baffle — converts between textual and binary ATerm formats
[-i file
[-o file
[-rb | -rt | -rs]
[-wb | -wt | -ws]
ATerms are expressions according to the grammar given below. These expressions may be stored as compressed binaries (BAF), compressed text files (TAF) or plain text files. The baffle tool is used to convert between these storage formats.
t := bt -- basic term | bt { t } -- annotated term bt := C -- constant | C(t1,...,tn) -- n-ary constructor | (t1,...,tn) -- n-ary tuple | [t1,...,tn] -- list | "ccc" -- quoted string | int -- integer | real -- floating point number | blob -- binary large object
I/O Options
-i filename
Input is given in filename
. Default
is stdin
-o filename
Output should be written to filename
. Default
is stdout
Check the validity of the input term.
Read the term as compressed binary (BAF). Default is auto-detect.
Read the term as plain text. Default is auto-detect.
Read the term as compressed text (TAF). Default is auto-detect.
Write the output term as compressed binary (BAF). This is the default.
Write the output as compressed text (TAF). Default is compressed binary.
Write the output as plain text. Default is compressed binary.
Debugging Options
Display help screen for command line options.
Display program version.