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Complete index

can-write-repository n/a Repository.str
check-options(Strategy deps) n/a Proc.str
copy-to(Strategy name) Copies one file to another Proc.str
copy-to(Strategy name) n/a Proc.str
copy-to(Strategy name) n/a Proc.str
DIR(ATerm ) n/a Proc.str
FILE(ATerm ) n/a Proc.str
File-as-fd(Strategy s) Opens a file, applies the strategy s the file descriptor, and ensures that the file descriptor is closed on return of s, regardless of outcome Proc.str
Import(ATerm ) n/a Repository.str
Imported(ATerm ) n/a Repository.str
liblib Obsolete: import libstratego-xtc or libstratego-lib liblib.str
libxtclib Obsolete: import libstratego-xtc libxtclib.str
print-to Writes a (list of) string(s) to a temporary file Proc.str
Proc Used for POSIX+XSI Proc.str
Proc Used for POSIX and POSIX+XSI Proc.str
Proc Used for C99 Proc.str
Proc This module contains a strategies for workin on the XTC universe Proc.str
read-from Reads a term from a file Proc.str
read-from Reads a term from a file Proc.str
read-from Reads a term from a stdin Proc.str
read-repository-file n/a Repository.str
read-repository-file n/a Repository.str
Register n/a Register.str
register-import n/a Register.str
rename-to(Strategy name) Renames one file to another, on disk Proc.str
rename-to(Strategy name) n/a Proc.str
rename-to(Strategy name) n/a Proc.str
Repository Use for POSIX and POSIX+XSI Repository.str
Repository n/a Repository.str
Repository n/a Repository.str
Repository(ATerm ) n/a Repository.str
stratego-xtc-c99 n/a stratego-xtc-c99.str
stratego-xtc-posix n/a stratego-xtc-posix.str
stratego-xtc-posix-xsi n/a stratego-xtc-posix-xsi.str
TEMP(ATerm ) n/a Proc.str
TempDirs(ATerm ) n/a Proc.str
TempFiles(ATerm ) n/a Proc.str
Tool(ATerm ) n/a Repository.str
write-to Write a term to a temporary file, in binary Proc.str
write-to-text Write a term to a temporary file, as text Proc.str
XTC(ATerm ) n/a Repository.str
xtc-cat Concatenates the content of a list of files and stores the result in a fresh File Proc.str
xtc-check-dependencies Succeeds if all necessary components for the running program are available, and the user has specified --check Proc.str
xtc-close-fd Closes a file descriptor Proc.str
xtc-command(Strategy tool) n/a Proc.str
xtc-ensure-file Succeeds if the input term is a FILE Proc.str
xtc-ensure-file Succeeds if the input term is stdin, and it can be successfully copied to a FILE Proc.str
xtc-exit Clean up temporary files and exit program Proc.str
xtc-filter-text-file(Strategy more, Strategy done) n/a Proc.str
xtc-find n/a Register.str
xtc-find-file Searches for an XT component, by name Proc.str
xtc-find-loc n/a Register.str
xtc-find-path n/a Register.str
xtc-find-silent n/a Register.str
xtc-find-version-loc n/a Register.str
xtc-find-warning n/a Register.str
xtc-generate(Strategy tool) Generates a new file using the component identified by tool Proc.str
xtc-generate(Strategy tool, Strategy args) Generates a new file using the component identified by tool Proc.str
xtc-import n/a Repository.str
xtc-input(Strategy s) n/a Proc.str
xtc-input-wrap(Strategy s) Option parsing wrapper for XTC programs that only read data Proc.str
xtc-input-wrap(Strategy extra-options, Strategy s) Option parsing wrapper for XTC programs that only read data Proc.str
xtc-io(Strategy s) n/a Proc.str
xtc-io-exit n/a Proc.str
xtc-io-transform(Strategy s) Transforms a file with an internal strategy s Proc.str
xtc-io-transform-text(Strategy s) Transforms a file with an internal strategy s into a text file Proc.str
xtc-io-wrap(Strategy s) n/a Proc.str
xtc-io-wrap(Strategy extra-opts, Strategy s) n/a Proc.str
xtc-io-wrap(Strategy extra-opts, Strategy deps, Strategy s) n/a Proc.str
xtc-io-wrap(Strategy extra-opts, Strategy usage, Strategy about, Strategy deps, Strategy s) n/a Proc.str
xtc-iowrap(Strategy s) n/a Proc.str
xtc-iowrap(Strategy extra-opts, Strategy s) n/a Proc.str
xtc-load n/a Repository.str
xtc-location Returns the location of the XTC repository Repository.str
xtc-new-file Creates a new and unique scoped temporary file Proc.str
xtc-new-file Used for C99 and POSIX xtc-new-file.str
xtc-new-file Creates a new and unique scoped temporary file xtc-new-file.str
xtc-new-file-name Generates a new file name, but does not create the file on disk Proc.str
xtc-open-fd Opens a file and returns a file descriptor Proc.str
xtc-output(Strategy s) Applies the strategy s to the current term, then writes the result to output Proc.str
xtc-output-wrap(Strategy s) Option parsing wrapper for XTC programs that only generate data Proc.str
xtc-output-wrap(Strategy extra-options, Strategy s) Option parsing wrapper for XTC programs that only generate data Proc.str
xtc-read n/a Repository.str
xtc-register n/a Register.str
xtc-register(ATerm tools, ATerm version, ATerm loc) n/a Register.str
xtc-register-path(ATerm tools, ATerm version, ATerm path) n/a Register.str
xtc-register-path(ATerm tool, ATerm version, ATerm path) n/a Register.str
xtc-remove-temporaries n/a Proc.str
xtc-store n/a Repository.str
xtc-temp-files(Strategy s) Wrapper strategy that automatically cleans all temporary files created by s Proc.str
xtc-transform(Strategy tool) n/a Proc.str
xtc-transform(Strategy tool, Strategy args) Invokes the XT component given by tool to transform the current term Proc.str
xtc-transform-file n/a Proc.str
xtc-transform-file(Strategy tool) Transforms an existing file with an external process into a new file Proc.str
xtc-transform-file(Strategy tool, Strategy args) Transforms an existing file with an external process into a new file Proc.str
xtc-transform-file(Strategy tool, Strategy args) n/a Proc.str
xtc-transform-term(Strategy tool, Strategy args) n/a Proc.str
xtc-write-output Writes a FILE to the output of this component Proc.str
xtc-write-output n/a Proc.str