltd-fold(Strategy s1, Strategy s2) n/a simple.str
bottomup(Strategy s) n/a simple.str
bottomup-para(Strategy s) A variation on bottomup is a traversal that also provides the original term as well as the term in which the direct subterms have been transformed simple.str
bottomupS(Strategy s, Strategy stop) n/a simple.str
breadthfirst(Strategy s) n/a simple.str
don't-stop(Strategy s) A unit for topdownS, bottomupS and downupS simple.str
downup(Strategy s) n/a simple.str
downup(Strategy s1, Strategy s2) n/a simple.str
downup2(Strategy s1, Strategy s2) n/a simple.str
downupS(Strategy s, Strategy stop) n/a simple.str
downupS(Strategy s1, Strategy s2, Strategy stop) n/a simple.str
leaves(Strategy s, Strategy is-leaf, Strategy skip) n/a simple.str
leaves(Strategy s, Strategy is-leaf) n/a simple.str
manybu(Strategy s) n/a simple.str
manytd(Strategy s) n/a simple.str
oncebu(Strategy s) n/a simple.str
oncetd(Strategy s) n/a simple.str
oncetd-skip(Strategy s, Strategy skip) n/a simple.str
somebu(Strategy s) n/a simple.str
somedownup(Strategy s) n/a simple.str
somespinebu(Strategy s) n/a simple.str
somespinetd(Strategy s) n/a simple.str
sometd(Strategy s) n/a simple.str
spinebu(Strategy s) Apply s along the spine of a term, in bottom up order simple.str
spinebu'(Strategy s) n/a simple.str
spinetd(Strategy s) Apply s along the spine of a term, in top down order simple.str
spinetd'(Strategy s) n/a simple.str
topdown(Strategy s) n/a simple.str
topdownS(Strategy s, Strategy stop) n/a simple.str

Strategy details

ATerm bottomup-para(Strategy s)
File simple.str
Author unknown
Since unknown

A variation on bottomup is a traversal that also provides theoriginal term as well as the term in which the direct subtermshave been transformed. (also known as a paramorphism?)

ATerm don't-stop(Strategy s)
File simple.str
Author unknown
Since unknown
Strategy s s Term -> Term

A unit for topdownS, bottomupS and downupS. For example, topdown(s) is equivalent to topdownS(s,don't-stop).

type _ -> fail
see topdownS
see bottomupS
see downupS

ATerm spinebu(Strategy s)
File simple.str
Author unknown
Since unknown
Strategy s s Term -> Term

Apply s along the spine of a term, in bottom up order.

A spine of a term is a chain of nodes from the root to somesubterm. The traversal stops when 's' fails for all childrenof a node.

type Term -> Term

ATerm spinetd(Strategy s)
File simple.str
Author unknown
Since unknown
Strategy s s Term -> Term

Apply s along the spine of a term, in top down order.

A spine of a term is a chain of nodes from the root to somesubterm. The traversal stops when 's' fails for all childrenof a node.

type Term -> Term