 * Zipping two lists into a list of pairs is a useful operation
 * in many situations. There are many variants of zipping, for
 * instance in the way lists of unequal length are treated. This
 * module defines a collection of zip-like strategies for lists
 * based on one underlying control scheme.
module collection/list/zip


   * Create the cartesian product of two lists, i.e., combine
   * each element of the first list which each element from the second
   * list. The strategy s is used to combine the pairs of elements
   * <s>(x,y).
   * Example: <cart(id)> ([1,2],[5,6]) => [(1,5),(1,6),(2,5),(2,6)]
   * @param s              a * b -> c
   * @type     List(a) * List(b) -> List(c)
  cart(s) : 
    (xs, ys) -> 
    <foldr(![], conc, \ x -> <map(\y -> <s>(x, y)\ )> ys\ )> xs

   * Creates the cartesian product of two lists and select only
   * those combined elements <s>(x, y) that succeed.
   * @param s              a * b -> c
   * @type     List(a) * List(b) -> List(c)
  join(s) : 
    (xs, ys) -> 
    <foldr(![], union, \x -> <filter(\y -> <s>(x, y)\ )> ys\ )> xs

  /** @internal */
  Skip(s) : ([x|xs], ys) -> (x, (xs, ys))


  /** @internal */
  genzip(a, b, c, s) = 
    rec x(a + b; (s, x); c)

   * Combines two lists into one by pairing up the elements from both lists.
   * Both lists must be of equal length.
   * Example: <zip> ([1,2], [3,4]) => [(1,3),(2,4)]
   * @inc zip-test1
   * @type List(a) * List(b) -> List(a * b)
  zip  = zip(id)

   * Combines two lists into one by pairing up the elements from both lists,
   * applying s to the pair. Starts at the beginning of the lists. Both lists
   * must be of equal length.
   * Example: <zip(add)> ([1,2], [3,4]) => [4,6]
   * @param s              a * b -> c
   * @type     List(a) * List(b) -> List(c)
  zip(s)  = 
    genzip(Zip1,   Zip2,   Zip3,   s)
  zip'(s) = 
    genzip(Zip1a' <+ Zip1b',   Zip2,   Zip3,   s)

  zipl(s) = 
    genzip(Zip1a',   Zip2,   Zip3,   s)

  zipr(s) = 
    genzip(Zip1b',   Zip2,   Zip3,   s)

  rest-zip(s) = 
    genzip((?([],_) + ?(_,[])); ?(tla, tlb); ![], Zip2, Zip3, s);
    \ pairs -> (tla, tlb, pairs) \
   * Combines two lists into one by pairing up the elements from both lists.
   * Both lists must be of equal length.
   * @param Strategy s(|y : b) : a -> c
   * @param Second list : List(b)
   * @type List(a) -> List(c)
  zip(s : t * t -> t | ys) =
    if ?[x | xtail] then
      where(!ys => [y | ytail])
      ; ![<s(|y)> x | <zip(s|ytail)> xtail]


  // :: [a * b] -> [a] * [b]
   * Splits a list of pairs into two separate lists. This strategy
   * is the inverse of zip.
   * Example: <unzip> [(1,2),(3,4)] => ([1,3],[2,4])
   * @type     List(a * b) -> List(a) * List(b)
  unzip = unzip(id)

   * Splits a list of pairs into two separate lists, applying s to
   * the pair before splitting. This strategy
   * is the inverse of zip.
   * Example: <unzip((inc, inc))> [(1,2),(3,4)] => ([2,4],[3,5])
   * @type     List(a * b) -> List(a) * List(b)
  unzip(s) = 
    genzip(UnZip1, UnZip3, UnZip2, s)

  * @inc nzip0-test
  nzip0(s) = 
    NZip00 ; genzip(NZip1,  NZip2,  NZip3,  s)
  nzip(s) = 
    NZip01 ; genzip(NZip1,  NZip2,  NZip3,  s)

  lzip(s) = 
    genzip(Zip1a', LZip2, Zip3, s)
  rzip(s) = 
    genzip(Zip1b', RZip2, Zip3, s)

  zipFetch(s) = 
    rec x(Zip2; ((s, id) <+ (id, x)))
  lzipFetch(s) = 
    rec x(LZip2; ((s, id) <+ (id, x)))
  rzipFetch(s) = 
    rec x(RZip2; ((s, id) <+ (id, x)))

   * Combines two lists, which may have different lengths, into one by pairing
   * up the elements from both lists, applying s to the pair. Starts at the 
   * beginning of the lists. The shorter list will be padded with the result
   * the padding strategy.
   * Example: <zipPad(id, !0)> ([1,2], [3,4,5]) => [(1,3),(2,4),(0,5)]
   * @param s              a * b -> c
   * @param padding            _ -> d
   * @type     List(a) * List(b) -> List(c)
  zipPad(s, padding) = 
    rec x(Zip1 + Zip2; (s, x); Zip3 + 
          ([], [id|id]); (![<padding>()|[]], id); x +
          ([id|id], []); (id, ![<padding>()|[]]); x)

  zip-tail = 
    rec x(Zip1c + (Tl, Tl); x)
  zipl-tail-match(s) = 
    rec x(Zip1c + Zip2; (s, id); Snd; x)
  zipr-tail-match(s) = 
    rec x(Zip1c' + Zip2; (s, id); Snd; x)
  zip-skip(pred, s) = 
    rec x(Zip1 + (Skip(pred); (id, x) <+ Zip2; (s, x)); Zip3)

  /** @internal */
  Zip1   : ([],[]) -> []
  /** @internal */
  Zip1a' : ([],_) -> []
  /** @internal */
  Zip1b' : (_,[]) -> []
  /** @internal */
  Zip1c  : ([],x) -> x
  /** @internal */
  Zip1c' : (x,[]) -> x
  /** @internal */
  Zip1d  : ([],[_|_]) -> []
  /** @internal */
  Zip2   : ([x|xs],[y|ys]) -> ((x, y), (xs, ys))

  /** @internal */
  LZip2  : ([x|xs], y) -> ((x, y), (xs, y))
  /** @internal */
  RZip2  : (x, [y|ys]) -> ((x, y), (x, ys))

  /** @internal */
  Zip3   : (x, xs) -> [x|xs]

  /** @internal */
  UnZip1 : [] -> ([], [])
  /** @internal */
  UnZip2 : ((x, y), (xs, ys)) -> ([x|xs], [y|ys])
  /** @internal */
  UnZip3 : [x |  xs] -> (x, xs)

  /** @internal */
  NZip00 : xs -> (0, xs)
  /** @internal */
  NZip01 : xs -> (1, xs)
  /** @internal */
  NZip1  : (n, []) -> []
  /** @internal */
  NZip2  : (n, [y|ys]) -> ((n, y), (<add> (n, 1), ys))
  /** @internal */
  NZip3  : (x, xs) -> [x| xs]