
File option.str
Author Martin Bravenboer <martin@cs.uu.nl>
Since unknown

Options for Dryad components.


Lines of code 136
Module number 1 (100% documented)
Constructor number 3 (0% documented)
Overlay number 0
Strategy number 13 (15% documented)
Rule number 0
DynamicRule number 0

Constructor summary

BootObservableClasses(ATerm ) n/a option.str
Loose(ATerm ) n/a option.str
ObservableClasses(ATerm ) n/a option.str

Strategy summary

Class-of-ClassEntry n/a option.str
get-observable-classes n/a option.str
import-observable-classes n/a option.str
import-observable-classes-entry n/a option.str
loose-option n/a option.str
maybe-exit n/a option.str
maybe-exit(ATerm msg) n/a option.str
observable-classes-option n/a option.str
observable-sources-wrap(Strategy s) Register input sources option.str
observables-wrap(Strategy s) n/a option.str
pass-loose n/a option.str
pass-observable-classes n/a option.str
pass-observable-classes(Strategy cont) n/a option.str

Strategy details

ATerm observable-sources-wrap(Strategy s)
File option.str
Author unknown
Since unknown
Strategy s CompilationUnit Object -> CompilationUnit Object

Register input sources

type List(CompilationUnit) -> List(CompilationUnit)

ATerm observables-wrap(Strategy s)
File option.str
Author unknown
Since unknown
Strategy s a -> b

No information available.

todo Should the repository be destroyed?
type a -> b