Stratego/XT Manual

Table of Contents

Stratego/XT Tutorial
I. Introduction
1. Software Transformation Systems
2. Installation
II. The XT Transformation Tools
3. Architecture
4. Annotated Terms
5. Syntax Definition and Parsing
6. Syntax Definition in SDF
7. Advanced Topics in Syntax Definition (*)
8. Trees, Terms, and Tree Grammars (*)
9. Pretty Printing with GPP (*)
III. The Stratego Language
10. Terms
11. Running Stratego Programs
12. Term Rewriting
13. Rewriting Strategies
14. Rules and Strategies
15. Strategy Combinators
16. Creating and Analyzing Terms
17. Traversal Strategies
18. Type Unifying Strategies
19. Concrete Object Syntax
20. Dynamic Rules
IV. The Stratego Library
21. Arithmetic Operations
22. Lists
23. Strings
24. Hashtables and Sets
25. I/O
26. Command-line Options
27. Unit Testing with SUnit
28. Transformation Tool Composition with XTC
29. Building and Deploying Stratego Programs
30. Debugging Techniques for Stratego/XT
Stratego/XT Examples
1. Introduction
1.1. Software Transformations
1.2. Introducing Stratego/XT
1.3. Software
1.4. Overview
I. A Tiny Imperative Language
2. Syntax Definition and Pretty-Printing
3. Simplification and Desugaring
4. Bound Variable Renaming (*)
5. Typechecking (*)
6. Interpretation
7. Data-flow Transformation (*)
8. Typestate Checking
9. Expression Blocks (*)
II. Example Packages (*)
10. Tiger Base (*)
11. BibTeX Tools (*)
Stratego/XT Reference Manual
I. Stratego Language (*)
1. Stratego Core (*)
2. Syntactic Abstractions (*)
3. Dynamic Rules (*)
4. Programs and Tools
abox2text — formats a Box term to plain text
asfix-yield — unparses an asfix tree to flat text
ast2abox — pretty prints an abstract syntax tree to the Box layout formalism
ast2text — pretty-prints an abstract syntax tree to plain text
aterm2xml — translates an ATerm to XML
autoxt — installs autoconf/make resources for Stratego/XT packages
baffle — converts between textual and binary ATerm formats
format-check — checks whether an ATerm conforms to a given regular tree grammar (RTG)
gen-renamed-sdf-module — generates an SDF module that renames all SDF sorts in a given SDF definition.
implode-asfix — maps an asfix parse tree to an abstract syntax tree
pack-sdf — packs a set of SDF modules into a single definition
parse-box — parses a layout definition written in the Box language
parse-cs — parses meta-programs with concrete syntax
parse-c — parses a C source file
parse-pp-table — parses a pretty-print table
parse-rtg — parse a regular tree grammar (RTG) source file
parse-sdf-definition — parsers and desugars a SDF definition file.
parse-sdf-module — parses and desugars an SDF module file.
parse-stratego — parses a Stratego source file
parse-unit — performs the test cases in a testsuite for an SDF syntax definition
parse-xml-doc — parses an XML file into a xml-doc term
parse-xml-info — parses an XML file into a xml-info term
pp-aterm — pretty-prints an ATerm in text format to make it readable for humans.
pp-box — pretty-prints an abstract syntax tree containing Box code
pp-c — pretty-prints an abstract syntax tree containing C code
ppgen — generates a pretty-print table from an SDF syntax definition
pp-pp-table — pretty-prints an abstract syntax tree containing a pretty-print table
pp-rtg — pretty-prints an abstract syntax tree containing a regular tree grammar (RTG)
pp-sdf — pretty-prints an abstract syntax tree containing an SDF definition
pp-stratego — pretty-prints a Stratego program
pptable-diff — diffs and synchronizes two pretty-print tables
pp-xml-doc — pretty-prints an xml-doc term into an XML document
pp-xml-info — pretty-prints an xml-info term into an XML document
pretty-stratego — pretty-prints a Stratego program.
rtg2sig — generates a Stratego signature from a regular tree grammar (RTG)
rtg2typematch — generates a set of Stratego strategies for typechecking terms against a regular tree grammar (RTG)
rtg-script — produces a regular tree grammar (RTG) by executing an RTG script
sdf2parenthesize — generates a Stratego module that puts parenthetical constructors at the correct places.
sdf2rtg — generates a abstract regular tree grammar (RTG) from an SDF concrete syntax definition.
sdf2table — generates a parse table from an SDF syntax definition.
sglri — parse a text file using sglri and implode using implode-asfix
sglr — parses a text file and produces an parse forest conforming to a given grammar.
strc — compiles Stratego programs to C or executable code
stratego-shell — interpreters a Stratego program, from a script or interactively
unpack-sdf — splits an SDF definition into its constituent modules.
visamb — displays the ambiguities in a parse tree represented in AsFix2
xtc — registers, unregisters and queries XTC components in a repository
xml2aterm — converts an XML document to a comparable ATerm.
II. Stratego/XT Development Manual (*)
5. The Development of Stratego/XT
Transforming Java with Stratego
1. Getting started with Java-Front
1.1. Basics
1.2. Example: Add Blocks
1.3. Example: Java Generation with Concrete Syntax
2. Getting started with Dryad
2.1. Linking with the Dryad Library
2.2. Dryad on Mac OS X

Stratego/XT Tutorial

Martin Bravenboer

Delft University of Technology

Karl Trygve Kalleberg

Universitetet i Bergen

Eelco Visser

Delft University of Technology

Table of Contents

I. Introduction
1. Software Transformation Systems
1.1. What is Software Transformation?
1.2. What is Stratego/XT?
1.3. Outline
2. Installation
2.1. What do I Need?
2.2. Instructions
II. The XT Transformation Tools
3. Architecture
3.1. Tools as Transformation Components
3.2. Grammar Oriented
3.3. Being on Good Terms with Trees
4. Annotated Terms
4.1. Annotated Term Format
4.2. Inspecting Terms
4.3. Maximal Sharing (*)
4.4. Exchange Format
4.5. ATerm Library
5. Syntax Definition and Parsing
5.1. Concepts: Grammars, Parse Trees, and Abstract Syntax Trees
5.2. From Concepts to Practice: Generating a Parser
6. Syntax Definition in SDF
6.1. SDF: The Basics
6.2. Syntax
6.3. Examples: Defining Lexical Syntax
6.4. Examples: Defining Context-Free Syntax
6.5. Unit Testing of Syntax Definitions
7. Advanced Topics in Syntax Definition (*)
7.1. Combining Languages
7.2. Advanced Module Features
7.3. Context-sensitive Lexical Syntax
7.4. Explicit versus Implicit Ambiguities
7.5. Performance Tips and Tricks
8. Trees, Terms, and Tree Grammars (*)
8.1. Regular Tree Grammars
8.2. Generating Code from an RTG
8.3. Creating a Subset of a Regular Tree Grammar
8.4. Format Checking
8.5. Signatures (todo: imported)
8.6. Signature Tools (todo: imported)
9. Pretty Printing with GPP (*)
9.1. Box Text Formatting Language
9.2. Pretty Print Tables
9.3. Restoring Parenthesis
9.4. Pretty Printing using Stratego
9.5. Pretty-Printing (todo: imported)
9.6. Pretty-Printing and Term Visualization Tools (todo: imported)
III. The Stratego Language
10. Terms
10.1. Annotated Term Format
10.2. Exchanging Terms
10.3. Inspecting Terms
10.4. Signatures
11. Running Stratego Programs
11.1. Compiling Stratego Programs
11.2. Basic Input and Output
11.3. Combining Transformations
11.4. Running Programs Interactively with the Stratego Shell
11.5. Summary
12. Term Rewriting
12.1. Transformation with Rewrite Rules
12.2. Adding Rules to a Rewrite System
12.3. Summary
13. Rewriting Strategies
13.1. Limitations of Term Rewriting
13.2. Attempt 1: Remodularization
13.3. Attempt 2: Functionalization
13.4. Programmable Rewriting Strategies
13.5. Idioms of Strategic Rewriting
13.6. Summary
14. Rules and Strategies
14.1. What is a Rule?
14.2. What is a Strategy?
14.3. Strategy Definitions
14.4. Calling Primitives
14.5. External Definitions
14.6. Dynamic Calls
14.7. Summary
15. Strategy Combinators
15.1. Identity and Failure
15.2. Sequential composition
15.3. Choice
15.4. Recursion
15.5. Summary
16. Creating and Analyzing Terms
16.1. Building terms
16.2. Matching terms
16.3. Implementing Rewrite Rules
16.4. Apply and Match
16.5. Wrap and Project
16.6. Summary
17. Traversal Strategies
17.1. Traversal Rules
17.2. Congruence Operators
17.3. Generic Traversal
17.4. Idioms and Library Strategies for Traversal
17.5. Summary
18. Type Unifying Strategies
18.1. Type Unifying List Transformations
18.2. Extending Fold to Expressions
18.3. Generic Term Deconstruction
18.4. Generic Term Construction
18.5. Summary
19. Concrete Object Syntax
19.1. Instrumenting Programs
19.2. Observations about Concrete Syntax Specifications
19.3. Implementation
19.4. Discussion
19.5. Summary
20. Dynamic Rules
IV. The Stratego Library
21. Arithmetic Operations
21.1. Basic Operations
21.2. Number comparisons
21.3. Other Operations
21.4. Random Numbers
21.5. Summary
22. Lists
22.1. Making heads and tails of it
22.2. Sorting
22.3. Associative Lists
22.4. Pairing Lists
22.5. Lightweight Sets
22.6. Transforming Lists
22.7. Folding from the Left and Right
22.8. Summary
23. Strings
23.1. Basic String Operations
23.2. Sorting Strings
23.3. Strings and Terms
23.4. Strings and Numbers
24. Hashtables and Sets
24.1. Hashtables
24.2. Indexed Sets
25. I/O
25.1. Console I/O
25.2. Path and Directory Operations
25.3. File and Text I/O
25.4. Term I/O
25.5. Logging
26. Command-line Options
26.1. Parsing Command-line Options
26.2. Adding Custom Options
26.3. Setting Description and About
26.4. I/O-less Programs
27. Unit Testing with SUnit
27.1. Setting up a test suite
27.2. Compare expected and actual output
27.3. Check for failure
27.4. Check arbitrary conditions on output
27.5. Unit testing with XTC
28. Transformation Tool Composition with XTC
28.1. Basic Mechanisms of XTC
28.2. Composing Tools in Stratego
28.3. Summary
29. Building and Deploying Stratego Programs
29.1. Building stand-alone artifacts
29.2. Setting up your Project
29.3. Building Stand-alone Stratego Applications
29.4. Building Parse Tables, Tree Grammars and Stratego Signatures
29.5. Building Your Own Stratego Library
29.6. Package Config Support
29.7. RPM Support
29.8. Summary
30. Debugging Techniques for Stratego/XT
30.1. Debugging Stratego
30.2. Debugging XT compositions
30.3. Debugging SDF definitions

Part I. Introduction

Chapter 1. Software Transformation Systems

1.1. What is Software Transformation?

Imagine finding yourself in a situation where you have a collection of files containing source code. If this is an unreasonable prospect for you, stop reading and pick another tutorial. If you are still with us, consider these files the blueprints for your software. They are still not the award-winning, executable program you are aiming for, but by applying a compiler to them, you can generate one (with some minor provisions about syntactial and semantical correctness). If so inclined, you may also run a documentation generator like Javadoc on the source, to generate structured documentation. Or, while colleagues are not looking, you can secretly invoke tools like lint (C/C++) or FindBugs (Java) to weed out common programming errors.

The compilation, documentation generation and source-code analysis are all examples of software transformations , but they are certainly not the only ones. Software transformation has been used by the mathematically inclined for generating programs from high-level specifications, by forgetful people to recover lost design and architecture from legacy code and by reverse-engineers to obtain high-level, readable code from binary files after somebody accidentally misplaced a stack of backup tapes. Specialization of a program to known inputs in order to improve performance, optimization using domain knowledge from the application domain and improving program understanding by analysing sources are also favoured topics among software transformers.

But who uses software transformation, anyway? People with a problem resembling any in Figure 1.1 are. Compilation, the translation of a program to machine code in order to make it executable, is the standard processing technique applied to get running programs out of source code. But much more can be done. There are many other kinds of processes that can be applied to programs. For example, programs can be synthesized from high-level specifications; programs can be optimized using knowledge of the application domain; documentation for understanding a program can be automatically derived from its sources; programs can be specialized to known inputs; application programs can be generated from domain-specific languages; low-level programs can be reverse engineered into high-level programs.

All too often, Real Programmers facing such problems are of the opinion that software transformation is overly complicated dark magic, and that simple regular expression hacks solve the problem just fine. Almost equally often, their ad-hoc, text-based solutions turn out to be brittle, overly complicated and acquire a status of dark magic, with the result that no other team member dears touch the stuff. Most of the time, the problem would be easily solved in a maintainable and robust way if only the right tool could be found.

Figure 1.1.  Applications of Software Transformation.

  • Compilers

    • Translation, e.g. Stratego into C

    • Desugaring, e.g. Java's foreach into for

    • Instruction selection

      • Maximal munch

      • BURG-style dynamic programming

    • Optimization

      • Data-flow optimization

      • Vectorization

      • GHC-style simplification

      • Deforestation

      • Domain-specific optimization

      • Partial evaluation

    • Type checking

    • Specialization of dynamic typing

  • Program generators

    • Pretty-printer and signature generation from syntax definitions

    • Application generation, e.g. data format checkers from specifications

  • Program migration

    • Grammar conversion, e.g. YACC to SDF

  • Program understanding

    • Documentation generation, e.g. API documentation for Stratego

  • Document generation/transformation

    • Web/XML programming (server-side scripts)

So what do should you do if you have a mountain of source code that you have to do some transformation on? Obviously, using the the right tool for the job is a good start. We don't recommend using toothpicks to move software mountains. Instead, we think using Stratego for this is a good idea. In this tutorial, we will use small, understandable and cute examples that you can try out in the leisure of your own desktop. We hope these will convince you exactly how good an idea using Stratego for software transformation really is.

1.2. What is Stratego/XT?

Stratego/XT is a framework for implementing software transformation systems. A software transformation system is usually organized as a simple pipeline of transformation steps, see Figure 1.2. At the source of the pipeline (far left), a parser reads the text of the input program and turns it into a parse tree or abstract syntax tree. Subsequently, one or several transformations components modify the tree. At the sink of the pipeline (far right), a pretty-printer turns the output tree into program text. The output program need not be in the same language as the input program. It need not even be a programming language. This allows us to create important tools such as compilers and documentation generators using Stratego/XT.

Figure 1.2.  Pipeline of a software transformation system.

Pipeline of a software transformation system.

The Stratego/XT framework consists of two parts: Stratego, a language for implementing software transformations, and XT, a collection of transformation tools. The Stratego language is a powerful language for implementing the core transformations of a complete transformation system. The XT tools help with the implementation of the infrastructure required around these core transformations, such as a parser and a pretty-printer.

Stratego and XT aim at better productivity in the development of transformation systems through the use of a high-level representations of programs, domain-specific languages for the development of parts of a transformation system, and generating various aspects of a transformation system automatically.

The main ingredients of Stratego/XT are:

ATerm Format

Although some transformation systems work directly on text, in general a textual representation is not adequate for performing complex transformations. Therefore, a structured representation is used by most systems. Since programs are written as texts by programmers, parsers are needed to convert from text to structure and unparsers are needed to convert structure to text.

The basic assumptions in our approach are that programs can be represented as trees, or terms, and that term rewrite rules are an excellent way to formalize transformations on programs. Stratego/XT uses the Annotated Term Format, or ATerms for short, as term representation. The Stratego run-time system is based on the ATerm Library which provides support for internal term representation as well as their persistent representation in files. This makes it easy to provide input and output for terms in Stratego, and to exchange terms between transformation tools.

Stratego Language

Stratego is the core of Stratego/XT. It is a language for software transformation based on the paradigm of rewriting strategies. Basic transformations are defined using conditional term rewrite rules. These are combined into full fledged transformations by means of strategies, which control the application of rules.

Term rewrite systems are formalisations of systematic modifications of terms or trees. A rewrite rule describes how a program fragment matching a certain pattern is transformed into another program fragment. Term rewriting is the exhaustive application of a set of rules to a term.

A complex software transformation is achieved through a number of consecutive modifications of a program. At least at the level of design it is useful to distinguish transformation rules from transformation strategies. A rule defines a basic step in the transformation of a program. A strategy is a plan for achieving a complex transformation using a set of rules.

Figure 1.3. file: sample-rules.str

  InlineF :
    |[ let f(xs) = e in e'[f(es)] ]| ->
    |[ let f(xs) = e in e'[e[es/xs]] ]|

  InlineV :
    |[ let x = e in e'[x] ]| -> |[ let x = e in e'[e] ]|

  Dead :
    |[ let x = e in e' ]| -> |[ e' ]|
    where <not(in)> (x,e')

  Extract(f,xs) :
    |[ e ]| -> |[ let f(xs) = e in f(xs) ]|

  Hoist :
    |[ let x = e1 in let f(xs) = e2 in e3 ]| ->
    |[ let f(xs) = e2 in let x = e1 in e3 ]|
    where <not(in)> (x, <free-vars> e2)

For example, consider the transformation rules above. The Inline* rules define inlining of function and variable definitions. The Dead rule eliminates an unused variable definition. The Extract rule abstracts an expression into a function. The Hoist rule defines lifting a function definition out of a variable definition if the variable is not used in the function. Using this set of rules, different transformations can be achieved. For example, a constant propagation strategy in an optimizer could use the InlineV and Dead rules to eliminate constant variable definitions:

   let x = 3 in x + y  ->  let x = 3 in 3 + y  ->  3 + y

On the other hand, the ExtractFunction strategy in a refactoring browser could use the Extract and Hoist rules to abstract addition with y into a new function and lift it to top-level.

  let x = 3 in x + y
  -> let x = 3 in let addy(z) = z + y in addy(x)
  -> let addy(z) = z + y in let x = 3 in addy(x)

Conceptually, rules could be applied interactively by a programmer via a graphical user interface. In Stratego/XT, you can use the Stratego Shell for doing this. More on this later. The problem with such interative manipulations is that the transformation is not reproducible, since the decisions have not been recorded. We want to be able to automate the transformation process, because we can then apply series of basic transformations repeatedly to a program. By generalizing the sequence of transformations, the combined transformation can be applied to many programs. This requires a mechanism for combining rules into more complex transformations, and this is exactly what the Stratego language gives us.

Pure term rewriting is not adequate for the implementation of software transformation systems, since most rewrite systems are non-confluent and/or non-terminating. Hence, standard rewriting strategies are not applicable. The paradigm of programmable rewriting strategies solves this problem by supporting the definition of strategies adapted to a specific transformation system. This makes it possible to select which rule to apply in which transformation stage, and using which traversal order.

SDF Language

Converting program texts to terms for transformations requires parsers. Since Stratego programs operate on terms, they do not particularly care about the implementation of parsers. Thus, parsers can be implemented with any parsing technology, or terms can be produced by an existing compiler front-end. In practice, Stratego is mostly used together with the syntax definition formalism SDF. The Stratego compiler itself uses SDF to parse Stratego programs, and many Stratego applications have been developed with SDF as well.

The syntax definition formalism SDF supports high-level, declarative, and modular definition of the syntax of programming languages and data formats. The formalism integrates the definition of lexical and context-free syntax. The modularity of the formalism implies that it is possible to easily combine two languages or to embed one language into another.

GPP and the Box Language

Stratego/XT uses the pretty-printing model provided by the Generic Pretty-Printing package GPP. In this model a tree is unparsed to a Box expression, which contains text with markup for pretty-printing. A Box expression can be interpreted by different back-ends to produce formatted output for different displaying devices such as plain text, HTML, and LATEX.

XT tool collection

XT is a collection of transformation tools providing support for the generation of many infrastructural aspects of program transformation systems, including parsers, pretty-printers, parenthesizers, and format checkers.


Parsers, pretty-printers, and transformations can be encapsulated in separate executable components, which can be reused in multiple transformation systems. Composition of such components is facilitated by the XTC transformation tool composition library. Initially this tutorial uses separate components that are glued using shell scripts, in order to improve the understanding of the separate components. The use of XTC is introduced later on.

Exactly what all this means will become clear to you as we move along in this tutorial.

1.3. Outline

This tutorial is divided into three parts. The first part introduces the XT architecture and many of the tools from the XT collection. An important point in this part that is how to construct parsers using the syntax definition formalism SDF. The parser takes source code text into structured ATerms. Another point in this part is the reverse action: going from ATerms back to source code text.

The second part of the tutorial introduces the Stratego language, starting with the concept of terms and moving on to rules and strategies. After explaining how rules and strategies may be combined to create complete transformation programs, the more advanced topics of concrete syntax and dynamic rules are covered.

The third and final part of the tutorial explains the most important strategies found in the Stratego library: basic data types such as lists, strings, hashtables and sets; basic I/O functionality; the SUnit framework for unit testing. This part also explains the technical details of how to put together complete software transformation systems from XT components using the Stratego build system, using the XTC component composition model.

Chapter 2. Installation

2.1. What do I Need?

The Stratego/XT project distributes several packages. So let's first make clear what you actually need to install. Stratego/XT itself is a language independent toolset for constructing program transformation systems. Language-specific extensions of Stratego/XT are distributed as separate packages, so that you only have to install what you really need for your particular application.

Stratego/XT.  All Stratego/XT users need to install the ATerm Library (aterm), the SDF2 Bundle (sdf2-bundle) and Stratego/XT (strategoxt). These packages enable you to compile Stratego programs, and provide the basic infrastructure for parsing and pretty-printing source files.

Stratego Shell.  Optionally, you can install the Stratego Shell, which provides an interpreter for Stratego and an interactive command-line for experimenting with the Stratego language. The Stratego Shell is used in the Stratego part of this tutorial to demonstrate the features of the Stratego language. The Stratego Shell is also very useful for small experiments with strategies of the Stratego Library.

Extensions.  Then there are the language-specific packages. These packages provide the basic infrastructure for parsing, pretty-printing, and in some cases also analyzing source files of a specific programming language. Reusing such a package enables you to get started immediately with the implementation of an actual transformation. Examples of such packages are Java-front, Dryad, Transformers C and C++, BibTeX Tools, Prolog Tools, AspectJ Front, and SQL Front. Also, there are some demonstration packages, for example Tiger Base, which implements a compiler for the Tiger language, and Java Borg, which demonstrates the implementation of language embeddings. All these packages can separately be installed as extensions of Stratego/XT.

Examples of the Stratego/XT Manual.  All the code examples in this manual are available for separate download, so that you can experiment based on these: examples.tar.gz

2.2. Instructions

First of all, you have to decide which deployment mechanism you want to use. For users of RPM-based Linux distributions (such as Redhat, Fedora Core, and SUSE), we advise to use RPMs, which are available from the release page. For Cygwin users we provide pre-compiled binaries that can simply be unpacked. For Mac OS X users, we provide these binary packages as well, but they can also use the Nix deployment system, which will guarantee that all dependencies are installed correctly. Nix packages are also available for Linux users. Finally, it is always possible to build from source.

Next, download the required packages. Stratego/XT depends on the ATerm Library and the SDF2 Bundle, so you have to download aterm, sdf2-bundle, and strategoxt. The downloads are all available at the release page of Stratego/XT.

2.2.1. Using Source Distributions Installation of aterm and sdf2-bundle

The following sequence of commands takes care of building and installing the aterm and the sdf2-bundle in /usr/local.

$ tar zxf aterm-version.tar.gz
$ cd aterm-version
$ ./configure
$ make
$ make install
$ cd ..

$ tar zxf sdf2-bundle-version.tar.gz
$ cd sdf2-bundle-version
$ ./configure --with-aterm=/usr/local
$ make
$ make install
$ cd ..

If you want to install the packages at a different location (i.e. not /usr/local, you should specify a --prefix in the configure command. For example:

$ ./configure --prefix=/opt/aterm
$ ./configure --prefix=/opt/sdf2-bundle --with-aterm=/opt/aterm

In this case, it possible that the sdf2-bundle cannot find the aterm package. To tell the sdf2-bundle where it should look for the ATerm Library, you can use the --with-aterm argument:

$ ./configure --prefix=/opt/sdf2-bundle --with-aterm=/opt/aterm

Alternatively, you can add the location of the ATerm Library to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH, which the configure script will use for searching packages. In this way, you don't need to specify the --with- arguments. More information about this is available in the pkg-config documentation (man pkg-config). For example:

$ export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/opt/aterm/lib/pkgconfig:/opt/sdf2-bundle/lib/pkgconfig Installation of Stratego/XT

Unpack, configure, make and install Stratego/XT using the following commands:

$ tar zxf strategoxt-version.tar.gz
$ cd strategoxt-version
$ ./configure --with-aterm=/usr/local --with-sdf=/usr/local
$ make
$ make install

If you want to install StrategoXT at a different prefix, you should specify a --prefix. If you installed the ATerm Library and the SDF2 Bundle at a different location, you should specify their location using --with-aterm and --with-sdf. For example:

$ ./configure --prefix=/opt/strategoxt \
  --with-aterm=/opt/aterm --with-sdf=/opt/sdf2-bundle

As mentioned earlier, you can alternatively add the location of the ATerm Library and the SDF2 Bundle to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH, which the configure script will use for searching packages. Installation of Stratego Shell, Java Front, etc.

The Stratego Shell, Java Front, Tiger Base and several other packages depend on Stratego/XT. For all these packages, you can use the following commands:

$ tar zxf package-version.tar.gz
$ cd package-version
$ ./configure
$ make
$ make install

For all these packages, you should use the --with-aterm=dir, --with-sdf=dir, and --with-strategoxt=dir options if you installed these packages at non-standard locations. Alternatively, you can extend the PKG_CONFIG_PATH to include the locations of the ATerm Library, SDF2 Bundle, and Stratego/XT.

2.2.2. Using Binary RPMs

Installing binary RPMs is very easy. Install the RPMs by running rpm -i * in the directory where you have downloaded the RPMs. Use the upgrade option rpm -U * if you have already installed earlier versions of RPMs for aterm, strategoxt or the sdf2-bundle. Of course you can also install the RPMs one by one by specifying the filenames of the RPMs.

2.2.3. Using the Nix Deployment System

Using the Nix deployment system for the installation of Stratego/XT is a good idea if you need to run multiple versions of Stratego/XT on the same system, if you will need to update other Stratego/XT related packages regularly, or if there is a problem with installation from source at your system. The Nix deployment system is designed to guarantee that the Stratego/XT that we are using on our system is exactly reproduced on your system. This basically guarantees that the installation will never fail because of missing dependencies or mistakes in the configuration.

The release page of all the packages refer to Nix packages that can be installed using nix-install-package.

Part II. The XT Transformation Tools

Table of Contents

3. Architecture
3.1. Tools as Transformation Components
3.2. Grammar Oriented
3.3. Being on Good Terms with Trees
4. Annotated Terms
4.1. Annotated Term Format
4.2. Inspecting Terms
4.3. Maximal Sharing (*)
4.4. Exchange Format
4.5. ATerm Library
5. Syntax Definition and Parsing
5.1. Concepts: Grammars, Parse Trees, and Abstract Syntax Trees
5.1.1. Context-free Grammars
5.1.2. Parse Trees
5.1.3. Abstract Syntax Trees
5.2. From Concepts to Practice: Generating a Parser
5.2.1. From Modules to Definition
5.2.2. Generating a Parser
5.2.3. Invoking the Parser
6. Syntax Definition in SDF
6.1. SDF: The Basics
6.1.1. Modules
6.1.2. Start Symbols
6.1.3. Sorts
6.1.4. Syntax
6.1.5. Disambiguation
6.2. Syntax
6.2.1. Lexical and Context-free Syntax
6.2.2. Productions, Sorts, and Symbols
6.2.3. Symbols and Regular Expressions
6.2.4. Character Classes
6.3. Examples: Defining Lexical Syntax
6.3.1. Simple Whitespace
6.3.2. Identifiers
6.3.3. Keywords
6.3.4. Integer Literals
6.3.5. Floating-Point Literals
6.4. Examples: Defining Context-Free Syntax
6.4.1. Expressions
6.4.2. Constructor Attributes and Abstract Syntax Trees
6.4.3. Ambiguities in Expressions
6.4.4. Associativity and Priorities
6.4.5. Array Creation and Access Ambiguity
6.4.6. Statements
6.4.7. Whitespace and Comments
6.5. Unit Testing of Syntax Definitions
6.5.1. Usage example
6.5.2. Parse Testsuite Syntax
6.5.3. Debugging Support
6.5.4. Invocation in Automake
7. Advanced Topics in Syntax Definition (*)
7.1. Combining Languages
7.2. Advanced Module Features
7.2.1. Renaming Symbols
7.2.2. Parameterized Modules
7.2.3. Hiding Grammars
7.3. Context-sensitive Lexical Syntax
7.4. Explicit versus Implicit Ambiguities
7.5. Performance Tips and Tricks
8. Trees, Terms, and Tree Grammars (*)
8.1. Regular Tree Grammars
8.2. Generating Code from an RTG
8.3. Creating a Subset of a Regular Tree Grammar
8.4. Format Checking
8.4.1. Introduction
8.4.2. Example
8.5. Signatures (todo: imported)
8.6. Signature Tools (todo: imported)
9. Pretty Printing with GPP (*)
9.1. Box Text Formatting Language
9.2. Pretty Print Tables
9.2.1. Pretty-Print Table Generation
9.2.2. Rule Selectors
9.2.3. Examples
9.3. Restoring Parenthesis
9.4. Pretty Printing using Stratego
9.5. Pretty-Printing (todo: imported)
9.5.1. Unparsing
9.5.2. Pretty-Printing
9.5.3. Disambiguation
9.6. Pretty-Printing and Term Visualization Tools (todo: imported)

Chapter 3. Architecture

In this chapter, a general overview is given of the architecture of the XT transformation tools. The technical details of the tools and languages that are involved will be discussed in the follwing chapters.

3.1. Tools as Transformation Components

XT is a collection of components for implementing transformation systems. Some of these components generate code that can be included in a transformation system, such as a parser or pretty-printer. Other components can be used immediately, since they are generic tools. The components of XT are all executable tools: they can be used directly from the command-line.

According to the Unix philosophy, the tools that are part of XT all do just one thing (i.e. implement one aspect of a transformation system) and can be composed into a pipeline to combine them in any way you want. A sketch of a typical pipeline is shown in Figure 3.1. First, a parser is applied to a source program. This results in an abstract syntax tree, which is then transformed by a sequence of transformation tools. Finally, the tree is pretty-printed back to a source program. So, this pipeline is a source to source transformation system. The tools that are part of the pipeline exchange structured representations of a program, in the form of an abstract syntax tree. These structured representations can be read in any programming language you want, so the various components of a transformation system can be implemented in different programming languages. Usually, the real transformation components will be implemented in Stratego.

Figure 3.1.  Pipeline of a software transformation system.

Pipeline of a software transformation system.

Of course, some compositions are very common. For example, you definitly don't want to enter the complete pipeline of a compiler again and again. So, you want to pre-define such a composition to make it reusable as single tool. For this, you could of create a shell script, but option handling in shell scripts is quite tiresome and you cannot easily add composition specific glue code. To solve this, Stratego itself has a concise library for creating compositions of transformation tools, called XTC. We will come back to that later in Chapter 28.

The nice thing about this approach is that all the tools can be reused in different transformation systems. A parser, pretty-printer, desugarer, optimizer, simplifier, and so an is automatically available to other transformation systems that operate on the same language. Even if a tool will typically be used in a single dominant composition (e.g. a compiler), having the tool available to different transformation systems is very useful. In other words: an XT transformation system is open and its components are reusable.

3.2. Grammar Oriented

Programmers write programs as texts using text editors. Some programming environments provide more graphical (visual) interfaces for programmers to specify certain domain-specific ingredients (e.g., user interface components). But ultimately, such environments have a textual interface for specifying the details. So, a program transformation system needs to deal with programs that are in text format.

However, for all but the most trivial transformations, a structured, rather than a textual, representation is needed. Working directly on the textual representation does not give the transformation enough information about what the text actually means. To bridge the gap between the textual and the structured representation, parsers and unparsers are needed. Also, we need to know how this structured representation is actually structured.

The syntactical rules of a programming language are usually expressed in a context-free grammar. This grammar (or syntax definition) of a programming language plays a central role in Stratego/XT. Most of the XT tools work on a grammar in one way or another. The grammar is a rich source of information. For example, it can be used to generate a parser, pretty-printer, disambiguator, tree grammar, format-checker, and documentation. This central role of a grammar is the most crucial aspect of XT, which is illustrated in Figure 3.2: all the components of a transformation system are directly or indirectly based on the grammar of a programming language.

What makes this all possible is the way syntax is defined in Stratego/XT. Stratego/XT uses the SDF language for syntax definition, which is a very high-level and declarative language for this purpose. SDF does not require the programmer to encode all kinds of properties of a programming language (such as associativity and priorities) in a grammar. Instead, SDF has declarative, concise, ways of defining these properties in such a way that they can actually be understood by tools that take the grammar as an input. And, of course, creating a grammar in such language is much more fun!

Figure 3.2.  Syntax definitions play a central role in a transformation system.

Syntax definitions play a central role in a transformation system.

As mentioned before, the XT tools exchange a structured representation of a program: an abstract syntax tree. The structure of this abstract syntax tree is called the abstract syntax, as opposed to the ordinary textual syntax, which is called the concrete syntax. In XT, the abstract syntax is directly related to the syntax definition and can be generated from it. The result is a tree grammar that defines the format of the trees that are exchanged between the transformation tools. From the world of XML, you are probably already familiar with tree grammars: DTD, W3C XML Schema and RELAX NG are tree grammars in disguise.

3.3. Being on Good Terms with Trees

Until now, we have been a bit vague about the format in which abstract syntax trees are actually exchanged between transformation tools. What is this structured program representation?

We can easily imagine an abstract syntax tree as a graphical structure. For example, the tree at the right is a simple abstract syntax tree for the expression (a + n) * 1. This representation corresponds closely to the representation of trees in computer memory. However, drawing pictures is not a very effective way of specifying tree transformations. We need a concise, textual, way to express an abstract syntax tree. Fortunately, there is a one-to-one correspondence between trees and so-called first-order prefix terms (terms, for short). A term is a constructor, i.e., an identifier, applied to zero or more terms. Strings and integer constants are terms as well. Thus, the following term corresponds to the abstract syntax tree that we have just drawn.

Times(Plus(Var("a"), Var("n")), Int("1"))

In Stratego/XT, programs are exchanged between transformation tools as terms. The exact format we use for terms, is the Annotated Term Format, or ATerms for short. We will discuss this format in more detail later, but some of its features are interesting to note here.

First, ATerms are not only used to exchange programs between tools. ATerms are also used in the Stratego language itself for the representation of programs. In other words, ATerms are used for the external representation as well as the internal representation of programs in Stratego/XT. This is very convenient, since we don't have to bind the ATerms to Stratego specific data-structures. Usually, if such a data-binding is necessary, then there is always a mismatch here and there.

Second, an important feature of the implementation is that terms are represented using maximal sharing. This means that any term in use in a program is represented only once. In other words, two occurrences of the same term will be represented by pointers to the same location. This greatly reduces the amount of memory needed for representing programs.

Chapter 4. Annotated Terms

The Annotated Term Format, or ATerms for short, is heavily used in Stratego/XT. It used for the structured representation of programs (and also data in general). Program representations are exchanged between transformation tools in the ATerm format and the data-structures of the Stratego language itself are ATerms.

Before we start with the more interesting tools of XT, we need to take a closer look at the ATerm format. This chapter introduces the ATerm format and some tools that operate on ATerms.

4.1. Annotated Term Format

The ATerm format provides a set of constructs for representing trees, comparable to XML or abstract data types in functional programming languages. For example, the code 4 + f(5 * x) might be represented in a term as:

Plus(Int("4"), Call("f", [Mul(Int("5"), Var("x"))]))

ATerms are constructed from the following elements:


An integer constant, that is a list of decimal digits, is an ATerm. Examples: 1, 12343.


A string constant, that is a list of characters between double quotes is an ATerm. Special characters such as double quotes and newlines should be escaped using a backslash. The backslash character itself should be escaped as well.

Examples: "foobar", "string with quotes\"", "escaped escape character\\ and a newline\n".

Constructor application

A constructor is an identifier, that is an alphanumeric string starting with a letter, or a double quoted string.

A constructor application c(t1,...,tn) creates a term by applying a constructor to a list of zero or more terms. For example, the term Plus(Int("4"),Var("x")) uses the constructors Plus, Int, and Var to create a nested term from the strings "4" and "x".

When a constructor application has no subterms the parentheses may be omitted. Thus, the term Zero is equivalent to Zero(). Some people consider it good style to explicitly write the parentheses for nullary terms in Stratego programs. Through this rule, it is clear that a string is really a special case of a constructor application.


A list is a term of the form [t1,...,tn], that is a list of zero or more terms between square brackets.

While all applications of a specific constructor typically have the same number of subterms, lists can have a variable number of subterms. The elements of a list are typically of the same type, while the subterms of a constructor application can vary in type.

Example: The second argument of the call to "f" in the term Call("f",[Int("5"),Var("x")]) is a list of expressions.


A tuple (t1,...,tn) is a constructor application without constructor. Example: (Var("x"), Type("int"))


The elements defined above are used to create the structural part of terms. Optionally, a term can be annotated with a list terms. These annotations typically carry additional semantic information about the term. An annotated term has the form t{t1,...,tn}. Example: Lt(Var("n"),Int("1")){Type("bool")}. The contents of annotations is up to the application.

4.2. Inspecting Terms

As a Stratego programmer you will be looking a lot at raw ATerms. Stratego pioneers would do this by opening an ATerm file in emacs and trying to get a sense of the structure by parenthesis highlighting and inserting newlines here and there. These days your life is much more pleasant through the tool pp-aterm, which adds layout to a term to make it readable. For example, parsing the following program

let function fact(n : int) : int =
      if n < 1 then 1 else (n * fact(n - 1))
 in printint(fact(10))

produces the following ATerm (say in file fac.trm):


By pretty-printing the term using pp-aterm as

$ pp-aterm -i fac.trm

we get a much more readable term:

  [ FunDecs(
      [ FunDec(
        , [FArg("n", Tp(Tid("int")))]
        , Tp(Tid("int"))
        , If(
            Lt(Var("n"), Int("1"))
          , Int("1")
          , Seq(
              [ Times(
                , Call(
                  , [Minus(Var("n"), Int("1"))]
, [ Call(
    , [Call(Var("fact"), [Int("10")])]

4.3. Maximal Sharing (*)

An important feature of the implementation is that terms are represented using maximal sharing. This means that any term in use in a program is represented only once. In other words, two occurrences of the same term will be represented by pointers to the same location. Figure 4.1 illustrates the difference between a pure tree representation and a tree, or more accurately, a directed acyclic graph, with maximal sharing. That is, any sub-term is represented exactly once in memory, with each occurrence pointing to the same memory location. This representation entails that term equality is a constant operation, since it consists of comparing pointers.

It should be noted that annotations create different terms, that is, two terms, one with and the other without annotations that are otherwise, modulo annotations, the same, are not equal.

Figure 4.1.  Tree and dag for the string (a + b) * c + (a + b)

Tree and dag for the string (a + b) * c + (a + b)
Tree and dag for the string (a + b) * c + (a + b)

4.4. Exchange Format

Maximal sharing can make a big difference in the amount of bytes needed for representing programs. Therefore, we would like to preserve this maximal sharing when an ATerm is exchanged between two programs. When exporting a term using the textual exchange format, this compression is lost. Therefore, the ATerm Library also provides a binary exchange format that preserves maximal sharing.

Actually, there are three different formats:

Textual ATerm Format

In the textual ATerm format the ATerm is written as plain text, without sharing. This format is very inefficient for the exchange of large programs, but it is readable for humans.

Binary ATerm Format

The binary ATerm format, also known as BAF, is an extremely efficient binary encoding of an ATerm. It preserves maximal sharing and uses all kinds of tricks to represent an ATerm in as few bytes as possible.

Shared Textual ATerm Format

In the shared, textual, format the ATerm is written as plain text, but maximal sharing is encoded in the text.

The tool baffle can be used to convert an ATerm from one format to another. Baffle, and other tools that operate on ATerms, automatically detect the format of an input ATerm.

4.5. ATerm Library

The ATerm Format is an external representation for terms that can be used to exchange structured data between programs. In order to use a term, a program needs to parse ATerms and transform them into some internal representation. To export a term after processing it, a program should transform the internal representation into the standard format. There are libraries supporting these operation for a number of languages, including C, Java, and Haskell.

The implementation of the Stratego transformation language is based on the C implementation of the library. The library provides term input and output, and an API for constructing and inspecting terms. Garbage collection is based on Boehms conservative garbage collection algorithm.

Chapter 5. Syntax Definition and Parsing

In Chapter 3 we have introduced the architecture of the XT tansformation tools. Source to source transformation systems based on XT consist of a pipeline of a parser, a series of transformations on a structured program representation, and a pretty-printer. In Chapter 4 we have explained the ATerm format, which is the format we use for this structured program transformation. This chapter will be about the parser part of the pipeline.

Stratego/XT uses the Syntax Definition Formalism (SDF), for defining the syntax of a programming language. From a syntax definition in SDF, a parser can be generated fully automatically. There is no need for a separate lexer or scanner specification, since SDF integrates the lexical and the context-free syntax definition of a programming language in a single specification. The generated parser is based on the Scannerless Generalized-LR algorithm, but more details about that later. The parser directly produces an ATerm representation of the program, as a parse tree, or as an abstract syntax tree.

Actually, the component-based approach of XT allows you to use any tool for parsing a source program to an ATerm. So, you don't necessarily have to use the parsing tools we present in this chapter. Instead, it might sometimes be a good idea to create an ATerm backend for a parser that you already have developed (by hand or using a different parser generator), or reuse an entire, existing front-end that is provided by a third-party. However, the techniques we present in this chapter are extremely expressive, flexible, and easy to use, so for developing a new parser it would be a very good idea to use SDF and SGLR.

5.1. Concepts: Grammars, Parse Trees, and Abstract Syntax Trees

In this section, we review the basics of grammars, parse trees and abstract syntax trees. Although you might already be familiar with these basic concepts, the perspective from the Stratego/XT point of view might still be interesting to read.

5.1.1. Context-free Grammars

Context-free grammars were originally introduced by Chomsky to describe the generation of grammatically correct sentences in a language. A context-free grammar is a set of productions of the form A0 -> A1 ... An, where A0 is non-terminal and A1 ... An is a string of terminals and non-terminals. From this point of view, a grammar describes a language by generating its sentences. A string is generated by starting with the start non-terminal and repeatedly replacing non-terminal symbols according to the productions until a string of terminal symbols is reached.

A context-free grammar can also be used to recognize sentences in the language. In that process, a string of terminal symbols is rewritten to the start non-terminal, by repeatedly applying grammar productions backwards, i.e. reducing a substring matching the right-hand side of a production to the non-terminal on the left-hand side. To emphasize the recognition aspect of grammars, productions are specified as A1 ... An -> A0 in SDF.

As an example, consider the SDF productions for a small language of arithmetic expressions in Figure 5.1, where Id and IntConst are terminals and Var and Exp are non-terminals. Using this definition, and provided that a and n are identifiers (Id) and 1 is an IntConst, a string such as (a+n)*1 can be recognized as an expression by reducing it to Exp, as shown by the reduction sequence in the right-hand side of Figure 5.1.

Figure 5.1.  Context-free productions and a reduction sequence.

Id          -> Var 
Var         -> Exp
IntConst    -> Exp
"-" Exp     -> Exp
Exp "*" Exp -> Exp
Exp "+" Exp -> Exp
Exp "-" Exp -> Exp
Exp "=" Exp -> Exp
Exp ">" Exp -> Exp
"(" Exp ")" -> Exp
   (a   + n  ) * 1 
-> (Id  + n  ) * 1
-> (Var + n  ) * 1
-> (Exp + n  ) * 1
-> (Exp + Id ) * 1
-> (Exp + Var) * 1
-> (Exp + Exp) * 1
-> (Exp      ) * 1
-> Exp         * 1
-> Exp         * IntConst
-> Exp         * Exp
-> Exp

5.1.2. Parse Trees

Recognition of a string only leads to its grammatical category, not to any other information. However, a context-free grammar not only describes a mapping from strings to sorts, but actually assigns structure to strings. A context-free grammar can be considered as a declaration of a set of trees of one level deep. For example, the following trees correspond to productions from the syntax definition in Figure 5.1:

Such one-level trees can be composed into larger trees by fusing trees such that the symbol at a leaf of one tree matches with the root symbol of another, as is illustrated in the fusion of the plus and times productions on the right. The fusion process can continue as long as the tree has non-terminal leaves. A tree composed in this fashion is a parse tree if all leaves are terminal symbols. Figure 5.2 shows a parse tree for the expression (a+n)*1, for which we showed a reduction sequence earlier in Figure 5.1. This illustrates the direct correspondence between a string and its grammatical structure. The string underlying a parse tree can be obtained by concatening the symbols at its leaves, also known as the yield.

Figure 5.2. Parse tree

Parse tree

Parse trees can be derived from the reduction sequence induced by the productions of a grammar. Each rewrite step is associated with a production, and thus with a tree fragment. Instead of replacing a symbol with the non-terminal symbol of the production, it is replaced with the tree fragment for the production fused with the trees representing the symbols being reduced. Thus, each node of a parse tree corresponds to a rewrite step in the reduction of its underlying string. This is illustrated by comparing the reduction sequence in Figure 5.1 with the tree in Figure 5.2

The recognition of strings described by a syntax definition, and the corresponding construction of parse trees can be done automatically by a parser, which can be generated from the productions of a syntax definition.

5.1.3. Abstract Syntax Trees

Parse trees contain all the details of a program including literals, whitespace, and comments. This is usually not necessary for performing transformations. A parse tree is reduced to an abstract syntax tree by eliminating irrelevant information such as literal symbols and layout. Furthermore, instead of using sort names as node labels, constructors encode the production from which a node is derived. For this purpose, the productions in a syntax definition are extended with constructor annotations. Figure 5.3 shows the extension of the syntax definition from Figure 5.1 with constructor annotations and the abstract syntax tree for the same good old string (a+n)*1. Note that some identifiers are used as sort names and and as constructors. This does not lead to a conflict since sort names and constructors are derived from separate name spaces. Some productions do not have a constructor annotation, which means that these productions do not create a node in the abstract syntax tree.

Figure 5.3.  Context-free productions with constructor annotations and an abstract syntax tree.

Id          -> Var  {cons("Var")}
Var         -> Exp 
IntConst    -> Exp  {cons("Int")}
"-" Exp     -> Exp  {cons("Uminus")}
Exp "*" Exp -> Exp  {cons("Times")}
Exp "+" Exp -> Exp  {cons("Plus")}
Exp "-" Exp -> Exp  {cons("Minus")}
Exp "=" Exp -> Exp  {cons("Eq")}
Exp ">" Exp -> Exp  {cons("Gt")}
"(" Exp ")" -> Exp
Context-free productions with constructor annotations and an abstract syntax tree.

5.2. From Concepts to Practice: Generating a Parser

In the next section we will take a closer look at the various features of the SDF language, but before that it is useful to know your tools, so that you can immediately experiment with the various SDF features you will learn about. You don't need to fully understand the SDF fragments we use to explain the tools: we will come back to that later.

One of the nice things about SDF and the tools for it, is that the concepts that we have discussed directly translate to practice. For example, SDF supports all context-free grammars; the parser produces complete parse trees, which can even be yielded; parse trees can be converted to abstract syntax trees.

5.2.1. From Modules to Definition

In SDF, you can split a syntax definition into multiple modules. So, a complete syntax definition consists of a set modules. SDF modules are stored in files with the extension .sdf. Figure 5.4 shows two SDF modules for a small language of expressions. The module Lexical defines the identifiers and integer literals of the language. This module is imported by the module Expression.

Figure 5.4.  SDF modules for a small language of arithmetic expressions.

module Expression
  Lexical Operators

  context-free start-symbols Exp
  context-free syntax
    Id          -> Exp {cons("Var")}
    IntConst    -> Exp {cons("Int")}
    "(" Exp ")" -> Exp {bracket}
module Operators
  sorts Exp
  context-free syntax
    Exp "*" Exp -> Exp {left, cons("Times")}
    Exp "/" Exp -> Exp {left, cons("Div")}
    Exp "%" Exp -> Exp {left, cons("Mod")}
    Exp "+" Exp -> Exp {left, cons("Plus")}
    Exp "-" Exp -> Exp {left, cons("Minus")}

  context-free priorities
      Exp "*" Exp -> Exp
      Exp "/" Exp -> Exp
      Exp "%" Exp -> Exp
  > {left:
      Exp "+" Exp -> Exp
      Exp "-" Exp -> Exp

module Lexical
  sorts Id IntConst

  lexical syntax
    [\ \t\n]  -> LAYOUT
    [a-zA-Z]+ -> Id
    [0-9]+    -> IntConst

Before you can invoke the parser generator to create a parser for this expression language, the modules that constitute a complete syntax definition have to be collected into a single file, usually called a definition. This file has the extension .def. Collecting SDF modules into a .def file is the job of the tool pack-sdf.

$ pack-sdf -i Expression.sdf -o Expression.def

Pack-sdf collects all modules imported by the SDF module specified using the -i parameter. This results in a combined syntax definition, which is written to the file specified with the -o parameter. Modules are looked for in the current directory and any of the include directories indicated with the -I dir arguments.

Pack-sdf does not analyse the contents of an SDF module to report possible errors (except for syntactical ones). The parser generator, discussed next, performs this analysis.

Standard options for input and output

All tools in Stratego/XT use the -i and -o options for input and output. Also, most tools read from the standard input or write to standard output if no input or output is specified.

5.2.2. Generating a Parser

From the .def definition file (as produced by pack-sdf), the parser generator sdf2table constructs a parse table. This parse table can later on be handed off to the actual parser.

$ sdf2table -i Expression.def -o Expression.tbl -m Expression

The -m option is used to specify the module for which to generate a parse table. The default module is Main, so if the syntax definition has a different main module (in this case Expression), then you need to specify this option.

The parse table is stored in a file with extension .tbl. If all you plan on doing with your grammar is parsing, the resulting .tbl file is all you need to deploy. sdf2table could be thought of as a parse-generator; however, unlike many other parsing systems, it does not construct an parser program, but a compact data representation of the parse table.

Sdf2table analyzes the SDF syntax definition to detect possible errors, such as undefined symbols, symbols for which no productions exists, deprecated features, etc. It is a good idea to try to fix these problems, although sdf2table will usually still happily generated a parse table for you.

5.2.3. Invoking the Parser

Now we have a parse table, we can invoke the actual parser with this parse table to parse a source program. The parser is called sglr and produces a complete parse tree in the so-called AsFix format. Usually, we are not really interested in the parse tree and want to work on an abstract syntax tree. For this, there is the somewhat easier to use tool sglri, which indirectly just invokes sglr.

$ cat mul.exp
(a + n) * 1
$ sglri -p Expression.tbl -i mul.exp

For small experiments, it is useful that sglri can also read the source file from standard input. Example:

$ echo "(a + n) * 1" | sglri -p Expression.tbl

Heuristic Filters.  As we will discuss later, SGLR uses disambiguation filters to select the desired derivations if there are multiple possibilities. Most of these filters are based on specifications in the original syntax definition, such a associativity, priorities, follow restrictions, reject, avoid and prefer productions. However, unfortunately there are some filters that select based on heuristics. Sometimes these heuristics are applicable to your situation, but sometimes they are not. Also, the heuristic filters make it less clear when and why there are ambiguities in a syntax definition. For this reason, they are disabled by default if you use sglri, (but not yet if you use sglr).

Start Symbols.  If the original syntax definition contained multiple start symbols, then you can optionally specify the desired start symbol with the -s option. For example, if we add Id to the start-symbols of our expression language, then a single identifier is suddenly an ambiguous input (we will come back to ambiguities later) :

$ echo "a" | sglri -p Expression.tbl

By specifying a start symbol, we can instruct the parser to give us the expression alternative, which is the first term in the list of two alternatives.

$ echo "a" | sglri -p Expression.tbl -s Exp 

Working with Parse Trees.  If you need a parse tree, then you can use sglr itself. These parse trees contain a lot of information, so they are huge. Usually, you really don't want to see them. Still, the structure of the parse tree is quite interesting, since you can exactly inspect how the productions from the syntax definition have been applied to the input.

$ echo "(a + n) * 1" | sglr -p Expression.tbl -2 -fi -fe | pp-aterm
parsetree( ... )

Note that we passed the options -2 -fi -fe to sglr. The -2 option specifies the variant of the AsFix parse tree format that should be used: AsFix2. The Stratego/XT tools use this variant at the moment. All variants of the AsFix format are complete and faithful representation of the derivation constructed by the parser. It includes all details of the input file, including whitespace, comments, and is self documenting as it uses the complete productions of the syntax definition to encode node labels. The AsFix2 variant preserves all the structure of the derivation. In the other variant, the structure of the lexical parts of a parse tree are not preserved. The -fi -fe options are used to heuristic disambiguation filters, which are by default disabled in sglri, but not in sglr.

The parse tree can be imploded to an abstract syntax tree using the tool implode-asfix. The combination of sglr and implode-asfix has the same effect as directly invoking sglri.

$ echo "(a + n) * 1" | sglr -p Expression.tbl -2 -fi -fe | implode-asfix

The parse tree can also be yielded back to the original source file using the tool asfix-yield. Applying this tool shows that whitespace and comments are indeed present in the parse tree, since the source is reproduced in exactly the same way as it was!

$ echo "(a + n) * 1" | sglr -p Expression.tbl -2 -fi -fe | asfix-yield
(a + n) * 1

Chapter 6. Syntax Definition in SDF

First, basic structure of SDF. Second, how syntax is defined SDF. Third, examples of lexical and context-free syntax. Fourth, more detailed coverage of disambigation.

6.1. SDF: The Basics

In this section, we give an overview of the basic constructs of SDF. After this section, you will now the basic idea of SDF. The next sections will discuss these constructs more detail.

6.1.1. Modules

Before defining some actual syntax, we have to explain the basic structure of a module. For this, let's take a closer look at the language constructs that are used in the modules we showed earlier in Figure 5.4.

Example 6.1. Basic constructs of SDF

module Expression 1
  Lexical Operators 2

exports  3
  context-free start-symbol Exp 4
  context-free syntax 5
    Id          -> Exp {cons("Var")} 6
    IntConst    -> Exp {cons("Int")} 
    "(" Exp ")" -> Exp {bracket}

module Operators
  sorts Exp  7
  context-free syntax
    Exp "*" Exp -> Exp {left, cons("Times")} 8
    Exp "/" Exp -> Exp {left, cons("Div")}
    Exp "%" Exp -> Exp {left, cons("Mod")}
    Exp "+" Exp -> Exp {left, cons("Plus")} 
    Exp "-" Exp -> Exp {left, cons("Minus")}

  context-free priorities 9
      Exp "*" Exp -> Exp
      Exp "/" Exp -> Exp
      Exp "%" Exp -> Exp
  > {left:
      Exp "+" Exp -> Exp
      Exp "-" Exp -> Exp

module Lexical
  sorts Id IntConst 10
  lexical syntax 11
    [a-zA-Z]+ -> Id       
    [0-9]+    -> IntConst 
    [\ \t\n]  -> LAYOUT

  lexical restrictions 12
    Id -/- [a-zA-Z]

Example 6.1 shows these modules, highlighting some of the constructs that are important to know before we dive into the details of defining syntax.


Modules have a name, which can be a plain identifier, such as Expression in this example. The module must be in a file with same name and the .sdf extension. The module name can also be a path, for example java/expressions/Assignment. In this case, the module has to be in a file with name Assignment.sdf, which must be in a directory java/expressions.


A module can optionally import a number of other modules. Multiple modules can be imported with a single import, as we have done in this example, or multiple imports can be used. This is not very common: usually, modules have just a single imports declaration.

Modules are always imported by their full name. So, if the name of a module is a path, such as java/expressions/Assignment, then the module must be imported with that full name, even if it is in the directory java/expressions. If the name of the modules are long, which is typically the case if you use full paths to organize a large syntax definition in different directories, then the names are usually mentioned on separate lines, but still in a single import.


Modules contain a number of sections, of which we now only consider the exports section. An exports section defines a number of syntactic aspects, called a grammar, that will be available to modules that import this module. This includes syntax, but also declarations of sorts, start symbols, priorities, restrictions, etc.

A module can also just import other modules and not actually define any syntactical aspects itself. This is typically the case in main modules of large syntax definitions, which only import modules for names, expressions, statements, etc.

6.1.2. Start Symbols


Every syntax definition needs to define one or more start symbols, otherwise not a single input will accepted. Start symbols are the language constructs that are allowed at the top-level of a source file. For our simple expression language, the start symbol is Exp. For a java syntax definition, the start symbol could be CompilationUnit, which consists of a package, import, and type declarations.

6.1.3. Sorts

7 10

Every syntax definition introduces names for the syntactical sorts of a language, such as Exp and Id. These names can be declared in a sorts declaration. Declaring sorts is optional, but the SDF parser generator will give a warning if a sort that is used somewhere in the syntax definition is not declared. It is a good habit to declare all the sorts, since this makes it easier to find possible miss-spellings of these names.

Note that in SDF syntax definitions we do not directly use the terminology of terminal and non-terminal, since actually only single characters are terminals in SDF, and almost everything else is a non-terminal. Lexical and context-free sorts are both declared as sorts.

6.1.4. Syntax

5 11

The actual syntax is defined in lexical and context-free syntax. The lexical syntax defines the syntax of language constructs like literals, comments, whitespace, and identifiers, or what is usally referred to as terminals. The context-free syntax defines the syntax of constructs like operators, statements, or what is usually referred to as non-terminals.

In other parser generators the lexical syntax is often specified in a separate scanner specification, but in SDF these lexical aspects are integrated in the definition of the context-free syntax. We will come back to that later when we discuss the definition of lexical syntax.

6 8

Productions can have attributes can have attributes, specified between curly braces after the production. Some of these attributes, such as left have a special meaning for SDF itself. Other attributes can specify information about a production that target a different tool, such as bracket and cons, which target the tool that implodes parse trees to abstract syntax trees.

6.1.5. Disambiguation

9 12

SDF support constructs to define in a declarative way that certain kinds of derivations are not allowed, also known as disambiguation filters. In our example, there two examples of this: we define priorities of the arithmetic expressions, and there is a lexical restriction that specifies that an identifier can never be followed by a character that is allowed in an identifier. We will explain these mechanisms later.

6.2. Syntax

6.2.1. Lexical and Context-free Syntax

Usually, parsing is performed in two phases. First, a lexical analysis phase splits the input in tokens, based on a grammar for the lexical syntax of the language. This lexical grammar is usually specified by a set of regular expressions that specifiy the tokens of the language. Second, a parser based on a grammar for the context-free syntax of the language performs the syntactic analysis. This approach has several disadvantages for certain applications, which won't discuss in detail for now. One of the most important disadvantages is that the combination of the two grammars is not a complete, declarative definition of the syntax of the language.

SDF integrates the definition of lexical and context-free syntax in a single formalism, thus supporting the complete description of the syntax of a language in a single specification. All syntax, both lexical and context-free, is defined by productions, respectively in lexical syntax and context-free syntax sections. Parsing of languages defined in SDF is implemented by scannerless generalized-LR parsing, which operates on individual characters instead of tokens.

Expressive Power.  Since lexical and context-free syntax are both defined by productions, there is actually no difference in the expressive power of the lexical and context-free grammar. Hence, lexical syntax can be a context-free language, instead of being restricted to a regular grammar, which is the case when using conventional lexical analysis tools based on regular expression. For example, this means that you can define the syntax of nested comments in SDF, which we will illustrate later. In practice, more important is that it is easier to define lexical syntax using productions than using regular expressions.

Layout.  Then, why are there two different sections for defining syntax? The difference between these two kinds of syntax sections is that in lexical syntax no layout (typically whitespace and comments) is allowed between symbols. In contrast, in context-free syntax sections layout is allowed between the symbols of a production. We will explain later how layout is defined. The allowance of layout is the only difference between the two kinds of syntax sections.

6.2.2. Productions, Sorts, and Symbols

In the Section 5.1 we recapped context-free grammars and productions, which have the form A0 -> A1 ... An, where A0 is non-terminal and A1 ... An is a string of terminals and non-terminals. Also, we mentioned earlier that the distinction between terminals and non-terminals is less useful in SDF, since only single characters are terminals if the lexical and context-free syntax are defined in a single formalism. For this reason, every element of a production, i.e. A0 ... An is called a symbol. So, productions take a list of symbols and produce another symbol.

6.2.3. Symbols and Regular Expressions

There are two primary symbols:


Sorts are names for language specific constructs, such as Exp, Id, and IntConst. These names are declared using the previously introduced sorts declaration and defined by productions.

Character Classes

A character class is set of characters. Character classes are specified by single characters, character ranges, and can be combined using set operators, such as complement, difference, union, intersection. Examples: [abc], [a-z], [a-zA-Z0-9], ~[\n]. We will discuss character classes in more detail in Section 6.2.4.

Of course, defining an entire language using productions that can contain only sorts and character classes would be a lot of work. For example, programming languages usually contain all kinds of list constructs. Specification of lists with plain context-free grammars requires several productions for each list construct. SDF provides a bunch of regular expression operators abbreviating these common patterns. In the following list, A represents a symbol and c a character.

"c0 ... cn"

Literals are strings that must literally occur in the input, such as keywords (if, while, class), literals (null, true) and operators (+, *). Literals can be written naturally as, for example, "while". Escaping of special characters will be discussed in ???.


Zero or more symbols A. Examples: Stm*, [a-zA-Z]*


One or more symbols A. Examples: TypeDec+, [a-zA-Z]+

{A0 A1}*

Zero or more symbols A0 separated by A1. Examples: {Exp ","}*, {FormalParam ","}*

{A0 A1}+

One or more symbols A0 separated by A1. Examples: {Id "."}+, {InterfaceType ","}+


Optional symbol A. Examples: Expr?, [fFdD]?

A0 | A1

Alternative of symbol A0 or A1. Example: {Expr ","}* | LocalVarDec

(A0 ... An)

Sequence of symbols A0 ... An.

6.2.4. Character Classes

In order to define the syntax at the level of characters, SDF provides character classes, which represent a set of characters from which one character can be recognized during parsing. The content of a character classes is a specification of single characters or character ranges (c0-c1). Letters and digits can be written as themselves, all other characters should be escaped using a slash, e.g. \_. Characters can also be indicated by their decimal ASCII code, e.g. \13 for linefeed. Some often used non-printable characters have more mnemonic names, e.g., \n for newline, \ for space and \t for tab.

Character classes can be combined using set operations. The most common one is the unary complement operator ~, e.g ~[\n]. Binary operators are the set difference /, union \/ and intersection /\.

Example 6.2. Examples of Character Classes


Character class for digits: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9.


Characters typically used in hexi-decimal literals.


Characters used as a floating point type suffix, typically in C-like languages.

[\ \t\12\r\n]

Typical character class for defining whitespace. Note that SDF does not yet support \f as an escape for form feed (ASCII code 12).


Character class for the set of characters that are usually allowed as escape sequences in C-like programming languages.


The set of characters that is typically allowed in string literals.

6.3. Examples: Defining Lexical Syntax

Until now, we have mostly discussed the design of SDF. Now, it's about time to see how all these fancy ideas for syntax definition work out in practice. In this and the next section, we will present a series of examples that explain how typical language constructs are defined in SDF. This first section covers examples of lexical syntax constructs. The next section will be about context-free syntax.

6.3.1. Simple Whitespace

Before we can start with the examples of lexical constructs like identifiers and literals, you need to know the basics of defining whitespace. In SDF, layout is a special sort, called LAYOUT. To define layout, you have to define productions that produce this LAYOUT sort. Thus, to allow whitespace we can define a production that takes all whitespace characters and produces layout. Layout is lexical syntax, so we define this in a lexical syntax section.

lexical syntax
  [\ \t\r\n] -> LAYOUT

We can now also reveal how context-free syntax exactly works. In context-free syntax, layout is allowed between symbols in the left-hand side of the productions, by automatically inserting optional layout (e.g. LAYOUT?) between them.

In the following examples, we will assume that whitespace is always defined in this way. So, we will not repeat this production in the examples. We will come back to the details of whitespace and comments later.

6.3.2. Identifiers

Almost every language has identifiers, so we will start with that. Defining identifiers themselves is easy, but there is some more definition of syntax required, as we will see next. First, the actual definition of identifiers. As in most languages, we want to disallow digits as the first character of an identifier, so we take a little bit more restrictive character class for that first character.

lexical syntax
  [A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9]* -> Id Reserving Keywords

If a language would only consists of identifiers, then this production does the job. Unfortunately, life is not that easy. In practice, identifiers interact with other language constructs. The best known interaction is that most languages do not allow keywords (such as if, while, class) and special literals (such as null, true). In SDF, keywords and special literals are not automatically preferred over identifiers. For example, consider the following, very simple expression language (for the context-free syntax we appeal to your intuition for now).

lexical syntax
  [A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9]* -> Id
  "true"  -> Bool
  "false" -> Bool

context-free start-symbols Exp
context-free syntax
  Id   -> Exp {cons("Id")}
  Bool -> Exp {cons("Bool")}

The input true can now be parsed as an identifier as well as a boolean literal. Since the generalized-LR parser actually supports ambiguities, we can even try this out:

$ echo "true" | sglri -p Test.tbl
amb([Bool("true"), Id("true")])

The amb term is a representation of the ambiguity. The argument of the ambiguity is a list of alternatives. In this case, the first is the boolean literal and the second is the identifier true. So, we have to define explicitly that we do not want to allow these boolean literals as identifiers. For this purpose, we can use SDF reject productions. The intuition of reject productions is that all derivations of a symbol for which there is a reject production are forbidden. In this example, we need to create productions for the boolean literals to identifiers.

lexical syntax
  "true"  -> Id {reject}
  "false" -> Id {reject}

For true, there will now be two derivations for an Id: one using the reject production and one using the real production for identifiers. Because of that reject production, all derivations will be rejected, so true is not an identifier anymore. Indeed, if we add these productions to our syntax definition, then the true literal is no longer ambiguous:

$ echo "true" | sglri -p Test.tbl

We can make the definition of these reject productions a bit more concise by just reusing the Bool sort. In the same way, we can define keywords using separate production rules and have a single reject production from keywords to identifiers.

lexical syntax
  Bool    -> Id {reject}
  Keyword -> Id {reject}

  "class" -> Keyword
  "if"    -> Keyword
  "while" -> Keyword Longest Match

Scanners usually apply a longest match policy for scanning tokens. Thus, if the next character can be included in the current token, then this will always be done, regardless of the consequences after this token. In most languages, this is indeed the required behaviour, but in some languages longest match scanning actually doesn't work. Similar to not automatically reserving keywords, SDF doesn't choose the longest match by default. Instead, you need to specify explicitly that you want to recognize the longest match.

For example, suppose that we introduce two language constructs based on the previously defined Id. The following productions define two statements: a simple goto and a construct for variable declarations, where the first Id is the type and the second the variable name.

context-free syntax
  Id    -> Stm {cons("Goto")}
  Id Id -> Stm {cons("VarDec")}

For the input foo, which is of course intended to be a goto, the parser will now happily split up the identifier foo, which results in variable declarations. Hence, this input is ambiguous.

$ echo "foo" | sglri -p Test.tbl
amb([Goto("foo"), VarDec("f","oo"), VarDec("fo","o")])

To specify that we want the longest match of an identifier, we define a follow restriction. Such a follow restriction indicates that a string of a certain symbol cannot be followed by a character from the given character class. In this way, follow restrictions can be used to encode longest match disambiguation. In this case, we need to specify that an Id cannot be followed by one of the identifier characters:

lexical restrictions
  Id -/- [A-Za-z0-9]

Indeed, the input foo is no longer ambiguous and is parsed as a goto:

$ echo "foo" | sglri -p Test.tbl

6.3.3. Keywords

In Section 6.3.2 we explained how to reject keywords as identifiers, so we will not repeat that here. Also, we discussed how to avoid that identifiers get split. A similar split issue arises with keywords. Usually, we want to forbid a letter immediately after a keyword, but the scannerless parser will happily start a new identifier token immediately after the keyword. To illustrate this, we need to introduce a keyword, so let's make our previous goto statement a bit more clear:

context-free syntax
  "goto" Id -> Stm {cons("Goto")}

To illustrate the problem, let's take the input gotox. Of course, we don't want to allow this string to be a goto, but without a follow restriction, it will actually be parsed by starting an identifier after the goto:

$ echo "gotox" | sglri -p Test.tbl

The solution is to specify a follow restriction on the "goto" literal symbol.

lexical restrictions
  "goto" -/- [A-Za-z0-9]

It is not possible to define the follow restrictions on the Keyword sort that we introduced earlier in the reject example. The follow restriction must be defined on the symbol that literally occurs in the production, which is not the case with the Keyword symbol. However, you can specify all the symbols in a single follow restriction, seperated by spaces:

lexical restrictions
  "goto" "if" -/- [A-Za-z0-9]

6.3.4. Integer Literals

Compared to identifiers, integer literals are usually very easy to define, since they do not really interact with other language constructs. Just to be sure, we still define a lexical restriction. The need for this restriction depends on the language in which the integer literal is used.

lexical syntax
  [0-9]+ -> IntConst

lexical restrictions
  IntConst -/- [0-9]

In mainstream languages, there are often several notations for integer literal, for example decimal, hexadecimal, or octal. The alternatives are then usually prefixed with one or more character that indicates the kind of integer literal. In Java, hexadecimal numerals start with 0x and octal with a 0 (zero). For this, we have to make the definition of decimal numerals a bit more precise, since 01234 is now an octal numeral.

lexical syntax
  "0"         -> DecimalNumeral
  [1-9][0-9]* -> DecimalNumeral

  [0][xX] [0-9a-fA-F]+ -> HexaDecimalNumeral
  [0]     [0-7]+       -> OctalNumeral

6.3.5. Floating-Point Literals

Until now, the productions for lexical syntax have not been very complex. In some cases, the definition of lexical syntax might even seem to be more complex in SDF, since you explicitly have to define behaviour that is implicit in existing lexical anlalysis tools. Fortunately, the expressiveness of lexical syntax in SDF also has important advantages, even if it is applied to language that are designed to be processed with a separate scanner. As a first example, let's take a look at the definition of floating-point literals.

Floating-point literals consists of three elements: digits, which may include a dot, an exponent, and a float suffix (e.g. f, d etc). There are three optional elements in float literals: the dot, the exponent, and the float suffix. But, if you leave them all out, then the floating-point literal no longer distinguishes itself from an integer literal. So, one of the floating-point specific elements is required. For example, valid floating-point literals are: 1.0, 1., .1, 1f, and 1e5, but invalid are: 1, and .e5. These rules are encoded in the usual definition of floating-point literals by duplicating the production rule and making different elements optional and required in each production. For example:

lexical syntax
  [0-9]+ "." [0-9]* ExponentPart? [fFdD]? -> FloatLiteral
  [0-9]* "." [0-9]+ ExponentPart? [fFdD]? -> FloatLiteral
  [0-9]+            ExponentPart  [fFdD]? -> FloatLiteral
  [0-9]+            ExponentPart? [fFdD]  -> FloatLiteral

  [eE] SignedInteger -> ExponentPart
  [\+\-]? [0-9]+ -> SignedInteger

However, in SDF we can use reject production to reject these special cases. So, the definition of floating-point literals itself can be more naturally defined in a single production 1. The reject production 2 defines that there should at least be one element of a floating-point literal: it rejects plain integer literals. The reject production 3 defines that the digits part of the floating-point literals is not allowed to be a single dot.

lexical syntax
  FloatDigits ExponentPart? [fFdD]? -> FloatLiteral 1
  [0-9]* "." [0-9]* -> FloatDigits
  [0-9]+            -> FloatDigits

  [0-9]+ -> FloatLiteral {reject} 2
  "."    -> FloatDigits  {reject} 3


Similar to defining whitespace, comments can be allowed everywhere by defining additional LAYOUT productions. In this section, we give examples of how to define several kinds of common comments. End-of-line Comment

Most languages support end-of-line comments, which start with special characters, such as //, #, or %. After that, all characters on that line are part of the comment. Defining end-of-line comments is quite easy: after the initial characters, every character except for the line-terminating characters is allowed until a line terminator.

lexical syntax
  "//" ~[\n]* [\n] -> LAYOUT Traditional Block Comment

Block comments (i.e. /* ... */) are a bit more tricky to define, since the content of a block comment may include an asterisk (*). Let's first take a look at a definition of block comments that does not allow an asterisk in its content:

  "/*" ~[\*]* "*/" -> LAYOUT

If we allow an asterisk and a slash, the sequence */ will be allowed as well. So, the parser will accept the string /* */ */ as a comment, which is not valid in C-like languages. In general, allowing this in a language would be very inefficient, since the parser can never decide where to stop a block comment. So, we need to disallow just the specific sequence of characters */ inside a comment. We can specify this using a follow restriction: an asterisk in a block comments is allowed, but it cannot be followed by a slash (/).

But, on what symbol do we specify this follow restriction? As explained earlier, we need to specify this follow restriction on a symbol that literally occurs in the production. So, we could try to allow a "*", and introduce a follow restriction on that:

lexical syntax
  "/*" (~[\*] | "*")* "*/" -> LAYOUT

lexical restrictions
  "*" -/- [\/]

But, the symbol "*" also occurs in other productions, for example in multiplication expressions and we do not explicitly say here that we intend to refer to the "*" in the block comment production. To distinguish the block comment asterisk from the multiplication operator, we introduce a new sort, creatively named Asterisk, for which we can specify a follow restriction that only applies to the asterisk in a block comment.

lexical syntax
  "/*" (~[\*] | Asterisk)* "*/" -> LAYOUT
  [\*] -> Asterisk

lexical restrictions
  Asterisk -/- [\/] Balanced Block Comments

To illustrate that lexical syntax in SDF can actually be context-free, we now show an example of how to implement balanced, nested block comments, i.e. a block comment that supports block comments in its content: /* /* */ */. Defining the syntax for nested block comments is quite easy, since we can just define a production that allows a block comment inside itself 1. For performance and predictability, it is important to require that the comments are balanced correctly. So, in addition to disallowing */ inside in block comments, we now also have to disallow /*. For this, we introduce a Slash sort, for which we define a follow restriction 2, similar to the Asterisk sort that we discussed in the previous section.

lexical syntax
  BlockComment -> LAYOUT

  "/*" CommentPart* "*/" -> BlockComment
  ~[\/\*]      -> CommentPart
  Asterisk     -> CommentPart
  Slash        -> CommentPart
  BlockComment -> CommentPart 1
  [\/] -> Slash
  [\*] -> Asterisk

lexical restrictions
  Asterisk -/- [\/]
  Slash    -/- [\*]  2

6.4. Examples: Defining Context-Free Syntax

Context-free syntax in SDF is syntax where layout is allowed between the symbols of the productions. Context-free syntax can be defined in a natural way, thanks to the use of generalized-LR parsing, declarative disambiguation mechanism, and an extensive set of regular expression operators. To illustrate the definition of context-free syntax, we give examples of defining expressions and statements. Most of the time will be spend on explaining the disambiguation mechanisms.

6.4.1. Expressions

In the following sections, we will explain the details of a slightly extended version of the SDF modules in Example 6.1, shown in Example 6.3.

Example 6.3. Syntax of Small Expression Language in SDF

module Expression

  context-free start-symbols Exp
  context-free syntax
    Id          -> Var 1
    Var         -> Exp {cons("Var") 2}
    IntConst    -> Exp {cons("Int") 3}}
    "(" Exp ")" -> Exp {bracket 4}

    "-" Exp     -> Exp {cons("UnaryMinus")}
    Exp "*" Exp -> Exp {cons("Times"), left 5}
    Exp "/" Exp -> Exp {cons("Div"), left}
    Exp "%" Exp -> Exp {cons("Mod"), left}
    Exp "+" Exp -> Exp {cons("Plus") 6, left}
    Exp "-" Exp -> Exp {cons("Minus"), left}
    Exp "=" Exp -> Exp {cons("Eq"), non-assoc 7}
    Exp ">" Exp -> Exp {cons("Gt"), non-assoc}

  context-free priorities 8
       "-" Exp -> Exp 9
    > {left: 10
        Exp "*" Exp -> Exp
        Exp "/" Exp -> Exp
        Exp "%" Exp -> Exp
    > {left: 
        Exp "+" Exp -> Exp
        Exp "-" Exp -> Exp
    > {non-assoc: 11
        Exp "=" Exp -> Exp
        Exp ">" Exp -> Exp

6.4.2. Constructor Attributes and Abstract Syntax Trees

First, it is about time to explain the constructor attribute, cons, which was already briefly mentioned in Section 5.1.2. In the example expression language, most productions have a constructor attribute, for example 2, 3 and 6, but some have not, for example 1 and 4.

The cons attribute does not have any actual meaning in the definition of the syntax, i.e the presence or absence of a constructor does not affect the syntax that is defined in any way. The constructor only serves to specify the name of the abstract syntax tree node that is to be constructed if that production is applied. In this way, the cons attribute 3 of the production for integer literals, defines that an Int node should be produced for that production:

$ echo "1" | sglri -p Test.tbl

Note that this Int constructor takes a single argument, a string, which is the name of the variable. This argument of Int is a string because the production for IntConst is defined in lexical syntax and all derivations from lexical syntax productions are represented as strings, i.e. without structure. As another example, the production for addition has a Plus constructor attribute 3. This production has three symbols on the left-hand side, but the constructor takes only two arguments, since literals are not included in the abstract syntax tree.

$ echo "1+2" | sglri -p Test.tbl

However, there are also productions that have no cons attribute, i.e. 1 and 4. The production 1 from Id to Var is called an injection, since it does not involve any additional syntax. Injections don't need to have a constructor attribute. If it is left out, then the application of the production will not produce a node in the abstract syntax tree. Example:

$ echo "x" | sglri -p Test.tbl

Nevertheless, the production 4 does involve additional syntax, but does not have a constructor. In this case, the bracket attribute should be used to indicate that this is a symbol between brackets, which should be literals. The bracket attribute does not affect the syntax of the language, similar to the constructor attribute. Hence, the parenthesis in the following example do not introduce a node, and the Plus is a direct subterm of Times.

$ echo "(1 + 2) * 3" | sglri -p Test.tbl

Conventions.  In Stratego/XT, constructors are by covention CamelCase. Constructors may be overloaded, i.e. the same name can be used for several productions, but be careful with this feature: it might be more difficult to distinguish the several cases for some tools. Usually, constructors are not overloaded for productions with same number of arguments (arity).

6.4.3. Ambiguities in Expressions

Example 6.4. Ambiguous Syntax Definition for Expressions

  Exp "+" Exp -> Exp {cons("Plus")}
  Exp "-" Exp -> Exp {cons("Minus")}
  Exp "*" Exp -> Exp {cons("Mul")} 
  Exp "/" Exp -> Exp {cons("Div")}

Syntax definitions that use only a single non-terminal for expressions are highly ambiguous. Example 6.4 shows the basic arithmetic operators defined in this way. For every combination of operators, there are now multiple possible derivations. For example, the string a+b*c has two possible derivations, which we can actually see because of the use of a generalized-LR parser:

$ echo "a + b * c" | sglri -p Test3.tbl  | pp-aterm
  [ Times(Plus(Var("a"), Var("b")), Var("c"))
  , Plus(Var("a"), Times(Var("b"), Var("c")))

These ambiguities can be solved by using the associativities and priorities of the various operators to disallow undesirable derivations. For example, from the derivations of a + b * c we usually want to disallow the second one, where the multiplications binds weaker than the addition operator. In plain context-free grammars the associativity and priority rules of a language can be encoded in the syntax definition by introducing separate non-terminals for all the priority levels and let every argument of productions refer to such a specific priority level. Example 6.5 shows how the usual priorities and associativity of the operators of the example can be encoded in this way. For example, this definition will never allow an AddExp as an argument of a MulExp, which implies that * binds stronger than +. Also, AddExp can only occur at the left-hand side of an AddExp, which makes the operator left associative.

This way of dealing with associativity and priorities has several disadvantages. First, the disambiguation is not natural, since it is difficult to derive the more high-level rules of priorities and associativity from this definition. Second, it is difficult to define expressions in a modular way, since the levels need to be known and new operators might affect the carefully crafted productions for the existing ones. Third, due to all the priority levels and the productions that connect these levels, the parse trees are more complex and parsing is less efficient. For these reasons SDF features a more declarative way of defining associativity and priorities, which we discuss in the next section.

Example 6.5. Non-Ambiguous Syntax Definition for Expressions

  AddExp -> Exp

  MulExp -> AddExp
  AddExp "+" MulExp -> AddExp {cons("Plus")}
  AddExp "-" MulExp -> AddExp {cons("Minus")}

  PrimExp -> MulExp
  MulExp "*" PrimExp -> MulExp {cons("Mul")} 
  MulExp "/" PrimExp -> MulExp {cons("Div")}

  IntConst -> PrimExp {cons("Int")}
  Id       -> PrimExp {cons("Var")}

6.4.4. Associativity and Priorities

Work in Progress

This chapter is work in progress. Not all parts have been finished yet. The latest revision of this manual may contain more material. Refer to the online version.

In order to support natural syntax definitions, SDF provides several declarative disambiguation mechanisms. Associativity declarations (left, right, non-assoc), disambiguate combinations of a binary operator with itself and with other operators. Thus, the left associativity of + entails that a+b+c is parsed as (a+b)+c. Priority declarations (>) declare the relative priority of productions. A production with lower priority cannot be a direct subtree of a production with higher priority. Thus a+b*c is parsed as a+(b*c) since the other parse (a+b)*c has a conflict between the * and + productions.

> Exp "&"  Exp -> Exp
> Exp "^"  Exp -> Exp
> Exp "|"  Exp -> Exp
> Exp "&&" Exp -> Exp
> Exp "||" Exp -> Exp
> ... Group Associativity Priorities and Hedged Symbols

Solution: introduce an auxiliary non-terminal

6.4.5. Array Creation and Access Ambiguity

This is usually handled with introducing a new non-terminal.

context-free syntax
  "new" ArrayBaseType DimExp+ Dim*  -> ArrayCreationExp {cons("NewArray")}

  Exp "[" Exp "]" -> Exp {cons("ArrayAccess")}
  ArrayCreationExp "[" Exp "]" -> Exp {reject}

6.4.6. Statements

Figure 6.1 illustrates the use of these operators in the extension of the expression language with statements and function declarations. Lists are used in numerous places, such as for the sequential composition of statements (Seq), the declarations in a let binding, and the formal and actual arguments of a function (FunDec and Call). An example function definition in this language is:

Figure 6.1.  Syntax definition with regular expressions.

module Statements
imports Expressions 
  sorts Dec FunDec
  context-free syntax
    Var ":=" Exp            	     -> Exp {cons("Assign")}
    "(" {Exp ";"}* ")" 		     -> Exp {cons("Seq")}
    "if" Exp "then" Exp "else" Exp   -> Exp {cons("If")}
    "while" Exp "do" Exp      	     -> Exp {cons("While")}
    "let" Dec* "in" {Exp ";"}* "end" -> Exp {cons("Let")}
    "var" Id ":=" Exp                -> Dec {cons("VarDec")}
    FunDec+ 			     -> Dec {cons("FunDecs")}
    "function" Id "(" {Id ","}* ")"  
      "=" Exp 	    	             -> FunDec {cons("FunDec")}
    Var "(" {Exp ","}* ")" 	     -> Exp {cons("Call")}
  context-free priorities
     Exp "=" Exp 		     -> Exp
     Exp ">" Exp 		     -> Exp}
  >  Var ":=" Exp                    -> Exp
  > {right:
     "if" Exp "then" Exp "else" Exp  -> Exp
     "while" Exp "do" Exp      	     -> Exp}
  >  {Exp ";"}+ ";" {Exp ";"}+       -> {Exp ";"}+

context-free start-symbols Exp

function fact(n, x) =
  if n > 0 then fact(n - 1, n * x) else x Dangling Else

6.4.7. Whitespace and Comments

context-free restrictions
  LAYOUT? -/- [\ \t\12\n\r]

Why follow restrictions on whitespace is necessary

context-free restrictions
  LAYOUT?  -/- [\/].[\*]
  LAYOUT?  -/- [\/].[\/]

6.5. Unit Testing of Syntax Definitions

Parse-unit is a tool, part of Stratego/XT, for testing SDF syntax definitions. The spirit of unit testing is implemented in parse-unit by allowing you to check that small code fragments are parsed correctly with your syntax definition.

In a parse testsuite you can define tests with an input and an expected result. You can specify that a test should succeed (succeeds, for lazy people), fail (fails) or that the abstract syntax tree should have a specific format. The input can be an inline string or the contents of a file for larger tests.

6.5.1. Usage example Syntax Definition

Assuming the following grammar for a simple arithmetic expressions:

module Exp
  context-free start-symbols Exp
  sorts Id IntConst Exp
  lexical syntax
    [\ \t\n]  -> LAYOUT
    [a-zA-Z]+ -> Id
    [0-9]+    -> IntConst
  context-free syntax
    Id        -> Exp {cons("Var")}
    IntConst  -> Exp {cons("Int")}
    Exp "*"  Exp -> Exp  {left, cons("Mul")}
    Exp "/"  Exp -> Exp  {left, cons("Div")}
    Exp "%"  Exp -> Exp  {left, cons("Mod")}
    Exp "+"  Exp -> Exp  {left, cons("Plus")}
    Exp "-"  Exp -> Exp  {left, cons("Minus")}
  context-free priorities
      Exp "*"  Exp -> Exp
      Exp "/"  Exp -> Exp
      Exp "%"  Exp -> Exp
  > {left:
      Exp "+"  Exp -> Exp
      Exp "-"  Exp -> Exp
    } Parse Testsuite

You could define the following parse testsuite in a file expression.testsuite :

testsuite Expressions
topsort Exp

test simple int literal
  "5" -> Int("5")

test simple addition
  "2 + 3" -> Plus(Int("2"), Int("3"))

test addition is left associative
  "1 + 2 + 3" -> Plus(Plus(Int("1"), Int("2")), Int("3"))

  "1 + 2 + 3" succeeds

test multiplication has higher priority than addition
  "1 + 2 * 3" -> Plus(Int("1"), Mul(Int("2"), Int("3")))

  "x" -> Var("x")

  "x1" -> Var("x1")

  "x1" fails

  "1 * 2 * 3" -> Mul(Int("1"), Mul(Int("2"), Int("3"))) Running the Parse Testsuite

Running this parse testsuite with:

  $ parse-unit -i expression.testsuite -p Exp.tbl

will output:

executing testsuite Expressions with 9 tests
* OK   : test 1 (simple int literal)
* OK   : test 2 (simple addition)
* OK   : test 3 (addition is left associative)
* OK   : test 4 (1 + 2 + 3)
* OK   : test 5 (multiplication has higher priority than addition)
* OK   : test 6 (x)
sglr: error in g_0.tmp, line 1, col 2: character `1' (\x31) unexpected
* ERROR: test 7 (x1)
  - parsing failed
  - expected:  Var("x1")
sglr: error in h_0.tmp, line 1, col 2: character `1' (\x31) unexpected
* OK   : test 8 (x1)
* ERROR: test 9 (1 * 2 * 3)
  - succeeded: Mul(Mul(Int("1"),Int("2")),Int("3"))
  - expected:  Mul(Int("1"),Mul(Int("2"),Int("3")))
results testsuite Expressions
successes : 7
failures  : 2

6.5.2. Parse Testsuite Syntax

You cannot escape special characters because there is no need to escape them. The idea of the testsuite syntax is that test input typically contains a lot of special characters, which therefore they should no be special and should not need escaping.

Anyhow, you still need some mechanism make it clear where the test input stops. Therefore the testsuite syntax supports several quotation symbols. Currently you can choose from: ", "", """, and [, [[, [[[. Typically, if you need a double quote in your test input, then you use the [.

6.5.3. Debugging Support

Parse-unit has an option to parse a single test and write the result to the output. In this mode ambiguities are accepted, which is useful for debugging. The option for the 'single test mode' is --single nr where nr is the number in the testsuite (printed when the testsuite is executed). The --asfix2 flag can be used to produce an asfix2 parse tree instead of an abstract syntax tree.

6.5.4. Invocation in Automake

The following make rule can be used to invoke parse-unit from your build system.

%.runtestsuite : %.testsuite
      $(SDF_TOOLS)/bin/parse-unit -i $< -p $(PARSE_UNIT_PTABLE) --verbose 1 -o /dev/null

A typical fo testing your syntax definitions looks like:

EXTRA_DIST = $(wildcard *.testsuite)

  expressions.testsuite \

PARSE_UNIT_PTABLE = $(top_srcdir)/syn/Foo.tbl

installcheck-local: $(TESTSUITES:.testsuite=.runtestsuite)

Chapter 7. Advanced Topics in Syntax Definition (*)

Work in Progress

This chapter is work in progress. Not all parts have been finished yet. The latest revision of this manual may contain more material. Refer to the online version.

7.1. Combining Languages

7.2. Advanced Module Features

7.2.1. Renaming Symbols

Import module and rename symbols in the imported definition.

Not very common, but heavily used for combining syntax definitions of different language. See concrete object syntax.

7.2.2. Parameterized Modules

Modules can have formal parameters.

Example 7.1. Parameterized Module for Regular Expressions

7.2.3. Hiding Grammars

7.3. Context-sensitive Lexical Syntax

7.4. Explicit versus Implicit Ambiguities

7.5. Performance Tips and Tricks

Chapter 8. Trees, Terms, and Tree Grammars (*)

Work in Progress

This chapter is work in progress. Not all parts have been finished yet. The latest revision of this manual may contain more material. Refer to the online version.

8.1. Regular Tree Grammars

Explains regular tree grammars and how to generate them. See thesis.

8.2. Generating Code from an RTG

Typematch, API.

8.3. Creating a Subset of a Regular Tree Grammar

Explains rtg-script

8.4. Format Checking

Format-check analyzes whether the input ATerm conforms to the format that is specified in the RTG (Regular Tree Grammar).

8.4.1. Introduction

Format-check verifies that the input ATerm is part of the language defined in the RTG. If this is not the case, then the ATerm contains format errors. Format-check can operate in three modes: plain, visualize and XHTML.

The plain mode is used if the other modes are not enabled. In the plain mode format errors are reported and no result is written the the output (stdout or a file). Hence, if format-check is included in a pipeline, then the following tool will probably fail. If the input term is correct, then it is written to the output.

The visualize mode is enabled with the --vis option. In visualize mode format errors are reported and in a pretty-printed ATerm will be written to the output. All innermost parts of the ATerm that cause format errors are printed in red, if your terminal supports control characters for colors. If you want to browse through the ATerm with less, then you should use the -r flag.

The XHTML mode is enabled with the --xhtml option. In XHTML mode format errors are reported and an report in XHTML will be written to the output. This report shows the parts of the ATerm that are not formatted correctly. Also, moving with your mouse over the nodes of ATerm, will show the non-terminals that have be inferred by format-check (do not use IE6. Firefox or Mozilla is recommended).

Format-check reports all innermost format errors. That is, only the deepest format errors are reported. A format error is reported by showing the ATerm that is not in the correct format, and the inferred types of the children of the ATerm. In XHTML and visualize mode a format error of term in a list is presented by a red comma and term. This means that a type has been inferred for the term itself, but that it is not expected at this point in the list. If only the term is red, then no type could be inferred for the term itself.

In all modes format-check succeeds (exit code 0) if the ATerm contains no format errors. If the term does contain format errors, then format-check fails (exit code 1).

8.4.2. Example

Consider the RTG generated in the example of sdf2rtg:

regular tree grammar
  start Exp
    Exp      -> Minus(Exp,Exp)
    Exp      -> Plus(Exp,Exp)
    Exp      -> Mod(Exp,Exp)
    Exp      -> Div(Exp,Exp)
    Exp      -> Mul(Exp,Exp)
    Exp      -> Int(IntConst)
    Exp      -> Var(Id)
    IntConst -> <string>
    Id       -> <string>

The ATerm

Plus(Var("a"), Var("b"))

is part of the language defined by this RTG. Therefore, format-check succeeds:

$ format-check --rtg Exp.rtg -i exp1.trm

Note that format-check outputs the input term in this case. In this way format-check can be used in a pipeline of tools. On the other hand, the ATerm

Plus(Var("a"), Var(1))

is not part of the language defined by this RTG. Therefore, the invocation of format-check fails. Format-check also reports which term caused the failure:

$ format-check --rtg Exp.rtg -i exp2.trm
error: cannot type Var(1)
    inferred types of subterms:
    typed 1 as <int>

In large ATerms it might be difficult to find the incorrect subterm. To help with this, format-check supports the --vis argument. If this argument is used, then the result will pretty-printed (in the same way as pp-aterm) and the incorrect parts will be printed in red.

For example, consider this term:

Plus(Mul(Int(1), Var("a")), Minus(Var("b"), Div(1, Var("c"))))

format-check will visualize the errors in this ATerm:

The XHTML mode shows the errors in red as well. Moreover, if you move your moves over the terms, then you'll see the inferred types of the term.

$ format-check --rtg Exp.rtg -i exp3.trm --xhtml -o foo.html

You can now view the resulting file in your browser. You need a decent browser (Firefox or Mozilla. no IE).

8.5. Signatures (todo: imported)

The abstract syntax of a programming language or data format can be described by means of an algebraic signature. A signature declares for each constructor its arity m, the sorts of its arguments S1 * ... * Sm, and the sort of the resulting term S0 by means of a constructor declaration c:S1 * ... * Sm -> S0. A term can be validated against a signature by a format checker.

Signatures can be derived automatically from syntax definitions. For each production A1...An -> A0 {cons(c)} in a syntax definition, the corresponding constructor declaration is c:S1 * ... * Sm -> S0, where the Si are the sorts corresponding to the symbols Aj after leaving out literals and layout sorts. Figure 8.1 shows the signatures of statement and expression constructors for the example language from this chapter. The modules have been derived automatically from the syntax definitions in ??? and Figure 6.1.

Figure 8.1.  Signature for statement and expression constructors, automatically derived from a syntax definition.

module Statements
    FunDec  : Id * List(Id) * Exp -> FunDec
    FunDecs : List(FunDec) -> Dec
    VarDec  : Id * Exp -> Dec
    Call    : Var * List(Exp) -> Exp
    Let     : List(Dec) * List(Exp) -> Exp
    While   : Exp * Exp -> Exp
    If      : Exp * Exp * Exp -> Exp
    Seq     : List(Exp) -> Exp
    Assign  : Var * Exp -> Exp
    Gt      : Exp * Exp -> Exp
    Eq      : Exp * Exp -> Exp
    Minus   : Exp * Exp -> Exp
    Plus    : Exp * Exp -> Exp
    Times   : Exp * Exp -> Exp
    Uminus  : Exp -> Exp
    Int     : IntConst -> Exp
            : Var -> Exp
    Var     : Id -> Var
            : String -> IntConst
            : String -> Id
    Some : a -> Option(a)
    None : Option(a)
    Cons : a * List(a) -> List(a)
    Nil  : List(a)
    Conc : List(a) * List(a) -> List(a)

8.6. Signature Tools (todo: imported)

sdf2rtg -i m.def -o m.rtg -m M sdf2rtg derives from an SDF syntax definition m.def a regular tree grammar for the module M and all modules it imports.

rtg2sig -i m.def -o m.rtg rtg2sig generates from a regular tree grammar a Stratego signature.

Chapter 9. Pretty Printing with GPP (*)

Work in Progress

This chapter is work in progress. Not all parts have been finished yet. The latest revision of this manual may contain more material. Refer to the online version.

The GPP package is a tool suite for generic pretty-printing. GPP supports pretty-printing of parse-trees in the AsFix format with comment preservation and of abstract syntax trees. GPP supports the output formats plain text, LaTeX, and HTML. Formattings are defined in pretty print tables, which can be generated from SDF syntax definitions.

9.1. Box Text Formatting Language

The Box language is used in the GPP framework as a language-independent intermediate representation. The input language dependent parts and the output format dependent parts of GPP are connected through this intermediate representation.

Box is a mark-up language to describe the intended layout of text and is used in pretty print tables. A Box expression is constructed by composing sub-boxes using Box operators. These operators specify the relative ordering of boxes. Examples of Box operators are the H and V operator which format boxes horizontally and vertically, respectively.

The exact formatting of each Box operator can be customized using Box options. For example, to control the horizontal layout between boxes the H operator supports the hs space option.

For a detailed description of Box (including a description of all available Box operators) we refer to To Reuse Or To Be Reused (Chapter 4)

9.2. Pretty Print Tables

Pretty-print tables are used to specify how language constructs have to be pretty-printed. Pretty-print tables are used in combination with GPP front-ends, such ast2abox.

Pretty-print tables use Box as language to specify formatting of language constructs. A pretty-print table contains mappings from constructor names to Box expressions. For example, for the SDF production

Exp "+" Exp -> Exp {cons("Plus")}

A pretty-print entry looks like:

Plus -- H hs=1 [ _1 "+" _2]

Pretty-print tables are ordered such that pretty-print rules occuring first take preceedence over overlapping pretty-print rules defined later. The syntax of pretty-print tables is available in GPP.

9.2.1. Pretty-Print Table Generation

Pretty-print tables can be generated from SDF syntax definitions using ppgen. Generated pretty-print rules can easiliy be customized by overruling them in additional pretty-print tables. The tool pptable-diff notifies inconsistensies in pretty-print tables after the syntax definition has changed and can be used to bring inconsistent table up-to-date.

9.2.2. Rule Selectors

To be able to specify formattings for all nested constructs that are allowed in SDF productions, so called selectors are used in pretty-print tables to refer to specific parts of an SDF production and to define a formatting for them. For example, the SDF prodcution

"return" Exp? ";" -> Stm {cons("Return")}

contains a nested symbol A?. To specify a formatting for this production, two pretty-print entries can be used:

Return       -- H [ KW["return"] _1 ";" ]
Return.1:opt -- H [ _1 ]

A selector consists of a constructor name followed by a list of number+type tuples. A number selects a particular subtree of a constructor application, the type denotes the type of the selected construct (sequence, optional, separated list etc.). This rather verbose selector mechanism allows unambiguous selection of subtrees. Its verbosity (by specifying both the number of a subtree and its type), makes pretty-print tables easier to understand and, more importantly, it enables pretty-printing of AST's, because with type information, a concrete term can be correctly recontructed from an AST. Pretty-print tables can thus be used for both formatting of parse-trees and AST's.

Below we summarize which selector types are available:


For SDF optionals S?


For non-empty SDF lists S+


For possible empty SDF lists S*


For SDF separator lists {S1 S2}+. Observe that the symbol S1 and the separator S2 are ordinary subtrees of the iter-sep construct which can be refered to as first and second subtree, respectively.


For SDF separator lists {S1 S2}*. Its symbol S1 and separator S2 can be refered to as first and second sub tree.


For SDF alternatives S1 | S2 | S3. According to the SDF syntax, alternatives are binary operators. The pretty-printer flattens all subsequent alternatives. Pretty-print rules can be specified for each alternative individually by specifying the number of each alternative. To be able to format literals in alternative, a special formatting rule can be defined for the construct (See the examples below).


For SDF alternatives (S1 S2 S3).

9.2.3. Examples

Below we list a simple SDF module with productions containing all above rule selectors.

module Symbols
context-free syntax
  A?                  -> S {cons("ex1")}
  A+                  -> S {cons("ex2")}
  A*                  -> S {cons("ex3")}
  {S1 S2}+            -> S {cons("ex4")}
  {S1 S2}*            -> S {cons("ex5")}
  "one" | "two" | S?  -> S {cons("ex6")}
  ("one"  "two" S? )  -> S {cons("ex7")}

The following pretty-print table shows which pretty-print rules can be defined for this syntax:

  ex1                  -- _1,
  ex1.1:opt            -- _1,
  ex2                  -- _1,
  ex2.1:iter           -- _1,
  ex3                  -- _1,
  ex3.1:iter-star      -- _1,
  ex4                  -- _1,
  ex4.1:iter-sep       -- _1 _2,
  ex5                  -- _1,
  ex5.1:iter-star-sep  -- _1 _2,
  ex6                  -- _1,
  ex6.1:alt            -- KW["one"] KW["two"] _1,
  ex6.1:alt.1:opt      -- _1,
  ex7                  -- _1,
  ex7.1:seq            -- KW["one"] KW["two"] _1,
  ex7.1:seq.1:opt      -- _1

The pretty-print rule ex6.1:alt is a special case. It contains three Box expressions, one for each alternative. It is used to specify a formatting for the non-nested literals "one" and "two". During pretty-printing one of the three Box expressions is selected, depending on alternative contained the term to format.

9.3. Restoring Parenthesis

In this section, we explain how you can generate a tool that restores all parentheses at the places where necessary according to the priorities and associativities of a language.

9.4. Pretty Printing using Stratego

In this section, we explain how you can use Box in Stratego to implement a pretty-printer by hand.

9.5. Pretty-Printing (todo: imported)

After transformation, an abstract syntax tree should be turned into text again to be useful as a program. Mapping a tree into text can be seen as the inverse as parsing, and is thus called unparsing. When an unparser makes an attempt at producing human readable, instead of just compiler parsable, program text, an unparser is called a pretty-printer. We use the pretty-printing model as provided by the Generic Pretty-Printing package GPP. In this model a tree is unparsed to a Box expression, which contains text with markup for pretty-printing. A Box expression can be interpreted by different back-ends to produce text for different displaying devices, such as plain ASCII text, HTML, and LaTeX.

9.5.1. Unparsing

Unparsing is the inverse of parsing composed with abstract syntax tree composition. That is, an unparser turns an abstract syntax tree into a string, such that if the resulting string is parsed again, it produces the same abstract syntax tree.

An unparser can be organized in two phases. In the first phase, each node in an abstract syntax tree is replaced with the concrete syntax tree of the corresponding grammar production. In the second phase, the strings at the leaves of the tree are concatenated into a string. Figure 9.1 illustrates this process. The replacement of abstract syntax tree nodes by concrete syntax patterns should be done according to the productions of the syntax definition. An unparsing table is an abstraction of a syntax definition definining the inverse mapping from constructors to concrete syntax patterns. An entry c -- s1 ... sn defines a mapping for constructor c to the sequence s1 ... sn, where each s_i is either a literal string or a parameter _i referring to the ith argument of the constructor. Figure 9.2 shows an unparsing table for some expression and statement constructors. Applying an unparsing mapping to an abstract syntax tree results in a tree structure with strings at the leafs, as illustrated in Figure 9.1.

Figure 9.1.  Unparsing an abstract syntax tree.

Unparsing an abstract syntax tree.
Unparsing an abstract syntax tree.
f(a + 10) - 3

Figure 9.2.  Unparsing table

   Var                  -- _1,
   Int                  -- _1,
   Plus                 -- _1 "+" _2,
   Minus                -- _1 "-" _2,
   Assign               -- _1 ":=" _2,
   Seq                  -- "(" _1 ")",
   Seq.1:iter-star-sep  -- _1 ";",
   If                   -- "if" _1 "then" _2 "else" _3,
   Call                 -- _1 "(" _2 ")",
   Call.2:iter-star-sep -- _1 ","

9.5.2. Pretty-Printing

Although the unparse of an abstract syntax tree is a text that can be parsed by a compiler, it is not necessarily a readable text. A pretty-printer is an unparser attempting to produce readable program text. A pretty-printer can be obtained by annotating the entries in an unparsing table with markup instructing a typesetting process. Figure 9.3 illustrates this process.

Box is a target independent formatting language, providing combinators for declaring the two-dimensional positioning of boxes of text. Typical combinators are H[b_1...b_n], which combines the b_i boxes horizontally, and V[b_1...b_n], which combines the b_i boxes vertically. Figure 9.4 shows a pretty-print table with Box markup. A more complete overview of the Box language and the GPP tools can be found in Chapter 9.

Figure 9.3.  Pretty-printing with Box markup

Pretty-printing with Box markup
Pretty-printing with Box markup
f(a + 10) - 3

Figure 9.4.  Pretty-print table with Box markup

   Var                  -- _1,
   Int                  -- _1,
   Plus                 -- H[_1 "+" _2],
   Minus                -- H[_1 "-" _2],
   Assign               -- H[_1 ":=" _2],
   Seq                  -- H hs=0["(" V[_1] ")"],
   Seq.1:iter-star-sep  -- H hs=0[_1 ";"],
   If                   -- V[V is=2[H["if" _1 "then"] _2] 
                             V is=2["else" _3]],
   Call                 -- H hs=0[_1 "(" H[_2] ")"],
   Call.2:iter-star-sep -- H hs=0[_1 ","]

Figure 9.5.  Pretty-printing of if-then-else statement

Pretty-printing of if-then-else statement
Pretty-printing of if-then-else statement
if n = 1 then
  n * fac(n - 1)

9.5.3. Disambiguation

Note: correct pretty-printing of an abstract syntax tree requires that it contains nodes representing parentheses in the right places. Otherwise, reparsing a pretty-printed string might get a different interpretation. The sdf2parenthesize tool generates from an SDF definition a Stratego program that places parentheses at the necessary places in the tree.

9.6. Pretty-Printing and Term Visualization Tools (todo: imported)

ppgen -i m.def -o m.pp Ppgen generates from an SDF syntax definition a pretty-print table with an entry for each context-free syntax production with a constructor annotation. Typically it is necessary to edit the pretty-print table to add appropriate Box markup to the entries. The result should be saved under a different name to avoid overwriting it.

ast2abox -p m.pp -i file.ast -o file.abox ast2abox maps an abstract syntax tree file.ast to an abstract syntax representation file.abox of a Box term based on a pretty-print table m.pp.

abox2text -i file.abox -o file.txt abox2text formats a Box term as ASCII text.

pp-aterm -i file1.trm -o file2.trm pp-aterm formats an ATerm as an ATerm in text format, adding newlines and indentation to make the structure of the term understandable. This is a useful tool to inspect terms while debugging transformations.

term-to-dot -i file.trm -o (--tree | --graph) Term-to-dot is another visualization tool for terms that creates a dot graph representation, which can be visualized using the dot tool from the graphviz graph layout package. Term-to-dot can produce an expanded tree view (--tree), or a directed acyclic graph view (--graph) preserving the maximal sharing in the term. This tool was used to produce the tree visualizations in this chapter. This tool is not part of the Stratego/XT distribution, but included in the Stratego/XT Utilities package.

Part III. The Stratego Language


Stratego Version

This manual is being written for and with Stratego 0.16; You are advised to install the latest milestone for this release. See the download page at

Program transformation is the mechanical manipulation of a program in order to improve it relative to some cost function C such that C(P) > C(tr(P)), i.e. the cost decreases as a result of applying the transformation. The cost of a program can be measured in different dimensions such as performance, memory usage, understandability, flexibility, maintainability, portability, correctness, or satisfaction of requirements. Related to these goals, program transformations are applied in different settings; e.g. compiler optimizations improve performance and refactoring tools aim at improving understandability. While transformations can be achieved by manual manipulation of programs, in general, the aim of program transformation is to increase programmer productivity by automating programming tasks, thus enabling programming at a higher-level of abstraction, and increasing maintainability and re-usability of programs. Automatic application of program transformations requires their implementation in a programming language. In order to make the implementation of transformations productive such a programming language should support abstractions for the domain of program transformation.

Stratego is a language designed for this purpose. It is a language based on the paradigm of rewriting with programmable rewriting strategies and dynamic rules.

Transformation by Rewriting.  Term rewriting is an attractive formalism for expressing basic program transformations. A rewrite rule p1 -> p2 expresses that a program fragment matching the left-hand side pattern p1 can be replaced by the instantiation of the right-hand side pattern p2. For instance, the rewrite rule

|[ i + j ]| -> |[ k ]| where <add>(i, j) => k 

expresses constant folding for addition, i.e. replacing an addition of two constants by their sum. Similarly, the rule

|[ if 0 then e1 else e2 ]| -> |[ e2 ]| 

defines unreachable code elimination by reducing a conditional statement to its right branch since the left branch can never be executed. Thus, rewrite rules can directly express laws derived from the semantics of the programming language, making the verification of their correctness straightforward. A correct rule can be safely applied anywhere in a program. A set of rewrite rules can be directly operationalized by rewriting to normal form, i.e. exhaustive application of the rules to a term representing a program. If the rules are confluent and terminating, the order in which they are applied is irrelevant.

Limitations of Pure Rewriting.  However, there are two limitations to the application of standard term rewriting techniques to program transformation: the need to intertwine rules and strategies in order to control the application of rewrite rules and the context-free nature of rewrite rules.

Transformation Strategies.  Exhaustive application of all rules to the entire abstract syntax tree of a program is not adequate for most transformation problems. The system of rewrite rules expressing basic transformations is often non-confluent and/or non-terminating. An ad hoc solution that is often used is to encode control over the application of rules into the rules themselves by introducing additional function symbols. This intertwining of rules and strategies obscures the underlying program equalities, incurs a programming penalty in the form of rules that define a traversal through the abstract syntax tree, and disables the reuse of rules in different transformations.

Stratego solves the problem of control over the application of rules while maintaining the separation of rules and strategies. A strategy is a little program that makes a selection from the available rules and defines the order and position in the tree for applying the rules. Thus rules remain pure, are not intertwined with the strategy, and can be reused in multiple transformations. schemas.

Context-Senstive Transformation.  The second problem of rewriting is the context-free nature of rewrite rules. A rule has access only to the term it is transforming. However, transformation problems are often context-sensitive. For example, when inlining a function at a call site, the call is replaced by the body of the function in which the actual parameters have been substituted for the formal parameters. This requires that the formal parameters and the body of the function are known at the call site, but these are only available higher-up in the syntax tree. There are many similar problems in program transformation, including bound variable renaming, typechecking, data flow transformations such as constant propagation, common-subexpression elimination, and dead code elimination. Although the basic transformations in all these applications can be expressed by means of rewrite rules, these require contextual information.

Outline.  The following chapters give a tutorial for the Stratego language in which these ideas are explained and illustrated. The first three chapters outline the basic ideas of Stratego programming in bold strokes. Chapter 10 introduces the term notation used to represent source programs in Stratego. Chapter 11 shows how to set up, compile, and use a Stratego program. Chapter 12 introduces term rewrite rules and term rewriting. Chapter 13 argues the need for control over the application of rewrite rules and introduces strategies for achieving this.

The rest of the chapters in this tutorial explain the language in more detail. Chapter 14 examines the named rewrite rules, defines the notion of a rewriting strategy, and explains how to create reusable strategy expressions using definitions. Chapter 15 introduces combinators for the combination of simple transformations into more complex transformations. Chapter 16 re-examines the notion of a rule, and introduces the notions of building and matching terms, which provide the core to all manipulations of terms. It then goes on to show how these actions can be used to define higher-level constructs for expressing transformations, such as rewrite rules. Chapter 17 introduces the notion of data-type specific and generic traversal combinators. Chapter 18 shows how to generically define program analyses using type-unifying strategies. Chapter 19 shows ho to use the syntax of the source language in the patterns of transformation rules. Finally, Chapter 20 introduces the notion of dynamic rules for expressing context-sensitive transformations.

Table of Contents

10. Terms
10.1. Annotated Term Format
10.2. Exchanging Terms
10.3. Inspecting Terms
10.4. Signatures
11. Running Stratego Programs
11.1. Compiling Stratego Programs
11.2. Basic Input and Output
11.3. Combining Transformations
11.4. Running Programs Interactively with the Stratego Shell
11.5. Summary
12. Term Rewriting
12.1. Transformation with Rewrite Rules
12.2. Adding Rules to a Rewrite System
12.3. Summary
13. Rewriting Strategies
13.1. Limitations of Term Rewriting
13.2. Attempt 1: Remodularization
13.3. Attempt 2: Functionalization
13.4. Programmable Rewriting Strategies
13.5. Idioms of Strategic Rewriting
13.5.1. Cascading Transformations
13.5.2. One-pass Traversals
13.5.3. Staged Transformations
13.5.4. Local Transformations
13.6. Summary
14. Rules and Strategies
14.1. What is a Rule?
14.2. What is a Strategy?
14.3. Strategy Definitions
14.3.1. Simple Strategy Definition and Call
14.3.2. Parameterized Definitions
14.3.3. Local Definitions
14.3.4. Extending Definitions
14.4. Calling Primitives
14.5. External Definitions
14.6. Dynamic Calls
14.7. Summary
15. Strategy Combinators
15.1. Identity and Failure
15.2. Sequential composition
15.3. Choice
15.3.1. Deterministic Choice (Left Choice)
15.3.2. Guarded Choice
15.3.3. If Then Else
15.3.4. Switch
15.3.5. Non-deterministic Choice
15.4. Recursion
15.5. Summary
16. Creating and Analyzing Terms
16.1. Building terms
16.2. Matching terms
16.3. Implementing Rewrite Rules
16.3.1. Anonymous Rewrite Rule
16.3.2. Term variable scope
16.3.3. Implicit Variable Scope
16.3.4. Where
16.3.5. Conditional rewrite rule
16.3.6. Lambda Rules
16.4. Apply and Match
16.5. Wrap and Project
16.5.1. Term Wrap
16.5.2. Term Project
16.6. Summary
17. Traversal Strategies
17.1. Traversal Rules
17.2. Congruence Operators
17.3. Generic Traversal
17.3.1. Visiting All Subterms
17.3.2. Visiting One Subterm
17.3.3. Visiting Some Subterms
17.4. Idioms and Library Strategies for Traversal
17.4.1. Full Traversals
17.4.2. Cascading Transformations
17.4.3. Mixing Generic and Specific Traversals
17.4.4. Partial Traversals
17.4.5. Path (*)
17.4.6. Recursive Patterns (*)
17.4.7. Dynamic programming (*)
17.5. Summary
18. Type Unifying Strategies
18.1. Type Unifying List Transformations
18.2. Extending Fold to Expressions
18.3. Generic Term Deconstruction
18.4. Generic Term Construction
18.5. Summary
19. Concrete Object Syntax
19.1. Instrumenting Programs
19.2. Observations about Concrete Syntax Specifications
19.3. Implementation
19.3.1. Extending the Meta Language
19.3.2. Meta-Variables
19.3.3. Meta-Explode
19.4. Discussion
19.5. Summary
20. Dynamic Rules

Chapter 10. Terms

Stratego programs transform terms. When using Stratego for program transformation terms typically represent the abstract syntax tree of a program. But Stratego does not much care what a term represents. Terms can just as well represent structured documents, software models, or anything else that can be rendered in a structured format. The chapters in Part II show how to transform a program text into a term by means of parsing, and to turn a term into program text again by means of pretty-printing. From now on we will just assume that we have terms that should be transformed and ignore parsing and pretty-printing.

10.1. Annotated Term Format

Terms in Stratego are terms in the Annotated Term Format, or ATerms for short. The ATerm format provides a set of constructs for representing trees, comparable to XML or abstract data types in functional programming languages. For example, the code 4 + f(5 * x) might be represented in a term as:

Plus(Int("4"), Call("f", [Mul(Int("5"), Var("x"))]))

ATerms are constructed from the following elements:


An integer constant, that is a list of decimal digits, is an ATerm. Examples: 1, 12343.


A string constant, that is a list of characters between double quotes is an ATerm. Special characters such as double quotes and newlines should be escaped using a backslash. The backslash character itself should be escaped as well. Examples: "foobar", "string with quotes\"", "escaped escape character\\ and a newline\n".

Constructor application

A constructor is an identifier, that is an alphanumeric string starting with a letter, or a double quoted string.

A constructor application c(t1,...,tn) creates a term by applying a constructor to a list of zero or more terms. For example, the term Plus(Int("4"),Var("x")) uses the constructors Plus, Int, and Var to create a nested term from the strings "4" and "x".

When a constructor application has no subterms the parentheses may be omitted. Thus, the term Zero is equivalent to Zero(). Some people consider it good style to explicitly write the parentheses for nullary terms in Stratego programs. Through this rule, it is clear that a string is really a special case of a constructor application.


A list is a term of the form [t1,...,tn], that is a list of zero or more terms between square brackets. While all applications of a specific constructor typically have the same number of subterms, lists can have a variable number of subterms. The elements of a list are typically of the same type, while the subterms of a constructor application can vary in type. Example: The second argument of the call to "f" in the term Call("f",[Int("5"),Var("x")]) is a list of expressions.


A tuple (t1,...,tn) is a constructor application without constructor. Example: (Var("x"), Type("int"))


The elements defined above are used to create the structural part of terms. Optionally, a term can be annotated with a list terms. These annotations typically carry additional semantic information about the term. An annotated term has the form t{t1,...,tn}. Example: Lt(Var("n"),Int("1")){Type("bool")}. The contents of annotations is up to the application.

10.2. Exchanging Terms

The term format described above is used in Stratego programs to denote terms, but is also used to exchange terms between programs. Thus, the internal format and the external format exactly coincide. Of course, internally a Stratego program uses a data-structure in memory with pointers rather than manipulating a textual representation of terms. But this is completely hidden from the Stratego programmer. There are a few facts that are useful to be aware of, though.

The internal representation used in Stratego programs maintains maximal sharing of subterms. This means that all occurrences of a subterm are represented by a pointer to the same node in memory. This makes comparing terms in Stratego for syntactic equality a very cheap operation, i.e., just a pointer comparison.

TODO: picture of tree vs dag representation

When writing a term to a file in order to exchange it with another tool there are several representations to choose from. The textual format described above is the canonical `meaning' of terms, but does not preserve maximal sharing. Therefore, there is also a Binary ATerm Format (BAF) that preserves sharing in terms. The program baffle can be used to convert between the textual and binary representations.

10.3. Inspecting Terms

As a Stratego programmer you will be looking a lot at raw ATerms. Stratego pioneers would do this by opening an ATerm file in emacs and trying to get a sense of the structure by parenthesis highlighting and inserting newlines here and there. These days your life is much more pleasant through the tool pp-aterm, which adds layout to a term to make it readable. For example, parsing the following program

let function fact(n : int) : int =
      if n < 1 then 1 else (n * fact(n - 1))
 in printint(fact(10))

produces the following ATerm (say in file fac.trm):


By pretty-printing the term using pp-aterm as

$ pp-aterm -i fac.trm -o fac-pp.trm --max-term-size 20

we get a much more readable term:

  [ FunDecs(
      [ FunDec(
        , [FArg("n", Tp(Tid("int")))]
        , Tp(Tid("int"))
        , If(
            Lt(Var("n"), Int("1"))
          , Int("1")
          , Seq([ Times(Var("n"), Call(Var("fact"), [Minus(Var("n"), Int("1"))]))
, [ Call(Var("printint"), [Call(Var("fact"), [Int("10")])])

10.4. Signatures

To use terms in Stratego programs, their constructors should be declared in a signature. A signature declares a number of sorts and a number of constructors for these sorts. For each constructor, a signature declares the number and types of its arguments. For example, the following signature declares some typical constructors for constructing abstract syntax trees of expressions in a programming language:

  sorts Id Exp
           : String -> Id
    Var    : Id -> Exp
    Int    : Int -> Exp
    Plus   : Exp * Exp -> Exp
    Mul    : Exp * Exp -> Exp
    Call   : Id  * List(Exp) -> Exp

Currently, the Stratego compiler only checks the arity of constructor applications against the signature. Still, it is considered good style to also declare the types of constructors in a sensible manner for the purpose of documentation. Also, a later version of the language may introduce typechecking.

Chapter 11. Running Stratego Programs

Now let's see how we can actually transform terms using Stratego programs. In the rest of this chapter we will first look at the structure of Stratego programs, and how to compile and run them. In the next chapters we will then see how to define transformations.

11.1. Compiling Stratego Programs

The simplest program you can write in Stratego is the following identity.str program:

module identity
imports list-cons
  main = id

It features the following elements: Each Stratego file is a module, which has the same name as the file it is stored in without the .str extension. A module may import other modules in order to use the definitions in those modules. A module may contain one or more strategies sections that introduce new strategy definitions. It will become clear later what strategies and strategy definitions are. Each Stratego program has one main definition, which indicates the strategy to be executed on invocation of the program. In the example, the body of this program's main definition is the identity strategy id.

Now let's see what this program means. To find that out, we first need to compile it, which we do using the Stratego compiler strc as follows:

$ strc -i identity.str
[ strc | info ] Compiling 'identity.str'
[ strc | info ] Front-end succeeded         : [user/system] = [0.59s/0.56s]
[ strc | info ] Back-end succeeded          : [user/system] = [0.46s/0.16s]
[ strc | info ] C compilation succeeded     : [user/system] = [0.28s/0.23s]
[ strc | info ] Compilation succeeded       : [user/system] = [1.35s/0.95s]

The -i option of strc indicates the module to compile. The compiler also reads all imported modules, in this case the list-cons.str module that is part of the Stratego library and that strc magically knows how to find. The compiler prints some information about what it is doing, i.e., the stages of compilation that it goes through and the times for those stages. You can turn this off using the argument --verbose 0. However, since the compiler is not very fast, it may be satisfying to see something going on.

The result of compilation is an executable named identity after the name of the main module of the program. Just to satisfy our curiosity we inspect the file system to see what the compiler has done:

$ ls -l identity*
-rwxrwxr-x  1 7182 Sep  7 14:54 identity*
-rw-------  1 1362 Sep  7 14:54 identity.c
-rw-rw-r--  1  200 Sep  7 14:54 identity.dep
-rw-rw-r--  1 2472 Sep  7 14:54 identity.o
-rw-rw-r--  1   57 Sep  7 13:03 identity.str

Here we see that in addition to the executable the compiler has produced a couple of other files. First of all the identity.c file gives away the fact that the compiler first translates a Stratego program to C and then uses the C compiler to compile to machine code. The identity.o file is the result of compiling the generated C program. Finally, the contents of the identity.dep file will look somewhat like this:

identity: \
        /usr/local/share/stratego-lib/collection/list/cons.rtree \
        /usr/local/share/stratego-lib/list-cons.rtree \

It is a rule in the Make language that declares the dependencies of the identity program. You can include this file in a Makefile to automate its compilation. For example, the following Makefile automates the compilation of the identity program:

include identity.dep

identity : identity.str
        strc -i identity.str

Just invoke make on the command-line whenever you change something in the program.

Ok, we were digressing a bit. Let's turn back to finding out what the identity program does. When we execute the program with some arbitrary arguments on the command-line, this is what happens:

$ ./identity foo bar

The program writes to stdout the list of command-line arguments as a list of strings in the ATerm format. So what we have learned is that a Stratego program applies its main strategy to the list of command-line arguments, and writes the resulting term to stdout. Since the strategy in the identity program is the identity transformation it just writes the original command-line arguments (as a term).

11.2. Basic Input and Output

That was instructive, but not very useful. We are not interested in transforming lists of strings, but rather programs represented as terms. So we want to read a term from a file, transform it, and write it to another file. Let's open the bag of tricks. The identity-io program improves the previous program:

module identity-io
imports libstrategolib
  main = io-wrap(id)

The program looks similar to the previous one, but there are a couple of differences. First, instead of importing module list-cons, this module imports libstrategolib, which is the interface to the separately compiled Stratego library. This library provides a host of useful strategies that are needed in implementing program transformations. Part IV gives an overview of the Stratego library, and we will every now and then use some useful strategies from the library before we get there.

Right now we are interested in the io-wrap strategy used above. It implements a wrapper strategy that takes care of input and output for our program. To compile the program we need to link it with the stratego-lib library using the -la option:

$ strc -i identity-io.str -la stratego-lib

What the relation is between libstrategolib and stratego-lib will become clear later; knowing that it is needed to compile programs using libstrategolib suffices for now.

If we run the compiled identity-io program with its --help option we see the standard interface supported by the io-wrap strategy:

$ ./identity-io --help
   -i f|--input f   Read input from f
   -o f|--output f  Write output to f
   -b               Write binary output
   -S|--silent      Silent execution (same as --verbose 0)
   --verbose i      Verbosity level i (default 1)
                    ( i as a number or as a verbosity descriptor:
                      emergency, alert, critical, error,
                      warning, notice, info, debug, vomit )
   -k i | --keep i  Keep intermediates (default 0)
   --statistics i  Print statistics (default 0 = none)
   -h|-?|--help     Display usage information
   --about          Display information about this program
   --version        Same as --about

The most relevant options are the -i option for the input file and the -o option for the output file. For instance, if we have some file foo-bar.trm containing an ATerm we can apply the program to it:

$ echo "Foo(Bar())" > foo-bar.trm
$ ./identity-io -i foo-bar.trm -o foo-bar2.trm
$ cat foo-bar2.trm

If we leave out the -i and/or -o options, input is read from stdin and output is written to stdout. Thus, we can also invoke the program in a pipe:

$ echo "Foo(Bar())" | ./identity-io 

Now it might seem that the identity-io program just copies its input file to the output file. In fact, the identity-io does not just accept any input. If we try to apply the program to a text file that is not an ATerm, it protests and fails:

$ echo "+ foo bar" | ./identity-io
readFromTextFile: parse error at line 0, col 0
not a valid term
./identity: rewriting failed

So we have written a program to check if a file represents an ATerm.

11.3. Combining Transformations

A Stratego program based on io-wrap defines a transformation from terms to terms. Such transformations can be combined into more complex transformations, by creating a chain of tool invocations. For example, if we have a Stratego program trafo-a applying some undefined transformation-a to the input term of the program

module trafo-a
imports libstrategolib
  main = io-wrap(transformation-a)
  transformation-a = ...

and we have another similar program trafo-b applying a transformation-b

module tool-b
imports libstrategolib
  main = io-wrap(transformation-b)
  transformation-b = ...

then we can combine the transformations to transform an input file to an output file using a Unix pipe, as in

$ tool-a -i input | tool-b -o output

or using an intermediate file:

$ tool-a -i input -o intermediate
$ tool-b -i intermediate -o output

11.4. Running Programs Interactively with the Stratego Shell

We have just learned how to write, compile, and execute Stratego programs. This is the normal mode for development of transformation systems with Stratego. Indeed, we usually do not invoke the compiler from the command-line `by hand', but have an automated build system based on (auto)make to build all programs in a project at once. For learning to use the language this can be rather laborious, however. Therefore, we have also developed the Stratego Shell, an interactive interpreter for the Stratego language. The shell allows you to type in transformation strategies on the command-line and directly seeing their effect on the current term. While this does not scale to developing large programs, it can be instructive to experiment while learning the language. In the following chapters we will use the stratego-shell to illustrate various features of the language.

Here is a short session with the Stratego Shell that shows the basics of using it:

$ stratego-shell
stratego> :show
stratego> !Foo(Bar())
stratego> id
stratego> fail
command failed
stratego> :show
stratego> :quit

The shell is invoked by calling the command stratego-shell on the regular command-line. The stratego> prompt then indicates that you have entered the Stratego Shell. After the prompt you can enter strategies or special shell commands.

Strategies are the statements and functions of the Stratego language. A strategy transforms a term into a new term, or fails. The term to which a strategy is applied, is called the current term. In the Stratego Shell you can see the current term with :show. In the session above we see that the current term is the empty tuple if you have just started the Stratego Shell. At the prompt of the shell you can enter strategies. If the strategy succeeds, then the shell will show the transformed term, which is now the new current term. For example, in the session above the strategy !Foo(Bar()) replaces the current term with the term Foo(Bar()), which is echoed directly after applying the strategy. The next strategy that is applied is the identity strategy id that we saw before. Here it becomes clear that it just returns the term to which it is applied. Thus, we have the following general scheme of applying a strategy to the current term:

current term
stratego> strategy expression
transformed current

Strategies can also fail. For example, the application of the fail strategy always fails. In the case of failure, the shell will print a message and leave the current term untouched:

current term
stratego> strategy expression
command failed
stratego> :show
current term

Finally, you can leave the shell using the :quit command.

The Stratego Shell has a number of non-strategy commands to operate the shell configuration. Theses commands are recognizable by the : prefix. The :help command tells you what commands are available in the shell:

$ stratego-shell
stratego> :help

  strategy          rewrite the current subject term with strategy

Defining Strategies
  id = strategy     define a strategy  (doesn't change the current subject term)
  id : rule         define a rule      (doesn't change the current subject term)
  import modname    import strategy definitions from 'modname' (file system or xtc)
  :undef id         delete defintions of all strategies 'id'/(s,t)
  :undef id(s,t)    delete defintion of strategy 'id'/(s,t)
  :reset            delete all term bindings, all strategies, reset syntax.

  :show             show the current subject term
  :autoshow on|off  show the current subject term after each rewrite
  :binding id       show term binding of id
  :bindings         show all term bindings
  :showdef id       show defintions of all strategies 'id'/(s,t)
  :showdef id(s,t)  show defintion of strategy 'id'/(s,t)
  :showast id(s,t)  show ast of defintion of strategy 'id'/(s,t)

Concrete Syntax
  :syntax defname   set the syntax to the sdf definition in 'defname'.

  :xtc import pathname

  :include file     execute command in the script of `file`
  :verbose int      set the verbosity level (0-9)
  :clear            clear the screen
  :exit             exit the Stratego Shell
  :quit             same as :exit
  :q                same as :exit
  :about            information about the Stratego Shell
  :help             show this help information

11.5. Summary

Let's summarize what we have learned so far about Stratego programming.

First, a Stratego program is divided into modules, which reside in files with extension .str and have the following general form:

module mod0
imports libstrategolib mod1 mod2
  sorts A B C
    Foo : A -> B
    Bar : A
  main = io-wrap(foo)
  foo = id

Modules can import other modules and can define signatures for declaring the structure of terms and can define strategies, which we not really know much about yet. However, the io-wrap strategy can be used to handle the input and output of a Stratego program. This strategy is defined in the libstrategolib module, which provides an interface to the Stratego Library. The main module of a Stratego program should have a main strategy that defines the entry point of the program.

Next, a Stratego program is compiled to an executable program using the Stratego Compiler strc.

$ strc -i mod0 -la stratego-lib

The resulting executable applies the main strategy to command-line arguments turned into a list-of-strings term. The io-wrap strategy interprets these command-line arguments to handle input and output using standard command-line options.

Finally, the Stratego Shell can be used to invoke strategies interactively.

$ stratego-shell
stratego> id

Next up: transforming terms with rewrite rules.

Chapter 12. Term Rewriting

In Part II we saw how terms provide a structured representation for programs derived from a formal definition of the syntax of a programming language. Transforming programs then requires tranformation of terms. In this chapter we show how to implement term transformations using term rewriting in Stratego. In term rewriting a term is transformed by repeated application of rewrite rules.

12.1. Transformation with Rewrite Rules

To see how this works we take as example the language of propositional formulae, also known as Boolean expressions:

module prop
  sorts Prop
    False : Prop
    True  : Prop
    Atom  : String -> Prop
    Not   : Prop -> Prop
    And   : Prop * Prop -> Prop
    Or    : Prop * Prop -> Prop
    Impl  : Prop * Prop -> Prop
    Eq    : Prop * Prop -> Prop

Given this signature we can write terms such as And(Impl(True,False),False), and And(Atom("p"),False)). Atoms are also known as proposition letters; they are the variables in propositional formulae. That is, the truth value of an atom should be provided in order to fully evaluate an expression. Here we will evaluate expressions as far as possible, a transformation also known as constant folding. We will do this using rewrite rules that define how to simplify a single operator application.

A term pattern is a term with meta variables, which are identifiers that are not declared as (nullary) constructors. For example, And(x, True) is a term pattern with variable x. Variables in term patterns are sometimes called meta variables, to distinguish them from variables in the source language being processed. For example, while atoms in the proposition expressions are variables from the point of view of the language, they are not variables from the perspective of a Stratego program.

A term pattern p matches with a term t, if there is a substitution that replaces the variables in p such that it becomes equal to t. For example, the pattern And(x, True) matches the term And(Impl(True,Atom("p")),True) because replacing the variable x in the pattern by Impl(True,Atom("p")) makes the pattern equal to the term. Note that And(Atom("x"),True) does not match the term And(Impl(True,Atom("p")),True), since the subterms Atom("x") and Impl(True,Atom("p")) do not match.

An unconditional rewrite rule has the form L : p1 -> p2, where L is the name of the rule, p1 is the left-hand side and p2 the right-hand side term pattern. A rewrite rule L : p1 -> p2 applies to a term t when the pattern p1 matches t. The result is the instantiation of p2 with the variable bindings found during matching. For example, the rewrite rule

E : Eq(x, False) -> Not(x)

rewrites the term Eq(Atom("q"),False) to Not(Atom("q")), since the variable x is bound to the subterm Atom("q").

Now we can create similar evaluation rules for all constructors of sort Prop:

module prop-eval-rules
imports prop
  E : Not(True)      -> False       
  E : Not(False)     -> True
  E : And(True, x)   -> x        
  E : And(x, True)   -> x   
  E : And(False, x)  -> False     
  E : And(x, False)  -> False
  E : Or(True, x)    -> True     
  E : Or(x, True)    -> True  
  E : Or(False, x)   -> x     
  E : Or(x, False)   -> x
  E : Impl(True, x)  -> x 
  E : Impl(x, True)  -> True      
  E : Impl(False, x) -> True
  E : Eq(False, x)   -> Not(x)
  E : Eq(x, False)   -> Not(x)      
  E : Eq(True, x)    -> x
  E : Eq(x, True)    -> x

Note that all rules have the same name, which is allowed in Stratego.

Next we want to normalize terms with respect to a collection of rewrite rules. This entails applying all rules to all subterms until no more rules can be applied. The following module defines a rewrite system based on the rules for propositions above:

module prop-eval
imports libstrategolib prop-eval-rules
  main = io-wrap(eval)
  eval = innermost(E)

The module imports the Stratego Library (libstrategolib) and the module with the evaluation rules, and then defines the main strategy to apply innermost(E) to the input term. (See the discussion of io-wrap in Section 11.2.) The innermost strategy from the library exhaustively applies its argument transformation to the term it is applied to, starting with `inner' subterms.

We can now compile the program as discussed in Chapter 11:

$ strc -i prop-eval.str -la stratego-lib

This results in an executable prop-eval that can be used to evaluate Boolean expressions. For example, here are some applications of the program:

$ cat test1.prop

$ ./prop-eval -i test1.prop

$ cat test2.prop

$ ./prop-eval -i test2.prop

We can also import these definitions in the Stratego Shell, as illustrated by the following session:

$ stratego-shell
stratego> import prop-eval

stratego> !And(Impl(True(),And(False(),True())),True())

stratego> eval

stratego> !And(Impl(True(),And(Atom("p"),Atom("q"))),ATom("p"))

stratego> eval

stratego> :quit

The first command imports the prop-eval module, which recursively loads the evaluation rules and the library, thus making its definitions available in the shell. The ! commands replace the current term with a new term. (This build strategy will be properly introduced in Chapter 16.)

The next commands apply the eval strategy to various terms.

12.2. Adding Rules to a Rewrite System

Next we extend the rewrite rules above to rewrite a Boolean expression to disjunctive normal form. A Boolean expression is in disjunctive normal form if it conforms to the following signature:

  sorts Or And NAtom Atom
    Or   : Or * Or -> Or
         : And -> Or
    And  : And * And -> And
         : NAtom -> And
    Not  : Atom -> NAtom
         : Atom -> NAtom
    Atom : String -> Atom

We use this signature only to describe what a disjunctive normal form is, not in an the actual Stratego program. This is not necessary, since terms conforming to the DNF signature are also Prop terms as defined before. For example, the disjunctive normal form of




Module prop-dnf-rules extends the rules defined in prop-eval-rules with rules to achieve disjunctive normal forms:

module prop-dnf-rules
imports prop-eval-rules
  E : Impl(x, y) -> Or(Not(x), y)
  E : Eq(x, y)   -> And(Impl(x, y), Impl(y, x))

  E : Not(Not(x)) -> x

  E : Not(And(x, y)) -> Or(Not(x), Not(y))
  E : Not(Or(x, y))  -> And(Not(x), Not(y))

  E : And(Or(x, y), z) -> Or(And(x, z), And(y, z))
  E : And(z, Or(x, y)) -> Or(And(z, x), And(z, y))

The first two rules rewrite implication (Impl) and equivalence (Eq) to combinations of And, Or, and Not. The third rule removes double negation. The fifth and sixth rules implement the well known DeMorgan laws. The last two rules define distribution of conjunction over disjunction.

We turn this set of rewrite rules into a compilable Stratego program in the same way as before:

module prop-dnf
imports libstrategolib prop-dnf-rules
  main = io-wrap(dnf)
  dnf = innermost(E)

compile it in the usual way

$ strc -i prop-dnf.str -la stratego-lib

so that we can use it to transform terms:

$ cat test3.prop
$ ./prop-dnf -i test3.prop

12.3. Summary

We have seen how to define simple transformations on terms using unconditional term rewrite rules. Using the innermost strategy, rules are applied exhaustively to all subterms of the subject term. The implementation of a rewrite system in Stratego has the following form:

module mod
imports libstrategolib
  sorts A B C
    Foo : A * B -> C
  R : p1 -> p2
  R : p3 -> p4
  main = io-wrap(rewr)
  rewr = innermost(R)

The ingredients of such a program can be divided over several modules. Thus, a set of rules can be used in multiple rewrite systems.

Compiling the module by means of the command

$ strc -i mod.str -la stratego-lib

produces an executable mod that can be used to transform terms.

Chapter 13. Rewriting Strategies

13.1. Limitations of Term Rewriting

In Chapter 12 we saw how term rewriting can be used to implement transformations on programs represented by means of terms. Term rewriting involves exhaustively applying rules to subterms until no more rules apply. This requires a strategy for selecting the order in which subterms are rewritten. The innermost strategy introduced in Chapter 12 applies rules automatically throughout a term from inner to outer terms, starting with the leaves. The nice thing about term rewriting is that there is no need to define traversals over the syntax tree; the rules express basic transformation steps and the strategy takes care of applying it everywhere. However, the complete normalization approach of rewriting turns out not to be adequate for program transformation, because rewrite systems for programming languages will often be non-terminating and/or non-confluent. In general, it is not desirable to apply all rules at the same time or to apply all rules under all circumstances.

Consider for example, the following extension of prop-dnf-rules with distribution rules to achieve conjunctive normal forms:

module prop-cnf
imports prop-dnf-rules
  E : Or(And(x, y), z) -> And(Or(x, z), Or(y, z))
  E : Or(z, And(x, y)) -> And(Or(z, x), Or(z, y))
  main = io-wrap(cnf)
  cnf  = innermost(E)

This rewrite system is non-terminating because after applying one of the and-over-or distribution rules, the or-over-and distribution rules introduced here can be applied, and vice versa.

   And(Or(Atom("p"),Atom("q")), Atom("r")) 
   Or(And(Atom("p"), Atom("r")), And(Atom("q"), Atom("r")))
   And(Or(Atom("p"), And(Atom("q"), Atom("r"))), 
       Or(Atom("r"), And(Atom("q"), Atom("r"))))

There are a number of solutions to this problem. We'll first discuss a couple of solutions within pure rewriting, and then show how programmable rewriting strategies can overcome the problems of these solutions.

13.2. Attempt 1: Remodularization

The non-termination of prop-cnf is due to the fact that the and-over-or and or-over-and distribution rules interfere with each other. This can be prevented by refactoring the module structure such that the two sets of rules are not present in the same rewrite system. For example, we could split module prop-dnf-rules into prop-simplify and prop-dnf2 as follows:

module prop-simplify
imports prop-eval-rules
  E : Impl(x, y) -> Or(Not(x), y)
  E : Eq(x, y)   -> And(Impl(x, y), Impl(y, x))

  E : Not(Not(x)) -> x

  E : Not(And(x, y)) -> Or(Not(x), Not(y))
  E : Not(Or(x, y))  -> And(Not(x), Not(y))

module prop-dnf2
imports prop-simplify
  E : And(Or(x, y), z) -> Or(And(x, z), And(y, z))
  E : And(z, Or(x, y)) -> Or(And(z, x), And(z, y))
  main = io-wrap(dnf)
  dnf  = innermost(E)

Now we can reuse the rules from prop-simplify without the and-over-or distribution rules to create a prop-cnf2 for normalizing to conjunctive normal form:

module prop-cnf2
imports prop-simplify
  E : Or(And(x, y), z) -> And(Or(x, z), Or(y, z))
  E : Or(z, And(x, y)) -> And(Or(z, x), Or(z, y))
  main = io-wrap(cnf)
  cnf  = innermost(E)

Although this solves the non-termination problem, it is not an ideal solution. In the first place it is not possible to apply the two transformations in the same program. In the second place, extrapolating the approach to fine-grained selection of rules might require definition of a single rule per module.

13.3. Attempt 2: Functionalization

Another common solution to this kind of problem is to introduce additional constructors that achieve normalization under a restricted set of rules. That is, the original set of rules p1 -> p2 is transformed into rules of the form f(p_1) -> p_2', where f is some new constructor symbol and the right-hand side of the rule also contains such new constructors. In this style of programming, constructors such as f are called functions and are distinghuished from constructors. Normal forms over such rewrite systems are assumed to be free of these `function' symbols; otherwise the function would have an incomplete definition.

To illustrate the approach we adapt the DNF rules by introducing the function symbols Dnf and DnfR. (We ignore the evaluation rules in this example.)

module prop-dnf3
imports libstrategolib prop
    Dnf  : Prop -> Prop
    DnfR : Prop -> Prop
  E : Dnf(Atom(x))    -> Atom(x)
  E : Dnf(Not(x))     -> DnfR(Not(Dnf(x)))
  E : Dnf(And(x, y))  -> DnfR(And(Dnf(x), Dnf(y)))
  E : Dnf(Or(x, y))   -> Or(Dnf(x), Dnf(y))
  E : Dnf(Impl(x, y)) -> Dnf(Or(Not(x), y))
  E : Dnf(Eq(x, y))   -> Dnf(And(Impl(x, y), Impl(y, x)))

  E : DnfR(Not(Not(x)))      -> x
  E : DnfR(Not(And(x, y)))   -> Or(Dnf(Not(x)), Dnf(Not(y)))
  E : DnfR(Not(Or(x, y)))    -> Dnf(And(Not(x), Not(y)))
  D : DnfR(Not(x))           -> Not(x)

  E : DnfR(And(Or(x, y), z)) -> Or(Dnf(And(x, z)), Dnf(And(y, z)))
  E : DnfR(And(z, Or(x, y))) -> Or(Dnf(And(z, x)), Dnf(And(z, y)))
  D : DnfR(And(x, y))        -> And(x, y)
  main = io-wrap(dnf)
  dnf  = innermost(E <+ D)

The Dnf function mimics the innermost normalization strategy by recursively traversing terms. The auxiliary transformation function DnfR is used to encode the distribution and negation rules. The D rules are default rules that are only applied if none of the E rules apply, as specified by the strategy expression E <+ D.

In order to compute the disjunctive normal form of a term, we have to `apply' the Dnf function to it, as illustrated in the following application of the prop-dnf3 program:

$ cat test1.dnf

$ ./prop-dnf3 -i test1.dnf

For conjunctive normal form we can create a similar definition, which can now co-exist with the definition of DNF. Indeed, we could then simultaneously rewrite one subterm to DNF and the other to CNF.

  E : DC(x) -> (Dnf(x), Cnf(x))

In the solution above, the original rules have been completely intertwined with the Dnf transformation. The rules for negation cannot be reused in the definition of normalization to conjunctive normal form. For each new transformation a new traversal function and new transformation functions have to be defined. Many additional rules had to be added to traverse the term to find the places to apply the rules. In the modular solution we had 5 basic rules and 2 additional rules for DNF and 2 rules for CNF, 9 in total. In the functionalized version we needed 13 rules for each transformation, that is 26 rules in total.

13.4. Programmable Rewriting Strategies

In general, there are two problems with the functional approach to encoding the control over the application of rewrite rules, when comparing it to the original term rewriting approach: traversal overhead and loss of separation of rules and strategies.

In the first place, the functional encoding incurs a large overhead due to the explicit specification of traversal. In pure term rewriting, the strategy takes care of traversing the term in search of subterms to rewrite. In the functional approach traversal is spelled out in the definition of the function, requiring the specification of many additional rules. A traversal rule needs to be defined for each constructor in the signature and for each transformation. The overhead for transformation systems for real languages can be inferred from the number of constructors for some typical languages:

language : constructors 
Tiger    : 65 
C        : 140 
Java     : 140 
COBOL    : 300 - 1200

In the second place, rewrite rules and the strategy that defines their application are completely intertwined. Another advantage of pure term rewriting is the separation of the specification of the rules and the strategy that controls their application. Intertwining these specifications makes it more difficult to understand the specification, since rules cannot be distinghuished from the transformation they are part of. Furthermore, intertwining makes it impossible to reuse the rules in a different transformation.

Stratego introduced the paradigm of programmable rewriting strategies with generic traversals, a unifying solution in which application of rules can be carefully controlled, while incurring minimal traversal overhead and preserving separation of rules and strategies.

The following are the design criteria for strategies in Stratego:

Separation of rules and strategy

Basic transformation rules can be defined separately from the strategy that applies them, such that they can be understood independently.

Rule selection

A transformation can select the necessary set of rules from a collection (library) of rules.


A transformation can exercise complete control over the application of rules. This control may be fine-grained or course-grained depending on the application.

No traversal overhead

Transformations can be defined without overhead for the definition of traversals.

Reuse of rules

Rules can be reused in different transformations.

Reuse of traversal schemas

Traversal schemas can be defined generically and reused in different transformations.

13.5. Idioms of Strategic Rewriting

In the next chapters we will examine the language constructs that Stratego provides for programming with strategies, starting with the low-level actions of building and matching terms. To get a feeling for the purpose of these constructs, we first look at a couple of typical idioms of strategic rewriting.

13.5.1. Cascading Transformations

The basic idiom of program transformation achieved with term rewriting is that of cascading transformations. Instead of applying a single complex transformation algorithm to a program, a number of small, independent transformations are applied in combination throughout a program or program unit to achieve the desired effect. Although each individual transformation step achieves little, the cumulative effect can be significant, since each transformation feeds on the results of the ones that came before it.

One common cascading of transformations is accomplished by exhaustively applying rewrite rules to a subject term. In Stratego the definition of a cascading normalization strategy with respect to rules R1, ... ,Rn can be formalized using the innermost strategy that we saw before:

simplify = innermost(R1 <+ ... <+ Rn)

The argument strategy of innermost is a selection of rules. By giving different names to rules, we can control the selection used in each transformation. There can be multiple applications of innermost to different sets of rules, such that different transformations can co-exist in the same module without interference. Thus, it is now possible to develop a large library of transformation rules that can be called upon when necessary, without having to compose a rewrite system by cutting and pasting. For example, the following module defines the normalization of proposition formulae to both disjunctive and to conjunctive normal form:

module prop-laws
imports libstrategolib prop

  DefI : Impl(x, y) -> Or(Not(x), y)
  DefE : Eq(x, y)   -> And(Impl(x, y), Impl(y, x))

  DN   : Not(Not(x)) -> x

  DMA  : Not(And(x, y)) -> Or(Not(x), Not(y))
  DMO  : Not(Or(x, y))  -> And(Not(x), Not(y))

  DAOL : And(Or(x, y), z) -> Or(And(x, z), And(y, z))
  DAOR : And(z, Or(x, y)) -> Or(And(z, x), And(z, y))

  DOAL : Or(And(x, y), z) -> And(Or(x, z), Or(y, z))
  DOAR : Or(z, And(x, y)) -> And(Or(z, x), Or(z, y))


  dnf = innermost(DefI <+ DefE <+ DAOL <+ DAOR <+ DN <+ DMA <+ DMO)
  cnf = innermost(DefI <+ DefE <+ DOAL <+ DOAR <+ DN <+ DMA <+ DMO)

  main-dnf = io-wrap(dnf)
  main-cnf = io-wrap(cnf)

The rules are named, and for each strategy different selections from the ruleset are made.

The module even defines two main strategies, which allows us to use one module for deriving multiple programs. Using the --main option of strc we declare which strategy to invoke as main strategy in a particular program. Using the -o option we can give a different name to each derived program.

$ strc -i prop-laws.str -la stratego-lib --main main-dnf -o prop-dnf4

13.5.2. One-pass Traversals

Cascading transformations can be defined with other strategies as well, and these strategies need not be exhaustive, but can be simpler one-pass traversals. For example, constant folding of Boolean expressions only requires a simple one-pass bottom-up traversal. This can be achieved using the bottomup strategy according the the following scheme:

simplify = bottomup(repeat(R1 <+ ... <+ Rn))

The bottomup strategy applies its argument strategy to each subterm in a bottom-to-top traversal. The repeat strategy applies its argument strategy repeatedly to a term.

Module prop-eval2 defines the evaluation rules for Boolean expressions and a strategy for applying them using this approach:

module prop-eval2
imports libstrategolib prop
  Eval : Not(True)      -> False       
  Eval : Not(False)     -> True
  Eval : And(True, x)   -> x        
  Eval : And(x, True)   -> x   
  Eval : And(False, x)  -> False     
  Eval : And(x, False)  -> False
  Eval : Or(True, x)    -> True     
  Eval : Or(x, True)    -> True  
  Eval : Or(False, x)   -> x     
  Eval : Or(x, False)   -> x
  Eval : Impl(True, x)  -> x 
  Eval : Impl(x, True)  -> True      
  Eval : Impl(False, x) -> True
  Eval : Eq(False, x)   -> Not(x)
  Eval : Eq(x, False)   -> Not(x)      
  Eval : Eq(True, x)    -> x
  Eval : Eq(x, True)    -> x
  main = io-wrap(eval)
  eval = bottomup(repeat(Eval))

The strategy eval applies these rules in a bottom-up traversal over a term, using the bottomup(s) strategy. At each sub-term, the rules are applied repeatedly until no more rule applies using the repeat(s) strategy. This is sufficient for the Eval rules, since the rules never construct a term with subterms that can be rewritten.

Another typical example of the use of one-pass traversals is desugaring, that is rewriting language constructs to more basic language constructs. Simple desugarings can usually be expressed using a single top-to-bottom traversal according to the scheme

simplify = topdown(try(R1 <+ ... <+ Rn))

The topdown strategy applies its argument strategy to a term and then traverses the resulting term. The try strategy tries to apply its argument strategy once to a term.

Module prop-desugar defines a number of desugaring rules for Boolean expressions, defining propositional operators in terms of others. For example, rule DefN defines Not in terms of Impl, and rule DefI defines Impl in terms of Or and Not. So not all rules should be applied in the same transformation or non-termination would result.

module prop-desugar
imports prop libstrategolib


  DefN  : Not(x)     -> Impl(x, False)
  DefI  : Impl(x, y) -> Or(Not(x), y)
  DefE  : Eq(x, y)   -> And(Impl(x, y), Impl(y, x))
  DefO1 : Or(x, y)   -> Impl(Not(x), y)
  DefO2 : Or(x, y)   -> Not(And(Not(x), Not(y)))
  DefA1 : And(x, y)  -> Not(Or(Not(x), Not(y)))
  DefA2 : And(x, y)  -> Not(Impl(x, Not(y)))

  IDefI : Or(Not(x), y) -> Impl(x, y)

  IDefE : And(Impl(x, y), Impl(y, x)) -> Eq(x, y)


  desugar = 
    topdown(try(DefI <+ DefE))

  impl-nf = 
    topdown(repeat(DefN <+ DefA2 <+ DefO1 <+ DefE))

  main-desugar = 
  main-inf =

The strategies desugar and impl-nf define two different desugaring transformation based on these rules. The desugar strategy gets rid of the implication and equivalence operators, while the impl-nf strategy reduces an expression to implicative normal-form, a format in which only implication (Impl) and False are used.

A final example of a one-pass traversal is the downup strategy, which applies its argument transformation during a traversal on the way down, and again on the way up:

simplify = downup(repeat(R1 <+ ... <+ Rn))

An application of this strategy is a more efficient implementation of constant folding for Boolean expressions:

eval = downup(repeat(Eval))

This strategy reduces terms such as

And(... big expression ..., False)

in one step (to False in this case), while the bottomup strategy defined above would first evaluate the big expression.

13.5.3. Staged Transformations

Cascading transformations apply a number of rules one after another to an entire tree. But in some cases this is not appropriate. For instance, two transformations may be inverses of one another, so that repeatedly applying one and then the other would lead to non-termination. To remedy this difficulty, Stratego supports the idiom of staged transformation.

In staged computation, transformations are not applied to a subject term all at once, but rather in stages. In each stage, only rules from some particular subset of the entire set of available rules are applied. In the TAMPR program transformation system this idiom is called sequence of normal forms, since a program tree is transformed in a sequence of steps, each of which performs a normalization with respect to a specified set of rules. In Stratego this idiom can be expressed directly according to the following scheme:


  simplify =
    innermost(A1 <+ ... <+ Ak)
    ; innermost(B1 <+ ... <+ Bl)
    ; ...
    ; innermost(C1 <+ ... <+ Cm)

13.5.4. Local Transformations

In conventional program optimization, transformations are applied throughout a program. In optimizing imperative programs, for example, complex transformations are applied to entire programs. In GHC-style compilation-by-transformation, small transformation steps are applied throughout programs. Another style of transformation is a mixture of these ideas. Instead of applying a complex transformation algorithm to a program we use staged, cascading transformations to accumulate small transformation steps for large effect. However, instead of applying transformations throughout the subject program, we often wish to apply them locally, i.e., only to selected parts of the subject program. This allows us to use transformations rules that would not be beneficial if applied everywhere.

One example of a strategy which achieves such a transformation is


  transformation =
      ; innermost(A1 <+ ... <+ An)

The strategy alltd(s) descends into a term until a subterm is encountered for which the transformation s succeeds. In this case the strategy trigger-transformation recognizes a program fragment that should be transformed. Thus, cascading transformations are applied locally to terms for which the transformation is triggered. Of course more sophisticated strategies can be used for finding application locations, as well as for applying the rules locally. Nevertheless, the key observation underlying this idiom remains: Because the transformations to be applied are local, special knowledge about the subject program at the point of application can be used. This allows the application of rules that would not be otherwise applicable.

13.6. Summary

While term rewrite rules can express individual transformation steps, the exhaustive applications of all rules to all subterms is not always desirable. The selection of rules to apply through the module system does not allow transformations to co-exist and may require very small-grained modules. The `functionalization' of rewrite rules leads to overhead in the form of traversal definitions and to the loss of separation between rules and strategy. The paradigm of rewriting with programmable strategies allows the separate definition of individual rewrite rules, which can be (re)used in different combinations with a choice of strategies to form a variety of transformations. Idioms such as cascading transformations, one-pass traversals, staged, and local transformations cater for different styles of applying strategies.

Next up: The next chapters give an in depth overview of the constructs for composing strategies.

Chapter 14. Rules and Strategies

In the previous chapter we saw that pure term rewriting is not adequate for program transformation because of the lack of control over the application of rules. Attempts to encoding such control within the pure rewriting paradigm lead to functionalized control by means of extra rules and constructors at the expense of traversal overhead and at the loss of the separation of rules and strategies. By selecting the appropriate rules and strategy for a transformation, Stratego programmers can control the application of rules, while maintaining the separation of rules and strategies and keeping traversal overhead to a minimum.

We saw that many transformation problems can be solved by alternative strategies such as a one-pass bottom-up or top-down traversals. Others can be solved by selecting the rules that are applied in an innermost normalization, rather than all the rules in a specification. However, no fixed set of such alternative strategies will be sufficient for dealing with all transformation problems. Rather than providing one or a few fixed collection of rewriting strategies, Stratego supports the composition of strategies from basic building blocks with a few fundamental operators.

While we have seen rules and strategies in the previous chapters, we have been vague about what kinds of things they are. In this chapter we define the basic notions of rules and strategies, and we will see how new strategies and strategy combinators can be defined. The next chapters will then introduce the basic combinators used for composition of strategies.

14.1. What is a Rule?

A named rewrite rule is a declaration of the form

L : p1 -> p2

where L is the rule name, p1 the left-hand side term pattern, and p2 the right-hand side term pattern. A rule defines a transformation on terms. A rule can be applied through its name to a term. It will transform the term if it matches with p1, and will replace the term with p2 instantiated with the variables bound during the match to p1. The application fails if the term does not match p1. Thus, a transformation is a partial function from terms to terms

Let's look at an example. The SwapArgs rule swaps the subterms of the Plus constructor. Note that it is possible to introduce rules on the fly in the Stratego Shell.

stratego> SwapArgs : Plus(e1,e2) -> Plus(e2,e1)

Now we create a new term, and apply the SwapArgs rule to it by calling its name at the prompt. (The build !t of a term replaces the current term by t, as will be explained in Chapter 16.)

stratego> !Plus(Var("a"),Int("3"))
stratego> SwapArgs 

The application of SwapArgs fails when applied to a term to which the left-hand side does not match. For example, since the pattern Plus(e1,e2) does not match with a term constructed with Times the following application fails:

stratego> !Times(Int("4"),Var("x"))
stratego> SwapArgs 
command failed

A rule is applied at the root of a term, not at one of its subterms. Thus, the following application fails even though the term contains a Plus subterm:

stratego> !Times(Plus(Var("a"),Int("3")),Var("x"))
stratego> SwapArgs 
command failed

Likewise, the following application only transforms the outermost occurrence of Plus, not the inner occurrence:

stratego> !Plus(Var("a"),Plus(Var("x"),Int("42")))
stratego> SwapArgs 

Finally, there may be multiple rules with the same name. This has the effect that all rules with that name will be tried in turn until one succeeds, or all fail. The rules are tried in some undefined order. This means that it only makes sense to define rules with the same name if they are mutually exclusive, that is, do not have overlapping left-hand sides. For example, we can extend the definition of SwapArgs with a rule for the Times constructor, as follows:

stratego> SwapArgs : Times(e1, e2) -> Times(e2, e1)   

Now the rule can be applied to terms with a Plus and a Times constructor, as illustrated by the following applications:

stratego> !Times(Int("4"),Var("x"))
stratego> SwapArgs 

stratego> !Plus(Var("a"),Int("3"))
stratego> SwapArgs 

Later we will see that a rule is nothing more than a syntactical convention for a strategy definition.

14.2. What is a Strategy?

A rule defines a transformation, that is, a partial function from terms to terms. A strategy expression is a combination of one or more transformations into a new transformation. So, a strategy expression also defines a transformation, i.e., a partial function from terms to terms. Strategy operators are functions from transformations to transformations.

In the previous chapter we saw some examples of strategy expressions. Lets examine these examples in the light of our new definition. First of all, rule names are basic strategy expressions. If we import module prop-laws, we have at our disposal all rules it defines as basic strategies:

stratego> import prop-laws
stratego> !Impl(True(), Atom("p"))
Impl(True, Atom("p"))
stratego> DefI

Next, given a collection of rules we can create more complex transformations by means of strategy operators. For example, the innermost strategy creates from a collection of rules a new transformation that exhaustively applies those rules.

stratego> !Eq(Atom("p"), Atom("q"))

stratego> innermost(DefI <+ DefE <+ DAOL <+ DAOR <+ DN <+ DMA <+ DMO)


(Exercise: add rules to this composition that remove tautologies or false propositions.) Here we see that the rules are first combined using the choice operator <+ into a composite transformation, which is the argument of the innermost strategy.

The innermost strategy always succeeds (but may not terminate), but this is not the case for all strategies. For example bottomup(DefI) will not succeed, since it attempts to apply rule DefI to all subterms, which is clearly not possible. Thus, strategies extend the property of rules that they are partial functions from terms to terms.

Observe that in the composition innermost(...), the term to which the transformation is applied is never mentioned. The `current term', to which a transformation is applied is often implicit in the definition of a strategy. That is, there is no variable that is bound to the current term and then passed to an argument strategy. Thus, a strategy operator such as innermost is a function from transformations to transformations.

While strategies are functions, they are not necessarily pure functions. Strategies in Stratego may have side effects such as performing input/output operations. This is of course necessary in the implementation of basic tool interaction such as provided by io-wrap, but is also useful for debugging. For example, the debug strategy prints the current term, but does not transform it. We can use it to visualize the way that innermost transforms a term.

stratego> !Not(Impl(Atom("p"), Atom("q")))
stratego> innermost(debug(!"in:  "); (DefI <+ DefE <+ DAOL <+ DAOR <+ DN <+ DMA <+ DMO); debug(!"out: "))
in:  p
in:  Atom("p")
in:  q
in:  Atom("q")
in:  Impl(Atom("p"),Atom("q"))
out: Or(Not(Atom("p")),Atom("q"))
in:  p
in:  Atom("p")
in:  Not(Atom("p"))
in:  q
in:  Atom("q")
in:  Or(Not(Atom("p")),Atom("q"))
in:  Not(Or(Not(Atom("p")),Atom("q")))
out: And(Not(Not(Atom("p"))),Not(Atom("q")))
in:  p
in:  Atom("p")
in:  Not(Atom("p"))
in:  Not(Not(Atom("p")))
out: Atom("p")
in:  p
in:  Atom("p")
in:  q
in:  Atom("q")
in:  Not(Atom("q"))
in:  And(Atom("p"),Not(Atom("q")))

This session nicely shows how innermost traverses the term it transforms. The in: lines show terms to which it attempts to apply a rule, the out: lines indicate when this was successful and what the result of applying the rule was. Thus, innermost performs a post-order traversal applying rules after transforming the subterms of a term. (Note that when applying debug to a string constant, the quotes are not printed.)

14.3. Strategy Definitions

Stratego programs are about defining transformations in the form of rules and strategy expressions that combine them. Just defining strategy expressions does not scale, however. Strategy definitions are the abstraction mechanism of Stratego and allow naming and parameterization of strategy expresssions for reuse.

14.3.1. Simple Strategy Definition and Call

A simple strategy definition names a strategy expression. For instance, the following module defines a combination of rules (dnf-rules), and some strategies based on it:

module dnf-strategies
imports libstrategolib prop-dnf-rules

  dnf-rules = 
    DefI <+ DefE <+ DAOL <+ DAOR <+ DN <+ DMA <+ DMO

  dnf = 

  dnf-debug = 
    innermost(debug(!"in:  "); dnf-rules; debug(!"out: "))

  main =

Note how dnf-rules is used in the definition of dnf, and dnf itself in the definition of main.

In general, a definition of the form

f = s

introduces a new transformation f, which can be invoked by calling f in a strategy expression, with the effect of executing strategy expression s. The expression should have no free variables. That is, all strategie called in s should be defined strategies. Simple strategy definitions just introduce names for strategy expressions. Still such strategies have an argument, namely the implicit current term.

14.3.2. Parameterized Definitions

Strategy definitions with strategy and/or term parameters can be used to define transformation schemas that can instantiated for various situations.

A parameterized strategy definition of the form

f(x1,...,xn | y1,..., ym) = s

introduces a user-defined operator f with n strategy arguments and m term arguments. Such a user-defined strategy operator can be called as f(s1,...,sn|t1,...,tm) by providing it n argument strategies and m argument terms. The meaning of such a call is the body s of the definition in which the actual arguments have been substituted for the formal arguments. Strategy arguments and term arguments can be left out of calls and definitions. That is, a call f(|) without strategy and term arguments can be written as f(), or even just f. A call f(s1,..., sn|) without term arguments can be written as f(s1,...,sn) The same holds for definitions.

As we will see in the coming chapters, strategies such as innermost, topdown, and bottomup are not built into the language, but are defined using strategy definitions in the language itself using more basic combinators, as illustrated by the following definitions (without going into the exact meaning of these definitions):

  try(s)      = s <+ id
  repeat(s)   = try(s; repeat(s))
  topdown(s)  = s; all(topdown(s))
  bottomup(s) = all(bottomup(s)); s

Such parameterized strategy operators are invoked by providing arguments for the parameters. Specifically, strategy arguments are instantiated by means of strategy expressions. Wherever the argument is invoked in the body of the definition, the strategy expression is invoked. For example, in the previous chapter we saw the following instantiations of the topdown, try, and repeat strategies:

module prop-desugar
// ...

  desugar = 
    topdown(try(DefI <+ DefE))

  impl-nf = 
    topdown(repeat(DefN <+ DefA2 <+ DefO1 <+ DefE))

There can be multiple definitions with the same name but different numbers of parameters. Such definitions introduce different strategy operators.

14.3.3. Local Definitions

Strategy definitions at top-level are visible everywhere. Sometimes it is useful to define a local strategy operator. This can be done using a let expression of the form let d* in s end, where d* is a list of definitions. For example, in the following strategy expression, the definition of dnf-rules is only visible in the instantiation of innermost:

let dnf-rules = DefI <+ DefE <+ DAOL <+ DAOR <+ DN <+ DMA <+ DMO
 in innermost(dnf-rules)

The current version of Stratego does not support hidden strategy definitions at the module level. Such a feature is under consideration for a future version.

14.3.4. Extending Definitions

As we saw in Chapter 12, a Stratego program can introduce several rules with the same name. It is even possible to extend rules across modules. This is also possible for strategy definitions. If two strategy definitions have the same name and the same number of parameters, they effectively define a single strategy that tries to apply the bodies of the definitions in some undefined order. Thus, a definition of the form

  f = s1
  f = s2

entails that a call to f has the effect of first trying to apply s1, and if that fails applies s2, or the other way around. Thus, the definition above is either translated to

  f = s1 <+ s2

or to

  f = s2 <+ s1

14.4. Calling Primitives

Stratego provides combinators for composing transformations and basic operators for analyzing, creating and traversing terms. However, it does not provide built-in support for other types of computation such as input/output and process control. In order to make such functionality available to Stratego programmers, the language provides access to user-definable primitive strategies through the prim construct. For example, the following call to prim invokes the SSL_printnl function from the native code of the C library:

stratego> prim("SSL_printnl", stdout(), ["foo", "bar"])

In general, a call prim("f", s* | t*) represents a call to a primitive function f with strategy arguments s* and term arguments t*. Note that the `current' term is not passed automatically as argument.

This mechanism allows the incorporation of mundane tasks such as arithmetic, I/O, and other tasks not directly related to transformation, but necessary for the integration of transformations with the other parts of a transformation system.

Primitive functions should take ATerms as arguments. It is not possible to use `unboxed' values, i.e., raw native types. This requires writing a wrapper function in C. For example, the addition of two integers is defined via a call to a primitive prim("SSL_addi",x,y), where the argument should represent integer ATerms, not C integers.

Implementing Primitives.  The Stratego Library provides all the primitives for I/O, arithmetic, string processing, and process control that are usually needed in Stratego programs. However, it is possible to add new primitives to a program as well. That requires linking with the compiled program a library that implements the function. See the documentation of strc for instructions.

14.5. External Definitions

The Stratego Compiler is a whole program compiler. That is, the compiler includes all definitions from imported modules (transitively) into the program defined by the main module (the one being compiled). This is the reason that the compiler takes its time to compile a program. To reduce the compilation effort and the size of the resulting programs it is possible to create separately compiled libraries of Stratego definitions. The strategies that such a library provides are declared as external definitions. A declaration of the form

external f(s1 ... sn | x1 ... xm)

states that there is an externally defined strategy operator f with n strategy arguments and m term arguments. When compiling a program with external definitions a library should be provided that implements these definitions.

The Stratego Library is provided as a separately compiled library. The libstrateglib module that we have been using in the example programs contains external definitions for all strategies in the library, as illustrated by the following excerpt:

module libstrategolib
// ...
  // ...
  external io-wrap(s)
  external bottomup(s)
  external topdown(s)
  // ...

When compiling a program using the library we used the -la stratego-lib option to provide the implementation of those definitions.

External Definitions cannot be Extended.  Unlike definitions imported in the normal way, external definitions cannot be extended. If we try to compile a module extending an external definition, such as

module wrong
imports libstrategolib
  bottomup(s) = fail

compilation fails:

$ strc -i wrong.str
[ strc | info ] Compiling 'wrong.str'
error: redefining external definition: bottomup/1-0
[ strc | error ] Compilation failed (3.66 secs)

Creating Libraries.  It is possible to create your own Stratego libraries as well. Currently that exposes you to a bit of C compilation giberish; in the future this may be incorporated in the Stratego compiler. Lets create a library for the rules and strategy definitions in the prop-laws module. We do this using the --library option to indicate that a library is being built, and the -c option to indicate that we are only interested in the generated C code.

$ strc -i prop-laws.str -c -o libproplib.rtree --library
[ strc | info ] Compiling 'proplib.str'
[ strc | info ] Front-end succeeded         : [user/system] = [4.71s/0.77s]
[ strc | info ] Abstract syntax in 'libproplib.rtree'
[ strc | info ] Concrete syntax in 'libproplib.str'
[ strc | info ] Export of externals succeeded : [user/system] = [2.02s/0.11s]
[ strc | info ] Back-end succeeded          : [user/system] = [6.66s/0.19s]
[ strc | info ] Compilation succeeded       : [user/system] = [13.4s/1.08s]
$ rm libproplib.str

The result is of this compilation is a module libproplib that contains the external definitions of the module and those inherited from libstrategolib. (This module comes in to versions; one in concrete syntax libproplib.str and one in abstract syntax libproplib.rtree; for some obscure reason you should throw away the .str file.) Furthermore, the Stratego Compiler produces a C program libproplib.c with the implementation of the library. This C program should be turned into an object library using libtool, as follows:

$ libtool --mode=compile gcc -g -O -c libproplib.c -o libproplib.o -I <path/to/aterm-stratego/include>
$ libtool --mode=link gcc -g -O -o libproplib.lo

The result is a shared library that can be used in other Stratego programs. (TODO: the production of the shared library should really be incorporated into strc.)

Using Libraries.  Programmers that want to use your library can now import the module with external definitions, instead of the original module.

module dnf-tool
imports libproplib
  main = main-dnf

This program can be compiled in the usual way, adding the new library to the libraries that should be linked against:

$ strc -i dnf-tool.str -la stratego-lib -la ./

$ cat test3.prop

$ ./dnf-tool -i test3.prop

To correctly deploy programs based on shared libraries requires some additional effort. Chapter 29 explains how to create deployable packages for your Stratego programs.

14.6. Dynamic Calls

Strategies can be called dynamically by name, i.e., where the name of the strategy is specified as a string. Such calls can be made using the call construct, which has the form:

call(f | s1, ..., sn | t1, ..., tn)

where f is a term that should evaluate to a string, which indicates the name of the strategy to be called, followed by a list of strategy arguments, and a list of term arguments.

Dynamic calls allow the name of the strategy to be computed at run-time. This is a rather recent feature of Stratego that was motivated by the need for call-backs from a separately compiled Stratego library combined with the computation of dynamic rule names. Otherwise, there is not yet much experience with the feature.

In the current version of Stratego it is necessary to 'register' a strategy to be able to call it dynamically. (In order to avoid deletion in case it is not called explicitly somewhere in the program.) Strategies are registered by means of a dummy strategy definition DYNAMIC-CALLS with calls to the strategies that should called dynamically.


14.7. Summary

We have learned that rules and strategies define transformations, that is, functions from terms to terms that can fail, i.e., partial functions. Rule and strategy definitions introduce names for transformations. Parameterized strategy definitions introduce new strategy operators, functions that construct transformations from transformations.

Primitive strategies are transformations that are implemented in some language other than Stratego (usually C), and are called through the prim construct. External definitions define an interface to a separately compiled library of Stratego definitions. Dynamic calls allow the name of the strategy to be called to be computed as a string.

Chapter 15. Strategy Combinators

We have seen the use of strategies to combine rules into complex transformations. Rather than providing a fixed set of high-level strategy operators such as bottomup, topdown, and innermost, Stratego provides a small set of basic combinators, that can be used to create a wide variety of strategies. In Chapter 15 until Chapter 18 we will introduce these combinators. In this chapter we start with a set of combinators for sequential composition and choice of strategies.

15.1. Identity and Failure

The most basic operations in Stratego are id and fail. The identity strategy id always succeeds and behaves as the identity function on terms. The failure strategy fail always fails. The operations have no side effects.

stratego> !Foo(Bar())
stratego> id
stratego> fail
command failed

15.2. Sequential composition

The sequential composition s1 ; s2 of the strategies s1 and s2 first applies the strategy s1 to the subject term and then s2 to the result of that first application. The strategy fails if either s1 or s2 fails.

Properties.  Sequential composition is associative. Identity is a left and right unit for sequential composition; since id always succeeds and leaves the term alone, it has no additional effect to the strategy that it is composed with. Failure is a left zero for sequential composition; since fail always fails the next strategy will never be reached.

(s1; s2) ; s3 = s1; (s2; s3)

id; s = s

s; id = s

fail; s = fail

However, not for all strategies s we have that failure is a right zero for sequential composition:

s ; fail = fail   (is not a law)

Although the composition s; fail will always fail, the execution of s may have side effects that are not performed by fail. For example, consider printing a term in s.

Examples.  As an example of the use of sequential composition consider the following rewrite rules.

stratego> A : P(Z(),x) -> x
stratego> B : P(S(x),y) -> P(x,S(y))

The following session shows the effect of first applying B and then A:

stratego> !P(S(Z()), Z())
stratego> B
stratego> A

Using the sequential composition of the two rules, this effect can be achieved `in one step':

stratego> !P(S(Z()),Z())
stratego> B; A

The following session shows that the application of a composition fails if the second strategy in the composition fails to apply to the result of the first:

stratego> !P(S(Z()),Z())
stratego> B; B
command failed

15.3. Choice

Choosing between rules to apply is achieved using one of several choice combinators, all of which are based on the guarded choice combinator. The common approach is that failure to apply one strategy leads to backtracking to an alternative strategy.

15.3.1. Deterministic Choice (Left Choice)

The left choice or deterministic choice s1 <+ s2 tries to apply s1 and s2 in that order. That is, it first tries to apply s1, and if that succeeds the choice succeeds. However, if the application of s1 fails, s2 is applied to the original term.

Properties.  Left choice is associative. Identity is a left zero for left choice; since id always succeeds, the alternative strategy will never be tried. Failure is a left and right unit for left choice; since fail always fails, the choice will always backtrack to the alternative strategy, and use of fail as alternative strategy is pointless.

(s1 <+ s2) <+ s3 = s1 <+ (s2 <+ s3)

id <+ s  = id

fail <+ s = s

s <+ fail = s

However, identity is not a right zero for left choice. That is, not for all strategies s we have that

s <+ id =  s    (is not a law)

The expression s <+ id always succeeds, even (especially) in the case that s fails, in which case the right-hand side of the equation fails of course.

Local Backtracking.  The left choice combinator is a local backtracking combinator. That is, the choice is committed once the left-hand side strategy has succeeded, even if the continuation strategy fails. This is expressed by the fact that the property

(s1 <+ s2); s3 = (s1; s3) <+ (s2; s3)    (is not a law)

does not hold for all s1, s2, and s3. The difference is illustrated by the following applications:

stratego> !P(S(Z()),Z())
stratego> (B <+ id); B
command failed

stratego> !P(S(Z()),Z())
stratego> (B <+ id)
stratego> B
command failed

stratego> (B; B) <+ (id; B)

In the application of (B <+ id); B, the first application of B succeeds after which the choice is committed. The subsequent application of B then fails. This equivalent to first applying (B <+ id) and then applying B to the result. The application of (B; B) <+ (id; B), however, is successful; the application of B; B fails, after which the choice backtracks to id; B, which succeeds.

Choosing between Transformations.  The typical use of left choice is to create a composite strategy trying one from several possible transformations. If the strategies that are composed are mutually exclusive, that is, don't succeed for the same terms, their sum is a transformation that (deterministically) covers a larger set of terms. For example, consider the following two rewrite rules:

stratego> PlusAssoc : Plus(Plus(e1, e2), e3) -> Plus(e1, Plus(e2, e3))
stratego> PlusZero  : Plus(Int("0"),e) -> e

These rules are mutually exclusive, since there is no term that matches the left-hand sides of both rules. Combining the rules with left choice into PlusAssoc <+ PlusZero creates a strategy that transforms terms matching both rules as illustrated by the following applications:

stratego> !Plus(Int("0"),Int("3"))

stratego> PlusAssoc
command failed
stratego> PlusAssoc <+ PlusZero

stratego> !Plus(Plus(Var("x"),Int("42")),Int("3"))

stratego> PlusZero
command failed
stratego> PlusAssoc <+ PlusZero

Ordering Overlapping Rules.  When two rules or strategies are mutually exlusive the order of applying them does not matter. In cases where strategies are overlapping, that is, succeed for the same terms, the order becomes crucial to determining the semantics of the composition. For example, consider the following rewrite rules reducing applications of Mem:

stratego> Mem1 : Mem(x,[]) -> False()
stratego> Mem2 : Mem(x,[x|xs]) -> True()
stratego> Mem3 : Mem(x,[y|ys]) -> Mem(x,ys)

Rules Mem2 and Mem3 have overlapping left-hand sides. Rule Mem2 only applies if the first argument is equal to the head element of the list in the second argument. Rule Mem3 applies always if the list in the second argument is non-empty.

stratego> !Mem(1, [1,2,3])
Mem(1, [1,2,3])
stratego> Mem2
stratego> !Mem(1, [1,2,3])
stratego> Mem3

In such situations, depending on the order of the rules, differents results are produced. (The rules form a non-confluent rewriting system.) By ordering the rules as Mem2 <+ Mem3, rule Mem2 is tried before Mem3, and we have a deterministic transformation strategy.

Try.  A useful application of <+ in combination with id is the reflexive closure of a strategy s:

try(s) = s <+ id

The user-defined strategy combinator try tries to apply its argument strategy s, but if that fails, just succeeds using id.

15.3.2. Guarded Choice

Sometimes it is not desirable to backtrack to the alternative specified in a choice. Rather, after passing a guard, the choice should be committed. This can be expressed using the guarded left choice operator s1 < s2 + s3. If s1 succeeds s2 is applied, else s3 is applied. If s2 fails, the complete expression fails; no backtracking to s3 takes place.

Properties.  This combinator is a generalization of the left choice combinator <+.

s1 <+ s2 = s1 < id + s2

The following laws make clear that the `branches' of the choice are selected by the success or failure of the guard:

id < s2 + s3  = s2

fail < s2 + s3 = s3

If the right branch always fails, the construct reduces to the sequential composition of the guard and the left branch.

s1 < s2 + fail = s1; s2

Guarded choice is not associative:

(s1 < s2 + s3) < s4 + s5 = s1 < s2 + (s3 < s4 + s5)    (not a law)

To see why consider the possible traces of these expressions. For example, when s1 and s2 succeed subsequently, the left-hand side expression calls s4, while the right-hand side expression does not.

However, sequential composition distributes over guarded choice from left and right:

(s1 < s2 + s3); s4 = s1 < (s2; s4) + (s3; s4)

s0; (s1 < s2 + s3) = (s0; s1) < s2 + s3

Examples.  The guarded left choice operator is most useful for the implementation of higher-level control-flow strategies. For example, the negation not(s) of a strategy s, succeeds if s fails, and fails when it succeeds:

not(s) = s < fail + id

Since failure discards the effect of a (succesful) transformation, this has the effect of testing whether s succeeds. So we have the following laws for not:

not(id) = fail
not(fail) = id

However, side effects performed by s are not undone, of course. Therefore, the following equation does not hold:

not(not(s)) = s   (not a law)

Another example of the use of guarded choice is the restore-always combinator:

restore-always(s, r) = s < r + (r; fail)

It applies a `restore' strategy r after applying a strategy s, even if s fails, and preserves the success/failure behaviour of s. Since fail discards the transformation effect of r, this is mostly useful for ensuring that some side-effecting operation is done (or undone) after applying s.

For other applications of guarded choice, Stratego provides syntactic sugar.

15.3.3. If Then Else

The guarded choice combinator is similar to the traditional if-then-else construct of programming languages. The difference is that the `then' branch applies to the result of the application of the condition. Stratego's if s1 then s2 else s3 end construct is more like the traditional construct since both branches apply to the original term. The condition strategy is only used to test if it succeeds or fails, but it's transformation effect is undone. However, the condition strategy s1 is still applied to the current term. The if s1 then s2 end strategy is similar; if the condition fails, the strategy succeeds.

Properties.  The if-then-else-end strategy is just syntactic sugar for a combination of guarded choice and the where combinator:

if s1 then s2 else s3 end  =  where(s1) < s2 + s3

The strategy where(s) succeeds if s succeeds, but returns the original subject term. The implementation of the where combinator will be discussed in Chapter 16. The following laws show that the branches are selected by success or failure of the condition:

if id   then s2 else s3 end  =  s2

if fail then s2 else s3 end  =  s3

The if-then-end strategy is an abbreviation for the if-then-else-end with the identity strategy as right branch:

if s1 then s2 end  =  where(s1) < s2 + id

Examples.  The inclusive or or(s1, s2) succeeds if one of the strategies s1 or s2 succeeds, but guarantees that both are applied, in the order s1 first, then s2:

or(s1, s2) = 
  if s1 then try(where(s2)) else where(s2) end

This ensures that any side effects are always performed, in contrast to s1 <+ s2, where s2 is only executed if s1 fails. (Thus, left choice implements a short circuit Boolean or.)

Similarly, the following and(s1, s2) combinator is the non-short circuit version of Boolean conjunction:

and(s1, s2) = 
  if s1 then where(s2) else where(s2); fail end

15.3.4. Switch

The switch construct is an n-ary branching construct similar to its counter parts in other programming languages. It is defined in terms of guarded choice. The switch construct has the following form:

  switch s0
    case s1 : s1'
    case s2 : s2'
    otherwise : sdef

The switch first applies the s0 strategy to the current term t resulting in a term t'. Then it tries the cases in turn applying each si to t'. As soon as this succeeds the corresponding case is selected and si' is applied to the t, the term to which the switch was applied. If none of the cases applies, the default strategy sdef from the otherwise is applied.

Properties.  The switch construct is syntactic sugar for a nested if-then-else:

  {x : where(s0 => x);
       if <s1> x 
       then s1' 
       else if <s2> x 
            then s2' 
            else if ...
                 then ...
                 else sdef

This translation uses a couple of Stratego constructs that we haven't discussed so far.

Examples.  TODO

15.3.5. Non-deterministic Choice

The deterministic left choice operator prescribes that the left alternative should be tried before the right alternative, and that the latter is only used if the first fails. There are applications where it is not necessary to define the order of the alternatives. In those cases non-deterministic choice can be used.

The non-deterministic choice operator s1 + s2 chooses one of the two strategies s1 or s2 to apply, such that the one it chooses succeeds. If both strategies fail, then the choice fails as well. Operationally the choice operator first tries one strategy, and, if that fails, tries the other. The order in which this is done is undefined, i.e., arbitrarily chosen by the compiler.

The + combinator is used to model modular composition of rewrite rules and strategies with the same name. Multiple definitions with the same name, are merged into a single definition with that name, where the bodies are composed with +. The following transformation illustrates this:

  f = s1  f = s2      ==>    f = s1 + s2

This transformation is somewhat simplified; the complete transformation needs to take care of local variables and parameters.

While the + combinator is used internally by the compiler for this purpose, programmers are advised not to use this combinator, but rather use the left choice combinator <+ to avoid surprises.

15.4. Recursion

Repeated application of a strategy can be achieved with recursion. There are two styles for doing this; with a recursive definition or using the fixpoint operator rec. A recursive definition is a normal strategy definition with a recursive call in its body.

f(s) = ... f(s) ...

Another way to define recursion is using the fixpoint operator rec x(s), which recurses on applications of x within s. For example, the definition

f(s) = rec x(... x ...)

is equivalent to the one above. The advantage of the rec operator is that it allows the definition of an unnamed strategy expression to be recursive. For example, in the definition

g(s) = foo; rec x(... x ...); bar

the strategy between foo and bar is a recursive strategy that does not recurse to g(s).

Originally, the rec operator was the only way to define recursive strategies. It is still in the language in the first place because it is widely used in many existing programs, and in the second place because it can be a concise expression of a recursive strategy, since call parameters are not included in the call. Furthermore, all free variables remain in scope.

Examples.  The repeat strategy applies a transformation s until it fails. It is defined as a recursive definition using try as follows:

try(s)    = s <+ id
repeat(s) = try(s; repeat(s))

An equivalent definition using rec is:

repeat(s) = rec x(try(s; x))

The following Stratego Shell session illustrates how it works. We first define the strategies:

stratego> try(s) = s <+ id
stratego> repeat(s) = try(s; repeat(s))
stratego> A : P(Z(),x) -> x
stratego> B : P(S(x),y) -> P(x,S(y))

Then we observe that the repeated application of the individual rules A and B reduces terms:

stratego> !P(S(Z()),Z())
stratego> B
stratego> A

We can automate this using the repeat strategy, which will repeat the rules as often as possible:

stratego> !P(S(Z()),Z())
stratego> repeat(A <+ B)

stratego> !P(S(S(S(Z()))),Z())
stratego> repeat(A <+ B)

To illustrate the intermediate steps of the transformation we can use debug from the Stratego Library.

stratego> import liblib
stratego> !P(S(S(S(Z()))),Z())
stratego> repeat(debug; (A <+ B))

A Library of Iteration Strategies.  Using sequential composition, choice, and recursion a large variety of iteration strategies can be defined. The following definitions are part of the Stratego Library (in module strategy/iteration).

repeat(s) = 
  rec x(try(s; x))

repeat(s, c) =
  (s; repeat(s, c)) <+ c

repeat1(s, c) = 
  s; (repeat1(s, c) <+ c)

repeat1(s) = 
  repeat1(s, id)

repeat-until(s, c) = 
  s; if c then id else repeat-until(s, c) end

while(c, s) = 
  if c then s; while(c, s) end

do-while(s, c) =
  s; if c then do-while(s, c) end

The following equations describe some relations between these strategies:

  do-while(s, c) = repeat-until(s, not(c))

  do-while(s, c) = s; while(c, s)

15.5. Summary

We have seen that rules and strategies can be combined into more complex strategies by means of strategy combinators. Cumulative effects are obtained by sequential composition of strategies using the s1 ; s2 combinator. Choice combinators allow a strategy to decide between alternative transformations. While Stratego provides a variety of choice combinators, they are all based on the guarded choice combinator s1 < s2 + s3. Repetition of transformations is achieved using recursion, which can be achieved through recursive definitions or the rec combinator.

Next up: Chapter 16 shows the stuff that rewrite rules are made of.

Chapter 16. Creating and Analyzing Terms

In previous chapters we have presented rewrite rules as basic transformation steps. However, rules are not really atomic transformation actions. To see this, consider what happens when the rewrite rule

DAOL : And(Or(x, y), z) -> Or(And(x, z), And(y, z))

is applied. First it matches the subject term against the pattern And(Or(x, y), z) in the left-hand side. This means that a substitution for the variables x, y, and z is sought, that makes the pattern equal to the subject term. If the match fails, the rule fails. If the match succeeds, the pattern Or(And(x, z), And(y, z)) on the right-hand side is instantiated with the bindings found during the match of the left-hand side. The instantiated term then replaces the original subject term. Furthermore, the rule limits the scope of the variables occurring in the rule. That is, the variables x, y, z are local to this rule. After the rule is applied the bindings to these variables are invisible again.

Thus, rather than considering rules as the atomic actions of transformation programs, Stratego provides their constituents, that is building terms from patterns and matching terms against patterns, as atomic actions, and makes these available to the programmer. In this chapter, you will learn these basic actions and their use in the composition of more complex operations such as various flavours of rewrite rules.

16.1. Building terms

The build operation !p replaces the subject term with the instantiation of the pattern p using the bindings from the environment to the variables occurring in p. For example, the strategy !Or(And(x, z), And(y, z)) replaces the subject term with the instantiation of Or(And(x, z), And(y, z)) using bindings to variables x, y and z.

stratego> !Int("10")
stratego> !Plus(Var("a"), Int("10"))
Plus(Var("a"), Int("10"))

It is possible to build terms with variables. We call this building a term pattern. A pattern is a term with meta-variables. The current term is replaced by an instantiation of pattern p.

stratego> :binding e
e is bound to Var("b")
stratego> !Plus(Var("a"),e)
stratego> !e

16.2. Matching terms

Pattern matching allows the analysis of terms. The simplest case is matching against a literal term. The match operation ?t matches the subject term against the term t.

stratego> ?Plus(Var("a"),Int("3"))
stratego> ?Plus(Int("3"),Var("b"))
command failed

Matching against a term pattern with variables binds those variables to (parts of) the current term. The match strategy ?x compares the current term (t) to variable x. It binds variable x to term t in the environment. A variable can only be bound once, or to the same term.

stratego> ?e
stratego> :binding e
e is bound to Plus(Var("a"),Int("3")) 
stratego> !Int("17")
stratego> ?e
command failed

The general case is matching against an arbitrary term pattern. The match strategy ?p compares the current term to a pattern p. It will add bindings for the variables in pattern p to the environment. The wildcard _ in a match will match any term.

stratego> ?Plus(e,_)
stratego> :binding e
e is bound to Var("a")

Patterns may be non-linear. Multiple occurences of the same variable can occur and each occurence matches the same term.

stratego> ?Plus(e,e)
command failed
stratego> !Plus(Var("a"),Var("a"))
stratego> ?Plus(e,e)
stratego> :binding e
e is bound to Var("a")

Non-linear pattern matching is a way to test equality of terms. Indeed the equality predicates from the Stratego Library are defined using non-linear pattern matching:

equal = ?(x, x)
equal(|x) = ?x

The equal strategy tests whether the current term is a a pair of the same terms. The equal(|x) strategy tests whether the current term is equal to the argument term.

stratego> equal = ?(x, x)
stratego> !("a", "a")
("a", "a")
stratego> equal
("a", "a")
stratego> !("a", "b")
("a", "b")
stratego> equal
command failed

stratego> equal(|x) = ?x
stratego> !Foo(Bar())
stratego> equal(|Foo(Baz()))
command failed
stratego> equal(|Foo(Bar()))

16.3. Implementing Rewrite Rules

Match and build are first-class citizens in Stratego, which means that they can be used and combined just like any other strategy expressions. In particular, we can implement rewrite rules using these operations, since a rewrite rule is basically a match followed by a build. For example, consider the following combination of match and build:

stratego> ?Plus(e1, e2); !Plus(e2, e1)

This combination first recognizes a term, binds variables to the pattern in the match, and then replaces the current term with the instantiation of the build pattern. Note that the variable bindings are propagated from the match to the build.

Stratego provides syntactic sugar for various combinations of match and build. We'll explore these in the rest of this chapter.

16.3.1. Anonymous Rewrite Rule

An anonymous rewrite rule (p1 -> p2) transforms a term matching p1 into an instantiation of p2. Such a rule is equivalent to the sequence ?p1; !p2.

stratego> (Plus(e1, e2) -> Plus(e2, e1)) 

16.3.2. Term variable scope

Once a variable is bound it cannot be rebound to a different term. Thus, once we have applied an anonymous rule once, its variables are bound and the next time it is applied it only succeeds for the same term. For example, in the next session the second application of the rule fails, because e2 is bound to Int("3") and does not match with Var("b").

stratego> !Plus(Var("a"),Int("3"))
stratego> (Plus(e1,e2) -> Plus(e2,e1))

stratego> :binding e1
e1 is bound to Var("a")
stratego> :binding e2
e2 is bound to Int("3")

stratego> !Plus(Var("a"),Var("b"))
stratego> (Plus(e1,e2) -> Plus(e2,e1))
command failed

To use a variable name more than once Stratego provides term variable scope. A scope {x1,...,xn : s} locally undefines the variables xi. That is, the binding to a variable xi outside the scope is not visible inside it, nor is the binding to xi inside the scope visible outside it. For example, to continue the session above, if we wrap the anonymous swap rule in a scope for its variables, it can be applied multiple times.

stratego> !Plus(Var("a"),Int("3"))
stratego> {e3,e4 : (Plus(e3,e4) -> Plus(e4,e3))}
stratego> :binding e3 
e3 is not bound to a term

stratego> !Plus(Var("a"),Var("b"))
stratego> {e3,e4 : (Plus(e3,e4) -> Plus(e4,e3))}

Of course we can name such a scoped rule using a strategy definition, and then invoke it by its name:

stratego> SwapArgs = {e1,e2 : (Plus(e1,e2) -> Plus(e2,e1))}
stratego> !Plus(Var("a"),Int("3"))
stratego> SwapArgs 

16.3.3. Implicit Variable Scope

When using match and build directly in a strategy definition, rather than in the form of a rule, the definition contains free variables. Strictly speaking such variables should be declared using a scope, that is one should write

SwapArgs = {e1,e2 : (Plus(e1,e2) -> Plus(e2,e1))}

However, since declaring all variables at the top of a definition is destracting and does not add much to the definition, such a scope declaration can be left out. Thus, one can write

SwapArgs = (Plus(e1,e2) -> Plus(e2,e1))

instead. The scope is automatically inserted by the compiler. This implies that there is no global scope for term variables. Of course, variables in inner scopes should be declared where necessary. In particular, note that variable scope is not inserted for strategy definitions in a let binding, such as

let  SwapArgs = (Plus(e1,e2) -> Plus(e2,e1))  in ... end

While the variables are bound in the enclosing definition, they are not restricted to SwapArgs in this case, since in a let you typically want to use bindings to variables in the enclosing code.

16.3.4. Where

Often it is useful to apply a strategy only to test whether some property holds or to compute some auxiliary result. For this purpose, Stratego provides the where(s) combinator, which applies s to the current term, but restores that term afterwards. Any bindings to variables are kept, however.

stratego> where(?Plus(Int(i),Int(j)); <addS>(i,j) => k)
stratego> :binding i 
i is bound to "14"
stratego> :binding k 
k is bound to "17"

With the match and build constructs where(s) is in fact just syntactic sugar for {x: ?x; s; !x} with x a fresh variable not occurring in s. Thus, the current subject term is saved by binding it to a new variable x, then the strategy s is applied, and finally, the original term is restored by building x.

We saw the use of where in the definition of if-then-else in Chapter 15.

16.3.5. Conditional rewrite rule

A simple rewrite rule succeeds if the match of the left-hand side succeeds. Sometimes it is useful to place additional requirements on the application of a rule, or to compute some value for use in the right-hand side of the rule. This can be achieved with conditional rewrite rules. A conditional rule L: p1 -> p2 where s is a simple rule extended with an additional computation s which should succeed in order for the rule to apply. The condition can be used to test properties of terms in the left-hand side, or to compute terms to be used in the right-hand side. The latter is done by binding such new terms to variables used in the right-hand side.

For example, the EvalPlus rule in the following session uses a condition to compute the sum of i and j:

stratego> EvalPlus: Plus(Int(i),Int(j)) -> Int(k) where !(i,j); addS; ?k
stratego> !Plus(Int("14"),Int("3"))
stratego> EvalPlus

A conditional rule can be desugared similarly to an unconditional rule. That is, a conditional rule of the form

L : p1 -> p2 where s

is syntactic sugar for

L = ?p1; where(s); !p2

Thus, after the match with p1 succeeds the strategy s is applied to the subject term. Only if the application of s succeeds, is the right-hand side p2 built. Note that since s is applied within a where, the build !p2 is applied to the original subject term; only variable bindings computed within s can be used in p2.

As an example, consider the following constant folding rule, which reduces an addition of two integer constants to the constant obtained by computing the addition.

EvalPlus : Add(Int(i),Int(j)) -> Int(k) where !(i,j); addS; ?k

The addition is computed by applying the primitive strategy add to the pair of integers (i,j) and matching the result against the variable k, which is then used in the right-hand side. This rule is desugared to

EvalPlus = ?Add(Int(i),Int(j)); where(!(i,j); addS; ?k); !Int(k)

16.3.6. Lambda Rules

Sometimes it is useful to define a rule anonymously within a strategy expression. The syntax for anonymous rules with scopes is a bit much since it requires enumerating all variables. A `lambda' rule of the form

\ p1 -> p2 where s \

is an anonymous rewrite rule for which the variables in the left-hand side p1 are local to the rule, that is, it is equivalent to an expression of the form

{x1,...,xn : (p1 -> p2 where s)}

with x1,...,xn the variables of p1. This means that any variables used in s and p2 that do not occur in p1 are bound in the context of the rule.

A typical example of the use of an anonymous rule is

stratego> ![(1,2),(3,4),(5,6)]
stratego> map(\ (x, y) -> x \ )

16.4. Apply and Match

One frequently occuring scenario is that of applying a strategy to a term and then matching the result against a pattern. This typically occurs in the condition of a rule. In the constant folding example above we saw this scenario:

EvalPlus : Add(Int(i),Int(j)) -> Int(k) where !(i,j); addS; ?k

In the condition, first the term (i,j) is built, then the strategy addS is applied to it, and finally the result is matched against the pattern k.

To improve the readability of such expressions, the following two constructs are provided. The operation <s> p captures the notion of applying a strategy to a term, i.e., the scenario !p; s. The operation s => p capture the notion of applying a strategy to the current subject term and then matching the result against the pattern p, i.e., s; ?p. The combined operation <s> p1 => p2 thus captures the notion of applying a strategy to a term p1 and matching the result against p2, i.e, !t1; s; ?t2. Using this notation we can improve the constant folding rule above as

EvalPlus : Add(Int(i),Int(j)) -> Int(k) where <add>(i,j) => k

Applying Strategies in Build.  Sometimes it useful to apply a strategy directly to a subterm of a pattern, for example in the right-hand side of a rule, instead of computing a value in a condition, binding the result to a variable, and then using the variable in the build pattern. The constant folding rule above, for example, could be further simplified by directly applying the addition in the right-hand side:

EvalPlus : Add(Int(i),Int(j)) -> Int(<add>(i,j))

This abbreviates the conditional rule above. In general, a strategy application in a build pattern can always be expressed by computing the application before the build and binding the result to a new variable, which then replaces the application in the build pattern.

Another example is the following definition of the map(s) strategy, which applies a strategy to each term in a list:

map(s) : [] -> []
map(s) : [x | xs] -> [<s> x | <map(s)> xs]

16.5. Wrap and Project

Term wrapping and projection are concise idioms for constructing terms that wrap the current term and for extracting subterms from the current term.

16.5.1. Term Wrap

One often write rules of the form \ x -> Foo(Bar(x))\, i.e. wrapping a term pattern around the current term. Using rule syntax this is quite verbose. The syntactic abstraction of term wraps, allows the concise specification of such little transformations as !Foo(Bar(<id>)).

In general, a term wrap is a build strategy !p[<s>] containing one or more strategy applications <s> that are not applied to a term. When executing the the build operation, each occurrence of such a strategy application <s> is replaced with the term resulting from applying s to the current subject term, i.e., the one that is being replaced by the build. The following sessions illustrate some uses of term wraps:

stratego> !(<id>,<id>)
stratego> !(<Fst; inc>,<Snd>)
stratego> !"foobar"
stratego> !Call(<id>, [])
Call("foobar", [])
stratego> mod2 = <mod>(<id>,2)
stratego> !6
stratego> mod2

As should now be a common pattern, term projects are implemented by translation to a combination of match and build expressions. Thus, a term wrap !p[<s>] is translated to a strategy expression

{x: where(s => x); !p[x]}  

where x is a fresh variable not occurring in s. In other words, the strategy s is applied to the current subject term, i.e., the term to which the build is applied.

As an example, the term wrap !Foo(Bar(<id>)) is desugared to the strategy

\{x: where(id => x); !Foo(Bar(x))}

which after simplification is equivalent to \{x: ?x; !Foo(Bar(x))\}, i.e., exactly the original lambda rule \ x -> Foo(Bar(x))\.

16.5.2. Term Project

Term projections are the match dual of term wraps. Term projections can be used to project a subterm from a term pattern. For example, the expression ?And(<id>,x) matches terms of the form And(t1,t2) and reduces them to the first subterm t1. Another example is the strategy


which reduces a list of function declarations to a list of the names of the functions, i.e., the first arguments of the FunDec constructor. Here are some more examples:

stratego> ?[_|<id>]
stratego> !Call("foobar", [])
Call("foobar", [])
stratego> ?Call(<id>, [])

Term projections can also be used to apply additional constraints to subterms in a match pattern. For example, ?Call(x, <?args; length => 3>) matches only with function calls with three arguments.

A match expression ?p[<s>] is desugared as

{x: ?p[x]; <s> x}

That is, after the pattern p[x] matches, it is reduced to the subterm bound to x to which s is applied. The result is also the result of the projection. When multiple projects are used within a match the outcome is undefined, i.e., the order in which the projects will be performed can not be counted on.

16.6. Summary

We have seen that Stratego makes the atomic actions of transformations, matching and building terms, available to Stratego programmers. A number of higher-level concepts, including rewrite rules, are implemented by translation to these basic actions.

Chapter 17. Traversal Strategies

In Chapter 13 we saw a number of idioms of strategic rewriting, which all involved tree traversal. In the previous chapters we saw how strategies can be used to control transformations and how rules can be broken down into the primitive actions match, build and scope. The missing ingredient are combinators for defining traversals.

There are many ways to traverse a tree. For example, a bottom-up traversal, visits the subterms of a node before it visits the node itself, while a top-down traversal visits nodes before it visits children. One-pass traversals traverse the tree one time, while fixed-point traversals, such as innermost, repeatedly traverse a term until a normal form is reached.

It is not desirable to provide built-in implementations for all traversals needed in transformations, since such a collection would necessarily be imcomplete. Rather we would like to define traversals in terms of the primitive ingredients of traversal. For example, a top-down, one-pass traversal strategy will first visit a node, and then descend to the children of a node in order to recursively traverse all subterms. Similarly, the bottom-up, fixed-point traversal strategy innermost, will first descend to the children of a node in order to recursively traverse all subterms, then visit the node itself, and possibly recursively reapply the strategy.

Traversal in Stratego is based on the observation that a full term traversal is a recursive closure of a one-step descent, that is, an operation that applies a strategy to one or more direct subterms of the subject term. By separating this one-step descent operator from recursion, and making it a first-class operation, many different traversals can be defined.

In this chapter we explore the ways in which Stratego supports the definition of traversal strategies. We start with explicitly programmed traversals using recursive traversal rules. Next, congruences operators provide a more concise notation for such data-type specific traversal rules. Finally, generic traversal operators support data type independent definitions of traversals, which can be reused for any data type. Given these basic mechanisms, we conclude with an an exploration of idioms for traversal and standard traversal strategies in the Stratego Library.

17.1. Traversal Rules

In Chapter 16 we saw the following definition of the map strategy, which applies a strategy to each element of a list:

map(s) : [] -> []
map(s) : [x | xs] -> [<s> x | <map(s)> xs]

The definition uses explicit recursive calls to the strategy in the right-hand side of the second rule. What map does is to traverse the list in order to apply the argument strategy to all elements. We can use the same technique to other term structures as well.

We will explore the definition of traversals using the propositional formulae from Chapter 13, where we introduced the following rewrite rules:

module prop-rules
imports libstrategolib prop
  DefI : Impl(x, y)       -> Or(Not(x), y)
  DefE : Eq(x, y)         -> And(Impl(x, y), Impl(y, x))
  DN   : Not(Not(x))      -> x
  DMA  : Not(And(x, y))   -> Or(Not(x), Not(y))
  DMO  : Not(Or(x, y))    -> And(Not(x), Not(y))
  DAOL : And(Or(x, y), z) -> Or(And(x, z), And(y, z))
  DAOR : And(z, Or(x, y)) -> Or(And(z, x), And(z, y))
  DOAL : Or(And(x, y), z) -> And(Or(x, z), Or(y, z))
  DOAR : Or(z, And(x, y)) -> And(Or(z, x), Or(z, y))

In Chapter 13 we saw how a functional style of rewriting could be encoded using extra constructors. In Stratego we can achieve a similar approach by using rule names, instead of extra constructors. Thus, one way to achieve normalization to disjunctive normal form, is the use of an explicitly programmed traversal, implemented using recursive rules, similarly to the map example above:

module prop-dnf4
imports libstrategolib prop-rules
  main = io-wrap(dnf)
  dnf : True       ->          True
  dnf : False      ->          False
  dnf : Atom(x)    ->          Atom(x)
  dnf : Not(x)     -> <dnfred> Not (<dnf>x)
  dnf : And(x, y)  -> <dnfred> And (<dnf>x, <dnf>y)
  dnf : Or(x, y)   ->          Or  (<dnf>x, <dnf>y)  
  dnf : Impl(x, y) -> <dnfred> Impl(<dnf>x, <dnf>y)
  dnf : Eq(x, y)   -> <dnfred> Eq  (<dnf>x, <dnf>y)
  dnfred = try(DN <+ (DefI <+ DefE <+ DMA <+ DMO <+ DAOL <+ DAOR); dnf)

The dnf rules recursively apply themselves to the direct subterms and then apply dnfred to actually apply the rewrite rules.

We can reduce this program by abstracting over the base cases. Since there is no traversal into True, False, and Atoms, these rules can be be left out.

module prop-dnf5
imports libstrategolib prop-rules
  main = io-wrap(dnf)
  dnft : Not(x)     -> <dnfred> Not (<dnf>x)
  dnft : And(x, y)  -> <dnfred> And (<dnf>x, <dnf>y)
  dnft : Or(x, y)   ->          Or  (<dnf>x, <dnf>y)  
  dnft : Impl(x, y) -> <dnfred> Impl(<dnf>x, <dnf>y)
  dnft : Eq(x, y)   -> <dnfred> Eq  (<dnf>x, <dnf>y)
  dnf    = try(dnft)
  dnfred = try(DN <+ (DefI <+ DefE <+ DMA <+ DMO <+ DAOL <+ DAOR); dnf)

The dnf strategy is now defined in terms of the dnft rules, which implement traversal over the constructors. By using try(dnft), terms for which no traversal rule has been specified are not transformed.

We can further simplify the definition by observing that the application of dnfred does not necessarily have to take place in the right-hand side of the traversal rules.

module prop-dnf6
imports libstrategolib prop-rules
  main = io-wrap(dnf)
  dnft : Not(x)     -> Not (<dnf>x)
  dnft : And(x, y)  -> And (<dnf>x, <dnf>y)
  dnft : Or(x, y)   -> Or  (<dnf>x, <dnf>y)
  dnft : Impl(x, y) -> Impl(<dnf>x, <dnf>y)
  dnft : Eq(x, y)   -> Eq  (<dnf>x, <dnf>y)
  dnf    = try(dnft); dnfred
  dnfred = try(DN <+ (DefI <+ DefE <+ DMA <+ DMO <+ DAOL <+ DAOR); dnf)

In this program dnf first calls dnft to transform the subterms of the subject term, and then calls dnfred to apply the transformation rules (and possibly a recursive invocation of dnf).

The program above has two problems. First, the traversal behaviour is mostly uniform, so we would like to specify that more concisely. We will address that concern below. Second, the traversal is not reusable, for example, to define a conjunctive normal form transformation. This last concern can be addressed by factoring out the recursive call to dnf and making it a parameter of the traversal rules.

module prop-dnf7
imports libstrategolib prop-rules
  main = io-wrap(dnf)
  proptr(s) : Not(x)     -> Not (<s>x)
  proptr(s) : And(x, y)  -> And (<s>x, <s>y)
  proptr(s) : Or(x, y)   -> Or  (<s>x, <s>y)  
  proptr(s) : Impl(x, y) -> Impl(<s>x, <s>y)
  proptr(s) : Eq(x, y)   -> Eq  (<s>x, <s>y)
  dnf    = try(proptr(dnf)); dnfred
  dnfred = try(DN <+ (DefI <+ DefE <+ DMA <+ DMO <+ DAOL <+ DAOR); dnf)
  cnf    = try(proptr(cnf)); cnfred
  cnfred = try(DN <+ (DefI <+ DefE <+ DMA <+ DMO <+ DOAL <+ DOAR); cnf)

Now the traversal rules are reusable and used in two different transformations, by instantiation with a call to the particular strategy in which they are used (dnf or cnf).

But we can do better, and also make the composition of this strategy reusable.

module prop-dnf8
imports libstrategolib prop-rules
  main = io-wrap(dnf)
  proptr(s) : Not(x)     -> Not (<s>x)
  proptr(s) : And(x, y)  -> And (<s>x, <s>y)
  proptr(s) : Or(x, y)   -> Or  (<s>x, <s>y)
  proptr(s) : Impl(x, y) -> Impl(<s>x, <s>y)
  proptr(s) : Eq(x, y)   -> Eq  (<s>x, <s>y)
  propbu(s) = proptr(propbu(s)); s
  dnf    = propbu(dnfred)
  dnfred = try(DN <+ (DefI <+ DefE <+ DMA <+ DMO <+ DAOL <+ DAOR); dnf)
  cnf    = propbu(cnfred)
  cnfred = try(DN <+ (DefI <+ DefE <+ DMA <+ DMO <+ DOAL <+ DOAR); cnf)

That is, the propbu(s) strategy defines a complete bottom-up traversal over propostion terms, applying the strategy s to a term after transforming its subterms. The strategy is completely independent of the dnf and cnf transformations, which instantiate the strategy using the dnfred and cnfred strategies.

Come to think of it, dnfred and cnfred are somewhat useless now and can be inlined directly in the instantiation of the propbu(s) strategy:

module prop-dnf9
imports libstrategolib prop-rules
  main = io-wrap(dnf)
  proptr(s) : Not(x)     -> Not (<s>x)
  proptr(s) : And(x, y)  -> And (<s>x, <s>y)
  proptr(s) : Or(x, y)   -> Or  (<s>x, <s>y)
  proptr(s) : Impl(x, y) -> Impl(<s>x, <s>y)
  proptr(s) : Eq(x, y)   -> Eq  (<s>x, <s>y)
  propbu(s) = proptr(propbu(s)); s
  dnf = propbu(try(DN <+ (DefI <+ DefE <+ DMA <+ DMO <+ DAOL <+ DAOR); dnf))
  cnf = propbu(try(DN <+ (DefI <+ DefE <+ DMA <+ DMO <+ DOAL <+ DOAR); cnf))

Now we have defined a transformation independent traversal strategy that is specific for proposition terms.

Next we consider cheaper ways for defining the traversal rules, and then ways to get completely rid of them.

17.2. Congruence Operators

The definition of the traversal rules above frequently occurs in the definition of transformation strategies. Congruence operators provide a convenient abbreviation of precisely this operation. A congruence operator applies a strategy to each direct subterm of a specific constructor. For each n-ary constructor c declared in a signature, there is a corresponding congruence operator c(s1 , ..., sn), which applies to terms of the form c(t1 , ..., tn) by applying the argument strategies to the corresponding argument terms. A congruence fails if the application of one the argument strategies fails or if constructor of the operator and that of the term do not match.

Example.  For example, consider the following signature of expressions:

module expressions
  sorts Exp
    Int   : String -> Exp
    Var   : String -> Exp
    Plus  : Exp * Exp -> Exp
    Times : Exp * Exp -> Exp

The following Stratego Shell session applies the congruence operators Plus and Times to a term:

stratego> import expressions
stratego> !Plus(Int("14"),Int("3"))
stratego> Plus(!Var("a"), id)
stratego> Times(id, !Int("42"))
command failed

The first application shows how a congruence transforms a specific subterm, that is the strategy applied can be different for each subterm. The second application shows that a congruence only succeeds for terms constructed with the same constructor.

The import at the start of the session is necessary to declare the constructors used; the definitions of congruences are derived from constructor declarations. Forgetting this import would lead to a complaint about an undeclared operator:

stratego> !Plus(Int("14"),Int("3"))
stratego> Plus(!Var("a"), id)
operator Plus/(2,0) not defined
command failed

Defining Traversals with Congruences.  Now we return to our dnf/cnf example, to see how congruence operators can help in their implementation. Since congruence operators basically define a one-step traversal for a specific constructor, they capture the traversal rules defined above. That is, a traversal rule such as

proptr(s) : And(x, y) -> And(<s>x, <s>y)

can be written by the congruence And(s,s). Applying this to the prop-dnf program we can replace the traversal rules by congruences as follows:

module prop-dnf10
imports libstrategolib prop-rules
  main = io-wrap(dnf)
  proptr(s) = Not(s) <+ And(s, s) <+ Or(s, s) <+ Impl(s, s) <+ Eq(s, s)
  propbu(s) = proptr(propbu(s)); s
  dnf = propbu(try(DN <+ (DefI <+ DefE <+ DMA <+ DMO <+ DAOL <+ DAOR); dnf))
  cnf = propbu(try(DN <+ (DefI <+ DefE <+ DMA <+ DMO <+ DOAL <+ DOAR); cnf))

Observe how the five traversal rules have been reduced to five congruences which fit on a single line.

Traversing Tuples and Lists.  Congruences can also be applied to tuples, (s1,s2,...,sn), and lists, [s1,s2,...,sn]. A special list congruence is [] which 'visits' the empty list. As an example, consider again the definition of map(s) using recursive traversal rules:

map(s) : [] -> []
map(s) : [x | xs] -> [<s> x | <map(s)> xs]

Using list congruences we can define this strategy as:

map(s) = [] <+ [s | map(s)]

The [] congruence matches an empty list. The [s | map(s)] congruence matches a non-empty list, and applies s to the head of the list and map(s) to the tail. Thus, map(s) applies s to each element of a list:

stratego> import liblib
stratego> ![1,2,3]
stratego> map(inc)

Note that map(s) only succeeds if s succeeds for each element of the list. The fetch and filter strategies are variations on map that use the failure of s to list elements.

fetch(s) = [s | id] <+ [id | fetch(s)]

The fetch strategy traverses a list until it finds a element for which s succeeds and then stops. That element is the only one that is transformed.

filter(s) = [] + ([s | filter(s)] <+ ?[ |<id>]; filter(s))

The filter strategy applies s to each element of a list, but only keeps the elements for which it succeeds.

stratego> import liblib
stratego> even = where(<eq>(<mod>(<id>,2),0))
stratego> ![1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]
stratego> filter(even)

Format Checking.  Another application of congruences is in the definition of format checkers. A format checker describes a subset of a term language using a recursive pattern. This can be used to verify input or output of a transformation, and for documentation purposes. Format checkers defined with congruences can check subsets of signatures or regular tree grammars. For example, the subset of terms of a signature in a some normal form.

As an example, consider checking the output of the dnf and cnf transformations.

conj(s) = And(conj(s), conj(s)) <+ s
disj(s) = Or (disj(s), disj(s)) <+ s

// Conjunctive normal form
conj-nf = conj(disj(Not(Atom(x)) <+ Atom(x)))

// Disjunctive normal form
disj-nf = disj(conj(Not(Atom(x)) <+ Atom(x)))

The strategies conj(s) and disj(s) check that the subject term is a conjunct or a disjunct, respectively, with terms satisfying s at the leaves. The strategies conj-nf and disj-nf check that the subject term is in conjunctive or disjunctive normal form, respectively.

17.3. Generic Traversal

Using congruence operators we constructed a generic, i.e. transformation independent, bottom-up traversal for proposition terms. The same can be done for other data types. However, since the sets of constructors of abstract syntax trees of typical programming languages can be quite large, this may still amount to quite a bit of work that is not reusable across data types; even though a strategy such as `bottom-up traversal', is basically data-type independent. Thus, Stratego provides generic traversal by means of several generic one-step descent operators. The operator all, applies a strategy to all direct subterms. The operator one, applies a strategy to one direct subterm, and the operator some, applies a strategy to as many direct subterms as possible, and at least one.

17.3.1. Visiting All Subterms

The all(s) strategy transforms a constructor application by applying the parameter strategy s to each direct subterm. An application of all(s) fails if the application to one of the subterms fails. The following example shows how all (1) applies to any term, and (2) applies its argument strategy uniformly to all direct subterms. That is, it is not possible to do something special for a particular subterm (that's what congruences are for).

stratego> !Plus(Int("14"),Int("3"))
stratego> all(!Var("a"))
stratego> !Times(Var("b"),Int("3"))
stratego> all(!Var("z"))

The all(s) operator is really the ultimate replacement for the traversal rules that we saw above. Instead of specifying a rule or congruence for each constructor, the single application of the all operator takes care of traversing all constructors. Thus, we can replace the propbu strategy by a completely generic definition of bottom-up traversal. Consider again the last definition of propbu:

proptr(s) = Not(s) <+ And(s, s) <+ Or(s, s) <+ Impl(s, s) <+ Eq(s, s)
propbu(s) = proptr(propbu(s)); s

The role of proptr(s) in this definition can be replaced by all(s), since that achieves exactly the same, namely applying s to the direct subterms of constructors:

propbu(s) = all(propbu(s)); s

However, the strategy now is completely generic, i.e. independent of the particular structure it is applied to. In the Stratego Library this strategy is called bottomup(s), and defined as follows:

bottomup(s) = all(bottomup(s)); s

It first recursively transforms the subterms of the subject term and then applies s to the result. Using this definition, the normalization of propositions now reduces to the following module, which is only concerned with the selection and composition of rewrite rules:

module prop-dnf11
imports libstrategolib prop-rules
  main = io-wrap(dnf)
  dnf = bottomup(try(DN <+ (DefI <+ DefE <+ DMA <+ DMO <+ DAOL <+ DAOR); dnf))
  cnf = bottomup(try(DN <+ (DefI <+ DefE <+ DMA <+ DMO <+ DOAL <+ DOAR); cnf))

In fact, these definitions still contain a reusable pattern. With a little squinting we see that the definitions match the following pattern:

dnf = bottomup(try(dnf-rules; dnf))
cnf = bottomup(try(cnf-rules; cnf))

In which we can recognize the definition of innermost reduction, which the Stratego Library defines as:

innermost(s) = bottomup(try(s; innermost(s)))

The innermost strategy performs a bottom-up traversal of a term. After transforming the subterms of a term it tries to apply the transformation s. If succesful the result is recursively transformed with an application of innermost. This brings us to the final form for the proposition normalizations:

module prop-dnf12
imports libstrategolib prop-rules
  main = io-wrap(dnf)
  dnf = innermost(DN <+ DefI <+ DefE <+ DMA <+ DMO <+ DAOL <+ DAOR)
  cnf = innermost(DN <+ DefI <+ DefE <+ DMA <+ DMO <+ DOAL <+ DOAR)

Different transformations can be achieved by using a selection of rules and a strategy, which is generic, yet defined in Stratego itself using strategy combinators.

17.3.2. Visiting One Subterm

The one(s) strategy transforms a constructor application by applying the parameter strategy s to exactly one direct subterm. An application of one(s) fails if the application to all of the subterms fails. The following Stratego Shell session illustrates the behaviour of the combinator:

stratego> !Plus(Int("14"),Int("3"))
stratego> one(!Var("a"))
stratego> one(\ Int(x) -> Int(<addS>(x,"1")) \ )
stratego> one(?Plus(_,_))
command failed

A frequently used application of one is the oncetd(s) traversal, which performs a left to right depth first search/transformation that stops as soon as s has been successfuly applied.

oncetd(s) = s <+ one(oncetd(s))

Thus, s is first applied to the root of the subject term. If that fails, its direct subterms are searched one by one (from left to right), with a recursive call to oncetd(s).

An application of oncetd is the contains(|t) strategy, which checks whether the subject term contains a subterm that is equal to t.

contains(|t) = oncetd(?t)

Through the depth first search of oncetd, either an occurrence of t is found, or all subterms are verified to be unequal to t.

Here are some other one-pass traversals using the one combinator:

oncebu(s)  = one(oncebu(s)) <+ s
spinetd(s) = s; try(one(spinetd(s)))
spinebu(s) = try(one(spinebu(s))); s

Exercise: figure out what these strategies do.

Here are some fixe-point traversals, i.e., traversals that apply their argument transformation exhaustively to the subject term.

reduce(s)     = repeat(rec x(one(x) + s)) 
outermost(s)  = repeat(oncetd(s)) 
innermostI(s) = repeat(oncebu(s))

The difference is the subterm selection strategy. Exercise: create rewrite rules and terms that demonstrate the differences between these strategies.

17.3.3. Visiting Some Subterms

The some(s) strategy transforms a constructor application by applying the parameter strategy s to as many direct subterms as possible and at least one. An application of some(s) fails if the application to all of the subterms fails.

Some one-pass traversals based on some:

sometd(s) = s <+ some(sometd(s)) 
somebu(s) = some(somebu(s)) <+ s

A fixed-point traversal with some:

reduce-par(s) = repeat(rec x(some(x) + s))

17.4. Idioms and Library Strategies for Traversal

Above we have seen the basic mechanisms for defining traversals in Stratego: custom traversal rules, data-type specific congruence operators, and generic traversal operators. Term traversals can be categorized into classes according to how much of the term they traverse and to which parts of the term they modify. We will consider a number of idioms and standard strategies from the Stratego Library that are useful in the definition of traversals.

17.4.1. Full Traversals

One class of traversal strategies performs a full traversal, that is visits and transforms every subterm of the subject term. We already saw the bottomup strategy defined as

bottomup(s) = all(bottomup(s)); s

It first visits the subterms of the subject term, recursively transforming its subterms, and then applies the transformation s to the result.

A related strategy is topdown, which is defined as

topdown(s) = s; all(topdown(s))

It first transforms the subject therm and then visits the subterms of the result.

A combination of topdown and bottomup is downup, defined as

downup(s) = s; all(downup(s)); s

It applies s on the way down the tree, and again on the way up. A variation is downup(2,0)

downup(s1, s2) = s1; all(downup(s1, s2)); s2

which applies one strategy on the way down and another on the way up.

Since the parameter strategy is applied at every subterm, these traversals only succeed if it succeeds everywhere. Therefore, these traversals are typically applied in combination with try or repeat.

topdown(try(R1 <+ R2 <+ ...))

This has the effect that the rules are tried at each subterm. If none of the rules apply the term is left as it was and traversal continues with its subterms.

Choosing a Strategy.  The strategy to be used for a particular transformation depends on the rules and the goal to be achieved.

For example, a constant folding transformation for proposition formulae can be defined as a bottom-up traversal that tries to apply one of the truth-rules T at each subterm:

T : And(True(), x) -> x
T : And(x, True()) -> x
T : And(False(), x) -> False()
T : And(x, False()) -> False()
T : Or(True(), x) -> True()
T : Or(x, True()) -> True()
T : Or(False(), x) -> x
T : Or(x, False()) -> x
T : Not(False()) -> True()
T : Not(True()) -> False()

eval = bottomup(try(T))

Bottomup is the strategy of choice here because it evaluates subterms before attempting to rewrite a term. An evaluation strategy using topdown

eval2 = topdown(try(T)) // bad strategy

does not work as well, since it attempts to rewrite terms before their subterms have been reduced, thus missing rewriting opportunities. The following Stratego Shell session illustrates this:

stratego> !And(True(), Not(Or(False(), True())))
stratego> eval
stratego> !And(True(), Not(Or(False(), True())))
stratego> eval2

Exercise: find other terms that show the difference between these strategies.

On the other hand, a desugaring transformation for propositions, which defines implication and equivalence in terms of other connectives is best defined as a topdown traversal which tries to apply one of the rules DefI or DefE at every subterm.

DefI : Impl(x, y) -> Or(Not(x), y)
DefE : Eq(x, y) -> And(Impl(x, y), Impl(y, x))

desugar = topdown(try(DefI <+ DefE))

Since DefE rewrites Eq terms to terms involving Impl, a strategy with bottomup does not work.

desugar2 = bottomup(try(DefI <+ DefE))   // bad strategy

Since the subterms of a node are traversed before the node itself is visited, this transformation misses the desugaring of the implications (Impl) originating from the application of the DefE rule. The following Shell session illustrates this:

stratego> !Eq(Atom("p"), Atom("q"))
stratego> desugar
stratego> !Eq(Atom("p"), Atom("q"))
stratego> desugar2

Repeated Application.  In case one rule produces a term to which another desugaring rule can be applied, the desugaring strategy should repeat the application of rules to each subterm. Consider the following rules and strategy for desugaring propositional formulae to implicative normal form (using only implication and False).

DefT  : True() -> Impl(False(), False())
DefN  : Not(x) -> Impl(x, False())
DefA2 : And(x, y) -> Not(Impl(x, Not(y)))
DefO1 : Or(x, y) -> Impl(Not(x), y)
DefE  : Eq(x, y) -> And(Impl(x, y), Impl(y, x))

impl-nf = topdown(repeat(DefT <+ DefN <+ DefA2 <+ DefO1 <+ DefE))

Application of the rules with try instead of repeat

impl-nf2 = topdown(try(DefT <+ DefN <+ DefA2 <+ DefO1 <+ DefE))  // bad strategy

is not sufficient, as shown by the following Shell session:

stratego> !And(Atom("p"),Atom("q"))
stratego> impl-nf
stratego> !And(Atom("p"),Atom("q"))
stratego> impl-nf2

Note that the Not is not desugared with impl-nf2.

Paramorphism.  A variation on bottomup is a traversal that also provides the original term as well as the term in which the direct subterms have been transformed. (Also known as a paramorphism?)

bottomup-para(s) = <s>(<id>, <all(bottomup-para(s))>)

This is most useful in a bottom-up traversal; the original term is always available in a top-down traversal.

Exercise: give an example application of this strategy

17.4.2. Cascading Transformations

Cascading transformations are transformations upon transformations. While the full traversals discussed above walk over the tree once, cascading transformations apply multiple `waves' of transformations to the nodes in the tree. The prototypical example is the innermost strategy, which exhaustively applies a transformation, typically a set of rules, to a tree.

simplify =
  innermost(R1 <+ ... <+ Rn)

The basis of innermost is a bottomup traversal that tries to apply the transformation at each node after visiting its subterms.

innermost(s) = bottomup(try(s; innermost(s)))

If the transformation s succeeds, the result term is transformed again with a recursive call to innermost.

Application of innermost exhaustively applies one set of rules to a tree. Using sequential composition we can apply several stages of reductions. A special case of such a staged transformation, is known as sequence of normal forms (in the TAMPR system):

simplify =
  innermost(A1 <+ ... <+ Ak)
  ; innermost(B1 <+ ... <+ Bl)
  ; ...
  ; innermost(C1 <+ ... <+ Cm)

At each stage the term is reduced with respect to a different set of rules.

Of course it is possible to mix different types of transformations in such a stage pipeline, for example.

simplify =
  topdown(try(A1 <+ ... <+ Ak))
  ; innermost(B1 <+ ... <+ Bl)
  ; ...
  ; bottomup(repeat(C1 <+ ... <+ Cm))

At each stage a different strategy and different set of rules can be used. (Of course one may use the same strategy several times, and some of the rule sets may overlap.)

17.4.3. Mixing Generic and Specific Traversals

While completely generic strategies such as bottomup and innermost are often useful, there are also situations where a mixture of generic and data-type specific traversal is necessary. Fortunately, Stratego allows you to mix generic traversal operators, congruences, your own traversal and regular rules, any way you see fit.

A typical pattern for such strategies first tries a number of special cases that deal with traversal themselves. If none of the special cases apply, a generic traversal is used, followed by application of some rules applicable in the general case.

transformation =
  <+ special-case2
  <+ special-case3
  <+ all(transformation); reduce

reduce = ...

Constant Propagation.  A typical example is the following constant propagation strategy. It uses the exceptions to the basic generic traversal to traverse the tree in the order of the control-flow of the program that is represented by the term. This program makes use of dynamic rewrite rules, which are used to propagate context-sensitive information through a program. In this case, the context-sensitive information concerns the constant values of some variables in the program, which should be propagated to the uses of those variables. Dynamic rules will be explained in Chapter 20; for now we are mainly concerned with the traversal strategy.

module propconst

    Var    : String -> Exp
    Plus   : Exp * Exp -> Exp
    Assign : String * Exp -> Stat
    If     : Exp * Stat * Stat -> Stat
    While  : Exp * Stat -> Stat

  propconst = 1
    PropConst 2
    <+ propconst-assign
    <+ propconst-if
    <+ propconst-while
    <+ all(propconst); try(EvalBinOp) 

  EvalBinOp : 3
    Plus(Int(i), Int(j)) -> Int(k) where <addS>(i,j) => k

  EvalIf :
    If(Int("0"), s1, s2) -> s2

  EvalIf :
    If(Int(i), s1, s2) -> s1 where <not(eq)>(i, "0")

  propconst-assign = 4
    Assign(?x, propconst => e)
    ; if <is-value> e then
        rules( PropConst : Var(x) -> e )
        rules( PropConst :- Var(x) )

  propconst-if = 5
    If(propconst, id, id)
    ; (EvalIf; propconst
       <+ (If(id, propconst, id) /PropConst\ If(id,id,propconst)))

  propconst-while = 6
    ; (/PropConst\* While(propconst, propconst))

  is-value = Int(id)

The main strategy of the constant propagation transformation 1, follows the pattern described above; a number of special case alternatives followed by a generic traversal alternative. The special cases are defined in their own definitions. Generic traversal is followed by the constant folding rule EvalBinOp 3.

The first special case is an application of the dynamic rule PropConst, which replaces a constant valued variable by its constant value 2. This rule is defined by the second special case strategy, propconst-assign 4. It first traverses the right-hand side of an assignment with an Assign congruence operator, and a recursive call to propconst. Then, if the expression evaluated to a constant value, a new PropConst rule is defined. Otherwise, any old instance of PropConst for the left-hand side variable is undefined.

The third special case for If uses congruence operators to order the application of propconst to its subterms 5. The first congruence applies propconst to the condition expression. Then an application of the rule EvalIf attempts to eliminate one of the branches of the statement, in case the condition evaluated to a constant value. If that is not possible the branches are visited by two more congruence operator applications joined by a dynamic rule intersection operator, which distributes the constant propagation rules over the branches and merges the rules afterwards, keeping only the consistent ones. Something similar happens in the case of While statements 6. For details concerning dynamic rules, see Chapter 20.

To see what propconst achieves, consider the following abstract syntax tree (say in file foo.prg).

  Assign("x", Int("1")),
  Assign("y", Int("42")),
  Assign("z", Plus(Var("x"), Var("y"))),
  If(Plux(Var("a"), Var("z")),
     Assign("b", Plus(Var("x"), Int("1"))),
       Assign("z", Int("17")),
       Assign("b", Int("2"))
  Assign("c", Plus(Var("b"), Plus(Var("z"), Var("y"))))

We import the module in the Stratego Shell, read the abstract syntax tree from file, and apply the propconst transformation to it:

stratego> import libstrategolib
stratego> import propconst
stratego> <ReadFromFile> "foo.prg"
stratego> propconst

Since the Stratego Shell does not (yet) pretty-print terms, the result is rather unreadable. We can remedy this by writing the result of the transformation to a file, and pretty-printing it on the regular command-line with pp-aterm.

stratego> <ReadFromFile> "foo.prg"
stratego> propconst; <WriteToTextFile> ("foo-pc.prg", <id>)
stratego> :quit
$ pp-aterm -i foo-pc.prg
  [ Assign("x", Int("1"))
  , Assign("y", Int("42"))
  , Assign("z", Int("43"))
  , If(
      Plux(Var("a"), Int("43"))
    , Assign("b", Int("2"))
    , Block(
        [Assign("z", Int("17")), Assign("b", Int("2"))]
  , Assign(
    , Plus(Int("2"), Plus(Var("z"), Int("42")))

Compare the result to the original program and try to figure out what has happened and why that is correct. (Assuming the `usual' semantics for this type of imperative language.)

Generic Strategies with Exceptional Cases.  Patterns for mixing specific and generic traversal can be captured in parameterized strategies such as the following. They are parameterized with the usual transformation parameter s and with a higher-order strategy operator stop, which implements the special cases.

topdownS(s, stop: (a -> a) * b -> b) =
  rec x(s; (stop(x) <+ all(x)))

bottomupS(s, stop: (a -> a) * b -> b) =
  rec x((stop(x) <+ all(x)); s)

downupS(s, stop: (a -> a) * b -> b) =
  rec x(s; (stop(x) <+ all(x)); s)

downupS(s1, s2, stop: (a -> a) * b -> b) =
  rec x(s1; (stop(x) <+ all(x)); s2)

While normal strategies (parameters) are functions from terms to terms, the stop parameter is a function from strategies to strategies. Such exceptions to the default have to be declared explicitly using a type annotation. Note that the bottomupS strategy is slightly different from the pattern of the propconst strategy; instead of applying s only after the generic traversal case, it is here applied in all cases.

However, the added value of these strategies is not very high. The payoff in the use of generic strategies is provided by the basic generic traversal operators, which provide generic behaviour for all constructors. The stop callback can make it harder to understand the control-flow structure of a strategy; use with care and don't overdo it.

Separate rules and strategies

While it is possible to construct your own strategies by mixing traversal elements and rules, in general, it is a good idea to try to get a clean separation between pure rewrite rules and a (simple) strategy that applies them.

17.4.4. Partial Traversals

The full traversals introduced above mostly visit all nodes in the tree. Now we consider traversals that visit only some of the nodes of a tree.

The oncet and oncebu strategies apply the argument strategy s at one position in the tree. That is, application is tried at every node along the traversal until it succeeds.

oncetd(s) = s <+ one(oncetd(s))
oncebu(s) = one(oncebu(s)) <+ s

The sometd and somebu strategies are variations on oncet and oncebu that apply s at least once at some positions, but possibly many times. As soon as one is found, searching is stopped, i.e., in the top-down case searching in subtrees is stopped, in bottom-up case, searching in upper spine is stopped.

sometd(s) = s <+ some(sometd(s))
somebu(s) = some(somebu(s)) <+ s

Similar strategies that find as many applications as possible, but at least one, can be built using some:

manybu(s) = rec x(some(x); try(s) <+ s)
manytd(s) = rec x(s; all(try(x)) <+ some(x))

somedownup(s) = rec x(s; all(x); try(s) <+ some(x); try(s))

The alltd(s) strategy stops as soon as it has found a subterm to which s can be succesfully applied.

  alltd(s) = s <+ all(alltd(s))

If s does not succeed, the strategy is applied recursively at all direct subterms. This means that s is applied along a frontier of the subject term. This strategy is typically used in substitution operations in which subterms are replaced by other terms. For example, the strategy alltd(?Var(x); !e) replaces all occurrences of Var(x) by e. Note that alltd(try(s)) is not a useful strategy. Since try(s) succeeds at the root of the term, no traversal is done.

A typical application of alltd is the definition of local transformations, that only apply to some specific subterm.

transformation =
    ; innermost(A1 <+ ... <+ An) 

Some relatives of alltd that add a strategy to apply on the way up.

alldownup2(s1, s2) = rec x((s1 <+ all(x)); s2)
alltd-fold(s1, s2) = rec x(s1 <+ all(x); s2)

Finally, the following strategies select the leaves of a tree, where the determination of what is a leaf is upto a parameter strategy.

leaves(s, is-leaf, skip: a * (a -> a) -> a) =
  rec x((is-leaf; s) <+ skip(x) <+ all(x))

leaves(s, is-leaf) =
  rec x((is-leaf; s) <+ all(x))

17.4.5. Path (*)

A spine of a term is a chain of nodes from the root to some subterm. spinetd goes down one spine and applies s along the way to each node on the spine. The traversal stops when s fails for all children of a node.

spinetd(s)  = s; try(one(spinetd(s)))
spinebu(s)  = try(one(spinebu(s))); s
spinetd'(s) = s; (one(spinetd'(s)) + all(fail))
spinebu'(s) = (one(spinebu'(s)) + all(fail)); s

Apply s everywhere along al spines where s applies.

somespinetd(s) = rec x(s; try(some(x)))
somespinebu(s) = rec x(try(some(x)); s)
spinetd'(s)    = rec x(s; (one(x) + all(fail)))
spinebu'(s)    = rec x((one(x) + all(fail)); s)

While these strategies define the notion of applying along a spine, they are rarely used. In practice one would use more specific traversals with that determine which subterm to include in the search for a path.

TODO: examples

17.4.6. Recursive Patterns (*)

TODO: format checking

TODO: matching of complex patterns

TODO: contextual rules (local traversal)

17.4.7. Dynamic programming (*)

TODO (probably move to dynamic rules chapter)

17.5. Summary

We have seen that tree traversals can be defined in several ways. Recursive traversal rules allow finegrained specification of a traversal, but usually require too much boilerplate code. Congruence operators provide syntactic sugar for traversal rules that apply a strategy to each direct subterm of a term. The generic traversal operators all, one, and some allow consise, data-type independent implementation of traversals. A host of traversal strategies can be obtained by a combination of the strategy combinators from the previous chapters with these traversal operators.

Chapter 18. Type Unifying Strategies

In Chapter 17 we have seen combinators for composing type preserving strategies. That is, structural transformations in which basic transformation rules don't change the type of a term. Such strategies are typically applied in transformations, which change the structure of a term, but not its type. Examples are simplification and optimization. In this chapter we consider the class of type unifying strategies, in which terms of different types are mapped onto one type. The application area for this type of strategy is analysis of expresssions with examples such as free variables collection and call-graph extraction.

We consider the following example problems:

  • term-size: Count the number of nodes in a term

  • occurrences: Count number of occurrences of a subterm in a term

  • collect-vars: Collect all variables in expression

  • free-vars: Collect all free variables in expression

These problems have in common that they reduce a structure to a single value or to a collection of derived values. The structure of the original term is usually lost.

We start with examining these problems in the context of lists, and then generalize the solutions we find there to arbitrary terms using generic term deconstruction, which allows concise implementation of generic type unifying strategies, similarly to the generic traversal strategies of Chapter 17.

18.1. Type Unifying List Transformations

We start with considering type-unifying operations on lists.

Sum.  Reducing a list to a value can be conveniently expressed by means of a fold, which has as parameters operations for reducing the list constructors. The foldr/2 strategy reduces a list by replacing each Cons by an application of s2, and the empty list by s1.

foldr(s1, s2) = 
  []; s1 <+ \ [y|ys] -> <s2>(y, <foldr(s1, s2)> ys) \ 

Thus, when applied to a list with three terms the result is

<foldr(s1,s2)> [t1,t2,t3] => <s2>(t1, <s2>(t2, <s2>(t3, <s1> [])))

A typical application of foldr/2 is sum, which reduces a list to the sum of its elements. It sums the elements of a list of integers, using 0 for the empty list and add to combine the head of a list and the result of folding the tail.

sum = foldr(!0, add)

The effect of sum is illustrated by the following application:

<foldr(!0,add)> [1,2,3] => <add>(1, <add>(2, <add>(3, <!0> []))) => 6

Note the build operator for replacing the empty list with 0; writing foldr(0, add) would be wrong, since 0 by itself is a congruence operator, which basically matches the subject term with the term 0 (rather than replacing it).

Size.  The foldr/2 strategy does not touch the elements of a list. The foldr/3 strategy is a combination of fold and map that extends foldr/2 with a parameter that is applied to the elements of the list.

foldr(s1, s2, f) = 
  []; s1 <+ \ [y|ys] -> <s2>(<f>y, <foldr(s1,s2,f)>ys) \ 

Thus, when applying it to a list with three elements, we get:

<foldr(s1,s2)> [t1,t2,t3] => <s2>(<f>t1, <s2>(<f>t2, <s2>(<f>t3, <s1> [])))

Now we can solve our first example problem term-size. The size of a list is its length, which corresponds to the sum of the list with the elements replaced by 1.

length = foldr(!0, add, !1)

Number of occurrences.  The number of occurrences in a list of terms that satisfy some predicate, entails only counting those elements in the list for which the predicate succeeds. (Where a predicate is implemented with a strategy that succeeds only for the elements in the domain of the predicate.) This follows the same pattern as counting the length of a list, but now only counting the elements for which s succeeds.

list-occurrences(s) = foldr(!0, add, s < !1 + !0)

Using list-occurrences and a match strategy we can count the number of variables in a list:


Collect.  The next problem is to collect all terms for which a strategy succeeds. We have already seen how to do this for lists. The filter strategy reduces a list to the elements for which its argument strategy succeeds.

filter(s) = [] <+ [s | filter(s)] <+ ?[ |<filter(s)>]

Collecting the variables in a list is a matter of filtering with the ?Var(_) match.


The final problem, collecting the free variables in a term, does not really have a counter part in lists, but we can mimick this if we consider having two lists; where the second list is the one with the bound variables that should be excluded.

(filter(?Var(_)),id); diff

This collects the variables in the first list and subtracts the variables in the second list.

18.2. Extending Fold to Expressions

We have seen how to do typical analysis transformations on lists. How can we generalize this to arbitrary terms? The general idea of a folding operator is that it replaces the constructors of a data-type by applying a function to combine the reduced arguments of constructor applications. For example, the following definition is a sketch for a fold over abstract syntax trees:

fold-exp(binop, assign, if, ...) = rec f( 
  fold-binop(f, binop)
  <+ fold-assign(f, assign)
  <+ fold-if(f, if)
  <+ ... )

fold-binop(f, s)  : BinOp(op, e1, e2) -> <s>(op, <f>e1, <f>e2)
fold-assign(f, s) : Assign(e1, e2)    -> <s>(<f>e1, <f>e2)
fold-if(f, s)     : If(e1, e2, e3)    -> <s>(<f>e1, <f>e2, <f>e3)

For each constructor of the data-type the fold has an argument strategy and a rule that matches applications of the constructor, which it replaces with an application of the strategy to the tuple of subterms reduced by a recursive invocation of the fold.

Instantation of this strategy requires a rule for each constructor of the data-type. For instance, the following instantiation defines term-size using fold-exp by providing rules that sum up the sizes of the subterms and add one (inc) to account for the node itself.

term-size  = fold-exp(BinOpSize, AssignSize, IfSize, ...)

BinOpSize  : (Plus(), e1, e2) -> <add; inc>(e1, e2)
AssignSize : (e1, e2)         -> <add; inc>(e1, e2)
IfSize     : (e1, e2, e3)     -> <add; inc>(e1, <add>(e2, e3))

This looks suspiciously like the traversal rules in Chapter 17. Defining folds in this manner has several limitations. In the definition of fold, one parameter for each constructor is provided and traversal is defined explicitly for each constructor. Furthermore, in the instantiation of fold, one rule for each constructor is needed, and the default behaviour is not generically specified.

One solution would be to use the generic traversal strategy bottomup to deal with fold:

fold-exp(s) = bottomup(s) 

term-size   = fold-exp(BinOpSize <+ AssignSize <+ IfSize <+ ...) 

BinOpSize   : BinOp(Plus(), e1, e2) -> <add>(1, <add>(e1, e2))
AssignSize  : Assign(e1, e2)        -> <add>(e1, e2)
IfSize      : If(e1, e2, e3)        -> <add>(e1, <add>(e2, e3))

Although the recursive application to subterms is now defined generically , one still has to specify rules for the default behaviour.

18.3. Generic Term Deconstruction

Instead of having folding rules that are specific to a data type, such as

BinOpSize  : BinOp(op, e1, e2) -> <add>(1, <add>(e1, e2)) 
AssignSize : Assign(e1, e2)    -> <add>(1, <add>(e1, e2)) 

we would like to have a generic definition of the form

CSize : c(e1, e2, ...) -> <add>(e1, <add>(e2, ...)) 

This requires generic decomposition of a constructor application into its constructor and the list with children. This can be done using the # operator. The match strategy ?p1#(p2) decomposes a constructor application into its constructor name and the list of direct subterms. Matching such a pattern against a term of the form C(t1,...,tn) results in a match of "C" against p1 and a match of [t1,...,tn] against p2.

Plus(Int("1"), Var("2")) 
stratego> ?c#(xs)
stratego> :binding c
variable c bound to "Plus" 
stratego> :binding xs 
variable xs bound to [Int("1"), Var("2")]

Crush.  Using generic term deconstruction we can now generalize the type unifying operations on lists to arbitrary terms. In analogy with the generic traversal operators we need a generic one-level reduction operator. The crush/3 strategy reduces a constructor application by folding the list of its subterms using foldr/3.

crush(nul, sum, s) : c#(xs) -> <foldr(nul, sum, s)> xs

Thus, crush performs a fold-map over the direct subterms of a term. The following application illustrates what

<crush(s1, s2, f)> C(t1, t2) => <s2>(<f>t1, <s2>(<f>t2, <s1>[]))

The following Shell session instantiates this application in two ways:

stratego> import libstrategolib
stratego> !Plus(Int("1"), Var("2"))

stratego> crush(id, id, id)

stratego> !Plus(Int("1"), Var("2"))

stratego> crush(!Tail(<id>), !Sum(<Fst>,<Snd>), !Arg(<id>))

The crush strategy is the tool we need to implement solutions for the example problems above.

Size.  Counting the number of direct subterms of a term is similar to counting the number of elements of a list. The definition of node-size is the same as the definition of length, except that it uses crush instead of foldr:

node-size = crush(!0, add, !1)

Counting the number of subterms (nodes) in a term is a similar problem. But, instead of counting each direct subterm as 1, we need to count its subterms.

term-size = crush(!1, add, term-size) 

The term-size strategy achieves this simply with a recursive call to itself.

stratego> <node-size> Plus(Int("1"), Var("2"))
stratego> <term-size> Plus(Int("1"), Var("2"))

Occurrences.  Counting the number of occurrences of a certain term in another term, or more generally, counting the number of subterms that satisfy some predicate is similar to counting the term size. However, only those terms satisfying the predicate should be counted. The solution is again similar to the solution for lists, but now using crush.

om-occurrences(s) = s < !1 + crush(!0, add, om-occurrences(s))

The om-occurrences strategy counts the outermost subterms satisfying s. That is, the strategy stops counting as soon as it finds a subterm for which s succeeds.

The following strategy counts all occurrences:

occurrences(s) = <add>(<s < !1 + !0>, <crush(!0, add, occurrences(s))>)

It counts the current term if it satisfies s and adds that to the occurrences in the subterms.

stratego> <om-occurrences(?Int(_))> Plus(Int("1"), Plus(Int("34"), Var("2")))
stratego> <om-occurrences(?Plus(_,_))> Plus(Int("1"), Plus(Int("34"), Var("2")))
stratego> <occurrences(?Plus(_,_))> Plus(Int("1"), Plus(Int("34"), Var("2")))

Collect.  Collecting the subterms that satisfy a predicate is similar to counting, but now a list of subterms is produced. The collect(s) strategy collects all outermost occurrences satisfying s.

collect(s) = ![<s>] <+ crush(![], union, collect(s)) 

When encountering a subterm for which s succeeds, a singleton list is produced. For other terms, the matching subterms are collected for each direct subterm, and the resulting lists are combined with union to remove duplicates.

A typical application of collect is the collection of all variables in an expression, which can be defined as follows:

get-vars = collect(?Var(_))

Applying get-vars to an expression AST produces the list of all subterms matching Var(_).

The collect-all(s) strategy collects all occurrences satisfying s.

collect-all(s) = 
  ![<s> | <crush(![], union, collect(s))>] <+ crush(![], union, collect(s))

If s succeeds for the subject term combines the subject term with the collected terms from the subterms.

Free Variables.  Collecting the variables in an expression is easy, as we saw above. However, when dealing with languages with variable bindings, a common operation is to extract only the free variables in an expression or block of statements. That is, the occurrences of variables that are not bound by a variable declaration. For example, in the expression

x + let var y := x + 1 in f(y, a + x + b) end 

the free variables are {x, a, b}, but not y, since it is bound by the declaration in the let. Similarly, in the function definition

function f(x : int) = let var y := h(x) in x + g(z) * y end 

the only free variable is z since x and y are declared.

Here is a free variable extraction strategy for Tiger expressions. It follows a similar pattern of mixing generic and data-type specific operations as we saw in Chapter 17. The crush alternative takes care of the non-special constructors, while ExpVars and FreeVars deal with the special cases, i.e. variables and variable binding constructs:

free-vars = 
  <+ FreeVars(free-vars) 
  <+ crush(![], union, free-vars) 

ExpVars : 
  Var(x) -> [x]

FreeVars(fv) : 
  Let([VarDec(x, t, e1)], e2) -> <union>(<fv> e1, <diff>(<fv> e2, [x])) 

FreeVars(fv) : 
  Let([FunctionDec(fdecs)], e2) -> <diff>(<union>(<fv> fdecs, <fv>e2), fs) 
  where <map(?FunDec(<id>,_,_,_))> fdecs => fs 

FreeVars(fv) : 
  FunDec(f, xs, t, e) -> <diff>(<fv>e, xs) 
  where <map(Fst)> xs => xs

The FreeVars rules for binding constructs use their fv parameter to recursively get the free variables from subterms, and they subtract the bound variables from any free variables found using diff.

We can even capture the pattern exhibited here in a generic collection algorithm with support for special cases:

collect-exc(base, special : (a -> b) * a -> b) = 
  <+ special(collect-exc(base, special)) 
  <+ crush(![], union, collect-exc(base, special)) 

The special parameter is a strategy parameterized with a recursive call to the collection strategy. The original definition of free-vars above, can now be replaced with

free-vars = collect-exc(ExpVars, FreeVars)

18.4. Generic Term Construction

It can also be useful to construct terms generically. For example, in parse tree implosion, application nodes should be reduced to constructor applications. Hence build operators can also use the # operator. In a strategy !p1#(p2), the current subject term is replaced by a constructor application, where the constructor name is provided by p1 and the list of subterms by p2. So, if p1 evaluates to "C" and p2 evaluates to [t1,...,tn], the expression !p1#(p2) build the term C(t1,...,tn).

Imploding Parse Trees.  A typical application of generic term construction is the implosion of parse trees to abstract syntax trees performed by implode-asfix. Parse trees produced by sglr have the form:

appl(prod(sorts, sort, attrs([cons("C")])),[t1,...,tn]) 

That is, a node in a parse tree consists of an encoding of the original production from the syntax definition, and a list with subtrees. The production includes a constructor annotation cons("C") with the name of the abstract syntax tree constructor. Such a tree node should be imploded to an abstract syntax tree node of the form C(t1,...,tn). Thus, this requires the construction of a term with constructor C given the string with its name. The following implosion strategy achieves this using generic term construction:

implode = appl(id, map(implode)); Implode 
Implode : appl(prod(sorts, sort, attrs([cons(c)])), ts) -> c#(ts) 

The Implode rule rewrites an appl term to a constructor application, by extracing the constructor name from the production and then using generic term construction to apply the constructor.

Note that this is a gross over simplification of the actual implementation of implode-asfix. See the source code for the full strategy.

18.5. Summary

Generic term construction and deconstruction support the definition of generic analysis and generic translation problems. The generic solutions for the example problems term size, number of occurrences, and subterm collection demonstrate the general approach to solving these types of problems.

Chapter 19. Concrete Object Syntax

Stratego programs can be used to analyze, generate, and transform object programs. In this process object programs are structured data represented by terms. Terms support the easy composition and decomposition of abstract syntax trees. For applications such as compilers, programming with abstract syntax is adequate; only small fragments, i.e., a few constructors per pattern, are manipulated at a time. Often, object programs are reduced to a core language that only contains the essential constructs. The abstract syntax can then be used as an intermediate language, such that multiple languages can be expressed in it, and meta-programs can be reused for several source languages.

However, there are many applications of program transformation in which the use of abstract syntax is not adequate since the distance between the concrete programs that we understand and the abstract syntax trees used in specifications is too large. Even with pattern matching on algebraic data types, the construction of large code fragments in a program generator can become painful. For example, even the following tiny program pattern is easier to read in the concrete variant

let d* 
 in let var x ta := (e1*) in e2* end

than the abstract variant

Let(d*, [Let([VarDec(x, ta, Seq(e1*))], e2*)])

While abstract syntax is manageable for fragments of this size (and sometimes even more concise!), it becomes unpleasant to use when larger fragments need to be specified.

Besides the problems of understandability and complexity, there are other reasons why the use of abstract syntax may be undesirable. Desugaring to a core language is not always possible. For example, in the renovation of legacy code the goal is to repair the bugs in a program, but leave it intact otherwise. This entails that a much larger abstract syntax needs to be dealt with. Another occasion that calls for the use of concrete syntax is the definition of transformation or generation rules by users (programmers) rather than by compiler writers (meta-programmers). Other application areas that require concrete syntax are application generation and structured document (XML) processing.

Hence, it is desirable to have a meta-language that lets us write object-program fragments in the concrete syntax of the object language. This requires the extension of the meta-language with the syntax of the object language of interest, such that expressions in that language are interpreted as terms. In this chapter it is shown how the Stratego language based on abstract syntax terms is extended to support the use of concrete object syntax for terms.

19.1. Instrumenting Programs

To appreciate the need for concrete syntax in program transformation, it is illuminating to constrast the use of concrete syntax with the traditional use of abstract syntax in a larger example. Program instrumentation is the extension of a program in a systematic way in order to obtain measurements during run-time. Instrumentation is used, for example, in debugging to get information about the run-time behaviour of a program, and in profiling to collect statistics about about run-time and call frequency of program elements. Here we consider a simple instrumentation scheme that instruments Tiger functions with calls to trace functions.

The following Stratego fragment shows rewrite rules that instrument a function f such that it prints f entry on entry of the function and f exit at the exit. The actual printing is delegated to the functions enterfun and exitfun. Functions are instrumented differently than procedures, since the body of a function is an expression statement and the return value is the value of the expression. It is not possible to just glue a print statement or function call at the end of the body. Therefore, a let expression is introduced, which introduces a temporary variable to which the body expression of the function is assigned. The code for the functions enterfun and exitfun is generated by rule IntroducePrinters. Note that the declarations of the Let generated by that rule have been omitted.

instrument = 
  topdown(try(TraceProcedure + TraceFunction))
  ; IntroducePrinters
  ; simplify

TraceProcedure :
  FunDec(f, x*, NoTp, e) ->
  FunDec(f, x*, NoTp,
         Seq([Call(Var("enterfun"),[String(f)]), e,

TraceFunction :
  FunDec(f, x*, Tp(tid), e) ->
  FunDec(f, x*, Tp(tid),
                  [Assign(Var(x), e),

IntroducePrinters : 
  e -> Let(..., e)

The next program program fragment implements the same instrumentation transformation, but now it uses concrete syntax.

TraceProcedure :
  |[ function f(x*) = e ]| ->
  |[ function f(x*) = (enterfun(s); e; exitfun(s)) ]|
  where !f => s

TraceFunction :
  |[ function f(x*) : tid = e ]| ->
  |[ function f(x*) : tid =
        let var x : tid
         in x := e; exitfun(s); x
        end) ]|
  where new => x ; !f => s

IntroducePrinters :
  e -> |[ let var ind := 0
              function enterfun(name : string) = (
                ind := +(ind, 1);
                for i := 2 to ind do print(" ");
                print(name); print(" entry\\n"))
              function exitfun(name : string) = (
                for i := 2 to ind do print(" ");
                ind := -(ind, 1);
                print(name); print(" exit\\n"))
           in e end ]|

It is clear that the concrete syntax version is much more concise and easier to read. This is partly due to the fact that the concrete version is shorter than the abstract version: 225 bytes vs 320 bytes after eliminating all non-significant whitespace. However, the concrete version does not use much fewer lines. A more important reason for the increased understandability is that in order to read the concrete version it is not necessary to mentally translate the abstract syntax constructors into concrete ones. The implementation of IntroducePrinters is only shown in concrete syntax since its encoding in abstract syntax leads to unreadable code for code fragments of this size.

Note that these rewrite rules cannot be applied as such using simple innermost rewriting. After instrumenting a function declaration, it is still a function declaration and can thus be instrumented again. Therefore, we use a single pass topdown strategy for applying the rules.

19.2. Observations about Concrete Syntax Specifications

The example gives rise to several observations. The concrete syntax version can be read without knowledge of the abstract syntax. On the other hand, the abstract syntax version makes the tree structure of the expressions explicit. The abstract syntax version is much more verbose and is harder to read and write. Especially the definition of large code fragments such as in rule IntroducePrinters is unattractive in abstract syntax.

The abstract syntax version implements the concrete syntax version. The concrete syntax version has all properties of the abstract syntax version: pattern matching, term structure, can be traversed, etc.. In short, the concrete syntax is just syntactic sugar for the abstract syntax.

Extension of the Meta Language.  The instrumentation rules make use of the concrete syntax of Tiger. However, program transformation should not be restricted to transformation of Tiger programs. Rather we would like to be able to handle arbitrary object languages. Thus, the object language or object languages that are used in a module should be a parameter to the compiler. The specification of instrumentation is based on the real syntax of Tiger, not on some combinators or infix expressions. This entails that the syntax of Stratego should be extended with the syntax of Tiger.

Meta-Variables.  The patterns in the transformation rules are not just fragments of Tiger programs. Rather some elements of these fragments are considered as meta-variables. For example in the term

|[ function f(x*) = e ]|

the identifiers f, x*, and e are not intended to be Tiger variables, but rather meta-variables, i.e., variables at the level of the Stratego specification, ranging over identifiers, lists of function arguments, and expresssions, respectively.

Antiquotation.  Instead of indicating meta-variables implicitly we could opt for an antiquotation mechanism that lets us splice in meta-level expressions into a concrete syntax fragment. For example, using ~ and ~* as antiquotation operators, a variant of rule TraceProcedure becomes:

TraceProcedure :
  |[ function ~f(~* x*) = ~e ]| -> 
  |[ function ~f(~* x*) = 
       (enterfun(~String(f)); ~e; exitfun(~String(f))) ]|

With such antiquotation operators it becomes possible to directly embed meta-level computations that produce a piece of code within a syntax fragment.

19.3. Implementation

In the previous section we have seen how the extension of Stratego with concrete syntax for terms improves the readability of meta-programs. In this section we describe the techniques used to achieve this extension.

19.3.1. Extending the Meta Language

To embed the syntax of an object language in the meta language the syntax definitions of the two languages should be combined and the object language sorts should be injected into the appropriate meta language sorts. In the Stratego setting this is achieved as follows. The syntax of a Stratego module m is declared in the m.meta file, which declares the name of an SDF module. For instance, for modules using Tiger concrete syntax, i.e., using the extension of Stratego with Tiger, the .meta would contain


thus declaring SDF module StrategoTiger.sdf as defining the extension.

The SDF module combines the syntax of Stratego and the syntax of the object language(s) by importing the appropriate SDF modules. The syntax definition of Stratego is provided by the compiler. The syntax definition of the object language is provided by the user. For example, the following SDF module shows a fragment of the syntax of Stratego:

module Stratego-Terms
  context-free syntax
    Int                             -> Term {cons("Int")}
    String                          -> Term {cons("Str")}
    Var                             -> Term {cons("Var")}
    Id "(" {Term ","}* ")"          -> Term {cons("Op")}
    Term "->" Term                  -> Rule {cons("RuleNoCond")}
    Term "->" Term "where" Strategy -> Rule {cons("Rule")}

The following SDF module StrategoTiger, defines the extension of Stratego with Tiger as object language.

module StrategoTiger
imports Stratego [ Term => StrategoTerm
                   Var => StrategoVar
                   Id => StrategoId
                   StrChar => StrategoStrChar ]
imports Tiger Tiger-Variables
  context-free syntax
    "|[" Dec     "]|"    -> StrategoTerm {cons("ToTerm"),prefer}
    "|[" TypeDec "]|"    -> StrategoTerm {cons("ToTerm"),prefer}
    "|[" FunDec  "]|"    -> StrategoTerm {cons("ToTerm"),prefer}
    "|[" Exp     "]|"    -> StrategoTerm {cons("ToTerm"),prefer}
    "~"  StrategoTerm    -> Exp          {cons("FromTerm"),prefer}
    "~*" StrategoTerm    -> {Exp ","}+   {cons("FromTerm")}
    "~*" StrategoTerm    -> {Exp ";"}+   {cons("FromTerm")}
    "~int:" StrategoTerm -> IntConst     {cons("FromTerm")}

The module illustrates several remarkable aspects of the embedding of object languages in meta languages using SDF.

A combined syntax definition is created by just importing appropriate syntax definitions. This is possible since SDF is a modular syntax definition formalism. This is a rather unique feature of SDF and essential to this kind of language extension. Since only the full class of context-free grammars, and not any of its subclasses such as LL or LR, are closed under composition, modularity of syntax definitions requires support from a generalized parsing technique. SDF2 employs scannerless generalized-LR parsing.

The syntax definitions for two languages may partially overlap, e.g., define the same sorts. SDF2 supports renaming of sorts to avoid name clashes and ambiguities resulting from them. In the StrategoTiger module several sorts from the Stratego syntax definition (Term, Id, Var, and StrChar) are renamed since the Tiger definition also defines these names. In practice, instead of doing this renaming for each language extension, module StrategoRenamed provides a syntax definition of Stratego in which all sorts have been renamed.

The embedding of object language expressions in the meta-language is implemented by adding appropriate injections to the combined syntax definition. For example, the production

"|[" Exp "]|" -> StrategoTerm {cons("ToTerm"),prefer}

declares that a Tiger expression (Exp) between |[ and ]| can be used everywhere where a StrategoTerm can be used. Furthermore, abstract syntax expressions (including meta-level computations) can be spliced into concrete syntax expressions using the ~ splice operators. To distinguish a term that should be interpreted as a list from a term that should be interpreted as a list element, the convention is to use a ~* operator for splicing a list.

The declaration of these injections can be automated by generating an appropriate production for each sort as a transformation on the SDF definition of the object language. It is, however, useful that the embedding can be programmed by the meta-programmer to have full control over the selection of the sorts to be injected, and the syntax used for the injections.

19.3.2. Meta-Variables

Using the injection of meta-language StrategoTerms into object language Expressions it is possible to distinguish meta-variables from object language identifiers. Thus, in the term |[ var ~x := ~e]|, the expressions ~x and ~e indicate meta-level terms, and hence x and e are meta-level variables.

However, it is attractive to write object patterns with as few squigles as possible. This can be achieved through another feature of SDF, i.e., variable declarations. The following SDF module declares syntax schemata for meta variables.

module Tiger-Variables
    [s][0-9]*      -> StrConst    {prefer}
    [xyzfgh][0-9]* -> Id          {prefer}
    [e][0-9]*      -> Exp         {prefer}
    "ta"[0-9]*     -> TypeAn      {prefer}
    "x"[0-9]* "*"  -> {FArg ","}+ {prefer}
    "d"[0-9]* "*"  -> Dec+        {prefer}
    "e"[0-9]* "*"  -> {Exp ";"}+  {prefer}

According to this declaration x, y, and g10 are meta-variables for identifiers and e, e1, and e1023 are meta-variables of sort Exp. The last three productions declare variables over lists using the convention that these are distinquished from other variables with an asterisk. Thus, x* and x1* range over lists of function arguments. The prefer attribute ensures that these identifiers are preferred over normal Tiger identifiers.

19.3.3. Meta-Explode

Parsing a module according to the combined syntax and mapping the parse tree to abstract syntax results in an abstract syntax tree that contains a mixture of meta- and object-language abstract syntax. Since the meta-language compiler only deals with meta-language abstract syntax, the embedded object-language abstract syntax needs to be expressed in terms of meta abstract syntax. For example, parsing the following Stratego rule

 |[ x := let d* in ~* e* end ]| -> |[ let d* in x := (~* e*) end ]|

with embedded Tiger expressions, results in the abstract syntax tree


containing Tiger abstract syntax constructors (e.g., Let, Var, Assign) and meta-variables (meta-var). The transition from meta language to object language is marked by the ToTerm constructor, while the transition from meta-language to object-language is marked by the constructor FromTerm.

Such mixed abstract syntax trees can be normalized by `exploding' all embedded abstract syntax to meta-language abstract syntax. Thus, the above tree should be exploded to the following pure Stratego abstract syntax:


Observe that in this explosion all embedded constructor applications have been translated to the form Op(C,[t1,...,tn]). For example, the Tiger `variable' constructor Var(_) becomes Op("Var",[_]), while the Stratego meta-variable Var("e*") remains untouched, and meta-vars become Stratego Vars. Also note how the list in the second argument of the second Let is exploded to a Cons/Nil list.

The resulting term corresponds to the abstract syntax for the rule

Assign(Var(x),Let(d*,e*)) -> Let(d*,[Assign(Var(x),Seq(e*))])

written with abstract syntax notations for terms.

The explosion of embedded abstract syntax does not depend on the object language; it can be expressed generically, provided that embeddings are indicated with the FromTerm constructor.

19.4. Discussion

Disambiguating Quotations.  Sometimes the fragments used within quotations are too small for the parser to be able to disambiguate them. In those cases it is useful to have alternative versions of the quotation operators that make the sort of the fragment explicit. A useful, although somewhat verbose, convention is to use the sort of the fragment as operator:

   "exp" "|[" Exp "]|" -> StrategoTerm {cons("ToTerm")}

Other Quotation Conventions.  The convention of using |[...]| and ~ as quotation and anti-quotation delimiters is inspired by the notation used in texts about semantics. It really depends on the application, the languages involved, and the `audience' what kind of delimiters are most appropriate.

The following notation was inspired by active web pages is developed. For instance, the following quotation %>...<% and antiquotation <%...%> delimiters are defined for use of XML in Stratego programs:

  context-free syntax
    "%>" Content "<%" -> StrategoTerm {cons("ToTerm"),prefer}
    "<%=" StrategoTerm     "%>" -> Content {cons("FromTerm")}
    "<%"  StrategoStrategy "%>" -> Content {cons("FromApp")}

Desugaring Patterns.  Some meta-programs first desugar a program before transforming it further. This reduces the number of constructs and shapes a program can have. For example, the Tiger binary operators are desugared to prefix form:

  DefTimes : |[ e1 * e2 ]|  -> |[ *(e1, e2) ]|
  DefPlus  : |[ e1 + e2 ]|  -> |[ +(e1, e2) ]|

or in abstract syntax

  DefPlus : Plus(e1, e2) -> BinOp(PLUS, e1, e2)

This makes it easy to write generic transformations for binary operators. However, all subsequent transformations on binary operators should then be done on these prefix forms, instead of on the usual infix form. However, users/meta-programmers think in terms of the infix operators and would like to write rules such as

  Simplify : |[ e + 0 ]| -> |[ e ]|

However, this rule will not match since the term to which it is applied has been desugared. Thus, it might be desirable to desugar embedded abstract syntax with the same rules with which programs are desugared. This phenomenon occurs in many forms ranging from removing parentheses and generalizing binary operators as above, to decorating abstract syntax trees with information resulting from static analysis such as type checking.

19.5. Summary

We have seen how the use of concrete object syntax can make the definition of transformation rules more readable.

Chapter 20. Dynamic Rules

Work in Progress

This chapter is work in progress. Not all parts have been finished yet. The latest revision of this manual may contain more material. Refer to the online version.

In the previous chapters we have shown how programmable rewriting strategies can provide control over the application of transformation rules, thus addresing the problems of confluence and termination of rewrite systems. Another problem of pure rewriting is the context-free nature of rewrite rules. A rule has access only to the term it is transforming. However, transformation problems are often context-sensitive. For example, when inlining a function at a call site, the call is replaced by the body of the function in which the actual parameters have been substituted for the formal parameters. This requires that the formal parameters and the body of the function are known at the call site, but these are only available higher-up in the syntax tree. There are many similar problems in program transformation, including bound variable renaming, typechecking, data flow transformations such as constant propagation, common-subexpression elimination, and dead code elimination. Although the basic transformations in all these applications can be expressed by means of rewrite rules, these require contextual information.

In Stratego context-sensitive rewriting can be achieved without the added complexity of local traversals and without complex data structures, by the extension of rewriting strategies with scoped dynamic rewrite rules. Dynamic rules are otherwise normal rewrite rules that are defined at run-time and that inherit information from their definition context. As an example, consider the following strategy definition as part of an inlining transformation:

DefineUnfoldCall = 
  ?|[ function f(x) = e1 ]| 
  ; rules( 
      UnfoldCall : |[ f(e2 ) ]| -> |[ let var x := e2 in e1 end ]| 

The strategy DefineUnfoldCall matches a function definition and defines the rewrite rule UnfoldCall, which rewrites a call to the specific function f , as encountered in the definition, to a let expression binding the formal parameter x to the actual parameter e2 in the body of the function e1 . Note that the variables f, x , and e1 are bound in the definition context of UnfoldCall. The UnfoldCall rule thus defined at the function definition site, can be used at all function call sites. The storage and retrieval of the context information is handled transparently by the underlying language implementation and is of no concern to the programmer.

An overview with semantics and examples of dynamic rewrite rules in Stratego is available in the following publications:

  • M. Bravenboer, A. van Dam, K. Olmos, and E. Visser. Program Transformation with Scoped Dynamic Rewrite Rules. Fundamenta Informaticae, 69:1--56, 2005.

    An extended version is available as technical report UU-CS-2005-005.

  • K. Olmos and E. Visser. Composing Source-to-Source Data-Flow Transformations with Rewriting Strategies and Dependent Dynamic Rewrite Rules. In R. Bodik, editor, 14th International Conference on Compiler Construction (CC'05), volume 3443 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 204--220. Springer-Verlag, April 2005.

    An extended version is available as technical report UU-CS-2005-006

Since these publications provide a fairly complete and up-to-date picture of dynamic rules, incorporation into this manual is not as urgent as other parts of the language.

Part IV. The Stratego Library

The Stratego Library was designed with one goal in mind: it should contain be a good collection of strategies, rules and data types for manipulating programs. In the previous part of this tutorial, we have already introduced you some of the specific features in the library for doing program manipulation. However, the library also contains abstract data types which are found in almost any library, such as lists, strings, hashtables, sets, file and console I/O, directory manipulation and more. In this chapter, we aim to complete your basic Stratego education by introducing you to how these bread-and-butter data types have been implemented for Stratego.

Online Library Documentation

Stratego and its library is a work in progress. New material is added to the library on a weekly basis. If you want to follow the progress, you should consult the latest version of the library documentation.

Beware that the online documentation will display strategies on the form apply-and-fail(Strategy s, ATerm name, ATerm in-term, ATerm out), whereas we adopt the more conventional format in this manual: apply-and-fail(s | name, in-term, out)

1. Anatomy of the Stratego Library

The organization of the Stratego library is hierarchical. At the coarsest level of organization, it is divided into packages, whose named as on a path-like form, e.g. collection/list. Each package in turn consists of one or several modules. A module is a leaf in the hierarchy. It maps to one Stratego (.str) file, and contains definitions for strategies, rules, constructors and overlays. The available packages in the library is listed below.


As an example, the collection/list package consists of the modules common, cons, filter, index, integer, lookup, set, sort, zip. Inside the sort module, we find the qsort strategy, for sorting lists.

In the remainder of this part of the tutorial, we will present the most important parts of the library, and show their typical usage patterns and idioms. If anything seems unclear, you are encouraged to consult the online documentation for further details.

Table of Contents

21. Arithmetic Operations
21.1. Basic Operations
21.2. Number comparisons
21.3. Other Operations
21.4. Random Numbers
21.5. Summary
22. Lists
22.1. Making heads and tails of it
22.2. Sorting
22.3. Associative Lists
22.4. Pairing Lists
22.5. Lightweight Sets
22.6. Transforming Lists
22.7. Folding from the Left and Right
22.8. Summary
23. Strings
23.1. Basic String Operations
23.2. Sorting Strings
23.3. Strings and Terms
23.4. Strings and Numbers
24. Hashtables and Sets
24.1. Hashtables
24.2. Indexed Sets
25. I/O
25.1. Console I/O
25.2. Path and Directory Operations
25.3. File and Text I/O
25.4. Term I/O
25.5. Logging
26. Command-line Options
26.1. Parsing Command-line Options
26.2. Adding Custom Options
26.3. Setting Description and About
26.4. I/O-less Programs
27. Unit Testing with SUnit
27.1. Setting up a test suite
27.2. Compare expected and actual output
27.3. Check for failure
27.4. Check arbitrary conditions on output
27.5. Unit testing with XTC
28. Transformation Tool Composition with XTC
28.1. Basic Mechanisms of XTC
28.1.1. Registration of Programs and Data
28.1.2. Importing other Repositories
28.1.3. Searching Repositories
28.2. Composing Tools in Stratego
28.2.1. Making an XT component
28.2.2. Invoking XT components
28.3. Summary
29. Building and Deploying Stratego Programs
29.1. Building stand-alone artifacts
29.1.1. Static linking
29.2. Setting up your Project
29.3. Building Stand-alone Stratego Applications
29.4. Building Parse Tables, Tree Grammars and Stratego Signatures
29.5. Building Your Own Stratego Library
29.5.1. Compiling the Library
29.5.2. Using Your Library in Stratego Programs
29.6. Package Config Support
29.7. RPM Support
29.8. Summary
30. Debugging Techniques for Stratego/XT
30.1. Debugging Stratego
30.1.1. Writing readable code
30.1.2. Debugging Stratego code
30.1.3. Common Pitfalls
30.2. Debugging XT compositions
30.3. Debugging SDF definitions

Chapter 21. Arithmetic Operations

In this chapter we introduce strategies for working with numbers. The Stratego runtime provides two kinds of numbers: real numbers and integers. They are both terms, but cannot be used interchangeably. The library strategies described in this chapter also maintain the distinction between real numbers and integers, but many may also be applied to strings which contain numbers.

21.1. Basic Operations

Stratego does not have the normal mathematical syntax for arithmetic operators, such as +, -, / and *. These operators are used for other purposes. Instead, the library provides the operators as the strategies, namely add, subt, div and mul. Further, there is convenience strategy for integer increment, inc and decrement, dec.

While the Stratego language operates exclusively on terms, there are different kinds of primitive terms. The runtime maintains a distinction between real numbers and integer numbers. The library mirrors this distinction by providing a family of strategies for arithmetic operations. Arithmetic strategies which work on real numbers end in an r, e.g. addr, and strategies working on integers end in an i, e.g. subti. For each arithmetic operator, there is also a type-promoting variant, e.g. mul, which will type-promote from integer to real, when necessary. Finally, there are convenience strategies for working on strings containing numbers. For each arithmetic operation, there is a string variant, e.g divS.

The full set of arithmetic operations in Stratego:

add,  addr,  addi,  addS
div,  divr,  divi,  divS
mul,  mulr,  muli,  mulS
subt, subtr, subti, subtS

Using these strategies is straightforward.

stratego> <addr> (1.5, 1.5)
stratego> <subti> (5, 2)
stratego> <mul> (1.5, 2)
stratego> <inc> 2

As we can see, the mul operator can be applied to a pair which consists of different terms (real and integer). In this case, type promotion from integer to real happens automatically.

Working on Strings.  The string variants, e.g. addS and divS work on strings containing integers. The result in strings containing integers.

stratego> <addS> ("40", "2")
stratego> <divS> ("9", "3")

21.2. Number comparisons

The strategies found in the library for comparing two numbers correspond to the usual mathematical operators for less-than (lt), less-than-equal (leq), equal (eq), greater-than (gt), greather-than-equal (geq). As with the arithmetic strategies, each of these operators comes in an integer variant, suffixed with i, a real variant (suffixed by r), a string variant (suffixed by S) and a type promoting variant without suffix. The full matrix of comparison functions thus looks like:

lt,  ltr,  lti,  ltS
gt,  gtr,  gti,  gtS
leq, leqr, leqi, leqS
geq, geqr, geqi, geqS

A few examples:

stratego> <lt> (1.0, 2)
stratego> <ltS> ("1", "2")
("1", "2")
stratego> <geqS> ("2", "2")
stratego> <gtr> (0.9, 1.0)
command failed

The maximum and minimum of a two-element tuple of numbers can be found with the max and min strategies, respectively. These do not distinguish between real and integers. However, they do distinguish between numbers and strings; maxS and minS are applicable to strings.

stratego> <max> (0.9, 1.0)
stratego> <min> (99, 22)
stratego> <minS> ("99", "22")

Some other properties of numbers, such as whether a number is even, negative or positive, can be be tested with the strategies even, neg and pos, respectively.

21.3. Other Operations

The modulus (remainder) of dividing an integer by another is provided by the mod strategy. gcd gives the greatest common divisor of two numbers. Both mod and gcd work on a two-element tuple of integers. The log2 strategy can be used to find the binary logarithm of a number. It will only succeed if the provided number is an integer and that number has an integer binary logarithm.

stratego> <mod> (412,123)
stratego> <gcd> (412,123)
stratego> <log2> 16

21.4. Random Numbers

The library provides a strategy for generating random numbers, called next-random. The algorithm powering this random generator requires an initial "seed" to be provided. This seed is just a first random number. You can pick any integer you want, but it's advisable to pick a different seed on each program execution. A popular choice (though not actually random) is the number of seconds since epoch, provided by time. The seed is initialized by the set-random-seed strategy. The following code shows the normal idiom for getting a random number in Stratego:

stratego> time ; set-random-seed
stratego> next-random     

The random number generator needs only be initialized with a seed once for every program invocation.

21.5. Summary

In this chapter, we saw that Stratego is different from many other languages in that it does not provide the normal arithmetic operators. We saw that instead, strategies such as add and mul are used to add and multiply numbers. We also saw which strategies to use for comparing numbers and generating random numbers.

The module term/integer contains strategies for working with numbers. Refer to the library reference documentation for more information.

Chapter 22. Lists

This chapter will introduce you to the basic strategies for working with lists. The strategies provide functionality for composing and decomposing, sorting, filtering, mering as well as constructing new abstractions from basic lists, such as associative lists.

Every value in Stratego is a term. This is also the case for lists. You can write the list 1, 2, 3 as Cons(1,Cons(2,Cons(3,Nil))), which is clearly a term. Fortunately, Stratego also provides some convenient syntactic sugar that makes lists more readable and easy to work with. We can write the same list as [1,2,3], which will be desugared internally in the the term above.

22.1. Making heads and tails of it

The most fundamental operations on lists is the ability compose and decompose lists. In Stratego, list composition on "sugared" lists, that is, lists writen in the sugared form, has some sugar of its own. Assume xs is the list [1,2,3]. The code [0|xs] will prepend a 0 to it, yielding [0,1,2,3]. List decomposition is done using the match operator. The code ![0,1,2,3] ; ?[y|ys] will bind y to the head of the list, 0, and ys to the tail of the list, [1,2,3].

The module collection/list contains a lot of convenience functions for dealing with lists. (collection/list is contained in the liblib library.) For example, the strategy elem will check if a given value is in a list. If it is, the identity of the list will be returned.

stratego> import liblib
stratego> <elem> (1, [2,3,1,4])

Continuing on the above Stratego Shell session, we can exercise some of the other strategies:

stratego> <length> [1,2,3,4,5]
stratego> <last> [5,6,7,8,9]
stratego> <reverse> [1,2,3,4,5]

There are two strategies for concatenating lists. If the lists are given as a tuple, use conc. If you have a list of lists, use concat:

stratego> <conc> ([1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9])
stratego> <concat> [[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]]

The sublist of the first n elements can be picked out with the take(|n) strategy:

stratego> <take(|3)> [1,2,3,4,5]

Finally, the fetch(s) strategy can be used to find the first element for which s succeeds:

stratego> <fetch(?2)> [1,2,3]

The Stratego library contains many other convenient functions, which are documented in the API documentation.

22.2.  Sorting

The list sorting function is called qsort(s), and implements the Quicksort algorithm. The strategy parameter s is the comparator function.

stratego> <qsort(gt)> [2,3,5,1,9,7]

22.3.  Associative Lists

Stratego also has library support for associative lists, sometimes known as assoc lists. There are essentially lists of (key, value) pairs, and work like a poor man's hash table. The primary strategy for working with these lists is lookup. This strategy looks up the first value associated with a particular key, and returns it.

stratego> <lookup> (2, [(1, "a"), (2, "b"), (3, "c")]) => "b"

22.4.  Pairing Lists

The library also contains some useful strategies for combining multiple lists. The cart(s) strategy makes a cartesian product of two lists. For each pair, the parameter strategy s will be called. In the second case below, each pair will be summed by add.

stratego> <cart(id)> ([1,2,3],[4,5,6])
stratego> <cart(add)> ([1,2,3],[4,5,6])

Two lists can be paired using zip(s). It takes a tuple of two lists, and will successively pick out the head of the lists and pair them into a tuple, and apply s to the tuple. zip is equivalent to zip(id).

stratego> <zip> ([1,2,3],[4,5,6])
stratego> <zip(add)> ([1,2,3],[4,5,6])

The inverse function of zip is unzip.

stratego> <unzip> [(1,4),(2,5),(3,6)]

There is also unzip(s) which like unzip takes a list of two-element tuples , and applies s to each tuple before unzipping them into two lists.

22.5.  Lightweight Sets

In Stratego, lightweight sets are implemented as lists. A set differs from a list in that a given element (value) can only occur once. The strategy nub (also known as make-set) can be use to make a list into a set. It will remove duplicate elements. The normal functions on sets are provided, among them union, intersection, difference and equality:

stratego> <nub> [1,1,2,2,3,4,5,6,6]
stratego> <union> ([1,2,3],[3,4,5])
stratego> <diff> ([1,2,3],[3,4,5])
stratego> <isect> ([1,2,3],[3,4,5])
stratego> <set-eq> ([1,2,3],[1,2,3])

22.6. Transforming Lists

Elementwise transformation of a list is normally done with the map(s) strategy. It must be applied to a list. When used, it will apply the strategy s to each element in the list, as shown here. It will return a list of equal length to the input. If the application of s fails on one of the elements map(s) fails.

stratego> <map(inc)> [1,2,3,4]

mapconcat(s) is another variant of the elementwise strategy application, equivalent to map(s) ; concat. It takes a strategy s which will be applied to each element. The strategy s must always result in a list, thus giving a list of lists, which will be concatenated. A slightly more convoluted version of the above mapping.

If we want to remove elements from the list, we can use filter(s). The filter strategy will apply s to each element of a list, and keep whichever elements it succeeds on:

stratego> <filter(?2 ; !6)> [1,2,3,2]
stratego> <mapconcat(\ x -> [ <inc> x ] \)> [1,2,3,4]

22.7. Folding from the Left and Right

List folding is a somewhat flexible technique primarily intended for reducing a list of elements to a single value. Think of it as applying an operator between any two elements in the list, e.g. going from [1,2,3,4] to the result of 1 + 2 + 3 + 4. If the operator is not commutative, that is x <op> y is not the same as y <op> x, folding from the left will not be the same as folding from the right, hence the need for both foldl and foldr.

The foldr(init, oper) strategy takes a list of elements and starts folding them from the right. It starts after the rightmost element of the list. This means that if we use the + operator with foldr on the list [1,2,3,4], we get the expression 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + , which obviously has a dangling +. The strategy argument init is used to supply the missing argument on the right hand side of the last plus. If the init supplied is id, [] will be supplied by default. We can see this from the this trial run:

stratego> <foldr>(id, debug)

With this in mind, it should be obvious how we can sum a list of numbers using foldr:

stratego> <foldr(!0, add)> [1,2,3,4]

The related strategy foldl(s) works similarly to foldr. It takes a two-element tuple with a list and a single element, i.e. ([x | xs], elem). The folding will start in the left end of the list. The first application is s on (elem, x), as we can see from the following trial run:

stratego> <foldl(debug)> ([1,2,3,4], 0)

Again, summing the elements of the list is be pretty easy:

stratego> <foldl(add)> ([1,2,3,4], 0)

22.8. Summary

In this chapter we got a glimpse of the most important strategies for manipulating lists. We saw how to construct and deconstruct lists, using build and match. We also saw how we can sort, merge, split and otherwise transform lists. The strategies for associative lists and sets gave an impression of how we can construct new abstractions from basic lists.

More information about list strategies available can be found in the collections/list module, in the library reference documentation.

Chapter 23. Strings

23.1. Basic String Operations

Strings, like all other primitive data types in Stratego, are terms. They are built with the build (!) operator and matched with the match (?) operator. Additional operations on and with strings are realized through strategies provided by the Stratego library. The most basic operations on strings provided by the library are concatenation, length computation and splitting. We will discuss operation each in turn.

The library provides two variants of the string concatenation operation. The first, concat-strings, takes a list of strings and returns the concatenated result. The second, conc-strings takes a two-element tuple of strings and returns the concatenated result:

stratego> <concat-strings> ["foo", "bar", "baz"]
stratego> <conc-strings ("foo", "bar")

Once you have a string, you may want to know its length, i.e. the number of characters it contains. There are two equivalent strategies for determining the length of a string. If you come from a C background, you may favor the strlen strategy. If not, the string-length strategy may offer a clearer name.

The final basic operation on strings is splitting. There is a small family of closely related strategies for this, which all do simple string tokenization. The simplest of them is string-tokenize(|sepchars). It takes a list of characters as its term argument, and must of course be applied to a string.

stratego> <string-tokenize(|[' '])> "foo bar baz"

Another strategy in the tokenizer family is string-tokenize-keep-all(|sepchars). It works exactly like string-tokenize(|sepchars), except that it also keeps the separators that were matched:

stratego> <string-tokenize-keep-all(|[' '])> "foo bar baz"
["foo"," ","bar"," ","baz"]

23.2. Sorting Strings

Even if you don't maintain a phone directory, sorting lists of strings may come in handy in many other enterprises. The strategies string-sort and string-sort-desc sort a list of strings in ascending and descending order, respectively.

stratego> !["worf", "picard", "data", "riker"]
["worf", "picard", "data", "riker"]
stratego> string-sort
stratego> string-sort-desc

If you only have two strings to sort, it may be more intuitive to use the string comparison strategies instead. Both string-gt and string-lt take a two-element tuple of strings, and return 1 if the first string is lexicographically bigger (resp. smaller) than the second, otherwise they fail.

stratego> <string-gt> ("picard","data")
stratego> <string-lt> ("worf","data")
command failed

Not directly a sorting operation, string-starts-with(|pre) is a strategy used to compare prefixes of strings. It takes a string as the term argument pre and must be applied to a string. It will succeed if pre is a prefix of the string it was applied to:

stratego> <strings-starts-with(|"wes")> "wesley"

23.3. Strings and Terms

We already said that strings are terms. As with terms, we can also deconstruct strings, but we cannot use normal term deconstruction for this. Taking apart a string with explode-string will decompose a string into a list of characters. We can then manipulate this character list using normal list operations and term matching on the elements. Once finished, we can construct a new string by calling implode-string. Consider the following code, which reverses a string:

stratego> !"evil olive"
"evil olive"
stratego> explode-string
stratego> reverse
stratego> implode-string
"evilo live"

This explode-string, strategy, implode-string idiom is useful enough to warrant its own library strategy, namely string-as-chars(s). The code above may be written more succinctly:

stratego> <string-as-chars(reverse)> "evil olive"
"evilo live"

Sometimes, in the heat of battle, it is difficult to keep track of your primitive types. This is where is-string and is-char come in handy. As you might imagine, they will succeed when applied to a string and a character, respectively. A minor note about characters is in order. The Stratego runtime does not separate between characters and integers. The is-char must therefore be applied to an integer, and will verify that the value is within the printable range for ASCII characters, that is between 32 and 126, inclusive.

Finally, it may be useful to turn arbitrary terms into strings, and vice versa. This is done by write-to-string and read-from-string, which may be considered string I/O strategies.

stratego> <write-to-string> Foo(Bar())
stratego> read-from-string

23.4. Strings and Numbers

Another interplay between primitive types in Stratego is between numbers and strings. Converting numbers to strings and strings to numbers is frequently useful when dealing with program transformation, perhaps particularly partial evaluation and interpretation. Going from numbers to strings is done by int-to-string and real-to-string. Both will accept reals and integers, but will treat is input as indicated by the name.

stratego> <int-to-string> 42.9
stratego> <real-to-string> 42.9

The resulting number will be pretty-printed as best as possible. In the second example above, the imprecision of floating point numbers results in a somewhat non-intuitive result.

Going the other way, from strings to numbers, is a bit more convoluted, due to the multiple bases available in the string notation. The simplest strategies, string-to-real and string-to-int, assume the input string is in decimal.

stratego> <string-to-real> "123.123"
stratego> <string-to-int> "123"

For integers, the strategies hex-string-to-int, dec-string-to-int, oct-string-to-int and bin-string-to-int can be used to parse strings with numbers in the most popular bases.

Chapter 24. Hashtables and Sets

24.1.  Hashtables

The rewriting paradigm of Stratego is functional in nature, which is somewhat contradictory to the imperative nature of hashtables. Normally, this doesn't present any practical problems, but remember that changes to hashtables "stick", i.e. they are changed by side-effect.

The Stratego hashtable API is pretty straightforward. Hashtables are created by new-hastable and destroyed by hashtable-destroy.

stratego> import lib	
stratego> new-hashtable => h

The result Hashtable(136604296) here is a handle to the actual hashtable. Consider it a pointer, if you will. The content of the hashtable must be retrieved with the hashtable-* strategies, which we introduce here. The strategy hashtable-copy can be used to copy a hashtable.

Adding a key with value to the table is done with hashtable-put(|k,v), where k is the key, v is the value. Retrieving the value again can be done by hashtable-get(|k).

stratego> <hashtable-put(|"one", 1)> h
stratego> <hashtable-get(|"one")

The contents of the hashtable can be inspected with hashtable-values and hashtable-keys.

Nesting is also supported by the Stratego hashtables. Using hashtable-push(|k,v), a new "layer" can be added to an existing key (or an initial layer can be added to a non-existing key). Removing a layer for a key can be done with hashtable-pop(|k).

stratego> <hashtable-push("one",2)> h
stratego> <hashtable-get("one")> h
stratego> <hashtable-pop(|"one")> h
stratego> <hashtable-get(|"one")> h
stratego> <hashtable-remove(|"one")> h
stratego> <hashtable-values> h

24.2.  Indexed Sets

The library provides a rather feature complete implementation of indexed sets, based on hashtables. A lightweight implementation of sets, based on lists, is explained in Chapter 22.

Similar to hashtables, indexed sets are created with the new-iset strategy, copied with iset-copy and destroyed with iset-destroy.

stratego> new-iset => i

The resulting term, IndexedSet(136662256), is a handle to the actual indexed set, which can only be manipulated through the iset-* strategies.

Adding a single element to a set is done with iset-add(|e), whereas an entire list can be added with the iset-addlist(|es). Its elements can be returned as a list using iset-elements.

stratego> <iset-addlist(|[1,2,3,4,4])> i
stratego> iset-elements

Notice that the result is indeed a set: every value is only represented once.

Using iset-get-index(|e), the index of a given element e can be found. Similarly, iset-get-elem(|i) is used to get the value for a particular index.

stratego> <iset-get-index(|3)> i
stratego> <iset-get-elem(|3)> i

Note that the indexes start at 0.

The set intersection between two sets can be computed with the iset-isect(|set2) strategy. The strategy iset-union(|set2) calculates the union of two sets, whereas iset-subset(|set2) checks if one set is a subset of another. Equality between two sets is checked by iset-eq(|set2). These strategies are all used in a similar way:

stratego> <iset-eq(|set2)> set1

A single element can be removed from the set with iset-remove(|e). iset-clear will remove all elements in a set, thus emptying it.

Chapter 25. I/O

This chapter explains the strategies available in the library for controlling file and console I/O.

The need for traditionally file I/O is somewhat diminished for typical applications of Stratego. Normally, Stratego programs are designed to worktogether connected by Unix pipes. The programs employ io-wrap (or similar strategies) that automatically take care of the input and output. See Chapter 26 for details.

The primitive layer of Stratego I/O inherits its characteristics from Unix. The basic I/O strategies recognize the special files stdout, stdin and stderr. Streams are opened by fopen and closed with fclose On top of this, a collection of more convient strategies have been built.

25.1. Console I/O

The basic strategies for console I/O print and printnl are used to write terms to stdout or stderr (or any other opened file). They both take a tuple. The first element of the tuple is the file to write to, the second is a list of terms. Each term in the list be converted to a string, and and these strings will be concatenated together to form the resulting output. The printnl will also append a newline to the end of the resulting string.

The following module should be compiled with strc, as usual.

module example
imports liblib
  main = 
    <print> (stdout, ["baz"])
    ; <printnl> (stdout, [ "foo", 0, "bar" ])

After compiling this file, running it will give the following result:

$ ./example

Notice how the string baz will be written without a newline (or other space). Also, notice how the terms in the list argument were concatenated.

When using these strategies in the Stratego Shell, some care must be taken when using the std* files, as the following example shows.

stratego> <printnl> (stdout(), [ "foo", 0, "bar" ])

The shell requires that you put an extra parenthesis after the stdout.

The debug and error are convenience wrappers around printnl. They will always write their result to stderr. The error strategy is defined as:

error =
  where(<printnl> (stderr, <id>))

It is used similarly to the printnl strategy:

stratego> <error> ["foo", 0, "bar"]

The debug strategy accepts any term, i.e. not only lists of terms. The term will be written verbatim:

stratego> <debug> [ "foo", 0, "bar" ]

25.2. Path and Directory Operations

The library provides a small set of simple file and directory manipulation operations. Assume the directory /tmp only contains the files foo, bar, baz. Elementary directory operations can be done as illustrated below:

stratego> <readdir> "/tmp"
stratego> <rename-file> ("/tmp/foo", "/tmp/bax")
stratego> <remove-file> "/tmp/baz"
stratego> <link-file> ("/tmp/bar", "/tmp/foo")
stratego> <link-file> ("/tmp/bar", "/tmp/foo")
stratego> <new-temp-dir> "/tmp"

The library contains a family of strategies which must be applied to a File, and will return information about it. these include isdir, isatty, isfifo and islnk which are predicates checking if a file is a directory, TTY, FIFO or a symbolic link, respectively. To obtain a File object in the first place, we should call file-exists followed by filemode. Thus, checking if /etc is a directory is done as follows:

stratego> <file-exists ; filemode ; isdir> "/etc"

The library also has another family of strategies for getting information about files. These must be applied to a string containing the filename. The family includes is-executable, is-readable and is-writeable.

stratego> <is-executable> "/bin/bash"

Finally, the directory strategies also include the usual suspects for dealing with paths.

stratego> <is-abspath> "../foo"
command failed
stratego> <dirname> "/foo/bar/baz"
stratego> <base-filename> "/foo/bar/baz"
stratego> <get-extension "/tmp/foo.trm"
stratego> <abspath> "../foo"

There are also a few strategies for finding files. We shall describe find-file(s). The other variants of find-file are described in the library documentation. The strategy find-file(s) finds one file with a specific file extension in a list of directories. It takes a two-element tuple. The first element is a file name as a string, then second element is a list of paths, i.e. (f, [d*]). The extension of f will be replaced by what is produced by s, and the directories given in [d*]. Consider the code below.

stratego> <find-file(!"rtree")> ("file.str", ["."])

This snippet will consider the filename file.str, replace its extension with rtree and look through the directories in the list ["."]. Effectively, it will search for file.rtree in the current directory.

25.3. File and Text I/O

Opening a file is done with the fopen strategy. It takes a two-element tuple, the first element is the filename as a string, the second is the open mode, which is also a string. The most important modes are read (r); write ("w") which opens and empty file for writing, truncating any existing file with the same name; and append (a) which appends to the file if it already exists. After all file operations stream have been finished, it should be closed with fclose, which will flush and close the file. Explicit flushing can also be done with fflush.

It should be pointed out that reading and writing text files with Stratego is rather rare. Normally, text files are read with a parser generated from an SDF description and written using a pretty-printer defined in the Box formalism. In rare cases, this may turn out be too heavy handed, especially if the file format is simplistic and line-based. In this instance, we can come up with an easier solution using read-text-file and read-text-line.

Assume the file /tmp/foo contains the following lines:


We can read this file in one big chunk into a string with the read-text-file strategy, which must be applied to a filename:

stratego> <read-text-file> "/tmp/foo"

Alternatively, for example if the file is large, we can read it line by line. In this scenario, we must open the file and get a handle to a stream.

stratego> <fopen> ("foo.txt", "r") => inp
stratego> <read-text-line> inp

25.4. Term I/O

The primary form of file I/O you will be using in Stratego is reading and writing terms. As explained earlier, the terms are stored on disk as either binary, compressed text or plain text ATerms. Reading a term, no matter which storage format, is done with the ReadFromFile strategy. It is applied to a filename.

stratego> <ReadFromFile> "/tmp/foo.trm"

To write a term to file, you can use WriteToTextFile or WriteToBinaryFile. The binary format is approximately eight times more space-efficient on average. Both strategies take a two-element tuple where the first element is the filename and second is the term to write. Writing the current term requires a minor twist, which is shown here:

stratego> <WriteToBinaryFile> ("/tmp/bar.trm", <id>)

It is also possible to read and write terms from and to strings, using read-from-string and write-to-string. Chapter 23 contains explanation of how these strategies work.

25.5. Logging

The strategies for logging are used pervasively throughout the Stratego toolchain. They are easy to use in your own applications, too. The logging system is built on top of the log(|severity, msg) and log(|severity, msg, term) strategies. It is possible to use these directory, as the following example demonstrates.

stratego> import util/log
stratego> log(|Error(), "my error")

However, it is preferrable to use the high-level wrapper strategies fatal-err-msg(|msg), err-msg(|msg), warn-msg(|msg) and notice-msg(|msg). Except for fatal-err-msg, these strategies will return with the current term untouched, and write the message as a side effect. The fatal-err-msg strategy will also terminate the program with error code 1, after writing the message.

Chapter 26. Command-line Options

As Part II explained, the world of Stratego is one of small programs tied together using Unix pipes. The pipes carry the data, while configuration and control is passed between programs in the form of command line arguments. Incidentally, this is the same mechanism used by humans to invoke programs, and this eases understanding and debugging of XT compositions tremendously. Details about debugging is covered in Chapter 30. In this chapter, we will cover the mechanism available in Stratego for working with command line arguments.

26.1. Parsing Command-line Options

When a compiled Stratego program is first started, the initial value of the current term is a list containing the command line arguments to the program. Fhe following program, foo, is a genuine "do nothing" program.

module foo
imports liblib
  main = id

In the course of this chapter, we will extend this program with new options and even a help screen for the user to enjoy. But first, let us compile and run foo with some arguments, to get an idea of where we stand.

$ strc -i foo.str
$ ./foo --help
$ ./foo -i foo.str --extra --option -s

From this interaction, we see that a list of the arguments provided on the command line becomes the initial term of the program. Each command line argument becomes its own string element in the list, and the first element of the list is the command used to invoke the foo itself. Clearly, this list must be interpreted somehow, for the arguments to have any meaning. The library contains a collection of robust strategies that deal with just this. The option handling strategies will parse the argument list, let you set default values for options and transparently deal with long and short forms of the same option. Even more interesting, the library provides so-called wrap strategies that abstract away all of the dreary details of this option handling, and also provide a default set of options with some basic functionality.

Perhaps the most frequently used wrap strategy is io-wrap (or its XTC equivalent, xtc-io-wrap, which is not covered here). In fact, io-wrap is a family of strategy, which includes io-wrap(s), io-wrap(opts, s) and io-wrap(opts, usage, about, s). All of these variants provide the same basic functionality. The increasing number parameters allows you to override default bevhavior, when you need to. When using one of these strategies, a standard package of command line handling will be provided to your users through your program. Let us start with the simplest case, io-wrap(s) and work our way from there. Consider a revised edition of foo, from above:

module foo
imports liblib
  main = io-wrap(id)

Here, we wrap the core logic of our program (just id in our case) inside the io-wraper. If we run foo with the --help this time around, we will get a more instructive reply than previously:

$ ./foo --help
   -i f|--input f   Read input from f
   -o f|--output f  Write output to f
   -b               Write binary output
   -S|--silent      Silent execution (same as --verbose 0)
   --verbose i      Verbosity level i (default 1)
                    ( i as a number or as a verbosity descriptor:
                      emergency, alert, critical, error,
                      warning, notice, info, debug, vomit )
   -k i | --keep i  Keep intermediates (default 0)
   --statistics i  Print statistics (default 0 = none)
   -h|-?|--help     Display usage information
   --about          Display information about this program
   --version        Same as --about


All of a sudden, our program is a well-behaved citizen in the command line world. It answers to --help, and appears to have a few other tricks up its sleeve to. For example, the input term to foo can now be specified using the -i option, and output can be stored to a file using the -o option.

So does this actually work? All for free? Let's test with putting the following term into the file term.trm:


Bursting with excitement, we try:

$ ./foo -i term.trm

And if that's not enough, there is even a bit of extra convenience provided by io-wrap: If -i is not provided, stdin is read. Similarly, stdout is written to if -o is not specified.

So, using io-wrap is all you have to do for your program to gain a minimal, but functional set of command line options. As a bonus, these options also make your program compatible with XTC; it can be composed with other XTC components.

26.2. Adding Custom Options

It is often necessary for programs to expose switches to turn functionality on and off, or to read extra configuration knowledge from external files. All these cases require additional command line options, so we need a mechanism for extending the basic io-wrap(s) strategy. The preferred way of adding new options is to use the io-wrap(opts,s) strategy, providing it with a strategy encoding the options.

When adding a new option, we must decide whether this option will require a argument of its own, or not. The term ArgOption is used to construct options that take arguments and Option is the term used for on/off switches. Suppose we want to expose an option --verify that enables the user to run our transformation in a self-verifying mode. This is clearly an on/off switch, and therefore a job for Option.

Adding this option to our program foo gives us the following code:

module foo
imports liblib
    Verify : Option


  main =  io-wrap(
      , <set-config> (Verify(), "on")
      , !"--verify         Turn on verification")
    , do-foo)

  do-foo = ...

Note that we made a new term type, Verify, to serve as our switch symbol. Inside the real logic of program, given by do-foo, we would write <get-config> Verify to get the state of the Verify switch. In the case where the user had specified --verify on the command line, get-config would result in the term "on", taken from the declaration of our verify Option. If the did not add --verify to his command line arguments, <get-config> Verify will fail.

Options with arguments is provided through ArgOption. The use is pretty much identical to that of Option. Assume our transformation needs a bit of help from configurable processing tables (whatever that might be), and that we want these tables configured at runtime, using the -p option. We want to add another alternative to the opts argument of io-wrap:

  main = io-wrap(
       , where(<extend-config> ("-p", [<id>]))
       , !"-p file   Use processing table in file")
     , id)

Note how we compose options with the choice operator (+). With this addition, our users can now specify their elusive processing tables with the -p. The arity of this option is checked automatically. That is, if the user adds -p to his argument list without specifying a file afterwards, this will be signaled as an error, and the usage screen will be printed. Once the user has read this and corrected the error of his ways, the value (the filename) provided via -p can be obtained using the get-option strategy. If no -p was specified, get-option will fail. Sometimes, this failure may be inappropriate, and a default value is desired instead. If you browse through Stratego code, you may come across the following idiom for dealing with this situation:

  get-config-p =
    <get-config> "-p" <+ ![]

This is all you need to know about basic command-line option processing. When in doubt, you are advised to refer to the detailed API documentation is available in the API reference.

26.3. Setting Description and About

If your program is primarily intended for human use, you are encouraged to complete your program's option configuration with a short description of what your tool does.

We can easily add a short description and also an about section. The description is shown as part of the help screen (displayed with --help), whereas the about section is displayed when the arguments to foo contain --about. It is customary for the about screen to contain copyright notices and credits.

  main = io-wrap(
      , foo-tool-usage
      , foo-tool-about
      , id)

  foo-tool-usage =
      !["Usage: foo -p proctbl [options]"]
    , ![ "This program verifies the input against a processing table.\n"]

  foo-tool-about =
     <echo> "Written by Alan Turing <>"

After compiling this version of foo, invoking it with --help give the following help screen:

$ ./foo --help
Usage: foo -p proctbl [options]

   --verify         Turn on verification
   -p file          Use processing table in file
   -i f|--input f   Read input from f
   -o f|--output f  Write output to f
   -b               Write binary output
   -S|--silent      Silent execution (same as --verbose 0)
   --verbose i      Verbosity level i (default 1)
                    ( i as a number or as a verbosity descriptor:
                      emergency, alert, critical, error,
                      warning, notice, info, debug, vomit )
   -k i | --keep i  Keep intermediates (default 0)
   --statistics i  Print statistics (default 0 = none)
   -h|-?|--help     Display usage information
   --about          Display information about this program
   --version        Same as --about

This program verifies the input against a processing table.

If we invoke our splendid program foo with the --about option, we can now observe:

$ ./foo --about
Written by Alan Turing <>

26.4. I/O-less Programs

Not all programs written in Stratego intended for processing ATerms. For these programs, the full I/O functionality provided by io-wrap may often turn out to be inappropriate. An alternative way of dealing with parameters is also provided by the library, centered around the option-wrap family of strategies. option-wrap works analogously to io-wrap, but does not provide the -i and -o options, nor does it read anything from stdin automatically.

The default set of options provided by option-wrap is shown below:

   --verify         Turn on verification
   -h|-?|--help     Display usage information
   --about          Display information about this program
   --version        Same as --about

Adding new options is identical to what we already explained for io-wrap.

Chapter 27. Unit Testing with SUnit

StrategoUnit or SUnit is a Unit Testing framework for Stratego inspired by JUnit. The idea is to specify tests that apply a strategy to a specific term and compare the result to the expected output. The tests are combined into a test suite, which runs all tests and reports the number of successes and failures. When all tests pass, the program exits with status 0, otherwise it exists with status 1 to flag the error to the calling program, which is typically a makefile.

27.1. Setting up a test suite

Module list-zip-test.str in the Stratego Standard Library is an example test suite. SUnit test suites can be compiled to an executable program. When run the program gives the following output:

test suite: list-zip-test
successes: 3
failures: 0

An extract from the module shows how a test suite can be set up:

module list-zip-test
imports list-zip sunit

  main =

  nzip0-test =
        ,![(0, "a"), (1, "b"), (2, "c")]

The test-suite strategy takes a string and a strategy. The strategy is typically a sequential composition of calls to unit tests. Unit tests such as nzip0-test are defined using one of the unit-test strategies from module sunit, which is in the standard library.

27.2. Compare expected and actual output

The prototypical unit test is composed with the apply-test strategy, which takes a name, the strategy that is being tested, the input term, and the exptected output term. Note that the name, input, and output term must be specified in strategies, which means that if literal terms are used then you must build them using the ! operator.

, ltS
, !("3","5")
, !("3","5")

27.3. Check for failure

It is also useful to test that a strategy fails if applied to a certain input. The ordinary apply-test cannot be used for this because it requires an output term to which the result will be compared. For testing failure the apply-and-fail strategy is available in sunit. It ensures that the strategy fails if applied to a certain input.

apply-and-fail(!"is-double-quote 3"
, is-double-quoted
, !"\"fnord"

27.4. Check arbitrary conditions on output

Sometimes a test just want to check some condition on the output of a strategy application, without actually specifying the output itself. The apply-test strategy cannot be used for this because it performs an equivalence test of the required output and the actual output. In this case apply-and-check can be used. This strategy takes 4 arguments: a name, a strategy (s) to test, an input and a strategy that will be applied to the result of applying s to the input. This strategy must succeed if the output is correct, or fail if the output is incorrect.

new-test =
  apply-and-check(!"new test",
    (new, new)
  , !(1, 1)
  , not(eq); (is-string, is-string)

27.5. Unit testing with XTC

XTC is the preferred system for writing components in Stratego/XT. Testing that an XTC component acts as intended is not much more difficult than for individual strategies. As the semantics of the interfaces to XTC programs is open-ended, there is currently no generic testing framework for handling all the details.

Nevertheless, adapting the unit testing framework explained above for testing your components is easy. Consider the strategy xtc-apply-test, given below.

xtc-apply-test(|nm, prog, args, inp, outp) =
      ; xtc-transform(!prog, !args)
      ; read-from
    , !inp
    , !outp

This is a straightforward extension of apply-test. It will invoke the XTC program given in the prog term argument with the list of command line arguments in args. The input to the program is the term given by inp. The resulting term after prog has been run is checked against outp. If they match, the test succeeds.

The simple code above does not account for additional file arguments to prog. This may be useful if prog if prog is, say, a pretty-printer which takes both a document and a style sheet as arguments. The code below provides an example of how this may be handled.

xtc-apply-pp-test(|nm, prog, ssheet, args, inp, outp) =
      where(<print-to> [ssheet] => FILE(f))
      ; write-to
      ; xtc-transform(!prog, <concat> [ args, "--stylesheet", f])
      ; read-from
    , !inp
    , !outp

Chapter 28. Transformation Tool Composition with XTC

In Chapter 3, we explained how the Stratego/XT universe is built from small components, each a separately executable program. Many such components are provided for your reuse by the Stratego/XT distribution. We have already seen some of these in action throughout Part II. In this chapter, we will first explain how to compose existing components together, and then proceed to explain how you can make your own Stratego programs into reusable XT components.

28.1. Basic Mechanisms of XTC

Before we can compose XT components, we must place them in a component repository. This is referred to as registration. The registration associates each component with a name, a path and a version. The name is used later to look up components, and map their names to their actual location in the file system. This is very handy when you program with XT components. Inside our Stratego programs, we only have to specify the name of the program we want executed, and the XTC machinery will automatically figure out which program to execute, set up the piping, deal with temporary files, and even perform the execution and parameter passing for us.

In this section, we will cover the registration and lookup mechanisms in some detail.

28.1.1. Registration of Programs and Data

An XTC repository is a collection of programs and data files. The programs, which we usually refer to as XT components, must be registered explicitly using the xtc tool before they can be used. This is also the case for the data files. A normal program transformation system built with Stratego/XT will contain an XTC repository, where all its components have been registered. Though this registration is done automatically for you by the Stratego build system, it will prove instructive to know what takes place behind the scenes, by the understanding the xtc command (refer to Chapter 29 for an explaination of how to configure the Stratego/XT build system to automatically register your XT components).

Suppose our project, called Ogetarts, has been installed into .../ogetarts (where ... is a path of your choice). A typical directory layout for this project would include the following directories:


The part we are interested in now is the directory .../ogetarts/share/ogetarts/. This is where the registry for the XTC repository is normally placed, in the file XTC. Assuming we already have the XT component foo2bar placed in .../ogetarts/libexec/. The following xtc invocation will register it with the Ogetarts registry:

$ xtc -r .../ogetarts/share/ogetarts/XTC register -t foo2bar -l .../ogetarts/libexec -V 1.0

This command will also take care of creating a fresh XTC registry file if it does not already exist. The -l specifies the path to the component being registered, and -t specifies its name. This name is used for lookup purposes later. The -V is used to associate a version number with a given program. It is possible to include the version number in the lookup of a component, to find a particular version of a particular component, but this is not common practice, and should be avoided. However, every registration must have include a version number.

28.1.2. Importing other Repositories

The XTC system provides a form of inheritance, whereby one repository can refer to another. You may also think of it as a scoping mechanism on the namespaces of repositories. When searches for components fail at the local repository, the imported repositories will be searched in turn.

It is practically always necessary for your project to import the Stratego/XT repository, as most transformation systems built with Stratego/XT reuse many of the XT components. The following command adds the Stratego/XT repository to our project:

$ xtc -r .../ogetarts/share/ogetarts/XTC import /usr/share/StrategoXT/XTC

In case you wondered, the current version of XTC has no mechanism for declaring some components as private, and others public. Once a component c is registered in an XTC repository r, all other repositories importing r can ask for c.

28.1.3. Searching Repositories

When you have registered your components or imported other repositories, you may inspect your repository to see that everything looks good. This is done using the query option to xtc. Using query, you can either look for a particular component, or list all registrations in a given repository.

The following command will search the Ogetarts repository for the sglr component. This component was not registered by us, but is inherited from the Stratego/XT repository.

$ xtc -r .../ogetarts/share/ogetarts/XTC query -t sglr 
sglr (3.8) : /usr/bin/sglr

Alternatively, we can list all registrations, in one go:

$ xtc -r .../ogetarts/share/ogetarts/XTC query -a
foo2bar (1.0) : .../ogetarts/libexec/foo2bar
stratego-lib (0.16M1) : .../stratego-lib

The format of this list is name (version) : path, where name, we remember, is the handle used to look up the given component. The list follows a pre-determined order. First, all registrations in the Ogetarts will be displayed. Here, foo2bar is our only component. After the local components, the contents of each imported repository will be displayed. In our case, we only imported Stratego/XT, and the first component in Stratego/XT is stratego-lib. The other 490 registrations have been omitted, for the sake of clarity.

28.2. Composing Tools in Stratego

Much of the scalability of Stratego/XT comes from its component model, thus it is important to know how to design your own programs to take advantage of this infrastructure. Fortunately, the programming interface of XTC consists of a small set of clearly defined strategies. If you are already familiar with io-wrap, as introduced in Chapter 26, this will be even easier to comprehend.

There are three main usage scenarios for the XTC API. Either you use the API to create a new XT component of your own, or you use it to invoke an XT component from your Stratego program (which need not be an XT component), or both; you are writing an XT component which calls other XT components.

28.2.1. Making an XT component

The simplest way to make an XT component is to wrap your top level strategy with the xtc-io-wrap wrapper. This automatically bestows your program with basic command line option parsing capabilities, and also basic I/O.

The following is an example of a trivial XT component which just passes through the term passed to it.

module xtcid
imports liblib
  main = xtc-io-wrap(xtcfoo)
  xtcfoo = id

As with the io-wrap strategy explained in Chapter 26, a default set of command line options is provided by xtc-io-wrap. After compiling the xtcid.str, we can run it to inspect the default set of options.

$ ./xtcid --help

   -i f|--input f   Read input from f
   -o f|--output f  Write output to f
   -b               Write binary output
   -S|--silent      Silent execution (same as --verbose 0)
   --verbose i      Verbosity level i (default 1)
                    ( i as a number or as a verbosity descriptor:
                      emergency, alert, critical, error,
                      warning, notice, info, debug, vomit )
   -k i | --keep i  Keep intermediates (default 0)
   --statistics i  Print statistics (default 0 = none)
   -h|-?|--help     Display usage information
   --about          Display information about this program
   --version        Same as --about


This is normally all you have to do in order to have a working XT component. You can add additional options using the Option and ArgOption, as explained in Chapter 26, by wrapping your toplevel strategy with xtc-io-wrap(extra-opts, s) instead of xtc-io-wrap(s). In either case, your program will now automatically read the input term from the file specified with -i, pass this to s, then write the result of s to the file specified by -o. When -i or -o are not specified, stdin and stdout will be used instead, respectively.

$ echo "My(Term)" | ./xtcfoo -o myterm.trm
$ cat myterm.trm

In some situations, it does not make sense for your component to accept an input term, or to generate and output term. That is, your component may be a data generator, or a data sink. In these cases,your component should rather use xtc-input-wrap, in the case of a sink, or xtc-output-wrap, in the case of a generator.

The following programs shows a trivial generator, which produces the term "foo" when invoked.

module xtcfoo
imports liblib
  main = xtc-output-wrap(xtcfoo)
  xtcfoo = !"foo" ; write-to

xtcfoo strategy is our top level strategy. Note how it ends in a call to write-to. The argument s to xtc-output-wrap(s) must result in a file, not a term. Copying the current term to a file, is taken care of by the write-to strategy. write-to will create a fresh temporary file and write the current term to it. The inverse of write-to is read-from which reads a term from a file. This latter strategy is used together with xtc-input-wrap, analogously to the example above.

In both cases (xtc-input-wrap and xtc-output-wrap), you may add additional command line options, by using variants of the wrappers which accept extra options, xtc-input-wrap(extra-options, s) and xtc-output-wrap(extra-options, s), respectively.

Checking Component Dependencies.  If you write a component which depends on other components as part of its operation, you are encouraged to add dependency checking using the xtc-check-dependencies. This is a two step procedure: First, you add the --check option to your components command-line options, by adding check-options(deps) to the extra-opts argument of xtc-io-wrap. Afterwards, you should call xtc-check-dependencies as part of your option-processing.

Going back to our simple xtcid program, we would add the --check with functionality, as follows:

module xtcid
imports liblib
  main = xtc-io-wrap(check-options(!["sglr", "foo2bar"]), xtcid)
  xtcid = xtc-check-dependencies ; id

After recompiling xtcid, the user can now ask your component to do a self-check of its dependencies, by calling it with the --check. You may want to piggy-back on this option, adding other kinds of self-checks, such as data consistency checking.

Graceful Termination.  As you have witnessed, the implementation of the XTC model makes heavy use of temporary files. It is important that these files are cleaned up after exectuion of your program. In all programs we have seen so far, this was taken care of automatically by the wrappers. But what happens if you want to terminate your program in the middle of execution, by calling exit, for example? In that case, the temporary files will not be removed properly. A safe way of exiting XTC programs is provided by the xtc-io-exit strategy. This strategy is a plugin replacement for exit, but takes care of cleaning any and all temporary files created by your program before terminating.

28.2.2. Invoking XT components

Now that we know how to create XT components, and we also know that the Stratego/XT environment provides many reuseable XTC programs, we should take a bit of time to explain how we can invoke these inside our Stratego programs. It is important to realize that your Stratego program need not itself be an XT component before it can call out to other XT components. Both XTC programs and normal Stratego programs call XT components in the same way.

Before we proceed, we need to create a small XTC program that we can call. The following is an XTC version of the inc strategy. When invoked on an integer n, it will return n + 1.

module xtcinc
imports liblib
  main = xtc-io-wrap(read-from ; <add> (<id>, 1) ; write-to)

Let us quickly whip up a client for this component, that invokes xtcinc on the integer 1:

module xtcclient
imports liblib
  main = !1 ; xtc-transform(!"xtcinc")

Let us a compile and run this program.

$ ./xtcclient
[ identity crisis | error ] No XTC registration for xtcinc found
./xtcclient: rewriting failed

Harking back a few sections, we should now realize that we forgot to register xtcinc in a repository. We already know how to do this. For the sake of this demonstration, let us create the XTC registry in the same directory as the source code:

$ xtc -r ./XTC r -t xtcinc -V 1.0 -l `pwd`

If we were to run our program xtcclient again at this point, we would still get the same error. This is because we have not told xtcclient which repository it should use. This is done by the --xtc-repo option to the Stratego compiler.

$ strc --xtc-repo ./XTC -i xtcclient.str

This should complete the necessary steps: We have created the XTC program xtcinc, we have registered it in the XTC registry in ./XTC, and we have told strc to compile our client program, xtcclient against this repository. We should be all set to run our composition. Let's try.

$ ./xtcclient

At last, it works. We have connected two components. By changing the internals of our components, we can change them to process any terms we want, and we can of course also add additional components into the mix, all using the same basic steps we have explained here. Having to remember the --xtc-repo option to strc all the time is a bit annoying, but as we shall in Chapter 29, this will be taken care of automatically by the Stratego/XT build system.

Finding XTC Data Files.  We have just seen how to use XTC programs from a repository, but so far, we have said nothing about any data files we have registered. This is where the xtc-find-file strategy comes in handy. Let us go through the process of creating a term, registering it, and then using it inside our program.

Suppose the file myterm.trm contains the following term, written in plain text:


Calling xtc as follows, will register it in the local repository we have already created.

$ xtc -r ./XTC r -t myterm.trm -V 1.0 -l `pwd`

This will register the file myterm.trm under the name myterm.trm, which we can use to look it up from inside our programs later. Let us make a new program that does just this.

module xtcload
imports liblib
  main = <xtc-find-file> "myterm.trm" ; read-from

xtc-find is applied to a string, which must be the name of an already registered data file in the repository. As before, we have to compile our program using strc, and remember to include the --xtc-repo option.

$ strc -i xtcload.str --xtc-repo ./XTC

We can now run our freshly compiled program.

$ ./xtcload

The result is as we anticipated. Congratulations! You have now mastered the basics of the XTC mechanics.

28.3. Summary

This chapter introduced you to the mechanics of the XTC model. We saw how to maintain a registry of XT components using the xtc tool, and also how to write XTC compositions in Stratego. Additional detail about the XTC API can be found in the API reference documentation. The complete documentation for the xtc tool is given on the manual page (xtc).

Chapter 29. Building and Deploying Stratego Programs

There are two typical scenarios for building Stratego programs. The first, and simplest, is to execute the compiler by hand on the command line in order to build one artifact (a program or a library). The second is to set up a full build system is based on the GNU Autotools. Both scenarios will be covered in this chapter.

29.1. Building stand-alone artifacts

Here we describe how to use the Stratego compiler for small projects and for compiling one-off examples on the command-line. We recommend that you use Autotools for larger projects, i.e. when you need to build multiple artifacts (see the next sections).

Invoking the compiler on simple programs which only depend on the Stratego library is straightforward:

$ strc -i myprog.str 

This produces the executable file myprog. When your program depends on other Stratego packages (libraries), you need to provide the compiler with proper include paths (for finding the module definitions) and linking arguments (for linking the libraries with the final executable). For convenience, you should define an alias called strcflags as follows:

$ alias strcflags="pkg-config --variable=strcflags "

By calling strcflags with the the name of a specific package, e.g. java-front, all necessary include paths and library arguments will be provided for you. This gives rise to the following idiom:

$ strc -i myprog.str $(strcflags dryad java-front)

Note that providing several arguments (packages) to strcflags is allowed.

29.1.1. Static linking

By default, the Stratego compiler will dynamically link all libraries. To enable static linking instead, you must add the command line options -Xlinker -all-static:

$ strc -i myprog.str -Xlinker -all-static

This ensures that the myprog executable is statically linked (and therefore has no external dependencies).

29.2. Setting up your Project

Setting up a build system for Stratego involves the Autotool programs automake, autoconf and libtool. In addition, Stratego provides a new tool called autoxt. If you are familiar with the Autotools, setting up a project for Stratego should be rather easy. If this is unfamiliar ground to you, don't fear. We will walk through it slowly in the next sections, but a full treatise is beyond the scope of this tutorial.

After creating your project directory, let's call it ogetarts, the first thing you should do is populate it with the basic build system files, namely, bootstrap, Additionally, you may want to add ChangeLog, AUTHORS, NEWS and README, but these are not essential. If you want to support the creation of RPMs, then you need to create a file

For a normal Stratego project, with a syntax, some stand-alone tools, and a library, we suggest the project layout given below (directories end in /). We will discuss the all the components of this hierarchy in turn.


The build system is kickstarted by the bootstrap script. This script is responsible for generating a configure script. When run by the user of your package, the configure script will autodetect the Stratego compiler and other tools required to build your project. The concept of generation is very central to autotool-based build systems. The configure script is generated from a declaration by the autoreconf tool. The Makefiles are generated from files by the configure script, and files are generated from files by automake. Simple, huh? Generally, the idea is that complicated scripts and makefiles can be generated from high-level declarations using tools. Let's start with the bootstrap script.

#! /bin/sh

autoxt || exit 1
autoreconf -ifv || exit 1

The bootstrap script should be an sh (or bash) shell script that takes care of running autoxt and autoreconf, as shown above. Note that we rely on reasonably recent versions of autoconf and automake.

Assume we are in a palindromic mood and want to name our project Ogetarts. The following file will then provide a reasonable starting point for the file.

AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE([1.7.2 -Wall -Wno-portability foreign])

# set the prefix immediately to the default prefix
test "x$prefix" = xNONE && prefix=$ac_default_prefix



### OUTPUT #############################

Most of this is standard boilerplate. The foreign option specified in the arguments of AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE tells automake not the check that the package conforms to GNU package standards, which requires files such as ChangeLog, AUTHORS, COPYING, NEWS and README. For this small example, we do not want create all these files. You can leave out the foreign option if you want to make a complete GNU package.

The important line is XT_USE_XT_PACKAGES which is a macro invocation that will extend to shell script code that looks for the ATerm library, the SDF tools and Stratego/XT, respectively. These macros are provided by the autoxt tool, via a macro file called autoxt.m4. It provides the following macros.


Sets up a Stratego package by setting standard flags of the C compiler and linker for Stratego programs.


Adds configuration options to configure the package with the location of the ATerm library, SDF2 Bundle and Stratego/XT.


Adds the suffix pre${SVN_REVISION} to the PACKAGE_VERSION and VERSION variables. This is a naming convention for unstable packages that we are using in our release management system. If you are not building your package in our buildfarm, then you do not need to invoke this macro.


Disables the creation of an XTC repository. By default all programs and files are registered in an XTC repository.


Similar to XT_USE_XT_PACKAGES, this macro adds configuration options to configure the package with the location of the ATerm library, SDF and Stratego/XT. However, the macro will only check the existence of these packages if the option --enable-bootstrap is given to the configure script. In other case, it will only look for the Aterm Library and Stratego Libraries. Also, XTC registration is disabled. This macro is used for packages that need to be very portable, including native Microsoft Windows.


Determines the SVN revision and makes this number available to Stratego programs.

At the end of the above, the invocation of the AC_CONFIG_FILES macro lists other important files of the build system, particularly the Makefiles. We must provide these, but remember that these are generated from .in files which in turn come from .am files. Hence, we need to provide some files. The for the root of the project should look like:

include $(top_srcdir)/Makefile.xt

SUBDIRS           = syn lib tools
EXTRA_DIST        =


Again, most of this is boilerplate. The important point here is that SUBDIRS = syn lib tools will eventually result in rules that tell make to delve into these directories. We will explain below how the Makefile.ams for each of the source directories should look like. For now, you can just create empty files in the sub-directories syn/, lib/, and tools/. This allows you to bootstrap and configure the package:

$ mkdir syn lib tools
$ touch syn/ lib/ tools/
$ chmod u+x bootstrap
$ ./bootstrap
$ ./configure
$ make

The content of the empty files depends on whether you are building a parser, stand-alone Stratego programs, or a Stratego library. We will discuss each variant separately, but you are of course free to mix several of these in your project, like we do in this project: In lib lives the library parts of Ogetarts, in syn a parser is generated, and in tools we place the command-line programs.

29.3. Building Stand-alone Stratego Applications

In Chapter 11, we showed how to compile stand-alone Stratego programs using the strc compiler. This process is automated by the build system, provided you supply a suitable Take the one provided below as a starting point.

include $(top_srcdir)/Makefile.xt
include $(wildcard *.dep)

bin_PROGRAMS = ogetarts

STRINCLUDES    = -I $(top_srcdir)/lib -I $(top_srcdir)/syn
STRCFLAGS      = --main io-$*

EXTRA_DIST = $(wildcard *.str) $(wildcard *.meta)
CLEANFILES = $(wildcard *.c) $(wildcard *.dep)

This file should be placed in tools/. The following list explains the various parts occurring in the file.

include $(top_srcdir)/Makefile.xt

Includes the various Stratego/XT make rules in this Makefile, for example for the compilation of Stratego programs and parse tables.

include $(wildcard *.dep)

The Stratego compiler generates .dep files which contain information about module dependencies. When these .dep files are included, a rebuild is forced when a dependent file changes.


A list of stand-alone Stratego programs that should be compiled and installed in the directory $prefix/bin. For each program, a corresponding .str file must exist. In this case, the most trivial ogetarts.str module could look like:

module ogetarts
imports libstratego-lib
  io-ogetarts = io-wrap(id)

Stratego programs reuse various libraries, such as the ATerm library, the Stratego runtime and the Stratego library. This declaration tells the build system to link the program ogetarts with these libraries. If you use more libraries, such as the library libstratego-sglr for parsing, then you can add $(STRATEGO_SGLR_LIBS). All libraries follow this naming convention, for example the variable $(STRATEGO_XTC_LIBS) is used for the library libstratego-xtc. If you also have your own library in this package, then you can add $(top_builddir)/lib/


Contains compiler flags passed to the Stratego compiler. A typical flags is --main. In this case, the declaration tells the Stratego compiler that the main stratego of a program foo is io-foo (instead of the default main). It is recommended that include directories are passed via the STRINCLUDES variable.


A list of additional includes necessary for a succesful compilation, of the form -I <dir>. They will be passed unchanged to the strc compiler. The Stratego compiler will then look in these directories for Stratego modules.


Specifies which auxilary files have to be included in the distribution, when doing a make dist. In this case, we want to distribute all the Stratego modules and their .meta (which do not always exist)


Files to be deletes these files when the make clean command is issued. In this case we instruct automake to remove the .c and .dep files that are generated by the Stratego compiler.


Files to be deleted when make bootclean is issued. In addtion, the files specified in CLEANFILES will also be deleted.

As we can see from the list above, the bin_PROGRAMS is a list of the stand-alone programs that should be compiled in this directory. For each program, a corresponding .str must exist, in this case, a ogetarts.str file. For each program the Stratego compiler will be passed the STRINCLUDES and STRCFLAGS variables. The program_LDADD variable is used to add additional native libraries that should be linked as part of the C compilation process. STRINCLUDES and STRCFLAGS were explained above.

autoxt installs Makefile.xt, a collection of Automake rules for compiling Stratego programs and applying other XT tools, such as signature generation. Using this makefile, a makefile reduces to a declaration of programs to be compiled. The makefile automatically takes care of distributing the generated C code. The specification will only be compiled when it is newer than the C code.

29.4. Building Parse Tables, Tree Grammars and Stratego Signatures

In Chapter 6 we introduced you to the Syntax Definition Formalism SDF for specifying grammars, and showed you how to use pack-sdf and sdf2table to construct parse tables out of these definitions. The grammar can also be used to derive Stratego signatures and regular tree grammars. Not surprisingly, the build system is equipped to do this for you. Consider the provided below.

include $(top_srcdir)/Makefile.xt
include $(wildcard *.dep)

DEF_TBL = Ogetarts.def Ogetarts.tbl
RTG_SIG = Ogetarts.rtg Ogetarts.str

sdfdata_DATA = $(DEF_TBL) $(wildcard *.sdf)
pkgdata_DATA = $(RTG_SIG)

EXTRA_DIST   = $(DEF_TBL) $(RTG_SIG) $(wildcard *.sdf)

PGEN_FLAGS    = -m $*

This file should be placed in syn/. The following list explains the various parts occurring in the file.


The important declaration in this file is sdfdata_DATA. They files listed for this variable will be installed as part of a make install into the directory $prefix/share/sdf/$packagename. For convenience, we have defines the .def and .tbl files, in a separate variable DEF_TBL. The build system knows how to generate .def files from .sdf using pack-sdf, and .tbl files from .def files using sdf2table. Note that there must be an SDF module Ogetarts.sdf, which is the main module of the syntax definition. For example:

module Ogetarts
  context-free start-symbols Expr
  context-free syntax
    IntConst -> Expr {cons("Int")}

  context-free priorities
      Expr "*" Expr -> Expr {left, cons("Mul")}
    > Expr "+" Expr -> Expr {left, cons("Plus")}

  lexical syntax
    [0-9]+ -> IntConst
    [\t\n\r\ ] -> LAYOUT

This variable defines a list of files that will be placed in prefix/share/package-name. This typically includes regular tree grammars, Stratego signatures and Stratego source code for libraries. In this makefile, we use pkgdata_DATA to tell the build system to build a Stratego signature (Ogetarts.str) and a regular tree grammar (Ogetarts.rtg) from the Ogetarts.def. Including signatures and source code with your program is useful when you want other projects to extend and compile against yours.


Similar to the makfile for building Stratego programs, we use EXTRA_DIST to define the files to distribute. In this case, we also distribute the derived .def, .tbl, .rtg, and .str, which is used to avoid a dependency on the full Stratego/XT. If this is not required, then we can leave these files out of the distribution.


In CLEANFILES we specify that we want make to remove the generated files when running a make clean.


This variable is used to pass flags to the parsetable generator, sdf2table. The definition in this makefile defines the main module to be $*, which is the basename of the .def file that is used as the input to the parser generator. This is typical for most makefiles, since the default main module is Main.


Similar to PGEN_FLAGS, this variable is used to pass flags to the tool sdf2rtg, which generates a regular tree grammar for an SDF syntax definition. Again, we define the main module of the syntax definition to be the basename of the file.


Similar to SDFINCLUDES, you can define directories to search for SDF modules using the SDFINCLUDES variable. In addition to the option -I dir you can also include modules from an SDF definition: -Idef file.def.

29.5. Building Your Own Stratego Library

Stratego allows you to freely organize the Stratego modules of your project, but we recommend to have a separate library in the directory lib/. Each .str file placed inside this directory becomes a module for your library. For sufficiently large projects, it is recommended that you further organize your modules into subdirectories inside lib/. Each such subdirectory becomes a package.

Importing modules and packages in Stratego is done using the imports statement. Using imports, you specify which module from which package to import. See Chapter 11 for an introduction to modules. There is a direct mapping between the directory name and the package name, and also between file and module names. Consider the following main module lib/ogetarts.str of your library, which imports all the Stratego modules that constitute the library:

module ogetarts

The import declaration ogetarts/main states that we want to import the module main from the package ogetarts. This tells the Stratego compiler to look for the file main.str inside the ogetarts/ directory. The line ogetarts/front/parse will import the file parse.str in the ogetarts/extensions package. On disk, we will have the following layout:


In this example, we will assume that the module ogetarts/main provides a simple evaluator for arithmetic expressions:

module ogetarts/main
imports libstratego-lib Ogetarts

  ogetarts-eval = bottomup(try(Eval))


  Eval : Plus(Int(i), Int(j)) -> Int(<addS> (i, j))
  Eval : Mul(Int(i), Int(j))  -> Int(<mulS> (i, j))

The module ogetarts/front/parse provides a strategy for parsing ogetarts expressions:

module ogetarts/front/parse
imports libstratego-sglr libstratego-lib

  parse-ogetarts-stream =
    where(tbl := <import-term(Ogetarts.tbl); open-parse-table>)
    ; finally(
        parse-stream(strsglr-report-parse-error | tbl)
      , <close-parse-table> tbl

So how does the compiler know where to search for the packages (directories)? This is specified by the -I option to strc. In our case, we did already specify lib/ as the basepath for our library in the section on compiling Stratego programs. Thus, all module and package references are looked up from there. For programs using several libraries installed at different locations, multiple base directories should be specified, each with the -I option.

29.5.1. Compiling the Library

In principle, it is possible to import full source of your library in your Stratego programs. In that case, there is no need to compile the library separately: it will be compiled by the Stratego compiler every time the library is included in a Stratego program. The compiler will act as a whole-program compiler and compile all the source code from scratch, including your library sources. This is wasteful, since the library is recompiled needlessly. To avoid this, the build system can be told to compile the library separately to a native library, e.g. a .so file. The creation of the native library is done using libtool, which takes care of creating both static and shared libraries. On most platforms, the linker prefers shared libraries over static libraries, given the choice. This means that linking to your Stratego library will be done dynamically, unless you or your library user take steps to enable static linking.

The code below is what goes into your for you library:

include $(top_srcdir)/Makefile.xt
include $(wildcard *.dep)

pkgdata_DATA    = libogetarts.rtree
EXTRA_DIST      = $(ogetartssrc) libogetarts.rtree
CLEANFILES      = libogetarts.c libogetarts.rtree

libogetarts_la_SOURCES  = libogetarts.c
libogetarts_la_LDFLAGS  = -avoid-version -no-undefined
libogetarts_la_CPPFLAGS = \
libogetarts_la_LIBADD   = \

ogetartssrc = \
  ogetarts.str \
  $(wildcard $(srcdir)/ogetarts/*.str) \
  $(wildcard $(srcdir)/ogetarts/front/*.str)

STRINCLUDES = -I $(top_srcdir)/syn

libogetarts.c libogetarts.rtree : $(ogetartssrc)
    @$(STRC)/bin/strc -c --library -i ogetarts.str -o libogetarts.rtree $(STRINCLUDES)
    rm libogetarts.str





Necessary for some platforms. Note that we add STRATEGO_SGLR_LIBS, since our module is importing libstratego-sglr.


For finding the signature and parsetable

libogetarts.c : ...

Warning: use tab.

If you prefer static over dynamic libraries, you can enforce static linking by passing the -static option to the configure of your package via the LDFLAGS variable:

$ ./configure ... LDFLAGS=-static

29.5.2. Using Your Library in Stratego Programs

Add a program to the tools directory

module ogetarts-eval


  io-ogetarts-eval =
      ?(<id>, fout)
      ; parse-ogetarts-stream
      ; ogetarts-eval
      ; ?Int(<id>)
      ; <fputs> (<id>, fout); <fputs> ("\n", fout)

Add to tools/

bin_PROGRAMS = ogetarts-eval

ogetarts_eval_LDADD = \
  $(top_builddir)/lib/ \

Invoke the eval tool:

$ echo "1+2" | ./tools/ogetarts-eval

29.6. Package Config Support

How to add a pkg-config file to the package.

29.7. RPM Support

Let's finish up the root build system first, closing with the file.

Summary: ogetarts
Release: 1
License: LGPL
Group: Development/Tools/Ogetarts
BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-@PACKAGE_VERSION@-buildroot
Requires: aterm >= 2.5
Requires: sdf2-bundle >= 2.4
Requires: strategoxt >= 0.17
Provides: %{name} = %{version}


%setup -q

CFLAGS="-D__NO_CTYPE" ./configure --prefix=%{_prefix} --with-strategoxt=%{_prefix} \
       --with-aterm=%{_prefix} --with-sdf=%{_prefix}





This file is not strictly necessary. It's a so-called .spec-file, which is a package descriptor for rpm-based distributions. When you provide it, the Stratego/XT build system can automatically make a .rpm package file for your project.

29.8. Summary

In this chapter we learned how to organize Stratego/XT projects, and how to set up the Stratego/XT build system. We saw how the build system, which is based on automake and autoconf, is used to generate many of the artifacts from the syntax definition, such as parse tables and signatures, in the way we discussed in Part II . We also learned how to make stand-alone programs, libraries and XT components from Stratego source code, and how modules and packages relate to files and directories.

More detail can be found by looking at the manual pages for the build tools, such as autoxt, strc, sdf2table, sdf2rtg and xtc. The detailed examples from the Stratego/XT Examples tutorial contain working build systems that can serve as a starting point.

Chapter 30. Debugging Techniques for Stratego/XT

Even in Stratego/XT, it is not entirely uncommon for developers to produce erroneous code from time to time. This chapter will walk you through the tools and techniques available for hunting down bugs, and tips for how to avoid them in the first place.

30.1. Debugging Stratego

Both the Stratego language paradigm and its syntax are rather different from most other languages. Knowing how to use the unique features of Stratego properly, in the way we have described in this manual, goes a long way towards avoiding future maintenance problems.

30.1.1. Writing readable code

One important practical aspect of using language constructs is expressing their syntax in a readable manner. The intention behind the code should be apparent for readers of the code. Judicious use of whitespaces is vital in making Stratego code readable, partly because its language constructs are less block-oriented than most Algol-derivates.

The most basic unit of transformation in Stratego is the rewrite rule. The following suggests how rules should be written to maximize readability.

  Expr(Plus(x), Plus(y) -> Expr(z)
    <addS> (x,y) => z

Rules are composed using combinators in strategies. One of the combinators is composition, written ;. It is important to realize that ; is not a statement terminator, as found in imperative languages. Therefore, we suggest writing a series of strategies and rules joined by composition as follows:

  eval-all =
    ; s1
    ; s2

Both rules and strategies should be documented, using xDoc. At the very least, the type of term expected and the type of term returned should be specified by the @type attribute. Also take care to specify the arity of lists and tuples, if this is fixed.

  * @type A -> B
  foo = ...

Inline rules are handy syntactic sugar that should be used with care. Mostly, inline rules are small enough to fit a single line. When they are significantly longer than one line, it is recommended to extract them into a separate, named rule.

  strat = 
    \ x -> y where is-okay(|x) => y \

Formatting concrete syntax depends very much on the language being embedded, so we will provide no hard and fast rules for how to do this.

Formatting of large terms should be done in the style output by pp-aterm.

30.1.2. Debugging Stratego code

The Stratego/XT environment does not feature a proper debugger yet, so the best low-level debugging aids are provided by the library, in the from of two kinds of strategies, namely debug and a family based around log.

The debug strategy will print the current term to stdout. It will not alter anything. While hunting down a bug in your code, it is common to sprinkle debug statements liberally in areas of code which are suspect:

  foo = 
    ; bar
    ; debug
    ; baz

Sometimes, you need to add additional text to your output, or do additional formatting. In this case, an idiom with where and id is used:

  foo = 
     where(<debug> [ "Entered foo : ", <id> ])
     ; bar
     ; where(<debug> [ "After bar : ", <id> ])
     ; baz

The where prevents the current term from being altered by the construction of your debugging text, and id is used to retrieve the current term before the where clause. If, as in this example, you only need to prepend a string before the current term, you should rather use debug(s), as shown next.

  foo =
    debug(!"Entered foo : ")
    ; bar
    ; debug(!"After bar : ")
    ; baz

The use of debug is an effective, but very intrusive approach. A more disciplined regime has been built on top of the log(|severity, msg) and lognl(|severity, msg) strategies. (See Chapter 25 for details on log and lognl). The higher-level strategies you should focus on are fatal-err-msg(|msg), err-msg(|msg), warn-msg(|msg) and notice-msg(|msg).

It is recommended that you insert calls to these strategies at places where your code detects potential and actual problems. During normal execution of your program, the output from the various -msg strategies is silenced. Provided you allow Stratego to deal with the I/O and command line options, as explained in Chapter 26, the user (or the developer doing debugging) can use the --verbose option to adjust which messages he wants to be printed as part of program execution. This way, you get adjustable levels of tracing output, without having to change your code by inserting and removing calls to debug, and without having to recompile.

30.1.3. Common Pitfalls

Some types of errors seem to be more common than others. Awareness of these will help you avoid them in your code.

Strategy and Rule Overloading.  The way Stratego invokes strategies and rules may be a bit unconventional to some people. We have already seen that the language allows overloading on name, i.e. you can have multiple strategies with the same name, and also multiple rules with the same name. You can even have rules and strategies which share a common name. When invoking a name, say s, all rules and strategies with that name will be considered. During execution the alternatives are tried in some order, until one succeeds. The language does not specify the order which the alternatives will be tried.

 If(t, e1, e2) -> If(t, e1', e2')
     <simplify> e1 => e1'
   ; <simplify> e2 => e2'
 If(False, e1, e2) -> e2

When Eval is called, execution may never end up in the second case, even though it the current term is an If term, with the condition subterm being just the False term.

If you want to control the order in which a set of rules should be tried, you must name each alternative rule differently, and place them behind a strategy that specifies the priority, e.g:

  If(t, e1, e2) -> If(t, e1', e2')
     <simplify> e1 => e1'
   ; <simplify> e2 => e2'

  If(False, e1, e2) -> e2
  Eval = EvalIfCond <+ SimplifyIf

Combinator Precedence.  The precedence of the composition operator (;) is higher than that of the choice operators (<+,+, >+). This means that the expression s1 < s2 ; s3 should be read as s1 < (s2 ; s3), and similarly for non-deterministic choice (+) and right choice (>+). See Section 15.3 for a more detailed treatment.

Guarded Choice vs if-then-else The difference between if s1 then s2 else s3 end and s1 < s2 + s3 (guarded choice) is whether or not the result after s1 is passed on to the branches. For if-then-else, s2 (or s3) will be applied to the original term, that is, the effects of s1 are unrolled before proceeding to the branches. With the guarded choice, this unrolling does not happen. Refer to Section 15.3.2 for details.

Variable Scoping.  Stratego enforces a functional style, with scoped variables. Once a variable has been initialized to a value inside a given scope, it cannot be changed. Variables are immutable. Any attempt at changing the value inside this scope will result in a failure. This is generally a Good Thing, but may at times be the cause of subtle coding errors. Consider the code below:

stratego> <map(\ x -> y where !x => y \)> [1]
stratego> <map(\ x -> y where !x => y \)> [1,1,1,1]
stratego> <map(\ x -> y where !x => y \)> [1,2,3,4]
command failed

Apparently, the map expression works for a singleton list, a list with all equal elements, but not lists with four different elements. Why? Let us break this conondrum into pieces and attack it piece by piece.

First, the inline rule \ x -> y where !x => y \ will be applied to each element in the list, by map. For each element, it will bind x to the element, then build x and assign the result to y. Thus, for each element in the list, we will assign this element to y. This explains why it works for lists with only one element; we never reassign to y. But why does it work for lists of four equal elements? Because the rule about immutability is not violated: we do not change the value of y by reassigning the same value to it, so Stratego allows us to do this.

But why does this happen? We clearly stated that we want a local rule here. The gotcha is that Stratego separates control of scopes from the local rules. A separate scoping construct, {y: s} must be used to control the scoping of variables. If no scoping has been specified, the scope of a variable will be that of its enclosing named strategy. Thus, the code above must be written:

stratego> <map({y: \ x -> y where !x => y \})> [1,2,3,4]

It may be a bit surprising that this works. We have not said anything about x, so logically, we should not be able to change this variable either. The difference between x and y is that x is a pattern variable. Its lifetime is restricted to the local rule. At first glance, this may seem a bit arbitrary, but after you code a bit of Stratego, it will quickly feel natural.

30.2. Debugging XT compositions

The XT component model is based on Unix pipes. Debugging XT compositions can therefore be done using many of the familiar Unix command line tools.

Checking XTC registrations.  Whenever you call XTC components using xtc-transform, the location of the component you are calling is looked up in a component registry. When invoking a component fails, it may be because the component you are calling has been removed. Checking the registrations inside a component registry is done using the xtc command:

# xtc -r /usr/local/apps/dryad/share/dryad/XTC q -a
dryad (0.1pre11840) : /usr/local/apps/dryad/dryad
dryad.m4 (0.1pre11840) : /usr/local/apps/dryad/share/dryad/dryad.m4

The -r option is used to specify which registry you want to inspect. The path given to -r must be the XTC registry file of your installed program transformation system that you built with Stratego/XT. By default, xtc will work on the Stratego/XT XTC repository, and only list the components provided by Stratego/XT. This is seldom what you want.

XTC registries are hierarchical. The XTC repository of your project imports (refers back to) the other projects you used in your build process, such as Stratego/XT itself. The component list you get from xtc when giving it your repository is therefore a full closure of all components visible to transformations in your project.

Now that you know how to obtain the paths for all XT components, it is easy to determine that they actually exist at the locations recorded, and that the access rights are correct.

Programs such as strace may also be useful at the lowest level of debugging, to see which parameters are passed between components, whether a given component is located correctly, and whether execution of a given component succeeds.

Format Checking.  Each component in a system built with Stratego/XT accepts a term, definable by some grammar, and outputs another term, also definable by a (possibly the same) grammar. During debugging of XT compositions, it is useful to check that the data flowing between the various components actually conform to the defined grammars. It is not always the case that the grammar in question has been defined, but you are highly encouraged to do so, see Chapter 8 for how to define regular tree grammars.

Once you have a formal declaration of your data, in the form of a regular tree grammar, you can insert calls to the format-check between your XT components to verify data correctness, i.e. the correctness of the terms.

  ast2il = 
      xtc-transform(!"format-check", !["--rtg", "language-ast.rtg"])
    ; xtc-transform(!"ast2il")
    ; xtc-transform(!"format-check", !["--rtg", "language-il.rtg"])

The ast2il component transforms from the abstract syntax tree representation of a given language to an intermediate language (IL). format-check is used to verify that the AST passed to ast2il is well-formed, and that the result obtained from ast2il is also well-formed.

Tool Debugging Options.  Most of the XT tools accept a common set of options useful when debugging. These include --keep, for adjusting the amount of intermediate results you want to keep as separate files on disk after transformation, --verbose for adjusting the level of debugging information printed by the tool, and --statistics for displaying runtime statistics.

30.3. Debugging SDF definitions

The SDF toolkit comes with some very useful debugging aids. The first is the sdfchecker command, which will analyze your SDF definition and offer a list of issues it finds. You do not need to invoke sdfchecker directly. It is invoked by the sdf2table by default, whenever you generate a parse table from a syntax definition. Be advised that the issues pointed to by sdfchecker are not always errors. Nontheless, it is usually prudent to fix them.

The other SDF debugging tool is the visamb command. visamb is used to display ambiguities in parse trees. Its usage is detailed in the command reference (visamb).

Pitfalls with Concrete Syntax.  Doing transformations with concrete syntax in Stratego, as explained in Chapter 19 depends in the correct placement of .meta files. When creating, splitting, moving or removing Stratego source files (.str files), it is important that you bring along the accompanying .meta files.

Another thing to be aware of with concrete syntax, is the presence of reserved meta variables. Typically, x, xs, e, t and f have a reserved meaning inside the concrete syntax fragments as being meta variables, i.e. variables in the Stratego language, not in the object language.

A final stumbling block is the general problem of ambiguities in the syntax definition. While SDF allows you to write ambiguous grammars, and sglr accepts these gracefully, you are not allowed to have ambiguous syntax fragments in your Stratego code. In cases where the Stratego compiler (strc) fails due to ambiguous fragments, you can run parse-stratego on your source code to see exactly which parts are ambiguous. The visamb tool should then be applied to the output from parse-stratego to visualize the ambiguities.

Stratego/XT Examples

Eelco Visser

Delft University of Technology

Karl Trygve Kalleberg

Universitetet i Bergen

List of Figures

2.1. file: til/xmpl/test1.til
2.2. file: til/syn/TIL-layout.sdf
2.3. file: til/syn/TIL-literals.sdf
2.4. file: til/syn/TIL-expressions.sdf
2.5. file: til/syn/TIL-statements.sdf
2.6. file: til/syn/TIL-calls.sdf
2.7. file: til/syn/TIL.sdf
2.8. file: til/syn/maak
2.9. file: til/syn/TIL.def
2.10. file: til/xmpl/parse-test
2.11. file: til/xmpl/test1.atil
2.12. file: til/sig/maak
2.13. file: til/sig/TIL.rtg
2.14. file: til/sig/TIL.str
2.15. file: til/xmpl/fc-test1
2.16. file: til/xmpl/test1.atil.fc
2.17. file: til/xmpl/test1-wrong.atil
2.18. file: til/xmpl/fc-test2
2.19. file: til/xmpl/test1-wrong.atil.fc
2.20. file: til/pp/maak
2.21. file: til/pp/TIL.pp
2.22. file: til/xmpl/pp-test1
2.23. file: til/xmpl/test1.txt1
2.24. file: til/pp/TIL-pretty.pp
2.25. file: til/xmpl/test1.txt2
2.26. file: til/xmpl/pp-test3
2.27. file: til/xmpl/test2.atil
2.28. file: til/xmpl/test2.txt1
2.29. file: til/xmpl/test2.atil.par
2.30. file: til/xmpl/test2.txt2
2.31. file: til/xmpl/til-process
3.1. file: til/sim/til-eval.str
3.2. file: til/sim/til-desugar.str
3.3. file: til/sim/til-simplify.str
3.4. file: til/sim/maak
3.5. file: til/xmpl/simplify-test
4.1. file: til/renaming/til-rename-vars.str
4.2. file: til/xmpl/rename-test
5.1. file: til/tc/til-typecheck.str
5.2. file: til/tc/til-typecheck-exp.str
5.3. file: til/tc/til-typecheck-stats.str
5.4. file: til/tc/til-typecheck-var.str
5.5. file: til/xmpl/typecheck-test1
6.1. file: til/run/til-eval-exp.str
6.2. file: til/run/til-eval-var.str
6.3. file: til/run/til-eval-stats.str
6.4. file: til/run/til-run.str
6.5. file: til/run/maak
6.6. file: til/xmpl/run-test1
6.7. file: til/xmpl/
7.1. file: til/opt/til-opt-lib.str
7.2. file: til/xmpl/propconst-test2
7.3. file: til/opt/til-propconst.str
7.4. file: til/xmpl/copyprop-test2
7.5. file: til/opt/til-copyprop.str
7.6. file: til/opt/til-copyprop-rev.str
7.7. file: til/xmpl/cse-test2
7.8. file: til/opt/til-cse.str
7.9. file: til/opt/til-forward-subst.str
7.10. file: til/xmpl/dce-test2
7.11. file: til/opt/til-dce.str
7.12. file: til/opt/maak
9.1. file: til/til-eblock/TIL-eblocks.sdf
9.2. file: til/til-eblock/til-eblock-desugar.str
9.3. file: til/xmpl/eblock-desugar-test2

Chapter 1. Introduction

1.1. Software Transformations

Program source code is the raw material produced by the software industry. Rather than being an end product, this material requires further processing to turn it into useful products. Compilation, program generation, domain-specific optimization and reverse-engineering are some examples of such processing. All these processes require the manipulation of program source code. In fact, all such manipulations can be viewed as transformations of a program to a derived program. (Here the notion of `program' is interpreted broadly, and includes all kinds of artifacts used in the composition of software systems, including configuration and data files, as long as there contents conform to some formal language.) Hence, software transformation is the unifying notion underlying automatic program processing.

To reach a higher level of automation in software engineering, the use of automatic software transformation is indispensable. However, the realization of software transformation systems is hard. Parts of the process, such as parsing, are supported by generative techniques, but most aspects require hard work. The effective implementation of software transformation systems is a barrier for the wide adoption of software transformation in software engineering. Most transformation techniques used in practice are based on textual generation and manipulation, which poses limitations on what can be done and is error-prone.

The examples contained in the next chapters show how to do software transformation in a structured and robust way. They are all implemented using the Stratego/XT framework. This framework provides a versatile collection of transformation tools that can be applied to transformation of source code as well as documents. The goal of this example-based tutorial is to show how Stratego/XT is applied to practical problems, and is complimentary to the Stratego/XT Tutorial.

1.2. Introducing Stratego/XT

Stratego/XT is a framework for the implementation of transformation systems based on structural representations of programs. This structured representation avoids the limitations and brittleness found in the text-based approaches. Stratego/XT consists of two major parts: XT, a component architecture and collection of components for basic transformation infrastructure, such as parsing and pretty-printing; and Stratego, a strategic term rewriting language for implementing new, custom components.

Together, Stratego and XT aim to provide better productivity in the development of transformation systems through the use of high-level representations, domain-specific languages, and generative programming for various aspects of transformation systems: ATerms for program representation, SDF for syntax definition and parsing, GPP for pretty-printing, Stratego for transformation, XTC for transformation tool composition, and the XT tools for the generation of intermediate products needed in the construction of transformation systems.

The XTC composition system allows the combination of ready-made components found in the XT architecture with new components written in Stratego. This makes Stratego/XT a scalable and flexible environment for developing stand-alone transformation systems.

1.3. Software

To build transformation systems using Stratego/XT you need the following software packages:

  • ATerm Library: library used for structured representation of programs

  • SDF2 Bundle: parser generator and parser for the SDF2 grammar formalism

  • Stratego/XT: the Stratego compiler and the XT tools

The packages are distributed as source files, and installation follows the normal Unix configure and make style. For some operating systems, ready-made packages are also provided. A complete account of the installation procedure for these packages is given in Chapter 2 of the Stratego/XT Tutorial.

Additionally, the following packages will be necessary to get full benefit of all the examples. These packages are not strictly required for building Stratego/XT programs, however.

Once you have this software installed and ready to use on your workstation, you are ready to proceed with testing the examples contained in the next chapters.

1.4. Overview

This tutorial gives an introduction to transformation with Stratego/XT by means of a number of examples that show typical ways of organizing transformation systems. The tutorial is divided into a number of parts, each part dedicated to a particular source language. For each language we show how to define its syntax, create a pretty-printer, and implement a number of transformations. In addition, we show which tools to use to generate parsers from syntax definitions, derive pretty-printers from syntax definitions, and compile transformation programs. The source code of the examples can be downloaded as well, so that you can repeat the experiments from the tutorial and add your own experiments.

1.4.1. TIL: A Tiny Imperative Language

The first example in the tutorial is a tiny imperative language (TIL), which has assignment statements, sequences of statements, and structured control-flow.

For this simple language we define a complete syntax definition, and show how to generate from it a parser, signature, format checker, and pretty-print table. Based on these ingredients we explain how to create a typical transformation pipeline (without any transformations yet).

Next we show how to define a number of typical transformations such as desugaring, bound variable renaming, interpretation, and data-flow transformations.

1.4.2. BibTeX Transformations

BibTeX is a small domain-specific data language for bibliographic information. It is included in the examples collection to show how Stratego/XT can be applied to document processing. In the second part of this tutorial we show the syntax definition for BibTeX and a number of transformations on BibTeX documents.

1.4.3. Tiger

Tiger is the example language in Andrew Appel's compiler textbook series. It is a small imperative language, yet non-trivial with nested functions, arrays and records. The Tiger Base package provides a syntax definition, interpreter, pretty-printer, type checker, and a number of source to source transformations.

1.4.4. Other Applications

This tutorial is not complete. There are many other examples of applications of Stratego that are not (yet) covered by this tutorial. Here are some examples:

  • Analysis: check that variables are defined before use

  • Typechecking: check that variables are used consistently

  • Partial evaluation: specialize programs on specific inputs

  • Custom pretty-printing

  • Configuration and deployment

  • Domain-specific languages: implementation, compilation, optimization

  • Code generation: from specifications, high-level languages

  • Language embedding and assimilation

You are welcome to contribute examples, or request for examples of particular types of applications.

Part I. A Tiny Imperative Language

Chapter 2. Syntax Definition and Pretty-Printing

2.1. TIL: a Tiny Imperative Language

This chapter shows how to define a syntax definition in SDF and how to derive a number of artifacts from such a definition, i.e., a parser, a pretty-printer, and a Stratego signature. The chapter also introduces TIL, a Tiny Imperative Language, which is used in many of the examples.

TIL is a tiny imperative language designed for the demonstration of language and transformation definition formalisms. The language has two data-types, integers and strings. A TIL program consists of a list of statements, which can be variable declarations, assignments, I/O instructions, and control-flow statements. Statements can use expressions to compute values from integer and string constants, and the values of variables.

The following example gives an impression of the language.

Figure 2.1. file: til/xmpl/test1.til

// TIL program computing the factorial

var n;
n := readint();
var x;
var fact;
fact := 1;
for x := 1 to n do
  fact := x * fact;
write("factorial of ");
write(" is ");

2.2. Syntax Definition

This section shows a modular definition of the syntax of TIL, the generation of a parse table from that definition, and its use for parsing program texts into abstract syntax trees.

2.2.1. Modules

The following files define the syntax of TIL in the syntax definition formalism SDF. SDF is a modular formalism that supports the definition of lexical and context-free syntax. Modularity entails that a syntax definition can be composed from multiple modules, and that such modules can be reused in multiple syntax definitions. Also, syntax definitions of different languages can be combined. Layout

Module TIL-layout defines the syntax of LAYOUT, the symbols that occur between every two context-free non-terminals. This is the way to introduce the whitespace and comments for a language. The definition uses character classes to indicate classes of characters. For instance, whitespace consists of spaces, tabs, newlines, and carriage returns. Likewise, comments consist of two slashes followed by zero or more characters which are not newlines or carriage returns. The follow restriction prevents ambiguities in parsing layout.

Figure 2.2. file: til/syn/TIL-layout.sdf

module TIL-layout
  lexical syntax
    [\ \t\n\r]    -> LAYOUT
    "//" ~[\n\r]* -> LAYOUT
  context-free restrictions
    LAYOUT? -/- [\ \t\n\r] Literals

Module TIL-literals defines the syntax of identifiers, integer constants, and string literals. Note again the use of character classes to indicate collections of characters and regular expressions to indicate lists of zero or more (*), or one or more (+) elements. String characters (StrChar) are any characters other than double quote, backslash, or newline, and escaped versions of these characters.

Figure 2.3. file: til/syn/TIL-literals.sdf

module TIL-literals
  sorts Id Int String StrChar
  lexical syntax
    [A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9]* -> Id
    [0-9]+               -> Int
    "\"" StrChar* "\""   -> String
    ~[\"\\\n]            -> StrChar
    [\\][\"\\n]          -> StrChar
  lexical restrictions
    Id  -/- [A-Za-z0-9]
    Int -/- [0-9] Expressions

Module TIL-expressions defines the syntax of expressions that compute a value. Basic expressions are identifiers (variables), integer constants, and string literals. More complex expressions are obtained by the arithmetic and relational operators. The constructor attributes of productions (e.g., cons("Add")) indicates the constructor to be used in the construction of an abstract syntax tree from a parse tree. Ambiguities of and between productions are solved by means of associativity and priority declarations.

Figure 2.4. file: til/syn/TIL-expressions.sdf

module TIL-expressions
imports TIL-literals
  sorts Exp
  context-free syntax
    "true"       -> Exp {cons("True")}
    "false"      -> Exp {cons("False")}
    Id           -> Exp {cons("Var")}
    Int          -> Exp {cons("Int")}
    String       -> Exp {cons("String")}
    Exp "*" Exp  -> Exp {cons("Mul"),assoc}
    Exp "/" Exp  -> Exp {cons("Div"),assoc}
    Exp "%" Exp  -> Exp {cons("Mod"),non-assoc}
    Exp "+" Exp  -> Exp {cons("Add"),assoc}
    Exp "-" Exp  -> Exp {cons("Sub"),left}
    Exp "<" Exp  -> Exp {cons("Lt"),non-assoc}
    Exp ">" Exp  -> Exp {cons("Gt"),non-assoc}
    Exp "<=" Exp -> Exp {cons("Leq"),non-assoc}
    Exp ">=" Exp -> Exp {cons("Geq"),non-assoc}
    Exp "=" Exp  -> Exp {cons("Equ"),non-assoc}
    Exp "!=" Exp -> Exp {cons("Neq"),non-assoc}
    Exp "&" Exp  -> Exp {cons("And"),assoc}
    Exp "|" Exp  -> Exp {cons("Or"),assoc}
    "(" Exp ")"  -> Exp {bracket}
  context-free priorities
       Exp "*" Exp -> Exp 
       Exp "/" Exp -> Exp }
  > {left: 
       Exp "+" Exp -> Exp 
       Exp "-" Exp -> Exp }
  > {non-assoc: 
       Exp "<" Exp  -> Exp 
       Exp ">" Exp  -> Exp
       Exp "<=" Exp -> Exp 
       Exp ">=" Exp -> Exp
       Exp "="  Exp -> Exp 
       Exp "!=" Exp -> Exp }
  > Exp "&" Exp  -> Exp
  > Exp "|" Exp  -> Exp Statements

Module TIL-statements defines the syntax of statements, i.e., instructions to be executed. The assignment statement assigns the value of the right-hand side expression to the variable in the left-hand side. The read and write statements read a value from standard input or write a value to standard output. The control-flow constructs use lists of statements.

Figure 2.5. file: til/syn/TIL-statements.sdf

module TIL-statements
imports TIL-expressions TIL-types
  sorts Stat
  context-free syntax
    "var" Id ";"			                    -> Stat {cons("Declaration")}
    "var" Id ":" Type ";"			            -> Stat {cons("DeclarationTyped")}
    Id ":=" Exp ";"                             -> Stat {cons("Assign")}
    "begin" Stat* "end"                         -> Stat {cons("Block")}
    "if" Exp "then" Stat* "end"                 -> Stat {cons("IfThen")}
    "if" Exp "then" Stat* "else" Stat* "end"    -> Stat {cons("IfElse")}
    "while" Exp "do" Stat* "end"                -> Stat {cons("While")}
    "for" Id ":=" Exp "to" Exp "do" Stat* "end" -> Stat {cons("For")} Function and Procedure Calls

Module TIL-calls defines the syntax of function and procedure calls. Even though TIL does not have function definitions, it is useful to be able to call primitive functions and procedures.

Figure 2.6. file: til/syn/TIL-calls.sdf

module TIL-calls
imports TIL-expressions TIL-statements
  context-free syntax
    Id "(" {Exp ","}* ")"     -> Exp  {cons("FunCall")}
    Id "(" {Exp ","}* ")" ";" -> Stat {cons("ProcCall")} Programs

Module TIL (Figure 2.7) defines the syntax of the complete language by importing the modules above, and defining a Program as a list of statements. In addition, the module introduces a start-symbol. This is the sort that a parser will start parsing with. There may be multiple start symbols.

Figure 2.7. file: til/syn/TIL.sdf

module TIL
imports TIL-layout TIL-literals TIL-expressions TIL-statements TIL-calls
  sorts Program
  context-free syntax
    Stat* -> Program {cons("Program")}

  context-free start-symbols Program

2.2.2. Parse Table Generation

The following maak script first collects the modules of the syntax definition and then generates a parse table. The result of pack-sdf is a `definition' file (as opposed to a single module file, as we saw above) that contains all modules imported by the main module, TIL.sdf in this case (Figure 2.9). The parser generator sdf2table creates a parse table from a syntax definition. Note the use of the -m flag to indicate the main module from which to generate the table. The parse table (TIL.tbl) is a file in ATerm format, that is interpreted by the sglri tool to parse text files.

Figure 2.8. file: til/syn/maak

#! /bin/sh -e

# collect modules 
pack-sdf -i TIL.sdf -o TIL.def

# generate parse table
sdf2table -i TIL.def -o TIL.tbl -m TIL

Figure 2.9. file: til/syn/TIL.def

module TIL-calls
imports TIL-expressions TIL-statements
  context-free syntax
    Id "(" {Exp ","}* ")"     -> Exp  {cons("FunCall")}
    Id "(" {Exp ","}* ")" ";" -> Stat {cons("ProcCall")}

module TIL-types
imports TIL-literals
 sorts Type
  context-free syntax
    Id -> Type {cons("TypeName")}

module TIL-statements
imports TIL-expressions TIL-types
  sorts Stat
  context-free syntax
    "var" Id ";"			                    -> Stat {cons("Declaration")}
    "var" Id ":" Type ";"			            -> Stat {cons("DeclarationTyped")}
    Id ":=" Exp ";"                             -> Stat {cons("Assign")}
    "begin" Stat* "end"                         -> Stat {cons("Block")}
    "if" Exp "then" Stat* "end"                 -> Stat {cons("IfThen")}
    "if" Exp "then" Stat* "else" Stat* "end"    -> Stat {cons("IfElse")}
    "while" Exp "do" Stat* "end"                -> Stat {cons("While")}
    "for" Id ":=" Exp "to" Exp "do" Stat* "end" -> Stat {cons("For")}

module TIL-expressions
imports TIL-literals
  sorts Exp
  context-free syntax
    "true"       -> Exp {cons("True")}
    "false"      -> Exp {cons("False")}
    Id           -> Exp {cons("Var")}
    Int          -> Exp {cons("Int")}
    String       -> Exp {cons("String")}
    Exp "*" Exp  -> Exp {cons("Mul"),assoc}
    Exp "/" Exp  -> Exp {cons("Div"),assoc}
    Exp "%" Exp  -> Exp {cons("Mod"),non-assoc}
    Exp "+" Exp  -> Exp {cons("Add"),assoc}
    Exp "-" Exp  -> Exp {cons("Sub"),left}
    Exp "<" Exp  -> Exp {cons("Lt"),non-assoc}
    Exp ">" Exp  -> Exp {cons("Gt"),non-assoc}
    Exp "<=" Exp -> Exp {cons("Leq"),non-assoc}
    Exp ">=" Exp -> Exp {cons("Geq"),non-assoc}
    Exp "=" Exp  -> Exp {cons("Equ"),non-assoc}
    Exp "!=" Exp -> Exp {cons("Neq"),non-assoc}
    Exp "&" Exp  -> Exp {cons("And"),assoc}
    Exp "|" Exp  -> Exp {cons("Or"),assoc}
    "(" Exp ")"  -> Exp {bracket}
  context-free priorities
       Exp "*" Exp -> Exp 
       Exp "/" Exp -> Exp }
  > {left: 
       Exp "+" Exp -> Exp 
       Exp "-" Exp -> Exp }
  > {non-assoc: 
       Exp "<" Exp  -> Exp 
       Exp ">" Exp  -> Exp
       Exp "<=" Exp -> Exp 
       Exp ">=" Exp -> Exp
       Exp "="  Exp -> Exp 
       Exp "!=" Exp -> Exp }
  > Exp "&" Exp  -> Exp
  > Exp "|" Exp  -> Exp

module TIL-literals
  sorts Id Int String StrChar
  lexical syntax
    [A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9]* -> Id
    [0-9]+               -> Int
    "\"" StrChar* "\""   -> String
    ~[\"\\\n]            -> StrChar
    [\\][\"\\n]          -> StrChar
  lexical restrictions
    Id  -/- [A-Za-z0-9]
    Int -/- [0-9]

module TIL-layout
  lexical syntax
    [\ \t\n\r]    -> LAYOUT
    "//" ~[\n\r]* -> LAYOUT
  context-free restrictions
    LAYOUT? -/- [\ \t\n\r]

module TIL
imports TIL-layout TIL-literals TIL-expressions TIL-statements TIL-calls
  sorts Program
  context-free syntax
    Stat* -> Program {cons("Program")}

  context-free start-symbols Program

2.2.3. Parsing Programs

The sglri tool parses a text file given a parse table generated by sdf2table. The result is an abstract syntax term in the ATerm format. In order to inspect this term it is useful to `pretty-print' it using the pp-aterm tool. Compare the resulting term with the program in Figure 2.1.

Figure 2.10. file: til/xmpl/parse-test

# parse input file
sglri -p ../syn/TIL.tbl -i test1.til -o test1.ast

# `pretty-print' abstract syntax term
pp-aterm -i test1.ast -o test1.atil

Figure 2.11. file: til/xmpl/test1.atil

  [ Declaration("n")
  , Assign("n", FunCall("readint", []))
  , Declaration("x")
  , Declaration("fact")
  , Assign("fact", Int("1"))
  , For(
    , Int("1")
    , Var("n")
    , [Assign("fact", Mul(Var("x"), Var("fact")))]
  , ProcCall("write", [String("\"factorial of \"")])
  , ProcCall("writeint", [Var("n")])
  , ProcCall("write", [String("\" is \"")])
  , ProcCall("writeint", [Var("fact")])
  , ProcCall("write", [String("\"\\n\"")])

2.3. Term Format

The result of parsing a text is an abstract syntax tree represented by means of an ATerm. When produced by a parser, one can be sure that an ATerm has the right format, since it was derived directly from a parse tree. However, terms can also be produced by other components, e.g., be the result of a transformation. In those cases it may worthwhile to check that the term is well-formed according to some schema. In Stratego/XT tree schemas are described by Regular Tree Grammars (RTGs). Stratego signatures are used within Stratego programs to verify some aspects of Stratego programs. RTGs and signatures can be derived automatically from a syntax definition in SDF.

The following maak scripts derives from a syntax definition first an RTG, and from the RTG a Stratego signature.

Figure 2.12. file: til/sig/maak

#! /bin/sh -e

# generate regular tree grammar from syntax definition
sdf2rtg -i ../syn/TIL.def -o TIL.rtg -m TIL

# generate Stratego signature from regular tree grammar
rtg2sig -i TIL.rtg -o TIL.str 

2.3.1. Regular Tree Grammars

A regular tree grammar defines well-formedness rules for a set of trees (or terms). The following regular tree grammar has been generated from the syntax definition of TIL and precisely describes the abstract syntax trees of TIL programs.

Figure 2.13. file: til/sig/TIL.rtg

regular tree grammar
  start Program
    ListStarOfStat0    -> ListPlusOfStat0
    ListStarOfStat0    -> <nil>()
    ListStarOfStat0    -> <conc>(ListStarOfStat0,ListStarOfStat0)
    ListPlusOfStat0    -> <conc>(ListStarOfStat0,ListPlusOfStat0)
    ListPlusOfStat0    -> <conc>(ListPlusOfStat0,ListStarOfStat0)
    ListPlusOfStat0    -> <conc>(ListPlusOfStat0,ListPlusOfStat0)
    ListPlusOfStat0    -> <cons>(Stat,ListStarOfStat0)
    ListStarOfExp0     -> ListPlusOfExp0
    ListStarOfExp0     -> <nil>()
    ListStarOfExp0     -> <conc>(ListStarOfExp0,ListStarOfExp0)
    ListPlusOfExp0     -> <conc>(ListStarOfExp0,ListPlusOfExp0)
    ListPlusOfExp0     -> <conc>(ListPlusOfExp0,ListStarOfExp0)
    ListPlusOfExp0     -> <conc>(ListPlusOfExp0,ListPlusOfExp0)
    ListPlusOfExp0     -> <cons>(Exp,ListStarOfExp0)
    ListStarOfStrChar0 -> <string>
    ListPlusOfStrChar0 -> <string>
    Program            -> Program(ListStarOfStat0)
    Stat               -> ProcCall(Id,ListStarOfExp0)
    Exp                -> FunCall(Id,ListStarOfExp0)
    Stat               -> For(Id,Exp,Exp,ListStarOfStat0)
    Stat               -> While(Exp,ListStarOfStat0)
    Stat               -> IfElse(Exp,ListStarOfStat0,ListStarOfStat0)
    Stat               -> IfThen(Exp,ListStarOfStat0)
    Stat               -> Block(ListStarOfStat0)
    Stat               -> Assign(Id,Exp)
    Stat               -> DeclarationTyped(Id,Type)
    Stat               -> Declaration(Id)
    Type               -> TypeName(Id)
    Exp                -> Or(Exp,Exp)
    Exp                -> And(Exp,Exp)
    Exp                -> Neq(Exp,Exp)
    Exp                -> Equ(Exp,Exp)
    Exp                -> Geq(Exp,Exp)
    Exp                -> Leq(Exp,Exp)
    Exp                -> Gt(Exp,Exp)
    Exp                -> Lt(Exp,Exp)
    Exp                -> Sub(Exp,Exp)
    Exp                -> Add(Exp,Exp)
    Exp                -> Mod(Exp,Exp)
    Exp                -> Div(Exp,Exp)
    Exp                -> Mul(Exp,Exp)
    Exp                -> String(String)
    Exp                -> Int(Int)
    Exp                -> Var(Id)
    Exp                -> False()
    Exp                -> True()
    StrChar            -> <string>
    String             -> <string>
    Int                -> <string>
    Id                 -> <string>

2.3.2. Signatures

Algebraic signatures are similar to regular tree grammars. Stratego requires signatures for the declaration of term constructors to be used in transformation programs. The following Stratego signature is generated from the regular tree grammar above, and thus describes the constructors of TIL abstract syntax trees.

Figure 2.14. file: til/sig/TIL.str

module TIL

    Program          : List(Stat) -> Program
    ProcCall         : Id * List(Exp) -> Stat
    For              : Id * Exp * Exp * List(Stat) -> Stat
    While            : Exp * List(Stat) -> Stat
    IfElse           : Exp * List(Stat) * List(Stat) -> Stat
    IfThen           : Exp * List(Stat) -> Stat
    Block            : List(Stat) -> Stat
    Assign           : Id * Exp -> Stat
    DeclarationTyped : Id * Type -> Stat
    Declaration      : Id -> Stat
    TypeName         : Id -> Type
    FunCall          : Id * List(Exp) -> Exp
    Or               : Exp * Exp -> Exp
    And              : Exp * Exp -> Exp
    Neq              : Exp * Exp -> Exp
    Equ              : Exp * Exp -> Exp
    Geq              : Exp * Exp -> Exp
    Leq              : Exp * Exp -> Exp
    Gt               : Exp * Exp -> Exp
    Lt               : Exp * Exp -> Exp
    Sub              : Exp * Exp -> Exp
    Add              : Exp * Exp -> Exp
    Mod              : Exp * Exp -> Exp
    Div              : Exp * Exp -> Exp
    Mul              : Exp * Exp -> Exp
    String           : String -> Exp
    Int              : Int -> Exp
    Var              : Id -> Exp
    False            : Exp
    True             : Exp
                     : String -> String
                     : String -> Int
                     : String -> Id

    Some : a -> Option(a)
    None : Option(a)

    Cons : a * List(a) -> List(a)
    Nil  : List(a)
    Conc : List(a) * List(a) -> List(a)

2.3.3. Format Checking

The well-formedness of a term with respect to a regular tree grammar can be checked using the format-check tool. When well-formed the tool prints the type of the term. If not it indicates, which subterms cannot be typed. The following examples illustrate checking of a well-formed and non well-formed term.

Figure 2.15. file: til/xmpl/fc-test1

format-check --rtg ../sig/TIL.rtg -i test1.atil -s Program 2> test1.atil.fc

Figure 2.16. file: til/xmpl/test1.atil.fc

Figure 2.17. file: til/xmpl/test1-wrong.atil

  [ Declaration("fact")
  , Assig("fact", Int("1"))
  , Assign("fact", Mul("x", Var("fact")))

Figure 2.18. file: til/xmpl/fc-test2

format-check --rtg ../sig/TIL.rtg -i test1-wrong.atil -s Program 2> test1-wrong.atil.fc

Figure 2.19. file: til/xmpl/test1-wrong.atil.fc

error: cannot type Assig("fact",Int("1"))
    inferred types of subterms: 
    typed "fact" as String, Int, Id, <string>
    typed Int("1") as Exp
error: cannot type Mul("x",Var("fact"))
    inferred types of subterms: 
    typed "x" as String, Int, Id, <string>
    typed Var("fact") as Exp

2.4. Pretty-Printing

After transforming a program we need to turn it into a program text again. Unparsing is the reverse of parsing and turns an abstract syntax tree into a text. Pretty-printing is unparsing with an attempt at creating a readable program text. There is a direct correspondence between abstract syntax trees and the program text from which they were produced defined by the syntax definition. This can be used in the other direction as well to generate a pretty-printer from a syntax definition. The following maak script generates from the TIL syntax definition a pretty-print table TIL.pp using ppgen and a parenthesizer using sdf2parenthesize. The latter is a Stratego program, which is compiled using the Stratego compiler strc.

Figure 2.20. file: til/pp/maak

#! /bin/sh -e

# generate pretty-print table from syntax definition
ppgen -i ../syn/TIL.def -o TIL.pp

# generate program to insert parentheses
sdf2parenthesize -i ../syn/TIL.def -o til-parenthesize.str -m TIL --lang TIL

# compile the generated program
strc -i til-parenthesize.str -I ../sig -m io-til-parenthesize -la stratego-lib

2.4.1. Pretty-Print Table

A pretty-print table defines a mapping from abstract syntax trees to expressions in the Box Formatting Language. The following pretty-print table is generated from the syntax definition for TIL. It is a default table and only ensures that the program text resulting from pretty-printing is syntactically correct, not that it is actually pretty.

Figure 2.21. file: til/pp/TIL.pp

   FunCall                  -- _1 KW["("] _2 KW[")"],
   FunCall.2:iter-star-sep  -- _1 KW[","],
   ProcCall                 -- _1 KW["("] _2 KW[")"] KW[";"],
   ProcCall.2:iter-star-sep -- _1 KW[","],
   TypeName                 -- _1,
   Declaration              -- KW["var"] _1 KW[";"],
   DeclarationTyped         -- KW["var"] _1 KW[":"] _2 KW[";"],
   Assign                   -- _1 KW[":="] _2 KW[";"],
   Block                    -- V  [V vs=2 [KW["begin"] _1] KW["end"]],
   Block.1:iter-star        -- _1,
   IfThen                   -- KW["if"] _1 KW["then"] _2 KW["end"],
   IfThen.2:iter-star       -- _1,
   IfElse                   -- KW["if"] _1 KW["then"] _2 KW["else"] _3 KW["end"],
   IfElse.2:iter-star       -- _1,
   IfElse.3:iter-star       -- _1,
   While                    -- KW["while"] _1 KW["do"] _2 KW["end"],
   While.2:iter-star        -- _1,
   For                      -- KW["for"] _1 KW[":="] _2 KW["to"] _3 KW["do"] _4 KW["end"],
   For.4:iter-star          -- _1,
   True                     -- KW["true"],
   False                    -- KW["false"],
   Var                      -- _1,
   Int                      -- _1,
   String                   -- _1,
   Mul                      -- _1 KW["*"] _2,
   Div                      -- _1 KW["/"] _2,
   Mod                      -- _1 KW["%"] _2,
   Add                      -- _1 KW["+"] _2,
   Sub                      -- _1 KW["-"] _2,
   Lt                       -- _1 KW["<"] _2,
   Gt                       -- _1 KW[">"] _2,
   Leq                      -- _1 KW["<="] _2,
   Geq                      -- _1 KW[">="] _2,
   Equ                      -- _1 KW["="] _2,
   Neq                      -- _1 KW["!="] _2,
   And                      -- _1 KW["&"] _2,
   Or                       -- _1 KW["|"] _2,
   Program                  -- _1,
   Program.1:iter-star      -- _1

2.4.2. Applying Pretty-Print Tables

A pretty-print table is applied using the ast2text tool, which translates an abstract syntax term to text given a pretty-print table. (In fact, ast2text is a composition of ast2abox and abox2text.) The pp-test1 script shows how to use a pretty-print table. The result of unparsing the AST for the test1.til program is clearly not very pretty, but it is a syntactically correct TIL program. This is tested by the subsequent commands in the script, which parse the test1.txt1 program and compare the resulting AST to the original AST. It turns out that the two programs have the exact same AST.

Figure 2.22. file: til/xmpl/pp-test1

# abstract syntax term to text
ast2text -p ../pp/TIL.pp -i test1.atil -o test1.txt1

# test unparsed code
sglri -p ../syn/TIL.tbl -i test1.txt1 | pp-aterm -o test1.atxt1

# test if the terms are the same
diff test1.atil test1.atxt1

Figure 2.23. file: til/xmpl/test1.txt1

var n ; n := readint (  ) ; var x ; var fact ; fact := 1 ; for x := 1 to n do
fact := x * fact ; end write ( "factorial of " ) ; writeint ( n ) ; write (
" is " ) ; writeint ( fact ) ; write ( "\n" ) ;

2.4.3. Adapting the Pretty-Print Table

To get more readable programs after pretty-printing we adapt the generated pretty-print table using constructs from the Box Formatting Language to indicate how each construct should be formatted.

Figure 2.24. file: til/pp/TIL-pretty.pp

   FunCall                  -- H hs=0 [_1 KW["("] H  [_2] KW[")"]],
   FunCall.2:iter-star-sep  -- H hs=0 [_1 KW[","]],
   ProcCall                 -- H hs=0 [_1 KW["("] H  [_2] KW[")"] KW[";"]],
   ProcCall.2:iter-star-sep -- H hs=0 [_1 KW[","]],
   Declaration              -- H hs=0 [H  [KW["var"] _1] KW[";"]],
   DeclarationTyped         -- H hs=0 [H  [KW["var"] _1 KW[":"] _2] KW[";"]],
   Assign                   -- H hs=0 [H  [_1 KW[":="] _2] KW[";"]],
   Read                     -- H hs=0 [H  [KW["read"] _1] KW[";"]],
   Write                    -- H hs=0 [H  [KW["write"] _1] KW[";"]],
   Block                    -- V  [V is=2 [KW["begin"] V  [_1]] KW["end"]],
   Block.1:iter-star        -- _1,
   IfThen                   -- V  [V is=2 [H  [KW["if"] _1 KW["then"]] V  [_2]] KW["end"]],
   IfThen.2:iter-star       -- _1,
   IfElse                   -- V  [V is=2 [H  [KW["if"] _1 KW["then"]] V  [_2]] V is=2 [KW["else"] V  [_3]] KW["end"]],
   IfElse.2:iter-star       -- _1,
   IfElse.3:iter-star       -- _1,
   While                    -- V  [V is=2 [H  [KW["while"] _1 KW["do"]] _2] KW["end"]],
   While.2:iter-star        -- _1,
   For                      -- V  [V is=2 [H  [KW["for"] _1 KW[":="] _2 KW["to"] _3 KW["do"]] _4] KW["end"]],
   For.4:iter-star          -- _1,
   True                     -- KW["true"],
   False                    -- KW["false"],
   Var                      -- _1,
   Int                      -- _1,
   String                   -- _1,
   Mul                      -- H hs=1 [_1 KW["*"] _2],
   Div                      -- H hs=1 [_1 KW["/"] _2],
   Mod                      -- H hs=1 [_1 KW["%"] _2],
   Add                      -- H hs=1 [_1 KW["+"] _2],
   Sub                      -- H hs=1 [_1 KW["-"] _2],
   Lt                       -- H hs=1 [_1 KW["<"] _2],
   Gt                       -- H hs=1 [_1 KW[">"] _2],
   Leq                      -- H hs=1 [_1 KW["<="] _2],
   Geq                      -- H hs=1 [_1 KW[">="] _2],
   Equ                      -- H hs=1 [_1 KW["="] _2],
   Neq                      -- H hs=1 [_1 KW["!="] _2],
   And                      -- H hs=1 [_1 KW["&"] _2],
   Or                       -- H hs=1 [_1 KW["|"] _2],
   Program                  -- V  [_1],
   Program.1:iter-star      -- _1,
   Parenthetical            -- H hs=0 ["(" _1 ")"],
   TypeName                 -- _1

Using the same procedure as before, but using the adapted pretty-print table (see til/xmpl/pp-test2) we not get a program that is much closer to the original.

Figure 2.25. file: til/xmpl/test1.txt2

var n;
n := readint();
var x;
var fact;
fact := 1;
for x := 1 to n do
  fact := x * fact;
write("factorial of ");
write(" is ");

2.4.4. Restoring Parentheses

The til-parenthesize program generated by sdf2parenthesize is a simple rewrite system with rules that add a Parenthetical constructor around subtrees that have a priority or associativity conflict with their parent node. The implementation in til/pp/til-parenthesize.str is not of interest here. The program is used before applying the pretty-print table, as illustrated with the following example. The test2.txt1 program is produced without introducing parentheses and clearly has a different meaning than the original program. The test2.txt2 program has parentheses in the right places.

Figure 2.26. file: til/xmpl/pp-test3

# pretty-print without parentheses
ast2text -p ../pp/TIL-pretty.pp -i test2.atil -o test2.txt1

# add parentheses to abstract syntax term
../pp/til-parenthesize -i test2.atil | pp-aterm -o test2.atil.par

# pretty-print without parentheses
ast2text -p ../pp/TIL-pretty.pp -i test2.atil.par -o test2.txt2

Figure 2.27. file: til/xmpl/test2.atil

  [ IfElse(
        Mul(Var("x"), Add(Var("y"), Int("10")))
      , Int("34")
    , [ Assign(
        , Div(Var("x"), Sub(Var("y"), Int("1")))
    , [ Assign(
        , Mul(Var("x"), Div(Var("y"), Int("3")))

Figure 2.28. file: til/xmpl/test2.txt1

if x * y + 10 = 34 then
  x := x / y - 1;
  x := x * y / 3;

Figure 2.29. file: til/xmpl/test2.atil.par

  [ IfElse(
        , Parenthetical(Add(Var("y"), Int("10")))
      , Int("34")
    , [ Assign(
        , Div(
          , Parenthetical(Sub(Var("y"), Int("1")))
    , [ Assign(
        , Mul(
          , Parenthetical(Div(Var("y"), Int("3")))

Figure 2.30. file: til/xmpl/test2.txt2

if x * (y + 10) = 34 then
  x := x / (y - 1);
  x := x * (y / 3);

2.5. A Complete Pipeline

Given an SDF syntax definition we can produce a parser, a format checker, a parenthesizer, and a pretty-printer. Together these tools form the basic ingredients of a transformation pipeline. The composition in til-process shows how the tools are combined. This composition is not so useful as it only turns a program in a pretty-printed version of itself. In the next chapters we'll see how this pipeline can be extended with transformation tools.

Figure 2.31. file: til/xmpl/til-process

# a parse, check, parenthesize, pretty-print pipeline

sglri -p ../syn/TIL.tbl -i $1           |\
format-check --rtg ../sig/TIL.rtg       |\
../pp/til-parenthesize                  |\
 ast2text -p ../pp/TIL-pretty.pp -o $2

Chapter 3. Simplification and Desugaring

Given the infrastructure presented in the previous chapter we can create a basic pipeline for performing transformations on abstract syntax trees. What is missing is the actual transformations to perform. In the Stratego/XT setting, we use the Stratego language for defining transformations on abstract syntax trees. In this chapter we show how to define a collection of basic term rewrite rules, and how to combine these using the standard innermost strategy to simplify TIL programs.

3.1. Constant Folding Rules

Stratego is a modular programming languages and supports the definition of named rewrite rules. These rules can be used in many different transformations by importing the module defining them and using their names as arguments of rewriting strategies.

Module til-eval imports the signature of TIL, which defines the constructors of the abstract syntax of TIL. Then the module defines rewrite rules for evaluating constructs that are (partially) constant. For instance, the addition of two integer constants can be reduced to the integer constant of their sum.

Figure 3.1. file: til/sim/til-eval.str

module til-eval
imports TIL

  EvalAdd :
    Add(Int(i), Int(j)) -> Int(<addS>(i,j))

  EvalAdd :
    Add(String(i), String(j)) -> String(<conc-strings>(i,j))

  EvalSub : 
    Sub(Int(i), Int(j)) -> Int(<subtS>(i,j))

  EvalMul :
    Mul(Int(i), Int(j)) -> Int(<mulS>(i,j))

  EvalDiv :
    Div(Int(i), Int(j)) -> Int(<divS>(i,j))

  EvalMod :
    Mod(Int(i), Int(j)) -> Int(<modS>(i,j))

  EvalLt :
    Lt(Int(i), Int(j)) -> <compare(ltS)>(i,j)

  EvalGt :
    Gt(Int(i), Int(j)) -> <compare(gtS)>(i,j)

  EvalLeq :
    Leq(Int(i), Int(j)) -> <compare(leqS)>(i,j)

  EvalGeq :
    Geq(Int(i), Int(j)) -> <compare(geqS)>(i,j)

  EvalEqu :
    Equ(Int(i), Int(j)) -> <compare(eq)>(i,j)
  EvalNeq :
    Neq(Int(i), Int(j)) -> <compare(not(eq))>(i,j)
  compare(s) =
    if s then !True() else !False() end
  EvalOr :
    Or(True(), e) -> True()
  EvalOr :
    Or(False(), e) -> e
  EvalAnd :
    And(True(), e) -> e
  EvalAnd :
    And(False(), e) -> False()
  AddZero :
    Add(e, Int("0")) -> e

  AddZero :
    Add(Int("0"), e) -> e

  MulOne :
    Mul(e, Int("1")) -> e

  MulOne :
    Mul(Int("1"), e) -> e
  EvalS2I :
    FunCall("string2int", [String(x)]) -> Int(x)
    where <string-to-int> x
  EvalI2S :
    FunCall("int2string", [Int(i)]) -> String(i)
  EvalIf :
    IfElse(False(), st1*, st2*) -> Block(st2*)

  EvalIf :
    IfElse(True(), st1*, st2*) -> Block(st1*)

  EvalWhile :
     While(False(), st*) -> Block([])

3.2. Desugaring Rules

Another common kind of rules are desugaring rules, which define a language construct in terms of other language constructs. Module til-desugar defines rules ForToWhile and IfThenToIfElse. The ForToWhile rule rewrites For loops to a While loop, which requires the introduction of a new variable to hold the value of the upperbound. The IfThenToIfElse transforms if-then statements into if-then-else statements.

Figure 3.2. file: til/sim/til-desugar.str

module til-desugar
imports TIL 

  ForToWhile :
    For(x, e1, e2, st*) ->
        DeclarationTyped(y, TypeName("int")), 
        Assign(x, e1), 
        Assign(y, e2), 
        While(Leq(Var(x), Var(y)), 
          <conc>(st*, [Assign(x, Add(Var(x), Int("1")))])
    where new => y

  IfThenToIfElse :
    IfThen(e, st*) -> IfElse(e, st*, [])

  DefaultDeclaration :
    Declaration(x) -> DeclarationTyped(x, TypeName("int"))

  WriteInt :
    ProcCall("writeint", [e]) -> 
    ProcCall("write", [FunCall("int2string", [e])])
  ReadInt :
    FunCall("readint", []) -> 
    FunCall("string2int", [FunCall("read", [])])
  BinOpToFunCall :
    op#([e1,e2]){t*} -> FunCall(op, [e1,e2]){t*}
    where <is-bin-op> op
  FunCallToBinOp :
    FunCall(op, [e1,e2]){t*} -> op#([e1,e2]){t*}
    where <is-bin-op> op
  is-bin-op =
    "Add" <+ "Mul" <+ "Subt" <+ "Div" <+ "Mod"
    <+ "Geq" <+ "Leq" <+ "Gt" <+ "Lt" <+ "Equ" <+ "Neq"

3.3. Simplying by Term Rewriting

Module til-simplify is a basic Stratego program. It imports the til-eval and til-desugar modules, and the Stratego standard library (liblib), which defines standard rewriting strategies and additional utilities for I/O and such.

The io-til-simplify strategy of til-simplify represents the entry point for the program when it is invoked. It uses the io-wrap strategy to parse command-line arguments, read the input term, and write the output term.

The til-simplify strategy defines the actual transformation, which is a complete normalization of the input term with respect to the rewrite rules introduced above. The normalization strategy chosen here is innermost, which exhaustively applies its argument strategy starting with the innermost nodes of the tree.

Figure 3.3. file: til/sim/til-simplify.str

module til-simplify
imports liblib til-eval til-desugar 

  io-til-simplify =

  til-simplify =
      ForToWhile <+ IfThenToIfElse
      <+ AddZero <+ MulOne 
      <+ EvalAdd <+ EvalMul <+ EvalSub <+ EvalDiv
      <+ EvalLeq <+ EvalGeq <+ EvalEqu <+ EvalNeq
      <+ DefaultDeclaration
      <+ ReadInt <+ WriteInt

3.4. Compiling the Simplifier

Stratego programs are compiled to executable programs by the Stratego compiler strc. The -I option is used to indicate that some modules imported by this program (TIL.str) resides in the ../sig directory. The -la option is used to link the separately compiled Stratego library.

Figure 3.4. file: til/sim/maak

#! /bin/sh -e

# compile til-simplify
strc -i til-simplify.str -I ../sig -la stratego-lib -m io-til-simplify

3.5. Applying the Simplifier

A compiled Stratego program is an ordinary executable. When the io-wrap strategy was used the program has a -i option for indicating the input file, and a -o option to indicate the output file. Thus, the program reads the ATerm in the input file, transforms it, and writes the resulting ATerm back to the output file.

The following test script shows how the til/xmpl/test1.til file is simplified, and the result pretty-printed.

Figure 3.5. file: til/xmpl/simplify-test

# simplify program
../sim/til-simplify -i test1.atil -o test1.sim.atil

# check result
format-check --rtg ../sig/TIL.rtg -i test1.sim.atil

# parentheses
../pp/til-parenthesize -i test1.sim.atil -o test1.sim.par.atil

# pretty-print
ast2text -p ../pp/TIL-pretty.pp -i test1.sim.par.atil -o test1.sim.txt

Table 3.1. files: til/xmpl/test1.til, til/xmpl/test1.sim.txt

// TIL program computing the factorial

var n;
n := readint();
var x;
var fact;
fact := 1;
for x := 1 to n do
  fact := x * fact;
write("factorial of ");
write(" is ");
var n : int;
n := string2int(read());
var x : int;
var fact : int;
fact := 1;
  var a_0 : int;
  x := 1;
  a_0 := n;
  while x <= a_0 do
    fact := x * fact;
    x := x + 1;
write("factorial of ");
write(" is ");

Chapter 4. Bound Variable Renaming (*)

Work in Progress

This chapter is work in progress. Not all parts have been finished yet. The latest revision of this manual may contain more material. Refer to the online version.

renaming of bound variables

4.1. Renaming Bound Variables

Figure 4.1. file: til/renaming/til-rename-vars.str

module til-rename-vars
imports TIL liblib

  io-til-rename-vars =

  til-rename-vars =
    <+ Assign(RenameVar, til-rename-vars)
//    <+ Read(RenameVar)
    <+ For(RenameVar, til-rename-vars, til-rename-vars, til-rename-vars)
    <+ RenameDeclaration
    <+ Block({| RenameVar : map(til-rename-vars) |})
    <+ all(til-rename-vars)

  RenameDeclaration :
    Declaration(x) -> Declaration(y)
    where <newname> x => y
        ; rules( RenameVar : x -> y )

  RenameDeclaration :
    DeclarationTyped(x, t) -> DeclarationTyped(y, t)
    where <newname> x => y
        ; rules( RenameVar : x -> y )

4.2. Example

Figure 4.2. file: til/xmpl/rename-test

sglri -p ../syn/TIL.tbl -i test1.til |\
../renaming/til-rename-vars |\
ast2text -p ../pp/TIL-pretty.pp -o test1.rn.txt

Table 4.1. files: til/xmpl/test1.til, til/xmpl/test1.rn.txt

// TIL program computing the factorial

var n;
n := readint();
var x;
var fact;
fact := 1;
for x := 1 to n do
  fact := x * fact;
write("factorial of ");
write(" is ");
var n0;
n0 := readint();
var x0;
var fact0;
fact0 := 1;
for x0 := 1 to n0 do
  fact0 := x0 * fact0;
write("factorial of ");
write(" is ");

Chapter 5. Typechecking (*)

Work in Progress

This chapter is work in progress. Not all parts have been finished yet. The latest revision of this manual may contain more material. Refer to the online version.

propagation of variable types and type annotation of expressions and statements

5.1. Typechecking

Figure 5.1. file: til/tc/til-typecheck.str

module til-typecheck
imports liblib til-typecheck-stats

  io-til-typecheck =
  typecheck-program =

Figure 5.2. file: til/tc/til-typecheck-exp.str

module til-typecheck-exp
imports TIL

  typecheck-exp(typecheck-var) = 
      typecheck-var <+ TypecheckAdd <+ TypecheckMul <+ TypecheckSub <+ TypecheckDiv <+ TypecheckMod
      <+ TypecheckLeq <+ TypecheckGeq <+ TypecheckLt <+ TypecheckGt <+ TypecheckEqu <+ TypecheckNeq
      <+ TypecheckOr <+ TypecheckAnd
      <+ TypecheckInt <+ TypecheckString <+ TypecheckBool


  typeof :
    e{t*} -> t
    where <fetch-elem(is-type)> t* => t
  is-type = 
  TypecheckInt :
    Int(i) -> Int(i){TypeName("int")}

  TypecheckString :
    String(x) -> String(x){TypeName("string")}

  TypecheckBool :
    True() -> True(){TypeName("bool")}
  TypecheckBool :
    False() -> False(){TypeName("bool")}
  TypecheckAdd :
    Add(e1, e2) -> Add(e1, e2){TypeName("string")}
    where <typeof> e1 => TypeName("string")
        ; <typeof> e2 => TypeName("string")

  TypecheckAdd :
    Add(e1, e2) -> Add(e1, e2){TypeName("int")}
    where <typeof> e1 => TypeName("int")
        ; <typeof> e2 => TypeName("int")

  TypecheckMul :
    Mul(e1, e2) -> Mul(e1, e2){TypeName("int")}
    where <typeof> e1 => TypeName("int")
        ; <typeof> e2 => TypeName("int")

  TypecheckSub :
    Sub(e1, e2) -> Sub(e1, e2){TypeName("int")}
    where <typeof> e1 => TypeName("int")
        ; <typeof> e2 => TypeName("int")

  TypecheckDiv :
    Div(e1, e2) -> Div(e1, e2){TypeName("int")}
    where <typeof> e1 => TypeName("int")
        ; <typeof> e2 => TypeName("int")
  TypecheckMod :
    Mod(e1, e2) -> Mod(e1, e2){TypeName("int")}
    where <typeof> e1 => TypeName("int")
        ; <typeof> e2 => TypeName("int")

  TypecheckLt :
    Lt(e1, e2) -> Lt(e1, e2){TypeName("bool")}
    where <typeof> e1 => TypeName("int")
        ; <typeof> e2 => TypeName("int")

  TypecheckGt :
    Gt(e1, e2) -> Gt(e1, e2){TypeName("bool")}
    where <typeof> e1 => TypeName("int")
        ; <typeof> e2 => TypeName("int")
  TypecheckLeq :
    Leq(e1, e2) -> Leq(e1, e2){TypeName("bool")}
    where <typeof> e1 => TypeName("int")
        ; <typeof> e2 => TypeName("int")
  TypecheckGeq :
    Geq(e1, e2) -> Geq(e1, e2){TypeName("bool")}
    where <typeof> e1 => TypeName("int")
        ; <typeof> e2 => TypeName("int")
  TypecheckEqu :
    Equ(e1, e2) -> Equ(e1, e2){TypeName("bool")}
    where <typeof> e1 => TypeName("int")
        ; <typeof> e2 => TypeName("int")
  TypecheckNeq :
    Neq(e1, e2) -> Neq(e1, e2){TypeName("bool")}
    where <typeof> e1 => TypeName("int")
        ; <typeof> e2 => TypeName("int")
  TypecheckAnd :
    And(e1, e2) -> And(e1, e2){TypeName("bool")}
    where <typeof> e1 => TypeName("bool")
        ; <typeof> e2 => TypeName("bool")
  TypecheckOr :
    Or(e1, e2) -> Or(e1, e2){TypeName("bool")}
    where <typeof> e1 => TypeName("bool")
        ; <typeof> e2 => TypeName("bool")


Figure 5.3. file: til/tc/til-typecheck-stats.str

module til-typecheck-stats
imports til-typecheck-var

  typecheck-block = 

  typecheck-stats = 
    {| TypeOf : map(typecheck-stat) |}

  typecheck-stat = 
    <+ typecheck-declaration
    <+ Assign(id, typecheck-exp)
       ; try(TypecheckAssign)
    <+ IfElse(typecheck-exp, typecheck-stats, typecheck-stats)
       ; TypecheckIf
    <+ IfThen(typecheck-exp, typecheck-stats)
       ; TypecheckIf
    <+ While(typecheck-exp, typecheck-stats)
       ; TypecheckWhile
    <+ ProcCall(id, map(typecheck-exp))
       ; typecheck-proccall
    <+ For(id, typecheck-exp, typecheck-exp, typecheck-stats)
       ; TypecheckFor
    <+ debug(!"unknown statement: ")
       ; <exit> 1

  TypecheckIf :
    IfElse(e, st1*, st2*) -> IfElse(e, st1*, st2*){TypeName("void")}
    where <typeof> e => TypeName("bool")
  TypecheckIf :
    IfThen(e, st*) -> IfThen(e, st*){TypeName("void")}
    where <typeof> e => TypeName("bool")

  TypecheckWhile : 
    While(e, st*) -> While(e, st*){TypeName("void")}
    where <typeof> e => TypeName("bool")

  TypecheckFor : 
    For(x, e1, e2, st*) -> For(x, e1, e2, st*){TypeName("void")}
    where <TypeOf> x => TypeName("int")
        ; <typeof> e1 => TypeName("int")
        ; <typeof> e2 => TypeName("int")

Figure 5.4. file: til/tc/til-typecheck-var.str

module til-typecheck-var
imports til-typecheck-exp

  typecheck-declaration = 
    ; rules( TypeOf+x : x -> TypeName("int") )

  typecheck-declaration = 
    ?DeclarationTyped(x, t)
    ; rules( TypeOf+x : x -> t )
  TypecheckVar :
    Var(x) -> Var(x){t}
    where <TypeOf> x => t

  TypecheckAssign :
    Assign(x, e) -> Assign(x, e){TypeName("void")}
    where <typeof> e => t
    	; <TypeOf> x => t
strategies // expressions with variables and calls

  typecheck-exp = 
    typecheck-exp(TypecheckVar <+ typecheck-funcall)
  typecheck-funcall = 
    TypecheckRead <+ TypecheckS2I <+ TypecheckI2S <+ TypecheckB2S
  typecheck-proccall =
strategies // built-in functions
  TypecheckS2I :
    FunCall("string2int", [e]) -> FunCall("string2int", [e]){TypeName("int")}
    where <typeof> e => TypeName("string")
  TypecheckI2S :
    FunCall("int2string", [e]) -> FunCall("int2string", [e]){TypeName("string")}
    where <typeof> e => TypeName("int")
  TypecheckB2S :
    FunCall("bool2string", [e]) -> FunCall("bool2string", [e]){TypeName("string")}
    where <typeof> e => TypeName("bool")
  TypecheckRead :
    FunCall("read", []) -> FunCall("read", []){TypeName("string")}
  TypecheckRead :
    FunCall("readint", []) -> FunCall("readint", []){TypeName("int")}

strategies // built-in procedures

  TypecheckWrite :
    ProcCall("write", [e]) -> ProcCall("write", [e]){TypeName("void")}
    where <typeof> e => TypeName("string")

  TypecheckWrite :
    ProcCall("writeint", [e]) -> ProcCall("writeint", [e]){TypeName("void")}
    where <typeof> e => TypeName("int")


5.2. Example

Figure 5.5. file: til/xmpl/typecheck-test1

# typecheck test1.til after parsing 
../tc/til-typecheck -i test1.atil | pp-aterm >

Table 5.1. files: til/xmpl/test1.til, til/xmpl/

// TIL program computing the factorial

var n;
n := readint();
var x;
var fact;
fact := 1;
for x := 1 to n do
  fact := x * fact;
write("factorial of ");
write(" is ");
  [ Declaration("n")
  , Assign("n", FunCall("readint", []){TypeName("int")}){TypeName("void")}
  , Declaration("x")
  , Declaration("fact")
  , Assign("fact", Int("1"){TypeName("int")}){TypeName("void")}
  , For(
    , Int("1"){TypeName("int")}
    , Var("n"){TypeName("int")}
    , [Assign("fact", Mul(Var("x"){TypeName("int")}, Var("fact"){TypeName("int")}){TypeName("int")}){TypeName("void")}]
  , ProcCall("write", [String("\"factorial of \""){TypeName("string")}]){TypeName("void")}
  , ProcCall("writeint", [Var("n"){TypeName("int")}]){TypeName("void")}
  , ProcCall("write", [String("\" is \""){TypeName("string")}]){TypeName("void")}
  , ProcCall("writeint", [Var("fact"){TypeName("int")}]){TypeName("void")}
  , ProcCall("write", [String("\"\\n\""){TypeName("string")}]){TypeName("void")}

Chapter 6. Interpretation

Interpreting programs does not seem a typical application of program transformation. However, in partial evaluation a program is evaluated as far as possible. Also in simpler transformations, evaluating a part of a program is a common operation. Furthermore, in order to execute programs in our TIL language, it is useful have an interpreter.

This chapter shows how to construct an interpreter for typical elements of an imperative language, such as expressions, variable access constructs, and control-flow statements. The specification uses advanced features of Stratego such as traversal strategies, pattern match operations, match-project, and dynamic rewrite rules. So don't be surprised if you don't get it all on a first reading.

The interpreter developed in this chapter requires the parsing and simplification infrastructure from the previous chapters. That is, the interpreter operates on the abstract syntax tree of a program after simplification.

6.1. Evaluating Expressions

Expressions can be evaluated using a simple bottom-up traversal of the AST. The bottomup traversal strategy does just that; it applies its argument strategy first to the leaves of the tree, and then to each level above. The try strategy makes its argument strategy always succeeding. Thus, the eval-exp strategy performs a bottomup traversal of the AST of an expression, applying the Eval rules from module sim/til-eval. The eval-exp strategy is parameterized with a strategy for evaluating variables; their values depend on prior assignments in the program.

Figure 6.1. file: til/run/til-eval-exp.str

module til-eval-exp
imports til-eval

  eval-exp(eval-var) = 
      eval-var <+ EvalAdd <+ EvalMul <+ EvalSub <+ EvalDiv <+ EvalMod
      <+ EvalLeq <+ EvalGeq <+ EvalLt <+ EvalGt <+ EvalEqu <+ EvalNeq
      <+ EvalOr <+ EvalAnd <+ EvalS2I <+ EvalI2S


6.2. Evaluating Variable Accesses

The essence of an imperative language is the manipulation of values in the store, held by variables. In TIL variables are introduced by the Declaration construct. The values of variables is set, or changed by the Assign assignment statement, and the Read input statement. The Write statement prints the value of an expression. The interpreter uses the dynamic rewrite rule EvalVar to store the mappings from variables to their values.

When encountering a variable declaration, the current scope is labeled with the name of that variable, and its mapping is undefined, reflecting the fact that the variable doesn't have a value after being declared. Note that the scope of a variable in TIL is the rest of the current block. When encountering an assignment statement the EvalVar rule for the variable being assigned is updated. Thus, after an assignment to a variable x, EvalVar rewrites that variable to its value. Similarly, the Read input statement reads the next line from the stdin stream, decides whether it represents an integer or a string, and defines the EvalVar rule for the variable. Finally, the eval-exp strategy is now defined in terms of the parameterized eval-exp strategy from module run/til-eval-exp using the EvalVar rule as strategy for evaluating variables. In addition, the VarUndefined strategy is provided to catch variables that are used before being assigned to.

Figure 6.2. file: til/run/til-eval-var.str

module til-eval-var
imports til-eval-exp

  eval-declaration = 
    (?Declaration(x) <+ ?DeclarationTyped(x, t))
    ; rules( EvalVar+x :- Var(x) )

  eval-assign = 
    Assign(?x, eval-exp => val)
    ; rules(EvalVar.x : Var(x) -> val)

  EvalRead :
    FunCall("read", []) -> String(x)
    where stdin-stream; read-text-line => x

  eval-write = 
    ?ProcCall("write", [<eval-exp>])
    ; ?String(<try(un-double-quote); try(unescape)>)
    ; <fprint>(<stdout-stream>, [<id>])

  VarUndefined =
    ; fatal-err(|<concat-strings>["variable ", <id>, " used before being defined"])

  eval-exp = 
    eval-exp(EvalVar <+ VarUndefined <+ EvalRead)

6.3. Evaluating Statements

What remains is the interpretation of control-flow statements. A block statements simply entails the execution of each statement in the block in order. Any variables declared within the block are local, and shadow variables with the same name in outer blocks. For this purpose a dynamic rule scope {| EvalVar : ... |} is used to restrict the scope of EvalVar rules to the block. The statements in a block are evaluated by mapping the eval-stat strategy over the list of statements. For the execution of the if-then-else construct, first the condition is evaluated. The EvalIf rule then evaluates the construct, reducing it to one of its branches. The resulting block statement is then evaluated by eval-stat. The while statement is evaluated by transforming the loop to an if-then-else statement, with a Goto at the end of the body. The dynamic rule EvalGoto maps the goto statement for the new label to the if-then-else statement.

Figure 6.3. file: til/run/til-eval-stats.str

module til-eval-stats
imports til-eval-var
    Goto : String -> Stat

  eval-block = 

  eval-stats = 
    {| EvalVar : map(eval-stat) |}

  eval-stat = //debug(!"eval-stat: "); (
    <+ eval-write
    <+ eval-declaration
    <+ eval-block
    <+ eval-if
    <+ eval-while
    <+ EvalGoto

  eval-if = 
    IfElse(eval-exp, id, id)
    ; EvalIf
    ; eval-stat

  eval-while = 
    ?While(e, st*)
    ; where(new => label)
    ; where(<conc>(st*, [Goto(label)]) => st2*)
    ; rules( EvalGoto : Goto(label) -> <eval-stat>IfElse(e, st2*, []) )
    ; <eval-stat> Goto(label)

6.4. The Complete Interpreter

To complete the interpreter we define an interpretation strategy for the Program constructor, and a main strategy that takes care of I/O. The program is compiled in the usual way, taking into account the include paths for the ../sig and ../sim directories that contain the TIL signature and evaluation rules, respectively.

Figure 6.4. file: til/run/til-run.str

module til-run
imports libstrategolib til-eval-stats

  io-til-run = 

  eval-program = 
    ; <exit> 0

Figure 6.5. file: til/run/maak

#! /bin/sh -e

# compile til-simplify
strc -i til-run.str -I ../sig -I ../sim -la stratego-lib -m io-til-run

6.5. Running TIL Programs

Now it is time to try out the interpreter at our test1.til program that computes the factorial of its input. Note that the interpreter operates on a parsed and simplified version of the program; not directly on the text file.

Figure 6.6. file: til/xmpl/run-test1

# run test1.til after parsing and simplification
echo "10" | ../run/til-run -i test1.sim.atil >

Figure 6.7. file: til/xmpl/

factorial of 10 is 3628800

Chapter 7. Data-flow Transformation (*)

Work in Progress

This chapter is work in progress. Not all parts have been finished yet. The latest revision of this manual may contain more material. Refer to the online version.

This chapter shows examples of data-flow transformations

7.1. Preliminaries

Figure 7.1. file: til/opt/til-opt-lib.str

module til-opt-lib
imports liblib TIL til-eval 

  contains(|x) =  // should be in stratego-lib

  elem-of(|xs) = // should be in stratego-lib
    ?x; where(<fetch(?x)> xs)

  get-var-names =

  get-var-dependencies =

  EvalExp = 
    EvalAdd <+ EvalMul <+ EvalSub <+ EvalDiv <+ EvalMod
    <+ EvalLt <+ EvalGt <+ EvalEqu <+ EvalNeq

  is-var = 

  is-value = 
    ?Int(_) <+ ?String(_)

  is-pure-exp = 
    ?Var(_) <+ ?Int(_) <+ ?String(_) 
    <+ is-bin-op#([is-pure-exp, is-pure-exp])
  is-bin-op = 
    ?"Or" <+ ?"And" <+ ?"Neq" <+ ?"Equ" <+ ?"Gt" <+ ?"Lt" <+ ?"Sub"
    <+ ?"Add" <+ ?"Mod" <+ ?"Div" <+ ?"Mul"

7.2. Constant Propagation

Figure 7.2. file: til/xmpl/propconst-test2

sglri -p ../syn/TIL.tbl -i propconst-test2.til |\
../sim/til-simplify |\
../opt/til-propconst |\
ast2text -p ../pp/TIL-pretty.pp -o propconst-test2.txt

Table 7.1. files: til/xmpl/propconst-test2.til, til/xmpl/propconst-test2.txt

var x; 
var y;
var z; 
var a; 
var b;
z := readint();
x := 1;        // constant value
y := 2;        // not constant
x := 3;        // override
a := x + 4;    // compute constant
y := x + z;    // not constant
if y then
  z := 8;
  x := z - 5;  // constant
  x := a - 4;  // constant
  z := a + z;  // z is not constant
b := a + z;    // a still constant, z not
z := a + x;
writeint(b + z);
var x : int;
var y : int;
var z : int;
var a : int;
var b : int;
z := string2int(read());
x := 1;
y := 2;
x := 3;
a := 7;
y := 3 + z;
if y then
  z := 8;
  x := 3;
  x := 3;
  z := 7 + z;
b := 7 + z;
z := 10;
write(int2string(b + 10));

Figure 7.3. file: til/opt/til-propconst.str

module til-propconst
imports til-opt-lib

  io-til-propconst = 

  propconst = 
    <+ propconst-declaration
    <+ propconst-assign 
    <+ propconst-block
    <+ propconst-if
    <+ propconst-while
    <+ all(propconst); try(EvalExp)

  propconst-block =
    Block({| PropConst : map(propconst) |})

  propconst-declaration = 
    (?Declaration(x) <+ ?DeclarationTyped(x, t))
    ; rules( PropConst+x :- Var(x) )

  propconst-assign = 
    Assign(?x, propconst => e)
    ; if <is-value> e then
        rules( PropConst.x : Var(x) -> e )
        rules( PropConst.x :- Var(x) )

  propconst-if =
    IfElse(propconst, id, id)
    ; (EvalIf; propconst
       <+ IfElse(id, propconst, id) /PropConst\ IfElse(id,id,propconst))

  propconst-while =
    ?While(_, _)
    ; (/PropConst\* While(propconst, propconst))

7.3. Copy Propagation

Figure 7.4. file: til/xmpl/copyprop-test2

sglri -p ../syn/TIL.tbl -i copyprop-test2.til |\
../sim/til-simplify |\
../opt/til-copyprop |\
ast2text -p ../pp/TIL-pretty.pp -o copyprop-test2.txt

Table 7.2. files: til/xmpl/copyprop-test2.til, til/xmpl/copyprop-test2.txt

var x : int;
var y : int;
x := string2int(read());
y := x;
y := y + 1;
x := y;
var x : int;
var y : int;
x := string2int(read());
y := x;
y := x + 1;
x := y;

Figure 7.5. file: til/opt/til-copyprop.str

module til-copyprop
imports til-opt-lib

  io-til-copyprop = 

  copyprop = 
    <+ copyprop-declaration
    <+ copyprop-assign 
    <+ copyprop-block
    <+ copyprop-if
    <+ copyprop-while
    <+ all(copyprop)

  copyprop-block =
    Block({| CopyProp : map(copyprop) |})

  copyprop-declaration = 
    (?Declaration(x) <+ ?DeclarationTyped(x, t))
    ; new-CopyProp(|x, x)

  copyprop-assign = 
    Assign(?x, copyprop => e)
    ; undefine-CopyProp(|x)
    ; where( innermost-scope-CopyProp => z )
    ; if <?Var(y)> e then
        rules( CopyProp.z : Var(x) -> Var(y) depends on [(x,x),(y,y)] )

  copyprop-if =
    IfElse(copyprop, id, id)
    ; (IfElse(id, copyprop, id) /CopyProp\ IfElse(id,id,copyprop))

  copyprop-while =
    ?While(_, _)
    ; (/CopyProp\* While(copyprop, copyprop))

  innermost-scope-CopyProp = 
    get-var-names => vars
    ; innermost-scope-CopyProp(elem-of(|vars))

7.4. Reverse Copy Propagation

Figure 7.6. file: til/opt/til-copyprop-rev.str

module til-copyprop-rev
imports til-opt-lib

  io-til-copyprop-rev = 

  copyprop-rev = 
    <+ copyprop-rev-declaration
    <+ copyprop-rev-assign 
    <+ copyprop-rev-block
    <+ copyprop-rev-if
    <+ copyprop-rev-while
    <+ all(copyprop-rev)

  copyprop-rev-block =
    Block({| CopyPropRev : map(copyprop-rev) |})

  copyprop-rev-declaration = 
    (?Declaration(x) <+ ?DeclarationTyped(x, t))
    ; new-CopyPropRev(|x, x)

  copyprop-rev-assign = 
    Assign(?x, copyprop-rev => e)
    ; undefine-CopyPropRev(|x)
    ; where( innermost-scope-CopyPropRev => z )
    ; if <?Var(y)> e then
        rules( CopyPropRev.z : Var(y) -> Var(x) depends on [(x,x),(y,y)] )

  copyprop-rev-if =
    IfElse(copyprop-rev, id, id)
    ; (IfElse(id, copyprop-rev, id) /CopyPropRev\ IfElse(id,id,copyprop-rev))

  copyprop-rev-while =
    ?While(_, _)
    ; (/CopyPropRev\* While(copyprop-rev, copyprop-rev))

  innermost-scope-CopyPropRev = 
    get-var-names => vars
    ; innermost-scope-CopyPropRev(elem-of(|vars))

7.5. Common-subexpression Elimination

Figure 7.7. file: til/xmpl/cse-test2

sglri -p ../syn/TIL.tbl -i cse-test2.til |\
../sim/til-simplify |\
../opt/til-cse |\
ast2text -p ../pp/TIL-pretty.pp -o cse-test2.txt

Table 7.3. files: til/xmpl/cse-test2.til, til/xmpl/cse-test2.txt

var a;
var b;
var x;
a := readint();
b := readint();
x := a + b;
writeint(a + b);
a := 23;
x := a + b;
writeint(a + b);
var a : int;
var b : int;
var x : int;
a := string2int(read());
b := string2int(read());
x := a + b;
a := 23;
x := a + b;

Figure 7.8. file: til/opt/til-cse.str

module til-cse
imports til-opt-lib

  io-til-cse = 

  cse = 
    <+ cse-declaration
    <+ cse-assign 
    <+ cse-if
    <+ cse-block
    <+ cse-while
    <+ all(cse)

  cse-block =
    Block({| CSE : map(cse) |})

  cse-declaration = 
    (?Declaration(x) <+ ?DeclarationTyped(x, t))
    ; new-CSE(|x, x)

  cse-assign = 
    Assign(?x, cse => e)
    ; undefine-CSE(|x)
    ; if <not(contains(|Var(x)))> e then
        where( innermost-scope-CSE => z )
        ; where( get-var-dependencies => deps )
        ; rules( CSE.z : e -> Var(x) depends on deps )

  cse-if =
    IfElse(cse, id, id)
    ; (IfElse(id, cse, id) /CSE\ IfElse(id,id,cse))

  cse-while =
    ?While(_, _)
    ; (/CSE\* While(cse, cse))

  innermost-scope-CSE = 
    get-var-names => vars
    ; innermost-scope-CSE(elem-of(|vars))

7.6. Forward Substitution

Figure 7.9. file: til/opt/til-forward-subst.str

module til-forward-subst
imports til-opt-lib

  io-til-forward-subst = 

  forward-subst = 
    <+ forward-subst-declaration
    <+ forward-subst-assign 
    <+ forward-subst-if
    <+ forward-subst-block
    <+ forward-subst-while
    <+ all(forward-subst)

  forward-subst-block =
    Block({| ForwardSubst : map(forward-subst) |})

  forward-subst-declaration = 
    (?Declaration(x) <+ ?DeclarationTyped(x, t))
    ; new-ForwardSubst(|x, x)

  forward-subst-assign = 
    Assign(?x, forward-subst => e)
    ; undefine-ForwardSubst(|x)
    ; if <not(is-var); is-pure-exp; not(contains(|Var(x)))> e then
        where( innermost-scope-ForwardSubst => z )
        ; where( get-var-dependencies => deps )
        ; rules( ForwardSubst.z : Var(x) -> e depends on deps )

  forward-subst-if =
    IfElse(forward-subst, id, id)
    ; (IfElse(id, forward-subst, id) /ForwardSubst\ IfElse(id,id,forward-subst))

  forward-subst-while =
    ?While(_, _)
    ; (/ForwardSubst\* While(forward-subst, forward-subst))

  innermost-scope-ForwardSubst = 
    get-var-names => vars
    ; innermost-scope-ForwardSubst(elem-of(|vars))

7.7. Dead Code Elimination

Figure 7.10. file: til/xmpl/dce-test2

sglri -p ../syn/TIL.tbl -i dce-test2.til |\
../sim/til-simplify |\
../opt/til-dce |\
ast2text -p ../pp/TIL-pretty.pp -o dce-test2.txt

Table 7.4. files: til/xmpl/dce-test2.til, til/xmpl/dce-test2.txt

var x;
var y;
var z;
var a;
var b;
z := readint();
x := 1;
y := 2;
x := 3;
a := 7;
y := 3 + z;
if y then
  z := 8;
  x := 3;
  x := 3;
  z := 7 + z;
b := 7 + z;
z := 10;
writeint(b + 10);
var y : int;
var z : int;
var b : int;
z := string2int(read());
y := 3 + z;
if y then
  z := 8;
  z := 7 + z;
b := 7 + z;
write(int2string(b + 10));

Figure 7.11. file: til/opt/til-dce.str

module til-dce
imports TIL til-eval liblib

  ElimDecl : 
    [Declaration(x) | st*] -> st*
    where <not(VarUsed)> Var(x)

  ElimDecl : 
    [DeclarationTyped(x, t) | st*] -> st*
    where <not(VarUsed)> Var(x)

  ElimAssign :
    Assign(x, e) -> Block([])
    where <not(VarNeeded)> Var(x)

  ElimIf :
    IfElse(e, [], []) -> Block([])


  io-til-dce = 

  dce-stat = 
    <+ dce-assign 
    <+ dce-proccall
    <+ dce-if; try(ElimIf)
    <+ dce-block
    <+ dce-while

  dce-program = 

  dce-block =

  dce-stats = 
    <+ dce-stats-other 
    <+ []

  dce-stats-decl = 
    (?[Declaration(x) | _] <+ ?[DeclarationTyped(x, t) | _])
    ; {| VarNeeded, VarUsed 
       : rules(
           VarNeeded+x :- Var(x)
           VarUsed+x   :- Var(x)
       ; [id | dce-stats]
       ; try(ElimDecl)
  dce-stats-other =
    [not(?Declaration(_) <+ ?DeclarationTyped(_, _)) | dce-stats]
    ; [dce-stat | id]
    ; try(?[Block([]) | <id>])

  dce-assign = 
    ?Assign(x, _)
    ; rules( VarNeeded.x :- Var(x) )
    ; Assign(id, declare-var-needed)

  dce-proccall =
    ProcCall(id, map(declare-var-needed))

  declare-var-needed = 
    alltd({x :
      ; rules(
          VarNeeded.x : Var(x)
          VarUsed.x   : Var(x)

  dce-if =
    ; (IfElse(id,dce-stats,id) /VarNeeded,VarUsed\ IfElse(id,id,dce-stats))
    ; IfElse(declare-var-needed, id, id)

  dce-while =
    ?While(_, _)
    ; (\VarNeeded,VarUsed/* While(declare-var-needed, dce-stats))

7.8. Compiling the Transformations

Figure 7.12. file: til/opt/maak

#! /bin/sh -e

INCL="-I ../sig -I ../sim"

# compile forward-subst
strc ${INCL} -i til-forward-subst.str -la stratego-lib -m io-til-forward-subst -O 2

# compile dce
strc ${INCL} -i til-dce.str -la stratego-lib -m io-til-dce -O 2

# compile cse
strc ${INCL} -i til-cse.str -la stratego-lib -m io-til-cse

# compile copyprop
strc -i til-copyprop.str ${INCL} -la stratego-lib -m io-til-copyprop

# compile copyprop-rev
strc -i til-copyprop-rev.str ${INCL} -la stratego-lib -m io-til-copyprop-rev

# compile propconst
strc -i til-propconst.str ${INCL} -la stratego-lib -m io-til-propconst

Chapter 8. Typestate Checking

Chapter 9. Expression Blocks (*)

Work in Progress

This chapter is work in progress. Not all parts have been finished yet. The latest revision of this manual may contain more material. Refer to the online version.

Sometimes it is useful to extend a language in order to ease transformations.

9.1. Syntax of Expression Blocks

Figure 9.1. file: til/til-eblock/TIL-eblocks.sdf

module TIL-eblocks
imports TIL
  context-free syntax
    "begin" Stat* "return" Exp ";" Stat* "end" -> Exp {cons("EBlock")}

9.2. Desugaring Expression Blocks

Figure 9.2. file: til/til-eblock/til-eblock-desugar.str

module til-eblock-desugar
imports liblib TIL-eblocks

  io-til-eblock-desugar =

  til-eblock-desugar =
    ; innermost(
	<+ NoStatements
	<+ MovePostStatementsInFront
        <+ HoistEBlockFromFunCall 
	<+ HoistEBlockFromBinOp 
	<+ HoistEBlockFromAssign 
	<+ HoistEBlockFromProcCall 
//	<+ HoistEBlockFromWrite 
	<+ HoistEBlockFromIf 
	<+ HoistEBlockFromWhile 
	<+ HoistEBlockFromFor
    ; bottomup(try(flatten-block))


  FunCallToEBlock :
    FunCall(f, e*) -> 
    EBlock([Declaration(x), Assign(x, FunCall(f, e*))], Var(x), [])
    where new => x

  NoStatements :
    EBlock([], e, []) -> e

  MovePostStatementsInFront :
    EBlock(st1*, e, st2*@[_|_]) -> 
    EBlock([Declaration(x), st1*, Assign(x, e), st2*], Var(x), [])
    where new => x

  EBlockEBlock :
    EBlock(st1*, EBlock(st2*, e, st3*), st4*) ->
    EBlock([st1*, st2*], e, [st3*, st4*])

  HoistEBlockFromFunCall :
    FunCall(f, e1*) -> EBlock(st1*, FunCall(f, e2*), [])
    where <collect-eblocks> e1* => (st1*, e2*)

  HoistEBlockFromBinOp :
    op#([e1, e2]) -> EBlock(st1*, op#([e1', e2']), [])
    where <is-bin-op> op
	; <collect-eblocks> [e1, e2] => (st1*, [e1', e2'])

  is-bin-op =
    ?"Or" <+ ?"And" <+ ?"Neq" <+ ?"Equ" <+ ?"Gt" <+ ?"Lt" <+ ?"Sub"
    <+ ?"Add" <+ ?"Mod" <+ ?"Div" <+ ?"Mul"

  HoistEBlockFromAssign :
    Assign(x, EBlock(st1*, e, st2*)) -> Block([st1*, st2*, Assign(x, e)])

  HoistEBlockFromProcCall :
    ProcCall(f, e1*) -> Block([st*, ProcCall(f, e2*)])
    where <collect-eblocks> e1* => (st*, e2*)

//  HoistEBlockFromWrite :
//    Write(EBlock(st1*, e, st2*)) -> Block([st1*, Write(e), st2*])

  HoistEBlockFromIf :
    IfElse(EBlock(st1*, e, st2*), st3*, st4*) -> 
    Block([st1*, IfElse(e, [st2*,st3*], [st2*,st4*])])

  HoistEBlockFromIf :
    IfThen(EBlock(st1*, e, st2*), st3*) -> 
    Block([st1*, IfElse(e, [st2*,st3*], st2*)])

  HoistEBlockFromWhile :
    While(EBlock(st1*, e, st2*), st3*) -> 
    Block([st1*, While(e, [st2*,st3*,st1*])])

  HoistEBlockFromFor :
    For(x, e1, e2, st1*) -> 
    Block([st2*, For(x, e1', e2', st1*)])
    where <collect-eblocks> [e1, e2] => (st2*, [e1', e2'])

  collect-eblocks = 
    ; map({where(new => x); !([Declaration(x), Assign(x, <id>)], Var(x))})
    ; unzip
    ; (concat, id)

  flatten-block =
      foldr(![], \ (Block(st2*), st3*) -> [st2*, st3*] \ 
                     <+ \ (st, st*) -> [st | st*] \ )
      ; partition(?Declaration(_))
      ; conc

9.3. Example

desugar expresion blocks, then perform simplification, copy propagation, constant propagation, and finally dead code elimination.

Figure 9.3. file: til/xmpl/eblock-desugar-test2

#! /bin/sh -v 

sglri -p ../til-eblock/TIL-eblocks.tbl -i eblock-desugar-test2.til |\
../sim/til-simplify |\
../renaming/til-rename-vars |\
../til-eblock/til-eblock-desugar -o eblock-desugar-test2.des.til

ast2text -p ../pp/TIL-pretty.pp \
	-i eblock-desugar-test2.des.til \
	-o eblock-desugar-test2.txt

../opt/til-copyprop-rev -i eblock-desugar-test2.des.til |\
../opt/til-forward-subst |\
../opt/til-copyprop |\
../opt/til-propconst |\
../opt/til-dce |\
ast2text -p ../pp/TIL-pretty.pp -o eblock-desugar-test2.cp.txt

Table 9.1. files: til/xmpl/eblock-desugar-test2.til, til/xmpl/eblock-desugar-test2.txt

    var x;
    x := read();
      x + begin 
            x := readint(); 
            return x; 
            x := x * 2; 
          end + 1;
    x := x + 1;
  var k_0;
  var j_0;
  var a_0;
  var h_0;
  var f_0;
  var g_0;
  var e_0;
  var c_0;
  var d_0;
  var b_0;
  var i_0;
  var x0 : int;
  a_0 := read();
  x0 := a_0;
  f_0 := x0;
  b_0 := read();
  d_0 := b_0;
  c_0 := string2int(d_0);
  x0 := c_0;
  e_0 := x0;
  x0 := x0 * 2;
  g_0 := e_0;
  h_0 := f_0 + g_0;
  i_0 := 1;
  j_0 := h_0 + i_0;
  x0 := x0 + 1;
  k_0 := j_0;

Table 9.2. files: til/xmpl/eblock-desugar-test2.txt, til/xmpl/eblock-desugar-test2.cp.txt

  var k_0;
  var j_0;
  var a_0;
  var h_0;
  var f_0;
  var g_0;
  var e_0;
  var c_0;
  var d_0;
  var b_0;
  var i_0;
  var x0 : int;
  a_0 := read();
  x0 := a_0;
  f_0 := x0;
  b_0 := read();
  d_0 := b_0;
  c_0 := string2int(d_0);
  x0 := c_0;
  e_0 := x0;
  x0 := x0 * 2;
  g_0 := e_0;
  h_0 := f_0 + g_0;
  i_0 := 1;
  j_0 := h_0 + i_0;
  x0 := x0 + 1;
  k_0 := j_0;
  var a_0;
  var c_0;
  var b_0;
  a_0 := read();
  b_0 := read();
  c_0 := string2int(b_0);
  write(c_0 * 2 + 1);
  write(a_0 + c_0 + 1);

Part II. Example Packages (*)

Work in Progress

This chapter is work in progress. Not all parts have been finished yet. The latest revision of this manual may contain more material. Refer to the online version.

This part introduces several example packages.

Chapter 10. Tiger Base (*)

Table of Contents





Chapter 11. BibTeX Tools (*)

Table of Contents





Stratego/XT Reference Manual

Martin Bravenboer

Delft University of Technology

Karl Trygve Kalleberg

Universitetet i Bergen

Rob Vermaas

Eelco Visser

Delft University of Technology

Table of Contents

I. Stratego Language (*)
1. Stratego Core (*)
2. Syntactic Abstractions (*)
3. Dynamic Rules (*)
4. Programs and Tools
abox2text — formats a Box term to plain text
asfix-yield — unparses an asfix tree to flat text
ast2abox — pretty prints an abstract syntax tree to the Box layout formalism
ast2text — pretty-prints an abstract syntax tree to plain text
aterm2xml — translates an ATerm to XML
autoxt — installs autoconf/make resources for Stratego/XT packages
baffle — converts between textual and binary ATerm formats
format-check — checks whether an ATerm conforms to a given regular tree grammar (RTG)
gen-renamed-sdf-module — generates an SDF module that renames all SDF sorts in a given SDF definition.
implode-asfix — maps an asfix parse tree to an abstract syntax tree
pack-sdf — packs a set of SDF modules into a single definition
parse-box — parses a layout definition written in the Box language
parse-cs — parses meta-programs with concrete syntax
parse-c — parses a C source file
parse-pp-table — parses a pretty-print table
parse-rtg — parse a regular tree grammar (RTG) source file
parse-sdf-definition — parsers and desugars a SDF definition file.
parse-sdf-module — parses and desugars an SDF module file.
parse-stratego — parses a Stratego source file
parse-unit — performs the test cases in a testsuite for an SDF syntax definition
parse-xml-doc — parses an XML file into a xml-doc term
parse-xml-info — parses an XML file into a xml-info term
pp-aterm — pretty-prints an ATerm in text format to make it readable for humans.
pp-box — pretty-prints an abstract syntax tree containing Box code
pp-c — pretty-prints an abstract syntax tree containing C code
ppgen — generates a pretty-print table from an SDF syntax definition
pp-pp-table — pretty-prints an abstract syntax tree containing a pretty-print table
pp-rtg — pretty-prints an abstract syntax tree containing a regular tree grammar (RTG)
pp-sdf — pretty-prints an abstract syntax tree containing an SDF definition
pp-stratego — pretty-prints a Stratego program
pptable-diff — diffs and synchronizes two pretty-print tables
pp-xml-doc — pretty-prints an xml-doc term into an XML document
pp-xml-info — pretty-prints an xml-info term into an XML document
pretty-stratego — pretty-prints a Stratego program.
rtg2sig — generates a Stratego signature from a regular tree grammar (RTG)
rtg2typematch — generates a set of Stratego strategies for typechecking terms against a regular tree grammar (RTG)
rtg-script — produces a regular tree grammar (RTG) by executing an RTG script
sdf2parenthesize — generates a Stratego module that puts parenthetical constructors at the correct places.
sdf2rtg — generates a abstract regular tree grammar (RTG) from an SDF concrete syntax definition.
sdf2table — generates a parse table from an SDF syntax definition.
sglri — parse a text file using sglri and implode using implode-asfix
sglr — parses a text file and produces an parse forest conforming to a given grammar.
strc — compiles Stratego programs to C or executable code
stratego-shell — interpreters a Stratego program, from a script or interactively
unpack-sdf — splits an SDF definition into its constituent modules.
visamb — displays the ambiguities in a parse tree represented in AsFix2
xtc — registers, unregisters and queries XTC components in a repository
xml2aterm — converts an XML document to a comparable ATerm.
II. Stratego/XT Development Manual (*)
5. The Development of Stratego/XT
5.1. The Big Picture
5.2. Baseline development
5.3. Installation from Subversion
5.4. Contributing

Part I. Stratego Language (*)

Work in Progress

This chapter is work in progress. Not all parts have been finished yet. The latest revision of this manual may contain more material. Refer to the online version.

Chapter 1. Stratego Core (*)

Work in Progress

This chapter is work in progress. Not all parts have been finished yet. The latest revision of this manual may contain more material. Refer to the online version.

Chapter 2. Syntactic Abstractions (*)

Work in Progress

This chapter is work in progress. Not all parts have been finished yet. The latest revision of this manual may contain more material. Refer to the online version.

Chapter 3. Dynamic Rules (*)

Work in Progress

This chapter is work in progress. Not all parts have been finished yet. The latest revision of this manual may contain more material. Refer to the online version.

Chapter 4. Programs and Tools

Table of Contents

abox2text — formats a Box term to plain text
asfix-yield — unparses an asfix tree to flat text
ast2abox — pretty prints an abstract syntax tree to the Box layout formalism
ast2text — pretty-prints an abstract syntax tree to plain text
aterm2xml — translates an ATerm to XML
autoxt — installs autoconf/make resources for Stratego/XT packages
baffle — converts between textual and binary ATerm formats
format-check — checks whether an ATerm conforms to a given regular tree grammar (RTG)
gen-renamed-sdf-module — generates an SDF module that renames all SDF sorts in a given SDF definition.
implode-asfix — maps an asfix parse tree to an abstract syntax tree
pack-sdf — packs a set of SDF modules into a single definition
parse-box — parses a layout definition written in the Box language
parse-cs — parses meta-programs with concrete syntax
parse-c — parses a C source file
parse-pp-table — parses a pretty-print table
parse-rtg — parse a regular tree grammar (RTG) source file
parse-sdf-definition — parsers and desugars a SDF definition file.
parse-sdf-module — parses and desugars an SDF module file.
parse-stratego — parses a Stratego source file
parse-unit — performs the test cases in a testsuite for an SDF syntax definition
parse-xml-doc — parses an XML file into a xml-doc term
parse-xml-info — parses an XML file into a xml-info term
pp-aterm — pretty-prints an ATerm in text format to make it readable for humans.
pp-box — pretty-prints an abstract syntax tree containing Box code
pp-c — pretty-prints an abstract syntax tree containing C code
ppgen — generates a pretty-print table from an SDF syntax definition
pp-pp-table — pretty-prints an abstract syntax tree containing a pretty-print table
pp-rtg — pretty-prints an abstract syntax tree containing a regular tree grammar (RTG)
pp-sdf — pretty-prints an abstract syntax tree containing an SDF definition
pp-stratego — pretty-prints a Stratego program
pptable-diff — diffs and synchronizes two pretty-print tables
pp-xml-doc — pretty-prints an xml-doc term into an XML document
pp-xml-info — pretty-prints an xml-info term into an XML document
pretty-stratego — pretty-prints a Stratego program.
rtg2sig — generates a Stratego signature from a regular tree grammar (RTG)
rtg2typematch — generates a set of Stratego strategies for typechecking terms against a regular tree grammar (RTG)
rtg-script — produces a regular tree grammar (RTG) by executing an RTG script
sdf2parenthesize — generates a Stratego module that puts parenthetical constructors at the correct places.
sdf2rtg — generates a abstract regular tree grammar (RTG) from an SDF concrete syntax definition.
sdf2table — generates a parse table from an SDF syntax definition.
sglri — parse a text file using sglri and implode using implode-asfix
sglr — parses a text file and produces an parse forest conforming to a given grammar.
strc — compiles Stratego programs to C or executable code
stratego-shell — interpreters a Stratego program, from a script or interactively
unpack-sdf — splits an SDF definition into its constituent modules.
visamb — displays the ambiguities in a parse tree represented in AsFix2
xtc — registers, unregisters and queries XTC components in a repository
xml2aterm — converts an XML document to a comparable ATerm.

This chapter provides references for the main tools in the Stratego/XT collection. Where relevant, cross references to sections and chapters in the Stratego manual is given.


abox2text — formats a Box term to plain text


abox2text [-i file | --input file] [-o file | --outputfile] [-S | --silent] [--verbose level] [-k level | --keep level] [-w width | --width width] [-l] [-h | -? | --help] [--about] [--version]


The utility abox2text produces plain text according to the formatting defined in a Box. The input must be in abstract Box syntax (also known as abox).


Formatting Options

-w width, --width width

Sets the maximum line width to the specified width. The default value is 80.


Add no additional newlines (same as --width 0).

Common Input/Output Options

-i file

The input term given by the file name file.

In the absence of the -i option, input will be read from stdin.

-o file

The output will be written to the file given by the file name file.

In the absence of the -o option, output will be written to stdout.


The output will be written in the binary (BAF) ATerm format.

ATerms in the BAF format require a lot less space than ones in the TAF format, but the Java ATerm library does not currently support baf ATerms. ATerms in the baf format is the preferred format of exchange between Stratego tools.

Common Debugging Options


See --version.

-h, -?, --help

Display usage information.

--keep int

Keep intermediate results produced by the internal stages in the pretty-printing process. This is only useful for debugging. A high value of int indicates increased eagerness for keeping intermediate results.

Default setting is 0, indicating that no intermediates will be kept.

-S, --silent

Silent execution. Same as --verbose 0.

--verbose int

Set verbosity level to numerical value int. The higher the number, the more information about pp-aterm's inner workings are printed.

Alternatively, int can be set to either of the following verbosity levels, given in increasing order of verbosity: emergency, alert, critical, error, warning, notice, info, debug, vomit.


Displays the tool name and version.

Reporting Bugs

Please report bugs to


Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Eelco Visser

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.


asfix-yield — unparses an asfix tree to flat text


asfix-yield [-i file | --input file] [-o file | --output file] [-b] [-S | --silent] [--verbose level] [-k level | --keep level] [-h | -? | --help] [--about] [--version]


The asfix-yield utility unparses an AsFix tree to flat text.

The AsFix format is a faithful parse tree representation of a text file, produced by the sglr parser. All information required for recreating the original text file is retained. Thus, unparsing using asfix-yield directly after parsing by sglr will produce the exact text file that was parsed.


Common Input/Output Options

-i file

The input term given by the file name file.

In the absence of the -i option, input will be read from stdin.

-o file

The output will be written to the file given by the file name file.

In the absence of the -o option, output will be written to stdout.


The output will be written in the binary (BAF) ATerm format.

ATerms in the BAF format require a lot less space than ones in the TAF format, but the Java ATerm library does not currently support baf ATerms. ATerms in the baf format is the preferred format of exchange between Stratego tools.

Common Debugging Options


See --version.

-h, -?, --help

Display usage information.

--keep int

Keep intermediate results produced by the internal stages in the pretty-printing process. This is only useful for debugging. A high value of int indicates increased eagerness for keeping intermediate results.

Default setting is 0, indicating that no intermediates will be kept.

-S, --silent

Silent execution. Same as --verbose 0.

--verbose int

Set verbosity level to numerical value int. The higher the number, the more information about pp-aterm's inner workings are printed.

Alternatively, int can be set to either of the following verbosity levels, given in increasing order of verbosity: emergency, alert, critical, error, warning, notice, info, debug, vomit.


Displays the tool name and version.

Reporting Bugs

Please report bugs to


Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Eelco Visser

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.


ast2abox — pretty prints an abstract syntax tree to the Box layout formalism


ast2abox [-p file] [-i file | --input file] [-o file | --input file] [-b] [-S | --silent] [--verbose level] [-k level | --keep level] [-h | -? | --help] [--about] [--version]


The ast2abox utility is used to pretty-print abstract syntax trees. The utility transforms an abstract syntax tree according to formatting rules contained in pretty-print tables, supplied by the -p option. The result of ast2abox is a Box term which describes the intended format. This term can be passed to a formatter which transforms the Box term to some output format.

Consult abox2text for pretty-printing to plain text.


Parsing Options

-p file

Use the pretty print table in file. Required option.

Common Input/Output Options

-i file

The input term given by the file name file.

In the absence of the -i option, input will be read from stdin.

-o file

The output will be written to the file given by the file name file.

In the absence of the -o option, output will be written to stdout.


The output will be written in the binary (BAF) ATerm format.

ATerms in the BAF format require a lot less space than ones in the TAF format, but the Java ATerm library does not currently support baf ATerms. ATerms in the baf format is the preferred format of exchange between Stratego tools.

Common Debugging Options


See --version.

-h, -?, --help

Display usage information.

--keep int

Keep intermediate results produced by the internal stages in the pretty-printing process. This is only useful for debugging. A high value of int indicates increased eagerness for keeping intermediate results.

Default setting is 0, indicating that no intermediates will be kept.

-S, --silent

Silent execution. Same as --verbose 0.

--verbose int

Set verbosity level to numerical value int. The higher the number, the more information about pp-aterm's inner workings are printed.

Alternatively, int can be set to either of the following verbosity levels, given in increasing order of verbosity: emergency, alert, critical, error, warning, notice, info, debug, vomit.


Displays the tool name and version.


To pretty-print an abstract syntax tree stored in the file tree.trm to text according to the pretty-print rules in rules.pp issue the following command:

$ ast2abox -i tree.trm -p rules.pp | abox2text

Reporting Bugs

Please report bugs to


Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Eelco Visser

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.


ast2text — pretty-prints an abstract syntax tree to plain text


ast2text [-w width | --width width] [-p file] [-i file | --input file] [-o file | --input file] [-b] [-S | --silent] [--verbose level] [-k level | --keep level] [-h | -? | --help] [--about] [--version]


The ast2text utility is used to pretty-print abstract syntax trees to plain text. The utility transforms an abstract syntax tree according to formatting rules contained in pretty-print tables. The result of ast2text is an ASCII text file. The tool is a convenience composition of ast2abox and abox2text.


To pretty-print an abstract syntax tree stored in the file tree.trm to text according to the pretty-print rules in rules.pp issue the following command:

$ ast2text -i tree.trm -p rules.pp


Parsing and Formatting Options

-p file

Use pretty-print rules defined in file. Multiple tables can be specified.

The file must have the extension .pp or The .pp extension is used for pretty-print tables in concrete syntax. The extension is used for pretty-print tables that have already been parsed using parse-pp-table. Using parsed pretty-print tables improves the performance of ast2abox.

-w width, --width width

Specifies maximal line width. Default is 80 characters.

Common Input/Output Options

-i file

The input term given by the file name file.

In the absence of the -i option, input will be read from stdin.

-o file

The output will be written to the file given by the file name file.

In the absence of the -o option, output will be written to stdout.


The output will be written in the binary (BAF) ATerm format.

ATerms in the BAF format require a lot less space than ones in the TAF format, but the Java ATerm library does not currently support baf ATerms. ATerms in the baf format is the preferred format of exchange between Stratego tools.

Common Debugging Options


See --version.

-h, -?, --help

Display usage information.

--keep int

Keep intermediate results produced by the internal stages in the pretty-printing process. This is only useful for debugging. A high value of int indicates increased eagerness for keeping intermediate results.

Default setting is 0, indicating that no intermediates will be kept.

-S, --silent

Silent execution. Same as --verbose 0.

--verbose int

Set verbosity level to numerical value int. The higher the number, the more information about pp-aterm's inner workings are printed.

Alternatively, int can be set to either of the following verbosity levels, given in increasing order of verbosity: emergency, alert, critical, error, warning, notice, info, debug, vomit.


Displays the tool name and version.

Reporting Bugs

Please report bugs to


Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Eelco Visser

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.


aterm2xml — translates an ATerm to XML


aterm2xml [--explicit] [--very-explicit] [--implicit] [-i file | --input file] [-o file | --input file] [-b] [-S | --silent] [--verbose level] [-k level | --keep level] [-h | -? | --help] [--about] [--version]


The aterm2xml utility is used to convert an ATerm to a corresponding XML. The ATerm and XML languages are slightly different, so there is a tradeoff between how "natural" the result of the conversion feels and how faithfully it can be converted back into XML.

Since applications have different needs, there are three conversion modes available: implicit, explicit, and very explicit.

The explicit mode is the default mode and supports a roundtrip for almost all ATerms. This means that an ATerm can be converted to XML and back without changing its structure.

The implicit mode does not support such a roundtrip, but the XML is usually more attractive. Use this mode if you only want to export some ATerm to an XML application. The name 'implicit' is related to the more implicit structure in the resulting XML.

The very explicit mode supports a roundtrip for all ATerms. This mode is the way to go if you need the guarantee that a roundtrip preserves the structure of all your ATerms.

The structure of the XML documents in the very explicit mode is generic: there are no language specific elements in these XML documents. The structure is described as a RELAX NG schema.


XML Processing Options


Do conversion in explicit mode. This is the default. See below for details.


Do conversion in very explicit mode. See below for details.


Do conversion in implicit mode. See below for details.

Common Input/Output Options

-i file

The input term given by the file name file.

In the absence of the -i option, input will be read from stdin.

-o file

The output will be written to the file given by the file name file.

In the absence of the -o option, output will be written to stdout.


The output will be written in the binary (BAF) ATerm format.

ATerms in the BAF format require a lot less space than ones in the TAF format, but the Java ATerm library does not currently support baf ATerms. ATerms in the baf format is the preferred format of exchange between Stratego tools.

Common Debugging Options


See --version.

-h, -?, --help

Display usage information.

--keep int

Keep intermediate results produced by the internal stages in the pretty-printing process. This is only useful for debugging. A high value of int indicates increased eagerness for keeping intermediate results.

Default setting is 0, indicating that no intermediates will be kept.

-S, --silent

Silent execution. Same as --verbose 0.

--verbose int

Set verbosity level to numerical value int. The higher the number, the more information about pp-aterm's inner workings are printed.

Alternatively, int can be set to either of the following verbosity levels, given in increasing order of verbosity: emergency, alert, critical, error, warning, notice, info, debug, vomit.


Displays the tool name and version.


The following will convert the term A([], "b") to its implicit XML representation:

$ echo "A([1], \"b\")" | aterm2xml --implicit
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<A xmlns:at="">1b</A>

The following will convert the term A([], "b") to its explicit XML representation:

$ echo "A([1], \"b\")" | aterm2xml --explicit
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<A xmlns:at=""><at:list><at:int>1</at:int></at:list><at:string>b</at:string></A>

The following will convert the term A([], "b") to its very explicit XML representation:

$ echo "A([1], \"b\")" | aterm2xml --very-explicit
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<at:appl xmlns:at="" at:fun="A"><at:list><at:int><at:value>1</at:value></at:int></at:list><at:string><at:value>b</at:value></at:string></at:appl>

See xml2aterm for more examples.

Reporting Bugs

Please report bugs to


Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Eelco Visser

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.


autoxt — installs autoconf/make resources for Stratego/XT packages




The autoxt utility installs autoconf/make resources for Stratego/XT packages. In particular, it installs the M4 macro file autoxt.m4 and the automake file Makefile.xt.


The autoxt tool is typically invoked from a bootstrap script at the top-level of an autoconfiscated project.

rm -f mkinstalldirs missing install-sh
autoxt || exit 1
mv autoxt.m4 config
autoreconf -ifv || exit 1

To use the XT packages in your project invoke the XT_USE_XT_PACKAGES macro in the file. The prefix of that file typically looks like the following:


# set the prefix immediately to the default prefix
test "x$prefix" = xNONE && prefix=$ac_default_prefix


In each

include Makefile.xt

As usual, the bootstrap script should make certain that the correct versions of automake, and autoconf are used.

Reporting Bugs

Please report bugs to


Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Eelco Visser

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.


baffle — converts between textual and binary ATerm formats


baffle [-i file] [-o file] [-h] [-v] [-c] [-rb | -rt | -rs] [-wb | -wt | -ws]


ATerms are expressions according to the grammar given below. These expressions may be stored as compressed binaries (BAF), compressed text files (TAF) or plain text files. The baffle tool is used to convert between these storage formats.

  t  := bt                 -- basic term
       | bt { t }          -- annotated term

  bt := C                  -- constant
       | C(t1,...,tn)      -- n-ary constructor
       | (t1,...,tn)       -- n-ary tuple
       | [t1,...,tn]       -- list
       | "ccc"             -- quoted string
       | int               -- integer
       | real              -- floating point number
       | blob              -- binary large object


I/O Options

-i filename

Input is given in filename. Default is stdin.

-o filename

Output should be written to filename. Default is stdout.


Check the validity of the input term.


Read the term as compressed binary (BAF). Default is auto-detect.


Read the term as plain text. Default is auto-detect.


Read the term as compressed text (TAF). Default is auto-detect.


Write the output term as compressed binary (BAF). This is the default.


Write the output as compressed text (TAF). Default is compressed binary.


Write the output as plain text. Default is compressed binary.

Debugging Options


Display help screen for command line options.


Display program version.


Given a binary compressed (BAF) term in input.trm, converting it to plain text can be done as follows:

$ baffle -i input.trm -o output.trm -wt


format-check — checks whether an ATerm conforms to a given regular tree grammar (RTG)


format-check [--rtg file] [--rtg-nf file] [-s s |--start s] [--xhtml] [--vis] [--fast] [--check] [-i file | --input file] [-o file | --output file] [-b] [-S | --silent] [--verbose level] [-k level | --keep level] [-h | -? | --help] [--about] [--version]


format-check checks the input ATerm against a regular tree grammar (RTG), to see if this term is part of the language defined in the RTG. If this is not the case, then the ATerm contains format errors, analogous to syntax errors in normal source code. format-check can operate in three modes: plain, visualize and XHTML.

The plain mode is used by default. In this mode, format errors are reported and no result is written the the output (stdout or file). Hence, if format-check is included in a pipeline, then the following tool will probably fail. If the input term is correct, then it is written to the output.

The visualize mode is enabled with the --vis option. In visualize mode, format errors are reported and in a pretty-printed ATerm will be written to the output. All innermost parts of the ATerm that cause format errors are printed in red, if your terminal supports control characters for colors. If you want to inspect the ATerm with a pager, like more or less, then you should use the -r flag.

The XHTML mode is enabled with the --xhtml option. In XHTML mode, format errors are reported and a report in XHTML will be written to the output. The result should be inspected in a web browser (not IE6). As with the visualize mode, this report shows the parts of the ATerm that are not formatted correctly. By moving your mouse over the nodes of ATerm, you can see the non-terminals that have be inferred by format-check.

format-check reports all innermost format errors. That is, only the deepest format errors are reported. A format error is reported by showing the ATerm that is not in the correct format, and the inferred types of the children of the ATerm. In XHTML and visualize mode a format error of term in a list is presented by a red comma and term. This means that a type has been inferred for the term itself, but that it is not expected at this point in the list. If only the term is red, then no type could be inferred for the term itself.

In all modes format-check succeeds (exit code 0) if the ATerm contains no format errors. If the term does contain format errors, then format-check fails (exit code 1).


Grammar Options

--rtg file

Use the regular tree grammar defined in file.

--rtg-nf file

Use the normalized, regular tree grammar defined in file.

-s s, --start s

Use s as the start symbol, i.e. root of the ATerm. By default, the start non-terminals defined for in the regular tree grammar are used.

Reporting Options


Output report as an XHTML document. See above for a detailed description.


Output report as a coloured, pretty-printed ATerm. See above for a detailed description.


Run as fast as possible. Might reduce quality of error messages.

Other Options


Check tool dependencies.

Common Input/Output Options

-i file

The input term given by the file name file.

In the absence of the -i option, input will be read from stdin.

-o file

The output will be written to the file given by the file name file.

In the absence of the -o option, output will be written to stdout.


The output will be written in the binary (BAF) ATerm format.

ATerms in the BAF format require a lot less space than ones in the TAF format, but the Java ATerm library does not currently support baf ATerms. ATerms in the baf format is the preferred format of exchange between Stratego tools.

Common Debugging Options


See --version.

-h, -?, --help

Display usage information.

--keep int

Keep intermediate results produced by the internal stages in the pretty-printing process. This is only useful for debugging. A high value of int indicates increased eagerness for keeping intermediate results.

Default setting is 0, indicating that no intermediates will be kept.

-S, --silent

Silent execution. Same as --verbose 0.

--verbose int

Set verbosity level to numerical value int. The higher the number, the more information about pp-aterm's inner workings are printed.

Alternatively, int can be set to either of the following verbosity levels, given in increasing order of verbosity: emergency, alert, critical, error, warning, notice, info, debug, vomit.


Displays the tool name and version.


To check the ATerm tree.trm against the regular tree grammar in tree-grammar.rtg, issue:

$ format-check --rtg tree-grammar.rtg -i tree.trm -o tree.checked.trm

If the term in tree.trm is syntactially valid, i.e. it conforms to the regular tree grammar, it will be copied to tree.checked.trm. If not, format-check wille exit with an error code and tree.checked.trm will not be written to.

Reporting Bugs

Please report bugs to


Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Eelco Visser

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.


gen-renamed-sdf-module — generates an SDF module that renames all SDF sorts in a given SDF definition.


gen-renamed-sdf-module [-m mod | --main mod] [--name mod] [--prefix id] [--scheme [...]] [-i file | --input file] [-o file | --output file] [-b] [-S | --silent] [--verbose level] [-k level | --keep level] [-h | -? | --help] [--about] [--version]


The gen-renamed-sdf-module utility is used to generate modules where sorts are either prefixed (with the --prefix option) or renamed (using the --scheme option).

This tool is useful for concrete object syntax embeddings, where the sorts in the embedded language syntax definitions must be renamed before being imported into the host language, so as to avoid name space conflicts between the two syntax declarations. For example, both the embedded and the host language may declare an Exp sort.


Grammar Options

-m mod, --main mod

Use mod as the main module in the SDF definition. By default, this is Main.

--name mod

Name of the resulting module. This option is mandatory.

--prefix id

Prefix all sort names with id.

--scheme [...]

Rename the sorts according to the scheme in [...].

Common Input/Output Options

-i file

The input term given by the file name file.

In the absence of the -i option, input will be read from stdin.

-o file

The output will be written to the file given by the file name file.

In the absence of the -o option, output will be written to stdout.


The output will be written in the binary (BAF) ATerm format.

ATerms in the BAF format require a lot less space than ones in the TAF format, but the Java ATerm library does not currently support baf ATerms. ATerms in the baf format is the preferred format of exchange between Stratego tools.

Common Debugging Options


See --version.

-h, -?, --help

Display usage information.

--keep int

Keep intermediate results produced by the internal stages in the pretty-printing process. This is only useful for debugging. A high value of int indicates increased eagerness for keeping intermediate results.

Default setting is 0, indicating that no intermediates will be kept.

-S, --silent

Silent execution. Same as --verbose 0.

--verbose int

Set verbosity level to numerical value int. The higher the number, the more information about pp-aterm's inner workings are printed.

Alternatively, int can be set to either of the following verbosity levels, given in increasing order of verbosity: emergency, alert, critical, error, warning, notice, info, debug, vomit.


Displays the tool name and version.


Consider the following syntax definition.

  module Expressions
  imports Identifiers [Id => MyId]
    sorts Exp
  context-free syntax
    Id        -> Exp {cons("Var")}
    IntConst  -> Exp {cons("Int")}
    Exp "+"  Exp -> Exp  {left, cons("Plus")}

  module Identifiers
    sorts Id
  lexical syntax
    [a-zA-Z]+ -> Id  

By applying gen-renamed-sdf-module as follows, all sorts will be prefixed by Exp.

$ gen-renamed-sdf-module -i Exp.def -m Expressions --name Exp-Prefixed --prefix Exp

The generated definition is:

  module Exp-Prefixed
  imports Expressions
    [ IntConst => ExpIntConst
      MyId     => ExpMyId
      Exp      => ExpExp ]

Reporting Bugs

Please report bugs to


Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Eelco Visser

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.


implode-asfix — maps an asfix parse tree to an abstract syntax tree


implode-asfix [--lex] [--layout] [--lit] [--alt] [--appl] [--nt] [--inj] [--list] [--seq] [--pt] [--concrete] [-i file | --input file] [-o file | --output file] [-b] [-S | --silent] [--verbose level] [--k level | --keep level] [-h | -? | --help] [--about] [--version]


The implode-asfix utility maps an AsFix tree to an abstract syntax tree. The mapping performs several transformations, including:

  • remove layout

  • flatten lexical subtrees to strings

  • replace appl(prod(...),[...]) applications by constructor applications, if the production is annotated with a cons(...) attribute.

The input tree is required to be in AsFix2 format. See the AsFix section for more information about the AsFix format.


Implode Options


Flatten alternatives.


Replace appl applications by constructor applications.


Skip concrete syntax parts of a Stratego program. Concrete syntax starts a ToTerm, ToStrategy or ToBuild and stops at FromTerm or FromApp.


Remove injections from the parse tree.


Remove layout nodes from the parse tree.


Flatten lexical substrings to strings.


Flatten lists.


Remove literal nodes from the parse tree.


Replace appl application by non-terminal applications.


Remove the outer pt constructor from the parse tree


Replace sequences by tuples

Common Input/Output Options

-i file

The input term given by the file name file.

In the absence of the -i option, input will be read from stdin.

-o file

The output will be written to the file given by the file name file.

In the absence of the -o option, output will be written to stdout.


The output will be written in the binary (BAF) ATerm format.

ATerms in the BAF format require a lot less space than ones in the TAF format, but the Java ATerm library does not currently support baf ATerms. ATerms in the baf format is the preferred format of exchange between Stratego tools.

Common Debugging Options


See --version.

-h, -?, --help

Display usage information.

--keep int

Keep intermediate results produced by the internal stages in the pretty-printing process. This is only useful for debugging. A high value of int indicates increased eagerness for keeping intermediate results.

Default setting is 0, indicating that no intermediates will be kept.

-S, --silent

Silent execution. Same as --verbose 0.

--verbose int

Set verbosity level to numerical value int. The higher the number, the more information about pp-aterm's inner workings are printed.

Alternatively, int can be set to either of the following verbosity levels, given in increasing order of verbosity: emergency, alert, critical, error, warning, notice, info, debug, vomit.


Displays the tool name and version.


The implosion of parse trees by implode-asfix uses the cons annotation of SDF productions. For instance, the following annotation are typical for a small expression language.

module Exp
  context-free start-symbols Exp
  sorts Id IntConst Exp
  lexical syntax
    [\ \t\n]  -> LAYOUT
    [a-zA-Z]+ -> Id
    [0-9]+    -> IntConst
  context-free syntax
    Id        -> Exp {cons("Var")}
    IntConst  -> Exp {cons("Int")}
    Exp "*"  Exp -> Exp  {left, cons("Mul")}
    Exp "/"  Exp -> Exp  {left, cons("Div")}
    Exp "%"  Exp -> Exp  {left, cons("Mod")}
    Exp "+"  Exp -> Exp  {left, cons("Plus")}
    Exp "-"  Exp -> Exp  {left, cons("Minus")}
  context-free priorities
      Exp "*"  Exp -> Exp
      Exp "/"  Exp -> Exp
      Exp "%"  Exp -> Exp
  > {left:
      Exp "+"  Exp -> Exp
      Exp "-"  Exp -> Exp

Invoking sglr followed by implode-asfix results in an abstract syntax tree.

$ echo "1 + 2 * 3" | sglr -2 -p Exp.def.tbl | implode-asfix

Reporting Bugs

Please report bugs to


Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Eelco Visser

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.


pack-sdf — packs a set of SDF modules into a single definition


pack-sdf [-I dir | --include dir] [-Idef lang] [--dep file] [-of format] [-i file | --input file] [-o file | --output file] [-b] [-S | --silent] [--verbose level] [-k level | --keep level] [-h | -? | --help] [--about] [--version]


An SDF syntax definition consists of a set of modules. pack-sdf collects all modules imported by module m in file m.sdf and creates a combined syntax definition in file m.def.

The search order for SDF modules is:

  1. The directory of the main module specified with the -i option

  2. The specified include options (-I), in the order they are given on the command-line.

  3. The XTC repository

Error Reporting

pack-sdf checks if the module name specified in an SDF module file, corresponds to the actual filename. Having different names can lead to subtle errors which are difficult to find.

Missing modules will be reported by pack-sdf. Usually, the module is not really missing, but the name of this import is incorrect. Therefore, pack-sdf reports the module(s) from where the 'missing' module is imported. pack-sdf prints a detailed report of all missing modules and the module where these are imported.

Generation of Dependency Files

pack-sdf supports the creation of a dependency file suitable for inclusion in a Makefile. AutoXT's Makefile.xt will instruct pack-sdf to do this, so there is no need to specify dependencies of SDF files by hand.


File Options

--dep file.dep

Write make dependencies to file.dep

-I dir

Include modules from directory dir. pack-sdf will give a warning if the directory does not exist.

-Idef file.def

Include modules from SDF definition in file file.def. pack-sdf will give a warning if the file does not exist.

-of format

Use output format format, which must be either of txt, asfix or ast.

Common Input/Output Options

-i file

The input term given by the file name file.

In the absence of the -i option, input will be read from stdin.

-o file

The output will be written to the file given by the file name file.

In the absence of the -o option, output will be written to stdout.


The output will be written in the binary (BAF) ATerm format.

ATerms in the BAF format require a lot less space than ones in the TAF format, but the Java ATerm library does not currently support baf ATerms. ATerms in the baf format is the preferred format of exchange between Stratego tools.

Common Debugging Options


See --version.

-h, -?, --help

Display usage information.

--keep int

Keep intermediate results produced by the internal stages in the pretty-printing process. This is only useful for debugging. A high value of int indicates increased eagerness for keeping intermediate results.

Default setting is 0, indicating that no intermediates will be kept.

-S, --silent

Silent execution. Same as --verbose 0.

--verbose int

Set verbosity level to numerical value int. The higher the number, the more information about pp-aterm's inner workings are printed.

Alternatively, int can be set to either of the following verbosity levels, given in increasing order of verbosity: emergency, alert, critical, error, warning, notice, info, debug, vomit.


Displays the tool name and version.


Issuing the following command will collapse all external SDF modules references found in the lang.sdf file into one single definition, by searching the local directory, then the lang/. The result is written to lang.def. All file dependencies will be computed and placed in a make-compatible file, called lang.dep:

$ pack-sdf -I lang --dep lang.dep -i lang.sdf -o lang.def

Reporting Bugs

Please report bugs to


Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Eelco Visser

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.


parse-box — parses a layout definition written in the Box language


parse-box [-i file | --input file] [-o file | --output file] [-b] [-S | --silent] [--verbose level] [-k level | --keep level] [-h | -? | --help] [--about] [--version]


The parse-box utility is used to parse Box source files. The result of the parsing is an abstract syntax tree of the input program, output as a binary ATerm.

Box is a mark-up language to describe the intended layout of text and is used in pretty print tables. For a full treatment of the Box layout language, refer to Pretty Printing with GPP.


Common Input/Output Options

-i file

The input term given by the file name file.

In the absence of the -i option, input will be read from stdin.

-o file

The output will be written to the file given by the file name file.

In the absence of the -o option, output will be written to stdout.


The output will be written in the binary (BAF) ATerm format.

ATerms in the BAF format require a lot less space than ones in the TAF format, but the Java ATerm library does not currently support baf ATerms. ATerms in the baf format is the preferred format of exchange between Stratego tools.

Common Debugging Options


See --version.

-h, -?, --help

Display usage information.

--keep int

Keep intermediate results produced by the internal stages in the pretty-printing process. This is only useful for debugging. A high value of int indicates increased eagerness for keeping intermediate results.

Default setting is 0, indicating that no intermediates will be kept.

-S, --silent

Silent execution. Same as --verbose 0.

--verbose int

Set verbosity level to numerical value int. The higher the number, the more information about pp-aterm's inner workings are printed.

Alternatively, int can be set to either of the following verbosity levels, given in increasing order of verbosity: emergency, alert, critical, error, warning, notice, info, debug, vomit.


Displays the tool name and version.

Reporting Bugs

Please report bugs to


Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Eelco Visser

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.


parse-cs — parses meta-programs with concrete syntax


parse-cs [-I dir | --Include dir] [--syntax syn] [--ensugar level] [-pp | -pretty-print] [-i file | --input file] [-o file | --output file] [-b] [-S | --silent] [--verbose level] [-k level | --keep level] [-h | -? | --help] [--about] [--version]


parse-cs is a generic parser for meta-programs with concrete object syntax, also known as embedded syntax. For proper operation, parse-cs must have information about

  1. the parse table

  2. the pre-explode desugaring component

  3. the exploder for embedded abstract syntax

  4. the post-explode desugaring component

  5. the pretty-printer

These components do are not provided on the command line, but rather in a meta-data file. For each file to be parsed, a specific meta-data file must be defined. It should have the following components:

  Syntax(lang),                      // name of language = main SDF module

If the component names are not absolute paths to files, the components are looked up in the XTC repository. Most of these components are optional, only one the syntax component is required.


Syntax Options

-I dir, --input dir

Include modules from directory dir.

--syntax syn

Use syntax syn.

-pp, --pretty-print

Invoke the pretty-printer as part of the process.

Common Input/Output Options

-i file

The input term given by the file name file.

In the absence of the -i option, input will be read from stdin.

-o file

The output will be written to the file given by the file name file.

In the absence of the -o option, output will be written to stdout.


The output will be written in the binary (BAF) ATerm format.

ATerms in the BAF format require a lot less space than ones in the TAF format, but the Java ATerm library does not currently support baf ATerms. ATerms in the baf format is the preferred format of exchange between Stratego tools.

Common Debugging Options


See --version.

-h, -?, --help

Display usage information.

--keep int

Keep intermediate results produced by the internal stages in the pretty-printing process. This is only useful for debugging. A high value of int indicates increased eagerness for keeping intermediate results.

Default setting is 0, indicating that no intermediates will be kept.

-S, --silent

Silent execution. Same as --verbose 0.

--verbose int

Set verbosity level to numerical value int. The higher the number, the more information about pp-aterm's inner workings are printed.

Alternatively, int can be set to either of the following verbosity levels, given in increasing order of verbosity: emergency, alert, critical, error, warning, notice, info, debug, vomit.


Displays the tool name and version.


Given a meta file in prog.meta and the program in prog.str, the following will parse a Stratego program with embedded concrete syntax:

$ parse-cs --syntax Stratego -i prog.str -o prog.trm

Reporting Bugs

Please report bugs to


Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Eelco Visser

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.


parse-c — parses a C source file


parse-c [-i file | --input file] [-o file | --output file] [-b] [-S | --silent] [--verbose level] [-k level | --keep level] [-h | -? | --help] [--about] [--version]


parse-c is used to parse textual C files and obtain an abstract syntax tree in the ATerm format. It is not a fully featured C front-end. In particular, it does not do pre-processing.


Common Input/Output Options

-i file

The input term given by the file name file.

In the absence of the -i option, input will be read from stdin.

-o file

The output will be written to the file given by the file name file.

In the absence of the -o option, output will be written to stdout.


The output will be written in the binary (BAF) ATerm format.

ATerms in the BAF format require a lot less space than ones in the TAF format, but the Java ATerm library does not currently support baf ATerms. ATerms in the baf format is the preferred format of exchange between Stratego tools.

Common Debugging Options


See --version.

-h, -?, --help

Display usage information.

--keep int

Keep intermediate results produced by the internal stages in the pretty-printing process. This is only useful for debugging. A high value of int indicates increased eagerness for keeping intermediate results.

Default setting is 0, indicating that no intermediates will be kept.

-S, --silent

Silent execution. Same as --verbose 0.

--verbose int

Set verbosity level to numerical value int. The higher the number, the more information about pp-aterm's inner workings are printed.

Alternatively, int can be set to either of the following verbosity levels, given in increasing order of verbosity: emergency, alert, critical, error, warning, notice, info, debug, vomit.


Displays the tool name and version.


Consider the C program below, stored in hello.c.

int main() {
  printf("Hello, World!");

By running the command

$ parse-c -i hello.c -o hello.trm

we get the following in hello.trm:

  [ FunDef(
      TypeSpec([], Int, [])
    , IdDecl([], Id("main"), Some(ParamList([])))
    , Compound(
      , [Stat(FunCall(Id("printf"), [StringLit(["\"Hello, World!\""])]))]

Reporting Bugs

Please report bugs to


Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Eelco Visser

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.


parse-pp-table — parses a pretty-print table


parse-pp-table [-i file | --input file] [-o file | --output file] [-b] [-S | --silent] [--verbose level] [-k level | --keep level] [-h | -? | --help] [--about] [--version]


The parse-pp-table is a convenience wrapper around sglr for parsing a pretty-print table. The result is an abstract syntax tree for the parse table, in the ATerm format.


Common Input/Output Options

-i file

The input term given by the file name file.

In the absence of the -i option, input will be read from stdin.

-o file

The output will be written to the file given by the file name file.

In the absence of the -o option, output will be written to stdout.


The output will be written in the binary (BAF) ATerm format.

ATerms in the BAF format require a lot less space than ones in the TAF format, but the Java ATerm library does not currently support baf ATerms. ATerms in the baf format is the preferred format of exchange between Stratego tools.

Common Debugging Options


See --version.

-h, -?, --help

Display usage information.

--keep int

Keep intermediate results produced by the internal stages in the pretty-printing process. This is only useful for debugging. A high value of int indicates increased eagerness for keeping intermediate results.

Default setting is 0, indicating that no intermediates will be kept.

-S, --silent

Silent execution. Same as --verbose 0.

--verbose int

Set verbosity level to numerical value int. The higher the number, the more information about pp-aterm's inner workings are printed.

Alternatively, int can be set to either of the following verbosity levels, given in increasing order of verbosity: emergency, alert, critical, error, warning, notice, info, debug, vomit.


Displays the tool name and version.

Reporting Bugs

Please report bugs to


Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Eelco Visser

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.


parse-rtg — parse a regular tree grammar (RTG) source file


parse-rtg [-i file | --input file] [-o file | --output file] [-b] [-S | --silent] [--verbose level] [-k level | --keep level] [-h | -? | --help] [--about] [--version]


The parse-rtg utility is used to parse a regular tree grammar file. The result is an abstract syntax tree, in the ATerm format.

Regular tree grammars are used for format checking of terms. See Format Checking with format-check.


Common Input/Output Options

-i file

The input term given by the file name file.

In the absence of the -i option, input will be read from stdin.

-o file

The output will be written to the file given by the file name file.

In the absence of the -o option, output will be written to stdout.


The output will be written in the binary (BAF) ATerm format.

ATerms in the BAF format require a lot less space than ones in the TAF format, but the Java ATerm library does not currently support baf ATerms. ATerms in the baf format is the preferred format of exchange between Stratego tools.

Common Debugging Options


See --version.

-h, -?, --help

Display usage information.

--keep int

Keep intermediate results produced by the internal stages in the pretty-printing process. This is only useful for debugging. A high value of int indicates increased eagerness for keeping intermediate results.

Default setting is 0, indicating that no intermediates will be kept.

-S, --silent

Silent execution. Same as --verbose 0.

--verbose int

Set verbosity level to numerical value int. The higher the number, the more information about pp-aterm's inner workings are printed.

Alternatively, int can be set to either of the following verbosity levels, given in increasing order of verbosity: emergency, alert, critical, error, warning, notice, info, debug, vomit.


Displays the tool name and version.

Reporting Bugs

Please report bugs to


Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Eelco Visser

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.


parse-sdf-definition — parsers and desugars a SDF definition file.


parse-sdf-definition [-i file | --input file] [-o file | --output file] [-b] [-S | --silent] [--verbose level] [-k level | --keep level] [-h | -? | --help] [--about] [--version]


The parse-sdf-definition utility parsers and desugars a an SDF definition, using sglr. The result is an abstract syntax tree of the SDF definition, in the ATerm format.


Common Input/Output Options

-i file

The input term given by the file name file.

In the absence of the -i option, input will be read from stdin.

-o file

The output will be written to the file given by the file name file.

In the absence of the -o option, output will be written to stdout.


The output will be written in the binary (BAF) ATerm format.

ATerms in the BAF format require a lot less space than ones in the TAF format, but the Java ATerm library does not currently support baf ATerms. ATerms in the baf format is the preferred format of exchange between Stratego tools.

Common Debugging Options


See --version.

-h, -?, --help

Display usage information.

--keep int

Keep intermediate results produced by the internal stages in the pretty-printing process. This is only useful for debugging. A high value of int indicates increased eagerness for keeping intermediate results.

Default setting is 0, indicating that no intermediates will be kept.

-S, --silent

Silent execution. Same as --verbose 0.

--verbose int

Set verbosity level to numerical value int. The higher the number, the more information about pp-aterm's inner workings are printed.

Alternatively, int can be set to either of the following verbosity levels, given in increasing order of verbosity: emergency, alert, critical, error, warning, notice, info, debug, vomit.


Displays the tool name and version.

Reporting Bugs

Please report bugs to


Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Eelco Visser

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.


parse-sdf-module — parses and desugars an SDF module file.


parse-sdf-module [-i file | --input file] [-o file | --output file] [-b] [-S | --silent] [--verbose level] [-k level | --keep level] [-h | -? | --help] [--about] [--version]


The parse-sdf-module utility parsers and desugars a an SDF module, using sglr. The result is an abstract syntax tree of the SDF module, in the ATerm format.


Common Input/Output Options

-i file

The input term given by the file name file.

In the absence of the -i option, input will be read from stdin.

-o file

The output will be written to the file given by the file name file.

In the absence of the -o option, output will be written to stdout.


The output will be written in the binary (BAF) ATerm format.

ATerms in the BAF format require a lot less space than ones in the TAF format, but the Java ATerm library does not currently support baf ATerms. ATerms in the baf format is the preferred format of exchange between Stratego tools.

Common Debugging Options


See --version.

-h, -?, --help

Display usage information.

--keep int

Keep intermediate results produced by the internal stages in the pretty-printing process. This is only useful for debugging. A high value of int indicates increased eagerness for keeping intermediate results.

Default setting is 0, indicating that no intermediates will be kept.

-S, --silent

Silent execution. Same as --verbose 0.

--verbose int

Set verbosity level to numerical value int. The higher the number, the more information about pp-aterm's inner workings are printed.

Alternatively, int can be set to either of the following verbosity levels, given in increasing order of verbosity: emergency, alert, critical, error, warning, notice, info, debug, vomit.


Displays the tool name and version.

Reporting Bugs

Please report bugs to


Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Eelco Visser

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.


parse-stratego — parses a Stratego source file


parse-stratego [-I dir | --Include dir] [--syntax syn] [--default-syntax syn] [--asfix] [--desugaring on|off] [--assimilation on|off] [] [-i file | --input file] [-o file | --outputfile] [-S | --silent] [--verbose level] [--k level | --keep level] [-h | -? | --help] [--about] [--version]


The parse-stratego utility is used to parse Stratego source files. The result of the parsing is an abstract syntax tree of the input program, output as a binary ATerm.

Stratego source code may include modules from other directories. Specifying the search path is done by the -I option. A parse error will occur if all referenced modules cannot be found. By default the standard library is automatically included in the search path.

Stratego source code can be extended with embedded languages having their own concrete syntax, making Stratego a syntactically extensible language. When the source code contains a Stratego program extended in this way, parse-stratego must be told which syntax to use when parsing the source code. This is the task of the --syntax and --default-syntax options.

As a part of embedding languages in Stratego, the new language constructs can be translated into Stratego library functions and code. This is called assimilation, and is controlled by the --assimilation switch.


Module and Syntax Options

-I dir, --Include dir

Add dir to the module search path.

--syntax syn

Use syntax syn.

--default-syn syn

Use syntax syn as the default syntax.


Use the AsFix format.

--desugaring on | off

Toggle desugaring on/off. Default is off

--assimilation on | off

Toggle assimilation on/off. Default is on.

Common Input/Output Options

-i file

The input term given by the file name file.

In the absence of the -i option, input will be read from stdin.

-o file

The output will be written to the file given by the file name file.

In the absence of the -o option, output will be written to stdout.


The output will be written in the binary (BAF) ATerm format.

ATerms in the BAF format require a lot less space than ones in the TAF format, but the Java ATerm library does not currently support baf ATerms. ATerms in the baf format is the preferred format of exchange between Stratego tools.

Common Debugging Options


See --version.

-h, -?, --help

Display usage information.

--keep int

Keep intermediate results produced by the internal stages in the pretty-printing process. This is only useful for debugging. A high value of int indicates increased eagerness for keeping intermediate results.

Default setting is 0, indicating that no intermediates will be kept.

-S, --silent

Silent execution. Same as --verbose 0.

--verbose int

Set verbosity level to numerical value int. The higher the number, the more information about pp-aterm's inner workings are printed.

Alternatively, int can be set to either of the following verbosity levels, given in increasing order of verbosity: emergency, alert, critical, error, warning, notice, info, debug, vomit.


Displays the tool name and version.


Given the file myunit.str given below.

module myunit
    F: A -> F
    A: A
  main = 
      , all(id)
      , !F(A)
      , !F(A)

We can obtain the abstract syntax tree for this program as an ATerm by issuing the following command:

$ parse-stratego -i myunit.str -o tree.trm

The result will be the following term:

, [ Imports([Import("sunit")])
  , Signature(
      [ Constructors(
          [ OpDecl(
            , FunType([ConstType(SortNoArgs("A"))], ConstType(SortNoArgs("F")))
          , OpDecl("A", ConstType(SortNoArgs("A")))
  , Strategies(
      [ SDefNoArgs(
        , Call(
          , [ Build(NoAnnoList(Str("\"foo\"")))
            , Call(
              , [ Build(NoAnnoList(Str("\"all-test1a\"")))
                , All(Id)
                , Build(NoAnnoList(Op("F", [Var("A")])))
                , Build(NoAnnoList(Op("F", [Var("A")])))

Reporting Bugs

Please report bugs to


Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Eelco Visser

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.


parse-unit — performs the test cases in a testsuite for an SDF syntax definition


parse-unit [-p file] [--abstract-input] [--no-heuristic-filters] [--single int] [--asfix2] [--ast] [-i file | --input file] [-o file | --input file] [-b] [-S | --silent] [--verbose level] [-k level | --keep level] [--check] [-h | -? | --help] [--about] [--version]


The parse-unit utility is used for testing SDF syntax definitions. Using it, you can check that small code fragements are parsed correctly with your syntax definition.

The testsuites that parse-unit employes, have tests with an input and an expected result. You can specify that a test should succeed, fail or that the abstract syntax tree should have a specific format. The input to parse-unit is a string or the contents of a file.


Parsing Options

-p file

Use parse table from the file file. Refer to the sdf2table tool for how to create one.


Indicates to parse-unit that the testsuite input is already in abstract syntax.


Do not use heuristic disambiguation filters. It is recommended to enable this options.

--single num

Run parse test number num and output the result.


Enable production of an AsFix2 parse tree instead of an abstract syntax tree.


Enable production of an abstract syntax tree. This is the default.

Common Input/Output Options

-i file

The input term given by the file name file.

In the absence of the -i option, input will be read from stdin.

-o file

The output will be written to the file given by the file name file.

In the absence of the -o option, output will be written to stdout.


The output will be written in the binary (BAF) ATerm format.

ATerms in the BAF format require a lot less space than ones in the TAF format, but the Java ATerm library does not currently support baf ATerms. ATerms in the baf format is the preferred format of exchange between Stratego tools.

Common Debugging Options


See --version.

-h, -?, --help

Display usage information.

--keep int

Keep intermediate results produced by the internal stages in the pretty-printing process. This is only useful for debugging. A high value of int indicates increased eagerness for keeping intermediate results.

Default setting is 0, indicating that no intermediates will be kept.

-S, --silent

Silent execution. Same as --verbose 0.

--verbose int

Set verbosity level to numerical value int. The higher the number, the more information about pp-aterm's inner workings are printed.

Alternatively, int can be set to either of the following verbosity levels, given in increasing order of verbosity: emergency, alert, critical, error, warning, notice, info, debug, vomit.


Displays the tool name and version.


Refer to the chapter Unit Testing with Parse-unit for a full discussion of parse-unit in action.

Given an appropriate language parse table in lang.tbl, you can run the fifth test available from the testsuite mytests.testsuite as follows:

$ parse-unit --single 5 -p lang.tbl -i mytests.testsuite

Reporting Bugs

Please report bugs to


Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Eelco Visser

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.


parse-xml-doc — parses an XML file into a xml-doc term


parse-xml-doc [-i file | --input file] [-o file | --output file] [-b] [-S | --silent] [--verbose level] [-k level | --keep level] [-h | -? | --help] [--about] [--version]


The parse-xml-doc utility is used to parse an XML document into an xml-doc term. xml-doc is an ATerm representation of an XML document which captures the actual syntax of the original XML document. The original XML document can therefore be recreated from the ATerm.


Common Input/Output Options

-i file

The input term given by the file name file.

In the absence of the -i option, input will be read from stdin.

-o file

The output will be written to the file given by the file name file.

In the absence of the -o option, output will be written to stdout.


The output will be written in the binary (BAF) ATerm format.

ATerms in the BAF format require a lot less space than ones in the TAF format, but the Java ATerm library does not currently support baf ATerms. ATerms in the baf format is the preferred format of exchange between Stratego tools.

Common Debugging Options


See --version.

-h, -?, --help

Display usage information.

--keep int

Keep intermediate results produced by the internal stages in the pretty-printing process. This is only useful for debugging. A high value of int indicates increased eagerness for keeping intermediate results.

Default setting is 0, indicating that no intermediates will be kept.

-S, --silent

Silent execution. Same as --verbose 0.

--verbose int

Set verbosity level to numerical value int. The higher the number, the more information about pp-aterm's inner workings are printed.

Alternatively, int can be set to either of the following verbosity levels, given in increasing order of verbosity: emergency, alert, critical, error, warning, notice, info, debug, vomit.


Displays the tool name and version.


Assume the following XML document is in doc.xml.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<foo bar="zap">

By issuing the command

$ parse-xml-doc -i foo.xml -o foo.trm

we get the following content in foo.trm.

    Some(XMLDecl(VersionDecl(Version("1.0")), None, None))
  , []
  , None
, Element(
    QName(None, "foo")
  , [Attribute(QName(None, "bar"), DoubleQuoted([Literal("zap")]))]
  , [ Text([Literal("\n ")])
    , EmptyElement(QName(None, "znip"), [])
    , Text([Literal("\n")])
  , QName(None, "foo")
, Epilogue([])

Reporting Bugs

Please report bugs to


Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Eelco Visser

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.


parse-xml-info — parses an XML file into a xml-info term


parse-xml-info [-i file | --input file] [-o file | --output file] [-b] [-S | --silent] [--verbose level] [-k level | --keep level] [-h | -? | --help] [--about] [--version]


The parse-xml-info utility is used to parse an XML document into an xml-info term. xml-info terms capture only the essential content of the document, and cannot be converted back to XML without loss of some information.


Common Input/Output Options

-i file

The input term given by the file name file.

In the absence of the -i option, input will be read from stdin.

-o file

The output will be written to the file given by the file name file.

In the absence of the -o option, output will be written to stdout.


The output will be written in the binary (BAF) ATerm format.

ATerms in the BAF format require a lot less space than ones in the TAF format, but the Java ATerm library does not currently support baf ATerms. ATerms in the baf format is the preferred format of exchange between Stratego tools.

Common Debugging Options


See --version.

-h, -?, --help

Display usage information.

--keep int

Keep intermediate results produced by the internal stages in the pretty-printing process. This is only useful for debugging. A high value of int indicates increased eagerness for keeping intermediate results.

Default setting is 0, indicating that no intermediates will be kept.

-S, --silent

Silent execution. Same as --verbose 0.

--verbose int

Set verbosity level to numerical value int. The higher the number, the more information about pp-aterm's inner workings are printed.

Alternatively, int can be set to either of the following verbosity levels, given in increasing order of verbosity: emergency, alert, critical, error, warning, notice, info, debug, vomit.


Displays the tool name and version.


Assume the following XML document is in doc.xml.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<foo bar="zap">

By issuing the command

$ parse-xml-info -i foo.xml -o foo.trm

we get the following content in foo.trm.

    Name(None, "foo")
  , [Attribute(Name(None, "bar"), "zap")]
  , [Element(Name(None, "znip"), [], [])]

Reporting Bugs

Please report bugs to


Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Eelco Visser

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.


pp-aterm — pretty-prints an ATerm in text format to make it readable for humans.


pp-aterm [-i file] [--max-term-size int] [--max-depth int] [-u | --unescaped] [-o file] [-b] [-S | --silent] [--verbose level] [--keep level | -k level] [-h | -? | --help] [--about] [--version]


The pp-aterm utility is primarily used for inspecting an ATerm. It prints an ATerm as text and adds layout to make the structure more clear. Some aspects of the formatting may be controlled by command line switches.

pp-aterm may also be used to convert between the binary (BAF) and textual (TAF) ATerm formats. This is useful for interoperability with the Java ATerm library, which does not currently support ATerms in the BAF format.


Formatting Options

--max-depth int

The depth, i.e. nested level of subterms pp-aterm will traverse before a generic subterm marker will be printed. By default, there is no restriction to the depth.

Note that if you use this option, you cannot feed the resulting output to other tools.

--max-term-size int

The maximal number of terms allowed per line. The higher the number, the more columns are required for the result.

Default is 8. Minimum is 1 (0 will be adjusted to 1).

-u, --unescaped

Prints strings without escapes.

Common Input/Output Options

-i file

The input term given by the file name file.

In the absence of the -i option, input will be read from stdin.

-o file

The output will be written to the file given by the file name file.

In the absence of the -o option, output will be written to stdout.


The output will be written in the binary (BAF) ATerm format.

ATerms in the BAF format require a lot less space than ones in the TAF format, but the Java ATerm library does not currently support baf ATerms. ATerms in the baf format is the preferred format of exchange between Stratego tools.

Common Debugging Options


See --version.

-h, -?, --help

Display usage information.

--keep int

Keep intermediate results produced by the internal stages in the pretty-printing process. This is only useful for debugging. A high value of int indicates increased eagerness for keeping intermediate results.

Default setting is 0, indicating that no intermediates will be kept.

-S, --silent

Silent execution. Same as --verbose 0.

--verbose int

Set verbosity level to numerical value int. The higher the number, the more information about pp-aterm's inner workings are printed.

Alternatively, int can be set to either of the following verbosity levels, given in increasing order of verbosity: emergency, alert, critical, error, warning, notice, info, debug, vomit.


Displays the tool name and version.


The following is a typical term stored in a textual ATerm (taf) file:


By running

$ pp-aterm -i prot.trm

, we get the readable version below:

  [ FunDecs(
      [ FunDec(
        , [FArg("n", Tp(Tid("int")))]
        , Tp(Tid("int"))
        , If(
            Lt(Var("n"), Int("1"))
          , Int("1")
          , Seq(
              [ Times(
                , Call(
                  , [Minus(Var("n"), Int("1"))]
, [ Call(
    , [Call(Var("fact"), [Int("10")])]

By using the options --max-term-size and --max-depth you can control the number of terms you want per line and the level of "detail" you want to see, respectively.

Reporting Bugs

Please report bugs to


Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Eelco Visser

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.


pp-box — pretty-prints an abstract syntax tree containing Box code


pp-box [-i file | --input file] [-o file | --output file] [-b] [-S | --silent] [--verbose level] [-k level | --keep level] [-h | -? | --help] [--about] [--version]


The pp-box utility is used to pretty print an abstract syntax tree of a Box layout declaration, provided as an ATerm. The result is a human-readable, plain text file.


Common Input/Output Options

-i file

The input term given by the file name file.

In the absence of the -i option, input will be read from stdin.

-o file

The output will be written to the file given by the file name file.

In the absence of the -o option, output will be written to stdout.


The output will be written in the binary (BAF) ATerm format.

ATerms in the BAF format require a lot less space than ones in the TAF format, but the Java ATerm library does not currently support baf ATerms. ATerms in the baf format is the preferred format of exchange between Stratego tools.

Common Debugging Options


See --version.

-h, -?, --help

Display usage information.

--keep int

Keep intermediate results produced by the internal stages in the pretty-printing process. This is only useful for debugging. A high value of int indicates increased eagerness for keeping intermediate results.

Default setting is 0, indicating that no intermediates will be kept.

-S, --silent

Silent execution. Same as --verbose 0.

--verbose int

Set verbosity level to numerical value int. The higher the number, the more information about pp-aterm's inner workings are printed.

Alternatively, int can be set to either of the following verbosity levels, given in increasing order of verbosity: emergency, alert, critical, error, warning, notice, info, debug, vomit.


Displays the tool name and version.

Reporting Bugs

Please report bugs to


Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Eelco Visser

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.


pp-c — pretty-prints an abstract syntax tree containing C code


pp-c [-i file | --input file] [-o file | --output file] [-b] [-S | --silent] [--verbose level] [-k level | --keep level] [-h | -? | --help] [--about] [--version]


The pp-c utility is used to pretty-print C code from an abstract syntax tree, given as an ATerm to concrete syntax, in plain text.


Common Input/Output Options

-i file

The input term given by the file name file.

In the absence of the -i option, input will be read from stdin.

-o file

The output will be written to the file given by the file name file.

In the absence of the -o option, output will be written to stdout.


The output will be written in the binary (BAF) ATerm format.

ATerms in the BAF format require a lot less space than ones in the TAF format, but the Java ATerm library does not currently support baf ATerms. ATerms in the baf format is the preferred format of exchange between Stratego tools.

Common Debugging Options


See --version.

-h, -?, --help

Display usage information.

--keep int

Keep intermediate results produced by the internal stages in the pretty-printing process. This is only useful for debugging. A high value of int indicates increased eagerness for keeping intermediate results.

Default setting is 0, indicating that no intermediates will be kept.

-S, --silent

Silent execution. Same as --verbose 0.

--verbose int

Set verbosity level to numerical value int. The higher the number, the more information about pp-aterm's inner workings are printed.

Alternatively, int can be set to either of the following verbosity levels, given in increasing order of verbosity: emergency, alert, critical, error, warning, notice, info, debug, vomit.


Displays the tool name and version.


Given the following abstract syntax for a simple C program in foo.trm:

  [ FunDef(
      TypeSpec([], Int, [])
    , IdDecl([], Id("main"), Some(ParamList([])))
    , Compound(
      , [Stat(FunCall(Id("printf"), [StringLit(["\"Hello, World!\""])]))]

The following invocation of pp-c as will produce the pretty-printed C code below, foo.c:

$ pp-c -i foo.trm -o foo.c
int main ()
  printf("Hello, World!");

Reporting Bugs

Please report bugs to


Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Eelco Visser

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.


ppgen — generates a pretty-print table from an SDF syntax definition


ppgen [-A] [-a] [-t] [-i file | --input file] [-o file | --output file] [-b] [-S | --silent] [--verbose level] [-k level | --keep level] [-h | -? | --help] [--about] [--version]


ppgen generates from an SDF syntax definition a pretty-print table with an entry for each context-free syntax production with a constructor annotation.

Typically, it is necessary to edit the pretty-print table to add appropriate Box markup to the entries. In a package using make the modified result should be saved under a different name to avoid overwriting it.


Format Options


Input is a parse tree.


Input as an abstract syntax tree.


Output should be an abstract syntax tree.

Common Input/Output Options

-i file

The input term given by the file name file.

In the absence of the -i option, input will be read from stdin.

-o file

The output will be written to the file given by the file name file.

In the absence of the -o option, output will be written to stdout.


The output will be written in the binary (BAF) ATerm format.

ATerms in the BAF format require a lot less space than ones in the TAF format, but the Java ATerm library does not currently support baf ATerms. ATerms in the baf format is the preferred format of exchange between Stratego tools.

Common Debugging Options


See --version.

-h, -?, --help

Display usage information.

--keep int

Keep intermediate results produced by the internal stages in the pretty-printing process. This is only useful for debugging. A high value of int indicates increased eagerness for keeping intermediate results.

Default setting is 0, indicating that no intermediates will be kept.

-S, --silent

Silent execution. Same as --verbose 0.

--verbose int

Set verbosity level to numerical value int. The higher the number, the more information about pp-aterm's inner workings are printed.

Alternatively, int can be set to either of the following verbosity levels, given in increasing order of verbosity: emergency, alert, critical, error, warning, notice, info, debug, vomit.


Displays the tool name and version.

Reporting Bugs

Please report bugs to


Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Eelco Visser

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.


pp-pp-table — pretty-prints an abstract syntax tree containing a pretty-print table


pp-pp-table [-i file | --input file] [-o file | --output file] [-b] [-S | --silent] [--verbose level] [-k level | --keep level] [-h | -? | --help] [--about] [--version]


The pp-pp-table utility is used to pretty-print the abstract syntax tree for a pretty-print table, provided as an ATerm. The result is a plain text version of the table in concrete syntax.


Common Input/Output Options

-i file

The input term given by the file name file.

In the absence of the -i option, input will be read from stdin.

-o file

The output will be written to the file given by the file name file.

In the absence of the -o option, output will be written to stdout.


The output will be written in the binary (BAF) ATerm format.

ATerms in the BAF format require a lot less space than ones in the TAF format, but the Java ATerm library does not currently support baf ATerms. ATerms in the baf format is the preferred format of exchange between Stratego tools.

Common Debugging Options


See --version.

-h, -?, --help

Display usage information.

--keep int

Keep intermediate results produced by the internal stages in the pretty-printing process. This is only useful for debugging. A high value of int indicates increased eagerness for keeping intermediate results.

Default setting is 0, indicating that no intermediates will be kept.

-S, --silent

Silent execution. Same as --verbose 0.

--verbose int

Set verbosity level to numerical value int. The higher the number, the more information about pp-aterm's inner workings are printed.

Alternatively, int can be set to either of the following verbosity levels, given in increasing order of verbosity: emergency, alert, critical, error, warning, notice, info, debug, vomit.


Displays the tool name and version.

Reporting Bugs

Please report bugs to


Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Eelco Visser

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.


pp-rtg — pretty-prints an abstract syntax tree containing a regular tree grammar (RTG)


pp-rtg [-i file | --input file] [-o file | --output file] [-b] [-S | --silent] [--verbose level] [-k level | --keep level] [-h | -? | --help] [--about] [--version]


The pp-rtg utility is used to pretty-print the abstract syntax tree for a regular tree grammar, provided as an ATerm. The result is a plain text version in concrete syntax.


Common Input/Output Options

-i file

The input term given by the file name file.

In the absence of the -i option, input will be read from stdin.

-o file

The output will be written to the file given by the file name file.

In the absence of the -o option, output will be written to stdout.


The output will be written in the binary (BAF) ATerm format.

ATerms in the BAF format require a lot less space than ones in the TAF format, but the Java ATerm library does not currently support baf ATerms. ATerms in the baf format is the preferred format of exchange between Stratego tools.

Common Debugging Options


See --version.

-h, -?, --help

Display usage information.

--keep int

Keep intermediate results produced by the internal stages in the pretty-printing process. This is only useful for debugging. A high value of int indicates increased eagerness for keeping intermediate results.

Default setting is 0, indicating that no intermediates will be kept.

-S, --silent

Silent execution. Same as --verbose 0.

--verbose int

Set verbosity level to numerical value int. The higher the number, the more information about pp-aterm's inner workings are printed.

Alternatively, int can be set to either of the following verbosity levels, given in increasing order of verbosity: emergency, alert, critical, error, warning, notice, info, debug, vomit.


Displays the tool name and version.

Reporting Bugs

Please report bugs to


Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Eelco Visser

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.


pp-sdf — pretty-prints an abstract syntax tree containing an SDF definition


pp-sdf [-i file | --input file] [-o file | --output file] [-b] [-S | --silent] [--verbose level] [-k level | --keep level] [-h | -? | --help] [--about] [--version]


The pp-sdf utility is used to pretty-print the abstract syntax tree for an SDF definition, provided as an ATerm. The result is a plain text version in concrete syntax.


Common Input/Output Options

-i file

The input term given by the file name file.

In the absence of the -i option, input will be read from stdin.

-o file

The output will be written to the file given by the file name file.

In the absence of the -o option, output will be written to stdout.


The output will be written in the binary (BAF) ATerm format.

ATerms in the BAF format require a lot less space than ones in the TAF format, but the Java ATerm library does not currently support baf ATerms. ATerms in the baf format is the preferred format of exchange between Stratego tools.

Common Debugging Options


See --version.

-h, -?, --help

Display usage information.

--keep int

Keep intermediate results produced by the internal stages in the pretty-printing process. This is only useful for debugging. A high value of int indicates increased eagerness for keeping intermediate results.

Default setting is 0, indicating that no intermediates will be kept.

-S, --silent

Silent execution. Same as --verbose 0.

--verbose int

Set verbosity level to numerical value int. The higher the number, the more information about pp-aterm's inner workings are printed.

Alternatively, int can be set to either of the following verbosity levels, given in increasing order of verbosity: emergency, alert, critical, error, warning, notice, info, debug, vomit.


Displays the tool name and version.

Reporting Bugs

Please report bugs to


Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Eelco Visser

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.


pp-stratego — pretty-prints a Stratego program


pp-stratego [-a | --abstract] [--annotations] [-I dir | --Include dir] [-p file] [-i file | --input file] [-o file | --output file] [-b] [-S | --silent] [--verbose level] [-k level | --keep level] [-h | -? | --help] [--about] [--version]


The pp-stratego utility is used to pretty-print Stratego source code to concrete syntax. It has two different modes of operation, depending on whether the input is in abstract syntax (an .rtree file) or concrete syntax (an .str file).

In concrete syntax mode, pp-stratego pretty-prints a Stratego module in concrete syntax (.str) to concrete syntax by first parsing it and afterwards pretty printing it. This is a useful operation for inspecting the meaning of concrete object syntax fragments. This is the default mode.

In abstract syntax mode, pp-stratego --abstract pretty-prints a Stratego module in abstract syntax (.rtree) to Stratego concrete syntax.


Input/Output Options

-a, --abstract

Input Stratego module is in abstract syntax.


Print annotations on the abstract syntax tree.

-I dir, -Include dir

Include modules from directory dir.

-p file

Use pretty-print table file instead of the default builtin.

Common Input/Output Options

-i file

The input term given by the file name file.

In the absence of the -i option, input will be read from stdin.

-o file

The output will be written to the file given by the file name file.

In the absence of the -o option, output will be written to stdout.


The output will be written in the binary (BAF) ATerm format.

ATerms in the BAF format require a lot less space than ones in the TAF format, but the Java ATerm library does not currently support baf ATerms. ATerms in the baf format is the preferred format of exchange between Stratego tools.

Common Debugging Options


See --version.

-h, -?, --help

Display usage information.

--keep int

Keep intermediate results produced by the internal stages in the pretty-printing process. This is only useful for debugging. A high value of int indicates increased eagerness for keeping intermediate results.

Default setting is 0, indicating that no intermediates will be kept.

-S, --silent

Silent execution. Same as --verbose 0.

--verbose int

Set verbosity level to numerical value int. The higher the number, the more information about pp-aterm's inner workings are printed.

Alternatively, int can be set to either of the following verbosity levels, given in increasing order of verbosity: emergency, alert, critical, error, warning, notice, info, debug, vomit.


Displays the tool name and version.

Reporting Bugs

Please report bugs to


Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Eelco Visser

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.


pptable-diff — diffs and synchronizes two pretty-print tables


pptable-diff [--patch] [--prune] [--old table] [-i file | --input file] [-o file | --output file] [-b] [-S | --silent] [--verbose level] [-k level | --keep level] [-h | -? | --help] [--about] [--version]


The pptable-diff utility is used to calculate the difference between two pretty-print tables, which both must provided in abstract syntax, as ATerms. It takes two tables, one provided via the -i option (or stdin), and the other via the --old option. Any rule found in the old table but not in the new is printed to stderr.

If the --patch switch is specified, the old pretty-print table is updated by adding pretty-print rules that are in the new table but not in the old.

If the --prune switch is specified, the old pretty-print table is returned, and with all entries not found the new file removed.

The utility parse-pp-table can be used to convert a concrete pretty-print table to its abstract form.


Parse Table Options


Bring old table up to date by adding all new entries from the new table.


Remove obsolete entries by removing from the old table all entries not found in the new table.

--old table

Use the table in the file table as the old table.

Common Input/Output Options

-i file

The input term given by the file name file.

In the absence of the -i option, input will be read from stdin.

-o file

The output will be written to the file given by the file name file.

In the absence of the -o option, output will be written to stdout.


The output will be written in the binary (BAF) ATerm format.

ATerms in the BAF format require a lot less space than ones in the TAF format, but the Java ATerm library does not currently support baf ATerms. ATerms in the baf format is the preferred format of exchange between Stratego tools.

Common Debugging Options


See --version.

-h, -?, --help

Display usage information.

--keep int

Keep intermediate results produced by the internal stages in the pretty-printing process. This is only useful for debugging. A high value of int indicates increased eagerness for keeping intermediate results.

Default setting is 0, indicating that no intermediates will be kept.

-S, --silent

Silent execution. Same as --verbose 0.

--verbose int

Set verbosity level to numerical value int. The higher the number, the more information about pp-aterm's inner workings are printed.

Alternatively, int can be set to either of the following verbosity levels, given in increasing order of verbosity: emergency, alert, critical, error, warning, notice, info, debug, vomit.


Displays the tool name and version.


Refer to Generic Pretty-Printing for a detailed discussion on pretty-printing.

Reporting Bugs

Please report bugs to


Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Eelco Visser

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.


pp-xml-doc — pretty-prints an xml-doc term into an XML document


pp-xml-doc [-i file | --input file] [-o file | --output file] [-b] [-S | --silent] [--verbose level] [-k level | --keep level] [-h | -? | --help] [--about] [--version]


The pp-xml-doc utility is used to pretty-print an ATerm containing an xml-doc term into a plain XML document.


Common Input/Output Options

-i file

The input term given by the file name file.

In the absence of the -i option, input will be read from stdin.

-o file

The output will be written to the file given by the file name file.

In the absence of the -o option, output will be written to stdout.


The output will be written in the binary (BAF) ATerm format.

ATerms in the BAF format require a lot less space than ones in the TAF format, but the Java ATerm library does not currently support baf ATerms. ATerms in the baf format is the preferred format of exchange between Stratego tools.

Common Debugging Options


See --version.

-h, -?, --help

Display usage information.

--keep int

Keep intermediate results produced by the internal stages in the pretty-printing process. This is only useful for debugging. A high value of int indicates increased eagerness for keeping intermediate results.

Default setting is 0, indicating that no intermediates will be kept.

-S, --silent

Silent execution. Same as --verbose 0.

--verbose int

Set verbosity level to numerical value int. The higher the number, the more information about pp-aterm's inner workings are printed.

Alternatively, int can be set to either of the following verbosity levels, given in increasing order of verbosity: emergency, alert, critical, error, warning, notice, info, debug, vomit.


Displays the tool name and version.


Assume the following xml-doc term is in the file doc.trm.

    Some(XMLDecl(VersionDecl(Version("1.0")), None, None))
  , []
  , None
, Element(
    QName(None, "foo")
  , [Attribute(QName(None, "bar"), DoubleQuoted([Literal("zap")]))]
  , [ Text([Literal("\n ")])
    , EmptyElement(QName(None, "znip"), [])
    , Text([Literal("\n")])
  , QName(None, "foo")
, Epilogue([])

This can be converted into a valid XML document by running pp-xml-doc, as follows:

$ pp-xml-doc -i doc.trm -o doc.xml

The resulting term in doc.xml will look like this:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<foo bar="zap">

Reporting Bugs

Please report bugs to


Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Eelco Visser

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.


pp-xml-info — pretty-prints an xml-info term into an XML document


pp-xml-info [-i file | --input file] [-o file | --output file] [-b] [-S | --silent] [--verbose level] [-k level | --keep level] [-h | -? | --help] [--about] [--version]


The pp-xml-info utility is used to pretty-print an ATerm containing an xml-info term into a plain XML document.


Common Input/Output Options

-i file

The input term given by the file name file.

In the absence of the -i option, input will be read from stdin.

-o file

The output will be written to the file given by the file name file.

In the absence of the -o option, output will be written to stdout.


The output will be written in the binary (BAF) ATerm format.

ATerms in the BAF format require a lot less space than ones in the TAF format, but the Java ATerm library does not currently support baf ATerms. ATerms in the baf format is the preferred format of exchange between Stratego tools.

Common Debugging Options


See --version.

-h, -?, --help

Display usage information.

--keep int

Keep intermediate results produced by the internal stages in the pretty-printing process. This is only useful for debugging. A high value of int indicates increased eagerness for keeping intermediate results.

Default setting is 0, indicating that no intermediates will be kept.

-S, --silent

Silent execution. Same as --verbose 0.

--verbose int

Set verbosity level to numerical value int. The higher the number, the more information about pp-aterm's inner workings are printed.

Alternatively, int can be set to either of the following verbosity levels, given in increasing order of verbosity: emergency, alert, critical, error, warning, notice, info, debug, vomit.


Displays the tool name and version.


Assume the following xml-info term is in the file info.trm.

    Name(None, "foo")
  , [Attribute(Name(None, "bar"), "zap")]
  , [Element(Name(None, "znip"), [], [])]

This can be converted into a valid XML document by running pp-xml-info, as follows:

$ pp-xml-info -i info.trm -o info.xml

The resulting term in info.xml will look like this:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<foo bar="zap"><znip/></foo>

Reporting Bugs

Please report bugs to


Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Eelco Visser

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.


pretty-stratego — pretty-prints a Stratego program.


pretty-stratego [-a | --abstract] [-I dir | --Include dir] [-i file | --input file] [-o file | --output file] [-b] [-S | --silent] [--verbose level] [-k level | --keep level] [-h | -? | --help] [--about] [--version]


The pretty-stratego utility is used to pretty-print Stratego source code to concrete syntax. It has two different modes of operation, depending on whether the input is in abstract syntax (an .rtree file) or concrete syntax (an .str file).


Input/Output Options

-a, --abstract

Input Stratego module is in abstract syntax.

Common Input/Output Options

-i file

The input term given by the file name file.

In the absence of the -i option, input will be read from stdin.

-o file

The output will be written to the file given by the file name file.

In the absence of the -o option, output will be written to stdout.


The output will be written in the binary (BAF) ATerm format.

ATerms in the BAF format require a lot less space than ones in the TAF format, but the Java ATerm library does not currently support baf ATerms. ATerms in the baf format is the preferred format of exchange between Stratego tools.

Common Debugging Options


See --version.

-h, -?, --help

Display usage information.

--keep int

Keep intermediate results produced by the internal stages in the pretty-printing process. This is only useful for debugging. A high value of int indicates increased eagerness for keeping intermediate results.

Default setting is 0, indicating that no intermediates will be kept.

-S, --silent

Silent execution. Same as --verbose 0.

--verbose int

Set verbosity level to numerical value int. The higher the number, the more information about pp-aterm's inner workings are printed.

Alternatively, int can be set to either of the following verbosity levels, given in increasing order of verbosity: emergency, alert, critical, error, warning, notice, info, debug, vomit.


Displays the tool name and version.

Reporting Bugs

Please report bugs to


Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Eelco Visser

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.


rtg2sig — generates a Stratego signature from a regular tree grammar (RTG)


rtg2sig [--module name] [-i file | --input file] [-o file | --output file] [-b] [-S | --silent] [--verbose level] [-k level | --keep level] [-h | -? | --help] [--about] [--version]


The rtg2sig utility is used to generates a Stratego signature from a regular tree grammar.


Module Options

--module name

Specifies that the module name of the resulting Stratego file should be name. If --module is not given, the output file name is used. If that is not known, the input file name is used.

Common Input/Output Options

-i file

The input term given by the file name file.

In the absence of the -i option, input will be read from stdin.

-o file

The output will be written to the file given by the file name file.

In the absence of the -o option, output will be written to stdout.


The output will be written in the binary (BAF) ATerm format.

ATerms in the BAF format require a lot less space than ones in the TAF format, but the Java ATerm library does not currently support baf ATerms. ATerms in the baf format is the preferred format of exchange between Stratego tools.

Common Debugging Options


See --version.

-h, -?, --help

Display usage information.

--keep int

Keep intermediate results produced by the internal stages in the pretty-printing process. This is only useful for debugging. A high value of int indicates increased eagerness for keeping intermediate results.

Default setting is 0, indicating that no intermediates will be kept.

-S, --silent

Silent execution. Same as --verbose 0.

--verbose int

Set verbosity level to numerical value int. The higher the number, the more information about pp-aterm's inner workings are printed.

Alternatively, int can be set to either of the following verbosity levels, given in increasing order of verbosity: emergency, alert, critical, error, warning, notice, info, debug, vomit.


Displays the tool name and version.


Consider the regular tree grammar given below (the exciting part about how we created this from an SDF definition can be gleaned from the example for sdf2rtg):

regular tree grammar
  start Exp
    Exp      -> Minus(Exp,Exp)
    Exp      -> Plus(Exp,Exp)
    Exp      -> Mod(Exp,Exp)
    Exp      -> Div(Exp,Exp)
    Exp      -> Mul(Exp,Exp)
    Exp      -> Int(IntConst)
    Exp      -> Var(Id)
    IntConst -> <string>
    Id       -> <string>

Provided that this this regular tree grammar is stored in the file Exp.rtg, it can be converted into a Stratego signature using rtg2sig, as follows:

$ rtg2sig -i Exp.rtg -o Exp.str

The resulting Stratego signature given below may be used directly by your Stratego programs by importing the Exp module.

module Exp
imports list-cons option
    Minus : Exp * Exp -> Exp
    Plus  : Exp * Exp -> Exp
    Mod   : Exp * Exp -> Exp
    Div   : Exp * Exp -> Exp
    Mul   : Exp * Exp -> Exp
    Int   : IntConst -> Exp
    Var   : Id -> Exp
          : String -> IntConst
          : String -> Id

Reporting Bugs

Please report bugs to


Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Eelco Visser

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.


rtg2typematch — generates a set of Stratego strategies for typechecking terms against a regular tree grammar (RTG)


rtg2typematch [-i file | --input file] [-o file | --output file] [-b] [-S | --silent] [--verbose level] [-k level | --keep level] [-h | -? | --help] [--about] [--version]


The rtg2typematch utility is used to generate a collection of Stratego strategies with can be used to typecheck terms against a regular tree grammar.

The regular tree grammar is derived from the syntax definition, so the strategies generated by rtg2typematch are useful for checking the well-formedness of a term against a particular SDF grammar.


Common Input/Output Options

-i file

The input term given by the file name file.

In the absence of the -i option, input will be read from stdin.

-o file

The output will be written to the file given by the file name file.

In the absence of the -o option, output will be written to stdout.


The output will be written in the binary (BAF) ATerm format.

ATerms in the BAF format require a lot less space than ones in the TAF format, but the Java ATerm library does not currently support baf ATerms. ATerms in the baf format is the preferred format of exchange between Stratego tools.

Common Debugging Options


See --version.

-h, -?, --help

Display usage information.

--keep int

Keep intermediate results produced by the internal stages in the pretty-printing process. This is only useful for debugging. A high value of int indicates increased eagerness for keeping intermediate results.

Default setting is 0, indicating that no intermediates will be kept.

-S, --silent

Silent execution. Same as --verbose 0.

--verbose int

Set verbosity level to numerical value int. The higher the number, the more information about pp-aterm's inner workings are printed.

Alternatively, int can be set to either of the following verbosity levels, given in increasing order of verbosity: emergency, alert, critical, error, warning, notice, info, debug, vomit.


Displays the tool name and version.


Consider the regular tree grammar given below (the exciting part about how we created this from an SDF definition can be gleaned from the example for sdf2rtg):

regular tree grammar
start Exp
  Exp      -> Minus(Exp,Exp)
  Exp      -> Plus(Exp,Exp)
  Exp      -> Mod(Exp,Exp)
  Exp      -> Div(Exp,Exp)
  Exp      -> Mul(Exp,Exp)
  Exp      -> Int(IntConst)
  Exp      -> Var(Id)
  IntConst -> <string>
  Id       -> <string>

We run rtg2typematch as shown below, to obtain the following Stratego module. Assume the regular tree grammar above is stored in Exp.rtg.

$ rtg2typematch -i Exp.rtg -o Exp-typematch.rtg
module Exp-typematch
  is-Exp =
    ?Minus(_, _)
    + ?Plus(_, _)
      + ?Mod(_, _)
        + ?Div(_, _)
          + ?Mul(_, _)
            + ?Int(_)
              + ?Var(_)

  is-IntConst =

  is-Id =

From inspecting the generated code, we see that is-Exp can be used to check whether a term is of sort Exp. Notice that the generated code only looks at the name of the constructor. If the same constructor can be used to produce different sorts, the typematch strategy of all these sort will accept a term that is an application of this constructor.

Reporting Bugs

Please report bugs to


Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Eelco Visser

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.


rtg-script — produces a regular tree grammar (RTG) by executing an RTG script


rtg-script [-I dir | --Include dir] [-i file | --input file] [-o file | --output file] [-b] [-S | --silent] [--verbose level] [-k level | --keep level] [-h | -? | --help] [--about] [--version]


The rtg-script utility is used to interpret a regular tree grammar script and produce a regular tree grammar defintion.


Include Options

-I dir, -Include dir

Include regular tree grammars from directory dir.

Common Input/Output Options

-i file

The input term given by the file name file.

In the absence of the -i option, input will be read from stdin.

-o file

The output will be written to the file given by the file name file.

In the absence of the -o option, output will be written to stdout.


The output will be written in the binary (BAF) ATerm format.

ATerms in the BAF format require a lot less space than ones in the TAF format, but the Java ATerm library does not currently support baf ATerms. ATerms in the baf format is the preferred format of exchange between Stratego tools.

Common Debugging Options


See --version.

-h, -?, --help

Display usage information.

--keep int

Keep intermediate results produced by the internal stages in the pretty-printing process. This is only useful for debugging. A high value of int indicates increased eagerness for keeping intermediate results.

Default setting is 0, indicating that no intermediates will be kept.

-S, --silent

Silent execution. Same as --verbose 0.

--verbose int

Set verbosity level to numerical value int. The higher the number, the more information about pp-aterm's inner workings are printed.

Alternatively, int can be set to either of the following verbosity levels, given in increasing order of verbosity: emergency, alert, critical, error, warning, notice, info, debug, vomit.


Displays the tool name and version.

Reporting Bugs

Please report bugs to


Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Eelco Visser

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.


sdf2parenthesize — generates a Stratego module that puts parenthetical constructors at the correct places.


sdf2parenthesize [-m mod | --main mod] [--omod module] [--main-strategy strategy] [--sig-module module] [--lang lang] [--rule-prefix string] [-i file | --input file] [-o file | --input file] [-b] [-S | --silent] [--verbose level] [-k level | --keep level] [--check] [-h | -? | --help] [--about] [--version]


The sdf2parenthesize utility is used to generate a Stratego transformation tool that adds the necessary parentheses to an abstract syntax tree. The information is obtained from an SDF syntax definition.

The following SDF situations are supported by sdf2parenthesize:

  1. Relative priorities

    Exp "&&"  Exp -> Exp
    > Exp "||"  Exp -> Exp
  2. Groups of associative productions

      Exp "*" Exp -> Exp
      Exp "/" Exp -> Exp
    > {left:
      Exp "+" Exp -> Exp
      Exp "-" Exp -> Exp
  3. Associativity attributes: non-assoc, assoc, left, right.

    Exp "+"   Exp -> Exp  {left, cons("Plus")}
  4. Kernel SDF associativities

    prod1 assoc prod2


Generator Options

-m mod, --main mod

Set the main module in the SDF syntax definition to mod. The default main module is Main.

--omod mod

Set the name of the resulting Stratego module. The default is to use the filename (basename, i.e. without file type suffix) of the output file.

--main-strategy strategy

Set the name of the main strategy for the generated tool. The default is to use io-module, where module is the module name.

--sig-module module

Specify the Stratego module which contains the signature for the language. The default is to use language, see the --lang option.

--lang language

Name of the language. The default is to use the basename of the output file.

--rule-prefix string

Prefix to use for the generated parenthesize rules. The default is to use language, see the --lang option.

Common Input/Output Options

-i file

The input term given by the file name file.

In the absence of the -i option, input will be read from stdin.

-o file

The output will be written to the file given by the file name file.

In the absence of the -o option, output will be written to stdout.


The output will be written in the binary (BAF) ATerm format.

ATerms in the BAF format require a lot less space than ones in the TAF format, but the Java ATerm library does not currently support baf ATerms. ATerms in the baf format is the preferred format of exchange between Stratego tools.

Common Debugging Options


See --version.

-h, -?, --help

Display usage information.

--keep int

Keep intermediate results produced by the internal stages in the pretty-printing process. This is only useful for debugging. A high value of int indicates increased eagerness for keeping intermediate results.

Default setting is 0, indicating that no intermediates will be kept.

-S, --silent

Silent execution. Same as --verbose 0.

--verbose int

Set verbosity level to numerical value int. The higher the number, the more information about pp-aterm's inner workings are printed.

Alternatively, int can be set to either of the following verbosity levels, given in increasing order of verbosity: emergency, alert, critical, error, warning, notice, info, debug, vomit.


Displays the tool name and version.


Assume Plus is declared as left associative. In this case, sdf2parenthesize will create the following rule:

ExpParenthesize :
  Plus(q_15, Plus(o_15, p_15)) -> Plus(q_15, Parenthetical(Plus(o_15, p_15)))

The following shows how sdf2parenthesize deals with relative priorities.

ExpParenthesize :
  Mul(Plus(v_2, w_2), u_2) -> Mul(Parenthetical(Plus(v_2, w_2)), u_2)

ExpParenthesize :
  Mul(t_2, Plus(v_2, w_2)) -> Mul(t_2, Parenthetical(Plus(v_2, w_2)))

Reporting Bugs

Please report bugs to


Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Eelco Visser

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.


sdf2rtg — generates a abstract regular tree grammar (RTG) from an SDF concrete syntax definition.


sdf2rtg [-m mod | --main mod] [-i file | --input file] [-o file | --input file] [-b] [-S | --silent] [--verbose level] [-k level | --keep level] [--check] [-h | -? | --help] [--about] [--version]


The sdf2rtg utility is used to generate an abstract regular tree grammar (RTG) from a SDF concrete syntax definition.

Regular tree grammars are useful for doing format checking of terms. Refer to Format Checking with format-check for further details.


Grammar Options

-m mod, --main mod

Set the main module in the SDF syntax definition to mod. The default main module is Main.

Common Input/Output Options

-i file

The input term given by the file name file.

In the absence of the -i option, input will be read from stdin.

-o file

The output will be written to the file given by the file name file.

In the absence of the -o option, output will be written to stdout.


The output will be written in the binary (BAF) ATerm format.

ATerms in the BAF format require a lot less space than ones in the TAF format, but the Java ATerm library does not currently support baf ATerms. ATerms in the baf format is the preferred format of exchange between Stratego tools.

Common Debugging Options


See --version.

-h, -?, --help

Display usage information.

--keep int

Keep intermediate results produced by the internal stages in the pretty-printing process. This is only useful for debugging. A high value of int indicates increased eagerness for keeping intermediate results.

Default setting is 0, indicating that no intermediates will be kept.

-S, --silent

Silent execution. Same as --verbose 0.

--verbose int

Set verbosity level to numerical value int. The higher the number, the more information about pp-aterm's inner workings are printed.

Alternatively, int can be set to either of the following verbosity levels, given in increasing order of verbosity: emergency, alert, critical, error, warning, notice, info, debug, vomit.


Displays the tool name and version.


Consider the following SDF syntax definition for a simple expression language:

module Exp
  sorts Exp

  lexical syntax
    [\ \t\n]  -> LAYOUT
    [a-zA-Z]+ -> Id
    [0-9]+    -> IntConst

  context-free syntax
    Id        -> Exp {cons("Var")}
    IntConst  -> Exp {cons("Int")}

    Exp "*"  Exp -> Exp  {left, cons("Mul")}
    Exp "/"  Exp -> Exp  {left, cons("Div")}
    Exp "%"  Exp -> Exp  {left, cons("Mod")}

    Exp "+"  Exp -> Exp  {left, cons("Plus")}
    Exp "-"  Exp -> Exp  {left, cons("Minus")}

  context-free priorities
      Exp "*"  Exp -> Exp
      Exp "/"  Exp -> Exp
      Exp "%"  Exp -> Exp
  > {left:
      Exp "+"  Exp -> Exp
      Exp "-"  Exp -> Exp

Invoking sdf2rtg with sdf2rtg -i Exp.def --main Exp will result in the following regular tree grammar:

regular tree grammar
start Exp
  Exp      -> Minus(Exp,Exp)
  Exp      -> Plus(Exp,Exp)
  Exp      -> Mod(Exp,Exp)
  Exp      -> Div(Exp,Exp)
  Exp      -> Mul(Exp,Exp)
  Exp      -> Int(IntConst)
  Exp      -> Var(Id)
  IntConst -> <string>
  Id       -> <string>

Reporting Bugs

Please report bugs to


Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Eelco Visser

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.


sdf2table — generates a parse table from an SDF syntax definition.


sdf2table [-b] [-h] [-i file.def] [-l] [-m name] [-n] [-o file.tbl] [-s] [-t] [-v] [-V]


The sdf2table utility is used to compute a parse table from a syntax definition. The syntax definition must have been created from a set of .sdf files using the pack-sdf utility, or written manually. The resulting .tbl file is used as input to the sglr parser.


Input/Output Options


Write output in binary ASFix (BAF) format.

-i file.def

Read input from file.def. Multiple files may be specified.

-o file.tbl

Write output to file.tbl. If not speficied, .tbl will be added as a suffix to the input file name.


Check SDF definition and show warnings on stderr.


Normalize grammar.

Help and Debugging Options


Show usage information.


Show statistics information.


Enable verbose mode.


Show version number.

Reporting Bugs

Please report bugs to


Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Eelco Visser

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.


sglri — parse a text file using sglri and implode using implode-asfix


sglri [-i file] [-o file] [-p file] [-s symbol | --start symbol] [--no-heuristic-filters] [--sglr opt] [--impl opt] [-b] [-S | --silent] [--verbose level] [-k level | --keep level] [-h | -? | --help] [--about] [--version]


The sglri utility combines the functionality of the sglr parser and the implode-asfix implosion tool into one convenient bundle. sglri will first invoke sglr with the parse table provided by the -p option, then apply implode-asfix to the resulting parse tree. The imploded tree is then the final result of sglri.

See documentation for sglr and implode-asfix for details on each of the components. Note that sglri changes the default behaviour of sglri by disabling the heuristic filters -fi and -fe and uses the AsFix2 parse tree format.


Parser and Imploder Options

-s symbol

Specific start symbol to use in the input grammar. Default is unspecified.

--heuristic-filters on|off

Use heuristic disambiguation filters or not. The heuristic disambiguation filters (the sglr options -fi and -fi) are disabled by default.

--sglr opt

Pass the option opt to sglr.

--impl opt

Pass the option opt to implode-asfix.

-s symbol

Specific start symbol to use in the input grammar. Default is unspecified.

Common Input/Output Options

-i file

The input term given by the file name file.

In the absence of the -i option, input will be read from stdin.

-o file

The output will be written to the file given by the file name file.

In the absence of the -o option, output will be written to stdout.


The output will be written in the binary (BAF) ATerm format.

ATerms in the BAF format require a lot less space than ones in the TAF format, but the Java ATerm library does not currently support baf ATerms. ATerms in the baf format is the preferred format of exchange between Stratego tools.

Common Debugging Options


See --version.

-h, -?, --help

Display usage information.

--keep int

Keep intermediate results produced by the internal stages in the pretty-printing process. This is only useful for debugging. A high value of int indicates increased eagerness for keeping intermediate results.

Default setting is 0, indicating that no intermediates will be kept.

-S, --silent

Silent execution. Same as --verbose 0.

--verbose int

Set verbosity level to numerical value int. The higher the number, the more information about pp-aterm's inner workings are printed.

Alternatively, int can be set to either of the following verbosity levels, given in increasing order of verbosity: emergency, alert, critical, error, warning, notice, info, debug, vomit.


Displays the tool name and version.


See the commands sglr and implode-asfix for examples.

Reporting Bugs

Please report bugs to


Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Eelco Visser

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.


sglr — parses a text file and produces an parse forest conforming to a given grammar.


sglr [-2] [-A] [-b] [-c] [-d] [-f[adefipr]] [-i file] [-l] [-m] [-m] [-o file] [-p file] [-s symbol] [t] [-v] [-V]


sglr is a scannerless, generalized LR parser. It interprets a parse table on a given textual input file. The parse table must be generated from an SDF2 grammar definition using the sdf2table tool. If the result of the parse is unambiguous, a parse tree is emitted. In the case of an ambiguity, a parse forest is emitted.

The term "scannerless" refers to the fact that the parser treats characters as tokens. There is no separate token scanner. The term "generalized" indicates that the parser finds all possible derivations for a given input string. Together, these two features allows users to construct ambiguous grammars, if they desire. sglr will not complain about conflicts in the parse table, but output the ambiguous result.

For the ambiguous cases, the user is free to construct problem-specific disambiguation tools which must be applied to the output from sglr. This is useful for dealing with various complicated programming languages that are highly ambiguous and context-sensitive.


Input/Output Options

-i file

The input file is given by the file name file.

In the absence of the -i option, sglr will read from stdin.

-o file

The output will be written to the file given by the file name file.

In the absence of the -o option, sglr will write to stdout.

-p file

The parse table to use, given by the file name file.

Note: This option is always required.

Refer to the tool sdf2table for how to create parse tables.


Use the binary ATerm (BAF) output format. Default is yes.


Use the AsFix2ME output format. Default is yes.


Use the textual AsFix output format. Default is no.


Use the AsFix2 output format. Default is no.


Treat ambiguities as errors. Default is no.


Toggle cycle detection. Default is on.


Toggle parse tree creation. Default is on.

Other Options


Toggle filtering, or toggle specific filter. Default is to enable all filters.

a - turn on associativity filter. Default is on.

d - turn on direct eagerness filter. Default is on.

e - turn on eagerness filter. Default is on.

i - turn on injection count. Default is on.

p - turn on priority filter. Default is on.

r - turn on reject filter. Default is on.

-s symbol

Specific start symbol to use in the input grammar. Default is unspecified.

Debugging Options


Turn on debugging mode.


Turn on statistics logging.

-h, -?

Display usage information.


Turn on verbose mode.


Show tool name and version number.


Displays the tool name and version.


Assuming you have used sdf2table to generate a parse table for you language in the file lang.tbl, and that your input program is in the file input.lang, you can apply sglr as follows:

$ sglr -p lang.tbl -i input.lang -o lang.trm

The resulting parse tree (or possibly parse forest, if your language grammar allows ambiguities) will be in lang.trm.

Reporting Bugs

Please report bugs to


Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Eelco Visser

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.


strc — compiles Stratego programs to C or executable code


strc [-i file | --input file] [-o file | --output file] [-I dir | --Include dir] [-m name | --main name] [--lib | --library] [-C-include file] [-CI dir] [-CD name=def] [-CL dir] [-Cl file] [-la name] [-Xlinker arg] [--xtc-repo file] [-c] [--ast] [-F] [--keep level] [--format-check level] [-O level] [--fusion] [--choice-lib file] [-S | --silent] [--verbose level] [--man] [-v | --version] [-W | --warning category] [--asfix] [-h | -? | --help] [--about] [--version]


Stratego is a language for program transformation based on the paradigm of rewriting strategies. The Stratego compiler strc translates a Stratego program to a C program then uses gcc to compile the C file into an executable binary. Stratego modules have the file extension .str.

strc is nominally a whole program compiler. This means that in its normal mode of operation, it completely reads all imported modules and then compiles this collection in its entirety to one C program. This compilation scheme is used because the current Stratego language design does not permit separate compilation. Whole program compilation allows aggressive optimization of programs.

There is some rudimentary support for separate compilation of modules using the -lib option. For non-trivial applications, separate compilation speeds up compilation time drastically, but prevents some language features to be used.

The Stratego language definition is provided in the Stratego Language chapter. For up to date information, refer to the website.


Common Options

-i file, --input file

Main module to compile (required)

-o file, --output file

Write output to file

-I dir, --Include dir

Include modules from directory dir

-m s, --main s

Use the strategy s as main strategy instead of main.

--lib, --library

Build a library instead of an application.

--C-Include file

Include C header file ("foo.h" or <foo.h>)

-CI dir

Include C header files from directory dir

-CD name=def

Predefine name as macro, with definition def.

-CL dir

Include binary libraries from directory dir

-Cl file

Search the library named file when linking.

-la name

Search the libtool library when linking.

-Xlinker arg

Pass the argument arg to the linker.

--xtc-repo file

Set the default XTC repository in the compiled output program to file. The default is to not set any XTC repository.


Produce C code only, i.e. don't invoke gcc to compile to binary executable.


Produce Stratego abstract syntax tree


Produce normalized specification

--keep level

Keep intermediate results (0 = keep nothing).

--format-check level

Format check intermediate results (0 = basic checking).

-O level

Set optimization level level (0 = no optimization).


Toggle specialize applications of innermost. The default is on.

-S, --silent

Silent execution (same as --verbose 0)

--verbose level

Verbosity level level. The default is 1.

-W category, --warning category

Report warnings failling into category category, which must be either of the following:

  1. all - all categories (this is default)

  2. no-CC - no warnings in category C

  3. debug-arguments - missing build operator

  4. obsolete-strategy-calls - obsolete strategies

  5. maybe-unbound-variables - unbound variables

  6. lower-case-constructors - warn when finding lower case constructors


Concrete syntax parts are not imploded

--help, -h, -?

Display usage version


Display information about this program.

-v, --version

Same as --about


Compile module M.str to an executable M

$ strc -i M

Use the strategy foo as main strategy instead of main.

$ strc -i M --main foo

Compile module M.str to C code in file M.c

$ strc -i M -c

Include modules from directory ../sig

$ strc -i M -I ../sig

Reporting Bugs

Please report bugs to


Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Eelco Visser

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.


stratego-shell — interpreters a Stratego program, from a script or interactively


stratego-shell [--script file] [--prg main@file] [--cmd 'cmd'] [--cmds 'cmds'] [-i file] [-o file] [-I d | --Include d]


The Stratego Shell is a bimodal interpreter for Stratego. It can work either in interactive or script mode. In the interactive mode, strategies can be entered at the command-line of the shell, and will always rewrite the current term. Shell-specific commands can be used to inspect the environment at any point in time.

In script mode, the interpreter is provided with a text file containing a Stratego program (with --prg) or Stratego Shell script (with --script).

In either mode, the initial current term can be supplied to the interpreter with the -i option. The final current term will be written to the optional output (the -o option), or the standard output. The shell can be applied in a pipe.


I/O Options

--script filename

Interpret the script in filename. Default is to start the interactive interpreter.

--prg main@file

Interpret the Stratego program in file, starting with the strategy main.

--cmd 'cmd'

Execute one command, cmd. This can be any single strategy expression or interpreter command. It can also be a series of expressions and commands, separated by ;;. The series must not end in a ;;.

--cmds 'cmds'

As with --cmd, execute a series of commands separated by ;;. The series must be terminated by a ;;.

-I dir, --Include dir

Add the directory dir to the list of directories to search for modules.

Common Input/Output Options

-i file

The input term given by the file name file.

In the absence of the -i option, input will be read from stdin.

-o file

The output will be written to the file given by the file name file.

In the absence of the -o option, output will be written to stdout.


The output will be written in the binary (BAF) ATerm format.

ATerms in the BAF format require a lot less space than ones in the TAF format, but the Java ATerm library does not currently support baf ATerms. ATerms in the baf format is the preferred format of exchange between Stratego tools.

Common Debugging Options


See --version.

-h, -?, --help

Display usage information.

--keep int

Keep intermediate results produced by the internal stages in the pretty-printing process. This is only useful for debugging. A high value of int indicates increased eagerness for keeping intermediate results.

Default setting is 0, indicating that no intermediates will be kept.

-S, --silent

Silent execution. Same as --verbose 0.

--verbose int

Set verbosity level to numerical value int. The higher the number, the more information about pp-aterm's inner workings are printed.

Alternatively, int can be set to either of the following verbosity levels, given in increasing order of verbosity: emergency, alert, critical, error, warning, notice, info, debug, vomit.


Displays the tool name and version.


To interpret the script in script.str against the term in input.trm, do:

$ stratego-shell -i tree.trm --script script.str

Reporting Bugs

Please report bugs to


Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Eelco Visser

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.


unpack-sdf — splits an SDF definition into its constituent modules.


unpack-sdf [-d dir] [-i file | --input file] [-o file | --input file] [-b] [-S | --silent] [--verbose level] [-k level | --keep level] [--check] [-h | -? | --help] [--about] [--version]


The unpack-sdf utility is used to unpack an SDF definition into its constituent modules. In effect, this utility undoes the job of pack-sdf. When applied to an SDF definition, each module declared will be written to a file. The directory given by the -d option is taken as the base path. The module name will be used as the file name.

SDF modules may have path-like names, such as stmts/decl. In this case, a directory named stmts will be created in the base path, and a decl.sdf will be placed inside it.


Directory Options

-d dir

The base directory to unpack into. By default, the current directory is used. Subdirectories may be created as part of the unpack process.

Common Input/Output Options

-i file

The input term given by the file name file.

In the absence of the -i option, input will be read from stdin.

-o file

The output will be written to the file given by the file name file.

In the absence of the -o option, output will be written to stdout.


The output will be written in the binary (BAF) ATerm format.

ATerms in the BAF format require a lot less space than ones in the TAF format, but the Java ATerm library does not currently support baf ATerms. ATerms in the baf format is the preferred format of exchange between Stratego tools.

Common Debugging Options


See --version.

-h, -?, --help

Display usage information.

--keep int

Keep intermediate results produced by the internal stages in the pretty-printing process. This is only useful for debugging. A high value of int indicates increased eagerness for keeping intermediate results.

Default setting is 0, indicating that no intermediates will be kept.

-S, --silent

Silent execution. Same as --verbose 0.

--verbose int

Set verbosity level to numerical value int. The higher the number, the more information about pp-aterm's inner workings are printed.

Alternatively, int can be set to either of the following verbosity levels, given in increasing order of verbosity: emergency, alert, critical, error, warning, notice, info, debug, vomit.


Displays the tool name and version.

Reporting Bugs

Please report bugs to


Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Eelco Visser

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.


visamb — displays the ambiguities in a parse tree represented in AsFix2


visamb [-i file | --input file] [-o file | --output file] [-b] [-S | --silent] [--verbose level] [-k level | --keep level] [-h | -? | --help] [--about] [--version]


The visamb utility extracts ambiguities from a parse tree and displays these in a readable format. Ambiguities are displayed by printing the non-terminals of the nodes of the parse trees in the ambiguities.

The SDF2 implementation caters for arbitrary context-free grammars. That is, even for ambiguous grammars the parser will produce a parse trees containing a concise encoding of all possible parses. Ambiguities are represented by means of amb nodes that contain a list of possible parse trees at that point. For most applications, however, it is desirable to develop unambiguous grammars.


Common Input/Output Options

-i file

The input term given by the file name file.

In the absence of the -i option, input will be read from stdin.

-o file

The output will be written to the file given by the file name file.

In the absence of the -o option, output will be written to stdout.


The output will be written in the binary (BAF) ATerm format.

ATerms in the BAF format require a lot less space than ones in the TAF format, but the Java ATerm library does not currently support baf ATerms. ATerms in the baf format is the preferred format of exchange between Stratego tools.

Common Debugging Options


See --version.

-h, -?, --help

Display usage information.

--keep int

Keep intermediate results produced by the internal stages in the pretty-printing process. This is only useful for debugging. A high value of int indicates increased eagerness for keeping intermediate results.

Default setting is 0, indicating that no intermediates will be kept.

-S, --silent

Silent execution. Same as --verbose 0.

--verbose int

Set verbosity level to numerical value int. The higher the number, the more information about pp-aterm's inner workings are printed.

Alternatively, int can be set to either of the following verbosity levels, given in increasing order of verbosity: emergency, alert, critical, error, warning, notice, info, debug, vomit.


Displays the tool name and version.


Consider the following syntax definition:

  module Main
    sorts Exp
    lexical syntax
      [\ \t\n] -> LAYOUT
    context-free syntax
      "id"    -> Exp
      Exp Exp -> Exp

The following command will convert this into a parse table, suitable for visamb.

$ sdf2table -i Exp.sdf -o Exp.tbl

Next, we can see how the expression id id id is ambiguous with this grammar, by doing:

$ echo "id id id" | sglr -2 -p Exp.tbl | visamb

The result is:

  # ambiguities = 1
  + * id id id





Only the inner ambiguities are displayed, i.e., if a phrase and one of its sub-phrases are ambiguous, only the ambiguities of the sub-phrase are displayed.

Reporting Bugs

Please report bugs to


Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Eelco Visser

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.


xtc — registers, unregisters and queries XTC components in a repository


xtc [-r rep | --repository rep] [i rep | import rep] [r | register] [-t name | --tool name] [-l loc | --location loc] [-V name | --Version name] [query | q] [-a | --all] [-L | --Location] [-R | --Repository] [--verbose int] [-h | -? | --help] [--about] [--version]


The Stratego/XT component model is called XTC. It allows developers to compose XT components (Stratego programs) together, creating new components in a flexible, scalable and modular way. Components live together in XTC repositories, which have an internal directory structure.

The xtc tool is used to administer components in an XTC repository. It can add and remove components from a repository as well as inspect repositories.


Repository Manipulation Options

-r rep, --repository rep

The repository to work on. rep is the base path to the repository. This option is mandatory.

i rep, import rep

Import the repository in rep.

This command will import the entire contents (all components) of the repository rep.

r, register

Register a file in the repository. This option must be followed by -t, -V and -l.

-t name, --tool name

Name of the tool to register (r command) or query for (q command).

-l loc, --location name

Location inside the repository to place a new tool. Used with the register (r) command.

-V num, --Version num

Version of the tool to register (r command) or query for (q).

q, query

Queries the repository for all installed components. May be used with -L.

By using the -a, -t and -V option, filtering may be done.

-a, --all

List all registered tools. Used with the q command.

-L, --Location

List only locations. Used with the q command.

-R, --Repository

List the location of the repository as a Bash-compatible shell environment variable setting.

Common Input/Output Options

-i file

The input term given by the file name file.

In the absence of the -i option, input will be read from stdin.

-o file

The output will be written to the file given by the file name file.

In the absence of the -o option, output will be written to stdout.


The output will be written in the binary (BAF) ATerm format.

ATerms in the BAF format require a lot less space than ones in the TAF format, but the Java ATerm library does not currently support baf ATerms. ATerms in the baf format is the preferred format of exchange between Stratego tools.

Common Debugging Options


See --version.

-h, -?, --help

Display usage information.

--keep int

Keep intermediate results produced by the internal stages in the pretty-printing process. This is only useful for debugging. A high value of int indicates increased eagerness for keeping intermediate results.

Default setting is 0, indicating that no intermediates will be kept.

-S, --silent

Silent execution. Same as --verbose 0.

--verbose int

Set verbosity level to numerical value int. The higher the number, the more information about pp-aterm's inner workings are printed.

Alternatively, int can be set to either of the following verbosity levels, given in increasing order of verbosity: emergency, alert, critical, error, warning, notice, info, debug, vomit.


Displays the tool name and version.


Consider the following command.

$ xtc -r /usr/share/StrategoXT/XTC register -t sglr -l /bin -V 3.8

This will register version 3.8 of sglr with the XTC repository located in /usr/share/StrategoXT. It will be placed in the /bin directory inside the repository.

Note that the generic Makefile.xt provided by AutoXT automatically registers all installed tools with the package repository.

XTC repositories can be used to find the installation location of a tool without needing to know all the installation paths. For example, the following query can be used to find out where sglr is installed:

$ xtc -r /usr/share/StrategoXT/XTC query -t sglr
sglr (3.8) : /bin/sglr

An existing repository can be inherited by importing it:

$ xtc -r /home/user/share/tiger/XTC import /usr/share/StrategoXT/XTC

Reporting Bugs

Please report bugs to


Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Eelco Visser

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.


xml2aterm — converts an XML document to a comparable ATerm.


xml2aterm [--explicit] [--very-explicit] [--implicit] [-i f | --input f] [-o f | --output f] [-b] [-S | --silent] [--verbose int] [-k int | --keep int] [-h | -? | --help] [--about] [--version]


The xml2aterm utility is used to convert an XML document to a corresponding ATerm. The ATerm and XML languages are slightly different, so there is a tradeoff between how "natural" the result of the conversion feels and how faithfully it can be converted back into XML.

Since applications have different needs, there are three conversion modes available: implicit, explicit, and very explicit.

The explicit mode is the default mode and supports a roundtrip for almost all ATerms. This means that an ATerm can be converted to XML and back without changing its structure.

The implicit mode does not support such a roundtrip, but the XML is usually more attractive. Use this mode if you only want to export some ATerm to an XML application. The name 'implicit' is related to the more implicit structure in the resulting XML.

The very explicit mode supports a roundtrip for all ATerms. This mode is the way to go if you need the guarantee that a roundtrip preserves the structure of all your ATerms.

The structure of the XML documents in the very explicit mode is generic: there are no language specific elements in these XML documents. The structure is described as a RELAX NG schema.


XML Processing Options


Do conversion in explicit mode. This is the default. See below for details.


Do conversion in very explicit mode. See below for details.


Do conversion in implicit mode. See below for details.

Common Input/Output Options

-i file

The input term given by the file name file.

In the absence of the -i option, input will be read from stdin.

-o file

The output will be written to the file given by the file name file.

In the absence of the -o option, output will be written to stdout.


The output will be written in the binary (BAF) ATerm format.

ATerms in the BAF format require a lot less space than ones in the TAF format, but the Java ATerm library does not currently support baf ATerms. ATerms in the baf format is the preferred format of exchange between Stratego tools.

Common Debugging Options


See --version.

-h, -?, --help

Display usage information.

--keep int

Keep intermediate results produced by the internal stages in the pretty-printing process. This is only useful for debugging. A high value of int indicates increased eagerness for keeping intermediate results.

Default setting is 0, indicating that no intermediates will be kept.

-S, --silent

Silent execution. Same as --verbose 0.

--verbose int

Set verbosity level to numerical value int. The higher the number, the more information about pp-aterm's inner workings are printed.

Alternatively, int can be set to either of the following verbosity levels, given in increasing order of verbosity: emergency, alert, critical, error, warning, notice, info, debug, vomit.


Displays the tool name and version.


Consider the ATerm below.

fred(None, [foo, bar])

In the explicit mode, the corresponding XML would be:

<fred xmlns:at="">

In the very explicit mode, the corresponding XML would be:

<at:appl xmlns:at="" at:fun="fred">
 <at:appl at:fun="None"/>
   <at:appl at:fun="foo"/>
   <at:appl at:fun="bar"/>

In the implicit mode, the corresponding XML would be

<fred xmlns:at="">

The following terms cannot be encoded into XML in the implicit mode, but will work in either of the explicit noes.

1 "abc" () (1, 2) [] [1, 2] 

Invocation is straightforward:

$ xml2aterm --very-explicit -i tree.trm -o tree.xml

Reporting Bugs

Please report bugs to


Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Eelco Visser

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

Part II. Stratego/XT Development Manual (*)

Chapter 5. The Development of Stratego/XT

This chapter will give you a brief introduction to the tools, services and conventions used in the development of Stratego/XT. If you want to contribute to the project, you should know this, but even if you do not intend to contribute, the information in this chapter may be of interest, as it explains how to get the latest development versions, and track the development in general.

5.1. The Big Picture

The development of Stratego/XT is completely in the open, as is fitting for an open-source project. This means that the services we use in our development -- the code repository, the issue tracker, the build farm and the mailing lists -- are all publicly readable. We will discuss each of these services in a bit more detail later on.

The development of Stratego/XT centers around the code repository, stored in Subversion at This repository contains all the code that goes into Stratego/XT, with the exception of the ATerm library and the SDF2 tool bundle, which are available from CWI. From the source code repository, the project is rebuilt by the build farm whenever a commit is done to the Stratego/XT project. During a build, all the unit tests are also run. This improves stability, as we are able to find breaking changes shortly after they are introduced.

5.1.1. Issue Tracker

Our issue tracker is located at The tracker contains issues reported by our users, internally delegated tasks and requests for feature improvements, all placed into a release schedule for the coming releases. If you are looking for something to do, this is the place to start. Also, if you are interested in knowing where the project is headed, this is the best source of information.

5.1.2. Build Farm

The development of Stratego/XT relies heavily on continuous integration builds. The build farm will continously build Stratego/XT after each commit. Also, satellite projects, such as the BibTeX tools, Java-Front and even this manual, will be rebuilt whenever the code repository changes. A natural question to ask here is: should all the projects which use Stratego/XT also be rebuilt whenever Stratego/XT is changed? In the next section, we shall discuss this question.

The status of the build farm can be found at This page is updated every time the build farm completes a job. The result of a build (provided it suceeded) is downloadable, and you are free to download and test it. We do not, however, give any guarantees about the stability of these continuous release.

5.1.3. Mailing Lists

Disussions between the Stratego/XT developers, and also between Stratego users occur at our mailing lists, and . They are archived in the stratego archives and stratego-dev archives, respectively.

5.2. Baseline development

5.2.1. What is a baseline and why do I need it?

A baseline is a snapshot of the Stratego/XT source repository that only requires a C compiler to build itself. It is used for the traditional "bootstrapping" which is so common in the world of compilers.

The compiler for Stratego is implemented in Stratego. Also, many of the tools used to build Stratego/XT are written in Stratego and depend on themselves. Therefore, you will need a full Stratego/XT environment to build the Stratego/XT environment. This process is called bootstrapping. The baseline provides the initial Stratego/XT environment.

Unlike many bootstrapping compilers, the baseline provided for Stratego/XT is not a pre-built binary. It is a a source release of Stratego that requires a C compiler to build. We can therefore boostrap Stratego/XT on any of the supported platforms, with just one baseline.

Bootstrapping using the baseline is only necessary for developers of Stratego/XT itself. Normal users of Stratego/XT receive tarballs which do not need a baseline: they contain all generated and bootstrapped sources. See Section 5.3 for instructions on how to install Stratego/XT from Subversion.

The big advantage of a baseline is that the development process of Stratego/XT becomes cleaner and more robust. In the past, the bootstrapped sources were kept alongside the normal source code in the Subversion repository. This was very fragile and required great care on the part of the contributors. The baseline setup is much easier to use and a lot safer. We hope this will encourage contributions.

5.2.2. Baseline restrictions

Since we are using a baseline, you cannot use a new feature you have added to Stratego/XT in Stratego/XT itself until this feature has made it to the baseline. Remember that Stratego/XT must be built by the baseline.

This might sound difficult, but in practice it is easy to ensure that you don't do this. You should use the baseline we provide to compile Stratego/XT from Subversion and you should not change the configuration of Stratego/XT with this baseline after installation. The baseline now ensures that you are not using new features that you've added to Stratego/XT: it will just not compile.

5.2.3. Baseline upgrading

Baselines are taken always from the buildfarm. The baselines are thoroughly checked there. If the build job for a particular revision of Strateo/XT does not succeed, this revision cannot be promoted to a new baseline. This avoids us getting into nasty bootstrap problems because of uncaught build failures. In general, the release of a new baseline is careful process. Baselines will never be created in an ad-hoc way on machines of developers.

Picking a successful build from the buildfarm as a new baseline is done by hand. If you have added a feature that would you like to have in the baseline as soon as possible, then please request a baseline update at or the IRC channel #stratego on freenode.

5.2.4. Submitting your changes

We are fond of patches submitted by users. You don't have to fix a big issue: small fixes in error reporting and documentation of tools are very valuable as well. Please contribute, or at least report, if anything annoys you!

5.3. Installation from Subversion

In ??? in the Stratego/XT Tutorial, we explain how to download, compile and install stable versions of the Stratego/XT framework. In this section we will see how to download the bleeding edge sources from the Subversion repository. Downloading the development sources is only useful if you want to modify the sources of Stratego/XT and might want to commit your changes.

5.3.1. Requirements

Installation from Subversion requires some packages from the GNU build system. You need:

  • Autoconf 2.58 or newer (2.57 will not do)

  • Automake 1.7.9 or newer. Very recent versions (1.9.x) are recommended and required if you want to create a distribution

  • Libtool 1.5 or newer

  • pkg-config 0.15 or newer

Unfortunately, many Linux distributions contain old versions of these packages, so please check the versions that are installed on your system. Also, check that libtool is installed at the same location (prefix) as Automake, otherwise aclocal will not be able to find the Autoconf macros of Libtool (libtool.m4)

You now need a baseline installation of Stratego/XT to install Stratego/XT from Subversion. The latest baseline is always available at the ftp server of Stratego. The need for a baseline is explained in Section 5.2. For the installation of the baseline, you can follow the ordinary installation instructions for end-users (Chapter 2).

5.3.2. How to checkout

The Stratego/XT sources are kept in a source repository managed by Subversion. Before checking out, you need to install recent Subversion release. After you have done so, you may do a checkout using the following command:

  $ svn checkout

Note that your Subversion client must have SSL support enabled. Install Subversion --with-ssl. This is the default installation for most distributions.

5.3.3. How to install

To bring the source tree into a state where you can follow the end-user installation instructions you must run the bootstrap script. (see ???).

  $ ./bootstrap

Note that on many distributions, the older versions of automake and autoconf are invoked by default. You can check which version is invoked by issuing automake --version and autoconf --version. Unfortunately, the mechanism for switching to a newer version is distribution-specific. We automatically figure this out for some distributions. Look inside the boostrap for details, adjust and provide us with a patch, if your distribution is not supported.

Now you can proceed with the installation instructions for a Stratego/XT distribution, with one exception: you must configure Stratego/XT with your baseline installation: --with-strategoxt=$baselineprefix. Section 5.2 explains why and how we use a baseline.

5.3.4. Subversion Repoman

The repoman gives an overview of possible ways to view the sources the StrategoXT repository:

5.3.5. Autoconf Macros: aclocal, libtool, and autoconf

GNU Autoconf needs definitions of macros that are used in files. GNU Automake contains the tool aclocal, which installs the required macros. aclocal gets these macros from a directory with m4 files. aclocal --print-ac-dir reports this directory. Your libtool installation must install the libtool.m4 file in the ac-dir. If this is not the case, you will see a non-fatal error like this: error: possibly undefined macro: AC_PROG_LIBTOOL
       If this token and others are legitimate, please use m4_pattern_allow.
       See the Autoconf documentation.

Later on in the build proces a missing will be reported, after which the build terminates.

Usually the file libtool.m4 is installed in the right directory if you install Libtool and Automake at the same prefix. However, when using recent, non-standard, ports of these packages on a FreeBSD systems (and probably also some RPM based systems), this does not happen. If libtool.m4 is not in the right directory for some reason, then you must copy the libtool.m4 file by hand into the ac-dir.

5.4. Contributing

5.4.1. Committing your changes

Although it is time-consuming, it is strongly advised to run a make check on the complete source tree before committing anything.

Before committing you should review the files that you have modified. After a make clean and make bootclean the svn status will show these files. We have configured the source tree not to show files in this status overview that are not important. Please use svn diff to verify that your changes are as intended. Further, please try to keep the granularity of the commits to one fix per commit. Specifically, do not commit many, unrelated fixes in one go.

Please explain your changes in the ChangeLog of the subpackages. Also, use this changelog as your Subversion commit message.

Transforming Java with Stratego

Martin Bravenboer

Delft University of Technology

Chapter 1. Getting started with Java-Front

JavaFront is a package that adds support for transforming Java programs to Stratego/XT. The main things you need to know if you want to use JavaFront for Stratego/XT are,

  • Stratego

  • some knowledge of SDF (Syntax Definition Formalism) is useful

1.1. Basics

A basic Java to Java transformation will be a pipeline:

$ parse-java -i | ./your-transformation | pp-java

Your transformation operates on the abstract syntax of Java, represented in the ATerm format. The pp-aterm tool (part of Stratego/XT) can be used to inspect this representation:

$ parse-java -i | pp-aterm

The parse-java tool will parse the input with a parser for Java version 1.5 (aka J2SE 5.0).

1.2. Example: Add Blocks

Let's have a look at a real transformation on Java implemented in Stratego and using Java Front. This example will show how to implement a basic transformation in Stratego with concrete or abstract syntax.

The following program does not use blocks in the if and else branch of the if-else construct. I'm rather fundamentalistic about using blocks in these constructs, so I'm going to implement a transformation that adds blocks at the places where they belong.

public class Foo
  public static void main(String[] ps)
    if(ps.length == 0)
      System.err.println("No arguments");
      System.err.println(ps.length + " arguments");

1.2.1. Getting Used to Stratego

Before we really start with the interesting stuff, let's make sure that we can compile a transformation tool that does nothing at all. First, this tool reads input from stdin or a file specified with the -i option, next it does nothing with the abstract syntax tree, and last it writes the program to stdout or a file specified with -o. The Stratego library contains a strategy that does all thus: io-wrap. It takes a strategy argument that will be applied to the term that has been read from the input. The 'do nothing' strategy in Stratego is called id, so we provide this strategy for now. The resulting module is:

module add-block
imports libstratego-lib
  main =

Save this module in a file add-block.str and compile it with the Stratego compiler, linking with the standard library:

  $ strc -i add-block.str $(strcflags stratego-lib)

The result is an executable file add-block. We can use this executable to setup our first pipeline:

  $ parse-java -i | ./add-block | pp-java

This pipeline first parses the Java file to an abstract syntax tree, then it applies our add-block tool (which does nothing) and last it pretty-prints the abstract syntax tree to ordinary Java syntax.

1.2.2. The Real Job

Now it's about time to do something useful in our transformation tool. We need to implement a rewrite rule that wraps a statements of an if-then construct in a block, but only if it is itself not a block. Of course we also have to handle the if-then-else construct, but that is more of the same.

First we need to know how the if is represented in abstract syntax. We don't want to dive in the syntax definition yet, so let's just parse a simple Java class:

class Foo


You can get a nice, structured view of the abstract syntax tree by passing the output of parse-java to the pp-aterm tool:

$ parse-java -i | pp-aterm

This reveals that the body of the static initializer is represented as:

[ If(
  , ExprStm(Invoke(Method(MethodName(Id("foo"))), []))
, If(
  , Block(
      [ExprStm(Invoke(Method(MethodName(Id("foo"))), []))]

As you can see, a block is represented as a Block (how surprising!). Now we can implement a rewrite rule that applies the puts a block in the then branch of an if-then construct:

     If(c, stm) -> If(c, Block([stm]))

This rewrite rule still needs to be applied. We can do this with a simple topdown traversal, where we try to apply this rule at every node in the abstract syntax tree. The topdown strategy is readily available in the Stratego Library that we already import as libstratego-lib. We also need to import the JavaFront library, which defines the Java language. This module, called libjava-front, is available in your installation of JavaFront. Therefore you should instruct the compiler to use JavaFront. The complete implementation is:

module add-block
imports libstratego-lib libjava-front

  main =

  add-block = 

    If(c, stm) -> If(c, Block([stm]))

Compile the module with the following command.

$ strc -i add-block.str $(strcflags stratego-lib java-front)

Now apply the program to the test program we have used before:

class Foo

$ parse-java -i | ./add-block | pp-java

The result is:

class Foo

But ... that's not what we intended to achieve with our tool! The second block is now in yet another block, which is rather ugly. So, we need to extend our tool to skip if statements that already use a block. To this end, we add a condition to the rewrite rule that checks if the stm is not yet a block. The new rule is:

  If(c, stm) -> If(c, Block([stm]))
    where <not(?Block(_))> stm

If you compile and run your new program, then you'll see that the results is exactly what we want to have.

1.2.3. Source to Source Program

The current program requires the user to invoke parse-java and pp-java before and after the real transformation. With very minor effort, it is possible to include the parsing and pretty-printing of Java in the program itself. The JavaFront library provides a strategy io-java2java-wrap, which is a variant of the strategy io-wrap. The difference is that io-java2java-wrap(s) parses the input file using the Java parser before invoking your strategy s and afterwards pretty-prints the result.

module add-block
imports libstratego-lib libjava-front

  main =


Because this strategy is part of the JavaFront library, you can still compile the Stratego program with the same command:

$ strc -i add-block.str $(strcflags stratego-lib java-front)

Your source to source transformation tool can now be invoked in the following way:

$ ./add-block -i

1.2.4. Conclusion

In this tiny example you have learned how to implement a very basic Java transformation in Stratego with abstract syntax. At this point, it might be a useful exercise to add support for different statements, such as the if-then-else, switch and for. I'm sure you can think of many more Java transformations to do next. Have a lot of fun!

1.3. Example: Java Generation with Concrete Syntax

In this example I will show how to use concrete syntax for Java inside your Stratego programs. Moreover, you will learn how to use concrete object syntax in general, since using concrete syntax for object languages is a basic feature of Stratego/XT.

So, what's the point of using concrete syntax? If you have already implemented some Java transformations using abstract syntax, then you will have noticed this yourself: using abstract syntax requires in-depth knowledge of this representation. Also, the abstract syntax fragments can be quite verbose and don't show clearly what the code actually stands for.

Fortunately, I have fooled you by letting you implement your transformations in abstract syntax first. Stratego allows you to embed the concrete syntax of the object language. Why then did I show you the abstract syntax based implementations first? Well, it is important to realize what the underlying mechanism of the transformation is. If you are only using concrete syntax, then you might think that your are not transforming a structured representation of your Java program. However, this is actually still the case when you are using concrete syntax.

1.3.1. Basic Concrete Syntax Skills

In this first example we will implement a hello generator. The generator takes the name of a person and generates a Java program that welcomes this person. But, let's start with the basic Stratego compilation skills by generating a just static hello world program. The following program shows the implementation. The concrete syntax for Java is denoted between the |[ and ]| symbols. Usually we specify the kind of syntax that is produced, in this case a compilation unit, before the quotation. Not doing this might result in ambiguities. For example, the Java fragment in this program could be parsed as a complete compilation unit or just a class declaration.

module gen-hello-world


  main =

  generate =
    !compilation-unit |[
       public class HelloWorld
         public static void main(String[] ps)
           System.err.println("Hello world!");

Notice that this program uses an output-wrap instead of an io-wrap. The output-wrap strategy doesn't provide the argument for input, which we don't need in this example.

To compile this program you need to create a meta file. In this file you tell the compiler what syntax is used in your Stratego program. The name of this file should be gen-hello-world.meta and its content is:


Now you're ready to compile the hello world generator. The compiler needs to know where to look for the syntax definition of Java in Stratego. The commmand strcflags java-front will take care of that.

$ strc -i gen-hello-world.str $(strcflags stratego-lib java-front)

If you invoke the ./gen-hello-world program, then you'll see that the program indeed produces an abstract syntax tree. To produce a file in concrete syntax, use the following command:

$ ./gen-hello-world | pp-java -o

The file can now be compiled and executed.

1.3.2. The Structure is Out There

It is important to realize that the concrete syntax in the Stratego program is processed to a structured representation at compile-time. You can observe this by making a typo in the program. For example, forget the semicolon after the println invocation.

The pp-stratego tool (part of Stratego/XT) can be used to show the Stratego program in abstract syntax. Thus, pp-stratego shows how your program with concrete syntax translates into a plain Stratego program. pp-stratego is a very useful tool if you need to debug a Stratego program with concrete syntax, and it is motivating to apply it right now to our generator to have a look at all code that we didn't need to write.

$ pp-stratego -i gen-hello-world.str $(strcflags java-front)

You will see a rather large abstract syntax tree, which you obviously would not like to write by hand. The pp-stratego tool is especially useful in debugging somewhat smaller pieces of embedded concrete syntax, where you are using anti-quotation or meta variable, which we will discuss next.

1.3.3. Using Anti-Quotation

Next, we want to make the generatator more flexible by producing programs that can say anything you want. The message will be passed to the program as a Java expression and the generator will wrap in a complete Java program. To incorporate the message in the generated code, we need to escape from the embedded Java code to the Stratego code. In JavaFront you can escape from Java to Stratego in two ways: by using a meta variable or an anti-quotation.

Let's first have a look at anti-quotation. In this example we want to escape to Stratego in a Java expression. The anti-quotation defined for an escape at a Java expression is ~e: (or ~expr:). It is used in the following program to insert the term bound to Stratego variable msg.

module gen-print


  main =


  generate :
    msg ->
      compilation-unit |[
        public class Print
          public static void main(String[] ps)

Notice that main now uses the io-wrap strategy, since the program should now accept input. The generate strategy is now implemented as a rewrite rule because we need to rewrite an expression to a full program. Such a rewriting of a term to term by defining patterns for the input and output term can concisely be expressed in a rewrite rule.

The compilation command is still the same. This time the filename is gen-print.str. Don't forget to create a gen-print.meta file, otherwise the compiler will report syntax errors in your program.

$ strc -i gen-print.str $(strcflags stratego-lib java-front)

How should our new generator be invoked? The input of the generator should be a Java expression. The parse-java tools has a -s (or --start-symbol) flag that allows you to specify the symbol that should be parsed. The following composition creates a Java program with a message provided at the command-line. You can also store the expression in a file and use the -i option of parse-java to parse from a file.

$ echo "\"I Like to Quote\"" | parse-java -s Expr | ./gen-print | pp-java

1.3.4. More Variability

In the current version of our generator the name of the class is fixed. That is, all generated programs will have the name Print. Next, we will make our generator a little bit more flexible by parameterizing it with the name of the class. First, we will use a mock strategy that returns the name of the class. After this, we'll make it a real command-line argument of the generator. Thus, we will also learn how to handle command-line arguments in Stratego.

  get-class-name =

The String that is returned by the get-class-name strategy should be embedded in the generated program. The name of class in a class declaration is an identifier (Id). Let's have a look at how a class declaration is represented in abstract syntax by parsing some test input:

$ echo "class Foo {}" | parse-java -s TypeDec | pp-aterm
  ClassDecHead([], Id("Foo"), None, None, None)
, ClassBody([])

As you can see, the name of the class is represented as


. This construct corresponds to the non-terminal Id in the Java syntax definition.


itself corresponds to ID, which is part of the lexical syntax of Java.

The string that we want to embed in this program, should therefore be inserted as an ID. The anti-quotation for an ID is ~x:, so the solution is class ~x:name, where the name variable should be bound somewhere. We use the where clause of the rewrite for this. The strategy get-class-name => name invokes the strategy get-class-name binds the new current term to variable name (s => p is equivalent to s; ?p). The following program lists the full solution.

module gen-print


  main =

  get-class-name =


  generate :
    msg ->
      compilation-unit |[
        public class ~x:name
          public static void main(String[] ps)
       get-class-name => name

The invocation of the generator is still the same, since we have not implemented support for a command-line argument. Command-line arguments are passed as the current term to the main strategy of Stratego program. The util/config/options module of the Stratego library provides some abstractions for processing the arguments. We have been using this module all the time: io-wrap and output-wrap are defined in options and implement support for the -i and -o options.

The following code adds support for a command-line argument.

  main =
    io-wrap(class-name-option, generate)

  class-name-option =
    , set-class-name
    , !"--name n         Generate a class with name n"

  set-class-name =
    <set-config> ("class-name", <id>)

  get-class-name =
    <get-config> "class-name"
    <+ <fatal-error> ["gen-print: you must specify a class name!"]

First of all, notice that io-wrap now gets two arguments: a strategy for processing an additional option and the strategy that performs the real transformation in the program, generate. The class-name-option invokes the ArgOption strategy, which is used for processing options that consist of two parts: a name, typically starting with - or -- and a value. The first argument of ArgOption determines whether this option is applicable. It is usually just the key of the option. If the option is applicable, then the actual value will be passed to second argument of ArgOption. Our implementation in set-class-name just puts the value into a global configuration table. The third argument should return a string that will be shown if the user needs help. If you have compiled the program, then you will see that ./gen-print --help shows information about our new option.

An example invocation of our generator in a single pipeline:

$ echo "\"Oh, How Sweet\"" | parse-java -s Expr | ./gen-print --name "Dusted" | pp-java

We have now shown how to use anti-quotation in your Java transformations. Of course, JavaFront provides much more anti-quotations. In the future we will give an overview of all anti-quotations in this manual. Until then, please use the source code of the embedding: Stratego-Java-15.sdf. The production rules in this syntax definition correspond to (anti-)quotations.

1.3.5. Using Meta Variables

In the introduction of the anti-quotation section we mentioned that there are actually two ways of escaping from embedded Java code to the Stratego level. The first escape mechanism is anti-quotation, which is denoted by ~ followed by some identifier for the anti-quotation. The second way, which I will explain in this section, are meta variables. Meta variables are identifiers that have a special meaning in embedded Java code. For example, the identifier e refers to a Stratego variable that is bound to a Java expression. The variable x refers to an ID and a bstm refers to a block-level statements. These meta variables can be used in embedded Java code without any additional syntax. Notice that you should not use these identifiers as names for Java level variables!

As an example, let's change our implementation of the generate rule to use meta variables.

  generate :
    e ->
      compilation-unit |[
        public class x
          public static void main(String[] ps)
       get-class-name => x

Notice that the use of meta variables imposes a restriction on the names of variables: in anti-quotations you are free to choose any variable name you want, but meta variables have a fixed form. If you need more then one variable of the same kind, for example for two expressions, then you can add a number to the name (e.g. e1 and e2).

The conciseness of meta variables becomes clear in the following example, which applies some minor optimizations to a Java program. The rules are implemented in two variants: using an anti-quotation and using a meta variable.

module java-simple-opt


  main =

  optimize =


  Simplify :
    |[ 0 + e ]| -> e

  Simplify :
    |[ ~e:e + 0 ]| -> e

  Simplify :
    |[ 1 * e ]| -> e

  Simplify :
    |[ ~e:e * 1 ]| -> e

Chapter 2. Getting started with Dryad

Work in Progress

This chapter is work in progress. Not all parts have been finished yet. The latest revision of this manual may contain more material. Refer to the online version.

Dryad is a collection of tools for developing transformation systems for Java source and bytecode.

2.1. Linking with the Dryad Library

For some applications, you might want to link with the Dryad library. This library has a few dependencies, such as libjvm, that make linking a bit more involved than it should be. Fortunately, you don't have to have to know all these details.

2.1.1. Compilation in Automake Package

In an autoxt-based Automake package, you can use the variable DRYAD_LIBS in the This variable contains all the required linker flags, including platform specific ones.

2.1.2. Standalone Compilation at Command-line

At the command-line, the preferred way of compilation is:

$ strc -i const-prop.str $(strcflags dryad java-front)

The strcflags include the Stratego includes (-I) of these packages and special linker options required to use the Dryad library. This way of compilation works on all supported platforms, since it reuses the information the configure script of Dryad has figured out about the platform you are running on.

If you haven't seen strcflags before: it is an alias for the invocation of pkg-config. You can define it using the following command. Of course, you also use the longer pkg-config variant in the invocation of strc.

$ alias strcflags="pkg-config --variable=strcflags "

Make sure that Dryad is in the PKG_CONFIG_PATH. You can check if it is by invoking the following command. This will print a bunch of strc options. If it prints nothing, then dryad is not on the path and you can extend it by defining the PKG_CONFIG_PATH.

$ echo $(strcflags dryad)

$ export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$dryadprefix/lib/pkgconfig:$PKG_CONFIG_PATH

2.1.3. Explanation

If you don't use the suggested ways of linking, then you probably get the following message:

$ ./const-prop -i 
./const-prop: error while loading shared libraries: cannot
open shared object file: No such file or directory

This can be solved in several ways, for example by setting the LD_LIBRARY_PATH, or by adding the runtime path of the libjvm library to the executable. This is what is done be the previously suggested solutions.

2.2. Dryad on Mac OS X

Dryad supports Mac OS X if the JDK 5.0 is installed. You need to configure 5.0 as the default JVM in the preferences, or you can set an environment variable for this:

$ export JAVA_JVM_VERSION="1.5"

If you get an UnsupportedClassVersionError, then there is something wrong with this configuration.

For Dryad, there is no need to manipulate the Current and CurrentJDK symbolic links in /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions, which is often suggested on the Internet. In fact, this will not affect the default JVM at all for Dryad, which starts the JVM as a library using JNI, not from the command-line.

2.2.1. Installing Dryad using Nix

Users of Dryad in Nix have to install the JDK 5.0 as well: it is not included in the dependencies of Dryad in Nix. They also have to configure this JDK as the default.

2.2.2. Dryad on Mac OS X 10.3

The JDK 5.0 is not officially supported on Mac OS X 10.3, but the Java features Dryad uses work with an installation of JDK 5.0 on Mac OS X 10.3. For this, you can copy the installation of the JDK on a Mac OS X 10.4 machine to Mac OS X 10.3. Copy the directory /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/1.5.0 to Mac OS X 10.3 and create a symbolic link /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/1.5 to this directory. We advice you not to make this the global default JVM: it is safer to set the JAVA_JVM_VERSION to 1.5 for Dryad sessions only, since the 1.5.0 installation will not work for most other Java applications.