
File Main.str
Author unknown
Since unknown

Main interface to the GPP library.


Lines of code 45
Module number 1 (100% documented)
Constructor number 0
Overlay number 0
Strategy number 4 (100% documented)
Rule number 0
DynamicRule number 0

Strategy summary

ast2box(ATerm pptables) Pretty-prints an ATerm to a Box using the given pretty-print tables Main.str
box2text-stream(ATerm width, ATerm stream) Format a box and print the text to a stream Main.str
box2text-string(ATerm width) Format a box to a string Main.str
parse-pptable-file Parse a pp table from a file Main.str

Strategy details

ATerm ast2box(ATerm pptables)
File Main.str
Author unknown
Since unknown
ATerm pptables List(PpTable)

Pretty-prints an ATerm to a Box using the given pretty-print tables.

type a -> Box

ATerm box2text-stream(ATerm width, ATerm stream)
File Main.str
Author unknown
Since unknown

Format a box and print the text to a stream.

type Box -> Stream

ATerm box2text-string(ATerm width)
File Main.str
Author unknown
Since unknown

Format a box to a string.

type Box -> String
todo Improve performance.

ATerm parse-pptable-file
File Main.str
Author unknown
Since unknown

Parse a pp table from a file.

type String -> PpTable