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Complete index

abox2text(ATerm width) n/a BoxToText.str
abox2text(Strategy rec, ATerm xpos, ATerm width) Use different names to make profiling easier BoxToText.str
abox2text-A(Strategy rec, ATerm xpos, ATerm width) A BoxToText.str
abox2text-A(Strategy rec, ATerm xpos, ATerm width) Without subboxes ([[]] as third argument) BoxToText.str
abox2text-A(Strategy rec, ATerm xpos, ATerm width) n/a BoxToText.str
abox2text-ALT(Strategy rec, ATerm xpos, ATerm width) n/a BoxToText.str
abox2text-C(Strategy rec, ATerm xpos, ATerm width) n/a BoxToText.str
abox2text-FBOX(Strategy rec, ATerm xpos, ATerm width) n/a BoxToText.str
abox2text-H(Strategy rec, ATerm xpos, ATerm width) H BoxToText.str
abox2text-HV(Strategy rec, ATerm xpos, ATerm width) HV BoxToText.str
abox2text-list(Strategy rec, ATerm xpos, ATerm width) n/a BoxToText.str
abox2text-list(Strategy rec, ATerm xpos, ATerm width) n/a BoxToText.str
abox2text-R(Strategy rec, ATerm xpos, ATerm width) n/a BoxToText.str
abox2text-R(Strategy rec, ATerm xpos, ATerm width) n/a BoxToText.str
abox2text-S(Strategy rec, ATerm xpos, ATerm width) S BoxToText.str
abox2text-V(Strategy rec, ATerm xpos, ATerm width) V BoxToText.str
arg2abox(ATerm tbl, ATerm n, ATerm path) n/a AstToBox.str
ast2abox(ATerm pptables) Pretty-prints an ATerm to a Box using the given pretty-print tables AstToBox.str
ast2box(ATerm pptables) Pretty-prints an ATerm to a Box using the given pretty-print tables Main.str
AstToBox Pretty-print an ATerm to a Box using the given pretty-print tables AstToBox.str
box2text-stream(ATerm width, ATerm stream) Format a box and print the text to a stream Main.str
box2text-string(ATerm width) Format a box to a string Main.str
BoxToText This is a simple Box to text converter BoxToText.str
gpp-align-column n/a BoxToText.str
gpp-align-column n/a BoxToText.str
gpp-align-column n/a BoxToText.str
gpp-align-column n/a BoxToText.str
gpp-construct-rows n/a Util.str
gpp-copy(ATerm t) n/a BoxToText.str
gpp-copy(ATerm t, ATerm ts) n/a BoxToText.str
gpp-do-A-column(Strategy rec) (A-OPTION * (Int * [BOX])) * (Int * [[Strs]]) -> Int * [[Strs]] BoxToText.str
gpp-do-vbox-children(Strategy rec, ATerm xpos, ATerm left-xpos) n/a BoxToText.str
gpp-FastInstantiate(ATerm args) n/a Instantiate.str
gpp-FastInstantiate(ATerm args) n/a Instantiate.str
gpp-FastInstantiate(ATerm args) n/a Instantiate.str
gpp-FitToMax(ATerm nr-cols) n/a BoxToText.str
gpp-flat-list Try to flatten lists but do not change to total number of elements Util.str
gpp-flat-list(Strategy cont) n/a Util.str
gpp-flat-list(Strategy cont) n/a Util.str
gpp-format-vbox(ATerm sopt, ATerm xpos) n/a BoxToText.str
gpp-fputs(ATerm stream) Writes a String to a Stream Util.str
gpp-hs-chars n/a BoxToText.str
gpp-hs-length n/a Util.str
gpp-hs-text n/a BoxToText.str
gpp-hv-add-to-hbox(Strategy rec, ATerm hsl, ATerm width) n/a BoxToText.str
gpp-hv-in-new-vbox(Strategy rec, ATerm hsl, ATerm left-xpos, ATerm width) n/a BoxToText.str
gpp-instantiate n/a Instantiate.str
gpp-instantiate(ATerm args) n/a Instantiate.str
gpp-Instantiate(ATerm args) n/a Instantiate.str
gpp-instantiate-list(ATerm pp-entry) n/a Instantiate.str
gpp-instantiate-sep-list(ATerm pp-entry) n/a Instantiate.str
gpp-is-chars n/a BoxToText.str
gpp-is-chars(ATerm cont) n/a BoxToText.str
gpp-is-length n/a Util.str
gpp-is-real-hbox n/a BoxToText.str
gpp-is-real-vbox n/a BoxToText.str
gpp-is-text n/a BoxToText.str
gpp-rel-string-length(ATerm xpos) Calculate relative string length Util.str
gpp-SlowInstantiate(ATerm args) n/a Instantiate.str
gpp-SlowInstantiate(ATerm args) n/a Instantiate.str
gpp-SOpt-value(ATerm opt) n/a Util.str
gpp-SOpts-of-alignment n/a Util.str
gpp-SOpts-of-alignment n/a Util.str
gpp-SOpts-of-alignment n/a Util.str
gpp-thread-map(Strategy s, ATerm t) n/a BoxToText.str
gpp-thread-map(Strategy s, ATerm t) n/a BoxToText.str
gpp-to-matrix(ATerm nr-cols) n/a BoxToText.str
gpp-topdown-fputs(ATerm stream) n/a Util.str
gpp-vertical-sep(ATerm xpos) n/a BoxToText.str
gpp-vs-chars n/a BoxToText.str
gpp-vs-chars(ATerm cont) n/a BoxToText.str
gpp-vs-length n/a Util.str
gpp-vs-text n/a BoxToText.str
Instantiate n/a Instantiate.str
local-abox2text(ATerm pos) n/a BoxToText.str
local-abox2text(ATerm pos) n/a BoxToText.str
Main Main interface to the GPP library Main.str
narg2abox(ATerm n) n/a AstToBox.str
parse-pptable-file Parse a pp table from a file Main.str
pptable-arity-of-template Determines the arity of a template by collecting the Arg nodes PpTableIO.str
pptable-desugar-entry n/a PpTableIO.str
pptable-get-log(ATerm tbl) Get an entry from the pp-table and log if the entry does not exist PpTableIO.str
pptable-make-hashtable n/a PpTableIO.str
pptable-make-key n/a PpTableIO.str
pptable-make-key n/a PpTableIO.str
pptable-path-get-symbol n/a AstToBox.str
pptable-path-to-string n/a PpTableIO.str
pptable-path-to-string n/a PpTableIO.str
pptable-store-entry(ATerm tbl) n/a PpTableIO.str
PpTableIO n/a PpTableIO.str
rec-add(ATerm pos) n/a BoxToText.str
stratego-gpp Stratego GPP Library stratego-gpp.str
symbol2abox(ATerm tbl, ATerm symbol, ATerm path, ATerm template) n/a AstToBox.str
symbol2abox-alt(ATerm tbl, ATerm path, ATerm template) Rule to format alt(n,[]), with empty list of arguments AstToBox.str
symbol2abox-alt(ATerm tbl, ATerm path, ATerm template) Rule to format alt(n,[arg]), with non-empty list of arguments AstToBox.str
symbol2abox-iter(ATerm tbl, ATerm path, ATerm template) Rule to format iter and iter-star list AstToBox.str
symbol2abox-iter-sep(ATerm tbl, ATerm path, ATerm template) Rule to format iter-sep and iter-star-sep list AstToBox.str
symbol2abox-opt(ATerm tbl, ATerm path, ATerm template) Rule to format optional: Some(x) AstToBox.str
symbol2abox-opt(ATerm tbl, ATerm path, ATerm template) Rule to format optinal: None AstToBox.str
symbol2abox-seq(ATerm tbl, ATerm path, ATerm template) Rule ro format sequences AstToBox.str
trm2abox(ATerm tbl) n/a AstToBox.str
trm2abox-appl(ATerm tbl) n/a AstToBox.str
trm2abox-int(ATerm tbl) n/a AstToBox.str
trm2abox-list(ATerm tbl) n/a AstToBox.str
trm2abox-real(ATerm tbl) n/a AstToBox.str
trm2abox-string(ATerm tbl) n/a AstToBox.str
try-abox2text(ATerm pos, ATerm width) n/a BoxToText.str
Util n/a Util.str