 * Renaming of bound variables is determined by the shape of
 * variables and binding constructs. Three generic strategies
 * are defined that cater for different complexities of binding
 * constructs.
 * Variable binding constructs protect variables from clashing
 * with variables in other parts of a program when their names
 * are the same. To prevent the introduction of name clashes
 * during program transformation it can be useful to give 
 * all variable bindings a unique name. This module defines three
 * generic strategies for bound variable renaming all based on
 * the same idea, but dealing with increasingly complex variable
 * binding models.
 * Renaming depends \emph{only} on the shape of variable bindings
 * and variable occurences. Other language constructs are irrelevant.
 * In the generic strategies the following assumptions about
 * binding constructs are made: (1)
 * There is a subtree that covers the scope in which the
 * variables are bound. (2) variables are atomic, i.e., do not
 * contain subterms that are
 * variables or binding constructs.
 * Approach: indicate shape of variable occurences and variable
 * binders
module strategy/general/rename

  RnVar(isvar : (name -> env) * name -> term) :
    (t, env) -> <isvar(split(id, !env); lookup)> t

  RnBinding(bndvrs) :
    (t, env1) -> (t, env1, env2)
    where <bndvrs> t => xs; map(new) => ys; 
          <conc>(<zip(id)>(xs,ys), env1) => env2

  DistBinding(s) :
    (t, env1, env2) -> <all( \x -> <s>(x, env2)\ )> t


  * renaming bound variables assuming that variables are bound
  * in all subterms of a binding construct
  * variable declarations in binding constructs are assumed to
  * have the same shape as variable uses 
  rename(isvar : (name -> env) * name -> term
        , bndvars) = 
    \ t -> (t, []) \ ;
    rec x(env-alltd(RnVar(isvar)
                    <+ RnBinding(bndvars);


  DistBinding(s, boundin : (term -> term) * (term -> term) * (term -> term) * term -> term):
    (t, env1, env2) -> <boundin(\x -> <s>(x, env2)\
                               ,\x -> <s>(x, env1)\
                               ,id)> t


  * The strategy \verb|rename(isvar, mkvar, bnd)| renames all
  * bound variables in a term to fresh variables;
  * Parameters:
  * isvar: Succeeds if applied to a variable
  * newvar: Takes a string and builds a variable
  * bnd: Maps a binding construct to the list of bound variables
  * renaming while making a distinction between subterms
  * in which the variables are bound or not
  * variables at binding sites are assumed to have
  * the same shape as other variable occurences
  rename(isvar : (name -> env) * name -> term
        , bndvars
        , boundin : (term -> term) * (term -> term) * (term -> term) * term -> term) = 
    \ t -> (t, []) \ ;
    rec x(env-alltd(RnVar(isvar)
                    <+ RnBinding(bndvars);
                       DistBinding(x, boundin)))


  RnBinding(bndvrs, paste : (term -> vars) * term -> term) :
    (t, env1) -> (<paste(!ys)> t, env1, env2)
    where <bndvrs> t => xs; map(new) => ys; 
          <conc>(<zip(id)>(xs,ys), env1) => env2


  rename(isvar : (name -> env) * name -> term
        , bndvars
        , boundin : (term -> term) * (term -> term) * (term -> term) * term -> term
        , paste : (term -> vars) * term -> term
  = \ t -> (t, []) \ ;
    rec x(env-alltd(RnVar(isvar)
                    <+ RnBinding(bndvars, paste);
                       DistBinding(x, boundin)))