 * 6.5.2: Reclassification of Contextually Ambiguous Names
 * @author Martin Bravenboer <martin@cs.uu.nl>
module dryad/reclassify/ContextuallyAmbName

   * Ambiguous name is simple name.
  Reclassify-SimpleAmbName(rec) =
    ?AmbName(Id(_)); (

        * The identifier appears in within the scope of:
        * - local variable declaration
        * - parameter declaration
        * - field declaration
        * => ExprName

        * A field of that name is declared in the compilation unit by
        * - single-static import declaration
        * - static-import-on-demand declaration
        * => ExprName
    <+ ReclassifySimpleByImportInScopeField

        * The identifier appears within the scope of:
        * - top-level class
        * - interface-type declaration
        * - local class declaration
        * - member type declaration
        * => TypeName
        * @todo Local class declarations
        * @todo What about type variables in the JLS?
    <+ ReclassifySimpleInScopeTypeName

        * A type of that name is declared in the compilation unit by
        * - single-type import declaration
        * - type-import-on-demand declaration
        * - single static import declaration
        * - static-import-on-demand declaration
        * => TypeName
        * @todo Is this option necessary?
    <+ fail // ReclassifySimpleByImportInScopeTypeName

        * => PackageName
    <+ ReclassifyAs-PackageName

   * Ambiguous name is a qualified name.
  Reclassify-QualifiedAmbName(rec) =

     * The LHS is first reclassified, for it is itself an AmbName.
    AmbName(rec, id); (

        * LHS reclassified as PackageName => TypeName or PackageName
       ?AmbName(PackageName(_), _); (
        <+ ReclassifyAs-PackageName-PackageName

        * LHS reclassified as TypeName => ExprName or TypeName
        * @todo JLS mentions that this AmbName can be reclassified as
        *       an ExprName if there is a *method* in the class or interface
        *       denoted by the LHS. Is that really possible?
    <+ ?AmbName(TypeName(_, _), _); (
       <+ ReclassifyAs-TypeName-ExprName

        * LHS reclassified as ExprName => ExprName or TypeName
        * @todo TypeName case (see jls-relation.html)
    <+ ?AmbName(Field(_), _)
       ; ReclassifyAs-Field-Field

    <+ ?AmbName(Field(_, _), _)
       ; ReclassifyAs-Field-Field

    <+ ?AmbName(ExprName(_), _);
 * Reclassification of a simple name to a PackageName

  ReclassifyAs-PackageName =
    \ AmbName(Id(s)) -> PackageOrTypeName(Id(s)) \
    ; ReclassifyAs-PackageName

 * Reclassification of qualified ambiguous names.

  ReclassifyAs-TypeName-TypeName :
    AmbName(type@TypeName(_, _), Id(x)) -> TypeName(type, Id(x))
      <lookup-class <+ log(|Warning(),"Class not found:",<id>); fail> type
      ; has-member-type(|x)

   * @todo Reclassify to ExprName and reuse ExprName reclassification?
  ReclassifyAs-TypeName-ExprName :
    AmbName(type@TypeName(_, _), Id(x)) -> Field(type, Id(x))
      <lookup-class <+ log(|Warning(),"Class not found:",<id>); fail> type
      ; has-field(|x)

   * @todo This reclassification should be checked. This seems to require 
   *   the combination of the name reclassifier with the type checker, which
   *   is very annoying.
   * @todo Reclassify to ExprName and reuse ExprName reclassification?
  ReclassifyAs-ExprName-ExprName :
    AmbName(ExprName(q), Id(x)) -> Field(ExprName(q), Id(x))

   * @todo This reclassification should be checked: DRY-244
  ReclassifyAs-Field-Field :
    AmbName(f@Field(_), Id(y)) -> Field(f, Id(y))
  //  where
  //    <reclassify-has-field(|y)> f

   * @todo This reclassification should be checked: DRY-244
  ReclassifyAs-Field-Field :
    AmbName(f@Field(_, _), Id(y)) -> Field(f, Id(y))
  //  where
  //    <reclassify-has-field(|y)> f

  reclassify-has-field(|y) =
    ; has-field(|y)

 * @todo A bit hacky. Does not support local variables.

  reclassify-lookup-class =
    ; ThisClass
    ; get-field(|x)
    ; get-type
    ; lookup-class

  reclassify-lookup-class =
    ?Field(<reclassify-lookup-class>, Id(x))
    ; get-field(|x)
    ; get-type
    ; lookup-class

  reclassify-lookup-class =
    ?TypeName(_, _)
    ; lookup-class


  ReclassifyAs-PackageName-TypeName :
    AmbName(pkgname@PackageName(_), Id(x)) -> TypeName(pkgname, Id(x))
      <lookup-package> pkgname ; has-toplevel-class(|x)


  ReclassifyAs-PackageName-PackageName =
    ?AmbName(pkgname@PackageName(_), <id>)
    ; Create-PackageName-PackageName(|pkgname)